Here is how you find your MP... A GENTILE REMIND THAT THE Centenary of THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE of 1915 by the Young Turks of the day IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! [APRIL 24 - 2015] WE WILL REMEMBER THEM!...
- This is in the public domain why won't it allow me to publish the list of MP's?
- Dear Reader
- It seems it will only publish at the bottom of this page...A long way down...Thank you
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Help with Find Your MP
Advice on unrecognised postcodes, British citizens living abroad (including members of the Armed Forces) and finding representatives of other parliaments and assemblies
Unrecognised postcodesNew or changed postcodes
First, check you entered your full postcode correctly and try the search again. If this still does not work it may be that the postcode has been changed recently or is for a new dwelling. There is a short delay between the Post Office issuing new postcodes and them becoming available on the Find Your MP service.
Constituency boundaries and postcodes
Postcode areas do not always match constituency boundaries. An online map of the UK is available from Ordnance Survey which allows you to search by place name or postcode, and choose the boundary layer, to show which constituency a postcode or place comes under.
If your postcode is returned as unrecognised, you can contact the House of Commons Information Office, who can look up the details of your Member of Parliament based on your full address. The Electoral Registration Officer at your local council will also be able to help you identify your MP.
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