Friday 16 November 2012

PROF George Bournoutian - Links & OPEN LETTER FROM EDITOR

George Bournoutian, Professor of East European and Middle Eastern Studies at Iona College. He was born in Isfahan in 1943. He was in Sydney about 8 years ago and he was amazing in the breadth of his knowledge. He's fluent in five languages:
You'll find here all his contact details and list of publications (he specialises mostly in the period between about 1750 and 1900).

Open letter to George Bournoutian AA, BA, MA, C.Phil, PhD

Dear Professor Bournoutian

I was moved and encouraged to watch the interview you gave on Civilnet today!
The email below came to me via my cousins in Cyprus and America, knowing that
I run a blog which encompasses everything Armenian.

I was touched and feel, not only your enthusiasm but the blood boiling audacity with which
the lengths academics, of all people would go to, to change not only Armenian history
but that of their own. They do themselves a disservice in doing so, it shows their devious
mind and what they are capable of! 

Sir, their ancestors may have carried out the deed of Genocide, their actions now do not
exonerate them from the same, by far. Perpetuating the hatred and untruths by mouth is 
one thing but committing them to paper in book form is despicable.

These authoritative books cannot be regarded as such, given the over whelming evidence
in tampering with the facts and  altering our rightful heritage is quite something else. The
underlaying connotations to these changes, leads to all manner of legal rights to 
'Armenian Lands,' this must be eradicated. 

In your opinion, what will help? Shaming them? Publicity? Writing more books? Etc...etc.
I have no short vision for this heart-rending situation of our past, it touches you, me and
millions of Armenians throughout the world. Yet there appears to be a certain apathy born
after the fact, some have either waited so long for the recognition that they have perished, 
or that they are too young to understand what it means to have the recognition of our 
Genocide accepted.

Genocide of the Armenians happened before1915, on the occasion of the second world
war during 1915, and went on well after.

Currently, one only has to read the papers to see how many Armenians are reported killed 
in the most brutal and unforgiving way. Continued persecution and the Denial, not only by 
Turkish governments but also of countries not willing to recognise Genocide for political 
and legal implications to them. 

GENOCIDE has to stop! In which every country and yet, it is going on even as you read 
this open letter.


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