The largest circulation
Armenian e-magazine
circulates every Thursday
Established in 1999 | 
Niyazi Kizilyurek - "Turkey cannot call itself the homeland of the Turkish people and its citizens if it does not become a democratic state. It will simply be a country." |
Artsakank Armenian language monthly and Gibrahayer e-magazine - A memorial evening on the 4th anniversary of Hrant Dink's killing was organised by the "Friends of Hrant Dink" in Nicosia on Sunday 23 January.
The event was the first organised between Turks and Armenians outside Turkey and it took place in the Goethe Institute Hall in the Nicosia buffer zone.
Opening remarks were made by the General Secretary of Yeni Kibris Party (New Cyprus Party) Murat Kanatli, who invited the main speaker of the day, Agos newspaper Armenian section's Chief Editor Sarkis Seropian, who addressed the audience in both Turkish and Armenian.
Perhaps the most sensational of comments came from Niyazi Kizilyurek - the Head of the Turkish Studies Department of the University of Cyprus, who concluded his comments by saying that "Turkey cannot call itself the homeland of the Turkish people and its citizens if it does not become a democratic state. It will simply be a country."
Final comments came from Armenian MP Vartkes Mahdessian who congratulated the organisers of the event and wished them courage and strength. |

Images of the event here:

Friday 28 January at 8:00 pm
120th anniversary celebrations of
ARF Dashnaktsoutiun
at PASIDY Hall in Nicosia
Keynote speaker: Dr. Megerditch Megerditchian
followed by joghovertayin khraghjank at AYMA-HMEM
Sign up with Sevag Gurunlian on 99202923
and Hagop Kazandjian on 99394414 |
Don't miss the20-minute documentary to be projected during the program, including ARF 120th anniversary messages
from Glafcos Clerides, Dr. Vassos Lyssarides, Yiannakis Kasoulides, Marios Garoyian & Apostolos Kaklamanis,
Fotis Kouvelis and Antonis Samaras. |
January 22 - PanARMENIAN.Net - Journalists whose names appear on a “to be assassinated” list - allegedly prepared in 2003 by a junta nested within the armed forces - have asked civilian prosecutors to increase efforts to shed light on Turkey's dark past and the deep state so that Turkey's democracy can really improve, Today’s Zaman reported.
The journalists would have been killed due to their expected opposition to a planned coup, namely the Sledgehammer Security Operation Plan. “Now that we have seen the ‘to be assassinated' list we have come to realize once again the existence of a ‘deep Turkey.'There are rumors that preparations for a coup d'état began in 2002. If we are still talking about a coup in 2011, then the thesis that a ‘deep Turkey' exists is correct,” stated Ahmet Tasgetiren, a columnist for the Bugun daily.
“Hrant Dink was not accidentally chosen as the first target,” Etyen Mahcupyan commented.
In the list are many leading intellectuals in Turkey, including slain Armenian-Turkish journalist Hrant Dink. Among other “targets” of the junta were Greek Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I, Bugun columnist Tasgetiren, Sabah columnist Nazli Ilicak, Star columnist Professor Mehmet Altan, Milliyet columnist Taha Akyol, Bugun columnist Toktamis Ates and former Yeni Shafak columnist Fehmi Koru.
The junta planned to assassinate their targets using professional gendarmes under separate action plans. One of the plans, titled Orak (Grass Hook), detailed killing Armenian members of the Turkish press.
Among them were Dink, Zaman columnist Etyen Mahcupyan and Taraf columnist Sevan Nicanyan. Dink was gunned down on Jan. 19, 2007 in broad daylight in front of the headquarters of the bilingual Armenian weekly Agos, of which he was editor-in-chief. |
Elle Turkey by Senol Altun" alt="elle9 Ana Zalewska & Karolin Machova for Elle Turkey by Senol Altun" src="" width="618" height="900" style="width: 626px; height: 900px; ">
latest images from the city of 1001 churches,
the historic Armenian capital city of Ani. |
Elle Turkey by Senol Altun" alt="elle11 Ana Zalewska & Karolin Machova for Elle Turkey by Senol Altun" src="" width="618" height="900" style="width: 632px; height: 900px; ">
Armenian National Cinema Center negotiating with
Spielberg for shooting a film on the Armenian genocide |
GlobalHye - Ahead of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the National Cinema Center is planning to shoot a full length film featuring the tragic pages of the Armenian history.
The center is currently negotiating with world-famous director Steven Spielberg and writer of Armenian descent Steven Zaillian (Schindler's List).
"On the 100th anniversary of the Genocide, we must have a film to demonstrate to the world. We want more than the films 'Mayrig' or 'Ararat' ", the center's director, Gevorg Gevorgyan, told a news conference.
He said writing a screenplay in countries abroad is a complicated process as it requires numerous procedures. It is planned to invite both Armenian and foreign actors to play in the movie.
Gibrahayer e-magazine put the record straight
for false statements by Azeri Press Agnency |
PanARMENIAN.Net - Cyprus backs the process of peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, government spokesman Stefanos Stefanou said.
“The decision should proceed from the interests of both nations. Cyprus supports the efforts OSCE Minsk Group and stands for the resolution to be based on the international law norms,” Stefanou said.
Meanwhile, the Azeri-Press Agency reported that Stefanou referred to “Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity”.
“Speaking of the territorial integrity, Stefanos Stefanou implied the divided Cyprus, not Azerbaijan,” clarified Simon Aynedjian, the editor-in-chief of Gibragayer magazine to comments made to this week. |
Nicosia - Victoria Dementieva – APA - “The Nagorno-Karabakh and Cyprus conflicts are completely different from each other”, President of the Democratic Party [of TRNC] Serdar Denktash told journalists, APA reports. He said that Nagorno-Karabakh is occupied Azerbaijani territories and the Azerbaijani population of the territory had been banished from the region: “Cyprus is common territory of Greeks and Turks. The Greek side attempted to occupy the entire territory of Cyprus in 1974, but the Turkish side did not reconcile with it and had to interfere. After the agreement signed in 1976, the Turkish Cypriots living in the south migrated to the north, and the Greeks living in the north migrated to the south. We had not occupied the northern territories. The only occupied thing in this island is the rights of the Turks”. |
click here or on the image below |

News in Brief by Sevag Devletian |
- The past cannot be changed, but Greece and Turkey have made significant steps in improving their bilateral relations, Greek Foreign Ministry spokesman Grigoris Delavekouras noted in response to a Turkish Foreign Ministry statement complaining about the views expressed by President of the Greek Republic Karolos Papoulias during a recent meeting with his Armenian counterpart. Among others, the meeting had referred to the 1915 Armenian Genocide, which Turkey refuses to acknowledge.
- With the "Monument of Humanity," sculpted by Mehmet Aksoy in the eastern city of Kars - already a subject of controversy - authorities are delaying the installation of Aksoy's broken-winged white dove statue, which he has dedicated to Hrant Dink, and he is planning to sue Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
- World-renowned French singer Charles Aznavour, speaking at the ceremony of International Award of Jerusalem University, called on Israel to officially recognize Armenian Genocide, perpetrated under Ottoman Empire in 1915.
- The US secret services used Turkey as a base to transport terrorism suspects as part of its extraordinary rendition programme, German daily Die Welt reported citing a WikiLeaks cable. Some 24 CIA flights landed at Incirlik airport in southern Turkey between 2002 and 2006 with the knowledge of the Turkish military, according to a cable from the US embassy in Ankara dated June 8, 2006, the paper said.
- In June 2011, European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) will publish reports on Azerbaijan, Cyprus and Serbia. CRI is the Council of Europe's independent human rights monitoring body specialised in combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, antisemitism and intolerance. ECRI's action covers all measures needed to combat violence, discrimination and prejudice against persons or groups of persons on the grounds of their race, colour, language, religion, nationality or national or ethnic origin.
Link of the week at : |
A documentary about the Armenians of Cyprus aired from RIK Cyprus TV, on Christmas 6/1/11 |
Direct to Yerevan - Armenia |

Fanoulla Argyrou -Researcher / Journalist -London 23.1.2010 - The news that popular singer Boy George has returned a looted icon he had in his possession after buying it in good faith from a shop in King’s Road in London almost 26 years ago, after being informed by the Church of Cyprus of its real origin and fate, is highly appreciated by the Greek nation. George’s decision to return the looted precious icon to the Church of Cyprus has once again brought to the front line news the barbaric Turkish crimes committed since and after the two bloody Turkish invasions of Cyprus in 1974.
A bulk of barbaric crimes, murders, rapes, bombardment and executions in cold blood also included the destruction and looting of hundreds of Christian churches and religious places in occupied Cyprus where in the process thousands of priceless icons and other religious artefacts have been systematically looted. And smuggled out of the island ruthlessly sold in the black market. They even tried to sell some of these in reputable Auction Houses.
According to statistics of the Republic of Cyprus: “… About 133 churches, chapels and monasteries have been converted to military storage facilities, stables and night-clubs, a further number of 78 churches have been converted to mosques, Agia Anastasia church, in occupied Lapithos, was converted into a casino hotel, while Sourp Magar Armenian monastery, founded in the medieval period, was converted into a Cafeteria…” (Christian Post).
Looting and Smuggling
“Michael Van Rijn, the self-confessed art smuggler who worked undercover for Scotland Yard, has never been shy about his dubious activities in the art world. His claims about the millions he made through his links with the Yard are typical of his passion for causing embarrassment… Michael Van Rijn plans to use his website to reveal years of undercover operations for Scotland Yard and others. He wants his disclosures to embarrass the British Museum, Sotheyby’s, Christies and other leading art dealers as well as the security services.… A dentist’s son from Amsterdam, who owns several houses around the world, admits smuggling icons out of Russia, Cyprus, Greece and elsewhere. “ I have made millions…”, wrote “The Times” of London on 29 January 1990.
Michael van Rijn, a self confessed art smuggler indeed… has also been a very close associate of A. Dikmen, the Turkish smuggler, who stole the famous Kanakaria frescoes from occupied Lythrangomi in Cyprus. In his autobiography Michael van Rijn describes vividly how large amounts of antiquities from occupied Cyprus were loaded on vehicles of the Finnish UN contingent in Cyprus and transferred to the free part of the Republic of Cyprus from where they were, in the process smuggled out of the island (After a long and hard legal battle led by the Church of Cyprus (court case took place in America) the latter won the return of the Kanakaria frescoes to Cyprus…”. (All these have been covered in detail in my book (but unfortunately exhausted only to be found in libraries) “Conspiracy or Blunder?” issued in Nicosia 2000 published by Refugee Association “Adouloti Kyrenia”).
“ … Haven’t you heard that the 2000 year old Christchurch in Cyprus , St. Barnabas Church, has been robbed? Haven’t you heard that 35 icons were stolen, 11 of them were found in Kythrea, that 11 were retrieved in Ankara airport while being smuggled out and that the rest are lost? Haven’t you heard what’s happening in Varosha (Famagusta)? Haven’t you heard that figurines belonging to the Catholic period and kept in the Archaeological Museum have been stolen and smuggled to London ?
What about the icons in the other churches: the mosaics, the private collections the illegal digs? Haven’t you heard of these? Why have they stopped the digs started before 1974 at the village of Gastria, which belongs to the geometric age? Do you know what has happened since then? The “government” (refers to the occupied regime) has issued permits to certain businessmen from Turkey to set up a gypsum factory there. The tombs were destroyed and plundered”. (‘Perishing Cyprus in the Turkish Cypriot Review’ by Mehmet Yasin. ‘ Olay’ April 1982 – from Public and Information Office publication “They make a desert and they call it peace”). (Quoted in my book “Conspiracy or Blunder?” pages 93 - 96).
A big thank you to Boy George who through his commendable decision to return the stolen icon to the Church of Cyprus (obviously not able to return it to the actual Church of origin due to the continued Turkish invasion and occupation of that part of our homeland) has offered immense service to our cause in promoting to the eyes of the world the ongoing Turkish religious crimes committed in Cyprus since 1974 …
God Bless you George. |
Letters to the Editor |
Dear Simon,
I am just back from a 3-month vacation to Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania. Whilst in New Zealand I visited the Air Force musuem in Christchurch where, to my surprise, I saw an item relating to Cyprus. The attached photo which may bring memories to some of your readers speaks of itself. If you think fit, you may include it in one of the future editions of Gibrahayer. The foot-note read " Street name from Cyprus".
The arduous task which you and your assistants are carrying out in keeping "Gibrahayer" alive is much appreciated.
Sarkis Der Avedissian |

Armenian Dance classes for all |
Hamazkayin Cyprus Press Release - Hamazkayin Cyprus is organising dance classes for adult ladies and gents by Dance Instructor Felix Haroutiounian. The classes will take place every Friday at 4-30pm in AYMA starting on 4 February 2011. Those interested, please contact Shoushig Bakalian on 99667828 and Louise Aynedjian on 99533684.
Participation fees are 30 (thirty) euros per month. |
Group lessons for children and adults. Private lessons for amateurs or professions by certified tennis coaches in Acropolis - Nicosia at Terra Santa newly-built tennis courts. Tennis enthusiasts may also rent courts on a short or long-term basis. Call Jeremy on 96531869. |
Gibrahayer Calendar of Events |
Friday 28 January at 8:00 pm - 120th anniversary celebrations of ARF Dashnaktsoutiun at PASIDY Hall in Nicosia. Keynote speaker: Dr. Megerditch Megerditchian followed by joghovertayin khraghjank at AYMA-HMEM. Sign up with Sevag Gurunlian on 99202923 and Hagop Kazandjian on 99394414.- Saturday 5 February at 6:00 pm - Manougnere yev menk. Lecture by Vartan Tashdjian - Chairman of Nareg school Hokapartsoutiun. Organised by the Cultural Committee of the Armenian Club of Larnaca at the Hall of the Larnaca Nareg school.
- Wednesday 9 February - International friendly match in Limassol, between the national football teams of Armenia and Georgia. Details to follow.
- Saturday 12 February at 8:30 pm - St. Valentine's Love Night organised by Hamazkayin's Oshagan Chapter with Love songs from Marie Louise Kouyoumdjian and her band. Sign up with Shoushig Bakalian on 99667828 and Louise Aynedjian on 99533684. Entrance 15 euros. Price includes dinner.
Sports News by Sevag Devletian |
- TENNIS: Margarita Gasparyan representing Russia, dropped out of Junior Girls’ Singles of the Australian Open 2011. Gasparyan lost to Sabina Sharipova (Uzbekistan) in the second round 6-4, 1-6 and 2-6.
- FUTSAL: Latvia beat Armenia 2-1 in the last Group B qualifier of UEFA Futsal EURO 2012. Earlier, Armenian lost to Iceland 1-6 and drew 2-2 with Greece.
- CHESS: Armenian grandmaster Levon Aronian defeated Russia’s Alexander Grischuk in round 7 and tied a game with India’s Viswanathan Anand in round 8 of the Tata Steel Chess Tournament in Wijk aan Zee, Netherlands. Currently 3rd in the standings, he will rival Alexei Shirov of Spain in round 9.
- BOXING: WBA, WBC unified Super Flyweight World Champion Vic Darchinyan's next bout will be held on April 24 (Remembrance Day of the Armenian Genocide).
- FOOTBALL: Mika FC of Yerevan lost 0-4 to Inter FC of Baku in the 4th round of Commonwealth of Independent States and Baltic Cup in St Petersburg.
- TENNIS: U.S. tennis player of Armenian descent Andre Agassi, will be inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in June.
Gibrahay Sports by Sevag Devletian |
- AGBU Ararat and Homenmen did not have any scheduled matches this week due to the Cyprus National Futsal Team Euro 2012 qualifying matches.
- AYMA/HMEM's match against ESOBGA in the Cyprus Amateur Football League 2nd Division was cancelled due to poor weather conditions.
- AGBU Ararat U-17's did not have any scheduled matches this week.
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