Thursday 16 October 2008

A video message from Aram Hamparian - Please repond to this poignant message

A video message from Aram Hamparian

October 15, 2008

A Video Message
from Aram Hamparian

The ABC's of U.S. Policy on
Aliyev, Bryza, Cheney

| Write to the White House NOW |

U.S. Policy on Karabagh

ANCA Chairman Blasts State Dept.
Attack on Karabagh

U.S. & the Genocide

U.S. Document Reveals Armenian Genocide Continued into 1930's

The Cause on Campus

Capital Gateway Program Urges Students to Explore Careers in D.C.

Over 1000 Stand United

ANC Western Region Banquet Celebrates Community Achievements

| Watch Video |

From the Campaign Trail

"The Atlantic Monthly" Spotlights
McCain's Armenia Problem | Read |

ANCA Chairman Ken HachikianANCA Chairman Blasts State Department Attack on Nagorno Karabakh

Speaking before over 1000 at Western Region Banquet Ken Hachikian Confronts Anti-Karabagh Remarks by Matt Bryza

WASHINGTON, DC - Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Chairman Ken Hachikian, in remarks delivered yesterday before more than 1000 elected officials and community leaders at the annual Western Region banquet, publicly and forcefully challenged recent statements by senior State Department official Matt Bryza that, as a precondition for peace, Armenia must agree that Nagorno Karabagh is part of Azerbaijan.

Speaking before a capacity crowd at the the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Hachikian sharply condemned the "retreat from principle" in U.S. policy toward the people and republic of Nagorno Karabagh - who have strived, at the brutal cost of a generation of its best sons and daughters - to live up to the fundamentally American ideal that all people deserve to live free of foreign tyranny, under a government of their own choosing." He added that, "just this past week, we saw a senior State Department official, Matt Bryza, moving farther from even the pretense of supporting democracy, by saying that Armenia must accept the false proposition that Nagorno Karabagh is part of Azerbaijan. He's absolutely wrong. And we all know it - and so does Baku and Ankara." Read more. . .


US Document Reveals Armenian Genocide Continued Into 1930's

A recently uncovered US State Department document reveals that, as late as 1934, the Turkish government was continuing its policy of genocide against its Armenian population. In a letter sent from the US Embassy in Ankara, Ambassador Robert P. Skinner summarizes how the government coerced the remaining Armenians living in Anatolia to abandon their properties and forcibly exiled them from their homes.

As Skinner himself states, "It is likely, though, that their removal is simply one step in the government's avowed policy of making Anatolia purely Turkish." In other words, the US is once again on record documenting and openly describing the Turkish government's systematic campaign to wipe out its indigenous Armenian population.

As Harut Sassounian points out in his latest column, this document reinforces the fact that, "a key reason why today's Turkish officials are not prepared to face their history honestly and blame their Ottoman ancestors is that the Republic of Turkey is actually the continuation of the Ottoman state."

Read more and comment . . .

Capital Gateway Program Director Serouj Aprahamian stands with members of the Harvard Armenian Society following an evening presentation given to the group about the ANCA's activities.Taking the ANCA Capital Gateway Program on the Road to College Campuses

Program Director Serouj Aprahamian Urges University Students to Explore Careers in the Nation's Capital

WASHINGTON, DC - Armenian American students at Brown University, Boston College, Boston University, Babson College, and Harvard University learned about internship and career opportunities in politics and the media during a series of Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Capital Gateway Program informational sessions held at campuses throughout the northeastern United States.

Capital Gateway Program Director Serouj Aprahamian coordinated with Armenian Students Association leaders at each of the campuses to arrange the events, as part of the ANCA's ongoing efforts to inform students about the unique opportunities offered by the program in the nation's capital. Read more. . .

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa (right) joined by ANC-WR Chairman Vicken Sonentz-Papazian (left).Capacity Crowd Celebrates Community's Achievements at
ANC-WR Banquet

LOS ANGELES - More than 1000 Armenian National Committee - Western Region (ANC-WR) supporters gathered on Sunday October 12, 2008 at the organization's annual banquet held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California to celebrate the achievements of the past year.

Mrs. Ashkhen Pilavjian (left) joined by ANC-WR Chairman Vicken Sonentz-Papazian (right).Public officials joined members of the community in honoring Democratic Vice-Presidential Candidate Senator Joseph Biden, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, President Ronald Reagan and long time ANC supporter Mrs. Ashkhen Pilavjian. Honorary chairs of the event included Congressmen Adam Schiff, George Radanovich, Ed Royce, Congresswoman Jackie Speier and several others.

"This year's banquet provided an opportunity for the Armenian American community's supporters and human rights activists to reflect on the past year," said ANC-WR Executive Director Andrew Kzirian. "The Ronald Reagan Presidential library offered a unique perspective on our community's challenges and achievements as President Reagan was the last sitting President to properly characterize the Armenian Genocide," he added.
Watch video and Read more . . .

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Published by the Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street NW, Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 775-1918, Fax: (202) 775-5648, E-mail:, Web:

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