Friday 20 July 2012

Help Educate Legislators about the Genocide with The Sandcastle Girls

Dear Friends,This Tuesday, we were honored to have New York Times best-selling author Chris Bohjalian present his latest novel to a standing-room-only audience in San Francisco on the book's release date. We hope that those of you who attended found the event fun and informative.

As Chris Bohjalian mentioned, The Sandcastle Girls is the most important book he will ever write. Set against the backdrop of the Armenian Genocide, The Sandcastle Girls has already garnered critical acclaim from The Washington PostUSA TodayThe Boston Globe, among others. The book has also received praise in People Magazine andEntertainment Weekly. With strong sales, mass appeal, and your help, The Sandcastle Girls is destined for the New York Times, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble Best Sellers lists.

Please help us bring this important book to the attention of our legislators.

With a donation of as little as $15.16
, you will play an important role in educating our elected officials about the the Armenian Genocide and the Armenian American experience. Your generous donation will enable us to purchase and distribute The Sandcastle Girls to legislators from our Nation's Capital to state capitals and city halls.

Please make a secure online donation today
 or, if you prefer, mail a check to the Armenian National Committee at the address below.

Thank you in advance for joining us in putting the Armenian Genocide on our legislators' summer reading list.


Armenian National Committee
San Francisco Bay Area
51 Commonwealth Avenue
San Francisco, CA  94118

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