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RFE/RL Report
Russian-Armenian Investors Said To Finance First Projects In Armenia
July 18, 2017
Anush Muradian
An investment fund set up recently by three dozen wealthy Russian
entrepreneurs of Armenian descent will start financing business
projects in Armenia this autumn, a senior government official in
Yerevan said on Tuesday.
The fund called the Investors Club of Armenia (ICA) was officially set
up in March at a ceremony in Yerevan attended by Prime Minister Karen
Karapetian. The latter has warm rapports with its key founders,
notably the Armenian-born billionaire Samvel Karapetian (no relation).
The Armenian government signed a memorandum of understanding with the
ICA in April. Minister for Economic Development Suren Karayan said at
the time that the fund's investments in the Armenian economy should
total around $300 million this year.
According to one of Karayan's deputies, Hovannes Azizian, the ICO will
likely launch its first investment projects in October or
November. "The projects to be implemented by the Club will mainly
target the areas of energy and renewable energy," he told a news
conference. "Now discussions are underway on the possibility of the
Club's involvement in some manufacturing sectors as well."
Azizian said that the Russian-Armenian investors are particularly
interested in hydropower and solar energy. The government, he said,
expects them to finance, among other things, the construction of
medium-sized hydroelectric plants.
One of those plants would be built in Samvel Karapetian's native Lori
province. The Armenian Energy Ministry estimates that work on the
76-megawatt facility would cost roughly $150 million.
Azizian would not be drawn on the amount of funding which the ICA has
set aside for its first projects. "When the projects are finalized we
will give information about the investment package," he said.
Foreign direct investment in the Armenian economy has rapidly declined
in recent years. Government data shows that it stood at a modest $130
million in 2016.
Prime Minister Karapetian has repeatedly promised to attract more than
$3 billion in investments in the coming years since he was appointed
as prime minister in September. The former business executive, who
lived and worked in Russia from 2011-2016, has said that at least $830
million of the sum will be invested in 2017.
The Russian-Armenian businessmen voiced strong support for the
53-year-old premier's ambitious reform agenda when he paid an official
visit to Moscow in January. Samvel Karapetian reaffirmed that backing
at the official launch of the ICA in March.
In addition to his extensive business interests in Russia, the tycoon
owns Armenia's national electric utility, largest thermal power plant,
and a shopping mall in Yerevan. His Tashir Group is due to open
another sprawling trade center in the Armenian capital in September.
According to "Forbes" magazine estimates, Samvel Karapetian's personal
fortune is currently worth $3.5billion, meaning that he is most
probably the richest ethnic Armenian in the world.
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‘Lo! They were young men who believed in their Lord, and We increased them in guidance.’ Qur’an, Surah XVIII, 13
Maximian, Malchus, Marcian, Dionysus, Johannes, Serapion and Constantine. Seven perennially young saints. Their feast day falls tomorrow, 27 July. Today I celebrated a Mass in their honour in a London church. People in attendance included an imam and a small gathering of Muslims and Christians. A bit unusual? Yes, the Seven Sleepers are not quite the ordinary run-of-the mill seraphs, believe you me. For one thing they share the privilege of being acknowledged as true monotheists, heroic witnesses to the faith in the One True God, both by the Qur’an and by the Christian Church. Interfaith saints indeed.
According to the Golden Legend, the seven youths were Christians of high rank, natives of the renowned Greek city of Ephesus. Devout lads, much given to fasting and praying. Sold their properties and distributed their wealth to the poor – that sort of thing. One day heathen Roman ruler Decius (a weird guy, who had initially been favoured by Emperor Philip, a Christian and an Arab) fed up with the Christian killjoys, resolves to wipe out the lot. The choice is stark: either you sacrifice publicly to idols, the pagan gods, or you are put to death – like that!
Maximian and his friends refuse to apostatise. They seek refuge in a cave near the city. When Decius gets wind of it, he spitefully orders them walled up inside. ‘It serves the intolerant, fanatical pesky boys right’, he must have opined.
Everybody thereafter forgets about the youths. Years, centuries go by.
Next instalment. A wide-eyed young man called Malchus, dressed in strange, old-fashioned attire, walks among the bemused citizens of Ephesus. He wants to buy bread. He and his six friends, he says, have just woken up after a long sleep and they are pretty hungry. But the coin he tends bears the image not of the present Christian emperor, Theodosius II, but of a pagan prince who had ruled two hundred years before…
The Qur’an diverges from the above at some points. Neither the sleepers’ number nor their names are given. Nor are either Decius or Ephesus mentioned. A charming, vivid detail, is that of the boys’ dog. The goodly beast guards the cave’s entrance by stretching its paws on the threshold. (Apparently he is called Katmir. Some say the animal will be admitted into Paradise. C.S. Lewis would have loved that.) But the main difference is pointed out by Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall, a vicar’s offspring, in the Meaning of the Glorious Qur’an. It seems the episode was part of a revelation given to the Prophet to enable him to answer certain tricky questions. Malevolent persons (al-Yahood?) had instructed the idolaters to challenge him, as a test of his prophethood. Muhammad ably outsmarted his enemies: he referred knowledge of such arcane matters to God alone.
As for the Christian story’s purpose, commentators argue, it is obvious. An anticipatory proof of the bodily resurrection of the dead – a crucial tenet then questioned by doubters and heretics alike. As a posthumous vindication or triumph of monotheism against its pagan antagonists, it does that admirably.
But the story is not over yet. ‘O sleepers, I am sorry, I cannot allow you to rest in the blissful safety of your martyrdom long ago. You are now shouting in your holy sleep, I can hear you loud and clear. You want us – no, rather it is God who wants us to grasp something through your story.’
Suspence! Imagine young Maximian, Malchus, Marcian, Dionysus, Johannes, Serapion and Constantine arising out of their slumbers once more. We see Malchus strolling out of the cave – perhaps along with the faithful Katmir - again walking amongst us, to buy food.
OK, it’s a miracle, so let us have him walking the streets of London, New York, Paris, Istanbul, you name it. What do you think his reaction will be?
Of course, he will see churches and mosques galore. He’ll rejoice about that, like a true monotheist. But what else?
Alas, since the boys’ first resurrection, the situation has been inverted. Modern society has reverted to paganism. Polytheism is back with a vengeance. Dastardly Decius himself, defeated by Christ, is enjoying a perverse resurrection of sorts. The secular Western world, bloated with material values and goods, like the pagans of old, again worships gods and goddesses galore – Venus, Eros, Pluto, Mars…or, if you prefer, call them sex, banks, drugs, violence, injustice…the catalogue is long. Could you blame young Malchus if, horrified, he ran back to the cave and, along with the others, took refuge once more in his sleep?
The holy lads are fortunate. They rest from their labours. They eyes are not saddened by the sight of heathenism reborn. It falls to true believers to arise out of their slumbers and proclaim the faith anew. And I do mean anew.
When I was a chaplain in Turkey I actually visited the impressive ruins of ancient Ephesus, by the South coast. I stood on the spot where a church once stood, built over the tomb of the Seven Sleepers. I bent down, put my ear to the ground and listened…
‘Wake up!’ voices were urging. ‘Pay heed! You people are slumbering now.
You believe you are awake. In fact, you are fast asleep. Not the righteous, God-induced sleep we sleep, we Ephesian heroes . Yours is the comatose slumber of those who are dozing off while the house is burning. Do you hear us? Wake up!’
Revd Frank Julian Gelli
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Panorama, Armenia
July 22 2017
Armenia’s Chinari village suffers great damages amid Azerbaijani gunfire
On July 20, in the period from 8:20 to 19:00, the Azerbaijani military opened gunfire at Chinari village located at Armenia’s bordering Tavush Province.
As Samvel Saghoyan, headman of Chinari community, told, the village has suffered significant damages as a result of the shelling.
“The Azerbaijani shooting damaged several houses, the roof of the kindergarten and a tractor. In addition to that, a barn was burnt down, with forage stored inside. One of our villagers suffered 12-13 million AMD in damages,” the village chief said.
Mr. Saghoyan also noted that the Azerbaijani snipers attempted to shoot down an Armenian young man near the village cemetery. The boy was lucky to go unharmed.
“The situation is currently calm in the village,” Mr. Saghoyan added.
To note, on July 21, in the period from 23:00 to 01:00, the Azerbaijani side opened fire at Barekamavan village of Armenia’s bordering Tavush Province. Fortunately, the village did not suffer casualties or damages.
Voltaire Network
July 23 2017
Turkish Parliamentarians forbidden from bringing up the “Kurdistan” and the “Armenian Genocide”
On 20 July 2017, Turkey’s Great Assembly has adopted a new law, prohibiting its parliamentarians from insulting Turkey’s glorious history by using the words, “Armenian Genocide”, “Kurdistan” and “Kurdish regions”.
It is well known, common knowledge as it were - but only common to members of the AKP and the MHP (Parties of Nationalist Action) - that the “events of 1915” did not last from 1895 to 1896 and from 1915 to 1916. Such events did not impact all non-Muslims, but only those traitors whose loyalties lay with Russia and occasionally, indirectly, their families. Neither did the events of 1915 cost the lives of 1, 200, 000 men, almost 1, 500, 000, persons, but only the lives of a very small number. And every parliament in the world that has dared to recognize that a genocide took place, is an enemy of the Turkish people, descending from the wolf of the steppes [ 1 ].
Similarly, the alleged Kurdistan recognized by the Treaty of Sèvres at the end of the First World War never existed. Furthermore, the conference at Lausanne abandoned it some years later and today it does not exist in Turkey, but in Iraq. And furthermore, it is a complete nonsense to talk of Kurdish regions in Turkey because if there are Kurds in certain governorates, they are first of all, Turkish nationals.
When the Turks colonised the Arabs, they guaranteed all popular revolt would never take place by closing down schools. And there is little doubt that Sultan Erdogan similarly guaranteed that there would be no challenge from within Parliament by filtering the Turkish language of undesirable language and cleansing the brains of its Parliamentarians of undesirable thoughts.
Tert, Armenia
July 23 2017
Armenian church celebrating Vardavar or Transfiguration of Christ
The Armenian Apostolic Church is celebrating the Transfiguration of Christ on Sunday.
The feast, traditionally known as Vardavar, is marked in the period between June 28 and August 1 to coincide with the 98th day following Easter. It is one of the Tabernacle feasts commemorating the transformation or the “transfiguration” that came over Jesus while He was praying. Christ’s face shone like the sun and his clothes became a radiant and gleaming white. The Apostles Peter, James and John witnessed that event which occurred on a high mountain named Tabor, reports.
Evangelists St. Matthew, St. Mark and St. Luke testify about the transfiguration of Jesus in the Gospels (Matthew 17:1-13; Mark 9:1-12, Luke 9:28-36).
“... As they looked on, a change came over Jesus: his face was shining like the sun and his clothes were dazzling white. Then the three disciples saw Moses and Elijah talking with Jesus. So Peter spoke up and said to Jesus, “Lord, how good it is that we are here! If you wish I will make three tents here, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” While he was talking, a shining cloud came over them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my own dear Son, with whom I am pleased – listen to him!” When the disciples heard the voice, they were so terrified that they threw themselves face downward on the ground. Jesus came to them and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “Don’t be afraid!” So they looked up and saw no one there but Jesus. (Matthew 17:2-8)
A week’s fasting precedes Vardavar. The following Monday is a day of commemoration. All the churches serve a liturgy and offer a funeral service in memory of the deceased.
The word Vardavar traces its origins back to the Indo-European roots var , meaning water, a ar - to drench. Its history dates from the pagan times, a period when it was closely associated with the Goddess Astghik, the symbol of water, love, fertility and beauty. Vardavar was celebrated with a great splendor, with people bringing along roses as a gift to the goddess, releasing doves into the sky and drenching one another with water. The latter tradition has survived to our days.
Vardavar is a favorite feast especially among children, although adults too, turn out not absolutely indifferent to cool water, especially in the hot summer season. The feast is celebrated in all the regions across Armenia but meets a warmer welcome especially in the north-eastern regions. Since 2015, the International Vardavar Festival is annually organized in Geghard and Garni (Kotayk region), historical sites of Armenian pagan monuments.
Trend, Azerbaijan
July 24 2017
Baku slams falsification of history and religion by Armenia (UPDATE)
By Seba Aghayeva – Trend:
Armenian foreign minister’s visit to the occupied Azerbaijani Kalbajar District under the pretext of participating at a religious ceremony Gandzasar 777 is another example of how Armenia politicizes the falsification of history and religion at the state level, Spokesman for the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Hikmat Hajiyev told Trend.
Hajiyev reminded Armenia’s FM that the Albanian-Christian temple, located in the Kalbajar District occupied by Armenian armed forces, is called Ganjasar, but not Gandzasar, and it has nothing to do with the Armenian Orthodox Church.
“This has been proved by Azerbaijan and foreign historians,” he noted.
The architecture and composition of the temple complex and sculpture elements confirm the temple’s belonging to the architecture of Caucasian Albania, said Hajiyev. The pseudo-Armenian historiography is unable to explain the difference between the Ganjasar temple and an Armenian church, he added.
Hajiyev noted that in general, Armenia’s appropriation of Islamic and Christian temples belonging to the Azerbaijani people is a grave violation of international humanitarian law, in particular the Geneva Conventions.
“Participation of the Armenian FM at the event once again demonstrates that Armenia is not interested in a peaceful settlement of the [Nagorno-Karabakh] conflict and tries to strengthen the status quo, continuing the occupation of Azerbaijan’s Nagorno-Karabakh region and adjacent districts,” Hajiyev said.
The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of the ensuing war, in 1992 Armenian armed forces occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.
The 1994 ceasefire agreement was followed by peace negotiations. Armenia has not yet implemented four UN Security Council resolutions on withdrawal of its armed forces from the Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding districts.
Aravot, Armenia
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