Tuesday 4 May 2010

[Fwd: Election on 6 May 2010 Voting is ever so critical!]‏

Dear Friends,
Those of you who live in UK please provide a moment to read Mr. Sarkissian's note related to the upcoming elections.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Dikran Abrahamian BA MD

Dear friend,
Could I ask you please to consider my request below as a matter of high priority.
If you don't live in Ealing, you may still consider my request or forward it to your friends and family who reside in Ealing.
You may be aware that the Chief Executive Officer of Ealing Council (a Conservative authority) has opposed to the use of the term Genocide on the plaque for the memorial tree planted in Ealing on 17 April 2010, by the ACCC, to pay homage to the memory of 1,500,000 victims of the Armenian Genocide.
This is not acceptable and the loyal Armenian Community of Ealing can not tolerate such a discriminative approach by the COE of a Conservative Council. Our Local Council should not be allowed to deny our history.
I would like to urge you please to vote Labour this Thursday 06 May 2010.
It is very important to make your voice heard by voting.
Labour candidates promise to officially recognise the Armenian Genocide at Ealing Council and erect a worthy memorial for the Armenian Genocide.
Please vote for Labour candidates.
(Please also refer to attached letter).

With best wishes

Raffi Sarkissian

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