Monday 13 May 2013

Conversation between Historians - Fly on the wall  - This is a crucial part of the comments made below! 

[Click twice to open]

I am not a fan of Churchill, which explains why your proposal for my Honorary Doctorate at Oxford failed ... 

Churchill, during the first World War, as a result of the stupidity of the Gallipoli war entirely conceived and perpetrated by him, was called in the  British Pariliament 
"the Butcher of Gallipoli" ... several hundred thousand Austrailian and New Zealand Soldiers (Anzacs) were killed in a day as a result of Churchill's sheer idiocy of sending them as cannon fodder onto the beaches of Marmara ...

it was all forgotten by the Second WW ... He was also a Eugenicist racist ... He wanted the British government officially to eliminate what he called "the mental defectives", which inspired the Nazis to realize what Churchill had fantasized ... 

Roosevelt thought Churchill was permanently drunk ... 

Churchill was the one who manufacturd first the homely image of Stalin as "Uncle Joe", only to dump him as he got obsessive about communism, which was labelled by the great German novelist, Thomas Mann, as the "greatest stupidity of the 20th century" ... 

And thus, on and on ... Churchill was all in all a great Fool, and a village idiot.  His wartime speeches, on closer examination are no more than blood-thirsty drivel ... 

He just loved War, war, war, precisely like Hitler, who felt  depressed and miserable because the first World War in which he fought as a simple German soldier had ended ... 

Both Hitler and churchill loved the blood and spilled guts and sweat and the shit-stink of the trenches ... 

Churchill was also responsible for NOT ALLOWING THE TURKS to return the Armenian cities/areas of Kars and Ardahan on Stalin's demand to the Soviet Armenians ... Roosevelt had not minded it.  



Dear Hovhannes,

May I put this in perspective. General Eisenhower would not let General Patton race to Berlin and so get there at the same time as the Russians and Armenians. Patton was subsequently bumped off by NKVD as a threat to you know who!  Secondly Churchill was the worse for wear only once in the whole war, and on that occasion he didn’t make any decisions! I have just checked this with a friend and colleague  Historian of impeccable credentials.

I am waiting to hear from one of my client’s daughters, whose Grandmother’s family were part of the Hohenzollern fraternity, to give the origin of the Brandenburg Gate featured in your clip, which she previously informed me was named after one of her ancestors.



Dearest Alberto

Many thanks for your hugely interesting e-mail.  I did'nt know about Max Hastings Biography of Churchill, as I know Hastings himself (Ex-Editor of Daily Telegraph) to be a Brit imperialist.  

I am grateful for the reference of Churchill loving the sound of explosions, which I think is a homoerotic trait ... I consider the military hardware -- based on all kinds of explosions (bombs, machine-gun fire, cannons, tanks etc.) to be a manifestation -- a glorification -- of the homosexual tendencies of the male of the species ... 

Every time there is a State funeral, a Nazi-style parade (North Korean for example) or our Majestic Queen's birthday, and cannons are fired, they make me laugh as they sound like the farts of a fat man -- I think the Hydrogen bomb was even named by the Americans "Fat Boy" ... which moroever indicates the US military's  paedophilia ...  

You're also right about Churchill not being a fool ... As he is a sacred cow of the British, and I do not wish to be a target of their abuse, I portrayed the image of the Fool, to be more acceptable ... there is a huge tradition of the respectable Fool in British literary history from the Medieval times, down to Shakespeare's Fool-s, down to Boris Johnson, our Mayor of London, who is happy to play the Fool in the Bankers' City of London (their great Protector) ... 

We have an Armenian Folk-expression; " Soud khent g-lla, vankin haver goudeh " = he's a false Fool, only to eat the chicken of the Monastery = He acts the Fool to exploit people for self-interest ... 



My dear Hovhanness, As you blind-copied me I'm only answering to you. Just to say you must surely know, from my writings, that I wholeheartedly agree with your comment on Churchill. His love of war was already clear in Afghanistan and Africa before the turn of the XX century. Have you read Max Hastings 3 volume biography of Churchill? Hastings makes it plain clear that there was nothing that excited Churchill more than the sound of tanks, air-bombers, troops, etc, approaching. Also he loved the sound of explosions.

But I don't believe Churchill was a "fool or village idiot". He was a clever man, only a very unhappy man. His frustrated efforts as an artist (like Hitler's) and his unhappy personal life, added to a sad childhood, made him hate man. Harold MacMillan was a similar case. Had they both just started to kill people, they'd have spent their live in jail, as murderers. Organising wars was a safer bet.

Stay well,


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