Saturday 23 March 2013

Loussapatz The Dawn , 23 ՄԱՐՏ 2013

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Palm Sunday is the day we remember the "triumphal entry" of Jesus into Jerusalem, exactly one week before His resurrection (Matthew 21:1-11). Some 450-500 years earlier, the Prophet Zechariah had prophesied, "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, Lowly and riding on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9). Matthew 21:7-9 records the fulfillment of that prophecy: "They brought the donkey and the colt, laid their clothes on them, and set Him on them. And a very great multitude spread their clothes on the road; others cut down branches from the trees and spread them on the road. Then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out, saying: ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!’ Hosanna in the highest!’” This event took place on the Sunday before Jesus' crucifixion.
In remembrance of this event, we celebrate Palm Sunday. It is referred to as Palm Sunday because of the palm branches that were laid on the road as Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem. Palm Sunday was the fulfillment of the Prophet Daniel's "seventy sevens" prophecy: " Know therefore and understand, That from the going forth of the command To restore and build Jerusalem Until Messiah the Prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; The street shall be built again, and the wall, Even in troublesome times" (Daniel 9:25). John 1:11 tells us, "He (Jesus) came to His own, and His own did not receive Him." The same crowds that were crying out "Hosanna" were crying out "crucify Him" five days later (Matthew 27:22-23).
Matthew 21:1-11: Jesus sent two disciples, 2 saying to them, “Go into the village in front of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to me. 3 If anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord needs them,’ and he will send them at once.”
Zechariah 9:9:Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he,  mounted on a donkey on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
Matthew 21:7-9:They brought the donkey and the colt and put on them their cloaks, and he sat on them. 8 Most of the crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. 9 And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”
Daniel 9:25:Know therefore and understand that from the going out of the word to restore and build Jerusalem to the coming of an anointed one, a prince, there shall be seven weeks. Then for sixty-two weeks it shall be built again with squares and moat, but in a troubled time.
John 1:11: He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him.
Matthew 21:1-11: Pilate said to them, “Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” They all said, “Let him be crucified!” 23 And he said, “Why, what evil has he done?” But they shouted all the more, “Let him be crucified!”
Below is the full text of a speech delivered by Armenian Weekly columnist Ayse Gunaysu during a panel discussion at the Grotowski
Institute in Wroclaw, Poland, on Nov. 10.
AAyse Gunaysu is a professional translator, human rights advocate, and feminist. She has been a member of the Committee Against Racism and Discrimination of the Human Rights Association of Turkey (Istanbul branch) since 1995, and was a columnist in a pro-Kurdish daily from 2005–07. Since 2008, she writes a bi-weekly column, titled "Letters from Istanbul,"
for the Armenian Weekly.
A scene from the panel discussion
I thank the Grotowski Institute for inviting me, and for their generous hospitality. And I thank you, dear audience, for taking the time and coming to listen to us. I feel privileged to be here with you.
I’m a Muslim Turk by birth. In other words, a descendant of the perpetrators of the Genocide of Ottoman Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks. I’m not a historian, nor a scholar, or a writer. Just a human rights activist. So I can only share with you my feelings and my views about post-genocidal Turkey.
Now, I ask you to imagine that I am a German woman, coming from Germany.
But imagine that Germany was not defeated in the World War II; that, on the contrary, it was victorious and, therefore, not caught red-handed in the crimes it committed: The world never had the chance to see the film footage of the gas chambers and the heaps of dead bodies. And imagine that Germany used all of the technology and industrial power it had to cover up and deny the Holocaust. Imagine that the Holocaust/Shoah is denied in Germany officially, publicly, socially, and culturally, in every sense.
Of course, denial is not only saying, “No, that did not happen”; imagine that the whole state apparatus and the social life are organized around this denial. Text books, the mainstream media, academia, civil society, the internet–all say the same thing, trying to justify the extermination of the Jews and others. They say it was not without reason. That it was inevitable. That it was for the survival of their nation. Moreover, that it was not they who butchered the Jews, that the Jews butchered us.
Imagine that museums, encyclopedias, and exhibitions in Germany all told these lies. And, what’s much more terrible, that almost all of the German people believed the government wholeheartedly, never doubting what they were told.
Imagine that the remaining Jews are targeted by German racists, and hate speech against Jews is a normal occurrence in Germany.
With such a Germany, and such a denial of the Holocaust, would Europe be the same? Would Poland be the same? Would there be a Grotowski Institute?
I asked you to imagine this to once again think about how the denial of a genocide can change life itself.
In such a scenario, objective reality means nothing. Just nothing. Objective reality doesn’t count at all. What determines life is the subjective reality, that is, what people sincerely believe.
This is exactly the case with Turkey in the context of the Armenians and the Armenian Genocide. This is the Turkey that I come from.
Recognition, repentance, humility, and feeling shame makes one a human. In the absence of this, a people, a country, is liable to commit new crimes, to normalize violence, to in fact make violence a way of life. This is the case with Turkey. In the absence of these emotions, there is no room for a sort of catharsis, repentance, or cleaning oneself of guilt. This has been the case with Turkey since the genocide. And successive governments have committed, and continue to commit, new crimes.
Now a few words about me. I hope my story will offer some kind of insight into the reality of Turkey. I was a Marxist-Leninist, a Communist, a secret member of the outlawed Communist Party of Turkey between 1970-85.
We were devoted anti-imperialists, particularly anti-American. For us, Turkey was under imperialist oppression and exploitation. So national independence for our country was one of our top priorities. In other words, the “evil” was outside of us. We didn’t see the evil within our country. The enemy was far away; so cursing and shouting slogans against the far-away enemy was much easier and more convenient than fighting the evil right beside us. Despite our outspoken internationalism, we were surely nationalists without being aware of it.
We were anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist, believing in class struggle, but we became anti-fascist only after the para-military, government-backed ultra-nationalist mobs started to kill us in the streets, in our homes, in factories, and at schools in the late 1970’s.
But fascism was for us an anti-communist movement. We never awoke to see that fascists were racist Turks, as well, reflecting the racist essence of the Turkish state, the extension of the genocidal Ottoman Empire.
Oh yes, we, the Turkish left, were undoubtedly, surely, and vehemently anti-racist.
But which racism? The racism in the United States and in South Africa, which were far away from us. Racism had nothing to do with our country! We were totally blind to the very racist environment we were living in. Denial of the genocide, hate speech directed against Armenians and non-Muslims in general, discrimination, portraying non-Muslims as potential traitors, these were all around us, and yet we didn’t see it! We were like fish living in a sea of racism without being aware of it.
Our blindness was so great that we didn’t even think of campaigning against the Nazi-like “oath” children were made to chant every morning at school. Generations of children started (and are starting today) classes every morning with that “oath,” chanted together as loud as they can–that we are proud of being Turks and we are ready to sacrifice our own existence for the sake of the existence of Turkishness! Every morning! Together with a handful of our non-Turkish and non-Muslim classmates: Jews, Armenians, Greeks, Kurds!
This has gone on and on for decades. None of our “international,” Marxist-Leninist selfless comrades, including myself, initiated a campaign against this Nazi-like practice at schools.
OK, we were “internationalists.” But what kind of an internationalism was it?
We would give our lives for the national liberation wars in Africa and Asia. We sang Latin American revolutionaries’ songs, memorized their slogans, shed tears for Angola. But we were unaware of what was happening under our nose. We knew nothing and said nothing about the Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians– tiny communities, the children of genocide victims doomed to live in a racist environment. And we knew nothing of the Kurds in Kurdish provinces who were subjected to different legislation, under a permanent state of emergency law.
We were masters of the history of the Soviet Communist Party, knew every detail anpit Trotsky’s fight against Stalin, the history of the Vietnamese fight against America, but we didn’t know the true history of our own country. But why?
Because of a very successful disinformation and manipulation of the Turkish republic’s founding ideology and the founding myths. The history re-written by the Kemalist leadership, in a totally misleading way. Let’s not go into details; it will take a lot of time.
What happened to Turkey after 1915? Turkey found no peace after, no real democracy, no real development. The once-developed and urban Western Armenia, with its colleges, theaters, and rich cultural life, became a barren land, a land of blood and tears. Kurdish uprisings followed one another, repressed with huge bloodshed and forced displacements.
Military interventions also followed one another. The one in 1980 was a disaster. Tens of thousands of people were jailed, unimaginable methods of torture were used, many died in prison, and 36 people were executed. Despite a formal restoration of democratic institutions, the constitution in force today is essentially the constitution adopted by the military rule.
Now a war is going on in the southeast of Turkey, in historical Western Armenia and Kurdistan. It is estimated that 50,000 people have died, most of them Kurds. Currently 10,000 Kurdish human rights activists, municipal workers, politicians, and citizens engaged in a totally peaceful struggle are in jail. And a massive hunger strike is under way.
Genocide denial is the destruction of all collective values, all ethics, sense of justice–in brief, the hearts and minds of the entire nation.
You may hear that things are changing in Turkey regarding the Armenian “issue,” as they say. Yes, but very slowly, very irregularly, and very disappointingly.
Thank you for listening to me.
Will Pope Francis Repeat Cardinal Bergoglio’s Words on the Genocide?
By Harut Sassounian Publisher, The California Courier
Shortly after Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio became Pope Francis I, Armenian and Turkish media outlets rushed to inform their audiences that the Argentinean Archbishop had acknowledged the Armenian Genocide on a number of occasions.
When Catholicos Karekin II visited Buenos Aires on April 23, 2004, Cardinal Bergoglio joined him in an ecumenical liturgy and spoke during the commemoration of the victims of the Armenian Genocide. The Cardinal stated: "We are united in grief over a genocide -- the first of the 20th century -- a genocide that powerful empires seek to silence and cover up by all means."
Last week, in his congratulatory letter to Pope Francis I, Karekin II "fondly remembered" their joint meetings and prayers in Argentina, and praised the Catholic Pontiff "as a courageous, wise, and righteous shepherd." The Catholicos recalled Cardinal Bergoglio’s "sincere affection toward the Armenian people," adding: "We gladly confirm that the historical relationship between our churches is marked by fraternal warmth. We greatly value the progress registered by our churches as a result of collaborative efforts undertaken during the pontificates of ourselves and our predecessors. This has been manifested during mutual visits and elaborated through a multitude of educational and charitable programs."
On April 22, 2006, during a program commemorating the 91st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Buenos Aires, Cardinal Bergoglio urged Turkey to unconditionally recognize the Armenian Genocide as the "gravest crime of Ottoman Turkey against the Armenian people and the entire humanity."
More recently, in 2011, after an Argentinean Federal Court found Turkey guilty of committing genocide against Armenians in response to a lawsuit filed by survivor Krikor Hairabedian, Cardinal Bergoglio issued a statement condemning "the abominable crime of genocide that the Turkish state committed against the Armenian people between 1915 and 1923."
Both Armenians and Turks are now wondering if in his new capacity Pope Francis I will repeat the words he uttered as Cardinal Bergoglio. Armenians are delighted that a close friend of their community in Argentina has been elected to lead the Catholic Church. Meanwhile, the Turkish press has expressed great concern that "the new Pope could be influenced by [Armenian] lobbying groups."
Now that he has ascended to the highest office of the Roman Church, no one really knows what position Pope Francis would take on Armenian issues. One must remember that the Pontiff has two distinct functions as head of the Catholic Church and the sovereign city-state of Vatican. In other words, he is both a spiritual leader and head of state. Hence, depending on the issue, he may not necessarily express the views he held as Cardinal Bergoglio. At times, he may assume positions on political matters that diverge from his personal views and coincide with Vatican’s more worldly interests. As head of the Vatican state, the Pope may be forced to act as any other politician, such as Pres. Obama, who said one thing before the election and changed his tune afterward. However, as the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church and a man of strong moral values, the Pope cannot simply ignore or contradict his deeply held convictions.
Realizing that all Popes are not alike, it may be useful to review recent papal pronouncements on the Armenian Genocide. Pope John Paul II, on two occasions, used the term Armenian Genocide -- on November 9, 2000 and September 27, 2001. However, unlike his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI refrained from using that term, preferring to qualify the Genocide as "martyrdom" and "unspeakable suffering."
In the case of Pope Francis I, there is no need for Armenians to insist that he use the term Armenian Genocide; as the Vatican has twice acknowledged the Armenian Genocide. Thus, no purpose is served by demanding that every new Pope reaffirm the facts of the Armenian Genocide all over again. It is important,
however, that Pope Francis I not retreat from his earlier position on the Armenian Genocide; substitutes and euphemisms would not be appropriate.
Given the Vatican’s positive record on the Armenian Genocide, it would be best to go beyond this issue and look for other areas in which the Pontiff could be supportive, such as pressing for the security of Armenians and other Christians in Syria. Efforts should also be made to strengthen the existing amicable ties between the Armenian Apostolic and Catholic churches, and friendly relations between the Vatican State and the Republic of Armenia.
Armenian Constitutional Court Rejects Hovannisians Election Appeals President Sarkisian Rules Out Visiting with Raffi Hovannisian in Liberty Square
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YEREV AN Armenia’ s Constitutional Court on Thursday rejected opposition leader Raffi Hovannisian’s and another candidate’s demands to invalidate the official results of the February 18 presidential election that gave victory to incumbent President Serzh Sarkisian.
In a 34-page verdict read out by its chairman, Gagik Harutiunian, the court upheld the decision by Armenia’ s Central Election Commission, which said there were no legal violations during the vote.
It also rejected Hovannisian’ s separate demand to declare him the rightful winner of the vote, saying that the leader of the opposition Zharangutyun (Heritage) party failed to present any compelling evidence in support of that claim.
The Constitutional Court scrapped the official vote tally in only one of Armenia’s 1,988 electoral precincts where two local observers claimed to have witnessed large-scale ballot stuffing by government loyalists. The precinct covers part of Artashat, a town 30 kilometers south of Yerevan notorious for election-related violence and other violations. The number of voters living there is too small to have any impact on the overall election outcome.
According to the Central Election Commission (CEC), Sarkisian won reelection outright with 58.6 percent of the vote, while Hovannisian finished second with around 37 percent.
The panel of nine judges at the same recognized widespread public distrust in official vote results. In a carefully-worded sentence, it blamed this on the “merger of political, economic and administrative resources” in Armenia.
Tigran Mukuchian, the pro-government chairman of the CEC, welcomed the widely anticipated ruling. He said the court highlighted “baseless judgments and evaluations” made by the opposition candidates.
Zaruhi Postanjian, one of Hovannisian’s legal representatives, condemned the decision, accusing Armenia’s highest court of “sponsoring” Sarkisian. She also said that the Hovannisian campaign plans to organize alternative “court hearings” on the election at Liberty Square, the main venue of the opposition leader’s post-election protests.
Hovannisian, who has been on a hunger strike in the Square since Sunday, is set to continue his protest until Inauguration Day, April 9, warning that President Sarkisian will be sworn in only on his, Hovannisian’s, “dead body”.
Sarkisian Rejects Dialogue with Hovannisian
On Monday President Serzh Sarkisian held a meeting with journalists and criticized Raffi Hovannisian for disputing the legitimacy of his reelection and claiming to represent most Armenians, saying that only a tiny segment of the country’s population is participating in demonstrations organized by his main election challenger. Sarkisian also voiced skepticism over possible dialogue with Hovannisian.
“When they say that the people are out in the streets it sounds very strange to me,” he told a rare news conference organized for a limited number of broadcast media outlets. “On average, only 3,000 people participate in these rallies taking place in Liberty Square ... Even if the opinion of every person matters to us, 3,000 people account for only 0.1 percent of our citizens.”
Sarkisian claimed that Levon Ter-Petrosian, the main opposition candidate in the 2008 presidential election, rallied ten times as many people in the same venue when challenging official vote results, despite getting fewer votes than Hovannisian. The latter has therefore no right to speak on behalf of the nation, he said.
Hovannisian has repeatedly urged the incumbent to recognize “the people’s victory” in the ballot and “return power to the people” by leaving office. He went on hunger strike over a week ago to continue pressing those demands. The U.S.-born oppositionist, who remains camped out in Liberty Square, has also demanded that Sarkisian visit and talk to him.
Sarkisian ruled out the possibility of such a visit, however. “I’m asking myself: what should I talk with Raffi Hovannisian about? What should I negotiate on with a man who is bitter at the world and has been hungry for eight days?” he said.
“If I were to go [to the square] I would do that for one purpose: to once again urge and ask Raffi Hovannisian to end the hunger strike and choose other methods of struggle. I’m doing it now,” he said.
“But you know, there is aother very important circumstance: I don’t know the purpose for which Raffi Hovannisian went on hunger strike,” added Sarkisian.
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PARIS -- A group of municipalities, members of the French National Assembly and Senate, who represent France’s major political forces, announced the formation of Circle of Friendship with Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR).
They made a special statement appreciating the consistent efforts of the NKR people and authorities to build free and democratic society, calling for an end to the NKR’s political isolation and expressing support to the NKR people's right of self-determination.
"Assuming as a basis the absolute significance of the liberty and democratic values stated in the General Declaration on Human Rights, supporting the right to self-determination of all the peoples including the people of Nagorno Karabakh – Artsakh, and being confident that the international isolation of the Artsakh people does not contribute to the dialogue of the peoples and steadfast peace, we – political figures, deputies, and senators of the French Republic, declare about the creation of friendship circle with Artsakh." Reads the statement.
The Circle members are Deputy Mayor of Marseille Roland Blum, Mayor of Vienne Jacques Remiller, MPs Valérie Boyer, René Rouquet, Guy Teissier, François Rochebloine, senators Sophie Zhuassen, Philippe Marini, Bernard Fournier as well as former MPs Georges Colombier and Richard Malia.
LONDON -- Grandmaster Levon Aronian is a sole leader at the World Chess Candidates Tournament after three rounds of play in the competition being held in London, UK.
Armenia’s top chess player has 2 1⁄2 points, half a point clear of the next rival, after registering two wins and one
So far, Aronian has beaten Boris Gelfand (Israel) and Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine), tying the game with FIDE’s current number one Magnus Carlsen (Norway).
The tournament brings together the world’s eight strongest players seeking the right to challenge the current titleholder, Viswanathan Anand from India, later this year.
The competition scheduled to run through April 1. On Tuesday Aronian is scheduled to play second-placed Peter Svidler from Russia.
Official website:
Argentina’s Armenian community has welcomed the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as new Pope. The community members have stated that Archbishop Bergoglio has always been in friendly ties with them and participated in different events dedicated to the Armenian Genocide and served a liturgy in memory of Genocide victims during the visit of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.
Seven years ago the archbishop publicly demanded that Turkey admit the Ottoman-era Genocide of Armenians.
The Vatican used the term genocide to describe the massacres of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in an official communiqué in 2000, under Pope John Paul II.
Bergoglio was elected Pope in a surprise choice on Wednesday, taking the name Francis I and becoming the first non-European pontiff in nearly 1,300 years.
President Serzh Sarkisian and Catholicos Karekin II on Thursday congratulated the new Pope Francis I on being elected as the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, expressing hope that its links with Armenia will strengthen during his pontificate.
“We pray that the Lord will grant to Your Holiness a most fruitful pontificate blessed with many ever-lasting accomplishments for the glory of God and the splendor of the Church of Christ,” the supreme head of the Armenian Apostolic Church wrote in his letter.
Karekin II “fondly” recalled his meetings and joint prayers with Bergoglio during a 2004 visit to Argentina, saying that he got to know “a courageous, wise, and just Church Leader.” “ We are happy to avow Your sincere love and affection shown towards the Armenian people,” he said.
Karekin II also said he hopes Francis will build on “significant progress” in relations between the Armenian and Catholic Churches. “It is our prayer that our cooperative efforts will continue to grow into the future and that the relations between our two sister Churches will blossom with new achievements for the sake of meeting the challenges facing humanity,” he wrote.
In a separate message, Sarkisian expressed confidence that Pope Francis will spread his “merciful influence” all over the world. He said the Armenian government expects that its “fruitful cooperation” with the Vatican “will continue deepening and developing in the same spirit.”
YEREVAN -- Two residents of Armenian border villages who crossed into Azerbaijan in unclear circumstances over the weekend were freed and sent back home by Azerbaijani authorities on Wednesday.
The repatriation facilitated by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) took place at the westernmost section of the heavily militarized Armenian-Azerbaijani border.
Mnatsakan Karian, an 86-year-old resident of Dovegh village in Armenia’s northern Tavush province, crossed the frontier on Saturday. Anahit Arakelian, a 48-year-old woman from a nearby village, did the same on Sunday.
The reasons for the crossings remain unclear. Military authorities in Yerevan have not yet commented on those incidents.
Both Karian and Arakelian were detained immediately after entering Azerbaijan. The ICRC said its representatives visited them “in order to assess their treatment and conditions of internment.”
“Acting as a neutral intermediary and in accordance with its mandate, the ICRC facilitated this repatriation in conjunction with the Azerbaijani and Armenian authorities,” read a statement by the Red Cross. “The internees had previously confirmed to ICRC delegates that both were returning of their own free will.”
Throughout the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, civilian residents of Armenian and Azerbaijani settlements located close to the frontier have occasionally crossed it, usually because of going astray. In one such example, an Azerbaijani villager crossed into Tavush last November and was repatriated two weeks later.
Manvel Saribekian, a 20-year-old Armenian civilian, met a more tragic fate. Saribekian was found hanged in an Azerbaijani prison cell three weeks after being detained by Azerbaijani border troops in September 2010.
The Azerbaijani government said he committed suicide, a claim strongly denied by the Armenian authorities. They said Saribekian was brutally tortured and murdered in Azerbaijani custody.
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YEREVAN -- Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian has called Azerbaijan the only party responsible for the lack of progress in the Karabakh peace process answering criticism voiced by the neighboring state’s leader on Tuesday.
In comments made to, Armenia’s top diplomat said authorities in Baku are themselves to blame for the unchanging status quo and the international community is well aware of this.
“If Azerbaijan is, in fact, interested in a status quo change, it should have given consent to the proposals of the [OSCE Minsk Group] Co-Chairs instead of rejecting them over the last few years,” said Nalbandian.
In a speech made on the occasion of Nowruz on March 19 Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev accused Armenia of assuming a ‘non-constructive’ position in the settlement of the Karabakh conflict, insisting that Yerevan is interested in the maintenance of the status quo.
He also contended that while Azerbaijan was getting stronger from year to year, Armenia was getting weaker due to its isolation from major regional projects – a policy that he said Azerbaijan will continue to pursue in the future as well.
In this regard, the Armenian foreign minister stressed that the difference between Azerbaijan and Armenia is indeed “huge”. He said that while Azerbaijan is strengthening an authoritarian regime, Armenia is strengthening democracy.
“It is clearly seen in the assessments and rankings issued by international agencies,” he said.
“In Azerbaijan they think they can buy reputation, friends, and erect monuments, push forward questionable resolutions and present this to the Azerbaijani society as an achievement and as proof of high reputation. It is not the money and caviar that helps build international reputation. We have recently witnessed what happened to no less rich and self-confident authoritarian regimes,” concluded Nalbandian.
By Hrayr S. Karagueuzian
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, speaking at the 5th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) in Vienna on February 27, 2013 said: “The world should consider Islamophobia just like Zionism or anti-Semitism or fascism, a crime against humanity.” The PM had already expressed in the past his anger with Israeli policies in blunt terms at World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland in 2009, when he suddenly stormed off the stage at the mid of a heated discussion of Israel’s Gaza offensive and after telling President Shimon Peres: “When it comes to killing, you know well how
to kill.” The irony behind these two dark and irresponsible condemnations is that Mr. Erdogan’s own
government continues to uphold a policy in today’s Turkey that is precisely based not only on crimes against humanity but also on the legacy of the art of mass killings. Indeed, “crime against humanity” was first used in history on May 24, 1915 when the British, French and Russian Allies in a joint declaration condemned the Turkish authorities for the planning and the implementation of the wholesale massacres of Armenians in Turkey. The declaration reads in part: “In view of these new crimes of Turkey against humanity and civilization... the Allied governments announce publicly ...that they will hold personally responsible all members of the Ottoman government and those of their agents who are implicated in such massacres. The adjective “new” appended to the words “crimes of Turkey” goes beyond the present and establishes a legacy of mass murders in the past. That legacy seems to well and alive in Turkey today. The Turkish PM may well know that the International Criminal Court on March 2009 ordered the arrest of President Omar Hassan al-Bashir of Sudan, a good friend and ally of Erdogan (see attached photo), charging him with war crimes and crimes against humanity for a
concerted government campaign against civilians in the Darfur region of Sudan. More than 2.5 million people have been chased from their homes and 300,000 have died in a conflict pitting non-Arab rebel groups against the Arab-dominated Islamic government and militias of President al Bashir. It seems for the PM that when a crime against humanity is committed by a Muslim country it is not a crime, however, it becomes a crime only in the case of the non-Muslims.
As for the art of mass killings, history has consistently shown that the Ittihadist regime (the party that controlled the Turkish Empire during WWI) continued what the Ottoman Sultanate did previously and the Kemalist’s “Death Squads” thereafter which became known as “finishing the genocide.” Starting 1930s and up to now the Armenophobia, and the systematic massacres of the Kurds continued of which the Dersim tragedy is just now being articulated. The legacy of brutality with which these acts of mass killings were committed during the Kemalist phase captured the attention of the post- WWI British High Commissioner in Constantinople, who included in his London report the following:
“The Turks have an expression, “yavash–yavash,” which means to go slowly. That is how clearing Trebizond of its remaining Christian population is being managed.... Now they are going after the little boys. It used to be conscription that was invoked as an excuse to take the men. When they got down to deporting the boys from 15–18, the Turks said it was to give them preliminary training. Now—as I write— they are making a new visitation of the angel of death in Greek homes, and seizing boys from 11 to 14. The poor little kiddies are gathered together like cattle, and driven through the streets to the Government House, where they are put in filthy dungeons half underground. One could not believe this was possible.”1
More so, one can not believe the audacity of the Turkish PM to preach civility and condemnation of crimes against humanity at international forums at a time when his own government continues to enforce the infamous Article 301 that bans Turkish citizens’ to expose their Armenian ancestry. Violators of Article 301 are charged with “insulting Turkishness” and become liable for prosecution, forced exile, jail terms, and even assassination as in the case of the Turkish-Armenian editor and journalist Hrant Dink in front of his office on January 19, 2007. Turkish and international news media did not dismiss the planning of the assassination by the Turkish security forces, dubbed as the “Deep State.” The motivation in the murder of Dink was to prevent him to unravel the names of millions of Turks who have Armenian ancestry but were afraid of publicly acknowledgment. In the words of the Turkish Foreign Minister Daoud Oglo, a close protégé of the PM, “he was talking too much.”
It would be thoughtful for the Grand Vizier to give a hard look at his own governments’, past and present policies of committing and covering up crimes against humanity before preaching civility at international forums.
Turkish policies in South Caucasus concern for Moscow – report March 21, 2013 | 12:08
Complex and often-contradictory interactions among Turkey, Russia, and Iran are shaping regional dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean, Caucasus, and Central Asia, says the report issued by Center for Strategic and International Studies.
In its report Washington-based think tank focused on three pairs of bilateral relations between Russia, Iran and Turkey. The report says the current Turkish government has made improving relations with Russia a priority since it took office in 2002.
It is mentioned that Russia’s positive interests with Turkey are
principally economic. “Turkey is a major energy export market, but there have also been dramatic increases intrade,
investment, and tourism. Iran is a minor trading partner and energy competitor. Moscow’s engagement
with Tehran is driven by geopolitical goals vis--vis the United States and a desire to temper Iranian influence over Muslim populations in Russia and neighboring countries,” the report says.
“For now, Turkish policies in the South Caucasus are probably a bigger concern for Moscow than those of Iran. Many Russian analysts talk of a North/South axis of Russia, Armenia, and Iran that is opposed to an East-West axis of Turkey, Georgia, and Azerbaijan.”
The analysts also say that Iran’s foreign policy reveals focus on advancing national goals.
“Time after time, as well, Iran’s foreign policy reveals a clear-eyed focus on advancing national goals over pan-Islamic ones, for example through sustaining closer ties with non-Muslim nations such as Armenia than with Muslim nations such as Azerbaijan or Saudi Arabia.”
Hrayr S. Karagueuzian & Yair Auron; A Perfect Injustice: Genocide & Theft of the Armenian Wealth. Transaction Publishers, Rutgers University, NJ 2009
We the people, immersed in “Boston Legal,” “Law and Order,” and “The Good Wife,” believe we know what goes on in a court of law. Media attention to high-profile cases like the Casey Anthony verdict and our unprecedented access to real-life in-court drama, via the televised O.J. Simpson trial, and others, have lulled us into thinking we understand the American judicial system. We are so wrong.
Now, in MISTRIAL: An Inside Look at How the Criminal Justice System Works ... and Sometimes Doesn’t (Gotham Books; April 2013; $27.00) Mark Geragos, JD, and Pat Harris, JD, upend the scales and reveal why “justice” often literally is blind in this land of stealth jurors manipulating their way onto cases so they can convict a defendant, cops who feel compelled to lie on the witness stand, detectives who sell confidential police information, defense attorneys too scared to go to trial, and clients eager to bribe judges.
Mark Geragos and Pat Harris, two of America’s leading criminal defense attorneys, take readers inside some of the most compelling and sensational trials of the past 20 years. They have worked on cases that involved celebrities (Michael Jackson, Chris Brown, Winona Ryder,
Mike Tyson) and on cases that have made ordinary people into celebrities (Susan McDougal, Scott Peterson, Gary Conduit).
Going behind the legal scenes, Geragos and Harris assess the dramatic changes that have occurred in our judicial system, making it heavily weighted toward the prosecution. They examine how politics shifted the balance, the strategies that fed misconceptions that courts were soft on crime, why the O.J. Simpson trial spiraled out of control and the powerful impact it had on future jurors countrywide, and the deep influence of media coverage. Zeroing in on the wide margins of error, Geragos and Harris scrutinize defense attorneys, prosecutors, judges, jurors, clients, cops, and the media, and the roles they play in changing your perception of the truth.
Far from preserving the credo of “innocent until proven guilty,” more jurors than ever are entering the court convinced that our system could not get it wrong. The falsely accused are confessing to crimes they did not commit, and only a portion of the wrongly convicted defendants are being proven innocent and released, following re-evaluation of evidence.
MISTRIAL will change forever your outlook as a juror, and make you think twice about your rights as a defendant. You will question why the public is so willing to overlook a D.A. who jails an innocent person.
A manifesto on the ills of the criminal justice system, and outlining steps that can be taken to bring balance back, MISTRIAL is a fascinating and timely read for legal eagles and armchair arbiters, alike.

GLENDALE, CA -- My Mother’s Voice, an updated book (2013 Edition) and new documentary, tell the moving story of Flora Munushian’s teenage years, and are written and produced by her daughter Kay Mouradian. From 1914-1919, Flora traveled from Hadjin, Turkey to Aleppo, Syria then ultimately to the United States, a survivor of the Armenian Genocide.
“I am my mother’s voice,” Kay Mouradian declares in the new edition of her book and her moving documentary. “She told me in no uncertain terms that I was going to write a book about her.” This hadn’t been Mouradian’s goal or even a thought until her mother’s last years. Luckily, she did take up the
challenge, presenting the story of her mother’s harrowing teenage years from 1915-1919. Flora Munushian was a 14-year-old Armenian girl attending an American school in Hadjin, Turkey when a deportation order forced her community on a death march to Der Zor. Her father managed to stow his daughters in Aleppo, where she and her sister hid for the duration of WWI. Flora never saw her parents or her brothers again. At the age of 18, she sailed to the U.S. to marry an
Armenian man she’d never met. Mouradian’s narrative is well-paced and action-packed, with the right amount of carefully
researched details. Told from her mother’s point of view, the story highlights Flora’s drive to get an education, her youthful idealism and her inner strength. The book is a great read for both young readers and adults, with a positive message and story arc.
The film based on the book takes a more historical look at the genocide’s impact on Flora and her family. Among its visuals: a copy and translation of the deportation order posted in Hadjin; a photograph of Rev. Hovhanness Eskijian, who rescued Flora, her sister and hundreds of Armenian orphans in Aleppo; and a photograph of Flora’s family – most of whom perished during the march or in Der Zor.
A neighbor introduced Mouradian to award-winning filmmaker Mark Friedman, who worked diligently with her to produce the documentary. “He was so far-sighted, and very resourceful,” Mouradian said. Together they searched out original film footage and were able to use portions of the 1919 silent film Ravished Armenia that appears on Zareh Tjeknavorian’s DVD Credo.
Tjeknavorian wrote to Mouradian, “Congratulations to you and Mark for so beautifully and affectingly bringing the message of your mother’s life to the world. Her voice speaks so eloquently through your own. This film, and the vast history it artfully distills into such a poignant and positive personal story is as much a testimony to the resiliency of family and culture across generations as it is to the evil that sought to destroy them. I am sure it will go a long way to honoring the memory of Flora and the millions she speaks for.”
Mouradian’s South Pasadena community links not only got her introduced to a top-notch film collaborator, they have also supported and recognized her educational and civic endeavors. While serving as LA Community College Professor of Health and Physical Education, she published guidebooks and studies on yoga. She was honored for her professional and literary achievements by Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who named her 2012 Woman of the Year for South Pasadena.
The South Pasadena audience at a preview of the documentary last September was strongly affected by the film. “The film is tastefully, artfully done, the music is beautiful, and your narration hit all the right notes,” one viewer wrote later. “It’s a shock (and a shame) that this subject is not taught in high school history classes. I sure didn’t know much about it until I moved to Glendale and started talking with Armenian friends.”
My Mother’s Voice premiered at Toronto’s Pomegranate Film Festival in October 2012, and was also featured at Los Angeles’ ARPA Film Festival in December 2012.
Armenian National Congress submits party list for Yerevan council elections

European championship: Armenia’s wrestler performs unsuccessfully
Andranik Galstyan, who represents Armenia, was unable to pass the round of 8 at the European Freestyle Wrestling Championship, which is held in the Georgian capital city Tbilisi. In his first match, Galstyan (120 kg) was defeated by Nick Matuhin of Germany on points. Separately, Grigor Grigoryan (74 kg) of Armenia will start his campaign Thursday at the round of 8. Sport
EU made progress in negotiations with Armenia - Stefan Fule
March 21, 2013 | 12:37
EU made progress in negotiations with Moldova, Georgia and Armenia on association agreements, including Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas, EU commissioner Stefan Fule said on Wednesday. “I am proud to note that in a recent Eurobarometer survey, people from our Neighbourhood, both in the East and South, noted that ‘human rights’ and ‘solidarity’ are the characteristics which best represent the EU. I feel that this is also the result of our continuing engagement,” Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy said during the presentation of the European Neighborhood Policy package.
“We want to ensure that the reform objectives agreed with partner countries are a true reflection of their societies’ concerns and aspirations and this is where the engagement of the
European Parliament with parliaments of our partners is crucial.” Stefan Fule is hopeful that the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius this November will be a milestone in bringing Eastern European partners closer to political association and economic integration.
Azerbaijan hands over 2 civilians to Armenia
March 20, 2013 | 15:24 Azerbaijan handed over to Armenia two civilians who had illegally crossed the Armenian-
Azerbaijani border. The ceremony took place at about 3pm on Wednesday on the border near Kaynavan settlement or
Armenia’s Tavush Region under the mediation of the Yerevan and Baku representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
Mnatsakan Karyan—a resident of Dovegh village of Armenia’s Tavush Region, and who is born in 1926—crossed the border on March 16, whereas Anahit Arakelyan—a resident of Aygehovit village of Tavush Region, and who is born in 1965—crossed the border on March 17.

Istanbul Armenian Apostolic Church Patriarch Mesrob Mutafyan was just one of several prominent figures in Turkey targeted for assassination by the group Ergenekon in an attempt to destabilize the country according a lead prosecutor in the case.
As reported in yesterday’s Today’s Zaman, prosecutor Ali Pekgüzel presented his final opinion to an Istanbul Court, arguing that the terrorist group had sought to create disorder in Turkey through seventeen subversive plans and thus lead to a coup d’etat.
One of the plans, according to the prosecutor, was to murder prominent figures in the country and lay the blame on the ruling Justice and development Party (AKP).
In addition to Archbishop Mesrob Mutafyan, others marked for assassination were the former chief prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Appeals, Abdurrahman Yalçınkaya; former Chief of General Staff retired Gen. Yaar Büyükanıt; world-renowned writer Orhan Pamuk; Diyarbakır Mayor Osman Baydemir; Kurdish lawmakers Sebahat Tuncel and Ahmet Türk; Federation of Alevi-Bektai Associations (ABF) head Ali Balkız.
Prosecutor Mehmet Ali Pekgüzel is seeking life imprisonment for 64 defendants and up to 15 years for 96 others.
The defendants include Turkish officials, retired military officers, journalists and scholars.
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Շնորհաւորելի են աշխարհի քրիստոնեաները նորընտիր Ֆրանսիսքօ Ա. Պապով։
Ան որ մեր մէջ քնացած «քրիստոնէապատկանելիութեան» կուտայ վերազարթնում, ոգեւորուած իր աղքատասէր եւ պարզասէր կերպարի առաջնորդութեամբ։ Ան որ եկեղեցականի կեանքին եւ կոչումին կու տայ օրինակելի հմայք ու պատիւ, հեռու մնալով ճոխ ու փարթամ երեւոյթներէ, եւ կիրարկելով ժողովուրդի ծոցէն ծնած ու բխած պարզ կեանք մը։
Ան որ կ՚ուզէ եկեղեցին քրիստոսավայել համեստութեամբ, հեզութեամբ եւ պարզութեամբ աղքատի խրճիթէն ներս տանիլ, որ հոն իր բնական տեղը գտնէ եւ դերը կատարէ։
Կ՚ըսուի թէ երբ քուէարկութիւնը ի նպաստ նորընտիր Պապին կ՚ընթանար եւ ան կարծես ապահոված ըլլալ կը թուէր 115 քարտինալներու նուազագոյն երկու-երրորդը (2/3) կամ 77 ձայները, պրազիլցի Քարտինալ Գլոտիօ Հոմէզ զինք կը շնորհաւորէ ու կը համբուրէ, յետոյ կ՚ըսէ. «Մի մոռնար աղքատները»։ Ճիշդ այդ պահուն է որ արժանթինցի Քարտինալ Խորխէ Մարիօ Պէրկոլիօ կամ նորընտիր Պապը կ՚որոշէ ընտրել Ֆրանսիսքօ անունը, վերյիշելով այն աղքատասիրութիւնը որով հռչակաւոր դարձած էր ատենօք (ԺԲ-ԺԳ դար) «Ասիսիի Ֆրանսիս»ը (San Francisco d’Assisi), որ Վատիկանի պատերուն տակ աղքատներուն հետ մուրացկանի կեանք ապրեցաւ եւ ամէն տեսակի զրկանք ճանչցաւ։
Կ՚ըսուի նաեւ, թէ լրագրողներու հետ իր առաջին հանդիպումի ընթացքին Ֆրանսիսքօ Ա. Պապը յաճախ կը բարձրացնէր իր առջեւ ծնրադրողները եւ յաճախ կը մերժէր աջահամբոյրը։
Անոր մէկ յիշատակելի խօսքը եղած է, թէ ինք ամէն տեսակի գաղափարամիտները կը յարգէ, ըլլան անոնք որեւէ տարբեր կրօնի հաւատացեալներ կամ անհաւատ էակներ, որովհետեւ, ըստ նորընտիր Պապին, «բոլորն ալ նոյն Աստուծոյ զաւակներն են»։
«Ո՜հ, որքա՜ն պիտի ուզէի որ եկեղեցին աղքատ ըլլար եւ աղքատին ծառայէր», ըսած է նորընտիր Պապը։ Այդ ըսելով ան նոր յոյսերով ոգեւորեց եւ խանդավառեց անիրաւուածները այս աշխարհի։ Անցեալին, Լատին եւ Կեդրոնական Ամերիկաներու հարիւրաւոր միլիոններ հաշուող աղքատները կը յուսային իրենց խեղճ վիճակի փրկութիւնը գտնել Չէ Կեվարայով (նաեւ արժանթինցի) սկսած կարմիր յեղափոխութիւններով ... եւ անկէ ասդին շատ բան պատահած է ժողովրդավար եւ խաղաղ միջոցներով տեղի ունեցած պետական բարեփոխուած վարչաձեւերու ծնունդով։ «Եկեղեցի՝ աղքատին համար» նշանաբանով յոյսով ենք որ կը գործէ Ֆրանսիս Ա.ի Վատիկանը ասկէ ետք, եւ իր անսահման կարելիութիւնները կը դնէ աղքատին կեանքը բարելաւելու համար՝ Ամերիկաներու եւ տարբեր աշխարհամասերու մէջ։
«Եկեղեցի՝ աղքատին համար» նշանաբանը կը փափաքինք տեսնել նաեւ կիրարկուած մեր ազգային եկեղեցւոյ աշխատակազմին կողմէ, ամենաբարձրէն եկած յորդորներով, որպէսզի առատաձեռն նուիրատուութիւնները եւ շահաղբիւրներն ու այլազան կարելիութիւնները հայ եկեղեցւոյ՝ գործածուին ու դրուին հայրենի գիւղերու խղճալի վիճակը բարելաւելու համար։
«Եկեղեցի՝ աղքատին համար» նշանաբանը կը յուսանք տեսնել կիրարկուած ոչ թէ եկեղեցաշինութեամբ հաւատացեալներուն հանգիստ ապահովելու կամ բարերարներուն հաճոյք պատճառելու... այլ ազգաշինութեամբ եւ մարդասիրութեամբ անկարին ապրելու յոյս ներշնչելու եւ աղքատին պատուաբեր կեանք ապահովելու։
Եւ վերջապէս, «Եկեղեցի՝ աղքատին համար» նշանաբանով կը յուսանք տեսնել աշխարհ մը, որու տաճարներէն դո՛ւրս կը վռնտուին այն վաճառականները, որոնք՝ Քրիստոսի խօսքերով՝ «կը պղծեն Իր Հօր տունը»...։
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«Ակօս»ի հայերէն էջերու խմբագիր Սարգիս Սերովբեան Լիբանանէն հաղորդուող «Վանա Ձայն» ռատիօկայանին տուած իր հարցազրոյցին ընթացքին կ՛ըսէ, թէ «այսօր պոլսահայութիւնը դէմ յանդիման կանգնած է բազմաթիւ հարցերու, որոնց մէջ առաջին տեղը կը գրաւէ քաղաքացիական արիութիւն ցոյց տալը...»:
«Քաղաքացիական արիութիւն». Հասկացողութիւն մը, որմէ առհասարակ ետ կեցած ենք: Ընդհակառակը թելադրած են մեր հաւաքականութեան խորհրդատուները: Անոնք փորձուելով բազմաթիւ փորձանքներէ՝ ամբողջ հանրապետութեան շրջանին ապահով գտան հաստ պատեանի մը մէջ գոյատեւելը: Կարծեցին, որ այդ պատեանին մէջ անտեսանելի մնալով՝ աւելի քիչ կը վնասուինք: Հետեւանքը ցոյց տուաւ, որ բնազդաբար մեր վրայ քաշուած այդ պատեանը այնքան ալ ապահով չէր: Չէր՝ քանի որ իշխանութեան չար միտքը գիտէր, թէ ի՛նչ կար այդ պատեանին տակ, եւ ամէն առիթով կը փորձէր վնաս հասցնել անոր տակ ապաստանածներուն:
Այդ վնասները մեզի հասան նախ՝ քաղաքական միտքի սնանկացումով, ապա վրայ հասաւ իբրեւ թէ պատեանին տակ մեզ պահպանել ջանացածներուն կորուստը: Օրինակի համար, հայախօսութենէ դադրեցանք այդ պատեանին տակ: Մեր տոհմին յատուկ անուններէն հրաժարեցանք այդ պատեանին տակ: Այն, ինչ պահել, խնայել պիտի ջանայինք, մի առ մի կորսնցուցինք: Մեր դպրոցները, աշակերտը յաճախորդ կարծելով եւ աւելի շատ յաճախորդ ունենալու մարմաջով՝ կորսնցուցին իրենց առաքելութիւնը: Նոյնը ըրին մեր եկեղեցիները իրենց հօտերուն նկատմամբ:
Այս բոլորին մէջ խանգարուեցաւ նաեւ հայ ընտանիքի աւանդական հասկացողութիւնը: Նման այլասերում մը ինքնաբերաբար պիտի բերէր արտագաղթի ախտը, որ կրկնակիօրէն վնասեց պատեանին տակ պահուըտած հաւաքականութիւնը: Եւ որովհետեւ թանձր էր մեզ պատող պատեանը՝ աշխարհը ընկալեցինք իր մէջ միայն: Չնկատեցինք, որ դուրսը ինչե՜ր կ՛անցնին, կը դառնան: Թէեւ գտնուեցան պատեանին արտաքինով հետաքրքրուող մարդիկ, բայց անոնք ալ այդ հետաքրքրութեամբ մատնուեցան դուրսի հոսանքին եւ լքեցին պատեանը:
Վերջին քսան տարիներուն, մեր հաւաքականութեան կարեւոր մէկ մասը պատեանէն դուրս կու գայ, առանց հոն մնացածներուն հետ իր կապը խզելու: Այս վերջինները կարելի է «պահանջատէրեր» անուանել: Անոնք հաշիւ ունին դուրսիններուն հետ: Եւ քանի զօրեղ կ՛ելլէ իրենց ձայնը, նոյն համեմատութեամբ արձագանգ կը գտնեն դուրսի լայն աշխարհէն: Սերովբեանի «քաղաքացիական արիութիւն» կոչածը՝ ահա ա՛յդ պահանջատիրութիւնն է, որուն պատճառաւ կարելի է վնասներ կրել, բայց անկարելի է ոչնչանալ:
Մենք, հազիւ մեր գլուխները պատեանէն դուրս հանած՝ տեսանք, թէ բաւական հաշիւներ ունինք դուրսը: Նախ եւ առաջ, ունինք 90 տարուան կորսուած քոյրեր ու եղբայրներ, որոնք այդքան տարիներ մեզ կը փնտռէին ու չէին կրնար հաղորդակցիլ, պարզապէս՝ մեզ պատող անթափանց պատեանին պատճառաւ: Հիմա որ մենք դուրս եկած ենք, ունեցանք իրենց հետ հաղորդուելու բախտը, բայց ափսոս, որ դեռ պատեանին մէջ կան շա՜տ շատեր, որոնք ի գին մեր ապահովութեան՝ կառչած են մեր ոտքերուն եւ խորհուրդ կու տան, որ շատ ալ չբացուինք: Գիտենք, որ աւելի վտանգաւոր է պատեանին տակ օրըստօրէ նուազիլ, ոչնչանալ, քան դուրս գալով՝ քաղաքացիական արիութեան հետեւանքով վնասուիլ:
Նախընտրեցինք կեղեւի մէջ փճացող ընկոյզ մը ըլլալու փոխարէն՝ համեղ ուտեստ մը ըլլալ:
Palm Sunday is the day we remember the "triumphal entry" of Jesus into Jerusalem, exactly one week before His resurrection (Matthew 21:1-11). Some 450-500 years earlier, the Prophet Zechariah had prophesied, "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, Lowly and riding on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9). Matthew 21:7-9 records the fulfillment of that prophecy: "They brought the donkey and the colt, laid their clothes on them, and set Him on them. And a very great multitude spread their clothes on the road; others cut down branches from the trees and spread them on the road. Then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out, saying: ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!’ Hosanna in the highest!’” This event took place on the Sunday before Jesus' crucifixion.
In remembrance of this event, we celebrate Palm Sunday. It is referred to as Palm Sunday because of the palm branches that were laid on the road as Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem. Palm Sunday was the fulfillment of the Prophet Daniel's "seventy sevens" prophecy: " Know therefore and understand, That from the going forth of the command To restore and build Jerusalem Until Messiah the Prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; The street shall be built again, and the wall, Even in troublesome times" (Daniel 9:25). John 1:11 tells us, "He (Jesus) came to His own, and His own did not receive Him." The same crowds that were crying out "Hosanna" were crying out "crucify Him" five days later (Matthew 27:22-23).
Matthew 21:1-11: Jesus sent two disciples, 2 saying to them, “Go into the village in front of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to me. 3 If anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord needs them,’ and he will send them at once.”
Zechariah 9:9:Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
Matthew 21:7-9:They brought the donkey and the colt and put on them their cloaks, and he sat on them. 8 Most of the crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. 9 And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”
Daniel 9:25:Know therefore and understand that from the going out of the word to restore and build Jerusalem to the coming of an anointed one, a prince, there shall be seven weeks. Then for sixty-two weeks it shall be built again with squares and moat, but in a troubled time.
John 1:11: He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him.
Matthew 21:1-11: Pilate said to them, “Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” They all said, “Let him be crucified!” 23 And he said, “Why, what evil has he done?” But they shouted all the more, “Let him be crucified!”
Below is the full text of a speech delivered by Armenian Weekly columnist Ayse Gunaysu during a panel discussion at the Grotowski
About author
Ayse Gunaysu
Institute in Wroclaw, Poland, on Nov. 10.
Ayse Gunaysu is a professional translator, human rights advocate, and feminist. She has been a member of the Committee Against Racism and Discrimination of the Human Rights Association of Turkey (Istanbul branch) since 1995, and was a columnist in a pro-Kurdish daily from 2005–07. Since 2008, she writes a bi-weekly column, titled "Letters from Istanbul,"
for the Armenian Weekly.
A scene from the panel discussion
I thank the Grotowski Institute for inviting me, and for their generous hospitality. And I thank you, dear audience, for taking the time and coming to listen to us. I feel privileged to be here with you.
I’m a Muslim Turk by birth. In other words, a descendant of the perpetrators of the Genocide of Ottoman Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks. I’m not a historian, nor a scholar, or a writer. Just a human rights activist. So I can only share with you my feelings and my views about post-genocidal Turkey.
Now, I ask you to imagine that I am a German woman, coming from Germany.
But imagine that Germany was not defeated in the World War II; that, on the contrary, it was victorious and, therefore, not caught red-handed in the crimes it committed: The world never had the chance to see the film footage of the gas chambers and the heaps of dead bodies. And imagine that Germany used all of the technology and industrial power it had to cover up and deny the Holocaust. Imagine that the Holocaust/Shoah is denied in Germany officially, publicly, socially, and culturally, in every sense.
Of course, denial is not only saying, “No, that did not happen”; imagine that the whole state apparatus and the social life are organized around this denial. Text books, the mainstream media, academia, civil society, the internet–all say the same thing, trying to justify the extermination of the Jews and others. They say it was not without reason. That it was inevitable. That it was for the survival of their nation. Moreover, that it was not they who butchered the Jews, that the Jews butchered us.
Imagine that museums, encyclopedias, and exhibitions in Germany all told these lies. And, what’s much more terrible, that almost all of the German people believed the government wholeheartedly, never doubting what they were told.
Imagine that the remaining Jews are targeted by German racists, and hate speech against Jews is a normal occurrence in Germany.
With such a Germany, and such a denial of the Holocaust, would Europe be the same? Would Poland be the same? Would there be a Grotowski Institute?
I asked you to imagine this to once again think about how the denial of a genocide can change life itself.
In such a scenario, objective reality means nothing. Just nothing. Objective reality doesn’t count at all. What determines life is the subjective reality, that is, what people sincerely believe.
This is exactly the case with Turkey in the context of the Armenians and the Armenian Genocide. This is the Turkey that I come from.
Recognition, repentance, humility, and feeling shame makes one a human. In the absence of this, a people, a country, is liable to commit new crimes, to normalize violence, to in fact make violence a way of life. This is the case with Turkey. In the absence of these emotions, there is no room for a sort of catharsis, repentance, or cleaning oneself of guilt. This has been the case with Turkey since the genocide. And successive governments have committed, and continue to commit, new crimes.
Now a few words about me. I hope my story will offer some kind of insight into the reality of Turkey. I was a Marxist-Leninist, a Communist, a secret member of the outlawed Communist Party of Turkey between 1970-85.
We were devoted anti-imperialists, particularly anti-American. For us, Turkey was under imperialist oppression and exploitation. So national independence for our country was one of our top priorities. In other words, the “evil” was outside of us. We didn’t see the evil within our country. The enemy was far away; so cursing and shouting slogans against the far-away enemy was much easier and more convenient than fighting the evil right beside us. Despite our outspoken internationalism, we were surely nationalists without being aware of it.
We were anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist, believing in class struggle, but we became anti-fascist only after the para-military, government-backed ultra-nationalist mobs started to kill us in the streets, in our homes, in factories, and at schools in the late 1970’s.
But fascism was for us an anti-communist movement. We never awoke to see that fascists were racist Turks, as well, reflecting the racist essence of the Turkish state, the extension of the genocidal Ottoman Empire.
Oh yes, we, the Turkish left, were undoubtedly, surely, and vehemently anti-racist.
But which racism? The racism in the United States and in South Africa, which were far away from us. Racism had nothing to do with our country! We were totally blind to the very racist environment we were living in. Denial of the genocide, hate speech directed against Armenians and non-Muslims in general, discrimination, portraying non-Muslims as potential traitors, these were all around us, and yet we didn’t see it! We were like fish living in a sea of racism without being aware of it.
Our blindness was so great that we didn’t even think of campaigning against the Nazi-like “oath” children were made to chant every morning at school. Generations of children started (and are starting today) classes every morning with that “oath,” chanted together as loud as they can–that we are proud of being Turks and we are ready to sacrifice our own existence for the sake of the existence of Turkishness! Every morning! Together with a handful of our non-Turkish and non-Muslim classmates: Jews, Armenians, Greeks, Kurds!
This has gone on and on for decades. None of our “international,” Marxist-Leninist selfless comrades, including myself, initiated a campaign against this Nazi-like practice at schools.
OK, we were “internationalists.” But what kind of an internationalism was it?
We would give our lives for the national liberation wars in Africa and Asia. We sang Latin American revolutionaries’ songs, memorized their slogans, shed tears for Angola. But we were unaware of what was happening under our nose. We knew nothing and said nothing about the Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians– tiny communities, the children of genocide victims doomed to live in a racist environment. And we knew nothing of the Kurds in Kurdish provinces who were subjected to different legislation, under a permanent state of emergency law.
We were masters of the history of the Soviet Communist Party, knew every detail anpit Trotsky’s fight against Stalin, the history of the Vietnamese fight against America, but we didn’t know the true history of our own country. But why?
Because of a very successful disinformation and manipulation of the Turkish republic’s founding ideology and the founding myths. The history re-written by the Kemalist leadership, in a totally misleading way. Let’s not go into details; it will take a lot of time.
What happened to Turkey after 1915? Turkey found no peace after, no real democracy, no real development. The once-developed and urban Western Armenia, with its colleges, theaters, and rich cultural life, became a barren land, a land of blood and tears. Kurdish uprisings followed one another, repressed with huge bloodshed and forced displacements.
Military interventions also followed one another. The one in 1980 was a disaster. Tens of thousands of people were jailed, unimaginable methods of torture were used, many died in prison, and 36 people were executed. Despite a formal restoration of democratic institutions, the constitution in force today is essentially the constitution adopted by the military rule.
Now a war is going on in the southeast of Turkey, in historical Western Armenia and Kurdistan. It is estimated that 50,000 people have died, most of them Kurds. Currently 10,000 Kurdish human rights activists, municipal workers, politicians, and citizens engaged in a totally peaceful struggle are in jail. And a massive hunger strike is under way.
Genocide denial is the destruction of all collective values, all ethics, sense of justice–in brief, the hearts and minds of the entire nation.
You may hear that things are changing in Turkey regarding the Armenian “issue,” as they say. Yes, but very slowly, very irregularly, and very disappointingly.
Thank you for listening to me.
Will Pope Francis Repeat Cardinal Bergoglio’s Words on the Genocide?
By Harut Sassounian Publisher, The California Courier
Shortly after Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio became Pope Francis I, Armenian and Turkish media outlets rushed to inform their audiences that the Argentinean Archbishop had acknowledged the Armenian Genocide on a number of occasions.
When Catholicos Karekin II visited Buenos Aires on April 23, 2004, Cardinal Bergoglio joined him in an ecumenical liturgy and spoke during the commemoration of the victims of the Armenian Genocide. The Cardinal stated: "We are united in grief over a genocide -- the first of the 20th century -- a genocide that powerful empires seek to silence and cover up by all means."
Last week, in his congratulatory letter to Pope Francis I, Karekin II "fondly remembered" their joint meetings and prayers in Argentina, and praised the Catholic Pontiff "as a courageous, wise, and righteous shepherd." The Catholicos recalled Cardinal Bergoglio’s "sincere affection toward the Armenian people," adding: "We gladly confirm that the historical relationship between our churches is marked by fraternal warmth. We greatly value the progress registered by our churches as a result of collaborative efforts undertaken during the pontificates of ourselves and our predecessors. This has been manifested during mutual visits and elaborated through a multitude of educational and charitable programs."
On April 22, 2006, during a program commemorating the 91st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Buenos Aires, Cardinal Bergoglio urged Turkey to unconditionally recognize the Armenian Genocide as the "gravest crime of Ottoman Turkey against the Armenian people and the entire humanity."
More recently, in 2011, after an Argentinean Federal Court found Turkey guilty of committing genocide against Armenians in response to a lawsuit filed by survivor Krikor Hairabedian, Cardinal Bergoglio issued a statement condemning "the abominable crime of genocide that the Turkish state committed against the Armenian people between 1915 and 1923."
Both Armenians and Turks are now wondering if in his new capacity Pope Francis I will repeat the words he uttered as Cardinal Bergoglio. Armenians are delighted that a close friend of their community in Argentina has been elected to lead the Catholic Church. Meanwhile, the Turkish press has expressed great concern that "the new Pope could be influenced by [Armenian] lobbying groups."
Now that he has ascended to the highest office of the Roman Church, no one really knows what position Pope Francis would take on Armenian issues. One must remember that the Pontiff has two distinct functions as head of the Catholic Church and the sovereign city-state of Vatican. In other words, he is both a spiritual leader and head of state. Hence, depending on the issue, he may not necessarily express the views he held as Cardinal Bergoglio. At times, he may assume positions on political matters that diverge from his personal views and coincide with Vatican’s more worldly interests. As head of the Vatican state, the Pope may be forced to act as any other politician, such as Pres. Obama, who said one thing before the election and changed his tune afterward. However, as the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church and a man of strong moral values, the Pope cannot simply ignore or contradict his deeply held convictions.
Realizing that all Popes are not alike, it may be useful to review recent papal pronouncements on the Armenian Genocide. Pope John Paul II, on two occasions, used the term Armenian Genocide -- on November 9, 2000 and September 27, 2001. However, unlike his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI refrained from using that term, preferring to qualify the Genocide as "martyrdom" and "unspeakable suffering."
In the case of Pope Francis I, there is no need for Armenians to insist that he use the term Armenian Genocide; as the Vatican has twice acknowledged the Armenian Genocide. Thus, no purpose is served by demanding that every new Pope reaffirm the facts of the Armenian Genocide all over again. It is important,
however, that Pope Francis I not retreat from his earlier position on the Armenian Genocide; substitutes and euphemisms would not be appropriate.
Given the Vatican’s positive record on the Armenian Genocide, it would be best to go beyond this issue and look for other areas in which the Pontiff could be supportive, such as pressing for the security of Armenians and other Christians in Syria. Efforts should also be made to strengthen the existing amicable ties between the Armenian Apostolic and Catholic churches, and friendly relations between the Vatican State and the Republic of Armenia.
Armenian Constitutional Court Rejects Hovannisian’s Election Appeals President Sarkisian Rules Out Visiting with Raffi Hovannisian in Liberty Square
President Serzh Sarkissian meets the representatives of Armenian media
YEREV AN Armenia’ s Constitutional Court on Thursday rejected opposition leader Raffi Hovannisian’s and another candidate’s demands to invalidate the official results of the February 18 presidential election that gave victory to incumbent President Serzh Sarkisian.
In a 34-page verdict read out by its chairman, Gagik Harutiunian, the court upheld the decision by Armenia’ s Central Election Commission, which said there were no legal violations during the vote.
It also rejected Hovannisian’ s separate demand to declare him the rightful winner of the vote, saying that the leader of the opposition Zharangutyun (Heritage) party failed to present any compelling evidence in support of that claim.
The Constitutional Court scrapped the official vote tally in only one of Armenia’s 1,988 electoral precincts where two local observers claimed to have witnessed large-scale ballot stuffing by government loyalists. The precinct covers part of Artashat, a town 30 kilometers south of Yerevan notorious for election-related violence and other violations. The number of voters living there is too small to have any impact on the overall election outcome.
According to the Central Election Commission (CEC), Sarkisian won reelection outright with 58.6 percent of the vote, while Hovannisian finished second with around 37 percent.
The panel of nine judges at the same recognized widespread public distrust in official vote results. In a carefully-worded sentence, it blamed this on the “merger of political, economic and administrative resources” in Armenia.
Tigran Mukuchian, the pro-government chairman of the CEC, welcomed the widely anticipated ruling. He said the court highlighted “baseless judgments and evaluations” made by the opposition candidates.
Zaruhi Postanjian, one of Hovannisian’s legal representatives, condemned the decision, accusing Armenia’s highest court of “sponsoring” Sarkisian. She also said that the Hovannisian campaign plans to organize alternative “court hearings” on the election at Liberty Square, the main venue of the opposition leader’s post-election protests.
Hovannisian, who has been on a hunger strike in the Square since Sunday, is set to continue his protest until Inauguration Day, April 9, warning that President Sarkisian will be sworn in only on his, Hovannisian’s, “dead body”.
Sarkisian Rejects Dialogue with Hovannisian
On Monday President Serzh Sarkisian held a meeting with journalists and criticized Raffi Hovannisian for disputing the legitimacy of his reelection and claiming to represent most Armenians, saying that only a tiny segment of the country’s population is participating in demonstrations organized by his main election challenger. Sarkisian also voiced skepticism over possible dialogue with Hovannisian.
“When they say that the people are out in the streets it sounds very strange to me,” he told a rare news conference organized for a limited number of broadcast media outlets. “On average, only 3,000 people participate in these rallies taking place in Liberty Square ... Even if the opinion of every person matters to us, 3,000 people account for only 0.1 percent of our citizens.”
Sarkisian claimed that Levon Ter-Petrosian, the main opposition candidate in the 2008 presidential election, rallied ten times as many people in the same venue when challenging official vote results, despite getting fewer votes than Hovannisian. The latter has therefore no right to speak on behalf of the nation, he said.
Hovannisian has repeatedly urged the incumbent to recognize “the people’s victory” in the ballot and “return power to the people” by leaving office. He went on hunger strike over a week ago to continue pressing those demands. The U.S.-born oppositionist, who remains camped out in Liberty Square, has also demanded that Sarkisian visit and talk to him.
Sarkisian ruled out the possibility of such a visit, however. “I’m asking myself: what should I talk with Raffi Hovannisian about? What should I negotiate on with a man who is bitter at the world and has been hungry for eight days?” he said.
“If I were to go [to the square] I would do that for one purpose: to once again urge and ask Raffi Hovannisian to end the hunger strike and choose other methods of struggle. I’m doing it now,” he said.
“But you know, there is aother very important circumstance: I don’t know the purpose for which Raffi Hovannisian went on hunger strike,” added Sarkisian.
Circle of Friendship with Karabakh Republic Formed in French National Assembly
PARIS -- A group of municipalities, members of the French National Assembly and Senate, who represent France’s major political forces, announced the formation of Circle of Friendship with Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR).
They made a special statement appreciating the consistent efforts of the NKR people and authorities to build free and democratic society, calling for an end to the NKR’s political isolation and expressing support to the NKR people's right of self-determination.
"Assuming as a basis the absolute significance of the liberty and democratic values stated in the General Declaration on Human Rights, supporting the right to self-determination of all the peoples including the people of Nagorno Karabakh – Artsakh, and being confident that the international isolation of the Artsakh people does not contribute to the dialogue of the peoples and steadfast peace, we – political figures, deputies, and senators of the French Republic, declare about the creation of friendship circle with Artsakh." Reads the statement.
The Circle members are Deputy Mayor of Marseille Roland Blum, Mayor of Vienne Jacques Remiller, MPs Valérie Boyer, René Rouquet, Guy Teissier, François Rochebloine, senators Sophie Zhuassen, Philippe Marini, Bernard Fournier as well as former MPs Georges Colombier and Richard Malia.
Chess: Armenia’s Aronian Leads in Candidates Tournament
LONDON -- Grandmaster Levon Aronian is a sole leader at the World Chess Candidates Tournament after three rounds of play in the competition being held in London, UK.
Armenia’s top chess player has 2 1⁄2 points, half a point clear of the next rival, after registering two wins and one
So far, Aronian has beaten Boris Gelfand (Israel) and Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine), tying the game with FIDE’s current number one Magnus Carlsen (Norway).
The tournament brings together the world’s eight strongest players seeking the right to challenge the current titleholder, Viswanathan Anand from India, later this year.
The competition scheduled to run through April 1. On Tuesday Aronian is scheduled to play second-placed Peter Svidler from Russia.
Official website:
Armenians Salute the Election of
New Pope Francis
Argentina’s Armenian community has welcomed the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as new Pope. The community members have stated that Archbishop Bergoglio has always been in friendly ties with them and participated in different events dedicated to the Armenian Genocide and served a liturgy in memory of Genocide victims during the visit of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.
Seven years ago the archbishop publicly demanded that Turkey admit the Ottoman-era Genocide of Armenians.
The Vatican used the term genocide to describe the massacres of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in an official communiqué in 2000, under Pope John Paul II.
Bergoglio was elected Pope in a surprise choice on Wednesday, taking the name Francis I and becoming the first non-European pontiff in nearly 1,300 years.
President Serzh Sarkisian and Catholicos Karekin II on Thursday congratulated the new Pope Francis I on being elected as the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, expressing hope that its links with Armenia will strengthen during his pontificate.
“We pray that the Lord will grant to Your Holiness a most fruitful pontificate blessed with many ever-lasting accomplishments for the glory of God and the splendor of the Church of Christ,” the supreme head of the Armenian Apostolic Church wrote in his letter.
Karekin II “fondly” recalled his meetings and joint prayers with Bergoglio during a 2004 visit to Argentina, saying that he got to know “a courageous, wise, and just Church Leader.” “ We are happy to avow Your sincere love and affection shown towards the Armenian people,” he said.
Karekin II also said he hopes Francis will build on “significant progress” in relations between the Armenian and Catholic Churches. “It is our prayer that our cooperative efforts will continue to grow into the future and that the relations between our two sister Churches will blossom with new achievements for the sake of meeting the challenges facing humanity,” he wrote.
In a separate message, Sarkisian expressed confidence that Pope Francis will spread his “merciful influence” all over the world. He said the Armenian government expects that its “fruitful cooperation” with the Vatican “will continue deepening and developing in the same spirit.”
Azerbaijan Repatriates Armenians
YEREVAN -- Two residents of Armenian border villages who crossed into Azerbaijan in unclear circumstances over the weekend were freed and sent back home by Azerbaijani authorities on Wednesday.
The repatriation facilitated by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) took place at the westernmost section of the heavily militarized Armenian-Azerbaijani border.
Mnatsakan Karian, an 86-year-old resident of Dovegh village in Armenia’s northern Tavush province, crossed the frontier on Saturday. Anahit Arakelian, a 48-year-old woman from a nearby village, did the same on Sunday.
The reasons for the crossings remain unclear. Military authorities in Yerevan have not yet commented on those incidents.
Both Karian and Arakelian were detained immediately after entering Azerbaijan. The ICRC said its representatives visited them “in order to assess their treatment and conditions of internment.”
“Acting as a neutral intermediary and in accordance with its mandate, the ICRC facilitated this repatriation in conjunction with the Azerbaijani and Armenian authorities,” read a statement by the Red Cross. “The internees had previously confirmed to ICRC delegates that both were returning of their own free will.”
Throughout the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, civilian residents of Armenian and Azerbaijani settlements located close to the frontier have occasionally crossed it, usually because of going astray. In one such example, an Azerbaijani villager crossed into Tavush last November and was repatriated two weeks later.
Manvel Saribekian, a 20-year-old Armenian civilian, met a more tragic fate. Saribekian was found hanged in an Azerbaijani prison cell three weeks after being detained by Azerbaijani border troops in September 2010.
The Azerbaijani government said he committed suicide, a claim strongly denied by the Armenian authorities. They said Saribekian was brutally tortured and murdered in Azerbaijani custody.
Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian:
Baku ‘Only Responsible’ for Lack of Progress in Karabakh Settlement
YEREVAN -- Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian has called Azerbaijan the only party responsible for the lack of progress in the Karabakh peace process answering criticism voiced by the neighboring state’s leader on Tuesday.
In comments made to, Armenia’s top diplomat said authorities in Baku are themselves to blame for the unchanging status quo and the international community is well aware of this.
“If Azerbaijan is, in fact, interested in a status quo change, it should have given consent to the proposals of the [OSCE Minsk Group] Co-Chairs instead of rejecting them over the last few years,” said Nalbandian.
In a speech made on the occasion of Nowruz on March 19 Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev accused Armenia of assuming a ‘non-constructive’ position in the settlement of the Karabakh conflict, insisting that Yerevan is interested in the maintenance of the status quo.
He also contended that while Azerbaijan was getting stronger from year to year, Armenia was getting weaker due to its isolation from major regional projects – a policy that he said Azerbaijan will continue to pursue in the future as well.
In this regard, the Armenian foreign minister stressed that the difference between Azerbaijan and Armenia is indeed “huge”. He said that while Azerbaijan is strengthening an authoritarian regime, Armenia is strengthening democracy.
“It is clearly seen in the assessments and rankings issued by international agencies,” he said.
“In Azerbaijan they think they can buy reputation, friends, and erect monuments, push forward questionable resolutions and present this to the Azerbaijani society as an achievement and as proof of high reputation. It is not the money and caviar that helps build international reputation. We have recently witnessed what happened to no less rich and self-confident authoritarian regimes,” concluded Nalbandian.
Erdogan’s Refusal to Learn the Lessons of Crimes Against Humanity
By Hrayr S. Karagueuzian
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, speaking at the 5th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) in Vienna on February 27, 2013 said: “The world should consider Islamophobia just like Zionism or anti-Semitism or fascism, a crime against humanity.” The PM had already expressed in the past his anger with Israeli policies in blunt terms at World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland in 2009, when he suddenly stormed off the stage at the mid of a heated discussion of Israel’s Gaza offensive and after telling President Shimon Peres: “When it comes to killing, you know well how
to kill.” The irony behind these two dark and irresponsible condemnations is that Mr. Erdogan’s own
government continues to uphold a policy in today’s Turkey that is precisely based not only on crimes against humanity but also on the legacy of the art of mass killings. Indeed, “crime against humanity” was first used in history on May 24, 1915 when the British, French and Russian Allies in a joint declaration condemned the Turkish authorities for the planning and the implementation of the wholesale massacres of Armenians in Turkey. The declaration reads in part: “In view of these new crimes of Turkey against humanity and civilization... the Allied governments announce publicly ...that they will hold personally responsible all members of the Ottoman government and those of their agents who are implicated in such massacres. The adjective “new” appended to the words “crimes of Turkey” goes beyond the present and establishes a legacy of mass murders in the past. That legacy seems to well and alive in Turkey today. The Turkish PM may well know that the International Criminal Court on March 2009 ordered the arrest of President Omar Hassan al-Bashir of Sudan, a good friend and ally of Erdogan (see attached photo), charging him with war crimes and crimes against humanity for a
concerted government campaign against civilians in the Darfur region of Sudan. More than 2.5 million people have been chased from their homes and 300,000 have died in a conflict pitting non-Arab rebel groups against the Arab-dominated Islamic government and militias of President al Bashir. It seems for the PM that when a crime against humanity is committed by a Muslim country it is not a crime, however, it becomes a crime only in the case of the non-Muslims.
As for the art of mass killings, history has consistently shown that the Ittihadist regime (the party that controlled the Turkish Empire during WWI) continued what the Ottoman Sultanate did previously and the Kemalist’s “Death Squads” thereafter which became known as “finishing the genocide.” Starting 1930s and up to now the Armenophobia, and the systematic massacres of the Kurds continued of which the Dersim tragedy is just now being articulated. The legacy of brutality with which these acts of mass killings were committed during the Kemalist phase captured the attention of the post- WWI British High Commissioner in Constantinople, who included in his London report the following:
“The Turks have an expression, “yavash–yavash,” which means to go slowly. That is how clearing Trebizond of its remaining Christian population is being managed.... Now they are going after the little boys. It used to be conscription that was invoked as an excuse to take the men. When they got down to deporting the boys from 15–18, the Turks said it was to give them preliminary training. Now—as I write— they are making a new visitation of the angel of death in Greek homes, and seizing boys from 11 to 14. The poor little kiddies are gathered together like cattle, and driven through the streets to the Government House, where they are put in filthy dungeons half underground. One could not believe this was possible.”1
More so, one can not believe the audacity of the Turkish PM to preach civility and condemnation of crimes against humanity at international forums at a time when his own government continues to enforce the infamous Article 301 that bans Turkish citizens’ to expose their Armenian ancestry. Violators of Article 301 are charged with “insulting Turkishness” and become liable for prosecution, forced exile, jail terms, and even assassination as in the case of the Turkish-Armenian editor and journalist Hrant Dink in front of his office on January 19, 2007. Turkish and international news media did not dismiss the planning of the assassination by the Turkish security forces, dubbed as the “Deep State.” The motivation in the murder of Dink was to prevent him to unravel the names of millions of Turks who have Armenian ancestry but were afraid of publicly acknowledgment. In the words of the Turkish Foreign Minister Daoud Oglo, a close protégé of the PM, “he was talking too much.”
It would be thoughtful for the Grand Vizier to give a hard look at his own governments’, past and present policies of committing and covering up crimes against humanity before preaching civility at international forums.
Turkish policies in South Caucasus concern for Moscow – report March 21, 2013 | 12:08
Complex and often-contradictory interactions among Turkey, Russia, and Iran are shaping regional dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean, Caucasus, and Central Asia, says the report issued by Center for Strategic and International Studies.
In its report Washington-based think tank focused on three pairs of bilateral relations between Russia, Iran and Turkey. The report says the current Turkish government has made improving relations with Russia a priority since it took office in 2002.
It is mentioned that Russia’s positive interests with Turkey are
principally economic. “Turkey is a major energy export market, but there have also been dramatic increases intrade,
investment, and tourism. Iran is a minor trading partner and energy competitor. Moscow’s engagement
with Tehran is driven by geopolitical goals vis-а-vis the United States and a desire to temper Iranian influence over Muslim populations in Russia and neighboring countries,” the report says.
“For now, Turkish policies in the South Caucasus are probably a bigger concern for Moscow than those of Iran. Many Russian analysts talk of a North/South axis of Russia, Armenia, and Iran that is opposed to an East-West axis of Turkey, Georgia, and Azerbaijan.”
The analysts also say that Iran’s foreign policy reveals focus on advancing national goals.
“Time after time, as well, Iran’s foreign policy reveals a clear-eyed focus on advancing national goals over pan-Islamic ones, for example through sustaining closer ties with non-Muslim nations such as Armenia than with Muslim nations such as Azerbaijan or Saudi Arabia.”
Hrayr S. Karagueuzian & Yair Auron; A Perfect Injustice: Genocide & Theft of the Armenian Wealth. Transaction Publishers, Rutgers University, NJ 2009
Mark Geragos and Pat Harris: Mistrial
We the people, immersed in “Boston Legal,” “Law and Order,” and “The Good Wife,” believe we know what goes on in a court of law. Media attention to high-profile cases like the Casey Anthony verdict and our unprecedented access to real-life in-court drama, via the televised O.J. Simpson trial, and others, have lulled us into thinking we understand the American judicial system. We are so wrong.
Now, in MISTRIAL: An Inside Look at How the Criminal Justice System Works ... and Sometimes Doesn’t (Gotham Books; April 2013; $27.00) Mark Geragos, JD, and Pat Harris, JD, upend the scales and reveal why “justice” often literally is blind in this land of stealth jurors manipulating their way onto cases so they can convict a defendant, cops who feel compelled to lie on the witness stand, detectives who sell confidential police information, defense attorneys too scared to go to trial, and clients eager to bribe judges.
Mark Geragos and Pat Harris, two of America’s leading criminal defense attorneys, take readers inside some of the most compelling and sensational trials of the past 20 years. They have worked on cases that involved celebrities (Michael Jackson, Chris Brown, Winona Ryder,
Mike Tyson) and on cases that have made ordinary people into celebrities (Susan McDougal, Scott Peterson, Gary Conduit).
Going behind the legal scenes, Geragos and Harris assess the dramatic changes that have occurred in our judicial system, making it heavily weighted toward the prosecution. They examine how politics shifted the balance, the strategies that fed misconceptions that courts were soft on crime, why the O.J. Simpson trial spiraled out of control and the powerful impact it had on future jurors countrywide, and the deep influence of media coverage. Zeroing in on the wide margins of error, Geragos and Harris scrutinize defense attorneys, prosecutors, judges, jurors, clients, cops, and the media, and the roles they play in changing your perception of the truth.
Far from preserving the credo of “innocent until proven guilty,” more jurors than ever are entering the court convinced that our system could not get it wrong. The falsely accused are confessing to crimes they did not commit, and only a portion of the wrongly convicted defendants are being proven innocent and released, following re-evaluation of evidence.
MISTRIAL will change forever your outlook as a juror, and make you think twice about your rights as a defendant. You will question why the public is so willing to overlook a D.A. who jails an innocent person.
A manifesto on the ills of the criminal justice system, and outlining steps that can be taken to bring balance back, MISTRIAL is a fascinating and timely read for legal eagles and armchair arbiters, alike.
Book and Film Review:
My Mother’s Voice - A Genocide Survival Story
GLENDALE, CA -- My Mother’s Voice, an updated book (2013 Edition) and new documentary, tell the moving story of Flora Munushian’s teenage years, and are written and produced by her daughter Kay Mouradian. From 1914-1919, Flora traveled from Hadjin, Turkey to Aleppo, Syria then ultimately to the United States, a survivor of the Armenian Genocide.
“I am my mother’s voice,” Kay Mouradian declares in the new edition of her book and her moving documentary. “She told me in no uncertain terms that I was going to write a book about her.” This hadn’t been Mouradian’s goal or even a thought until her mother’s last years. Luckily, she did take up the
challenge, presenting the story of her mother’s harrowing teenage years from 1915-1919. Flora Munushian was a 14-year-old Armenian girl attending an American school in Hadjin, Turkey when a deportation order forced her community on a death march to Der Zor. Her father managed to stow his daughters in Aleppo, where she and her sister hid for the duration of WWI. Flora never saw her parents or her brothers again. At the age of 18, she sailed to the U.S. to marry an
Armenian man she’d never met. Mouradian’s narrative is well-paced and action-packed, with the right amount of carefully
researched details. Told from her mother’s point of view, the story highlights Flora’s drive to get an education, her youthful idealism and her inner strength. The book is a great read for both young readers and adults, with a positive message and story arc.
The film based on the book takes a more historical look at the genocide’s impact on Flora and her family. Among its visuals: a copy and translation of the deportation order posted in Hadjin; a photograph of Rev. Hovhanness Eskijian, who rescued Flora, her sister and hundreds of Armenian orphans in Aleppo; and a photograph of Flora’s family – most of whom perished during the march or in Der Zor.
A neighbor introduced Mouradian to award-winning filmmaker Mark Friedman, who worked diligently with her to produce the documentary. “He was so far-sighted, and very resourceful,” Mouradian said. Together they searched out original film footage and were able to use portions of the 1919 silent film Ravished Armenia that appears on Zareh Tjeknavorian’s DVD Credo.
Tjeknavorian wrote to Mouradian, “Congratulations to you and Mark for so beautifully and affectingly bringing the message of your mother’s life to the world. Her voice speaks so eloquently through your own. This film, and the vast history it artfully distills into such a poignant and positive personal story is as much a testimony to the resiliency of family and culture across generations as it is to the evil that sought to destroy them. I am sure it will go a long way to honoring the memory of Flora and the millions she speaks for.”
Mouradian’s South Pasadena community links not only got her introduced to a top-notch film collaborator, they have also supported and recognized her educational and civic endeavors. While serving as LA Community College Professor of Health and Physical Education, she published guidebooks and studies on yoga. She was honored for her professional and literary achievements by Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who named her 2012 Woman of the Year for South Pasadena.
The South Pasadena audience at a preview of the documentary last September was strongly affected by the film. “The film is tastefully, artfully done, the music is beautiful, and your narration hit all the right notes,” one viewer wrote later. “It’s a shock (and a shame) that this subject is not taught in high school history classes. I sure didn’t know much about it until I moved to Glendale and started talking with Armenian friends.”
My Mother’s Voice premiered at Toronto’s Pomegranate Film Festival in October 2012, and was also featured at Los Angeles’ ARPA Film Festival in December 2012.
Armenian National Congress submits party list for Yerevan council elections
March 21, 2013 | 16:46 YEREVAN.- Armenian National Congress on Thursday submitted to the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) its proportional list for the capital city Yerevan Council election, CEC Press Secretary Hermine Harutyunyan told Armenian The 42-member list is headed by former Yerevan Mayor Vahagn Khachatryan followed by Zoya Tadevosyan and Arman Musinyan. To note, the Yerevan Council election is slated for May 5, and the participating political forces will vie for 65 Council seats. The parties may submit their lists
between March 11 and Thursday, and these lists will be registered from Thursday to March 31. The election campaign will kick off on April 7 and come to an end on May 3. May 4 is a no-campaign day. The Yerevan Council election will be held with proportional lists only.
News from Armenia -
European championship: Armenia’s wrestler performs unsuccessfully
Andranik Galstyan, who represents Armenia, was unable to pass the round of 8 at the European Freestyle Wrestling Championship, which is held in the Georgian capital city Tbilisi. In his first match, Galstyan (120 kg) was defeated by Nick Matuhin of Germany on points. Separately, Grigor Grigoryan (74 kg) of Armenia will start his campaign Thursday at the round of 8. Sport
EU made progress in negotiations with Armenia - Stefan Fule
March 21, 2013 | 12:37
EU made progress in negotiations with Moldova, Georgia and Armenia on association agreements, including Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas, EU commissioner Stefan Fule said on Wednesday. “I am proud to note that in a recent Eurobarometer survey, people from our Neighbourhood, both in the East and South, noted that ‘human rights’ and ‘solidarity’ are the characteristics which best represent the EU. I feel that this is also the result of our continuing engagement,” Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy said during the presentation of the European Neighborhood Policy package.
“We want to ensure that the reform objectives agreed with partner countries are a true reflection of their societies’ concerns and aspirations and this is where the engagement of the
European Parliament with parliaments of our partners is crucial.” Stefan Fule is hopeful that the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius this November will be a milestone in bringing Eastern European partners closer to political association and economic integration.
Azerbaijan hands over 2 civilians to Armenia
March 20, 2013 | 15:24 Azerbaijan handed over to Armenia two civilians who had illegally crossed the Armenian-
Azerbaijani border. The ceremony took place at about 3pm on Wednesday on the border near Kaynavan settlement or
Armenia’s Tavush Region under the mediation of the Yerevan and Baku representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
Mnatsakan Karyan—a resident of Dovegh village of Armenia’s Tavush Region, and who is born in 1926—crossed the border on March 16, whereas Anahit Arakelyan—a resident of Aygehovit village of Tavush Region, and who is born in 1965—crossed the border on March 17.
Ergenekon Prosecutor: Patriarch Mesrob Mutafyan Was Targeted for Assassination
Hedq 12:36, March 21, 2013
Istanbul Armenian Apostolic Church Patriarch Mesrob Mutafyan was just one of several prominent figures in Turkey targeted for assassination by the group Ergenekon in an attempt to destabilize the country according a lead prosecutor in the case.
As reported in yesterday’s Today’s Zaman, prosecutor Ali Pekgüzel presented his final opinion to an Istanbul Court, arguing that the terrorist group had sought to create disorder in Turkey through seventeen subversive plans and thus lead to a coup d’etat.
One of the plans, according to the prosecutor, was to murder prominent figures in the country and lay the blame on the ruling Justice and development Party (AKP).
In addition to Archbishop Mesrob Mutafyan, others marked for assassination were the former chief prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Appeals, Abdurrahman Yalçınkaya; former Chief of General Staff retired Gen. Yaşar Büyükanıt; world-renowned writer Orhan Pamuk; Diyarbakır Mayor Osman Baydemir; Kurdish lawmakers Sebahat Tuncel and Ahmet Türk; Federation of Alevi-Bektaşi Associations (ABF) head Ali Balkız.
Prosecutor Mehmet Ali Pekgüzel is seeking life imprisonment for 64 defendants and up to 15 years for 96 others.
The defendants include Turkish officials, retired military officers, journalists and scholars.
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