September 22, 2008
| In the Hot Seat. . .  Deputy National Security Advisor,
Amb. James Jeffrey is set to face questions
on the U.S.-Turkey relationship at his confirmation hearing this week. Watch it Online LIVE on
Wednesday, Sept. 24th at 2:30pm Need Realplayer to watch the proceedings.
Click here to download Realplayer for free. |
| U.S. - Turkey Relations: Special Report: 10 Failings in U.S.-Turkey Policy (PDF) ANCA Urges Scrutiny of U.S. Turkey Policy During
Ambassadorial Confirmation Hearing ANCA Action: Urge Candidates in your area to submit an
ANCA Candidate Questionnaire Javakhk / Armenia Aid: | VIDEO | House Foreign Affairs Comm. Chairman Praises
Armenia's Help to U.S. Diplomats During Georgia Crisis Bipartisan Group of U.S. Representatives Call for
Post-Conflict Aid to Javakhk and Armenia Nagorno Karabagh: 20th Anniversary of NKR Movement Marked in
Capitol Hill Program -- Watch VOA and H1 TV coverage
(in Armenian) From the Campaign Trail: Obama Marks Armenian Independence Day | ANCA Urges Scrutiny of U.S. Turkey Policy During Ambassadorial Confirmation Hearing Senate Panel Set to Consider Nominee on September 24th WASHINGTON, DC - The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) has called on members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to closely scrutinize ten serious shortcomings in the Administration’s handling of the U.S. - Turkey relationship, during the September 24th confirmation hearing for James Jeffrey to serve as the next U.S. Ambassador to Turkey. In letters to panel Chairman Joe Biden (D-DE) and other key Committee members, ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian outlined the Administration’s failings, and encouraged strict scrutiny of the nominee in order to “ensure accountability for past errors, as well as to apply the lessons learned from these setbacks in charting a more productive and principled course for U.S.-Turkey relations.” Hachikian underscored that, “We are today, near the close of the Bush Administration’s eight years in office, at a meaningful milestone in our relationship with Turkey. This hearing provides an important opportunity both to look back over the challenges, the progress, and the setbacks of the past, as well as to look forward to approaches to develop our ties in ways that advance both our interests and our values in this vital region of the world.” Read more. . . House Foreign Affairs Comm. Chairman Praises Armenia's Help to U.S. Diplomats During Georgia Crisis WASHINGTON, DC - House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Howard Berman (D-CA), today, thanked Armenia for providing safe transit for U.S. officials during the recent Georgia conflict, during Committee consideration of a $470 million post-conflict assistance package to Georgia, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA). Noting the “ripple effects” of the crisis beyond Georgia’s borders and the absence of Armenia in the bill, Chairman Berman pledged consideration of additional assistance to Armenia next year. He stated, in his opening remarks, that, “I note that the ripple effects of this crisis were clearly felt beyond Georgia’s borders. The United States is grateful to the Armenian Government for providing safe transit for American and international officials, relatives of diplomats and NGO representatives and Georgia nationals. Although this bill does not include funding for other countries in the Caucasus region, it is my intention, when we consider the authorization of assistance next year, to examine the wider impact of this conflict and provide appropriate funding for Armenia and other affected countries.” Rep. Sherman (D-CA), an outspoken supporter of post-conflict aid to Armenia and Javakhk, expressed reservations about language in the bill, which may support the construction of a new pipeline bypassing Armenia. “We see that there are pipelines in Georgia,” stated Rep. Sherman. “Why are there pipelines in Georgia? Because we funded an anti-Armenia pipeline that violates the rules of geometry - that does not use a straight line - but rather goes around Armenia in order to benefit those who are trying to isolate Armenia and now there is talk in this resolution of a new pipeline - again one designed to avoid going through Armenia territory, avoid building a peace pipeline between Azerbaijan and Armenia.” Read more. . . Bipartisan Group of U.S. Representatives Call for Post-Conflict Aid to Javakhk and Armenia WASHINGTON, DC - Twenty Members of the U.S. House of Representatives today joined with Representatives Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and George Radanovich (R-CA) in formally calling upon President Bush to dedicate portions of the proposed $1 billion post Georgia-Russia conflict aid package to meeting economic development needs in Samtskhe-Javakheti region of Georgia and to helping to offset the economic impact of the recent crisis on Armenia, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA). The signatories of the letter included two key members of the House panel that writes the foreign aid bill, Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Steve Rothman (D-NJ); the Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee, Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI); as well as the chamber’s two members of Armenian heritage, Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and Jackie Speier (D-CA). Also signing the letter were the Chairman of the Financial Services Committee, Barney Frank (D-MA), the Co-Chairman of the Human Rights Caucus, Jim McGovern (D-MA), and Jim Costa (D-CA), Chaka Fattah (D-PA), Scott Garrett (R-NJ), Mike Honda (D-CA), Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), James Langevin (D-RI), Stephen Lynch (D-MA), Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Ed Markey (D-MA), Michael McNulty (D-NY), Grace Napolitano (D-CA), Donald Payne (D-NJ), and Colin Peterson (D-MN). “Armenians Americans - from Fresno, New Jersey and around the nation - thank Representatives Pallone and Radanovich and all those who added their names to this worthwhile effort to address the pressing post-conflict humanitarian and developmental needs in Georgia and in Armenia,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “We look forward to working with these legislators and our other friends on Capitol Hill to reach out to these populations during their time of need.” Read more. . . 20th Anniversary of NKR Movement Marked in Capitol Hill Program Special Guest Mark Geragos Joined by More than Ten Members of Congress;
Community Leadership; Armenia and NKR Diplomatic Corps WASHINGTON, DC - Members of Congress joined together on a bipartisan basis this evening to mark the 20th anniversary of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic (Artsakh) freedom movement, at a Capitol Hill program headlined by prominent lawyer and humanitarian Mark Geragos, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA). The evening, titled "Nagorno Karabakh Republic/Artsakh: 20 Years of Freedom, Democracy and Progress," was hosted by the Congressional Caucus of Armenian Issues in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia, the Nagorno Karabagh Representation in the U.S., and Armenian American organizations. "As a community deeply devoted to Artsakh’s security, we are pleased to be joined by our Congressional friends at today’s Capitol Hill celebration of Nagorno Karabagh’s hard-won freedom,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “We take from this event an added measure of devotion to standing up against Azerbaijani and Caspian energy interests, increasing developmental aid to Nagorno Karabagh, zeroing-out military aid to Azerbaijan, and breaking down the artificial barriers to U.S.-Artsakh dialogue.” Read more. . . Watch:
H1 TV Coverage
(in Armenian) |  | Watch:
VOA News Coverage
(in Armenian) |  | Obama Marks Armenian Independence Day Stresses his Respect for Enormous Armenian Contributions to American Life WASHINGTON, DC - Presidential candidate Barack Obama today joined with Armenian Americans in celebrating Armenian Independence day in statement that noted Armenia’s first modern instance of independence in 1918 and congratulated all Armenians on Armenia’s rebirth in 1991 as an independent state after 70 years of Soviet rule, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA). Senator Obama has, at several points during the campaign season, shared his views on Armenian American issues, including in a statement this April dedicated to the remembrance of the Armenian Genocide. In January of this year, in a statement on the eve of the California primary, he outlined his views on a broad array of Armenian American concerns. The Illinois legislator, who was then facing Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) for his party’s nomination, called for Congressional passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.106 & S.Res.106), and pledged that, as president, he will recognize the Armenian Genocide. He also reaffirmed his support for a strong “U.S.-Armenian relationship that advances our common security and strengthens Armenian democracy,” and promised to “promote Armenian security by seeking an end to the Turkish and Azerbaijani blockades, and by working for a lasting and durable settlement of the Nagorno Karabagh conflict that is agreeable to all parties, and based upon America’s founding commitment to the principles of democracy and self determination.” Read more. . . |
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