Watch Erdogan's outburst against Israeli President
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Labels: 31st January 2009
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Labels: 29th January 2009
Rant Number 337 29 January 2009
The Valkyries were Odin’s daughters. Twelve awesome females who hovered over battlefields and carried fallen warriors to Valhalla. The brave Germans who tried to kill Hitler in 1944 chose ‘Valkyrie’ as a code name for their plot. Hoping, no doubt, the awesome maidens would speed the raving Fuhrer on his way to hell. His demons protected the tyrant, alas. Instead, it was for the doomed conspirators that the Valkyries metaphorically came.
The hero of Bryan Singer’s movie, Valkyrie, is Count Claus Schenk Von Stauffenberg. The officer who carried the bomb aimed at the tyrant. OK, on first hearing Tom Cruise was going to play him, I groaned. ‘A second death.’ (That Cruise is a Scientologist, a thing that worried Germans, is irrelevant.) I was wrong. The star is surprisingly good. In battle the real Stauffenberg had lost one eye, his right hand, half his left hand and part of his leg. Not a glamorous man to play. Yet Cruise does it. I used to think him insipid but here he is engrossing. A taut, steely and charismatic performance. Three cheers for Tom!
The characters of Valkyrie do not dwell the morality of tyrannicide. It is taken for granted. Quite right. Anyone who was not convinced that the Fuhrer was a manic dictator who had invaded other countries, killed millions and was bent on destroying his own people, and hence deserved death, would be morally warped. Nonetheless, anti-Nazi officers had to wrestle with the dilemmas posed by their having sworn an oath of allegiance to Hitler. All the more to their honour that their conscience saw through that. But Bryan Singer has eschewed verbose debate. Instead he has concentrated on the visual dramatics, as well as terse dialogue. The result is gripping. I enjoyed it.
Valkyrie has annoyed Germanophobes. ‘The 1944 plotters did not try to kill Hitler to save the Jews’, smug historian Andrew Roberts blabbed on TV. True. But neither did Britain or America go to war to save the Jews from extermination, so put that in your pipe and smoke it, Andy!
Further, Stauffenberg and fellow anti-Nazis are blamed for being old-fashioned, aristocratic fuddy-duddies: ‘reactionaries’. Actually, Stauffenberg, though from a monarchist and Catholic background, later sympathised with socialism. He was close to the Kreisau Circle, another focus of opposition to Hitler since 1933. They wanted post-war Germany to follow the principles of Christian ethics but also looked to the East with sympathy for the Russian people. Yes, most were fiercely anti-Bolshevik. Well, wasn’t Churchill, too? As to the monarchy, what on earth is Britain?
Truth is, there is a distinct vein of racism about Germans in the British media, as well as in certain quarters. A film depicting ‘another Germany’, as opposed to that of the tiresome clichés regurgitated by the popular media, is bound to upset them. The movie shows to the international audiences some upright, better Germans than the usual panoply of barking, murderous SS Hollywood has accustomed them to. Almost unbearable, I imagine, for those whose tiny minds are fed by the endless stream of WWII movies and programmes on TV. Not that there isn’t a reason for that but… a buon intenditor, poche parole, as we Italians like to say.
Odd prejudice, in a way, for what used to be termed an ‘Anglo-Saxon’ nation, aka ‘Germanic’. Come to think of it, the world is still largely dominated by Germans. Aren’t America’s roots and basic stock Anglo-Saxon, too? (‘But dad, they are pretty mongrelised Germans’, my son Linus interjects, as I write this. Cheek! That silly boy worries me. He is getting increasingly right-wing. I wonder why.) And France also (Frankreich) – the Franks were a German tribe. Italians…Well, we no longer count for a bloody anything but in the Middle Ages we rejoiced in our German emperors. The Visigoths ruled Spain, Scandinavians, Russia…verily, Deutschland uber alles! Germanophobia reveals itself for a form of self-hatred for anyone of European stock, methinks. The decline of the West is also the decline of German ascendancy over the rest of the world. A sobering thought.
Had the July conspirators succeeded in assassinating Hitler, what then? They hoped for a separate peace with the Western Allies and a turning of the tables on the Soviet Union. I fear it was a vain hope. Because at the
Casablanca Conference in 1943 Roosevelt and Churchill had insisted on the unconditional surrender of both the Third Reich and Japan. Roosevelt hypocritically claimed it meant the destruction of Nazism but of course the policy hindered internal opposition, while helping Hitler a lot. He used ‘unconditional surrender’ to convince his people that they could expect no mercy and must therefore fight to the end. Given that the Allies ruthlessly went on to reduce German cities to rubble, murdering large parts of the civilian population into the bargain, you could be forgiven for admitting the evil Fuhrer had a point. Moreover, Casablanca in the end resulted in the handing over of East Europe to Stalin’s tender care – including the Poland Britain had gone to war to save! For East Europeans it meant nearly fifty years of slavery, oppression and torture. Churchill, unlike Roosevelt, saw that but it was too late. ‘Uncle Joe’ Stalin was the real victor of Casablanca.
At a recent Muslim meeting discussing Middle East conundrums a voice from the back startled me. ‘What about assassination?’ someone asked. God knows what the chap meant – I safely chose not to delve. Of course, as my friend Helen opines, killing anyone, never mind how bad, is wrong. She has a point. Maybe old Socrates, that brave champion of reason, got it right. The tyrant, qua tyrant, and hence a bad person, is a most unhappy man. His true punishment consists in his being what he is, an unrighteous, irrational human being. Any further chastisement he may suffer is incidental. The evil a dictator does is really a form of self-destruction. Admittedly, a high, lofty view but still one for which there is much to be said.
Revd Frank Julian Gelli
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Labels: 29th January 2009
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Labels: 29th January 2009
Gibrahayer e-magazine | ||
''I killed ten people,'' he said and explained that the first one he shot on the head was a 19-year old Greek Cypriot national guardsman who was tied with hands behind his back. "As I went to him he spat on my face and I shot him in the head" he said. Olgac, who stars in a popular TV series ''The valley of the wolves,'' said that after he killed the Greek Cypriot soldier he killed ''nine more.'' More than 1,600 of Greek Cypriots have been missing since 1974 and although 400 identifications by DNA have revealed the identity of the deceased, accounts by people like Attila Olgac should provide info on the identity, location and circumstances under which these particular deaths and "disappearances" occurred. Regarded as a serious breach of Article 13, of the Geneva Convention, the next day of the confession found the leadership of the Cyprus government, legal experts and The Committee of the Missing Persons, planning the next move. The mass cold blooded killing of the Turkish actor stole the Turkish media headlines and is widely being debated, as the actor - soon after coming forward with the confession - took back his statement saying "it was part of a scenario of a movie he was writing". The Turkish media accused Olgac for looking and sounding ridiculous and for "exposing and weakening Turkey by giving an image that Turks are barbarians." Popular Turkish journalist Mehmet Ali Birand urged the country's Justice to step in, arguing that actor Attila Olgac should stand trial whether he lied or not. | ||
View the confession and comments of House President Marios Garoyian's by clicking the above image or by clicking here | ||
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Cyprus New Agency - 28 January - The Cypriot government has decided to raise to the Council of Europe`s Committee of Ministers Attila Olgac`s confession that he killed ten Greek Cypriots during the 1974 Turkish invasion to Cyprus as well as to lodge an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), Government Spokesman Stephanos Stephanou announced on Tuesday. | ||
To sign up to the dinner that will follow the event, call Roubina Samonian on 99678316 | ||
Awarded Audience’s First Choice at the Pomegranate Film Festival | ||
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Editorial Bulldozed Over by H. Tertsanian in London | ||
Why do I get a ‘déjà vu’ feeling every time I read in Cypriot newspapers or listen to the CyBC news bulletins on the LGR radio station regarding the negotiations with our northern counterparts for a solution to our beloved island’s problem? Why do the Armenian saying ‘poshi tsanel’ (loosely translated – white wash) comes to my mind every time I read in Cypriot newspapers or listen to the PIK news bulletins on the LGR radio station regarding the negotiations with our northern counterparts for a solution to our beloved island’s problem? I wonder why the confident (and overoptimistic?) grin has disappeared from the faces of our governing party’s officials? Obviously something is not going as well as we were led to believe that would go in our dealings with our Turkish compadres. Or is it so? I tend to believe, and my logic - as far as it goes - tells me, that leaders with such a wealth of experience as those of the current governing party could not have really believed that the traditional intransigence of the Turks and Turkey could be surmounted or circumvented with truckloads of goodwill and sunny public relation exercises. After all, all the predecessors to Mr. Christofias, our President and current handler of our National problem, had the same tools and arguments under their disposal as him, and particularly in the case of two of them, namely Mr. Vassiliou and Mr. Clerides, had more inclination to bend (without breaking) to the will and whims of the Turkish leadership. I often try to pinpoint what has changed in Cyprus after the transfer of the burden of negotiations to Mr. Christofias regarding the negotiations for a solution of the Cyprus problem. After all, the publicly expressed optimism both at home and abroad and the new hope that the proposed Christofias candidacy implied for the success of negotiations with Mr. Talaat had catapulted him to victory in the elections and thus, to the Presidential Palace. If the administration of Northern Cyprus, of the occupied north, were independent of Turkey to any extent, then I would have tried to convince myself that maybe something could be achieved with Mr. Talaat, despite all. I would have even hoped for the help of the Turkish Cypriot moderate forces. I would really have given Mr. Christofias a fighting chance of achieving something. However, given that Turkey is the only decision maker in the North, given that Turkey has no inclination for the time being of acting neighbourly and of accepting any other concept except total independence or near total independence of most of the occupied areas, given that since the unsuccessful coup with the Anan Plan, for the success of which our American friends had flooded the North and to a lesser extent the South with greenbacks, given that the partial relaxation of the movement of people and goods across the Green Line dividing the island into two has resulted into completely changing the economic imbalance which existed between the two communities and has relieved most of the Turkish Cypriots from the dire economic state they were in, I see no reason for the Turkish side to make any serious attempt in resolving the Cyprus Problem and of finding a mutually acceptable solution to it. What would they and particularly Turkey gain from such a solution? Acceptance into the European Union? That is not such a tempting gift, since there are so many other more touchy problems standing in its way towards membership. Better relations with its neighbours? What for? Turkey gets all it wants from them anyway, since none around her have the strength, character or impunity as she has. A pat in the back from the UN and the international community for being a good boy? Not interesting, because a bully is a bully and he likes it. So? Where do we go from here? Do we continue the charade and spend a lot of time and money just to be ‘in’? Whatever is the answer, one thing is clear: this road has too many bumps, turns and blind spots and maybe we should wait for it to be bulldozed over.
Jean Ipdjian - London Jan 2009 | ||
Περί του Αρτσάχ και του δημοψηφίσματος - Ν. Λυγερός | ||
Δεν πρέπει να παρασυρόμαστε, η πρόταση για νέο δημοψήφισμα για το Αρτσάχ δεν είναι απλώς μια απάτη, αλλά ένα πραγματικός διπλωματικός χειρισμός. Ο πληθυσμός του Αρτσάχ έχει ήδη αποφασίσει, μέσω του δημοψηφίσματος, για την εθνική του μοίρα, άρα αυτή η πρόταση είναι αβάσιμη. | ||
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"Ambient Travel" Exhibition of paintings by | ||
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Support Kohar's efforts in promoting Armenian music across the world by clicking here | ||
Hrayr Jebejian briefed Mr. Garoyian on the ministry of the Armenian Evangelical Church worldwide. He then outlined the history of the Armenian Evangelical Church in Cyprus from the early days up to the invasion in 1974. Jebejian updated Garoyian on the ongoing re-organisational work of the Armenian Evangelical Church in Cyprus and the present situation of the Church building in the occupied part of Nicosia. Recent photos and a copy of the deeds of the occupied Armenian Evangelical Church were handed over to Marios Garoyian for his reference. Mr. Garoyian was very happy to hear about the re-organisational work of the Armenian Evangelical Church in Cyprus and expressed his willingness to support the ministry. He then shared his impressions of his recent official visit to Armenia. An Armenian by origin, Marios Garoyian’s visit to Armenia has been a very emotional one. Marios Garoyian is the only Armenian political leader these days who occupies such a high ranking position outside Armenia. | ||
News in brief by Sevag Devletian | ||
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Gibrahayer - Nicosia 25 January, 2009 - Armenians in Cyprus remembered slain journalist Hrant Dink on the occasion of the completion of two years from his murder in Bolis at Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church-Armenia Street-Nicosia. The commemoration was organised by the local organisations of the Social Democratic Hunchakian Party, Ramgavar Liberal Democratic Party & Armenian Revolutionary Federation Dashnaktsoutiun. | ||
STAND-UP COMEDIAN To sign up contact Adour Karagulian on 99880226 & Shoushig Bakalian on 99667820 Seats are limited and tickets will be given out on a first-come first serve basis | ||
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Letters to the Editor | ||
Dear Simon, | ||
GAP Vassilopoulos Group Press Release - We would like to inform interested parties in the Internet and Property community that we are seeking international partners for coming on board our Property Portal that has began in Cyprus. We are planning to transform it to an international Property Portal by eventually incorporating different countries to this common environment.
All six portals are programmed to facilitate migration utilities to automatically take feeds from existing websites from anywhere in the world and transfer them in real time to all portals, relieving you from the process of updating the images and listings manually, thus saving valuable time to you. | ||
We would like to announce that the website of Gibrahayer e-magazine has had more than 75,000 unique visitors since February 2008. Thank you for your continued support. Simon Aynedjian - Gibrahayer e-magazine | ||
International subscribers can make contributions to: Marfin Popular Bank Public Company Ltd, Bank Address: Strovolos Industrial Area sub-Branch Stavrou Avenue 96-I, 2034 Nicosia - Cyprus, A/C Name: Aynedjian Simon, Account No: 101 1100 3421 Swift Code: LIKI CY 2N, IBAN: CY13 0030 0101 0000 0101 1100 3421 | ||
support gibrahayer by calling 909-35037 | ||
Sport News by Sevag Devletian | ||
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Gibrahayer Calendar | ||
Wednesday 28 January at 6:00 pm - 12th Exhibition of Armenian Books under the auspices of Archbishop Varoujan Hergelian, organised by The Armenian Prelature, with the participation of Moufflon Bookstore. Zegoutsaper: Vartan Tashdjian at Vahram Utudjian Hall of The Armenian Prelature. The exhibition will be open every day from 9:00am-1:00pm until 13 February, 2009 Thursday 29 January at 8:00 pm - Special screening of Nouritza Matossian's " Hrant Dink: Heart of Two Nations", organised by The Armenian National Committee of Cyprus at AYMA. Q & A after the film, and dinner to follow the discussion. Sign up with Roubina Samonian on 99678316. Friday, 30 January from 5:00-6:00 pm - Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra will speak on the CyBC Radio 1 (97,2 MHz), on the Maronite programme, about the Armenian community of Cyprus. Saturday, January 31, 2009, at 05:00 pm - Armenian Evangelical Church Service at the Greek Evangelical Church, 20 Gladstonos street, Nicosia. Sermon title: "Unity in Christ". The service will be dedicated to the week of Christian Unity. All are welcome. Tuesday 3 February 2009 at 7:30 pm - "Ambient Travel" - Exhibition of paintings by John Guevherian at Apocalypse Gallery opening by the Minister of Health Dr. Christos Patsalides Wednesday February 4 at 8:00 pm - Hamazkayin Cultural & Educational Association Cyprus Oshagan Chapter presents, stand-up comedian Pierre Shammassian from Lebanon at The Utudjian Hall of the Armenian Prelature, Entrance:20 euros including food and 1st drink. To sign up contact Adour Karagulian on 99880226 & Shoushig Bakalian on 99667820. Seats are limited and tickets will be given out on a first-come first serve basis. Saturday 7 February, 2009 at 9:15 pm on RIK 1 - Cyprus chooses its Eurovision representative. Gibrahayer have a contestant in the person of Gore Melian. Sunday 10 May, 2009 - Pilgrimage to the Turkish-occupied Armenian Monastery of Sourp Magar, organised by the Office of the Armenian Office of MP Vartkes Mahdessian. | ||
Computer problems ? - DIAL 99437073 |
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Labels: 28th January 2009
Saturday 21 February 2009 at 8:00 pm
Twyford Church of England High School,
Twyford Crescent, Acton, London W3 9PP
Tickets inclusive of dinner
£16.00 Adults — £10.00 Students (14–16)
A very popular event!
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