Tuesday 3 March 2015

Kevork Gurunian‎I am a descendant of a survivor of the Armenian Genocide! 22 hrs · Geert Wilders says. "The Armenian Genocide is an ink black page in the history of the world, which should always be remembered and never be forgotten,

" Wilders said. On April 24 in the Armenian capital Yerevan commemorated the genocide began a hundred years ago in Istanbul, then the capital of the Ottoman Empire.
Rutte and king Alexander must be there to show the Dutch involvement. "Show your respect and go and do not stop for fear of the Turkish government," the PVV leader.
PVV-leider Geert Wilders heeft premier Mark Rutte en koning Willem-Alexander opgeroepen de honderdste herdenking van de zogeheten Armeense genocide bij te wonen. Hij deed dat maandag in Almelo, nadat hij daar een krans had gelegd bij...

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