Armenian News... A Topalian... Armenia: Masterpieces from an Enduring Culture
The 25 November lecture that was very informative to a full lecture room.
The questions were of a very high standard (e.g. what is the relationship between the
Armenian church kmpets, the narrower higher Georgian versions and the Moslem
cemetery memorial stones in that area?).
It's a discerning,interested audience with a lecturer to match.
Well worth making your visit to the exhibition on a future lecture date.

Armenia: Masterpieces from an Enduring Culture
23 October 2015 — 28 February 2016
Venue: ST Lee Gallery, Weston Library (Map)
The Bodleian Libraries 2015 winter exhibition celebrates over 2,500 years of Armenia history. Armenia's Enduring Culture can refer to the great antiquity of Armenian culture, spanning more than two and a half millennia, from its first mention, carved into stone, in the reign of King Darius I (c. 550-486 BCE) to the modern Republic of Armenia and the numerous diaspora communities worldwide.
Yet endurance can also refer to the suffering and hardship which has befallen the Armenians. 2015 marks the centenary of the genocide against the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire by the Young Turk government during World War I.
In their honour, we display over one hundred items spanning more than two thousand years of cultural history: from King Tigranes II the Great's coins minted in the first century BCE, through sumptuously and more modestly decorated manuscripts from the Middle Ages, to the treasured objects of survivors of the 1915 genocide.
Opening times:
Monday to Friday 10am-5pm
Saturday 10am-5pm
Sunday 11am-5pm
Monday to Friday 10am-5pm
Saturday 10am-5pm
Sunday 11am-5pm
Please note: Due to unexpected building issues, the main gallery entrance to the Armenia exhibition is temporarily closed; visitors can enter the exhibition through the Transept Corridor to the right of the closed entrance. Please ask a staff member for directions if needed.
For further enquiries please email:
Admission free
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