Monday 6 October 2014

Primate's Monthly Talk...Sunday 5th October...Holy Trinity Armenian Church ...Manchester...


With the absence of the original transcript of the Bishop's monthly talk regrettably the title of this post
'Islam and Its Understanding of Christianity'   No longer applies!

Therefore, this is my over view! 

The Sources of Islam...

Who is or what is the word, Muhammad?  According to the Qur'an, as a noun Muhammad translates to "Reading or Recitation" Reading the written word, recitation is to repeat from memory, i.e a poem etc...

'(c. 570–632), Arab prophet and founder of Islam. In c. 610, in Mecca, he received the first of a series of revelations that, as the Koran, became the doctrinal and legislative basis of Islam. In the face of opposition to his preaching, he and his small group of supporters were forced to flee to Medina in 622 (the Hegira). Muhammad led his followers into a series of battles against the Meccans. In 630, Mecca capitulated and by his death Muhammad had united most of Arabia.'

'Founded in the Arabian peninsula in the 7th century ad, Islam is now the professed faith of nearly a billion people worldwide,particularly in North Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia.The ritual observances and moral code of Islam were said to havebeen given to Muhammad as a series of revelations, which werecodified in the Koran. Islam is regarded by its adherents as thelast of the revealed religions, and Muhammad is seen as the lastof the prophets, building on and perfecting the examples andteachings of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. There are two majorbranches in Islam: Sunni and Shia.' 

Looking at the map of the aforementioned countries above, one sees the outlining shape of a crescent. 

Who or what is the word Jesus?

    '(Also Jesus Christ or Jesus of Nazareth)    The central figure of the Christian religion. Jesus conducted a mission of preaching and healing (with reported miracles) in Palestine in about ad 28–30, which is described in the Gospels. His followers considered him to be the Christ or Messiah and the Son of God, and belief in his resurrection from the dead is the central tenet of Christianity.'

A Prophet = Soothsayerfortune tellerclairvoyantdivineroracleaugursibyl.

Here then are my thoughts simply deduced by mere interpretation of the dictionary!

  • There seems to be death in common between Jesus and Muhammad. One advocates killing, whilst the other teaches the antinomy, what a paradox. 

The Bishop imparted some really vital information about Islam and its understanding of Christianity!

  • Knowledge of Islam is to make for better understanding, and the way to achieve that is to meet and know fellow Muslims. 
  • Christianity does not tolerate the coupling of children to adult males, even though it goes on! This is known as pedophilia. 
  • Looking at further differences one is drawn to the fact that Muhammad is the waring lead head in Mecca. Yet, Jesus talks of PEACE AND LOVE! 
  • Nor does he prompt others to carry out killings upon other Nations or individuals, no matter who, in his name or in God's name! 
  • Holistically speaking, Men of the cloth should not insight the lay person to commit wrong doings against fellow man! 
  • I do not believe that true Muslim clerics are united in the same thought - And what's more they know who they are!

My search goes on for a far more true way in Islam and I invite those who know to enlighten me!

'Judge not, and ye shall not be judged!'
Luke 6: 37-38

Muslims will disagree, but I say how wrong is it to marry children at the age of 7 or be said to have 7 virgins waiting for them when they die, after carrying out jihad. This is wrong, wrong, wrong. It is not what humanity stands for, nor should it be tolerated! Even if we are asked to tolerate other's view of religion. I am not saying I am proud of Christians raping and pillaging during the crusades! But that was then not now! It is still wrong, wrong, wrong!

Now is the dawn of a new era, a new day and a new thought! It is a new beginning for each child born to Islam, Christianity, Jews and every other faith on this earth!

Coveting a child should be punishable by law, regardless of CREED!  LIKEWISE WITH GENITAL MUTILATION!!!...

I am 'A God loving, respecting and Obeying Woman!' I try my best to live by the true word of God, be it in the Qur'an, Bible, Tora or any other religion following God... I reject misleading instructions of elders, or revenge taking against anyone! Was it Shakespeare that said? 'The PEN is mightier than the Sword!' I should know there has been many wrongs done to me, no doubting to you, we too have done wrong I suspect! But I do not expect to be killed by the virtue of my indiscretion, nor would I kill for the same thought! If Christianity or other religions did that there would not be humanity left upon this Earth, this is my firm belief when I sing.... 'I know that my redeemer liveth'  Handel's Messiah. We are redeemed by the act of confession to our God!

Next time I wish to share a true occurrence in the late 90's...Pakistan achieved their own BOMB!

I was laying in my bed, when another patient was wheeled in onto the ward!...Always polite, always respectful, loved by the many visits he had from varying friends, colleagues and family too!

For many weeks we would sit in each others company and talk, he would say how in a short time to come, Pakistan would no longer be just a third world nation but that they would have parity among other nations and that they would be headed by the leading powers of the world! ... I may have understood it at the time but did not take on the full meaning of his statement... I was too ill to understand or even want to at that stage... My main concern was to get well, and for him to also be well enough to go home!
As the days went by my bed companion on the ward was becoming more and more ill and weak from his illness...I then confessed, I hated wars, conflict but that was not to say I would not stand up for what was right from what I knew was wrong!
As an Armenian whose past history was still raw and on the shoulders of young Armenian's I told him of the Armenian Question, and apart from my health that was the only other dilemma in my life... To fight for what I believe in or let it go...How could I let go of a million and a half lives shed! A conservative figure.
Time ticked toked - His illness now took hold of him...The bathroom sink on the ward was a splash of red when he came out...I did not want him to die, he was such a caring person, when my visitors did not turn up...He would start conversing and offering food brought for him in abundance by his visiting servants. By the level of respect and honour showed one could only think them to be his servants, but then there were far too many for them all to be servants...And I did not ask...Every day that went past he became weaker and weaker!
It was on one of these days, that a large group of visitors surrounded his bed and I just automatically thought this to be the day...O God have mercy!... Amide the silence I hear his voice, jeering and punching the air. The colour seemed to come back to his face...Not at all ashen as I had seen it that morning! I waited until his family and friends had gone! Then looked over at him...Calling out my name he said, I can now die in peace!...Why? Why die if the news is such a good one! I don't understand...He looked jubilant...''I would rather have you well again rather than your news, which seems to inject life into you.'' My dear I will tell you this because in a short time I shall not longer be a human on this earth...I am a Military man, and most of my men have now come to visit me and brought papers from Pakistan...'We are developing the Bomb, We have it now, now I can die and rest knowing that my country is as strong as those who have the Bomb already...I was half happy for him and half sad that he will die...
If only, we can heal! How do we heal when we feel so much pain, hate and head strong for one cause.


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