In commemoration of 24th April 1915 The Genocide of the Armenians by the Young Turkes
Barret Ouzounian
Tel.357 22445577
P.O.Box 24787 Nicosia 1303
Barret Ouzounian
Tel.357 22445577
P.O.Box 24787 Nicosia 1303
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Rant Number 450 26 July 2011
The Viking is a Christian. Yes, Anders Breivik, the Norwegian mass slayer. Let us not pretend. He chose baptism in his teens. Never mind he belongs to a sub-Christian sect, the ultra-liberal Lutheran Church of Norway. A Christian is what he proclaims to be. Not the kind of Christian Abraham would welcome into his bosom, no. Still, he chose the Cross as symbol. Moral revulsion at the fellow’s massacre is not enough. The dark side of God confronts us. Destruction also is part of the Divine. Never mind how culturally unpalatable - it is the truth.
Consider Hinduism. Its highest holy triad is that of Brahman the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and Shiva the Destroyer. Shiva is the dancing god. He is Nataraja, the Lord of the Dance. One of his symbols is a skull. With the ending of the last, dark age of the cosmos, the Kali-Yuga, Shiva presides over the destruction of the whole universe – mankind included.
Judaism looks simpler. There is only One, Creator God – what a relief! But wait, the Creator is also the Destroyer. In Genesis, chapter 6, men have grown so wicked that God decrees: ‘I will destroy man, whom I have created’. And he does. With the Flood almost the whole of humanity is drowned. Upsetting but...God did it once. He could do it again. Dura lex sed lex.
The New Testament enthrones love as the supreme principle. Yet, the Book of Revelation pulls no punches. War breaks out in Heaven. Michael and his angels fight with the dragon and prevail. Oceans of blood engulf the world. And so on.
Islam has 99 names of God. Amongst them are: al-Mumit, the Destroyer or the death bringer; al-Muntaqim, the Avenger; al-Daar, the Harmer. Add the key eschatological concept of al-Mahdi. Yes, he comes to bring justice and relieve oppression. But Muslims don’t claim al-Mahdi’s battles will be pacific. The Mahdi is no Quaker. He will destroy, as well as build.
Don’t get me wrong. Viking Breivik is not God’s agent. Nor is he quite mad. Yes, he behaved like a berserker. The ancient Nordic warriors who fought with savage frenzy. But his frenzy was planned, controlled. A cold and methodical slaughter. He acted like a Viking. The race of wild, barbarous marauders who raided Britain for centuries. They plundered, raped and slaughtered. Oh, the patron saint of Norway is St Olaf. (Known in England as St Olave.) Feast day this Friday, July 29. Spread Christianity through his kingdom but a Viking is still a Viking. He used force to convert and his rule was hard and cruel – like a Viking.
It took me hours to plough through the Viking’s manifesto online. Written in good English but prolix. Prima facie, an intelligent mind is at work. Breivik’s arguments are obsessive but not irrational. Not even wholly wrong. Even liberal luminaries like Tony Blair and Sir Trevor Phillips have criticised multiculturalism, the Viking’s bête (tres, tres) noire. And it is not racists alone who worry about immigration. Lunacy obtrudes, however, when he boasts of ‘Knights Templars’, the Justiciars, issuing death sentences for treason and all that droll nonsense. Look at the photograph showing him in Freemason’s regalia. Huh! Why does he not roll up his trouser leg? What a joke! This is someone who has played computer games a bit too long. An adolescent mind, shut in its own fantasy world. Mind you, there must be millions like him. They do not, however, coldly execute 76 people.
There is the rub. ‘Thou shalt do no murder’. The Fifth Commandment. Thus God spoke to Moses from Sinai. The Messiah reaffirmed that eternal law. And he allowed himself to be martyred, rather than to kill. It a kernel of Christian ethics. The direct, deliberate killing of the innocent is murder. Hateful to Christ and contrary to his will. The Viking, despite the lucidity of his manifesto, has not grasped that timeless truth. He has broken the most basic moral law. Wicked and corrupt man, thou hast sinned!
Extraordinary how in his detestation of Islam the Viking has actually copied those violent Islamists who have massacred the innocent. Maybe there is truth in the saying that fanatical haters often end up resembling those whom they hate...
The Viking calls himself a Christian. All ‘cultural Christians’ are welcome into his Knights Templars, he writes. Funny, though, it turns out even an atheist can be a Christian and a Knight, according to him! But the Knights Templars were ardent believers in God and Christ. Their military and religious Order was founded to protect pilgrims in the Holy Land. The idea that someone could arrogate to himself the title of Knight and be an atheist would have been anathema to them. Truth is, the Viking raves.
Breivik’s moral enormity, his way of drawing attention to his cause, reminds me of Yukio Mishima. The famous Japanese writer who committed suicide in 1970. Mishima wanted to restore to the Emperor his powers. Bring Japan back to his military glories. He harangued army cadets, expecting acclaim. Instead, they mocked and jeered him. Mishima’s gory self-destruction, by disembowelling and beheading, was meant to elevate him to national martyrdom. But the Japanese people shunned his call. Mishima’s sacrifice was in vain.
The Viking, unlike Mishima, sacrificed the innocent. And he is no novelist. Just a mediocre pamphlet scribbler. What reactions his action will engender? Norwegians now abhor him but there must be some who agree with his ideas, if not his methods. Certainly, the Far Right is being targeted right now. Loathsome left-wing rags like the Guardian and the Independent are having a field day, spotting fascists under the bed everywhere. In doing so, they will also hugely glamorise the Viking’s views. Tricky.
I have just been interviewed on Iran State TV. Could not resist a speculation there is more to the Viking than it meets the eye. Secret services perhaps? But my lips are sealed.
God of Destruction. The dark side of the Divine. ‘You make light and create darkness’ says the Prophet Isaiah. But what is lawful to God is not lawful to man. If God decided to make an end of mankind he could do it any time. Indeed, the Revelation of St John, in its coded, enigmatic way, spells out the world’s destiny. But the final, apocalyptic battle is God’s, not man’s. Certainly not the task of a dull, petty bourgeois, Freemason assassin. No superman he. Just less than a man.
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Rant Number 449 22 July 2011
Here we are again. Biogenetics allows man to play God. Or rather, beast. Because now scientists are injecting human cells into animals. Just heard it on the morning Beeb. It is already happening. Human-animal boundaries have already been crossed. A boffin called upon to pontificate was honest. How human will the animals in question be? No one knows, he stated.
Mice have been given human livers. Soon brains. A human-like face soon? Too tiny to worry you. A harmless freak. But a monkey looking like, say, President Sarkozy? Man, that would not make you feel too good. Nor would the monkey be all that happy, either, I dare to surmise.
Still, they say it is all to benefit humanity. Necessary to find remedies for human diseases. Supposedly, interspecies embryos or cytoplasmic hybrids are destroyed after two weeks, their usefulness over. But what if a scientist decided to continue the experiment just a little longer, eh? Man is a curious animal. How far can you go in creating a chimera? Irresistible.
But moralising is beside the point. The truth is that we live in a capitalist society. The free market. Money rules. That’s key. Enough with tired, hypocritical bioethical pretences. Well-meaning masks must be stripped off. It boils down to this: some may want to own a freak. Play with him. Sleep with her. Above all, States have a stake. Freaks can be bred for useful purposes...
Jack Vance sci-fi novel, The Dragon Masters, affords a plausible glimpse into the looming freak world. A planet has human beings at constant war with dragon-like marauders from outer space. During previous raids the dragons have captured human beings, genetic altered them and bred cross-species creatures, suitable for combat. So their armies are composed of elephant-like warriors, lizard-like commandoes and the like. But men have hit back. They too have made good use of dragon prisoners. Mixed their DNA with lions and panthers to create formidable soldiers to rip up the dragons – you get the picture.
Shift this scenario to Afghanistan. I doubt the Taleban have the biotechnology to take a leaf out of the dragons’ book but the Yanks certainly do. Huh! Freak armies could teach the Taleban a lesson. Need I say anymore?
I hear your objection. The Yanks already have all the right technology. A drone needs no pilot. Robots can do whatever dirty work is necessary. The freaks from The Dragon Masters are only a literary conceit. They would be cumbrous, redundant. It just shows you sci-fi limitations, perhaps.
The priest doesn’t give up so easily. If war won’t do, sex will. I shall therefore invoke The Space Legion, by Jack Williamson. Here the legionaries – barely disguised US marines of the mind - strive to save the human race from the monstrous Medusae and their dastardly ally, renegade Stephen Orrco. A minor character intrudes into the plot. An android called Luroa. Made by the rogue scientist Eldo Arrynu out of protoplasm, Luroa is stunningly beautiful. Irresistibly attractive. A combination of Wendi Murdoch and Michelle Obama, let us say. (That gives my tastes away...) A walking Aphrodite. A look at her and a man is besotted. So Arrynu sells Luroa to wealthy men. But there is a catch. Luroa is criminal. After sex, she is programmed to lure the lecherous capitalists to their death and then goes back to her creator. Then the game starts again.
I submit here is a game a machine cannot play. Call me naive, never mind how sophisticated the building materials, I can’t imagine anyone wanting to sleep with a piece of plastic or metal. To lure, the freak must be of flesh. Like Luroa. Hmmm...maybe mixing human genes with a cat? Hair fetishism turns some people on. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the Pre-Raphaelite painter, was like that. Fine, cat-like hair might do the trick for some. (Count me out, please!). Or, for those really inclined to rough trade, a lynx? Or a baboon? The mind boggles.
If war and sex sound a bit too crude, what about pets? Or toys? All children crave the latter. A teddy bear with bear DNA?Ahem...not a good idea. This too is probably outdated, anyway. Kids today play with infernal computer gadgets. Are dolls still popular? An interactive doll – there again, there might be problems. No, this is a dead-end. To dangerous or too silly. Or both.
Beings made from human-animal embryos would be monsters. Disgusting and depressing and dangerous. But, to be fair, not as much as the humanoid freaks already in existence. Creatures like Andrew Marr, Nick Robinson, Lord Bragg, this BBC-spawned brood infesting the News and the airwaves daily are the real, loathsome freaks in our midst today. Nothing to do with physical appearance. They look just average. But they nauseate because of their truly sub-human one-dimensionality. The emptiness of their verbal droppings. Their monotonous, one-sided and impoverished language proves their have forsaken, to put it with Dante, il ben dell’intelletto, their rationality, what makes human beings human. The freaks are among us.
What is to be done? Sit back, wail, lament and do nothing? Not good enough. There is a third way, between the freaks already here and the freaks to come. Amazingly, The Dragon Mastershints at it. You see, between men and dragons there is a third group of people, striving to resist evil and to build up a better world. They are the Sacerdotes.
Sacerdotes is a word whose root meaning is sacer, sacred. In traditional societies they were the priests. Sacerdotes stood for the spiritual, transcendental dimension of existence. They put human beings in touch with the Divine. They orientate men towards their true, supernatural centre.
In The Dragon Masters the Sacerdotes are quiet, pacifistic contemplatives. They have ostensibly withdrawn from the world of sin and strife. In reality, they are contemplatives in action, like the Jesuits of old. In secret, they are building a wonder weapon that will win the cosmic battle...
Only the Sacerdotes can fight and beat the freaks and freak-masters of today. Whether there are any such people left in the ruins of our post-Christian world is another matter. Only God knows.
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AArmenian Church of the United Kingdom and Ireland
VV. Revd Dr. Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate
118th July 2011, Issue 28, Vol 2
25 Cheniston Gardens Kensington London W8 6TG Tel: 020 8127 8364 Fax: 0872 111 5548
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The Continuing Education Ministry of the Primate’s Office of the Armenian Church of the UK and
Ireland is happy to announce the offering of a four- session summer course titled ―Exploring the Hymns and Prayers of Our Badarak.‖ The course will be offered by the Very Revd Dr. Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate, at the Nevart Gulbenkian Hall on the following Fridays: the 19th & 26th of August and the 2nd and 9th of September. Each session, beginning at 6:00pm, will last for two hours with a 10-minute break in the middle of the session. The course will offer an English translation of the Classical Armenian text of the specific hymns and prayers of that session, elaboration on the various biblical themes our Church Fathers have incorporated in these hymns and prayers, and an explanation of how these hymns and prayers help build up and develop the overall theology of the Badarak. In addition to the PowerPoint presentation, registered participants will receive a copy of handouts which include a summary of the information discussed during each session. No knowledge of Armenian is required or necessary to participate in the course. However, this course will be a good opportunity for those who attended Fr. Garegin’s introductory lectures in Classical Armenian, to review their knowledge. All are welcome. Admission is free. For further information or to sign up for the course please contact the Primate’s Office by phone: 020 8127 8364, or via e-mail:
The Continuing Education Ministry (CEM) of the Armenian Church of the UK is happy to announce the offering of the lecture ―When He Came to Hi Senses: Food and the Prodigal Son‖ by Dr. George Piligian. The lecture will be offered in lieu of the Bible Study session on Wednesday, 20th July, 2011 at 7:00pm. In the gospel of Luke (15:11-32), Jesus is telling the story of a man who had two sons. The younger son demanded his share of the estate and set off on his own to a far off land—the
ultimate insult to his father. After a severe famine in that land, the starving son changes his mind (Luke15:17): 'How many of my father's hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!" In our first encounter with this parable, we examined the intelligent design of DNA and the physical and spiritual senses afforded to human beings that compel us to consider meaning in life. In this latest encounter, we will explore the way in which food physically satisfies the nutritional and energy needs of the body and how remarkably this holds true for the spiritual dimension as well. Jesus gave us many metaphors for food, so come prepared with a few of them and we will enjoy a very satisfying meal together—in mind and spirit, that is. (And of course, what gathering of Armenians would be complete without food?)
Last weekend, 9-10th July, 2011, was the graduation weekend for the two Armenian Schools in London. On Saturday, 9th July, the Armenian Saturday School commenced its graduation ceremony at 6:00pm. The Tahta Sunday School had its graduation ceremony on Sunday at 1:00. Both graduation ceremonies took place at the Twyford school (Acton W3 9PP) and were presided over by the Very Revd Dr. Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate. The two schools had prepared an impressive programme of recitations, poetry, songs and dances, performed by the students. The theme for the Saturday School was Cities in Historic Western Armenia, while the Sunday School theme was King Dikran the Great. The Primate presided over the graduation commencements and assisted the principals, Mrs. Romelia Ghazarian of the Saturday School and Mrs. Rousanna Tatoulian, of the Tahta Sunday School, in the distribution of the diplomas and the awards to the graduating students. Fr. Vahan congratulated the graduating students, their parents, teachers, principals and the members of the faculties and the Boards of Directors. He thanked the parents for their commitments to raise their children in the beautiful traditions and culture of our people and invited the graduating students to be actively involved in the various Armenian programmes and activities available to them in the UK, including the ACYF. Congratulations to all!
Sunday School – Dikran the Gread
Sunday School Group Photo
Sunday School
Saturday School
Click Here
for more photos of the Saturday & Sunday Schools’ Graduation ceremonies
Join the Primate of the Armenian Church of UK and Ireland and a group of deacons, altar servers and members of the choirs from the Armenian parishes in London and Manchester as they visit the Armenian community in Birmingham to celebrate a traditional Badarak. The Badarak celebration and the fellowship to follow are scheduled on the 23rd of July in Walsall, Birmingham. The Badarak will commence at 12:00 noon and will be celebrated at the Green Lane Baptist Church in Burrowes Street, Walsall, West Midlands WS2 8NX. A fellowship gathering will follow the celebration of Badarak in the church hall, courtesy of the Armenian community in Birmingham. All are invited. If you live in or near Birmingham, please make every effort to join us all on Saturday, the 23rd of July for an inspiring day of Armenian Badarak and prayer, fellowship, faith, friendship and fun. If you know of someone who lives in the area, please forward the e-mail and contact info to the Primate Office:
CLICK HERE for map and directions
The Primate’s Office is happy to announce that it has already coordinated with the office of the Mayor of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea to reserve Sunday, 15th July, 2012 as the date of the second Armenian Festival in
UK. Please mark your calendar and join us. The Primate’s Office invites all Armenian organizations in the UK to be part of an annual celebration of Armenian identity, culture, history and traditions in the UK. The Primate and the volunteer staff members of the Primate’s Office are grateful to the over-2000 Armenians and their friends who, despite the rain, came and supported the first Armenian Street Festival in the UK. Special thanks to the sponsors, donors and volunteers of the Festival, without whose financial support and volunteer time and efforts the Festival could not have been as successful as it was. Thank you all! The Primate’s Office has also released the following financial statement of the first Armenian Street Festival:
FIRST ARMENIAN STREET FESTIVAL Primate’s Office – Sunday, 12th July 2011:
I Income Sale of food, drinks and
items at the Primate’s Office stall Stall rental (including partial
payments by certain Armenian organisations) Sponsorships and donations
II. Expenditure Food, drinks, books, souvenirs, application
fees and long term investments by purchasing furniture and tools, e.g. canopies, tables ... etc.
£ 6,219.10
£ 430.00 £ 7,326.00 £13,975.10
Total: £ 7,839.95
Total income after expenses:
£ 6,135.15
JOIN THE UK AND IRELAND CHAPTER OF EUROPEAN WOMEN OF FAITH Religions for Peace is the largest international coalition of representatives from the world’s great religions dedicated to promoting peace. Respecting religious differences while celebrating humanity, ―Religions for Peace” is active on every continent including some of the most troubled areas of the world, creating multi-religious partnerships. Closely working with the United Nations and other NGOs, Religions for Peace strives to establish roots in the local communities around the world. One way of doing so is establishing a ―Women of Faith‖ network with chapters around the world including the UK and Ireland. The Primate has been approached to invite Armenian Church women to participate in the UK and Ireland committee meetings of the Women of Faith. The Primate’s Office, consequently, cordially invites Armenian women of any age who are willing to be part of the ―Armenian Church Women’s Guild,‖ to contact he Primate directly at, or telephone: 0208 127 8364. A committee will be formed of those interested, which will meet regularly with the Primate and elect its representative to participate in the Women of Faith UK council of the Religions for Peace.
(According to the Armenian Church Lectionary)
Sunday 17/7
Isaiah 2:5-11 Romans 8:31-10:4 Matthew 13:24-30
Monday 18/7
Proverbs 1:1-9 Isaiah 41:1-3 Hebrews 12:1-7 Mark 13:9-13
Tuesday 19/7
Zechariah 3:7-4:9. 1 Corinthians 12:28-13.3 Matthew 23:34-39
Wednesday 20/7
Fasting day
Romans 10:5-17 Matthew 13:31-42
Thursday 21/7
2 Kings 13:14-21 1 Corinthians 2:6-10 Luke 4:25-30
Friday 22/7
Fasting day
Romans 11:1-12 Matthew 13:43-52
Saturday 23/7
Wisdom 9:9-10:2 Exodus 15:23-27 1 Thessalonians 2:9-16 Matthew 9:36-10:7
ASAZOUA?Q! «Baroujiune l;xou men h4 orow krnanq .7sil famr;rou f;t ;u ls;li da5nal .oul;lou f;t0!
The Deacons’ Training Programme (Continuing Education Ministry) of the Armenian Church of UK and Ireland will resume its sessions on Monday evening, 25th July. By request of the participants the sessions have been extended to two-hours each, starting at 6:00pm. Participants will receive a copy of the ―Deacons’ Training Manual‖ and go over the various parts of the functions of the deacons’ in the Armenian Church liturgy. This is the perfect opportunity for those interested in the Armenian Church liturgy to join the programme. If you, or someone you know, is interested to learn and participate in the beautiful and inspiring liturgy of our ancestors please write to the Primate’s Office at:, or join us next Monday.
Bible Study Sessions this Week As part of the Continuing Education Ministry of the Primate’s Office of the Armenian Church of the UK and Ireland, we are happy to inform our readers that the Bible Study groups in Armenian and English will continue meeting during the summer. However, please note, that there will be no Bible Study session in Armenian this Tuesday. The English study group will meet on Wednesday, to focus on the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Luke 15:11-32. Guest Lecturer: George Piligian, M.D. If you have not been to any of our discussion sessions, please make an effort to join us whenever you can. We know you will enjoy them!
The Primate’s Office
The Very Revd Dr. Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate, can be reached at the
Primate’s Office (25 Cheniston Gardens, Kensington, London W8 6TG) by phone: 020 8127 8364, or via e-mail: Appointments can be made by contacting the Primate’s Office. Please note that messages left on the office at St. Sarkis Church (Vicarage) are not accessed by the Primate or his staff. Also, due to the unavailability of any funding or budget for the Primate’s Office, the office is managed by part-time volunteers, who try their best to process messages left on the answering service, as soon as it is humanly possible.
Online Outreach: You can read all about news and past and forthcoming events in the Armenian Church in UK and Ireland by visiting the official website of the Armenian Church in UK and Ireland:
If you are not on our mailing list and do not receive our popular weekly E-Newsletter, or someone you know does not, kindly forward yours or the person’s e-mail to:
Do you Tweet? Follow our Armenian Church Youth Fellowship.
The Primate’s Office: 25 Cheniston Gardens, Kensington, London W8 6TG, UK Website: • E-mail: Phone: 020 8127 8364 • Fax: 087 2111 5548
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Dear subscribers, Although we are on holiday, there are a number important community events that we wanted to share with you. So here is a special issue. We are also working on raising funds for our activities for 2011-2012, and we are counting on your support. Gibrahayer e-magazine |
Dear readers and subscribers, After 12 years, 700 issues, 1,570 Alerts, 2,000 Facebook posts to a growing social network of 5,500 friends, over quarter of a million visitors as well as 20,000 steady weekly subscribers later, we feel we have completed an unparallel cycle, not only for Cyprus but for any online media publication. We feel that our online community needs to move to the next level of information sharing, but most of all into channelling our resources into combating disinformation by the enemies of our people, who have been engineering to consolidate the spoils of their loot. If you feel we can make a difference, we urge you to empower our effort financially, and provide us with the means to put our knowledge into action, by taking this platform to a level that will bring tangible results in promoting Armenian-related issues not only to our communities, but further beyond. We are counting on your undivided and whole-hearted support. A representative of our publication will be contacting you shortly. In the meantime if you are ready to make your contribution, don't wait for us to contact you. Please reply to this e-mail and let us know with the amount by which you want to assist our publication. Thanking you in advance for your assistance. Gibrahayer e-magazine - 13 July 2011 You can also remit your donation into the Bank account below: |
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Barev cez paron Simon diteci YERKIR MEDIAi patrastac haxordumy Giprosi hay hamynqi masin. Hiacac em vor aydpisi erandov u nvirumov hamaynqy pahum e hajkakanutyuny, krtum pokriknerin, xnamum cererin, i mi berum hamaynki patmutyuny,vorpeszi heto vorpes harust jarangutyun poxanci serundnerin. Shnorhavorum em ajs haxordashari aritov Giprosi mer hajrenakicnerin. Hargankneron HAJASTANI HANRAYIN RADIO - Hamaspiur Grigorian. |
Hello It's writing you from Armenia, Yerevan. My name is Lilit Tshughuryan. I am writing this letter after watching the program about Cyprus Armenians on Yerkir Media TV Channel. It was very interesting. I am very happy to see the existance of Nareg School, Armenian Cultural Center, and of course the interest of Cypriot people and also the interest of the new generation towards Armenian language. I sincerely wish you all the best. Waiting for new programs on TV about Cyprus and Armenians. All the best. Lilit Tshughuryan Founder and Director Akademix Team Consulting & Training Company |
The Office of the Armenian Representative Vartkes Mahdessian informs us that the part-time Armenian language courses, which began last year at the University of Cyprus were completed with great success. Beginner and advanced level classes for the new academic year will re-commence in September 2011. For enrollment and more information kindly contact the Office of the Armenian Representative on 22-454540 until 14th September 2011. |
GES HAY (IN L.A.) is now available on DVD. For EUR 20 plus shipping (for abroad) you can own the DVD which contains one disc for the play and another with pictures from the practice a day before the actual play. As you can see from the above CD image, the DVD is as unique as the play. A perfect gift to your loved ones! |
Direct to Yerevan |
Teacher wanted in Nareg |
New development project overlooking Larnaca Salt Lake, by three young Armenian professionals of our community. Click here |
Ani Restaurant - Amathountos 96A, Ay.Tykhonas-(opposite Amathus Beach Hotel) |
KOHAR Performs Live with the Stars of Armenia in Yerevan on May 28 2011 |
Kohar Blog here: |
KOHAR Performs Live here: |
Babenagan Kilikia click here |
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