Monday, 21 July 2014


Monday, July 21, 2014
Recent Articles from The Armenian Weekly...
In the Shadow of 1915: Reflections on Hrant’s Assassination
The Armenian Weekly April 2014 Magazine
Seven years have passed since Hrant Dink’s assassination and those who planned his murder remain free. While the search for justice continues with a second round of trials, there seems to be insufficient political will to uncover the truth. With these new trials, I am reminded of Karl Marx’s famous adage about history repeating itself—the first time as tragedy, the second as farce. Frustrating as this may be, political will is precisely what prevents the Turkish justice system from discovering the guilty parties.
Friends and admirers of Hrant are understandably angry: How can the conspirators responsible for his assassination still be unknown? How can a single murder case last so long? The reasons are suggested in a “Tweet” posted by Prime Ministerial Advisor Hamdi Kilic on Jan. 2, 2014: “There is something known as ‘state tradition’ in this country; it still exists. It’s enough to read a little history to understand...
Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Launches Telemedicine Program in Armenia
On May 27, the Telemedicine Program was presented and launched at the Medical Science Library of Armenia in Yerevan. Khoren Bandazian, the chairman of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund U.S. Eastern Region Affiliate’s Board of Directors, opened the event by presenting the Fund’s initiatives in support of Armenia and Karabagh. He noted that since the Fund’s inception in 1992, it has developed and implemented numerous projects in various fields ranging from education to construction. Some of the most remarkable moments, he said, were the opening of the Stepanakert Policlinic in 2004 and the medical training of its staff; the implementation of various education projects involving the expertise of foreign specialists, mainly from the professional network of Dr. Gevorg Yaghjyan; and the online medical diagnostic session held in New York in 2009.
(L-R): Irina Lazarian, executive director, and Khoren Bandazian, chairman, Hayastan All-Armenian Fund U.S. Eastern Region Affiliate
(L-R): Irina Lazarian, executive director, and Khoren Bandazian, chairman, Hayastan All-Armenian Fund U.S. Eastern Region Affiliate
Abu-Lala Mahari
By Avediq Isahakian
Translated by Tatul Sonentz
Abu Lala Mahari,
The renowned poet of Baghdad,
Lived for decades in the splendid city of the Caliphs,
Enjoying a life of luxury and delight.
He sat at banquets with affluent and powerful people,
Debating both the learned and the wise,
He cherished and assessed his companions.
He visited the lands of many a nation,
He saw and studied the peoples and their laws.
And his discerning soul, comprehending people, assessed and hated
Profoundly man and his rules.

And since he had no wife or children,
He gave away his entire fortune to the poor,
Gathered his caravan of camels, along with provisions and food,
And one night, when Baghdad slept on the cypress-covered
Banks of the Tigris –
He departed from the city in secret…
First Surah
 And Abu Lala’s caravan, gurgling softly like a spring,
Proceeded  serene in the sleepy night, with bells sweetly tinkling.
That winding caravan appraised the road with measured...
Amaras, MENK Keep Badalian Active
WATERTOWN, Mass.—Whether it’s posting your calendar item or promoting a cultural venue, look no further than Tatoul Badalian. He’s a community catalyst who works in more ways than an Energizer bunny.
Tatoul Badalian has helped turn Amaras Art Alliance into a genuine community gem.
Tatoul Badalian has helped turn Amaras Art Alliance into a genuine community gem.
The calendar started in 2001, aptly named “MENK,” which denotes togetherness and unity in a super-modified way. Anything you want posted can be found here under one convenient take. It’s brought our splinter groups together and put us all on more solid ground.
In an age when social calendars are yearning to breathe free, Badalian’s MENK has become a breath of fresh air. Keeping track of dozens of Armenian activities and passing them along to a readership of thousands is no simple task, but Badalian seems to be handling it with a deep-rooted sense of commitment.
“There was a time when we used to have one or two public events per week,” Badalian recalls. “Now, there are days where the...
Yegparian: Diplomatic Duet
Battering Bryza
 Do you remember biased Bryza? The “American” diplomat whose allegiances to Azerbaijan and Turkey appeared to be stronger than to his own country? You know, the one with a love for Azerbaijan that clearly led to unwise utterances and conflict of interest appearances (at best)?
Well, it turns out that not only did Matthew Bryza have poor judgment, but bad assessment skills as well. From, a WikiLeaks document dated Nov. 1, 2007, we learn that Bryza, in discussions with a Turkish deputy foreign minister, Ünal Çeviköz, told the latter that the U.S. government thought that tension over Abkhazia had moderated somewhat (we don’t learn exactly what role Bryza played in the formulation of this position).
Further on in the document, Bryza is quoted as saying that “Georgia is outmaneuvering Russia and separatists in South Ossetia by making reintegration with Georgia appear increasingly attractive.” Why is this...
Uncle Garabed’s Notebook (July 19, 2014)
From Will Rogers’ Notebook
I had just enough white man’s blood in me to make my honesty questionable.
Just Musing
When you consider the population of the world, you wonder where the garbage goes.
An editor is one who separates the wheat from the chaff and prints the chaff,
… Adlai Stevenson
Clever Rejoinder
A man who was criticized for not having a Bible in the house excused himself by saying that there was not a word in the Bible that was not in his dictionary.
For the Erudite
Knowledge sets up a screen that false propaganda cannot penetrate.
Modern Aphorism
An apt pupil makes his teacher look good.
Black Humor
The aviation instructor, having delivered a lecture on parachute work, concluded: “And if it doesn’t open, well, gentlemen, that is what is known as ‘jumping to a conclusion.’”
From the Word Lab
Ghoul: One who delights in the revolting, morbid, or loathsome; a grave robber; from Arabic ghul, an evil spirit or...
1914-2014: 100 Years of the German-Armenian Society
By Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
Johannes Lepsius is known for his work as a pastor and humanitarian who intervened on behalf of the Ottoman Armenians in the late 19th century.
Johannes Lepsius
Johannes Lepsius
When the genocide began, he returned to Constantinople from Berlin and tried in vain to dissuade the Young Turk leaders from their extermination project. His report on the systematic elimination of the Armenians through murder and deportation raised the alarm in Germany.
What is less well known about Lepsius, the “German exception,” is that he established the German-Armenian Society, an organization that has just celebrated its 100th jubilee. Together with journalist Paul Rohrbach and the Armenian writer Avetik Issahakyan, Lepsius founded the “Deutsch-Armenische Gesellschaft” (DAG) in June 1914, with the aim of promoting understanding between Germans and Armenians, as well as catering to the needs of Armenians living in Germany. In addition, the DAG intervened to protect the interests of...
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