Saturday 19 April 2014

NOR OR - NEW DAY - 17th APRIL 2014

MAK-i møt Fa\astani m,ta- kan n;rka\azouzic Karhn Na- xar;ane namak \[a‘ h kaxma- k;rpouj;an gl.auor qartou[ar Pan Qi Mounin^ irax;k;lou fa- mar mi=axga\in fanrouj;ane 1 9 9 2 j o u a k a ni A p ril 1 0 - i n Atrph\yani xinoua‘ ouv;rou ko[mhn L;®na\in {araba[i Martak;rti ,r=ani Mara[a giu[i mh= irakanazoua‘ =ar- d;rou masin!
Siriakan ygnavami f;t;uan- qow dvouarin irawiyakoum \a\tnoua‘ siriafa\ouj;ane pa,tpan;lou npatakow a\d ;rkroum k®ou;lou famar Fa\as- taniz xinoua‘ =okatn;r ou[ar- k;ln am;nam;‘ arka‘a.ndrou- jiune ke lini! 'o.anzmamb% a\d masin April 11-in FFK K;ntron warcakan ,r=ani n;rka\azouzci f;t fandipmann as;l h na.agaf
April 13-in% qani me vam t;ua‘ Fa\astani Fanrap;ta- kan kousakzouj;an gor‘adir
marmni ;u .orfourdi nist;rou auartin Fa\astani warcap;ti pa,tønin a®a=adroua‘ h AV na.agaf |owik Abrafam;ani j;kna‘oujiune% ;u mia]a\n fas- tatoua‘ h! A\d masin nisthn \;to\ \a\tarar;z FFK mamlo\ .øsnak Hdouard
Na.kin warcap;t Tigran Sargs;ane fravarakan toua‘ hr Aprili 3-in! April 13-in k*a- uarthr Safmanadrouj;amb par- tadrouo[ 10-ør;a\ vamkhte% ;u
AMN ,arq me ørhnsdra- kann;rou na.a];®nou- j;amb April 9-in Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an xof;rou \i,atakin nouiroua‘ araro[oujiun t;[i oun;- za‘ h!
Amhnam;a\ araro[ou- j;an ir;nz masnakzou- jiune b;ra‘ ;n ’;rako\- ti ;rkou palatn;rou^ S;- nati ;u N;rka\azouzic- n;rou palati artaqin farz;row \an]navo[own;- rou na.agafn;r M;n;n- t;se ;u Âo\se% incphs na;u ørhnsdir marmni ,our= 25 a\l andamn;r% ke fa[ordh Am;rika\i Fa\ Dati gras;n;ake!
Araro[ouj;ane fim- nax;ko\zow fandhs ;ka‘ h \a\tni jourq a\la.of Âake' Xaraqøloun! An Miaz;al Nafangn;rou i,- .anoujiunn;roun koc era‘ h yancnal Fa\oz Z;[aspa- noujiune ;u w;r= dn;l Jourqio\^ amardkouj;an dhm m;‘ago \n \anzagor- ‘ouj;ano v.tman qa[a- qakanoujiune!
Araro[ouj;an kaxma- k;rpmane ’;rako\ti fa\- kakan farz;row \an]na- vo[owin a=akza‘ ;n ;rk- ri mh= FF d;spanatoune% L{F gras;n;ake ;u a\l fa\kakan kaxmak;rpou- jiunn;r!
A p ril i 1 4 - i n Ma\ r A j o ® Sourb H=mia‘noum N&S&Ø&T&T& Ga- r;gin B ’a\rago\n Patriarq ;u Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikosn endoun;z Fa\astani Fanrap;- touj;an noran,anak warcap;t |owik Abrafam;anin!
Fandipmane Norin Srbou- jiunn ir ørfnoujiunn ou ,nor- fauoranqn;re b;r;z tiar |& Abrafam;anin FF warcap;ti patas.anatou pa,tøne stan]- n;lou kapakzouj;amb^ ardiu- na,at iragor‘oumn;r ma[j;low nran Fa\r;niqi barør k;anqi k;rtman a®aq;louj;an mh=!
Am;na\n Fa\oz Fa\rap;tn ir .øsqoum andradar]au ;rkri ;u vo[owrdi a®=;u ‘a®aza‘ ba- xoum dvouaroujiunn;rin^ \o\s \a\tn;low% or noron,anak war- cap;tn tarin;ri ir 'or]a®ou- j;amb ;u wastakow drakan t;[a,arv;r ;u 'o'o.oujiunn;r ke 'ar]anagri fa\oz k;anqoum!
Xro\zi enjazqoum Norin Srboujiune gofounakouj;amb andradar]au na;u :k;[;zi-p;- toujiun \arab;roujiunn;rin ;u a®ka\ axgøgout famagor‘ak- zouj;ane Fa\ :k;[;zou ;u fa\- r;ni p;touj;an tarb;r ka- ®o\zn;ri mi=;u! Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikose fastat;z% or Ma\r Ajo® S& H=mia‘ine% fauatarim ir axga\in a®aq;louj;ane% piti ,arounaki ir xørakzou- jiune b;r;l fa\r;ni i,.anou- jiunn;rin ir;nz fa\r;nanouhr ];®narkoumn;roum ;u anka. p;-
~ransa\i .orfrdarani mh= Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an v.toume qrhakanazno[ ørinag‘i f;[inak Wal;ri Poua\hn Q;sapi wra\ \ar]akman kapakzouj;amb ~ran- sa\i AGN [;kawarhn .ndra‘ h parxaban;l% jh i#nc qa\l;r h mtadir ];®nark;lou ;rkri ka-
®awaroujiune \ar]akoumn;re kas;zn;lou ou fa\;roun pa,tpa- n;lou famar% ke grh aNouvelles d'Armenieo-in!
Est Poua\hi% Q;sapi fa\oujiu- ne% oronq fimnakanin mh= 1915 j& Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an xof;rou va®angn;rn ;n% tara‘a,r=ani w;r=in fa\ fama\nqn;rhn h! An n,a‘ h na;u% or Q;sap grofa‘ ;n ‘a\ra\;[akan islamistn;re Jourqio\ ka®awarouj;an a=ak- zouj;amb! Z;[aspanouj;an 100 am;a\ tar;lizi ,;min Jourqio\ masnakzoujiune nman afab;kca- kan grofn;roun phtq h arvani troui!
N.O. April 17, 2014, No. 16:N.O. Blank 4/16/14 4:28 PM Page 2
NOR ØR% APRIL 17% 2014
M;nq :nq^ M;r Zau;re
aNWNWAZO{oN:R&&& ARTAGA{J:ZH*Qo& :{A#U ASIKA PARO|R |& A{PA<:an span="">
W;r=;rs% fa\r;ni :rkrapaf kamauorakan miouj;an famagoumarin% na;u ;lo\j oun;za‘ h Fa\astani na.agaf S;rv Sargs;an% or fiurabar fon gtnoua‘ h!
Ir .øsqin mh=% Prn& na.agafe ;rkrin kazou- jiune% fauatal jh oc% wardago\n n;rka\a- zouza‘ h% mo®nalow tnt;sakan gafawivoume^ ir aprousta\in ou k;nza[a\in \am;zo[ tag- napn;row% s[aya\in ou gor‘axrka\in davan pa\mann;row ;u% am;nhn afauore% ,arouna- kouo[ artaga[ji fosqow!
Est Sargs;anin% tnt;soujiune abaruøqo wiyaki mh= h% isk f;®auor ‘ragirn;re i npast vo[owourdin% ba\z% miak j;roujiune or ka\ (;[;@r)% ør ou gi,;r i,.anoujiunn;re qnna- dato[ ouv;rn ;n ;u enk;ra\in-tnt;sakan wi- yakhn trtn=azo[ axatamartikn;re!
F;t;uabar% an famar;a go®aza‘ h& a;jh chq wstafoum i,.anoujiunn;rin% karo[ hq ar- taga[j;l% isk ;jh mnoum hq^ mi nwnwazhqo (ima^ mlauhq)!
A\s ;u a\l wirauorakan ;u arfamarfakan mitq;re% oronq ,anjafaro[ axd;zoujiun gor- ‘a‘ ;n ,at;rou wra\% patya® ;[a‘ h FF m,a- ko\ji na.ararouj;an m,akouja\in ‘ragir- n;rou warcouj;an p;t^ Htouart Antin;ani .or endwxoumin% apa^ fravaroumin% or ir pa,tøni b;roumow lauaphs ‘anøj h tiro[ anba[]ali wiyakin!
Na.agaf Sargs;an% or endfanraphs fan- dartabaro\ oyow .øso[ diuanaght men h% ir a\d ;lo\jow oc mia\n xa\ro\ji aliq bar]ra- zouza‘ h ir dhm% a\l;u^ ir dhmqin mius ;r;se zo\z toua‘ h% our ma[] ka\% anarganq% qamaf- ranq vo[owourdin tarrakan pafan=qn;roun ou k;nsakan kariqn;roun nkatmamb!
F;taqrqrakan h% Prn& na.agafe% srti i#nc fandartouj;amb ke warkab;kh axatamar- tikn;roun ardar irauounqn;re% anonz arva- napatououjiune% ;rb anonq fo[a\in axata-
groumin famar martnca‘ ;n% fa,moua‘ kam xofoua‘!
Baz asti% ;rb fa\ vo[owourde ke ta®api ou ke tagnapi artaga[ji safm®k;zouzic ;r;uo\jhn% incph#s kar;li h akaro[ hq arta- ga[j;lo anwnwozoe ,prt;l pafan=athr;rou ;r;sin% qani anonq k*oux;n arvanapatiu k;anq me april% apafow;∞l!
Ir t;sakhte au;li \stakazn;lou famar% an f;t;u;al ];uow ardarazouza‘ h ir&&& b®nkou- me& a;jh ouxoum hq ;rkroum wiyake normala- na\^ nwnwazo[n;ri ou i,.anoujiunn;rin qnna- dato[n;ri b;rane 'akhq% qani or nranz gor- ‘ounhoujiunn h .angaroum i,.anoujiunn;ri ko[miz ;rkroum irakanazouo[ bar;'o.oum- n;rino!
Fa\astanziq piti eshin& aA@\ q;x .;lq ou fnarqo!
:u irøq% ;jh bar;'o.oumn;rou gor‘adr;- liouj;an fauanakanoujiun ka\% xgazno[ ou ,ø,a'ouo[ tou;aln;row% apa% inco#u mardik piti anwnwano j;rafauatin% po®jkan% \;to\ al m;[adrouin a.angaro[o ellalou ambasta- nouj;amb!
Incph#s kar;li h a\sqan% m;[m esa‘% an- 'a'kankat ellal vo[owourdin ardar ;u t;- [in anwnwoumn;rouno nkatmamb% a\nqan at;n or a\d anfasan;li% ant;san;li ;u anxgali bar;'o.oumn;re fa\r;ni bnakcoujiune&&& ch wa\;la‘ ou ci wa\;l;r% ba\z% karga.øsa\in ouvgnouj;amb anonq amhn ør ;u amhn a®ijow ke fnc;n!
Au;lin^ incphs am;xanoum amhn inc kargin ho ke \a\tararoui% minc a\d akarginooujiune ke gtnoui mia\n p;takan a\r;rou møt% anonq ellan patgamauorn;r jh na.ararn;r% cinow- nikn;r jh ma`høxn;r!
Ba\z% ka\ au;li ou,agraue& aTigran Sar- gs;ane (warcap;t) ,arounak;lou h abar;,r=;lo
Fimnoua‘ 1922-in (~r;xnø) Established 1922 (in Fresno)
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Dauan;low ®amkawarakan skxbounqn;r% ke fauatanq baxmakar‘ouj;an ;u axat .øsqi irauounqi% f;t;uabar% fraparakoua‘ groujiunn;re anpa\man c;n arta\a\t;r .mbagrouj;ans t;sakhte! Kamqh anka. patya®n;row sprda‘ wripakn;rou famar k*apauininq m;r a,.atakizn;roun ;u enj;rzo[n;roun n;ro[amtouj;an!
92-AM:AK 1922-2014
Dhpi M;‘ :[;®ni 100 am;aki og;kocoum
A\s .orimast ;u bowandaka- liz ba®i imastauorman famar m;nq^ fa\ axge% karo[ h ir n,a- nakaliz n;rdroumn oun;nal!
FF ka®awaroujiune% fa\kakan S'iu®qi fama\nqn;rn ou xana- xan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;r Fa\oz M;‘ :[;®ni 100 am;aki og;koc- man famar st;[‘;l ;n \an]navo- [own;r% miaz;al marminn;r% oronq oro,aki mi=oza®oumn;ri ‘ragir ;n m,ak;l ;u irakanaznoum ;n a\d mi=oza®oumn;re! Isk fasa- rak vo[owourde% owq;r a\s kam a\n k;rp c;n masnakzoum a\d mi=oza®oumn;rin% kar‘;s jh dours ;n mnaz;l a\d gor‘enja- ziz! Saka\n ka\ mhk mi=oza®oum^ famafa\kakan mi=oza®oum% orin karo[ ;n bolore masnakz;l! Our;mn a\sphs&
:jh fa\ axgi jouaqanake fa,uoum ;n 10 milion (irakanoum
a\n au;li ,at h)% apa a\d 10 milioni khsiz au;lin kin ;n! A\sinqn% kana\q kaxmoum ;n bnakcouj;an 50 tokose ;u mi ban hl au;li (a,.arfi bnakcou- j;an kaxmn hl h a\dpisin)! 50 tokos kananz jiun endoun;nq^ 5 mln&! A\s 5 mln& kananz 30 tokose f narauoroujiun ouni ;r;.a\ oun;nal (‘nndab;r;l)! A\sinqn 1%5 mln& fa\ kin% oro,aki fa,ouark- n;row karo[ h 1915 j& April amsin ‘nndab;r;l% 'o.fatouz;- low (kar;li h au;li lau ba® gtn;l) a\n 1&5 mln& anm;[ xof;rin% oronq enkan jrqakan (jriq ba®iz) ;aja[aniz!
Sa ;s k*oux;m anouan;l koc% a®a=ark% no\nisk .ndranq m;r fa\ axgi kananz ;u a\n a[=ik- n;rin% owq;r patrastuoum ;n ma\ranal! A\spisow m;nq karo[ ;nq m;r axgi jouaqanake au;-
lazn;l% orowf;t;u møt apaga- \oum m;nq phtq h n;rka\ananq a,.arfin orphs fa\r;naxrkoua‘ vo[owourd ;u \;t stananq m;r patmakan fo[;re a\n safman- n;roum% or g‘;l hr AMN 28-rd na.agaf Woutrø Wilsone!
A\s ou[[ouj;amb fska\akan a,.atanqn;r ;n kataruoum m;r s'iu®qi ka®o\zn;roum^ AMN% :u- ropa% Âousastan ;u a\l ;rkrn;- roum% oronz famar ou[;ni, h ‘a- ®a\oum fianali fa\ordi% diua- naght% patmaban% qa[aqaght% irauaban Ara Pap;ani ousoum- nasiroujiunn;rn ou ;xrakazou- jiunn;rn a\d patmakan 'asti a®ncouj;amb! :u a\vm% ardhn axgabnakcouj;an la\n ,r=ann;- rin \a\tni Ar;umt;an Fa\as- tani Wtarandi ka®awaroujiu- ne konkr;t qa\l;r h irakanaz- noum% oronziz mhkn hl Ar;umt;an Fa\astani qa[aqaziouj;an an]nagri tramadroumn h!
A\s farzi lou‘oumow hl k*am- bo[=ana\ aW;ra‘noundo mi=oza- ®oume!
Ke zankana\i a®a=ark;l Fa-
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N.O. April 17, 2014, No. 16:N.O. Blank 4/16/14 4:28 PM Page 3
THURSDAY, APRIL 17% 2014 3
Fa\ Au;t& Fama,.arfa\in >orfourdi |arouj;an Patgame
ac;al Qristosi \aroujiune a®a=in ;k;[;ziin qaroxouj;an bn;rgn hr!
I f;youks amhn darou j;rafauatn;rou kam anfauatn;rou \a\- tararouj;anz^ :k;[;zin amrakou® mnaza‘ h ir fauatqin wra\ jh a®a=in Auag Ourbaj .aca'a\tin wra\ m;®no[ |isouse ;r;q ør \;to\ m;®;ln;rhn \aroujiun a®au! :k;[;zin a\s dauanouj;an ka®ca‘ ke mna\ a\n fiman wra\% or ;jh |isousi k;anqe Go[go- ja\i blourin wra\ w;r= gtnhr% an sosk martiros me piti ellar ;u oc jh mardkouj;an "rkicn ou Thre! :jh Qristos \aroujiun a®a‘ cellar kar;li piti cellar ir .øsq;roun fauatal% qani or inq \a\tarara‘ hr a:s ;m \aroujiunn ou k;anqeo! Pø[os A®aq;ali wka\ouj;amb% a:jh Qristos \aroujiun a®a‘ ch^ xour h m;r qaroxoujiune &&& inqna.abhoujiun h ];r fauatqe% inc or ke n,anakh jh m;[q;rou mh= hq &&& ;u m;nq mardoz am;nhn .[yalin;rn ;nqo (A& Korn& 15!14-19)!
Qristosi |arouj;an a®a=in wkan;re ;[an ir ou f;t;uordn;re! |arouz;al Qristosi k;nsatou fpoume fimnowin 'o.;z anonz k;anqn ou a,.arafa\;azqe! Jaqstozn;rou ;tin pafoua‘ ;rkcot a,ak;rtn;re |arouz;al Qristosi \arouj;an xøroujiunow l;zoua‘^ Anor qa=ari wkan;re fandisazan! A,ak;rtn;rou a\d 'or]a®ou- jiune dar;r ,arounak krknoua‘ h mardoz k;anqin mh= oronq% ir;nz kargin% xgaz;r ;n \arouz;al Qristosi fra,ali ou k;nsatou fpoume ir;nz k;anqin mh= ;u ir;nz ambo[= k;anqn ou k;nza[e \;[a,r=oua‘ hr!
A\s ør;roun Q;sapafa\ouj;an tarfanoume% fa\ kaxmak;rp fa- ma\nqi c;xoqazoume% fa\kakan ka®o\zn;rou qandoume ;u m;r ga[- jakan vo[owourdi yakatagrin anoro,oujiune^ t;sak me aAuag Ourbajo i t.our tpauoroujiune k*ourouag‘h ,at;rou mtqin mh=!
Ba\z Q;sapi m;r qa=ari fa\r;nakizn;re irax;k ;n Sourb Xatkouan m,tanorog patgamin jh aAuag Ourbajo in piti \a- =ordh |arouj;an \a[jakan a®auøte% k;anqi .auarama‘ agi- ,hrohn \;to\ piti ‘agi ardarouj;an ar;gake! M;nq ke faua- tanq or Qristosi \arouj;an k;nsatou fpoume ir houj;an mh= xgazo[ q;sapzin anpa\manørhn wkan piti da®na\ a\n y,martou- j;an jh w;r=in \a[janake mi,t ardarouj;ann h enddhm anar- darouj;an% bariinn h enddhm carin% lo\sinn h enddhm .auarin!
Ardar;u% a\s Sourb Xatkoua\ ;[anakin |isous Qristosi \arou- jiune angam me ;us m;r mh= k*armataznh a\n fauatqe or karg me astoua‘atour skx bounqn;r orca' al ant;souin% anargouin% ko.krtouin ;u ja[ouin^ i spa® c;n korsouir% a\l i w;r=o\ ke \a[- janak;n! Jo[ .auaramit% n;ngamit ;u anirau mardik ouranan% fala‘;n ;u ja[;n lo\se% y,martoujiune% ardaroujiunn ou shre% ba\z% wa[ jh ou,% a\s \auit;nakan irakanoujiunn;re% piti \a[- janak;n! Jo[ k;[‘auor% angouj ;u anirau 'aris;zin;re% qafa- na\ap;t;rn ou kousakaln;re xrpart;n% fala‘;n% .ac;n ;u ja[;n Thr |isouse% ba\z Astoua‘ mhkdi piti glorh g;r;xmanaqare ou piti \arouzanh xA\n!
A\s fauatqow xinoua‘^ qriston;an ir k;anqi pa\qarin mh= ;rb;q ci wfatir^ gitnalow or fxør Astoua‘ ir gafoun wra\ nsta‘ ke ,arounakh gafakal;l% ;u piti c*artønh or m;[auor mar- dik i spa® \a[janak;n! W;r=in .øsqe |arouz;al ;u |a[jakan Thro=n h! Anonq oronq irn ;n krnan fauatqow ;u \o\sow april ;u \a[jakanørhn goc;l^ aQristos \ar;au i m;®;loz& Ørfn;al h \arou- jiunn Qristosio!
W;r& Dokt& Wafan |& Joujik;an Gor‘adir Tnørhn% Fa\ Au;taranakan Fama,.arfa\in >orfourdi
tnt;soujiuneo! O#rqan y,martoujiun ka\ a\s diurab;k fastatoumin mh=%
;rb warcap;tin oun;zoua‘qn;roun ou koutakoumn;roun masin a®asp;ln;r ke ,r=in% oronq% est am;na\ni% \;riuranq ou xrpartoujiun ellalh f;®ou ;n!
Au;lin^ a\d o#r bar;,r=;al jh bar;,r=o[ tnt;souj;an masin ke .øsoui ;u i#nce bar;,r=;lou% ;rb m;rkaparanoz irakanou- jiune inqnabazatrakan h!
Inqnin farz ch#% n;rshn ta®apo[in ou dourshn f;t;uordin famar% jh inco#u fa\r;ni w;rna.aue xo@ur t;[ ke 'or]h fauastiazn;l amhn inc anormalo ellalou anf;j;joujiune% ;rb vo[owourdin barørouj;an ou bar;k;zouj;an famar ocinc ke kataroui!
Enddimadirn;re kam a® fasarak enddimoujiune% oronq anendfat ke pafan=;n i,.ana'o.oujiun% ke f;tapnd;n i,.a- na'o.ouj;an farze% incph#s krnan fasnil ir;nz npatakin% ;rb ;rkrin bolor abanalion;re na.agafakan s;'akanoujiun ;n kam% a®noua*xn% ke gtnouin a\d famakargi ;njaka\ouj;an tak!
J;r;us a\s hr patya®e kam m;knakhte% or i t;s fa\r;ni p;touj;an warcakargi ka®ouza\in ];uauorman% kirarkman ou gor‘enjazin% baxmajiu angamn;r andradar]a‘ hinq% jh an- ka.aza‘ Fa\astani vo[owrdawaroujiune ellalou famar øri- nak;liakan% phtq h a\d gor‘adroujiune famapatas.anh anor skxbounqn;roun ;u ou[;gi‘in!
Ard;øq ;rb;uizh a\dphs ;[a#u% enjaza#u!
Patas.ane .ist ja'anzik h% parxaphs anor famar% or .orfrdaranakan ou ka®awarakan ka®o\zn;re mnazin a,ouqoi mh=% or;uh j[ja‘rari% n,anakoumi kam tnørinoumi paraga\in% na.agafakan gor‘øne ellalow mi=amto[e kam frafango[e% inc or ambo[=owin .otor ke fam;mati vo[owrdawarakan fimoun- qn;roun f;t!
Askh al^ anardaroujiunn;rn ou anirauoujiunn;re% kama\a- kanoujiunn;rn ou b®nadatoujiunn;re% anfarjoujiunn;rn ou xartou[oujiunn;re oro,aphs stou;r;zin (ou ke stou;r;n) is- kakan vo[owrdawarouj;an gnazqin ;rje!
Mius ko[mh% s'iu®q;an oro, fatoua‘n;r% takauin% c;n oux;r emb®n;l% jh fa\r;niqe^
- Mia\n :r;uan ch - Mia\n pandok ch - Mia\n xbøsa,r=ikoujiun ch - Mia\n vamanzi t;[ ch - Mia\n p;ryanqi wa\r ch - Mia\n zouza';[ka\in ch i*nc k*ouxh% i*nc ke 'nt®h% f;t;-
uabar% a\d famoxoumow ke ,arvi% ke bo[oqh% ke pafan=h% ma- nauand ;rb ke t;snh .øsqa\in ou ba®akoutaka\in yig% a®anz gor‘nakan ardiunauhtouj;an!
Fa\astani p;takan a\r;re% sksa‘ Fanrap;touj;an na.a- gafhn% ard;øq o#rqanow irauounq ounin vo[owourdi ardar pa- fan=qn;re orak;lou anwnwozon;r% isk xanonq f;tapndo[n;re^ anwnwazo[oakann;r% xanonq aqsor;lou ;u aqsorakanazn;lou&&& spa®naliqow ou datawyi®ow!
Ph\rouj% 7 Mart 2014
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NOR ØR% APRIL 17% 2014
Anz;al Kiraki ’a[kaxard hr& |isousi \a[jakan moutqe :rou- sa[hm! S& |arouj;ane na.ordo[ Kiraki øre Fa\ A®aq;lakan ;k;- [;zin ke n,h ’a[kaxarde% or ke .orfrdan,h Qristosi \a[jakan moutqe :rousa[hm!
N&S&Ø&T&T& Gar;gin B& Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikose ’a[kaxarde f®caka‘ h orphs manoukn;rou ørfnouj;an ør% nkati oun;nalow a\n fangamanqe% or Tiro= :rousa[hmi tayar mtn;lou vamanak manouk- n;re k*a[a[akhin es;low& aØrfnouji@un% Dauji ordouno!
takanouj;an xørazman gor‘oum! Ir f;rjin FF warcap;t |owik Abrafam;ane fastat;z% or
\an]na®ou h ;u wy®akam^ a®ka\ .ndirn;ri \a[jafarman ou[- [ouj;amb anfrav;,t qa\l;re katar;lou ;u ardarazn;lou vo[owrdi spasoumn;re! FF warcap;te na;u fauastiazr;z% or incphs mi,t ,arounak;lou h =anq;r gor‘adr;l Fa\ :k;[;zou ;u FF ka®a- warouj;an mi=;u kap;ri a®au;l =;rmazman ou amrapndman famar!
Fandipmane n;rka\ hr Ma\r Ajo®i diuanap;t T& Ar,ak ;pisko- pos >acatr;ane!
Namak >mbagrouj;an
orfr- da\in Fa\astani tarin;rou ou,im [;kawar Karhn T;miry;ani!
Grouj;an ,arva®ijn hr Âima T;- miry;ani f;[inaka‘ ir amousinin masin 560 h=;rh ba[kaza‘% entan;- kan ou qa[aqakan bauakan manra- masn;al gor‘ounhouj;an patmou- jiune% baxmajiu lousankarn;row! Fatore ke kocoui ^^Fi,atak** or lo\s t;sau 2012 jouakanin!
Iskaphs or patmakan kar;uoroujiun oun;zo[ fator men h or lo\s ke s'®h baxmabno\j ;u baxmaxan ;r;uo\jn;rou wra\^ patk;r;low T;miry;ani axga,hn gor‘ounhouj;an iro[oujiune^ dvouarin pa\mann;rou mh=!
Pa\ram;ani lr=ørhn ousoumnasiroua‘ a,.atanqe o*c mia\n lauaphs ke n;rka\aznh a\s girqe a\l k*au;lznh na;u manra- masnoujiunn;re a\npisi drouagn;rou% oronz inq ;us mas- nakza‘ h kam akanat;s ;[a‘ h tarin;rou enjazqin! Pa\- ram;ani wka\oujiunn;re au;li ke \stakazn;n T;miry;ani axga\in dimagi‘e ;u ir vo[owourdin fandhp oun;za‘ =;rm;- ®and nouiroua‘oujiune! Manauand ke matnan,h T;miry;ani ,inararakan kar;uor iragor‘oumn;re Fa\astani famar!
Kan na;u dhpq;r our ke nkaragroui jh T;miry;an incphs ke famoxhr Moskoua\i [;kawarn;re ;u l;xou ke gtnhr anonz f;t^ pa\mann;roun n;ra‘ ca'ow% \a®a= tan;lou axga\in ‘ra- girn;re Fa\astani mh=% manauand xark talow patouab;r ,inararoujiunn;rou incphs na;u T;miry;ani oun;za‘ la\na- .of møt;zoumn ou gnafatanqe n;rga[jo[n;rou nkatmamb!
Anfrav;,t h or Pa\ram;ani a\s kar;uor \ødoua‘a,arqe tpagroui girqi ];uow ;u tara‘oui s;iu®qi ou Fa\astani mh= orphs patmakan a[biur!
"ro`& Ø,in Qh,i,;an
Ouqranio\ ar;u;l;an ,r=ann;rou mh= ®ousamht an=ato[akann;- roun^ Qi;ui i,.anouj;an toua‘ w;r=nagri vamkhte lraza‘ h% sa- ka\n spasouo[ xinoua‘ grofi 'o.arhn banakzoujiunn;r t;[i oun;- za‘ ;n ko[m;rou mi=;u! Ouqranio\ Ar;u;lqin ke .ostanan masnaki inqnaka®awaroum ;u ®ous;rhnin^ pa,tønakan l;xoui kargawiyak!
:az;niuke xi=oumn;r katara‘ h Ar;u;l;an Ouqranio\ mh=! Ka®a- warouj;an [;kaware \a\tarara‘ h% or .orfrdarane phtq h t;- [akan fanraqouhn;rou masin ørhnq endouni!
Bazi atkh% :az;niuke fandhs ;ka‘ h i npast ®ous;rhni^ marxa- \in l;xoui kargawiyaki pafpanman ;u marxp;tarann;rou lou- ‘armane% oronz [;kawarn;re k*entrh na.agafe! Warcap;te na;u \a\tarara‘ h% or zankoujiun couni ,hnq;re axat;l ouvi kira®mamb^ \au;l;low saka\n% or i,.anoujiunn;rou famb;roujiune ansafman ch!
S;rv Sargs;ane! Fnco[ \a\tararoujiunn;ri kapakzouj;amb farzin S;rv Sar-
gs;ane;l h& aDa ke lini am;nam;‘ arka‘a.ndroujiune! Da ke lini m;r ;rkire wtangi mh= gz;lou am;nam;‘ qa\le! :u ,at wastak oun;zo[ mardik hl ;n mhk-mhk enknoum a\d arka‘a.nd- rouj;an mh=! Ow ouxoum h k®iu gnal% a\sør hl d;® m;r k®iue ci auartou;l% jo[ gna safmanin m;r 18 tar;kan xinouorn;ri ko[qin kangni! No\nisk Siria\oum fa\;re chxoq phtq h lin;n! Fa\;re c;n karo[ ko[m da®nalo% n,;l h S;rv Sargs;ane!
:AFK Minski .oumbi am;rikazi famana.agaf Y;\ms Ouorliqe anfangstaza‘ h fa\-atrph\yanakan ,'man gi‘i wra\ ,arouna- kouo[ b®nouj;an kapakzouj;amb% oroun masin esa‘ h atrph\yana- kan Trend gor‘akalouj;an f;t xro\zi enjazqin!
Ouorliqi .øsq;row% fakamartouj;an ko[m;re phtq h ou,adrou- jiun dar]n;n b®nouj;an nouax;zmane ;u dadr;zn;n f®;toraba- noujiune! Ouorliqe n,a‘ h% or :AFK-n ou anor bolor institoutn;re k*a=akzin fakamartouj;an .a[a[ kargauorman famar ko[m;roun øgnoujiun zouzab;r;loun ou[[oua‘ famana.agafn;rou =anq;roun!
N.O. April 17, 2014, No. 16:N.O. Blank 4/16/14 4:28 PM Page 5
THURSDAY, APRIL 17% 2014 5
Polsafa\ M,akouja\in Miou- j;an kaxmak;rpouj;amb% Our- baj^ April 4-in% t;[i oun;- zau Atana\i fa\ vo[wourdi =ardin 105-am;aki \i,ata- kouj;an nouiroua‘ bana.øsa- kan ;r;ko\ me! Ørouan gl.a- uor bana.øsn;rn hin dokt& Karø Momy;an ;u dokt& Minas Goya\;an% oronq n;rka\azou- zin Atana\i =ardin drda- patya®n;rn ou f;t;uanqn;re! Fandisouj;an bazoume kata- r;z Fa\r Tayat :artem;an throunakan a[øjqow% n;rka- \azn;low Ar;umt;an J;mi A®a=- nord |ownan Arq& Thrthr;ane!
Ørouan fandisawarn hr Toqj& |owfannhs Au;tiq;an% or bari galst;an o[=o\nh ;tq n;rka\azouz iuraqanciur bana.øsi k;nsagrakane fa- kiry k;rpow ;u frauir;z a®a=in bana.øse dokt& Karø Momy;ane% orphsxi n;rka\az- nh ir jhxe! Dokt& Momy;an entra‘ hr =ardin akad;ma- kan n;rka\azoume ;u anz;ali 5-10 tarin;roun kataroua‘ =ardi t;[;koujiunn;roun w;- rab;r;al kataroua‘ 'o'o- .oujiunn;rn ou noranor xar- gazoumn;rn ou tou;aln;re!
An n;rka\azouz Øsman;an p;touj;an 1800-akan joua- kann;rou skxbnakan ,r=ann;- rhn sks;al% ;rkri n;rqin qa- [aqakan kazoujiune% :uro- pa\i \;[a'o.oujiunn;rou ax- d;zoujiune Jourqio\ n;rqin bar'o.oumn;rou pafan=qn;- row ;u zo\z;row fraparak ;la‘ a\d nor ,arvoumn;rou f;[inakn;roun wra\% oronz mas ke kaxmhin na;u fa\ka- kan ,arvoumn;r% taroua‘ fauasarouj;an ;u bar;karg- man f;®ankarn;row!
Souljan Famiti i,.anou- j;an stan]noumow% dvba.ta- bar faka®ake pataf;zau i npast jourq;roun% orowf;t;u øsman;an ørhnqow% qriston;a\ ;u fa\ vo[owourdin fauasa- rouj;an ,norfoume islam jourqin f;t piti st;[‘;r storadas jourq .au me% orowf;t;u fa\ ;u qriston;a\ bnakcoujiune ardhn ke wa\;- lhr bar]r makardaki tnt;- soujiun ;u k*i,.hr ;rkri ar- diunab;rouj;an% waya®aka- nouj;an ;u a®;utourin wra\% isk jourqin f;t anonz faua- saroujiune parxaphs strkou- j;an piti tanhr jourq vo- [owourde! Ousti^ 1894-1896-i fska\akan fa\kakan =ard;re f;t;uanq ;[an a\d bar;'o- .oujiunn;roun (janximaj) ;u (jaslifaj) anouan n;rq;u%
oronq w;rak;ndanazan 1908- in Ijifatakann;roun ;u ;ritjourq;roun \;[a'o.akan ,arvoumn;row% ;u a\s angam patya® da®nalow Atana\i =ard;roun oronz jiue ke fasnhr 40 faxari% est w;r=in tou;aln;roun!
Dokt& Minas Goya\;an n;r- ka\azouz Atana\i =ardin qa[aqakan ;u tnt;sakan drdapatya®n;re% fa\ bnak- couj;an kargawiyake =ardi na.ør;akin% ;u anonz wa\;la‘ k;nza[a\in ;u aprousti bar]r makardake! Dokt& Goya\;an n;rka\azouz na;u Kilikio\ fa\ bnakcouj;an k;nsawiya- ke% anonz xba[mounqn;re ;u a\d ,r=ani a,.arfaqa[aqa- kan ;u tnt;sakan kar;uorou- jiunn;re% oronq bar]rago\n astiyani fasa‘ hin ;u :uro- pakan p;toujiunn;rou ou,a- drouj;an a®arka\ dar]a‘!
:uropan ,r=anz;low jourq p;toujiune ir a®;utoure k*enhr a\d ,r=anin f;t ou[- [aki kap;row% n;ra‘;low Ki- likio\ fambauauor narin=n ou a\l artadroujiunn;re! An nkaragr;z fa\ vo[owourdin patafa‘ =arde or kan.a- mta‘oua‘ ;u ‘ragroua‘ bno\- jow 15 ør;rou enjazqin =ar- d;z 40 faxar fa\ vo[owourd Atana\i ;u ir ,r=aka\qin mh=% oroun f;t;uanqow fa\ vo[owourde partadrabar% ;u a®a=in angam ellalow dim;z inqnapa,tpanoumi% a\d tarouan Aprili 4-in! Fa\ gro[n;rhn ,at;r andradar- ]a‘ ;n Atana\i ;u Kilikio\ =ard;rou masin% incphs Gri- gor Xofrap% Xaphl :sa\;an ;u ouri,n;r! Misaq Qhlh,;an safikn;row n;rka\azouz Atana\i =ardhn ;tq nkara- fanoua‘ t;sarann;r% qa[aqi bnakcouj;an anthr ;u anpa- tspar wiyake% qa[aqi kor- ‘ana‘ ;k;[;zin;rn ou toun;re!
:lo\jin g;[arou;stakan bavnin mh=% ;rgic Dauij Sa- mouhl;an n;rka\azouz ;rkou axga\in% aAtana\i Kotora- ‘eo ;u aKilikiao ;rg;re noua- gakzouj;amb Aram Lh'hy;a- ni% a\spisow auart;low ørouan fandisoujiune!
Fandisouj;an auartin n;rkan;re fiura- sirou;zan ko[qi srafin mh=!
Kiraki% April 6% 2014% khsørh ;tq vame 1-4% Miouj;an tar;- dar]i na.a,hmin (Miouj;an fimnadrouj;an tar;dar]e Ap- ril 15-in)% FBE Miouj;an "a- satina\i Wach ;u Jamar Ma- nouk;an k;dronhn n;rs tønakan mjnolort me ke tirhr!
Miouj;an AMN-i Ar;umt;an
};®narke ir mta‘oumow ou manauand f;taqrqrakan gor- ‘adrouj;amb fo\akap hr! A\d ør ;ritasardn;rh ba[kaza‘ \or- dafos baxmoujiun me ke w.tar k;dronhn n;rs! :r;uo\je ,at g;[;zik ;u \ousadric hr! |i,;- zinq Wafan Jhqh;ani a\n .øs- qe% our Fa\astani masin esa‘ h&
aTarb;r ;s doun% M;r ;raxhn au;li lau&&&o A\s .øsqe% \iraui% k*esouhr
m;r norafas s;roundi a\s ,at grakan ;r;uo\je!
A\s ];®narkin^ "Open House"i jh ga[a'are ;u jh kaxmak;rp- cakan a,.atanqn;re ke par- tinq Miouj;an AMN-i Ar;u- mt;an ,r=ani
Isk ];®narki Gor‘adir War- couj;an [;kawaroufin hr% ;rit- asard ;u kaxmak;rpcakan ar- takarg karo[oujiunn;row øv- toua‘ famalsaranauart^ Anv;- la Garakhøx;ann hr!
Fa\r;nafan% fo[azriu ;[a‘ fa\ou b;korn;roun famar FBE Mioujiune% a,.arfi bolor za- maqamas;roun wra\ ;[a‘ h m;r vo[owourdi ;rkrord fa\r;niqe! Fa\ ;k;[;zihn ;tq% m;r axga\in dimagi‘i pafpanman% amrakou® .aris.n h Fa\kakan Bar;gor- ‘akan Endfanour Mioujiune!
FBE Miouj;an masin% t;sn;low
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NOR ØR% APRIL 17% 2014
Sour Ankiun
(B& Mas)
:øjn;rord inn;ak
- Fa\oz Patmouj;an aniue c;nq krnar ;t tanil% - Fa\oz Patmouj;an corsfaxaram;a\ 'a®qe o*uv h ;u wafan% - Fa\oz Patmouj;an anz;ale^ ørinak laui ou zaui% - Fa\oz Patmouj;an f;rosn;re m;xi f;t k*aprin \auit;an% - Fa\oz Patmouj;an w;r=in fariur tarin jo[ ella\ wka\% - Fa\oz Patmouj;an th*rn ellanq fpart% - Fa\oz Patmouj;an a\søre^ arjnouj;an kocnak% - Fa\oz Patmouj;an wa[n^ sksinq a\sø*r% - Al ke bauh* nstinq ];®na‘al% gor‘i* anzninq!
Ouj;rord inn;ak
- aZ;[aspanoujiuno k*es;nq ou k*anzninq \aya.&&& - aZ;[aspanoujiuno k*es;nq ou c;nq fasknar z;[i spanouj;an oyi®% - aZ;[aspanoujiuno k*es;nq ou c;nq aprir fa\ouj;an mhkoukhs
milione% - aZ;[aspanoujiuno k*es;nq ou c;nq gitakzir^ jalan% ga[j ou
morjotoum&&& - aZ;[aspanoujiuno k*es;nq ;u kam aM;‘ :[;®no% a®anz apr;lo*u
mafe iskakan% - aZ;[aspanoujiuno k*es;nq ;u drø,ak a®a‘ ke wax;nq \a®a=% - aZ;[aspanoujiuno k*es;nq ;u inqna,arv nsta‘ ke pttinq
wax-wax% - aZ;[aspanoujiuno k*es;nq ou ke go®anq "Never Again"
- Al ke bauh* a[mouk bar]razn;nq% gor‘i* anzninq!
Inn;rord inn;ak
- Ardaroujiun ke pafan=;nq% ;rb m;r isk gor‘in mh= ardar c;nq% - Ardaroujiune ke sir;nq miako[mani^ lok m;r dimazhn% - Ardaroujiun ke 'nt®;nq&&& ajou[jh ,;r;'oow mia\n% - Ardaroujiun k*a[a[ak;nq% mo®nalow >rim;an ;u Car;nz%
- Ardaroujiun k*;rax;nq% sirafaroua‘ patanii me phs% - Ardaroujiun k*a[øj;nq^ datark fogiow ou fauatqow% - Ardaroujiun ke t;ncanq% ba\z April 24-in W;kas ke 'oujanq% - Ardaroujiune ke pa,t;nq% saka\n amhn mhks iurowi&&& - Al ke bauh* m;r ouv;re =lat;nq% b®nzqoui*nq ;u gor‘i anzninq!
Tasn;rord inn;ak
- Miana*nq fa\;r% aal souge mhkdi% nor ar;u ‘ag;z m;r axgin w;r;uo& - Miana*nq fa\;r% axrafoua‘ fa\r;n;az fauatqow% ø*n qal;nq
anw;f;r qowh qowo& - Miana*nq fa\;r% a\a®a= nafatak z;[i anmafn;r&&& \a®a=
ansasan&&& dhpi \a[janako& - Miana*nq fa\;r% ak;zz;s dou \auht&&& k;zzh q;xi f;t axge \auit;ano& - Miana*nq fa\;r% asir;nq mioujiun% can;nq watoujiun% mi,t
bar]r paf;nq fa\ouj;an anouno& - Miana*nq fa\;r% am;r fa\r;niq% axat anka.% or apr;l h darh daro& - Miana*nq fa\;r% a]a\n me fnc;z Hrxroumi fa\oz l;®n;rhno& - Miana*nq fa\;r% aZankam t;sn;l xim Kilikia% a,.arf% or in]
;tour ar;uo& - Al ke bauh* mia\n ;rg;nq% gor‘i* anzninq!
W;r=in inn;ak
- Faxar 'a@®q m;r vo[owourdin% or gith qarhn faz fan;l& - Faxar 'a@®q m;r vo[owourdin% or afaxangi tak mianal gith& - Faxar 'a@®q m;r vo[owourdin% or mafouan dimaz apri*l gith& - Faxar 'a@®q m;r vo[owourdin% or 'iuniki nman \a®n;l gith& - Faxar 'a@®q m;r vo[owourdin% or Sardarapat k;rt;l gith& - Faxar 'a@®q m;r vo[owourdin% or a\sør ouni ;rki*r% drø*, ;u banak& - Faxar 'a@®q m;r vo[owourdin% or safman ;u Arza. paf;l gith& - Faxar 'a@®q m;r vo[owourdin% or qa= s;roundn;r ‘nil gith& - Al ke bauh* inqnaptak;nq% sir;*nq xirar% gor‘i* anzninq!
N:T OU A{:{ Los Any;les% April 2014
M;jr Voxh` Kanim;an
Tik& F;rminh Yano\;an
Prn& Grigor Garakhøx;an
Tik& Maral Osk;an
Auandoujiun h dar]a‘% or amhn tarouan Aprili a®a=in :r;q,abji øre% khsørin% faua- qo\j-ya,k;ro\j kaxmak;rpoui aArarat Tano fauaqasrafin mh=% oc mia\n n,;lou famar Bar;- gor‘akani fimnadrouj;an ta- r;dar]e% a\l miavamanak og;- koc;lou 1915-i m;r biurauor na- fatakn;roun \i,atake% ou na;u øgtakar fandisanalou fasta- touj;an t;[abnak m;r anøgna- kan tar;zn;roun ;u fiuandn;- roun% ørouan faso\je \atkazn;- low aArarat Tano!
Ardar;u% April 1-i khsørouan% sraf vamana‘ hin Bar;gor‘a- kani a\laxan warcouj;anz n;r- ka\azouzicn;r% w;z s;[ann;row masnakz;lou ørouan ya,k;ro\j- fandisouj;an% oroun bazoume katar;z Tik& |owfannis;an% throunakan a[øjqowe na;u Arv& Auag Qfn\& |owsh' |akob;ani!
Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i Ar;u- mt;an J;mi A®a=nord G;r,& |ownan Arq& Thrthr;ani ørouan n;rka\azouzicn;r^ Tiran Auag- ;an ;u Fa\r N;rshs P;tros;an ;us fa[ord;zin ir;nz kary pat- gamn;re ørouan .orfourdin masin! Apa% aArarat Tano Fim- nadirn;rou Marmni Warcakan >orfourdi at;nap;t irauaban Voxh` Kanim;an% safoun fa\;- rhnow ;u angl;rhnow ir ;ra.ta- gitoujiune \a\tn;z F&B&E& Miou- j;an% ørinak b;r;low ir ;rkror- dakan warvarani dastiarakou- jiune Ph\rouji |owakim;an- Manouk;an :rkrordakan War- varanhn n;rs% incphs na;u^
\a=ordakan s;roundn;rou ousoum- nakan xargazoume! Apa anika andradar]au aA rarat Tano na.a.namakan xargazo[ ‘a- ®a\ouj;anz% ir ,norfakalou- jiune \a\tn;low na;u pa,tøn- houj;an% ou bolor a*\n kaxmak;r- poujiunn;roun ou bar;rar an];- roun% oronq ir;nz øvandakoujiu- ne k*en‘a\hin Ararat Fasta- touj;an!
Ørouan fauaqo\ji kaxmak;r- pic% ou ga[oujis ‘anøj fasara- kakan gor‘ic% incphs na;u miou- j;nanouhr% ;rkaram;a\ a,.o\v [;kawarn;rhn Tik& F;rminh Ya- no\;an% kary aknarkh me ;tq Miouj;an fastata‘ ørouan auandouj;an% frauir;z Ar;u- mt;an Am;rika\i
Prn& Gr& Garakhøx;an% o[=ou- n;lh ;tq bolor n;rkan;re% fakiry patmakane erau% 1996-hn iw;r Ararat Tan fimnadrman% anor fangrouana\in xargazoumn;roun% ou n;rka\is anor orakauor% Qali`ornio\ bar]rago\n ,qa- n,anin arvanaza‘ fangst;an toun-bouvarani fangamanqin! Prn& Garakhøx;an apa ,;,t;z Bar;gor‘akani a,.arfow mhk .namatarakan`‘a®a\oujiunn;- re% oronzmh chr krnar anmasn mnaza‘ ellal aArarat Tounoe% ir fimnoumhn iw;r! Anor >nama- kal Warcakan >orfourdi di- uanin ke ,arounakhin skix bhn mas kaxm;l Miouj;an andam-
Thursday, April 17, 2014 Volume 92, No. 16
Karabakh Speaker President Sargsyan Introduces Newly US And Turkey
Expects Clear Message From International Community
European Union, including Germany as one of the leading member states, could play more active role in confidence-build- ing measures between the parties to Karabakh conflict, NKR parliament speaker Ashot Ghulyan said in an inter- view with German edition of EurActiv.
Appointed PM To The Members Of Government
Parliament Leaders Discuss Armenian Genocide
Serzh Sargsyan today introduced the newly ap- pointed Prime Minister, Hovik Abrahamyan, to the members of govern- ment.
continues its work, and I ask the mem- bers of government to carry out their duties in an honest
“As you know, yesterday I appointed Speaker of the National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan, who enjoys the trust of the majority of MPs, as Prime Minister. Yester- day mass media informed the society about all processes and the tasks the Prime Min- ister and the government should solve.
and responsible manner. Together with the Prime Minister we’ll form the Government within 20 days. Then we’ll speak in more detail about the tasks of the government,” President Sargsyan said.
volvement principle, not elimination, could
on overcoming distrust and change in rela-
Armenia Successfully Carry On With Introduction Of
Parliamentary “Four” To Issue Joint Statement On Formation Of New Cabinet
Mandatory Pension Funds
So, the president appointed Hovik Abrahamyan as a pre- mier with a condition to successfully bring to an end the mandatory pension fund.
come a burden on our relations. Once the month of April comes every year, this topic creates a bad climate in our relations.
YEREVAN. – Setting up of the new gov- ernment was discussed at the talk between the four non-ruling-coalition parliamentary factions (Armenian National Congress, Prosperous Armenia, ARF Dashnaktsu- tyun, and Heritage).
The members of the Dem em! [I am Against] initiative fight- ing against the mandatory point must not be happy with the change of the PM, as the introduction of the law and its mandatory
“Parliaments need to build the today and the tomorrow. We are ready to confront our history. Let scholars, historians study this topic, and we are ready to accept the outcome; we have announced this to the world,” Cemil Cicek specifically said.
ARF Faction head Armen Rustamyan told the aforesaid to reporters, following the talk on Wednesday.
Among the arrangements the president stressed is the effective continuation of the implementation of reforms, ‘I mean the in-
provision is still on the agenda.
The new resolution, which has been in- troduced to the US Senate, urges the US President to recognize the events in 1915 as genocide.
As per Rustamyan, the discussions will continue in their next meeting, which will be convened next week.
Armenia’s PM To Be “Extradited” From The
U.S. Envoy, Turkey's AKP Rep. Discuss Armenian Genocide Resolution
President terthegovernment
He said regional projects based on in-
Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan thanked the President for trust and asked the acting members of government to con- tinue to work with the same vigor until the
serve as a platform for positive interaction
US House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner, who is visiting Turkey, met new cabinet is formed. with Turkish Parliament Speaker Cemil Cicek, who spoke about the Armenian res- olution that is introduced to the US Senate. Cicek noted that, in the context of American-Turkish relations, Turkey is yet again concerned by the new Armenian res- olution that has entered into the US Senate,
Cont. on p.9 After the appointment of the Prime Minis- Hovik Abrahamyan Appointed PM To
Armenia’s Presi- dent Serzh Sargsyan speaking at the ruling party’s executive body’s session on April 13 said that he has a number of arrangements with the newly appointed pre- mier Hovik Abra- hamyan which must be brought to life during his tenure as a PM.
troduction of manda- tory pension funds.’
reported Aksam daily of Turkey. “The Armenian genocide issue has be-
“We will make every effort so that the four parliamentary factions make a joint statement on the formation of the new gov- ernment.
sador and the latter remained in the post till retiring.
“At present, each faction has its own position on this matter; but we will reach an agreement and launch a joint state- ment,” Rustamyan said.
According to circulating news, former PM Tigran Sargsyan will pass to diplo- matic activity at Armenia’s em- bassy in Belgium.
If a person is being sacked from the post of the PM and then sent to Belgium as an ambassa- dor it is like extradition from a country, isolation from country’s political and economic life.
PanARMENIAN.Net - U.S. ambassador to Turkey Francis Ricciardone and Justice and Development Party (AKP) Deputy Head Mehmet Ali Sahin discussed the U.S. Senate committee's adopting of the Armen- ian Genocide Resolution, TRT Haber said.
On April 13, President Serzh Sargsyan appointed now former National Assembly Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan as Prime Min- ister of Armenia. Abrahamyan has to form the new Cabinet no later than May 3.
During the soviet years when a high-ranking official was making a tough or noisy economic or political mistake or was not pleasant for Kremlin, he was being sent to a third country as an ambas-
So what has the PM done? Has the signature under offshore docu-
Azerbaijan Opens Fire On Armenian Villages
ments being proven as his?
The latest developments in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Cyprus, Palestine, Israel, Ukraine, and Turkey-U.S. relations were also on the meeting agenda.
YEREVAN. – The adversary yet again violated the ceasefire on Monday evening, and fired shots in the direction of Arme- nia’s border villages.
Councilmember Krekorian Responds To Mayor's State Of The City
"'We both agreed on the importance of keeping Turkish-American relations in a high level," Ricciardone told journalists after the meeting.
Armenian acting defense minister’s press secretary Artsrun Hovhannisyan told the aforesaid to Armenian News-
Mayor Eric Garcetti delivered his first State of the City address on Thursday. In re- sponse to the Mayor's address, Coun- cilmember Paul Krekorian released the following statement:
orities and values while working to elimi- nate the structural deficit for the long term. Small businesses and middle class families in Los Angeles continue to struggle, and continuing the move forward to create new jobs, restore services that are essential, pre- serve industries that drive our economy, and balance the city’s budget must be our priorities.
For the first time in nearly a quarter century, a U.S. Senate committee on April 10, adopted an Armenian Genocide Reso- lution, calling upon the Senate to com- memorate this crime and encouraging the President to ensure that America’s foreign policy reflects and reinforces the lessons, documented in the U.S. record, of the still- unpunished genocide.
He noted that the shooting continued till late at night, but the situation is now calm on the border, and the Armenian side has no casualties or injuries.
“Tonight, the Mayor set forth a positive vision for the future of our city, which I wel- come. As chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, I share his passion for improv- ing the economy of Los Angeles and work- ing to achieve a balanced budget.
"Looking ahead, I look forward to working with him and my colleagues to maintain fiscal discipline and get our econ- omy back on track through focused, sus- tained efforts, and creative, innovative and entrepreneurial policy.”
Hovhannisyan added that the Armen- ian side opened fire in response and si- lenced the adversary.
"The future for our city depends on re- establishing a robust economic and fiscal foundation. Our goal will be to ensure that the city’s budget reflects our residents’ pri-
With a vote of 12 to 5, the Committee voted to condemn and commemorate the Armenian Genocide.
8 Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 17, 2014
Armenian Genocide Commemoration Service of Armenian Evangelical Churches
Glory To Our Culture By Alice Krumian
Among the numerous cultures of the world, Ours is indeed one of the most renowned, For the lucidity of its expresssions, And the nobility of its foundation.
Every culture should reflect, necessarily, The spirit and values of its community; And culture is that unique entity, That works for the betterment of society.
Culture is spiritual and mental conceptions, The sum of all forms of artistic expressions; It's the total range of thoughts and feelings, And their refinement all through centuries.
Linked together and in close connection, The cultural components of our nation, Have come to us enriched and dignified, From time immemorial up to our present.
When 'love' is the theme in our poetry, Emotions are expressed in great dignity: Not a single trace of impure vulgarity: Noble values demand noble vocabulary.
Listen to the tunes of Armenian songs, With their sweet lyrics, pure and idealized, Sayat Nova, Ashugh Jivani or Gomidas, Surpassing each another in excellence.
Culture is also faith and philosophy, Religion, devotion and morality; Let sublime "Nareg" inspire your vision, With its divine insight and lofty mission.
Transmitted with love throughout centuries, Our culture is the envy of world communities; Whether medieval, classical or contemporary, It's the dignified symbol of our identity.
Los Angeles – The Southern California Armenian Evangelical Churches will com- memorate the 99th Anniversary of the Ar- menian Genocide on Monday, April 21, at the United Armenian Congregational Church (UACC). The program includes a lecture in English at 6:30 pm followed by a worship service at 7:30 pm.
Holy Trinity Armenian Evangelical Church, Hollywood, will speak on this year’s theme, “God’s Providence,” based on Psalm 139:10, “...even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.” Special music will be provided by a Joint Choir of Armenian Evangelical Churches, as well as the Merdinian School Choir.
Doris and Arda Melkonian doctoral candidates at UCLA, will present a lecture on “Crisis Within: The Faith of Armenian Genocide Survivors” in the Fireside Room.
The commemoration service will take place at UACC 3480 Cahuenga Blvd. West, Los Angeles, CA 90068. For additional in- formation, call (323) 851-5265.
Rev. Hendrik Shanazarian, Pastor of
Armenian Genocide Hokehankist At The Memorial Monument Of Ararat Armenian Cemetery
from the Desert of Der Zor, Syria by the late Rev. Dr. Manaseh G, Papazian in 1930. The Homenetmen Scouts will serve as honor guard and choral portions of the service will be performed by the students of the Charlie Keyan Armenian Community School. The Armenian Community of the San Joaquin Valley is invited to attend and participate in this commemorative event. Come and lay a flower at the Memorial Monument. Ararat and Masis Cemeteries are open daily from dawn to dusk.
Turkish Media Accuse Hizmet Group Of Backing Genocide Resolution
PanARMENIAN.Net - The Turkic American Alliance (TAA) has refuted the pro-government daily Sabah's and Yeni Şafak's claims of “treachery,” linking the Hizmet movement, a faith-based group in- spired by Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, with the passing of the Armenian Genocide resolution at the U.S. Senate For- eign Relations Committee, Today's Zaman said. Pro-government Sabah daily claimed on Sunday, April 13 that the “parallel struc- ture” (in reference to the Hizmet move- ment) has funded Senator Menendez's
FRESNO - A Requiem Service, Hoke- hankist, will be recited on Wednesday, April 23, 2014, at 5:30 p.m. at the Memorial Monument of Ararat Cemetery, 1925 West Belmont Avenue, Fresno, California, in ob- servance of the Armenian Genocide of 1915.
The Armenian Clergy of the San Joaquin Valley will participate in the Hoke- hankist Service where remains of an Un- known Genocide Victim is interred at the foot of the Memorial Monument, brought
election campaign. Yeni Şafak daily wrote on Saturday that Menendez attended a gala meeting of TAA, which has ties with Hizmet, only one day before the resolution was adopted at the Senate Foreign Rela- tions Committee in April 10, suggesting that Hizmet was behind the preparation of this resolution against Turkey's interests and using an American senator to that end.
Sabah claims that Menendez has re- ceived $9,500 in total from two schools, one law firm and one computer company that have allegedly close ties to Gülen.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 17, 2014 9
Chairmen Menendez, Royce Headline Armenian
Turkish Intellectuals Who Recognized The Armenian Genocide
Genocide Commemoration On Capitol Hill
13- Selim Deringil By Hambersom Aghbashian
Turkish Author Ragip Zarakolu Delivers Keynote Address
Selim Deringil (born Ottawa, 1951) is a Turkish academic and professor of history at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul. He earned his doctorate from the University of East Anglia in 1979 and joined Boğaziçi Univer- sity the same year ( The University of East Anglia -UEA- is a research-intensive pub- lic university located in the city of Norwich, England ). He is a notable lecturer on Late Ottoman History, Ottoman Islam and rela- tionships between Ottomans and Europe. He has lectured in the United States, Eng- land, France, Lebanon and Israel. He has written several essays on the fall of the Ot- toman Empire and the history of the Re- public of Turkey. His book "The Well-Protected Domains: Ideology and the Legitimation of Power in the Ottoman Em- pire 1876-1909" was awarded the "Turkish Studies Association Fuad Köprülü" prize in 2001.(1)
Deringil told Taraf that there was also a distinction between the aims of the Young Turks and their predecessor Sultan Abdul Hamid at the turn of the 19th cen- tury.(4)
During 25-27 May 2005, the first con- ference on the Armenian Issue was organ- ized in Istanbul, Turkey. The conference was organized at Boğaziçi University. Selim Deringil was one of the chair persons and participated with his research “Archives and the Armenian Question: "Grabbing the Document by the Throat”(5). mentioned that "According to organizers– the time has come–ninety years after 1915– that "this tragic event in the history of our country–for Turkey’s own academics and intellectuals to collectively raise their voices that differ from that of the official [state] theses and put forth their own contribu- tions. (6)
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On April 10th, the 99th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide was com- memorated on Capitol Hill, re- ported the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly). Hosted by the Congressional Caucus on Ar- menian Issues, the Embassy of Ar- menia, the Office of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, and Armen- ian American organizations, the annual event attracted over 20 Members of Congress, foreign dig- nitaries, Armenian American com- munity leaders, religious figures and dozens of congressional staff and foreign policy experts from throughout the greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.
Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Ragip Zarakolu, Assembly Board Member Annie Totah, Archbishop Vicken Aykazian
This year's keynote speaker was Ragip Zarakolu, a Turkish author, human rights activist and outspoken champion of Turk- ish acknowledgement of the Armenian Genocide. "It is horrible what my state has done to you," Zarakolu said as he opened
The annual commemoration featured key dignaties and religious leaders such as Armenia's Ambassador to the United States, H.E. Tatoul Markarian, Nagorno Karabakh Representative to the United States, Mr. Robert Avetisyan, Diocesan Legate of the Armenian Church of America
According to, "Selim Deringil is a Howell Chair visiting professor at the History Department from the Bogazici University where he is a full- time faculty member. He has held various academic positions in U.S., Britain and France, where he has taught late Ottoman History. Deringil is one of the few Turkish historians who openly accept the Armenian Genocide."(2)
The commemoration fea- tured over 20 Members of Con- gress, including Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Menen- dez (D-NJ), along with Senators Jack Reed (D-RI), Sheldon White- house (D-RI) and Ed Markey (D- MA). Also on hand were Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair- man Ed Royce (R-CA), Armenian Genocide lead sponsor Adam
Presenting his analysis of Turkish- Ar- menian relations at Bosporus University in Istanbul, Prof. Selim Deringil said, "This was the most difficult paper I have ever written in my life." "Venturing into the Ar- menian crisis is like wandering into a mine- field." (, 15 May 2000). (3)
1. _Deringil
2. /faculty-profile-selim-deringil-visiting- professor/
According to (April 1, 2010), under the head line (Selim Deringil, Turkish Historian Affirms Armenian Geno- cide),it mentioned that a prominent Turk- ish historian told Taraf newspaper in an interview published days before, that "the Young Turks planned to annihilate the en- tire Armenian population." Historian Selim
4. d/armenia/THHTJ79VS5UIL0F6K
his remarks. Zarakolu's "Belge" print house has published over ten volumes on the Ar- menian Genocide, for which he and his family have been consistently harassed and jailed by Turkish authorities under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code, which crim- inalizes discussion of the Armenian Geno- cide in Turkey. Interestingly, the penalty for Turkish citizens who discuss the Armenian Genocide outside of Turkey is three times greater. Zarakolu's participation symbol-
5. bin/ turk&month =0505&msg =OhUMtrurx- CUxe4jj4FVlKg
Schiff (D-CA), Dean of the Congressional Black Caucus Jon Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), and Reps. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), Judy Chu (D- CA), David Cicilline (D-RI), Katherine Clark (D-MA), Jim Costa (D-CA), Danny K. Davis (D-IL), Janice Hahn (D-CA), Jim By Owning Shares In An Armenian Bank, Langevin (D-RI), Carolyn Maloney (D-NY),
Jim McGovern (D-MA), Linda Sanchez (D- CA), Brad Sherman (D-CA), Jackie Speier (D-CA), and Dina Titus (D-NV).
Azerbaijan Has Interests In The Country's
Turkish Website Armenia Foreign Affairs
Mining Sector By Kristine Aghalaryan
izes the strength and courage that all anti- genocide activists embrace as the Turkish wall of denial continues to crumble.
(Eastern), Arcbishop Vicken Aykazian, and Bishop Anousha- van Tanielian. Dr. Ara Chalian from Pennsylvania served as Master of Ceremonies.
Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) addresses the crowd. Seated L-R: Reps. Jim Costa (D-CA), David Cicilline (D-RI), Judy Chu (D-CA), John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), and Adam Schiff (D-CA)
3. -Deringil/694724929
6. ference-on-the-armenian-issue-organized- in-turkey
Introduces Artsakh As Independent State
Minister E. Nalbandian Is Reappointed
YEREVAN. – Guided by the Constitu- tion of the Republic of Armenia, President Serzh Sargsyan on Tuesday appointed Act- ing Foreign Affairs Minister Edward Nal- bandian as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia.
It appears that there’s an Azerbaijani connection to the banking sector in Ar- menia. The State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbai- jan (SOFAZ) owns a 3% share in VTB Bank JSC, which in turn owns 100% of VTB Bank (Armenia) CJSC.
branded as VTB Bank (Armenia). In 2007, VTB Bank JSC ac- quired the remaining shares (30% minus one).
VTB Bank (Armenia) was founded in March 2004 when Russia’s Foreign Trade Bank – Vneshtorgbank (formerly VTB Bank) acquired 70%+1 of the shares of
So who are the other shareholders of VTB Bank JSC? Ac- website which deals with exhibition organization and tourism issues in Turkey introduced Artsakh as an independent state.
Armenian has learned about appointment from the Press Office of the President of the Republic of Armenia. HayKhnayBank. In 2006, the bank was re-
cording to the published list on the bank’s website, the largest shareholder is Russia (61%), followed by Norges Bank (the Cen- tral Bank of Norway) with 4.3% and SOFAZ (2.9%).
Armenpress reports that the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh is introduced by a separate flag and monetary point. The “Countries” section of the website notes about Artsakh Republic that the state lan- guage of the country is Armenian, the pop- ulation is 138 thousand, the territory is 4.4 thousand square kilometers, the monetary point is the Armenian dram.
Financial Aid Delivered To Kessab Karabakh Speaker Expects Clear Message From
International Community
Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group and to- gether with other co-chairs – Russia and France – are supporting the parties to achieve peaceful settlement based on talks, Ghulyan said.
tant role in securing irreversibility of peace talks to settle Karabakh conflict and not allow resumption of hostilities.
It is noted that the Nagorno- Karabakh Republic is also called Artsakh Republic, and though it is in legal terms “part” of Azerbaijan it is de facto an independent state.
The Kessab Armenians have expressed their gratitude to the Armenian President, the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund, the Ar- menian people and all Armenians for their moral and material support on this mo- ment of hardship.
Asked about expectations from interna- tional community, Ashot Ghulyan recalled that the world community has an impor-
The Armenian Embassy in Syria deliv- ered the first financial aid totaling 36,060 USD raised by the Hayastan All Armenian Fund to Kessab Armenians.
tions to each other. As to the United States, they are Co-
Cont. from p.7
“A clear message from the international community about the absolute imperative of refusal from use of violence and respect of earlier achieved agreements would be an important contribution to the collective efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict,” he said.
10 Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 17, 2014
An International Conference “Honoring Those Who Helped Rescue A Generation Of Armenian Survivors 1915-1930,” Ararat-Eskijian Museum
PBS SoCal Plus (50.2) To Premiere “TUMO: Change Starts Within Armenia”
On March 22nd, 2014 at the Ararat Home of Los An- geles in Mission Hills, where our surviving elders still reside, the Ararat-Eski- jian Museum hosted an all- day International Confe- rence, “Honoring Those Who Helped Rescue a Gen- eration of Armenian Sur- vivors 1915 -1930”. The event was well attended by the community. Dr. Carla Garapedian, director of ‘Screamers,’ was mistress of ceremonies for the day. The conference opened with speeches addressed to the Armenian com- munity by United States Representatives Adam Schiff and Mike Gato Assembly member 43rd district.
in the Middle East and Armenia today. “Ninety-nine years later the NER is still prominent throughout the world.” The Near East Relief has kept alive its principle of honoring the past and continuing our na- tional legacy with many humanitarian proj- ects. Prof. Vahram Shemmassian (director of the Armenian Studies Program at Cali- fornia State University, Northridge) de- scribed the work of the American Red Cross in rescuing and rehabilitating sur- vivors in the Arab Near East, in nations such as Syria and Lebanon, and author Dr.
ian—“Why was America’s Heroine was Condemned to Oblivion?” Demoyan pre- sented newly revealed and un- known materials related to Aurora Mardiganian and movie Ravished Armenia". Aurora was a girl from Chmshkatsag in the Ottoman province of Kharpert (Harput/Mamuret ul-Aziz), the daughter of a wealthy fam- ily who was kidnapped dur- ing a death march and sold into the slave markets of Turkey. She eventually es-
Los Angeles, CA - PBS SoCal Plus will premiere a half hour documentary “Tumo: CHANGE STARTS WITHIN ARMENIA” on May 4th, 2014 at 6:00 PM Pacific Stan- dard Time. The documentary focuses on how Tumo Center For Creative Technolo- gies was established in Armenia to intro- duce alternative careers to teenagers in order to help change the socioeconomic sit- uation and ultimately leapfrog the country from the consequences of its succession from the Soviet Union. Given a technology savvy platform and the right tools, a new generation of Armenians uses creativity to map their future with hopes to compete in the global marketplace from within a land- locked country.
caped, and with the help of the Near East Relief made it safely to New York. Aurora authored Ravished Armenia, the story of her survival, which led to the creation of the silent film, Auction of Souls. This was the first movie about the Armenian Geno- cide. Aurora played the leading role herself.
The purpose of the conference was to pay tribute to all those countries, individu- als, and organizations that had sacrificed so much to aid a perishing nation. Diplomatic representatives were invited from twenty countries, including New Zealand, China, Japan, Philippine, South Korea, Switzer- land, Sweden, France, Britain, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Czech Re- public, Germany, Royal Danish con- sulate, Canada, and South Africa, with three diplomatic deputies attending, importantly those of Greece, Norway and Australia.
Bared Maronian, the award winning di- rector of the documentary of “Orphans of the Genocide” screened a brief portion of his documentary. He showed an emotional visual journey through never-before-seen
Due to the technology based educa- tional development content and high qual- ity production, the program has received a prime time broadcasting slot on PBS SoCal Plus which is widely available over the air on channel 50.2 in Los Angeles, Orange County, Valley areas and Santa Barbara. Cable or Satellite television subscribers can find PBS SoCal Plus on channels through Charter Communications 314, Cox Com- munications 810, Time Warner 235, and Verizon Fios 470.
archival footage and recently-discov- ered memoirs of orphans who lived through the last century’s first, fully documented, and least recognized genocide.
Made as a Zealpix production, director Vahe Babaian and producer Bérj Beramian traveled to Yerevan, Armenia, to film the documentary, and through their journey captured the opulence and the challenges of a place called Tumo Center For Creative Technologies. Tumo attracts students from all over Yerevan from a variety of social, so- cioeconomic and experience level back- grounds. It is the only center of its kind in the region provided as a free after school program and one that utilizes a technology based, virtual learning environment known as Tumo World and workshops to intro- duce kids to animation, video game devel- opment, digital media and web development, including other multi-disci- plinary platforms such as cross collabora- tion, distance learning, leadership training and other skills that are necessary for indi- viduals to compete in a global marketplace. The documentary is in English and Armen- ian with subtitled versions in English, Ar- menian, French and Spanish. Zealpix is currently working on distribution of the documentary in various regions of North and South America, Europe, Armenia and Russia.
Martin Eskijian, representing the Eskijian family, whose father, Luther Eskijian founded the Museum, spoke about his father and the legacy of his grandparents. Rev. Hovhannes Eski- jian and his wife, Gulenia, who labored to save Armenians during 1915 and 1916 in the city of Aleppo. Rev. Eskijian perished at the age of 34 of typhus a day before he was to be hanged publicly for saving the lives of thousands of orphans from death.
Dr. Vatche Mankerian gave a pow- erful performance on the piano of the works of Father Gomidas. Before his performance he gave tribute to his family members, the Mankerians from Hadjin. Over three hundred family members perished and only handful survivors.
Leading scholars from around the world discussed the manner in which the international community, including the American Red Cross, American Near East Relief, and the League of Nations, partici- pated in making the first major humanitar- ian effort of the twentieth century.
Rubina Peroomian spoke of the various missionaries that served in the Armenian provinces in the Ottoman Empire and be- came witnesses to the mass atrocities against the Christian Armenian population. Missionaries from Sweden, Germany, United States, and other nations sent let- ters, telegrams and other communications to their governments warning of the hu- manitarian crisis in the Ottoman Empire, and were also instrumental in saving thou- sands of Armenian children from a tragic fate.
Finally, Dr. Robert Fisk, a British writer and Middle East correspondent for the UK newspaper, The Independent, flew in from Damascus to participate in the conference. A century ago, Ottoman Armenians were marched to their deaths in the Syrian Desert. Now, with the recurring accounts of massacres in the Syrian conflict, including the killings of Armenians on Syrian soil, Dr. Fisk explored the comparisons between the 1915 Genocide and the current Syrian ca- tastrophe.
Missak Kelleshian described the Near East Relief (NER) humanitarian organiza- tion, in which the “world united in selfless service to humanity.” Through trauma re- lief, education, empowerment, self-re- liance, parenthood by proxy, education, and nutrition, the NER assisted an entire generation of Armenian orphans to main- tain their heritage and reintegrate into so- ciety. “Quite literally,” Kelleshian emphasized “Near East Relief kept and en- tire nation alive”.
Guests of the conference were moved with emotion at the “Orphan dress from Hadjin,” a patchwork of a deported child’s sole garment, and an unfinished rug cre- ated by the orphans, which Mennonite Mis- sionary Sister Dorinda Bowman brought with her on her return to the United States from Turkey in 1914. The items are on loan from Bethel College in Indiana to the Ararat-Eskijian Museum for two years. Also on loan for the day of the conference from a San Francisco patron was a jewelry box made by the orphans of Sivas.
Former Governor of California George Deukmejian presented the participants and European and Australian diplomats that were present with awards replica of “ Mother Armenia” for their unprecedented humanitarian assistance to the Armenian Orphans from 1915-1930. Dr. Fisk also re- ceived several resolutions, and a gold medal of “Franz Werfel” from Dr. De- moyan, the director of the Genocide Mu- seum in Armenia, for Dr. Fisk’s selfless contributions to the Armenian cause, as Franz Werfel did with his pen when he wrote “The Forty Days of Musa Dagh”.
Zealpix is anticipating a large viewer- ship during the broadcast of “Tumo: CHANGE STARTS WIHTIN ARMENIA” on PBS SoCal Plus. A community audience in the Southern California region would help ratings during the show and hopefully establish some demand for similar pro- grams. Zealpix is an experienced developer of feature films and documentaries as a production company with an established track record in film production.
Shant Mardirossian has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Near East Foundation since 2002 and its Chair since 2007, in turn, discussed the continuation of the Near East Relief’s work in many areas
Dr. Hayk Demoyan, the director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute in Yerevan, spoke about Aurora Mardigan-
Los Angeles
Armenian Villagers Buckle Under Weight Of Bank Syria Rebels Driven From Maaloula
Loans: Frost Will Increase Emigration And Crime By Grisha Balasanyan
Syrian soldiers backed by Hezbollah fighters have driven rebels from the ancient Christian town of Maaloula, state media and activists say.
The recent frost that struck Armenia at the end of March has hit rural communities the hardest. Residents of one village say because of the frost they are barely able to make their loan payments, adding that the frost could even lead to increased emigration and crime.
Army units had "restored security and stability" after eliminating a number of "terrorists", a military source told the state-run Sana news agency. The nearby village of Sarkha had also been retaken, the source added.
Zhora Ordoyan has been tending to his 4000-square-meter apricot orchard with his family since February. First, he hoed then fertilized land, hoping to get an abundant har- vest this year. But, after last month's sudden frost, he lost all hope. He goes to the orchard today too — but now to count his losses.
Islamist rebels, some of them from the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front, took over part of Maaloula in December. Twelve nuns from the monastery of Deir Mar Takla were taken hostage during the initial fighting. They were only released last month as part of a prisoner exchange deal brokered by Lebanon and Qatar as the Syrian army prepared to re- capture the nearby town of Yabroud, where they were being held.
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"ojorka\o\x dar;roum m;r ;k;[;zin mnaz;l h kangoun bolor;low 1713 tarin;r ir auan- dakan soworoujiunn;row% ‘isa- kataroujiunn;row ;u kanona- dro\jow! Fa\oz ;k;[;zin anba- van h m;r vo[owrdi k;anqiz^ axga\in ;u vo[owrdakan ir nouirap;takan ajo®n;row! Sa- ka\n m;r n;rka\ vamanakn;re tarb;r ;n% incphs na.kinoum^ fima no\nphs% ir a®aq;loujiune m;‘ h ,arounak;lou ir Astoua- ‘anouhr% vo[owrdanouhr% axga- nouhr% fa\r;nanouhr ‘a®a\ou- jiunn;re a®au;l mta‘oua‘ ;u bar;'o.oua‘ m;r vamanakn;ri ogoun \arir npatakaslazou- j;amb!
M;r vo[owrdi shrn ou \argan- qe fandhp fog;uorakanouj;an auandakan h% nkati a®n;low nranz axganouhr ‘a®a\oujiun- n;re% saka\n vamanakn;re pa- fan=oum ;n m;r s'iu®q;an k;an- qoum a®au;l ;®and zouzab;r;l fa\apafpanman ;u fa\afauaq- man i ma\r fa\r;niq!
M;r ;k;[;zuo\ fog;uorakann;- re krønakan qaroxn;rin a®en- j;r kariq h na;u fasarakakan farz;r ar‘a‘;n% incphs^ enta- n;kan% ;r;.an;ri fa\;zi das- tiarakouj;an ;u fa\r;niqin ou m;r datin a®ncouo[ .ndirn;r^ artaga[j ;u sozialakan dvoua- roujiunn;r!
M;r fa\oz ;k;[;zin fimnoua‘
h Qristosi wardap;touj;an ti;x;rakan vo[own;ri endouna‘^ aFauato\ Fanganakoi skx bounq- n;ri wra\! Orphsxi an.a.t mna\ vo[owrdi fauatqe qristonha- kan krøni nkatmamb taroua\ enjazqoum pataragn;row ;u araro[oujiunn;row \i,atakuoum ;n Qristosi k;anqin w;rab;ro[ Throuni Tøn;re% oronziz mhkn h |isousi |aroujiune% m;nq^ fa\;rs Xatik ;nq kocoum% ore n,anakoum h^ axatoum% anzoum% 'rkoujiun&&&! Xatike 35 ør;ri ,arvo[akan dro\jow h tønuoum! Qriston;a\ a,.arfe m;‘ oura.ouj;amb h tønoum |isousi |aroujiune% m;r fa\oujiune^ no\nphs!
Incphs m;r Qriston;an;ri fauato\ srbaxan Au;tarann h \i,atakoum^ |isousi |aroujiune k;anqi \a[joujiunn h mafouan d hm! A ® aq;al n;re fra,a'a® |arouj;an au;tisow gøt;pnd- ua‘ ir;nz fauatqi mh= |isousi Fambar]oumiz \;to\ P;nthkos- thin (fog;galoust) .ostazoua‘ Sourb Fogou xørouj;amb lzoua‘ ou og;pndoua‘^ famar]ak ou anw;f;r tara‘;zin |isousi .øsq;rn ou patouirann;re!
Vo[owourdn;r a®aq;aln;riz ls;low k;anqi y,marit yamban^ siro\% ;[ba\rouj;an% ardarou- j;an% k;anqi .a[a[ouj;an% fauasarouj;an% barouj;an ;u fand;r];al k;anqi go\ouj;amb
} a=^ Toqj& |& :a[sex;an% Toqj& A& Garakhøx;an% S& P;tros;an ;u W& Al;qsan;an
A& Garakhøx;an% Toqj& G& Par.outar;an ;u Toq&j A& Garakhøx;an
F&B&E&Miouj;an San ~;rnantø Fowiti W;j;rann;rou warcou- j;an fraparaka\in dasa.øsou- jiunn;re ke \atkan,nouin oc mia\n xanaxanouj;amb% a\l^ \o\v f;taqrqrakan niuj;row% oronzmh omanq no\nisk fanrouj;an ke n;rka\azouin a®a=in angam ellalow!
W;r=in dasa.øsoujiune% or t;[i oun;zau dar];al Miouj;an Manouk;an-T;miry;an Warvara- ni A[ayan;an srafin mh=% Mart 27% Fing,abji ;r;ko\;an vame 7!30-in% niuj ounhr aIncph#s Fa- kak,®;l Zaue^ N;rfastat;low Gor‘iqa\in ;u A\l Darmanoum- n;ro!
Ørouan fandisawarn hr a.- taban Toqj& |aroujiun :a[sex- ;an% or ‘anøj h tarin;rou miou- j;nakan ;u axga\in nouir;al ‘a®a\oujiunn;row% bar;gor‘a- kani ;u Fa\z& A®aq;lakan :k;- [;zu o\ Fiu sisa\i n A m;rika\i Ar;umt;an J;mhn n;rs% ;u or n;rka\is at;nap;tn h Los An- y;lesi Asp;tn;rou Warcouj;an! Anika iura\atouk fa[ordaka- nouj;amb n;rka\azn;lh ;tq ørouan x;kouzo[n;re% frauir;z Toqj& Alhn Garakhøx;ane% or entan;kan bvi,k h Woutlhnt Filxi Qa\xer fiuandanozin mh=! Toqjore ir ;lo\jow ];uow me g;tine patrast;z masnaght mius x;kouzo[n;roun% andrada®- nalow k®naki ou mh=qi a\laxan zau;rou% oronq \amrenjaz (chron- ic) kam mna\oun ke da®nan ,our= ;r;q amisn;r \;to\!
:rkrord z;kouxo[e^ Toqj& Ga®- ni Bar.oudar;an masnaght =[aban-wirabo\v (neurosurgeon) h% ou n;rka\is øgnakan "ro`;- shør no\n masnagitouj;amb Yon Ouh\n Qa[zk;[i Fastatouj;an Sanja Moniqa\i Sb& Yon A®o[- =apafakan K;dronin mh=! Anika bazatr;z jh mna\oun karg me
zau;r% a\laxan darmanoumn;rh ;tq% ;jh ]a.o[in% krnan a®a- =adr;l 'o[azaui (angina)% ou =[a\in d r o u j ; a n . a n g ar ma n ! A \ n at;n% k*øgtagor‘ouin steroid–n;r^ fandart;zman famar% kam \a- ®a=az;al bouvoumn;r^ gor‘o[ou- j;amb% kam^ o[na‘ou‘i grg®ou-
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NOR ØR% APRIL 17% 2014
SIROUN :Ø{OURJY:AN (’n;al 1926-in% Sour% Libanan)
Srti da®n kski‘ow ke gouv;nq m;r sir;z;al føraqro=^ Siroun :ø[ourjy;ani mafe% or pataf;zau :r;q,abji% April 15% 2014-in% Libanani mh=!
|ou[arkauorouj;an ;u ja[man araro[oujiunn;re t;[i oun;zan Cor;q,abji% April 16-in% Poury Famouti Axga\in G;r;xmanatan mh=% Libanan!
Sgakirn;r^ Tikin Mari :ø[ourjy;an Thr ;u Tikin Ara ;u Søsi :ø[ourjy;an ;u xauakounq (Posjen) Thr ;u Tikin Yory ;u Ar'i Amir;an ;u xauakounq Thr ;u Tikin Armhn ;u F;rminh Pcaqy;an ;u xauakounq
(Monjrhal) Thr ;u Tikin Frac ;u Ast[ik S;';jy;an ;u xauakounq
M;r sir;li fa\r;niqe^ Fa\as- tane dar;rou enjazqin ;njar- koua‘ h j,nami ;rkirn;rou yn,oumin! Anonq m;x \aya. n;- [a‘ ;n m;r axatasirouj;an ;u m;r qristonhakan dauananqin famar!
J,namii dhm tara‘ pa\qar- n;rhn am;nan,anak;lin ;n War- dananz yakatamarte ;u a\d yakatamartin nafatak f;ros- n;re% oronz \i,atake ouro\n t;[ ke grauh fama\n fa\ouj;an fogiin mh=!
Amhn tari ";trouarin% fa- \;re axgowin ke tøn;n Warda- nanqe!
Wardananz yakatamarte t;[i oun;zau 451 jouakanin% Auara\ri da,tin wra\! Fa\oz sparap;t Wardan Mamikon;ani a®a=nordouj;amb% fa\ martik- n;re f;rosabar k®ou;zan pars- kakan fska\ ;u xørauor banakin dhm% pa,tpan;lou famar m;r krønqn ou fa\r;niqe!
Parsikn;roun |axk;rt B& ja- gauore k∞ouxhr% or fa\;re ;u i,- .anouj;an n;rq;u gtnouo[ mius axg;re krøna'o. ellan ;u en- dounin parsikn;rou krønqe^ kra- kapa,toujiune! |axk;rt spa®- naz fa\;roun! :jh fa\;re m;r- vhin ir framane% an piti \ar- ]akhr Fa\astani wra\% qarou- qand enhr ;rkire% au;rhr ;k;- [;zin;re ;u kotorhr fa\ vo[o- wourde!
Wardan Mamikon;an% {;uond :rhz ;u .oumb me fa\ xørawar- n;r ;u na.ararn;r ;rkar vo- [own;rh ;u .orfrdakzoujiunn;rh ;tq oro,;zin m;rv;l |axk;rti framane ;u wy®;zin k®ouil par- sikn;roun dhm pa,tpan;lou famar m;r fa\r;niqe ;u krønqe!
K®iue anfauasar hr% Fa\oz banake ounhr 66 faxar xinouor% isk parskakane^ 300 faxar xinouorn;r% fska\ 'i[;row xinoua‘ ;u pa,tpanoua‘!
A \ s a n f au asar pa\q ari n fa\;re m;‘ jiuow xof;r touin% saka\n \a[janake baro\akan hr% m;nq mnazinq fa\ ;u qris- ton;a\! Wardan Mamikon;an ir nafatakouj;amb m;xi sorw;zouz amhn gnow fauatarim mnal m;r krønqin ;u fa\r;niqin!
Wardani ;u ir qa= xinouor- n;roun \i,atake mi,t o[= piti mna\ m;r srt;roun ;u fogin;roun mh=! M;nq m;r \arganqe ke ma- touz;nq anonz% mnalow fauata- z;al qriston;an;r ;u fa\ axgi arvani xauakn;r!
(M;rtin;an warvaran% 7-rd karg)
Nanør P;tros;ane xauakn h S;uak ;u Narinh P;tros;an- n;rou ;u jo®noufin Louj`i ;u Matlhn Japag;ann;rou!
a\s enjazqin phtq h \a\tararouhr nor warcap;ti j;kna‘oujiune! Hdouard
na.agaf! aFFK GM andamn;re%- esau
na‘ ;n na.kin warcap;t Tigran Sargs;anin^ ir gor‘ounhouj;an ;u nouiroua‘ a,.atanqi famaro!
>øs;low |owik Abrafam;ani masin^ Hdouard
ousmounqe dar]i hin galis% en- dounoum hin |isousi margarhou- jiune ;u kocuoum hin qriston;a- n;r! Qristonhoujiune a\n vama- nakn;ri \;[a'o.akan ,arvoum hr ;u amhn \;[a'o.oujiun ir nafatakn;rn ou xof;re% fala- ‘anqn;rn ou .o,tangoumn;re% sarsa'n;rn ou wa.;rn ouni% no\nphs qristonhouj;an tara- ‘oume anmasn cmnaz martiros fauataz;aln;ri biur nafata- koujiunn;row% akna®ou ørinake fa\ vo[owrdi anz;ali go[goja- \akan patmoujiune! Qsan mhk;- rord fra,agor‘ gitouj;an da- raskx boum d;® jourq;re qris- ton;a\ Fa\astanin .;j acqow ;n na\oum% our mnaz anz;al da- r;rin kapouo[!
Xatike m;r krønakan m;‘ tø- n;riz h% garnan ;[anakin xou- genjaz% ;rb ]m;®e falouo[ ]iu- n;ri phs qa,uoum h dhpi bar]r sar;ri spitaka'a® 'a\lata- ko[ gagajn;re garounn h galis% nor k;anq% en]iu[oua‘ bnoujiun^ kanacouj;amb ‘a[ka‘i‘a[ xg;s- tow!
Xatike vo[owrdakanazoua‘ ;u siroua‘ tøn;riz h^ .ra.- yanqn;row ;u iura\atouk sowo- roujiunn;row% incphs ]ou n;rk;le% ]oua.a[e& noran,anoua‘n;rin ;u norapsakn;rin a\z;loujiunn;re ;u tarb;r gaua®n;r ir;nz \a- touk auandoujiunn;row!
Xatkouan tøni øre m;r ;k;[;- zin;re \ordoum h vo[owrdow% a®a=-
nordanist ;k;[;zoum ;pisko- posakan ,ouqow Sb& Patarag h matouzuoum ;rgca.mbi xma\l;li ;rg;zo[ouj;amb ørouan pat,ay qaroxow! Mits h galis m;r J;f- rani ;k;[izin;re% iuraqanciur qa[aqamas% l;zuoum hr m;‘ ou pxtik fa\r;nakizn;row^ ]ou hin .a[oum% irar ,norfauoroum ;u oura.anoum hin mhke miusin^ axgakanin% enk;ro=% bar;kamin t;sn;low! A\sphs ørn anznoum hr ,norfauoranqn;row ;u xouaryou- jiunn;row!
A\s tari Xatike xougadi- poum h Z;[aspanouj;an og;koc- man tar;lizin mi qani ør;ri tarb;rouj;amb! Innsoun inne tarin;r ;n anznoum a\n axga- kor‘an jouakaniz% or mi ambo[= anm;[ vo[owourd ir isk bnørra- noum sri ou fri qa,ou;z ;u ;rki- re b®nagrauou;z! Z;[aspanou- j;an \isoun am;akiz i w;r a®au;l kaxmak;rpoua‘ m;r auandakan kousakzoujiunn;re \;to\ Fa\astane miaza‘ a,.a- tanq h taruoum% or jourqian ir[akan qa[aqakanouji- uniz ];rbaxatoui ;u fa,toui ir patmouj;an f;t% endouni Z;- [aspanoujiune ;u fatouzoum ta\!
A r d ar p a f a n = a tir o u ji u ne anvamanz;li h% fa\ vo[owourde ant;[italiørhn ,arounak;lou h ir pa\qare!
April 2014 j&
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kouja\in% axga\in ;u fa\r;na- sirakan ‘a®a\oujiunn;re axga- par‘an a\s Miouj;an!
FBE Miouj;an [;kawarn;re% m;r vo[owourdi 'ojorka\o\x ;u yakatagrakan w;r=in fariur tarin;roun enjazqin% imastou- jiune oun;za‘ m;r vo[owourdin ;u fa\r;niqi gna\oun ,af;re xanaxan;l mna\oun ,af;rhn% ;u est a\nm% ir k;anqi o[= tari- n;roun enjazqin Fa\kakan Ba- r ; g o r ‘ a k a n E n d f a n o u r Mi o u - jiune fandisazau Astou‘o\ m;- ‘ago\n ørfnoujiune m;r vo[o- wourdin famar! A\s Miouj;an ,arq;roun mh= hr or ‘nound a®au ;u fasak n;t;z maqramaqour fa\e% =;rm ;u an,afa.ndir fa\- r;nashre% or fa\r;niqi zau;row ke toua\ti ;u \a=o[oujiunn;row ke fpartana\!
A\d ør% Wach ;u Jamar Ma- nouk;an k;dronhn n;rs amhn qa\- la' ke t;snhir FBE Miou- j;an patkan;liouj;amb fpart ;ritasardn;r ;u patanin;r% oronq m;‘ago\n oura.ouj;amb ;ka‘ hin% \atouk s;[an me dra‘ hin% a\z;loun;roun bazatr;low ir;nz gor‘ounhoujiunn;re ;u apaga\i ‘ragirn;re!
Fon hin FBE Miouj;an ‘anr fr;tanin% Mari Manouk;an-T;- miry;an warvarani ;u "asati- na\i Wach ;u Jamar Manouk;an ;rkrordakan warvarani patas- .anatoun;re% gl.auorouj;amb ;ritasard% ,norfa,at tnørhnoufiin^ Dokt& Jalin Qarkotor;ani! Fon hin ousouzcakan kaxme% fa\ka- kan bavni ousouzcoufin;r% fan- ra‘anøj% annman ousouzcoufi^ fa\;rhn l;xoui Lora Gou\oumy;an ;u ir pa,tønakizn;re!
Sajam;an jat;ra.oumbi an- damn;rhn omanq% xg;stauoroua‘ ;u ir;nz n;rka\azoumn;rhn wi- tho\n;r ke zouzadrhin% fa\ ;ri-
tasard tikinn;r% or ke pat- rastouhin Ma\isi 11-i Ma\r;rou Ørouan ];®narkin!
Am;nhn fay;lin ;u f;taqrqra- kann hin marxakan marminn;re% oronq amhn t;sak marxa.a[;rou m;‘ jiuow marxikn;r ounin!
x ba[a‘ ;n! |;to\ t;sanq m;r fra,q skaoutn;re ir;nz bana- koumn;rhn nmo\,n;r zouzadr;low% Young Professionals :ritasard Arf;stawarvn;r% w;j;rann;rou \an]na.oumb;r% Mentor-n;rou .mbakn;r% m;‘ ;[ bør kam m;‘ qro= phs fogatar k*ellan! Asika iraphs ,at% ,at .;lazi marda- k;rt ;u dastiarakcakan gor‘ menh!
M;‘ago\n oura.ouj;amb ima- zanq% jh nman baz frauhr me ;us piti ella\ Walii ,r=ani fa\ouj;an famar% Miouj;an Mari Manouk;an-T;miry;an war- varanhn n;rs!
};®narke ir bowandakouj;amb% kaxmak;rpouj;amb ;u fon n;r- ka\azoua‘ gor‘ounhoujiunn;row inqnin m;‘ago\n apazo\zn hr a\s patouab;r Miouj;an lou®% ana[mouk ba\z drakan ;u øgta,at ‘a®a\oujiunn;roun% oronz famar srtanz ke ,nor- fauor;nq a\s Miouj;an bolor patas.anatoun;re a\s ,nor- fakal gor‘in famar% koc en;low m;r fa\r;nakizn;roun% or a,- .ouvørhn mas kaxm;n a\s Miou- j;an a,.atanqn;roun% \øgout ;u i ,af ir;nz xauakn;roun ;u jo®nikn;roun!
Apriq ;ritasardn;r!
A\d ør% m;nq^ ;rhzn;rou m;‘ gofounakouj;amb bavnou;zanq FBE Miouj;an k;dronhn% m;r ;ritasardn;roun ;u patanin;- roun a\sqan g;[;zik ;u fa\a- ,ounc a,.atanqin akanat;s ellalow!
Bolorin war]qe katar!
mafa\kakan fimnadramin% or a\s taroua\ j;l;jonn anouanoui aW;ra‘noundo ;u fauaqoua‘ mi- =ozn;row .ra.ous;n a\n kananz% owq;r ke ‘nndab;r;n 2015 j& April amsoum% kam fauaqoua‘ mi=ozn;row mankakan fimnark- n;r ka®ouz;n! >ra.ousmane phtq h masnakz;n na;u t;[akan inqnaka®awarman marminn;re (FF-oum) ;u s'iu®qi ka®o\zn;rn ou bar;rarn;re! Isk ‘noua‘ nor;loukn;ri anounn;re kar;li h knq;l S;uak% Warouvan% Grigor% Siamanjo% Âoubhn% Xofrap ;u a\l anounn;r% \au;rvazn;low a\n mardkanz anounn;rn% owq;r dar- ]an anm;[ xof;r ou koran ana- patn;roum!
Mhk a®a=ark ;us% orn im ko[- miz arou;l hr 3 tari a®a=! M;nq karo[ ;nq fa,ou;l na;u m;r^ fa\ axgi jouaqanake! Dra famar farkauor h% or amhn mhk ,nci fa,ouow mhk tolar 'o.anzoui or;uh n,anauor fa\i^ Qerq Qer- qor;ani%
fa,ou;famarin% ori famar kar;li h fama]a\nou- j;an gal nranz f;t!
M;nq amhn ør% kam amise mi qani angam f;®a.øsow skype-ow .øsoum ;nq m;r axgakann;ri% bar;kamn;ri% enk;rn;ri f;t% oronq s'®oua‘ ;n a,.arfow mhk!
A\d .øsakzoujiunn;ri vamanak karo[ ;nq \a\tn;l m;r marda- famari anzkazman masin ;u jo[ entaniqi fa\re kam ma\re ir xauakn;ri ;u jo®n;ri fa,ouow mhkakan tolar ou[arki 1915 j& April amsin n,oua‘ mardkanz fa,ou;famarin! Da karo[ ;n ka- tar;l na;u gor‘atoun;re% owq;r ir;nz møt fa\ a,.ato[n;r oun;n! Bolor a,.ato[n;ri entaniqi andamn;ri qanakow fauaquoum h goumare ;u 'o.anzuoum fa\- kakan mardafamari fa,ou;fa- marin! Ifarkh% na.aphs mardik phtq h pa\manauorou;n ir;nz entaniqi andamn;ri ;u .na- min;ri (jo®n;ri fa,ouow) f;t% orphsxi krknaki goumarn;r c'o.anzou;n!
A\spisow^ m;nq karo[ ;nq t;- [;kazn;l bolor fa\;rin ;u sto\g imanal fa\;ri jiun a,.arfoum% isk a\d fauaqoua‘ goumare k*øg- tagor‘oui bar;gor‘akan npa- takn;row!
Miazhq fa\;r% famagor‘ak- z;nq mim;anz f;t% orphsxi a,- .arfin zo\z tanq m;r mias- nakanoujiune famafa\kakan .ndirn;ri lou‘man gor‘oum% am- rapnd;nq m;r ];®qb;roumn;rn i ,af fa\ axgi wa[oua\ ørouan!
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NOR ØR% APRIL 17% 2014
N;rkan;rhn t;saran me
mow kam .janoumow (stimulation)! +i[;rou wra\ 'or]arkouo[ a\s nourb gor‘o[oujiunn;re krnan ellal o[na\in (cervical)% lan=akan (thoracic)% mh=qi (lumbar) ;u srbo- kra\in (sacral)! W;r=nago\n mi=o- za®oume .janoumn h n;[ ou la\n n;ardn;rou kam manraj;l;rou (fibers)% o[na‘ou‘i% our ke ta- ratnkouin (implant) ;l;ktrasa\-
Zaue kar;li k*ella\ j;j;uzn;l minc;u 50 a® fariur! W;ro\i,;al bolor bazatroujiunn;re zo\z trou;zan pasta®i wra\ fas- knali lousapatk;rn;row! Tara- tnkoua‘ m;ta[;a\ a\d nourb fnarqn;re ke dimanan ,our= 25 tari! A\s gor‘o[ouj;an para- ga\in krnan ;rb;mn patafil warakoumn;r (infections)% \a®a- =azn;low otqi jmroujiun% t;[a- droua‘ m;ta[i t;[a'o.oujiun! N;rka\is a\s droujiune ke gor‘adroui na;u Parkinson's dis- ease–i bouvoumin famar!
X;kouzoumn;rou w;r=auorouj;an t;[i oun;zau farz-patas.ani lrazouzic bavin me!
Fparta®ij ;r;uo\j hr% ounkn- dr;l vam me t;uo[ m;r ;rita- sard masnaghtn;rou ca'axanz f;taqrqrakan% dastiarakic% \a=o[ ;lo\jn;re!
Fauaqo\ji auartin matou- zou;zau Tiknanz |an]na.oumbin patrasta‘ fiurasiroujiune% or st;[‘;z fay;li mjnolort me^ 'o- .adar] ‘anøjazman ou kar‘iq- n;rou 'o.anakman!
r;re (electrodes)! Qali`ornio\ Walansia qa[a-
qin mh= fastatoua‘ Boston Scientific-e 3 enk;roujiunn;rhn \a=o[ago\nn h% or ke patrasth \i,;al m;ta[;a\ stimulator-n;re% oronz \[azo[n ou patrasto[n;rn ;n ørouan mius ;rkou x;kouzo[- n;re^ yartaraght-m;q;naght Sasoun P;tros;an% ;u endfanour gor‘akatare^ yartaraght Wa- ch Al;qsan;an! A\s gor‘o[ou- jiune ke kataroui ;rkou fan- grouann;row& .jano[ gor‘iqe ke x;t;[oui ko[qin wra\i mase^ mh=qin% o[na,arin møt! Kary va- manak ;tq% \a=o[ouj;an para- ga\in% gor‘o[oujiune w;r=nakan ke nkatoui! Zaue o[oq;lou famar k*øgtagor‘oui remote control me% or kariqi fama]a\n% a\laxan astiyani yn,oumn;r ke 'o.anzh!
Manouk;an-T;miry;an Warvarani na.akrjarani ;rgca.oumbe
n;re% gor‘øn d;r;r w;rzn;low anor matakararman mh=! Xou- gaf;®abar% na;u% Manouk;an- T;miry;an Warvarani san;re% San ~;rnantø Fowiti Miouj;an Masnayiu[in skaoutakan .oum- b;re% parb;rabar k*a\z;lhin fos .namouo[ m;r mamikn;roun ou tatikn;roun% .andawa®;low xanonq ir;nz \a\tagirn;row! Ator lauago\n apazo\ze% a\s ørouan g;[arou;stakan ambo[- =akan \a\tagrin fra,ali gor- ‘adroumn hr! Ardar;u% Manouk- ;an-T;miry;an na.akrjaranhn ;rks;® a,ak;rtn;rou ,our= 30 foginoz .oumbe% ,our= khs vam t;uo[ouj;amb fandhs ;kau fa\ banast;[‘ouj;an ,arq me f;[i- nakn;rh qa[oua‘ faroua‘n;rou
.mba\in artasanouj;amb% inc- phs na;u^ fa\kakan vo[owrdakan .mb;rgn;row! >mbake ke [;ka- warhin warp;t da,nakafarou- fi-dasatou Ørd& Arous And- rhas;an% ;u fa\;rhni nouir;al dastiarakoufi Tik& Maral Osk;an! G;[arou;stakan a\s .nam;al \a\tagire arvanazau n;rkan;rou .andawa® gnafa- tanqin!
Ørouan fandisoujiune ir bo- wandakouj;amb lauago\ns n;r- ka\azou;zau% ,;,t;low aArarat Tano katara‘ a®o[=apafakan an'o.arin;li d;re m;r fama\n- qhn n;rs% Bar;gor‘akani al b;ra‘ \atouk foga‘ouj;amb!
N.O. April 17, 2014, No. 16:N.O. Blank 4/16/14 4:28 PM Page 11
Aprili 12-13-in ka\azan 3-rd ,r=ani w;r- =in fandipoumn;rn% oronq auartou;zin a\s- pisi ardiunqn;row&
a"iuniko-aArarato^ 0-1 aMikao-a
Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M&
Ararat Bananz
21 126325-1042 21 9 84 27-15 35 21 9 75 33-23 34 21 710422-2031 21 76834-2627 21 59727-2424 21 441314-3016 21 441324-5716
• FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic a,man;ane!
A\d enjazqoum ;[;l ;m Dortmoundoum% dit;l ;m aBorousiao-aX;nijo fandipoume% fandip;l F;nri. M.ijar;ani f;t% isk im øgnakane dit;l h na;u Ka®l;n Mkrtc;ani masnakzouj;amb aAlkmaro-aAnvio fandi- poume!
Aprili 10-in ka\azan :urolika\i qa®ord ;xra'akici fandipoumn;rn% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row&
aS;uiliao-aPortouo^ 4-1% 0-1 (4-2) aB;n`ikao-aAX Alkmaro^ 2-0% 1-0 (3-0) a:ouw;njouso–aLiono^ 3-0% 1-0 (4-0) aWal;nsiao-aBax;lo^ 5-0% 0-3 (5-3) A\spisow kisa;xra'akic dours ;kan aS;-
uiliao% aB;n`ikao% a:ouw;njouso ;u aWal;n- siao jim;re!
aÂhalo Matrit-aBauariao Miun.;n aC;lsio-aAjl;tikøo Matrit jim;re! aÂhalo ;u aBauariano minc a\d irar f;t
fandip;l ;n 20 angam% aÂhaleo \a[j;l h 7 angam% 2 oc-oqi ;u 11 partoujiun gndakn;ri tarb;roujiune 26-32-i! aÂhaleo d;®;us Miun.;noum ci \a[j;l!
aC;lsino ;u aAjl;tikøno irar f;t fandi- p;l ;n 3 angam ;u oun;n mhkakan \a[janak ;u mhk oc-oqi% gndakn;ri tarb;roujiune 7-6-i!
Kisa;xra'akic fandipoumn;re ke ka\a- nan Aprili 22-23-in ;u 29-30-in!
:urolika\i kisa;xra'akicoum ke fandi- p;n&
• FF fauaqakane Ma\isi 25-in ,at fna- rauor h% or enk;rakan fandipoum anzkazni Iraqi fauaqakani f;t% ore ~I~A-i dasa- kargman zouzakoum gtnuoum h 103-rd t;- [oum!
Saka\n ;rkou ;rkrn;ri `oujpoli da,nou- jiunn;ri d;®;us pa,tønakan fama]a\nou- j;an c;n ;k;l! FF fauaqakane Ma\isi 30-in ke fandipi Alviri% isk |ounisi 6-in G;rma- nia\i fauaqakann;ri f;t! A\d patya®ow FF a®a=nouj;an 27-rd ;u 28-rd mrza'oul;re karo[ h t;[a'o.ou;n au;li wa[ vamanaka- mi=ozn;re% a\sinqn FF a®a=noujiune k*auar- toui au;li ,out!
• Aprili 10-in ~I~A-n fraparak;z ax- ga\in fauaqakann;ri nor warkani,a\in a[iusake! Na.ord amsoua\ fam;mat Fa\as- tani fauaqakane bar]raz;l h 8 forixona- kanow ;u xba;[znoum h 33-rd t;[e! :urø- 2016-i entrakan 'ouloum m;r fauaqakani mrzakizn;re xba[;znoum ;n f;t;u;al t;[;re^ "orjougalia^ 3-rd% Dania^ 23-rd% S;rpia^ 30-rd% Alpania^ 70-rd!
• Aprili 7-10-e Ispania\i ma\raqa[aq Matritoum t;[i h oun;z;l OU:~A-i Study Group Scheme ‘ragri ,r=anakn;roum aMar- xakan Krjoujiuno j;ma\ow s;minar% orin masnakzoum hin Ispania\i% Fa\astani ;u Isra\hli marxicn;re! Fa\astane n;rka\az- noum hin F~D marxcakan frafangicn;re Ab- rafam >a,man;ane% A,ot Bars;[;ane% Ar- mhn Giul bouda[;anze% Sourhn;ane% A,ot Au;tis;ane ;u a\loq!
• Moskoua\i aSpartakio gl.auor marxic Karpini fravarakaniz \;to\% jimi gl.auor marxic h n,anakou;l jimi gl.auor marxci t;[akal Dmitri Gounkon! Minc a\d gl.auor marxci j;kna‘oun;ri mh= n,uoum hin FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic B;®nar
Gl.auor marxci f;®analouz \;to\ aSpar- takeo wat h fandhs galis ÂD-i a®a=nou- jiunoum! Mi qani masnaghtn;r Âomanz;u% Titow bazasakan k;rpow ;n arta\a\tou;l aSpartakio ;u FF fauaqakani `oujpo- listn;r :oura Mowsis;ani ;u Arax Øxbilisi faszhin% qnnadat;l hin nranz% cna\a‘ oc mi k;rp c;s asi% jh nranq w;r=in .a[;roum watago\nn hin ir;nz jimi kaxmoum! W;r=in^ aSpartako-aK®ilia Sow;towo .a[iz \;to\% a\n auartou;z aSpartakio \a[janakow^ 1-0 fa,ouow% koli f;[inak :oura Mowsis;ane axd;zik v;stow^ b;ran 'ak;low oux;l h as;l% or qnnadato[n;re jo[ b;rann;re 'ak;n!
aS;uiliao-aWal;nsiao ispanakan ;u
aB;n`ikao ("orjougalia)-a:ouw;njouso (Italia) jim;re!
Kisa;xra'akic fandipoumn;re ke ka\a- nan Aprili 24-in ;u Ma\isi 1-in!
Ispania\i Kas;r;s qa[aqoum enjazo[ sambo\i :uropa\i patanin;ri ;u ;rita- sardn;ri ;u a[=ikn;ri a®a=nouj;an a®a=in mrzouma\in øre fa\ sambistn;re nouay;l ;n ;r;q m;tal! Mi,a Naxar;ane (75 qk&) ar- vanaz;l h pronxh% H®n;st Fa\rap;t;ane (60 qk&)% tanoul talow mia\n ;xra'akic gø- t;marte^ ar‘ajh m;tali% isk L;ndrou, Xa- tik;ane fandhs h ;k;l g;raxanz nouay;low ;ritasardn;ri a®a=nouj;an 48 qk& qa,a\in kargoum :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an \a[jo[i tit[ose! Mrzoumn;ri ;rkrord øre pronxh m;taln;ri ;n arvanaz;l patanin;riz^ Âo- b;rt Gabrihl;ane (65 qk&)% ;ritasardn;riz Sh\ran Safak;ane (90 qk&)! M;r marxikn;riz ;r;qe fas;l ;n ;xra'akic ;u ke pa\qar;n oskh m;taln;ri famar!
Pronxh m;taln;ri arvanazan a[=ikn;ri a®a=noujiunoum Âoxa >acatr;ane (52 qk&) ;u ;ritasardn;riz Go® Ma\il;ane (57 qk&)% isk patanin;riz Nar;k
J;l Awiwoum auartou;z ‘anramarti :u- ropa\i a®a=noujiune! G;r‘anr qa,a\in kargoum Fa\astane n;rka\aznoum hin Âoubhn Al;qsan;ane ;u Fa\k |akob;ane! Âoubhn Al;qsan;ane ;rkamartoum ;u froum warvoujiunoum arvanazau ar‘ajh m;tali 436 qk& (190+246)! Fa\k |akob;ane 11-rdn hr^ 380 qk& (173+207)! :uropa\i a.o\;an dar]au ®ous ‘anramarti Al;qsh\ Lowc;ue^ 457 qk& (205+252)! F®i'simh >our,oud;ane ;rkamar- ti 232 qk& (102+230) ardiunqow 5-rdn hr! FF fauaqakane jima\in fa,ouarkoum 8-rdn hr!
Fraparakou;l h b®nzqamarti FF faua- qakani kaxme! Fauaqakani gl.auor mar- xicn h Dauij Joros;ane! Fauaqakani kax- me&
Koriun So[omon;an (49 qk&)% |owfannhs Danihl;an (49 qk&)% Nar;k Abgar;an (52 qk&)% F;nrik Moqo\;an (56 qk&)% Arjour Mowsis;an (56 qk&)% Aram Auag;an (56 qk&)% Arjour Wardan;an (60 qk&)% Fa\rik Naxar;an (60 qk&)% |owfannhs Bockow (64 qk&)% Ara Pou- loux;an (64 qk&)% Go® :riz;an (64 qk&)% Wla- dimir Margar;an (69 qk&)% Arman Darcin;an (69 qk&)% Arman |owik;an (69 qk&)% Go® +;u;lik;an (75 qk&)% Nikol |aroujiunow (81 qk&)% Tigran Arm;nak;an (81 qk&)% F;nrik Sargs;an (91 qk&)% Aram Iqlim;an (91 qk&)% Âa`a\hl Simon;an (+91 qk&)% Nar;k M;lqoum- ;an (+91 qk&) ;u Armhn Simon;an (+91 qk&)!
Imi=ia\loz a\d .a[in n;rka\ h gtnou;l FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic B;®nar
N.O. April 17, 2014, No. 16:N.O. Blank 4/16/14 4:28 PM Page 12

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