Wednesday 26 November 2014

Here is how you find your MP... A GENTILE REMIND THAT THE Centenary of THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE of 1915 by the Young Turks of the day IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! [APRIL 24 - 2015] WE WILL REMEMBER THEM!...


Find your MP and learn more about MPs, including details of their parliamentary career and contact information.
The options in the search box allow you to find MPs by postcode, constituency or MP’s name; or to filter the list by name, constituency, location, party or gender.

Find Your MP

Showing 650 out of 650 results for Name

Role of an MP

The UK public elects Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent their interests and concerns in the House of Commons. MPs consider and propose new laws, and can use their position to check the work of government.

Parliament and government

Parliament and government are two separate institutions that work closely together
Contacting the government. The following list links to departmental contact details for government ministers
Find out more about ministers and how government works on the Government’s website

Get involved

Find out how to take part in the work of Parliament

Contact the House of Commons

The Commons Information Office answers questions about the business, history and membership of the House.
Telephone: 020 7219 4272
Email: Commons Information Office
Text phone: Dial 18001 followed by 020 7219 4272

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