Armenian e-magazine circulates every Thursday Established in 1999 | 
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Simon Aynedjian for Gibrahayer e-magazine - Thursday 17 February |
It is final ! Drilling in plot 12 will begin immediately. Energy consortium “Noble”, together with the government of Cyprus, are moving ahead with a strategic partnership that goes beyond pumping natural gas from an area in the South seas of Cyprus. This move that has had its reaction from Turkey is set to shake the political scene and to re-shuffle the geo-strategic balances in the eastern Mediterranean. |
It is final ! The government of Cyprus and “Noble” energy consortium are moving ahead with their plans for piping gas from eastern Mediterranean towards Europe, in a move that is destined to invite renewed threats from Turkey, who has been barking about plot 12, as well as neighbouring plots which are believed to be as fertile. It is believed that this turn of events will be bringing Cyprus to a stronger position in the battle for securing not only alternative sources of energy, but playing a card as means to establishing its sovereignty and emerging as a regional player. There is no doubt that Turkish reaction will continue and Turkey will continue claiming spoils that are far away from its sphere and boundaries, but one thing is clear, we are into an era of renewed re-shuffling, similar to the S-300 missiles saga of a decade ago, with the only difference that European Cyprus will probably not succumb to threats reminiscent to the S-300 saga. |

It is final ! “Noble’s” Operations Manager of Eastern Mediterranean Chris Kendal said yesterday that work will be begin as early as end of December 2011, for pumping natural gas. As a partner in the venture, the Republic of Cyprus will take the majority of the profit. However, the most important political factor in the equation is the involvement of Turkey’s new-found foe and military ally Israel, with neighbouring Arab countries - like Lebanon - raising eyebrows. |
Gibrahayer e-magazine - Nicosia - 10 February. On Thursday, February 10, The European Parliament Foreign Relations Committee adopted the report prepared by Netherlands Euro MP Ria Umen-Ruijten on the progress of Turkey, by 51 votes for, 5 against and 3 abstentions. The report is considered favourable for Cyprus. The report demands the implementation of the Security Council 550 Resolution and the return of Famagusta to its lawful inhabitants, as well as to put an end to the resettlement of the occupied region. On the Cyprus problem, the report “calls on Turkey to show active support to the on-going negotiations, and to create a favourable environment for them, starting with the withdrawal of its armed forces from Cyprus”. The report will be put to vote at the European Parliament plenary session in the beginning of March. Until that date, though, new proposals for amendments can be presented. |
From The Office of Ioannis Kasoulides Member of European Parliament |
The European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs adopted today its annual Turkey report. Through coordinated efforts with other EPP Group Members, references to Armenia have been substantially improved in comparison to the initial draft report. |
Paragraph 18: makes explicit reference to the Armenian community in Turkey and the absence of progress with regard to the legal framework of its functioning. It supports the ongoing dialogue of the government with religious communities, including the Alevis, as well as the Greek, Armenian, Aramean and other Christian communities,; is however disappointed that only limited progress has been made with regard to the legal framework for the functioning of these communities, notably concerning their ability to obtain legal personality, to open and operate houses of worship, train clergy and to solve property problems not tackled by the Law on Foundations; while referring to the prevailing delays and procedural problems, calls for an effective and continued effort in the implementation of the Law on Foundations, which must enable the aforementioned religious communities to function without undue constraints, in line with the ECHR and the case law of the ECtHR; urges the government to further increase its support to the freedom of conscience and religious plurality in the Turkish society; |
Paragraph 32: Urges both parties, Turkey and Armenia, to ratify without preconditions the protocols and to open the border, and calls on Turkey to use its regional weight to enhance confidence building measures; |
- The rapporteur Mrs Oomen-Ruijten accepts to separate the Armenia-Turkey relations from the Karabakh conflict.
- But once again refuses to urge Turkey to recognise the Armenian genocide.
Brussels (Belgium) - The European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs adopted, on Thursday, 10th February, 2011, the "2010 Progress Report on Turkey" (see the initial draft resolution here)prepared by Mrs. Oomen-Ruijten (EPP-Christian Democrats, Netherlands), the Committee's Rapporteur on this issue. The Committee adopted the report in spite of many criticisms -- including those voiced from within her own political group -- regarding the flaws in the draft and especially pointing to the summarized format of the text, which makes it impossible for the report to reflect many of the critical issues concerning EU-Turkey relations. Among those issues, Turkey's refusal to recognize Cyprus (an EU member state), the Kurdish question and the Armenian Genocide, which were completely omitted by Mrs. Oomen-Ruijten in her draft, became the subject of many amendments introduced by MEP's of various political factions. Members from different political affiliations of the Parliament, i.e. Christian Democrats (EPP), Socialists (S&D), Communists (GUE), Conservatives (ECR), and souverainists (EFD), have demanded the recognition, by Turkey, of the Armenian Genocide. However, as in previous years, they came up against Mrs. Oomen-Ruijten's total inflexibility. She simply rejected any mention of the Genocide under the false claims of "balance" and "moderation". Nevertheless, given the reality of several amendments offered by MEP's of all political groups, which were aiming specifically the paragraph in the report on Armenia-Turkey relations, Mrs. Oomen-Ruijten -- failing even to obtain the withdrawal of her own colleagues' amendments -- agreed to modify the paragraph to state clearly the key proviso of "without pre-conditions" attached to the ratification, by Turkey, of the Protocols signed by the two countries. She also agreed to withdraw the passage originally urging Turkey "to contribute to the solution of the frozen conflict around Nagorno Karabach". During previous years, the European Parliament demanded the abrogation of the 301 article of the Turkish Penal code, changed in 2008 in “insulting the Turkish nation”, under which anyone who recognizes the Armenian Genocide is prosecuted. The European Armenian Federation deplores the refusal of the rapporteur to call for the removal of the 301 article as well as other articles of the Turkish Penal code that destroy freedom. “It would be a fatal mistake for the European Parliament to adhere to the Turkish AKP government's deceptive culture of half-measures dealing only with political cosmetics when it comes to fundamental issues of human rights and political ethics. The Parliament should continue to vigorously call on Turkey to admit its state responsibility in the genocide of the Armenians," stated Hilda Tchoboian, Chairperson of the Federation. |
Simon Aynedjian for Gibrahayer e-magazine - The much anticipated mega million Qatar deal, 700 meters down the road from Melkonian finally went through this week at a price that was much lower than what was originally being negotiated. The land was valued at 50 million euros in a complex equation, details of which will surface in time. This turn of events is bound to have an impact on the Melkonian high-bidders and if AGBU have not already come to an agreement with potential buyers, they probably will get much less than the anticipated price, whether this is because of the Qatar "limit down" evaluation, or whether because of the present economic state of affairs which have also affected the prices of real estate. If the AGBU administration has taken the decision to sell Melkonian to the highest bidder - then if not for anything else - perhaps for their own interest, they should delay the sale of Melkonian and during that time, they should give opportunity to interested parties to make a more concrete proposal for the reopening of the school, to serve the Diaspora and western Armenian language-based education. Whatever scenario is followed, it simply is not wise and definitely not to AGBU's own financial interests to sell Melkonian - especially now - having in mind the present economic environment. |
Gibrahayer e-magazine - Sources close to the Armenian MP in the House of Representatives have disclosed that Vartkes Mahdessian has initiated a series of meetings - within the community - to discuss the issue of having the members of the Armenian Schools Committee (Hokapartsoutiun) elected by the Community itself in the future. Mahdessian is also taking up the matter with the representatives of the Maronites and Latins, as the agreement of all communities is necessary, to have the present arrangement changed. As things stand today, the Representative proposes the candidates and the Ministerial Council takes the final decision for the appointment of the Hokapartsoutiun.
"Vahan Bedelian, Life and Times in Cyprus" Thursday, February 24 at 8:00pm in GLENDALE - CALIFORNIA |
The name Vahan Bedelian has touched us all with his violin, compositions, conducting and teaching. Please join us to celebrate the legacy of the Armenian Community of Cyprus and her son, Vahan Bedelian. We are looking forward to see you on Thursday, February 24th, 2011 at 8:00pm.
With warm regards,
- Sebouh Abcarian - Artistic Director and Conductor KOHAR Symphony Orchestra Choir. - Haroutune Bedelian, Violin–Faculty, University of California, Irvine. - Levon Chilingirian, O.B.E., Violin–Chilingirian Quartet. - Lorna Griffitt, D.M., Piano–Faculty, University of California, Irvine. - Susan Pattie, Ph.D.–Senior Research Fellow, University College, London.
Please R.S.V.P. to: |
At the event, Susan Pattie will give a presentation about a documentary film being prepared on the Armenian community in Cyprus and the influence Vahan Bedelian has had on its formation, especially in the musical and cultural fields. |

News in Brief by Sevag Devletian |
- Politicians in Armenia continue to watch for status updates containing words like "revolution" among the 123,000 Facebook users. Facebook users in the nation supporting the Armenian National Congress, will gather and hold a rally on February 18 to commemorate the two-year anniversary of a political standoff that ensued from rigged presidential elections. This Thursday's event gains more significance after the recent uprising in Egypt and Tunisia.
- The UN Development Program and the Armenian Ministry of Emergency situations signed a memorandum of understanding on provision of on-line information and general communication in case of emergencies.
- The Azerbaijani Defense Minister said his country is seriously preparing for war against Armenia to "liberate its territories from occupation."
- Turkish President Abdullah Gul plans to request his Armenian counterpart Serzh Sargsyan to support Turkey's candidate for OSCE Secretary General. Turkey's candidate, Ambassador Ersin Ercin will personally hand the letter to President Sargsyan in March. According to Haberturk, the diplomat characterized Turkish President Gul's letter as a gesture of goodwill towards Armenia.
- Kempinski Hotels signed contracts to open five star hotels in Yerevan, Yekaterinburg and Marienbad. Kempinski Hotel, scheduled to open in Yerevan in 2013, will be the first Kempinski project in Armenia. The hotel will be located in Amiryan street, near the building of Foreign Ministry, and will offer 150 rooms and suits. Kempinski Hotels S.A. is a luxury hotel group, the oldest one in Europe. Kempinski Hotels owns and runs an international portfolio of 64 hotels in 28 countries.
Direct to Yerevan - Armenia |

Letters to the Editor |
We have received the following letter regarding last week's Editorial by Harout Sassounian |
Re: Now let’s see how much of that you will actually use in your newsletter. Masis Agopyan |
All of it Mr. Masis Agopyan, we will publish your email in its entirety, as we ALWAYS have published ALL letters to the Editor or opinions that have come our way, however contrary to our beliefs they have been. Gibrahayer e-magazine has been transparent since day one. I am under the impression that you are confusing us with other Armenian Cypriot establishments whose modus operandi has forever been behind closed doors, away from checks and balances, transparency, accountability and a democratic election process. We hope you continue sharing your ideas with us and making the most of the forum we provide you with, to empower your opinion to our multi-thousand global readership. Simon Aynedjian |
Letter from Masis Agopyan - Australia |
You guys are kidding right? You have only listed a FEW small issues with the “senate of the diaspora” question: I have some more for you, why don’t you include them in your next newsletter ??? |

1: Who will pay for this extra layer of politicians? Armenians in Armenia ?? or the Diaspora? 2: If it is an “election” how can we ensure no corruption? Perhaps getting consular & diplomatic officials to officiate a vote – great, the nearest Consulate to Armenia is in Thailand, so Armenia – a nation that needs foreign AID DONATIONS to balance it’s books, sends one guy and his entourage, around Australia & the Asia pacific region collecting votes? How much money do we spend? 3: If it is a vote, do ¾ Armenians get a vote? Do ½ Armenians? Do Full blooded Armenians who hate Armenians (I know a FEW OF THESE) and who REJECT being Armenian get a vote? Do Adopted children of Armenian parents get a vote? (They aren’t Armenian, in fact I have an adopted cousin who didn’t know until 20 that he was adopted!). 4: A country the size of Belgium, with average income per citizen of 1/10-1/11th that of Belgium, with a population 5-6 times smaller than Belgium, will have as much government as the USA in terms of layers & set up, Senate, House of representatives, office of president, state, city-mayoral, local council, the USA is only 9.35 million sq. Kms, Armenia is 29,700 sq kms. Do we need it? 5: With what right, would any foreign person ever have to approve things in a country they DO NOT LIVE IN? Example, new taxation system proposing tax cuts for the poor passes in the lower house, controlled 35% by Serj Sarkissians Republican party, and ends up in the senate, which I have absolutely no doubt about this, will be at LEAST 50% ARF-Tashnaksutiun controlled, who is OPPOSING the Republican party, of course the ARF love this, it GIVES THEM POWER TO STOP SUPPLY! – references, 1970’s Gough Whitlam - Australian parliament, and just recently, the Senate republicans holding off on ANYTHING until the Bush era tax cuts were extended two more years, so we will give foreigners – albeit Armenian blood foreigners – the power to stop supply in the Armenian parliament, this is INSANITY. 6: Israel has 7 million people, 5 million are “Jews” there is at least around 8 million Jews outside of Isreal – Wikipaedia- however I do tend to believe the numbers the Jews themselves have told me, which is closer to the 10-12 million mark, this gives them the SAME percentages as Armenia & it’s DIASPORA, the parliament of ISRAEL??? ALL LOCAL PRODUCE! NO FOREIGN INFLUENCE. This is the most ridiculous proposal I’ve ever heard, and I am an absolute die hard Armenian patriot, with an Armenian passport (the special 10 year no visa required passport), who has been to Armenia many times since 1981, back when intourist used to run things. I think this is the STUPIDEST idea ever. Instead of WASTING MONEY ON STUPIDITY LIKE THIS to make the “diasporas” stupid thickheads like him, Serj should spend his time, money & erffort, in securing borders, securing future prosperity by developing schools and roads, and transport systems, and making the public sector supply basic amenities to ALL Armenians, if there are 50 senators in Armenia, each will earn at least $10-20,000, meaning the cost directly is $500,000-$1 million, then the senators have STAFF, and occupy real estate, use electricity, and also use resources, the total cost of 50-100 senators would be 4-5 times their original wage cost of 10-20K each, giving us $2-5 million dollars at a BARE MINIMUM. This is before security staff & public funded flights, pensions & benefits are counted..... Our dear neighbour, dictator Aliyev spends $2 billion a YEAR on his military alone, and Armenia spends around $120-130 million, with a total state budget of $2 billion, the Azeri standing Army is (with reserves) approximately ½ a million, we have an aggressive, expansionist, genocidal neighbour who wants nothing more than bathe in our blood & is gearing up with the latest weaponry, and we are looking at paying a bunch of foreigners cronies to legislate a country many foreigners firstly insults, secondly, don’t visit, they rather travel to Turkey or Iran!!!! Just 2 weeks ago, an Armenian girl who rejects her Armenian-ness, told me she wants to go to Turkey, My dad was BORN there, my cousins LIVE THERE, their CHILDREN LIVE THERE, and I WILL NOT STEP FOOT IN THAT CRAP HOLE EVER, they can come VISIT ME, I am not funding that enemy state, but SHE WOULD. And she will have a VOICE??? That I CANNOT & WILL NOT TOLERATE. It is absolutely stupid, insane, and a massive waste of public funds, the Armenian diaspora is INFINITELY more wealthy than the Armenians of Armenia, and those poor people will be paying FOR ME???? NO WAY. I do not need a VOICE, it is my HOMELAND, but NOT MY COUNTRY, as I AM NOT A CITIZEN, so I have no rights, I have not served in the Army, no military service, I do not deserve a VOTE. Simple. If I emigrated & lived there, and became a citizen then yes, a senate would be nice, as long as it was voted in by me, a citizen! I am Swedish born, hold citizenship, and use Swedish passport to travel, have I EVER VOTED for ANYTHING in Sweden??? NO...... Reason? It isn’t MY BUSINESS. Now let’s see how much of that you will actually use in your newsletter. Empowering the diaspora = weakening Armenia in EVERY WAY, do not forget, Armenia’s only ALLY in the region is the Russians, the ARF is OPENLY hostile towards the Russians, with the ARF in charge of ANYTHING, we will immediately go back to 1918-1920. Do we want to be written off? Do we want to disappear from the map? If the answer is YES- then go for the senate of the non citizens. If the answer is no, then forget the senate of the non citizens.
Masis Agopyan - Australia |
 - Group lessons for children and adults.
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in Acropolis - Nicosia. - At Terra Santa newly-built tennis courts.
- You may also rent courts on a short or
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Gibrahayer Calendar Events |
Sunday 20 February at 9:30am - Catholicos Aram I of the Holy See of Cilicia will deliver Karoz at Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in Nicosia. Holy Liturgy by Rev. Momik Habeshian, followed by Achahampouyr at the Prelacy.- Thursday 3 March at 10:00am - Vartanants ceremony at Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church.
- Sunday 6 March at 3:00 - 6:00pm - Carnival Party at Nareg Hall, organised by The Nareg Parents Association. Entrance: only 5:00 euros. The event is open for all children in the community.
Sunday 20 March at 1:00 pm - Mid-Lent ‘’Michink”” lunch at the HMEM/AYMA. Organised by The Armenian Relief Society (HOM) Cyprus ‘’Sosse’’ Chapter. Armenian traditional home made and delicious vegetarian food and desserts will be served.
Every Sunday at Keravnos |

Sports News by Sevag Devletian |
- FOOTBALL: The International Federation of Football History and Statistics (OFFJS) published Europe's clubs ranking of the first decade. According to it, FC Barcelona (Spain) is Europe’s club of the 1st decade with 2,550 points, followed by Manchester United FC (England) with 2,523 points and Liverpool FC (England) with 2,414 points. Armenia’s champion FC Pyunik Yerevan is the 175th with 575.5 points.
- BOXING: Former world champion Arthur Abraham (32-2, 25 KOs) got back into ring with a second round TKO over against WBA #9 super middleweight Stjepan Bozic (24-5, 15 KOs) on February 12 in Germany. The bout ended prematurely in round two when Bozic suffered an injury to his right hand and went to a knee. The fight was then stopped by referee Daniel Van de Weile. Abraham will next challenge WBA super middleweight champion Andre Ward in the Super Six semi-final in May.
- FIGURE SKATING: The European Youth Olympic Winter Festival is under way in Liberec in the Czech Republic. Armenia is represented by 10 sportsmen. Figure skater Slavik Hayrapetyan is the fifth among 18 participants after the short program whilst, Marta Grigoryan is 16th among 26 figure skaters after the short program.
- CHESS: In the 7th tour of Aeroflot Open Chess Festival, Grandmaster Tigran Petrosyan gained his 3rd victory, beating Ildar Khairullin of Russia. After the 7th round, the Grandmaster has made it to 14th position, with 4,5 points to his score. Avetik Grigoryan and Kirkor Sevag Mekhitarian of Brazil ended their games in a draw. The third representative of Armenia, Sergey Movsisyan lost to Bojan Vuckovic of Serbia.
- WRESTLING: The Freestyle Wrestling Grand Prix with the participation of Armenian sportsmen has been completed in Bolis. Armenia’s Musa Murtazaliyev (74kg), Ruslan Basiyev and Mihran Jaburyan (55kg) were first, second and third respectively.
- SAMBO: On March 24-27, World Super Cup tournament in Moscow will host 3 Armenian sambo wresters: 2010 World and European champion Ashot Danielyan (74kg), European Championship silver medalist and World champion Vachik Vardanyan (68kg), and European Youth champion Tigran Kirakosyan.
Hamazkayin's Valentine Night photos at HMEM/AYMA - click here |

Gibrahay Sports by Sevag Devletian |
- AGBU Ararat U-17's defeated AEL U-17's of Limassol 3-0 and climbed to the top of the table in the Cyprus U-17 Futsal League.
- Father and son doubles duo Simon and Edmond Aynedjian narrowly won 2,6, 6-2, 7-5 in the Finals of the Mad4tennis Winter tournament, against Costas and Antonis Avraam who had made it in the finals of the singles event of the same tournament. Details of the match .
- On Wednesday February 9, the Armenian national football team played a friendly match against Georgia at the Tsirion Stadium in Limassol. Gibrahayer emagazine's Sevag Devledian and Artsakank's Nareg Tavitian, the respective sport editors along with a few Armenian-Cypriot football enthusiasts had the opportunity to meet and chat with Henrikh Mkhitaryan, Yura Movsisyan, many members of the Armenian national football team and their travelling entourage. This is the exclusive interview with Henrikh Mkhitaryan and Yura Movsisyan. Click here .
- AGBU Ararat defeated SPE Strovolou 2-0 in the Cyprus Futsal Premier League. Highlights .
- Homenmen suffered a 9-4 defeat against APEP Pitsilias in the Cyprus Futsal 2nd Division.
- AYMA/HMEM suffered a disappointing 3-0 defeat against Acropolis B' and thus were knocked out of the Cyprus Amateur Football Cup.