Nicosia - Gibrahayer - November 12, 2008 - Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra - The Armenian Cypriot President of the House of Representatives (HR), Marios Garoyian, is making an official visit to Armenia. Upon his request, joining him are the Armenian MP, Vartkes Mahdessian, as well as other Greek Cypriot parliamentary staff; Dr. Antranik Ashdjian has joined the team as the official translator of the delegation. Marios Garoyian arrived in Yerevan today, in the early morning hours. At noon, he will address the National Assembly (NA) of the Republic of Armenia (RA), after which he will meet with Hovik Abrahamyan, the President of the NA, and with the Armenian members of the Inter-parliamentary Co-operation Committee between the NA and the HR. After that, the delegation will meet with the Prime Minister of Armenia, Tigran Sargsyan. Later on, the delegation will lay a wreath to the Dzidzernagapert, visit the Museum in memory of the martyrs of the Tseghaspanoutioun, and then visit the Madenataran. In the evening, they will be present in an official reception, hosted by Hovik Abrahamyan. On Thursday morning, Garoyian and his delegation will meet with the Foreign Minister, Edward Nalbandyan. Following that, they will visit Holy Etchmiadzin, where they will meet with His Holiness the Catholicos of All Armenians, Karekin II, and will visit the museum and the cathedral of the Catholicosate. At 3 o’ clock in the afternoon, they will meet with the President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan. After that, Mr Garoyian will participate in a joint press conference, and later in the afternoon the delegation will visit the Sergey Parajanov museum. They will return from Yerevan to Larnaca, in the early hours of Friday. We consider this visit to be of a great importance: it is the first time Marios Garoyian will be visiting Armenia, and it is also the first time that Cyprus has an Armenian Cypriot for President of the HR. May this visit strengthen the already strong relations between Cyprus and Armenia.
Israeli police have had to restore order at one of Christianity's holiest sites after a mass brawl broke out between monks in Jerusalem's Old City. Fighting erupted between Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox monks at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the traditional site of Christ's crucifixion. Two monks from each side were detained as dozens of worshippers traded kicks and punches at the shrine, said police. Trouble flared as Armenians prepared to mark the annual Feast of the Cross.
Tapestries toppled Shocked pilgrims looked on as decorations and tapestries were toppled during Sunday's clash. Dressed in the vestments of the Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox denominations, rival monks threw punches and anything they could lay their hands on. The Greeks blamed the Armenians for not recognising their rights inside the holy site, while the Armenians said the Greeks had violated one of their traditional ceremonies.
Clashes between Christian sects in the ancient church are not uncommon An Armenian clergyman said the Greek clergy had tried to place one of their monks inside the Edicule, an ancient structure which is said to encase the tomb of Jesus. "What is happening here is a violation of status quo. The Greeks have tried so many times to put their monk inside the tomb but they don't have the right to when the Armenians are celebrating the feast," he said. The Armenians had been preparing to commemorate the 4th Century discovery of the cross believed to have been used to crucify Jesus. A Greek clergyman said: "We protested peacefully, we stood here in the middle and we claimed that we shall not leave the procession to finish unless they leave our guardian be inside. This didn't happen and in that moment the police interfered." Six Christian sects share control of the ancient church and the BBC's Wyre Davies in Jerusalem says confrontations between them are not uncommon, but rarely descend into violence. |
Editorial - You are not alone in the ring - by Simon Aynedjian |
The brawl between Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox clergy over rituals and traditions is an unnecessary spot in the existing brotherly relations between Greeks and Armenians across the globe. Although these relations over time can withstand much more than a punch-up between priests, they undermine the carefully and patiently knitted political and cultural ties between Armenians and Greeks, in Cyprus, Greece and in our Diasporas. The priests in Jerusalem should think carefully before throwing the next punch, because with every punch, alliances are battered, friendships are strained and ties monopolised. When our "spiritual brothers" were busy throwing punches, Armenia was welcoming Cyprus Parliament President, an Armenian by race. When our "spiritual brothers" were busy cursing each other in the holiest of places, the Greek Orthodox Church of Cyprus, was opening the doors of Saint George Church, so that Armenians, in the constantly-growing Armenian community of Paphos could have their ceremony, honour their dead and practise their faith in an environment of religious tolerance and brotherly love. When our "spiritual brothers" prepare to throw the next punch let them think that in other countries of the Eastern Mediterranean - not too far away from Jerusalem - a political, religious and ethnic web linking Armenians and Greeks is desperately trying to hold on to national values and true threats by real enemies that carry the same name. Therefore, dear "spiritual brothers" next time you prepare to take the next punch... BEWARE... You are not alone in the ring.
Simon Aynedjian - Gibrahayer e-magazine |
Limassol - Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra - Gibrahayer 10 November, 2008 -Wednesday, 5 November 2008 was a glorious day for the Armenian education in Cyprus, as the newly re-built Limassol Nareg School was inaugurated by His Excellency the President of the Republic, Mr Demetris Christophias. In a quiet neighbourhood in central Limassol, at 5 o’clock in the afternoon, the simple ceremony started off with the National Anthems of Cyprus and Armenia. Immediately afterwards, Headmaster, Artin Aivazian, made a small introduction, after which he read a greeting in Armenian by the newly-appointed Minister of Diaspora of Armenia. Then came the greeting by the Chairman of the Nareg Hokapartsoutiun (School Committee), Krikor Haroutunian, who articulated the importance of education for Armenians, especially when they first arrived as refugees in Cyprus. Afterwards, our MP at the House of Representatives, Vartkes Mahdessian, took the floor. In his greeting, Mahdessian gave a short historical account of the Armenian education in Limassol, and he thanked the Republic of Cyprus for all their support; like Haroutunian, he made specific mention to Dr Vahakn Atamyan and the late Bedros Kalaydjian, for their contribution in making this school building a reality. After Mahdessian finished his greeting, the Nareg schoolchildren beautifully recited two poems, one in Armenian (My mother tongue) and one in Greek (Build schools), which were followed by a traditional Armenian lyrical dance (Ouzoundara), perfectly danced by a group of five girls in white dresses. After the cultural presentations, His Excellency the President of the Republic, Demetris Christophias, addressed the people present with a moving speech. He recognised the importance of the Armenian community of Cyprus, he declared that the Gibrahayer are an inextricable part of the people of Cyprus, and he re-affirmed the government’s determination to aid the community in all ways possible. Later on, a prayer was performed by Archbishop Varoujan Hergelian, assisted by Der Mashdots Ashkarian and Der Momik Habeshian. After the blessing, at around 17:30 the President unveiled the marble plaque of the school, and cut the ribbon, thus officially inaugurating the jewel of Limassol’s Armenian community. While the President and the other officials (including the President of the House of Representatives, Marios Garoyian, the Minister of Education and Culture Andreas Demetriou, the Maronite MP Antonis Hadjiroussos, Limassol’s Mayor Andreas Christou, as well as the Ambassador of Armenia to Greece and Cyprus, Vahram Kazhoyan) were being toured around the newly-inaugurated school, a rich cocktail party was taking place. Occasions like this, remind us that the future of all communities, especially of a small one like the Gibrahayer, lies in a well-educated nor serount, as these youngsters will one day become the leaders of the community. We were also reminded of the importance of a solid and comprehensive education, which ensures that the students are equipped with an invaluable asset to deal with the adversities of our highly competitive society. |
ANKARA (Asbarez and Combined Sources) - In a widely applauded speech delivered to Turkey's Parliament on Thursday, Azeri President Ilham Aliyev called for increased Turkish intervention in the region, describing a “Turkish-Azerbaijani union” as the solution to “problems” in the Caucasus - the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in particular. "The greatest problem to peace and security in the region, is the occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh by Armenia," Aliyev was quoted as saying by Anatolian Agency. Peace in the Caucasus will be established with Turkey's initiative and the "goodwill of regional countries," Aliyev told a parliament full of applauding deputies. “A Turkish-Azerbaijani union is an important factor in the region”. "What is taking place in the Caucasus is of interest to all of us. Turkey conducts very active policy in regard to the problems in the Caucasus. Turkey will intervene more seriously to the regional problems in the future. Such intervention will have positive results. We applaud such initiatives," Aliyev said. Aliyev said his country is hopeful that all 'Azerbaijani territory' would unite and be free of any 'occupation'. Describing his country's relations with Turkey as being founded on “historic bonds” of “friendship and brotherhood”, Aliyev said relations and political dialogue between the two countries will continue to take place at the highest level possible. Azerbaijan's newly elected president arrived in the Turkish capital Wednesday only days after meeting in Moscow with Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Following the talks, the three presidents signed a declaration pledging to step up efforts at finding a political solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
BY HARUT SASSOUNIAN - Scores of highly sympathetic articles about the Armenian Genocide have appeared in the Turkish press in recent months, despite Turkey's repressive laws that make it a crime to discuss this taboo subject. One such article appeared in the October 30 issue of the liberal newspaper Taraf. It was authored by a very unlikely writer - Judge Faruk Ozsu from Odemish, near Izmir. This is probably the first time that a sitting Turkish judge publicly expresses such daring thoughts in violation of article 301 of the penal code. He criticises and mocks the Turkish government's distorted version of the Armenian Genocide that has been fed to the public for decades. continued in Sassounian's section in our Online Family on |
News in brief by Sevag Devletian |
- A railway connecting Armenia and Iran will cost at least one billion dollars, said Vladimir Yakunin, head of Russian Railways (RZD) which operates the Armenian railway network.
- Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday congratulated US president-elect Barack Obama, stressing Turkey's expectations that America's policy of not recognising the Ottoman massacres of Armenians as genocide would continue.
- CNN Presents: Scream Bloody Murder, a two-hour documentary featuring chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour's reporting of systematic terror and violence through the years, will premiere Thursday, Dec. 9. From ethnic slaughters in Armenia to the Holocaust to appalling violence in Cambodia, Rwanda, Iraq and Darfur, Amanpour reports on the recurring nightmare of genocide and the largely unknown struggles of the heroes who witnessed evil--and "screamed bloody murder" for the international community to stop it.
- The Board of Directors of the World Bank has approved new loans of 20 million dollars for both Armenia and Georgia for infrastructure projects. In Armenia, the new credit is allocated to additional financing of the Municipal Water and Wastewater Project for rehabilitation and improvement of the water system.
- Following a landmark visit to Yerevan, where he watched a World Cup qualifying match between the national teams of the two countries in September, President Abdullah Gül is readying to take another bold step to contribute to regional peace in the Caucasus by soon hosting a trilateral summit with the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Greek translation of last week's editorial. (By Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra) Μια εκδήλωση με ευκαιρία την 28η Οκτωβρίου, ολοκλήρωσε την τωρινή διάθεση του εκπαιδευτικού/γλωσσικού περιβάλλοντος στο σχολείο Ναρέκ. Χαρτογράφησε τον προσανατολισμό του μοναδικού δημοτικού σχολείου της κοινότητάς μας, η οποία έχει υποβληθεί σε δοκιμή αρκετές φορές στο εγγύς παρελθόν. Στον πόλεμο του 1940 κατά του ευρωπαϊκού φασισμού, είχαν συμμετάσχει εθελοντές από την Κύπρο με όλες τις εθνικές της μειονότητες. Πέραν του ότι ήταν ένας πόλεμος επιβίωσης, ήταν ένας πόλεμος για δημοκρατία και ελευθερία. 68 χρόνια μετά στο Αρμένικο σχολείο στην Κύπρο, μαθητές από την κοινότητά μας απάγγειλαν με ευφράδεια ελληνικά ποιήματα, χόρεψαν καλαματιανό, κυμάτισαν ελληνικές σημαίες, ερμήνευσαν σε εύγλωττα ελληνικά, έψαλαν τον εθνικό ύμνο, και ολοκλήρωσαν τους πρωινούς εορτασμούς του μεγάλου ΟΧΙ των Ελλήνων, προβαίνοντας σε μια ισχυρή δήλωση. Μια δήλωση σε όλους εκείνους που νόμιζαν (και ίσως ακόμη νομίζουν) πως η λύση στο εκπαιδευτικό/γλωσσικό περιβάλλον του Ναρέκ μπορεί να επιτευχθεί μόνο αν μια γλώσσα υπερισχύσει των άλλων, στον εκπαιδευτικό προσανατολισμό του Ναρέκ. Πιστεύω πως τέτοιο δίλημμα δεν υφίσταται. Δεν υφίσταται, επειδή ως Αρμένιοι στην Κύπρο μπορούμε να είμαστε και 100% Κύπριοι και 100% Αρμένιοι, έστω και αν το αριθμητικό ποσό δεν έχει λογική. Ακόμη και αν τα παιδιά μας καθοδηγούνται σε μια τρίγλωσση μαθησιακή σταυροφορία από την πρώτη τάξη του δημοτικού σχολείου. Ακόμη και αν «ειδήμονες» συνηγορούν ότι η τρίγλωσση μάθηση είναι αδύνατη. Ακόμη και αν αυτοί στο παρασκήνιο του συστήματος τάσσονταν υπέρ (και απέτυχαν) της μάθησης της ελληνικής γλώσσας εις βάρος της αρμενοκεντρικής παιδείας. Η εκπαιδευτική κατεύθυνση του σχολείου έχει συχνά τεθεί υπό δοκιμασία και έχει ζοριστεί. Συχνά ζορίστηκε από αυτούς που λαμβάνουν αποφάσεις και είναι άσχετοι με την παιδεία και την αποστολή μας ως Αρμένιους της Κύπρου. Σε αυτή τη σκοπιά, ο εορτασμός του ΟΧΙ από το σχολείο Ναρέκ είναι ένα θαυμάσιο παράδειγμα αυτής της δήλωσης. Είμαστε 100% Αρμένιοι και 100% Κύπριοι και δεν υπάρχει αντίφαση σε αυτό. "ΠΗΡΑΜΕ ΤΟ ΑΡΓΥΡΟΚΑΣΤΡΟ", τραγούδησαν οι νεαρές αρμένικες φωνές την περασμένη Δευτέρα. Ουσιαστικά αυτοί πήραν το κάστρο. Σιμόν Αϊνετζιάν - Ηλεκτρονικό Μαγκαζίνο Gibrahayer ( |

Visit her website at or click on the image above. |
CHAMPIONS LEAGUE ANORTHOSIS Vs Werder Bremen NOVEMBER 26, 2008 AT 9.45 pm GSP Stadium Nicosia and on cable networks |
Letters to the Editor |
Although I know that the Armenians of Jerusalem can be quite belligerent, I am also aware of the peculiar situation in Jerusalem. As one author of an article put it, a few years ago, "the Greek Orthodox dominance in Jerusalem may be considered the last form of colonialism in the Middle East". Best regards, Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra - Nicosia |
The Office of the Armenian Representative has invited the world-famous «Cadence» Ensemble of Armenia to perform only for one night at Latsia Municipal Theatre on Friday 28th November 2008 at 8:30 pm. «Cadence» Ensemble’s repertoire includes masterpieces of classical and contemporary music of European, American, Russian and Armenian composers as well as the works of Argentine composer Astor Piazzolla. |

Gibrahayer - Nicosia - As part of its plans to expand its online activities, Gibrahayer e-magazine will be launching an Educational online Trivia Game, that parallel to providing prizes to its winners, will provide an educational forum on important historical and political happenings of Armenian reality. A team across Armenia and the Diaspora has already started working on the project and the Game will be officially launched this autumn. More than 100 major prizes have been donated and will be given out to our winning subscribers. We urge our subscribers to support our new online activities by financially contributing to the team that will be working on the project. |
Thank you for extending Gibrahayer e-magazine's lifeline and providing us with the opportunity to constantly bring innovation to our online services. Call 909-35037. Every call costs 7.86 euros for Cypriot subscribers. |
International subscribers can make contributions to: Marfin Popular Bank Public Company Ltd, Bank Address: Strovolos Industrial Area sub-Branch Stavrou Avenue 96-I, 2034 Nicosia - Cyprus, A/C Name: Aynedjian Simon, Account No: 101 1100 3412, Swift Code: LIKI CY 2N, IBAN: CY13 0030 0101 0000 0101 1100 3421
All names of contributors will be announced, unless requested otherwise. |
Hurriyet Daily News - WASHINGTON - The landslide election victory of Barack Obama, a backer of Armenian causes, will diminish Turkey's ability to prevent a formal U.S. recognition of "Armenian genocide" claims, the largest U.S. Armenian group said Wednesday. "Starting tomorrow, the full force of the Turkish government will come down like a ton of bricks on Washington," Ken Hachikian, chairman of the Armenian National Committee, said in a written statement to the U.S. Armenian Community shortly after the election of Obama, the Democratic contender, as the next president. Obama will take office Jan. 20. Hachikian congratulated Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden, saying, "We endorsed Obama in January when he was fighting an uphill battle for his party's nomination and worked for him right through to tonight. We simply could not afford another four years of the same, hostile anti-Armenian policies." When a resolution calling for official U.S. recognition of 1915 incidents as genocide came close to a floor vote at the U.S. House of Representatives in October 2007, Turkey warned the legislation's passage would seriously harm the close U.S.-Turkish relationship in a lasting way. Efforts by the administration of President George W. Bush, a Republican, eventually prompted the House leadership to shelve the resolution. Obama woes But Obama, during his election campaign, has pledged to recognise the killings as genocide. Barack Obama told U.S Armenians last Friday he strongly supported the passage of the Armenian genocide resolution (pending in the House of Representatives and the Senate) and would recognise the Armenian genocide. A pledge he first voiced in January. Most analysts here say if Obama keeps his promise, he will cause the first U.S.-Turkish crisis during the next Washington administration's term. "We are almost there. The new president-elect supported Armenian issues in the Senate, has pledged, if elected, to recognise the Armenian genocide and picked a running mate with a 35-year pro-Armenian track record," Hachikian said. "We are close to the day when an American president finally ends nearly a century of U.S. complicity in Turkey's denials." The Armenian Assembly of America, the second largest U.S. Armenian group, also congratulated Obama on his election. |
The End is nigh for the American Government Denial of the Armenian Holocaust and its Nazi Imitation By Professor Hovhannes I. Pilikian-
The Genocide of the Armenians – an Epidemiological Metaphor There is a post-modern American presidential virus (I call it ArmGenDen-itis) that infects US Congressmen and President-elects immediately after their election victories – the criminal denial of the attempted Genocide of the Armenians in 1915 by the Ottoman elite of the Young Turks. When not-infected yet, to suck up all the votes of the American Armenians, American Congress and Presidential candidates abundantly and heartrendingly acknowledge the unendurable Tragedy of all the Armenians worldwide. My own parents were survivors, and it still hurts ME in my own three score and six years. Having gobbled up the Armenian vote in America (definitely over a million!), the US political elite (post election and instant infection) inhumanly (never mind dishonourably, shamelessly, filthily – call it what you like in English – my own mother used to say in Armenian, “they lick their own spit”) renege on their pre-election promise and eagerly eat their own words – precisely what President Reagan (Senator McCain’s senile hero) did, Bush the Father did, unworthy son Bush did even last year – and alas, alack, the tragic President Clinton did too …
more on President Obama's Blog - click here
Sport News by Sevag Devletian |
- AGBU's Ararat FC defeated Omonia 4-1, for a game for the 1st Division of the Cyprus Futsal League.
- The Swedish-Armenian wrestler who dropped his medal in protest at the Beijing Olympics has been banned for two years along with his coach for "scandalous behaviour." Wrestling's governing body, known as FILA, suspended Ara Abrahamian and coach Leo Myllari on Thursday and banned Sweden's wrestling federation from hosting international events for two years. FILA also fined Abrahamian 3,000 Swiss francs, Myllari 10,000 Swiss francs and the Swedish federation 50,000 Swiss francs.
- Nor Serount's Homenmen lost 4-8 against Atlas Aglandjia in the 3rd Division of the Cyprus Futsal Championships
- AYMA/HMEM lost to Ad & The City 1-7 in the 2nd Division of the Amateur Football League.
- In the 1st Division of the Amateur Football League Lipenza were defeated 1-3 by SPE Strovolou.
- Cyprus National Tennis Championships - Both Edmond Aynedjian and Yanos Kouyoumdjian cruised past their round one opponents in the under 14 singles event, without dropping a single game. The Cyprus National Championships continue at the Cyprus National Tennis Centre at Makedonitissa and conclude on Saturday 29 November, 2008.
on |
- Interview of the week - Mexico's Ambassador to the United States discusses his Armenian heritage
- Food e-Bazaar is back on - Armenian Food Bazaar on
- Home Page - View the latest issue of gibrahayer with more images and longer text
- Our online Family - Prof. Hovhannes Pilikian on Barak Obama's blog
- Short Links on every page - Sebouh Voskeritchian's images of Limassol Nareg School's inauguration.
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Gibrahayer Calendar |
Every Saturday at 6:00 pm at AYMA - Weekly AYF Badanegan meetings (8-13 year olds) resume. An educational and fun environment for the younger generation of our community. Games, trips, parties and lots of fun in a family environment. For more information contact Kevork Keoshgerian on 99817806. Every Wednesday at 7:00 pm - Community gathering at The Armenian Club of Larnaca, followed by dinner. Every Friday at 11:00pm - Hovig sings at Red Club, in down town Nicosia. |
- Saturday, November 15, 2008, at 05:00 pm - Spiritual Message from the
Armenian program of CYBC. Title: " God called the Armenian Nation". Speaker: Hrayr Jebejian - Wednesday 19 November at 7:00 pm - The Armenian National Committee of Cyprus is organising a round table in Armenian, on the closure of the Melkonian school, at the Utudjian Hall of The Armenian Prelature, Nicosia. A report on the latest developments on the school will be given by a representative of the Melkonian Cyprus Alumni. For further information please contact Hagop Manougian (tel:99442886) or Vartoug Hagopian (tel:99929566)
- Wednesday 19 November at 7:00 pm – Lecture entitled: How to become a friend of the Bible?– Sourp Stepanos Church in Larnaca - Apegha Der Torkom Donoyan
- Thursday 20 November at 7:00 pm – Lecture entitled: How to become a friend of the Bible? – Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in Nicosia - Apegha Der Torkom Donoyan
- Friday 21 November at 8:30 pm - Celebrations for the 20th Anniversary of the Armenian Relief Society of Sosse Cyprus Chapter at The Cleopatra Hotel in Nicosia. Details to follow. (This event was previously announced for 14 November)
- Saturday 22 November
3:30pm - Aghorhnek 4:00 - Preparation of Madagh - at Nareg School in Nicosia 7:00 - Hsgoum - at Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in Nicosia - Saturday 22 November from 5:00 - 7:00 pm – Gathering with the Armenian Youth aged 16-30 years old with Apegha Der Torkom Donoyan, entitled: The Armenian Church and Morality. Utudjian Hall of the Armenian Prelature
- Sunday, 23 November at 9:00 am - Jamerkoutiun, Badarak & Madaghorhnek - Holy Liturgy delivered by Apegha Der Torkom Donoyan at Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church.
- Sunday 23 November at 6: 00 pm – Lecture entitled: How to become a friend of the Bible? – Sourp Kevork Church in Limassol - Apegha Der Torkom Donoyan
- Saturday, November 29, 2008, at 05:00 pm - Armenian Evangelical Church
service in Greek Evangelical Church, 20 Gladstonos street, Nicosia. Sermon title:"The Suffering Church". Speaker: Hrayr Jebejian. The service will be prayer for solidarity with the Christian and Armenian communities in Iraq. - Sunday 7 December at 3:00 pm – Holy Liturgy at the Saint George Greek Orthodox Church in Paphos, next to Saint George Hotel (Paphos - Coral Bay Avenue). A memorial will follow for the victims of the 1988 earthquake.
- Sunday 7 December - following the Church service at Saint George Church, a reception / gathering will follow for the Armenian community of Paphos. This gathering is organised by the Church Committee and the Office of the Armenian Representative Vartkes Mahdessian, to discuss the spiritual, educational and cultural needs of the Armenian community of Paphos.
- Friday 28th November - The Office of the Armenian Representative has invited the world-famous «Cadence» Ensemble of Armenia to perform only for one night at Latsia Municipal Theatre. «Cadence» Ensemble’s repertoire includes masterpieces of classical and contemporary music of European, American, Russian and Armenian composers as well as the works of Argentine composer Astor Piazzolla.
Saturday 20 December - Nor Serount Ball - details to follow.
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