SHUT UP AND KEEP OUT - Editorial by Jean Ipdjian |
Jean Ipdjian - London – June 2010 - Lately, parliamentary elections were held in the self-proclaimed independent Republic of Nagorno-Karabagh, Artsakh. European officials who were there as unofficial observers came away very much impressed at the level of organisation and by the level of democratic values, principles and practices applied there. To an extent, that one observer from Latvia declared that most European states could not organise elections such as the ones held in NKR. Predictably, all countries, including European and international organisations involved in the region were quick to express their disappointment that these were held, that the conflict has not been resolved yet and that they do not recognise the said elections as valid, because the Republic of Nagorno-Karabagh (Artsakh) is not recognised to be a legitimate state and thus, does not exist, that the people of Artsakh are not really there and thus do not exist. Despite the fact that there is a whole generation there, who have known but the NKR-Artsakh as their country. All these happened in the aftermath of the European Parliament adopting the incredibly biased and ill informed resolution 2216, where Armenia is called upon to unconditionally and unilaterally remove its forces from Artsakh and from the liberated areas. Furthermore, it stipulates the immediate return of Artsakh and the other areas to Azerbaijan, albeit the former, Artsakh, under some kind of international supervision. The resolution not only shows utter disregard to the aspirations of the people of Artsakh, it completely ignores the problems which led to the creation of the present day situation and the incomparable actions of the Azeri authorities to the demands of self-rule from the local Armenian population of the region. In order to put things into perspective, it should be noted that the area is populated nearly wholly by Armenians comprising of more than 95% of the population of those regions. It is rather distressing and bewildering when one looks at the actions of both sides in the conflict. On the one hand one can see the Armenian side comprising of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabagh (Artsakh) and the Republic of Armenia, where the authorities in Artsakh have admittedly organised and carried out elections for the parliament of the country in exemplary fashion, while on the opposite side one finds a regime who has been on a warlike rhetorical orgasm, issuing continuous and repeated threats of restarting the war, of resorting to armed methods. And this being done not by some army general or the other, by a spokesman or the other, by some opposition politician trying to foster popular support, but by people at al levels of government and society, starting from the street mullahs and ending at the declarations of the President himself, in an utterly non-democratic, authoritarian country that Azerbaijan is. And what is the response of the “champion of democracy” in Western Europe and the United States, of the “champions of democracy” and the rule of law such as the United Nation and the European Union? Ear shattering silence regarding all of the provocative and unacceptable war cries of the Azeris, nothing about the authoritarianism and undemocratic institutions in Azerbaijan. Furthermore, by ill conceived and regrettable resolutions and other declarations such as 2216 passed by the European Parliament, they not only give Azerbaijan a pat in the back, but also shatter the beliefs of fairness the people of Artsakh in particular have towards those institutions, and at the same time they widen the gap between the parties making it very difficult for Armenians to trust proposals and ideas put forward by them for a solution of the conflict. Countries and organisations which have the capacity to influence parties in different conflicts, in order to be able to exert any meaningful pressure or in order to be able to persuade the sides in a conflict to accept compromises, should make sure that they maintain a minimum level of impartiality and understanding of the core problems that have created the given situation. Otherwise they should shut up and keep out, letting the two sides find their own solutions.
GAZA, ISRAEL, TURKEY & WE - by Garen Yegparian |
Israel screwed up in its response to the ships attempting to break its blockade of Gaza. Anything it might have gained by preventing the entry of material it chooses to exclude from Gaza is far outweighed by the international opprobrium it has garnered. But this is not at issue except by extreme spinners of pro-Israel policy. What’s more interesting for Armenians is Turkey’s role and position in all this, and what doors are open to us as a result. Certainly, no one doubts that Turkey’s, and its ruling AK Party’s involvement in all this is nothing but a cynical, Machiavellian, realpolitik ploy in its devilishly competent Foreign Minister’s bag of tricks to expand the genocidal state’s international stature, and particularly among the peoples and states of the Arab and Moslem worlds. The Turkish group cooperating with the efforts may also have connections to unsavoury outfits, but more on this if and when I can get details. I’m told it was very well organised, funded, and delivered the biggest ship in the relief flotilla, which suggests the possibility of state involvement. It was also the ship on which the violence occurred. Erdogan’s and Davutoglu’s statements have received wide coverage. Clearly, this is part of their neo-Ottomanist efforts to become a player in the Islamic world, much of which shuns Turkey for the brutality and misrule heaped upon fellow Moslems under Ottoman rule and Kemalism’s anti-Islamic bent. Official Ankara seems to be making the calculation that there’s more to be gained by clashing with Israel than further developing a decades-long positive relationship. Among the fruits of the positive relationship has been help in the halls of U.S. power, fighting passage of the Genocide resolution, and other anti-Armenian efforts emanating from Azerbaijan and Turkey. The question is, after the last few incidents, are those Jewish-lobby elements in the U.S. that have worked against us (and even against their more right-minded and conscience driven colleagues) ready to come around? Do they see yet that there’s no long term benefit to supporting a genocide-denying state? Are they irate enough to downgrade or sever the relationship? It seems to me this is a very opportune moment for our efforts in the U.S. it’s time for some renewed outreach. Simultaneously, our colleagues in the Middle East should be conveying to their governments how untrustworthy, back-stabbing, and cynical Turkey’s recent ploys demonstrate it to be. On the non-Diaspora front, Armenia’s government should be playing up similar themes with their negotiating partners, whether the issue is economics, Artsakh, or actual relations with Turkey. But this is all short term gain. If Turkey’s efforts bear fruit, then we will have serious problems in the long term. Remember where Armenia is situated. If Turkey pulls Iran into its orbit, it’s a problem. If the Arab countries become enamoured of Turkey’s pseudo-heroics, our our communities in there may become constrained. They may even get some traction in Europe with their faux-humanitarianism. It is imperative and timely to publicise the irony (and the underlying temerity) of Turkish comments about occupation (think Armenia and Kurdistan) and human rights abuses (think coddling Darfur’s butcher, abuse of its own minorities, massacres, etc). We have to play very hard. For the last three centuries, the Ottoman Empire/Turkey has survived through very skilful diplomacy, playing off against one another powers far greater than it, using Asia Minor’s pivotal geography. They’re using our lands to our, and the world’s, detriment. Since we’ve been deprived of statehood for all but the last century or so (and a very shaky, mostly Soviet-subservient statehood at that) we don’t have the same depth of diplomatic/political history, experience, skills, and culture to draw on. But this is a perfect time to learn by doing and pushing to the edge. There’s not much to be lost, but tremendous potential for gain. I hope we, the Diaspora and Armenia’s government (especially after the protocols fiasco), are up to the challenge. Let’s expose Turkey for the fraud that it is! |
επιμένει ο γάδαρος, και ... αποκαλεί τον πετεινό κεφάλα |
Gibrahayer e-magazine - Nicosia 8 June - Mainland Turkish newspaper Milliyet writes that Israel has proposed sending a ship called the "No to the Turkish Invasion in Cyprus" to Cyprus, thus rewarding it for not supporting a Gaza aid flotilla that was halted by a deadly raid last week. Cyprus President Demetris Christofias, sent his Minister of Foreign Affairs Marcos Kyprianou, to Israel to meet with his Israeli counterpart, Avigdor Lieberman, to discuss the issue despite the present visit of Pope Benedict XVI on the island. The Israeli Ministry for Defence praised the Cypriot government for its "responsible approach" in not supporting the ship as it was passing from Turkey toward Gaza. According to the daily Jerusalem Post - published in Israel - has written that Israel will send a flotilla to Cyprus, carrying the message: "putting an end to the Turkish invasion" in Cyprus. According to the article, Alex Goldfarb, a former Israeli Member of Parliament, and Pinhas Har Zahav, an activist from the Meretz party, will be on board the ship, which will be sent from Israel to Cyprus. It is still unknown whether or not the flotilla, will also attempt to land in northern Cyprus, Milliyet concludes. |
Gibrahayer - Nicosia - Wednesday 2 June 2010 - The Armenian Catholic Patriarch Nerses Bedros Tarmouni XIX joined Pope Benedict XVI's entourage to his first official visit to Cyprus last weekend. The Armenian Catholics of Cyprus also organised a cocktail reception at The Armenian Prelature of Cyprus on Sunday 6 June at 6:00 pm in which more than 50 community members participated. During his visit to Cyprus, Patriarch Nerses Bedros Tarmouni XIX also honoured with his presence, the Gala Dinner on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of The Armenian Relief Society (HOM) of Cyprus which was held at the STOA Restaurant on Friday evening. |
Images of the receptions here: www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=2672628&l=280632cd6c&id=1543460178 Video of his speech at The Armenian Prelature: www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4veXjnKz8Q |
coming up in Nicosia... |

- Wednesday 9 June at 5:00pm – Nareg Kindergarten end of year ceremony, at the school Hall. Reception to follow.
- 11 June 2010 at 8:30 pm - The Museum of Byzantine Culture announces the opening of the exhibition Aspects of Armenian Art - The Kalfayan Collection - 2 Stratou Avenue, Thessaloniki 54640 - Greece.
Tuesday 15 June 2010 at 7:30 pm - Opening of a Group Exhibition, at Technis Dromena Gallery (53 Arch. Kyprianou, 2059 Strovolos. Tel: 22496398) titled ‘’DETOX’’ organised by the Rotary Club of Nicosia Aspelia. 24 artists - also featuring Gibrahay artists John Guevherian and Vartan Tashdjian who create and contribute to the ‘’Agia Skepi’’ therapeutic Community for adult drug users. Opening by Nicos Tornaritis, Chairman of the Parliamentary Education Committee. Opening Hours 10:00-13:00 am and 5:00-8:00 pm. Exhibition ends 18.06.2010. - Wednesday 16 June, 6:30 - Nareg Schools Graduation ceremony (Elementary school & Gymnasium) at the Nicosia school amphitheatre.
- Saturday, 19 June at 8:30am - The Ladies Guild of the Church is organising a trip to the Ayios Panteleimon "Akhera", Stavros tou Ayiasmati and Ayios Iraklidhios monasteries. Departure from the Armenian Prelature at 8:30am and return at 5:00 pm. Lunch at "Maroullou" restaurant. Reservations must be made until 14 June to Yeretsgin Tamar Habeshian (99-994108), Betty Zartarian (99-623521) or Alin Ashdjian (99-424394). Cost: 20 euros (10 euros for children 6-12).
- June 19 – July 31 in Bolis - Tatiana Ferahian is among 17 Greek and Turkish-Cypriot artists selected to participate in the “Little Land Fish” exhibition to be presented in Bolis from June 19 - July 31, 2010, as part of the 2010 European Capital of Culture projects.
Wednesday 23 June 2010 from 5.30pm - 7.30pm - Traditional reception to all Armenian graduates on the island at the residence of the Armenian MP Vartkes Mahdessian. -
Wednesday 23 June at 8:00 pm - The Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association Cyprus Oshagan Chapter proudly presents the documentary "My Name is Aram" directed and produced by Carmen Labaki at K-Cineplex Nicosia at the Mall of Cyprus. Dinner with Carmen will follow at AYMA HMEM at 99667828. -
Thursday 24 June at 7:00 pm - Shnorhantes / Kinetson - Melkonian Educational Institute Houshamadian - Editor Yeghia Kayayan at the Utudjian Hall of The Armenian Prelature. Under the auspices of Archbishop Varoujan Hergelian. Under the Patronage of the Armenian MP in the Cyprus Parliament Vartkes Mahdessian and the support of Cyprus Melkonian Alumni Association. Speaker of the Day: Vartan Tashdjian. -
Wednesday 30 June 2010 5:30-6:30 pm at Utudjian Hall - 6-12 year old members of the Armenian Representative Office's Art School Dance Group are having their end of year performance. Parents and community members are encouraged to attend. -
July 16 to August 1 - Khalkidiki Camp of the Armenian Relief Society of Greece (Gabouyd Khach) - From July 16 to August 1 - For participants of the age group 10-16 years old. For more details please contact Louise Aynedjian on 99533684. -
Friday September 17 - Concert by Haroutune Bedelian (violin) and Lorna Griffitt (piano) at The Presidential Palace in Nicosia, organised by The Armenian Relief Society of Cyprus (HOM) on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Relief Society (HOM). More details to follow. -
Saturday 2 October - Main political event in Cyprus for the 120th anniversary of The Armenian Revolutionary Federation Dashnaktsoutiun at PALLAS Theatre in Nicosia. More details of the celebrations to follow. -
May - October 2010: Tatiana Ferahian is among 17 international artists participating in the "Out of Space" environmental art project, which takes place in the Nature Reserve De Rottige Meentein in Netherlands. -
Saturday 20 November 2010 at 7:00 pm at the Strovolos Municipal Theatre - Composer Ara Gevorgian and his entourage in Cyprus, performing in co-operation with the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra and participation of our SIPAN Dance Group. This unique event is organised by the Office of the Armenian Representative on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Republic of Cyprus. -
Sunday 21 November 2010 at 6:00 pm at the Strovolos Municipal Theatre - Composer Ara Gevorgian and his entourage in Cyprus, performing in co-operation with the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra and participation of our SIPAN Dance Group. This unique event is organised by the Office of the Armenian Representative on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Republic of Cyprus. |
THE ARTS: Coming up ... in Thessaloniki & Bolis |
The Museum of Byzantine Culture announces the opening of The Exhibition Aspects of Armenian Art-The Kalfayan Collection 11 June 2010 at 8:30 pm |

2 Stratou Avenue, Thessaloniki 54640 - Greece - Telephone +30 2313 306400 |
Gibrahayer e-magazine - Nicosia 9 June, 2010 - Tatiana Ferahian is among 17 Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot artists selected to participate in the “Little Land Fish” exhibition to be presented in Bolis from June 19 – July 31, 2010, as part of the 2010 European Capital of Culture projects. “Penned by Samad Behrangi, The Little Black Fish is the story of an old fish telling his 12,000 children and grandchildren a tale themed around justice, equality, questioning dogma, and swimming against the tide. The tale concerns the efforts of the little black fish in his troublesome voyage to the sea and eventual freedom. Swimming against the tide, breaching the oppressive barriers, going beyond our limits, leading the society and shedding light on the unimaginable horizons, are the major themes of the book. As such, the “Little Land Fish” exhibition aims to convey the theoretical enhancements of the common identity, reciprocal becomings, borders, and transformations, via the story of a little fish on the island of Cyprus and its quest to reach wide-open seas, from multiple theoretical perspectives.” The exhibition is organised by EMAA, European-Mediterranean Art Association and EKATE, Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts. It is also expected to be displayed in Cyprus in October 2010.
News in Brief - by Sevag Devletian |
- The first meeting of the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council took place on 28-30 May in Larnaca, Cyprus. The meeting, chaired by Mr Ioannis Kasoulides, MEP and Vice-Chair of the EPP Group, focused on perspectives of the EU-Armenia partnership, especially in the context of the forthcoming Association Agreement negotiations, as well as the situation in the region. Guest participants were Mr Takis Hadjigeorgiou and Ms Antigoni Papadopoulou, MEPs from Cyprus. Insisting on Europe's commitment to Armenia, MEP Kasoulides stated "Armenia is a European country, with a European vocation. Its culture is a European culture."
- A lawyer for the co-plaintiff in the trial over Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink's murder was found dead in his Istanbul apartment in an apparent suicide yesterday. No official report on the cause of death of Hakan Karadag has yet been released.
- The Turkish Education Minister will participate in the certificate awarding ceremony in Armenian schools in Istanbul. Nimet Cubukcu will be the first Minister of Education to take part in such an event. In her speech she is expected to dwell on human rights, intolerance and discrimination.
- A major protest rally was held Friday, at the Turkish Embassy in Tel Aviv. Hundreds of protesters, holding posters with Erdogan portrayed like Hitler, shouted: `fascist Erdogan', `terrorist Erdogan', Turkish Milliyet writes. According to the source, the police managed to cease the protesters as they attempted to trespass to the embassy over the iron fences. Three activists have been detained. Some of them even threw bottles and stones at the embassy. The source says, the protesters fluttered the Armenian flag, blaming Turkey for the Armenian Genocide.
- Azerbaijani protesters have burned the national flag of the Republic of Armenia. According to Azerbaijani media the protest was held in Baku against the Israeli army raid on Gaza-bound flotilla carrying aid. Chanting "Death to Israel," "Death to America" the protesters burnt the national flags of Armenia, Israel, US, Great Britain and France. They also demanded from the Azerbaijani authorities to support Turkey in its row with Israel.
A group of Israelis will travel by ship to Cyprus to protest what they call the Turkish occupation of the island and call for the reunification of Cyprus under Greek Cypriot rule, Israeli news reported. -
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is trying to soothe the putout authoritarian leader of Azerbaijan that helps move U.S. supplies and soldiers to the war in landlocked Afghanistan. Aliyev has complained that he gets too little attention from Washington and that U.S. officials have not done much to resolve a festering ethnic conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
HAY AGOUMP IN 1939 We need your help to tag our community members |
Input from our subscribers: |
Dear Simon, Re: the Hay Agoump photo, seated from right to left: the 1st is Hovivian and the 3rd Hagopian, both were teachers of Melikian School and the 3rd person from left on the last row is Shadarevian. May be someone can help with their first names. Regards, Sarkis Der Avedissian |
4th row from the bottom up: Second from left - Haroutiun Dedeyian, fourth from left Shant Medadzoumian 3rd row from the bottom: - Fourth from the left Karnig and Nazig Kouyoumdjian, Far right Moushegh Bedelian Dear Simon, Not the two people sitting on the floor, the next row from right to left the second person is Dr. Melkon Krishdjian (my Godfather) and the row before the last, from right to left the sixth person is Mr. Garabed Papazian (my father). Best regards - Marie Papazian I am quite sure that the second gentleman from the left, standing behind the ladies sitting on the armchair, with a handkerchief in his breast pocket, is my father's brother uncle NAZARET MOSDITCHIAN of Nicosia now deceased. Sincerely - Maxy (Daisy) - Kazandjian-Mosditchian. Thank you for your input Nora Haroutunian.
Floor seated right Mr. Yervant Nigoghossian 1st row seated L to R 3rd Mrs. Annig Bedelian, 4th Mrs. Sourpig Bodikian, 2nd row L to R above Sourpig Bodikian is Mr.Yetvart Bodikian, next Mrs.Sirvart Meherian(my mother) next Mrs. Berjouhi Costanian,behind her Mr. Haroutune Costanian, next to Berjouhi is Mrs. Aznive Nigoghossian, next Mrs. Alice Klendjian, next Miss Beatrice Nahikian. 3rd row L to R 4th Mrs. Nevart Sarian, 5th Mrs. Alice Bodikian, 6th Mr. Tateos Bodikian, 8th Mr. Kevork Meherian (my father), 9th Mr.A.Gessarentz. 4th row R to L 3rd Dr. Hovsep Sarian. 5th Top row L to R 6th Mr. Hagop Klendjian
Thank you Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra for your input - top row far right - Berj Tilbian |
Armenian Sports by Sevag Devletian |
- CHESS: An international open tournament, hosting 354 chess players, is being held in Mumbai, India. Gaining 3 points, GM Gevorg Harutyunyan tops the tournament standings along with 24 participants.
- BOXING: 10 Armenian boxers are participating in thee European Boxing Championships being held in Moscow, Russia. The Armenian team consists of Hovhannes Danielyan (48kg), Derenik Gizhlaryan (51kg), Karen Aylazyan (54kg), Azat Hovhannisyan (57kg), Ara Puluzyan (60kg), Volodya Hayrapetyan (64kg), Samvel Matevosyan (69kg), Andranik Hakobyan (75kg), Arthur Khachatryan (81kg) and Tsolak Ananikyan (91kg.)
- CHESS: 2 countries will host the World Chess Championship 2011, with 4 chess players to rival in Baku. The remaining 4, including Levon Aronian, will compete in the country to be announced later. The World Chess Championship 2011 will be held in knockout format. 7 chess championship participants were announced: Levon Aronian (Armenia), Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria), Vladimir Kramnik (Russia), Magnus Carlsen (Norway), Gata Kamsky (USA) Boris Gelfand (Israel) and Timur Rajabov (Azerbaijan).
- BOXING: On Saturday night June 5 at New York's Yankee Stadium, Vanes Martirosyan (28-0, 17KOs) won the battle of the unbeaten junior middleweights with a unanimous ten round decision over Joe Greene (22-1, 14KOs) to retain the NABF/NABO super welterweight titles. The official scores were 96-93, 96-93 and 98-91, boxingscene.com reported.
- CHESS: 3 Armenian chess players participated in Maia Chiburdanidze Cup held in Georgia from May 25 to June 3. WGM Lilit Galoyan scored 5.5 points out of 9 possible, FIDE master Lia Martirosyan and Maria Gevorgyan gained 4.5 points each.
- TENNIS: Argentinean-Armenian David Nalbandian has been named in the Argentine 6 man squad in the Davis Cup quarterfinals against Russia in Moscow between 9-11 July.
- JUDO: Armenian judoist Edgar Mikaelyan (60kg) won silver at the International Youth Judo tournament held in Akhmeta, Georgia, from May 31 to June 2. Additionally, Armenia’s Arsen Gevorgyan (42kg) and Harutyun Dermishyan (46kg) won bronze medals at the tournament.
- BOXING: After a victory over Eric Barcelona at Parramatta Leagues Club for IBO Bantamweight world title, Vic Darchinyan (34-2-2, 27 KOs) will take on Fernando Montiel in September 2010.
- FOOTBALL: Armenian referees headed by Qnarik Grigoryan will officiate at the 2011 Women's World Cup qualifier between Spain and Malta on June 24 in Spain.
Armenian Premier League - Week 10 Results and standings |
- FC Banants 2 - FC Ulysses 0 - FC Kilikia 1 - FC Mika 1 - FC Pyunik 3 - FC Impuls 0 - FC Gandzasar 1 - FC Shirak 0 |
1st - Pyunik 26 points, 2nd - Banants 23 points, 3rd - Ulysses 20 points, 4th - Mika 17 points, 5th - Impuls 10 points, 6th - Gandzasar 9 points, 7 |
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