Thursday 1 July 2010

Anorthosis and Banants meet in Larnaca‏

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Gibrahayer - Nicosia - 30 June - A Cypriot and an Armenian football team meet in Larnaca for the UEFA Europa League. Anorthosis - who are a refugee football club of Turkish- occupied Famagusta - host Banants of Armenia tomorrow Thursday at 8:00pm (+2 GMT) for the first of two leg matches. The rematch will be played in Yerevan in a week.
Anorthosis made history when they qualified in UEFA Champions League two years ago, while their impressive win over TrabzonSport of Turkey - is still talked about.
Banants have "lived" in the shadow of Pyunik who have dominated the Armenian Football League.
This is not the first time Anorthosis have faced an Armenian team. In 1975, USSR Champions Ararat, defeated Anorthosis 9-0 and 1-1, while in 2008 Anorthosis defeated Pyunik twice 1-0, 0-2 en route an impressive Champions League run with wins over Panathinaikos (3-1), and draws with Werder Bremen 2-2 and Jose Mourinho's Inter Milan 3-3.
The Armenian community of Cyprus is expected to make its presence felt at Antonis Papadopoulos stadium in Larnaca.

Asbarez - New York - The Armenian Revolutionary Federation Dashnaktsoutiun participated in
the Socialist International (SI) Council meeting held at the United Nations in New York last week.
In addition to ARF Dashnaktsoutiun Bureau member Mario Nalbandian and SI vice-president
Maria Titizian, a four-member delegation from ARF Dashnaktsoutiun Eastern Region of the United States participated in the meeting.
Also in attendance were notables such as Segolène Royal, former presidential candidate of the Socialist Party of France; George Papandreou, Prime Minister of Greece and President of SI; Jack
Layton, Head of the New Democratic Party, Canada; Digvijay Singh, General Secretary of the All India Congress Committee; a high-ranking delegation from the new leadership of the Turkish CHP party and
many others.
Prior to the Council meeting, Maria Titizian had attended the Socialist International Presidium dinner-meeting, where she discussed the consequences of the global financial crisis in the CIS.
The main agenda items for the Council were the Global Economy, Climate Change, Middle East Peace and Disarmament and non-proliferation.

ARF Dashnaktsoutiun Bureau Member Mario Nalbandian and Socialist International Vice President
Maria Titizian with Socialist International President and Prime Minister of Greece George Papandreou


FT - Delphine Strauss in Ankara - June 24 - Turkey's Communications Minister on Thursday hit at Google for "picking a fight" with the Turkish state, as he responded to growing criticism of web censorship that includes a long-standing ban on Google's YouTube subsidiary.
Ankara insists that the online video-sharing site must open offices in Turkey and register for tax purposes before it can expect any help in reversing court bans that have kept the site officially off-limits for Turkish users for more than two years.
"In many countries this sharing site registers local sales, in Turkey it doesn't."
Mr Yildirim has been attacking Google for weeks, but Thursday's language is by far the strongest he has used.
Google did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
But the attack follows a wave of complaints from Turkish web-users after state efforts to enforce the ban more rigorously earlier this month inadvertently disrupted other Google services, including some that web businesses relied on.
YouTube's pariah status in Turkey stems not from its tax arrangements, but from a law passed in 2007 giving judges power to ban websites that insulted Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the modern state's architect. YouTube fell foul of the judges on this count after Turkish and Greek nationalists posted a series of abusive videos. The law also banned sites that it said incited suicide, drug use, pedophilia, immorality and illegal prostitution.
Turkish web-users have long found ways to circumvent the ban, and YouTube regularly scores among the 10 most-visited sites in the country.
Temporary bans have affected many other sites, including the blogging platform Wordpress and the trading site, and the issue of web censorship is breeding both bitter criticism and inventive parody.
One such parodist is the website - which translates roughly as "national engine" - which pokes fun at Turkish nationalism in general and ministers' calls for a national search engine to rival Google in particular.
Type "Kurdish culture" into millimotor, and it suggests a link to Ataturk's address to youth. Type the Turkish for "Armenian genocide", and it responds: "Did you mean the so-called Armenian genocide?"


GIBRAHAYER e-magazineAlexander-Michael Hadjilyra for Gibrahayer e-magazine - Thessalonica is the place to visit if you want to enjoy the Kalfayan Collection of Armenian Art. The exhibition was opened on Friday, 11 June and will be running until Sunday, 19 September at the Museum of Byzantine Culture. About 200 exquisite, unique and beautiful Armenian objects, dating from the 16th to the 19th century, will be on public display for the first time. The collection consists of both ecclesiastical and secular artefacts that were either made by or belonged to Armenians, many of which are very rare, including manuscripts, textiles, porcelains, ceramics and decorative objects, representing only a portion of the entire Kalfayan collection.
Through the collection we learn about Armenian trading with Europe, the Middle and Far East, India and China. Unfortunately, the horrific massacres, massive deportations and the Genocide led to the dispersion of many portable Armenian works of art, an aspect of what I would call “cultural Armenian Genocide”. Since the early 1970s, the Kalfayan family has attempted to collect the scattered items and then catalogue, photograph and restore them. Bravo, I say, looking forward to enjoying the exhibition myself!


Wednesday 30 June 2010 5:30-6:30 pm at Utudjian Hall - 6-12 year old members of the Armenian Representative Office's Art School Dance Group are having their end of year performance. Parents and community members are encouraged to attend.

Wednesday, 30 June 2010 at 8.00 pm - Hayastan All Armenian Fund - Projects in Armenia and Artsakh - Presentation (in Armenian) – Sebouh Tavitian followed by the screening of a related video and the presentation of certificates to donors for the 2009 telethon at the Utudjian Hall of The Armenian Prelature. All members of our community are cordially invited.

July 16 to August 1 - Khalkidiki Camp of the Armenian Relief Society of Greece (Gabouyd Khach) - From July 16 to August 1 - For participants of the age group 10-16 years old. For more details please contact Louise Aynedjian on 99533684.

Friday September 17 - Concert by Haroutune Bedelian (violin) and Lorna Griffitt (piano) at The Presidential Palace in Nicosia, organised by The Armenian Relief Society of Cyprus (HOM) on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Relief Society (HOM). More details to follow.

Saturday 2 October - Main political event in Cyprus for the 120th anniversary of The Armenian Revolutionary Federation Dashnaktsoutiun at PALLAS Theatre in Nicosia. More details of the celebrations to follow.

May - October 2010: Tatiana Ferahian is among 17 international artists participating in the "Out of Space" environmental art project, which takes place in the Nature Reserve De Rottige Meentein in Holland.

Saturday 20 November 2010 at 7:00 pm at the Strovolos Municipal Theatre - Composer Ara Gevorgian and his entourage in Cyprus, performing in co-operation with the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra and participation of our SIPAN Dance Group. This unique event is organised by the Office of the Armenian Representative on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Republic of Cyprus.

Sunday 21 November 2010 at 6:00 pm at the Strovolos Municipal Theatre - Composer Ara Gevorgian and his entourage in Cyprus, performing in co-operation with the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra and participation of our SIPAN Dance Group. This unique event is organised by the Office of the Armenian Representative on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Republic of Cyprus.


* Gibrahayer - Nicosia 30 June - For all the lovers of Greek music, here is this summer's schedule of musical events from today until August 15.
* 30 June-DJ Tiesto at Dolce Club - Limassol
* 7 July-Anna Vyssi - Pattichio Amphitheater - Larnaca
* 8 July-Charis & Panos Katsimichas-Famagusta Gate moat- Nicosia
* 9 July-Lavrentis Macheritsas-Giannis Kotsiras-Tafros Pylis Ammochostou-Nicosia
* Anna Vyssi-Paphiako Stadio-Paphos
* 10 July-Vasilis Papaconstantinou-Tafros Pylis Ammochostou
* 12 July-Alkistis Protopsalti-Stefanos Korkoklis-School Of The Blind Amphitheater - Nicosia
* 13 July-Alkistis Prostopsalti-Stefanos Korkoklis-Pattichio Amphitheater-Larnaca
* 16 July -David Guetta-Monte Caputo-Limassol
Alkistis Protopsalti - Stefanos Korkolis -Municipal Gardens - Limassol
* 28 July-Goran Bregovic-Municipal Gardens-Limassol
* 29 July-Goran Bregovic-Pattichio Amphitheater-Larnaca
* 30 July-Sakis Rouvas-Municipal Port Parking-Larnaca
Notis Sfakianakis-Municipal Stadium of Pelendri-Limassol
* 1 August-Notis Sfakianakis-Pafiako Stadium-Paphos
* 7 August-Yiannis Kotsiras-Agiou Ioannou Stadium-Pitsilia
* 14 August-Michalis Hadjiyiannis-Municipal Stadium of Kyperounta-Limassol


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News in Brief - by Sevag Devletian

* On June 28, President of Artsakh Bako Sahakyan took part in events dedicated to the 17th anniversary of the liberation of Martakert city. Sahakyan laid wreaths at the memorials of the residents of Martakert who died in the Great Patriotic War and the Artsakh war and presented awards to a number of freedom fighters and benefactors during a solemn session.
* Armenian Minister of Transport and Communication Manuk Vardanyan said that, according to calculations of Armenian designers, the estimated cost of the Iran-Armenia railroad will total 1.8 billion US Dollars. According to preliminary calculations, the length of the Armenia-Iran railroad will be 470km, with 60km on Iran's and 410km on Armenia's territory respectively.
* The Presidents of the United States, France and Russia on Saturday issued a joint statement on Nagorno-Karabakh during the G8 summit in Canada, urging the parties to the conflict to accelerate work and move closer to a peace deal. Barrack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy and Dimitry Medvedev called on the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan to "take the next step and complete the work" on the main principles of settlement of the protracted conflict in order to begin drafting a peace agreement.
* U.S. State Secretary Hillary Clinton plans to travel to Yerevan, Assistant Secretary Philip J. Crowley said. Ms. Clinton plans to also visit Kyiv, Krakow, Baku and Tbilisi. According to the source, Clinton will hold meetings in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan with government officials and civil society leaders to discuss bilateral issues, as well as issues related to regional peace and stability.
* The ruling coalition of Armenia pushed through parliament on last week controversial legal amendments allowing establishment of foreign-language schools in the country, amid criticism and protests. Opposition groups, prominent intellectuals and other public figures who regard the amendments as a serious threat to Armenias sole official language, have voiced concerns, calling the move, a sell-off to Russia.

Nareg announcement

Armenian Sports by Sevag Devletian

* BASKETBALL - Hosts Armenia made a statement on the opening day of the European Championship Women Division C, crushing Gibraltar 98-45 on Monday. Playing in front of a Division C-record crowd of 1,500 fans Christina Kepenekian led the way with 22 points and 10 rebounds. Hasmik Mamikonyan was as impressive with 13 points and 15 boards, 13 of them coming on the defensive end of the floor.
* CHESS - Armenia’s Lilit Mkrtchyan defeated Antoaneta Stefanova of Bulgaria, while Elina Danielyan tied a game vs. Hou Yifan (China) in the 5th round of FIDE Women’s Grand Prix in Jermuk. Nana Dzagnidze (Georgia) tops the standings. Tatiana Kosintseva (Russia) is the second. Lilit Mkrtchyan and Elina Danielyan are 3rd and 4th respectively.
* BOXING - Armenian boxers have won four medals at 2010 European Junior Boxing Championships, which finished in Lviv, Ukraine, on June 27. Pinweight Henrik Mokoyan and flyweight Arthur Nersisyan won silver. Featherweight Gor Yeritsyan and heavyweight Rafael Simonyan won bronze.
* SAMBO - From July 16 to 19, Yerevan will be hosting an international youth sambo tournament dedicated to Double Hero of the USSR Nelson Stepanyan and 65th anniversary of the Great Victory. Sportsmen from Artsakh Republic, Georgia, Greece, as well as Krasnodar and Stavropol regions of Russia have already applied for participation in the tournament.
* DOMINO - The ninth summit of International Domino Federation will be held in Yerevan. This was decided resolution was taken at the June 10-12 summit of the International Domino Federation in Barcelona. The Barcelona summit hosted national delegations from 38 countries including Spain, Italy, Germany, Armenia, Algeria, Belgium, Egypt, Andorra and Romania.
* FOOTBALL - Arman Amirkhanyan, Zaven Hovhannesyan have been appointed as referees at the European Under 19 Football Championship due October 6-13 in Bulgaria.

There is a summer group being organised for friends and subscribers of Gibrahayer e-magazine taught by Marlen Shahinian who is a graphic designer. If you want to join it, feel free to contact us on 99437073, or by email on newsletter at
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Armenian Premier League - Week 13 Results and standings

FC Banants 2 - FC Kilikia 0
FC Ulysses 4 - FC Shirak 0
FC Pyunik 0 - FC Gandzasar 1
FC Impuls 2 - FC Mika 2
1st-Banants 32 points, 2nd- Ulysses 29 points, 3rd-Pyunik 26 points, 4th-Mika 22 points, 5th -Impuls 14 points, 6th-Gandzasar 13 points, 7th-Kilikia 10 points, 8th-Shirak 3 points

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