November 14, 2008 - By Nicos Markides (Yerevan Cyprus News Agency) - An agreement to further develop the relations of the Cyprus House of Representatives and the National Assembly of Armenia, was reached during the talks Cypriot Speaker Marios Garoyian held during his two-day visit to Yerevan. |

Garoyian and National Assembly of Armenia President Hovik Abrahamyan held a joint press conference on Thursday at the end of Garoyian’s official visit where they also announced that frequent visits by parliamentary delegations of the two countries and government officials would be held, while Abrahamyan accepted an invitation by Garoyian to visit Cyprus in the coming year. They also expressed the desire to work for opening an Armenian embassy in Nicosia and a Cypriot embassy in Yerevan. In his opening remarks, Garoyian thanked his Armenian counterpart for the invitation, to visit the land of his ancestors. “My visit confirms the excellent relations between the two Parliaments and at the same time underlines our will to widen and reinforce even further our traditional and excellent relations”, he said. With President Abrahamyan, he added, “we agreed to implement as much as possible the Cooperation Memorandum signed by our predecessors two years ago and during the Speaker’s visit next year (to Cyprus), we will sign a wider Cooperation Memorandum which will include many other sectors not included in the existing one”. At the same time, he said, Cyprus, as a member of the EU is willing to substantially contribute to implement programmes within the European Partnership Programme that will serve the interests and plans of the Armenian government and state as a whole. Garoyian referred to the talks he held with the Armenian political leadership and President Serzh Sargsyan noting the initiatives the latter has undertaken in regards to his contacts with Turkey and normalising relations between Turkey and Armenia, as well as the latest developments concerning Karabagh. “Armenia is following a policy of principles towards the Cyprus issue and the Republic of Cyprus is following a policy of principles on issues which Armenia considers of high interest”, said Garoyian. In his statements, National Assembly of Armenia President Abrahamyan said he agrees with Garoyian’s remarks. Asked what Armenia wants from Cyprus, an EU member, concerning Turkey, Abrahamyan said “we expect justice from the EU, we want cooperation with the EU and our country has adopted the policy which will bring it closer to European structures and we are open to hear every proposal from the EU, which is not against the Armenian causes and cooperate with Cyprus as closely as possible”. On Turkey’s relations with the EU, Abrahamyan urged all states and Cyprus, to be aware of Turkey and its policies. Garoyian said he had discussed this issue with the Armenian President as well as Abrahamyan and pledged that Cyprus, “as a member of the EU, has the ability to play a substantial role to enhance relations between the EU and Armenia”. “Our effort is for Turkey to comply with the principles and values of the EU”, he said, adding “we supported the start of Turkey’s negotiations with the EU on the basis of three preconditions: that it will recognise the Republic of Cyprus, that it will normalise its relations with the Republic of Cyprus and will implement the Ankara Protocol, meaning it will open its ports and airports to Cypriot ships and plans, substantially contributing to finding a viable, fair and functional solution to the Cyprus issue”. So far, Turkey has not fulfilled any of these promises or preconditions, he added. Abrahamyan said Armenia supports the Cyprus positions for a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation. Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkish troops invaded and occupied the island’s northern third. During his contacts, Garoyian also met Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs Edvard Nalbandyan and visited Echmiadzin. Garoyian and his entourage returned home on Friday. More images of Garoyian's visit will be posted on |
YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 12, NOYAN TAPAN. "A life-long dream today is coming true, both at personal and political level," Marios Garoyian, the President of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus, said at the Armenian National Assembly November 12 sitting, expressing deep gratitude for the invitation to visit Armenia. "I wish realisation of dreams to the Armenian people, as my dream to visit the land of my ancestors came true," he said. |

The high-ranking guest in his speech, said that the brotherly contacts between Cyprus and Armenia are based on both "common historic experience and common struggle against the same rival" and harmonious principles and values guiding the policy of the two countries' governments and parliaments, their contribution in international reality. It was also mentioned that though the two countries' contacts are at an excellent level, nevertheless there are great possibilities for their expansion and deepening, which is the goal of his visit. "We wish to expand the current contacts in the economic and trade spheres knowing that Armenia is developing quickly. On its part Cyprus may propose its comparative advantages due to its being a member of the EU from 2004 and becoming a member of euro zone from the beginning of the current year, as well as being between 3 geostrategic continents. I hope the businessmen accompanying me will hold effective meetings with the Armenian partners in this direction. Besides, we are ready to provide assistance in many spheres that will interest Armenia, as it was with the scholarships proposed by Cyprus Aid," M. Garoyian said. He also mentioned that this visit gives him a possibility to express gratitude on behalf of Cyprus to Armenia for assistance provided in the fair struggle for the unification of that country and people. "Assistance, which, certainly, does not remain one-sided, but is compensated ardently. Cyprus also, basing itself on positions of principle, assists the Armenian people without a hesitation," M. Garoyian stated. After his official speech M. Garoyian wished to publicly say what had been accumulated in his soul for many years. He expressed much gratitude to his grandmother from his father's side, who implanted adherence to Armenian values in him from his childhood and as an eye-witness of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 told and bequeathed to him for wherever he is, whatever he becomes, never to forget "this people, which is a peaceable people, has values, ancient-old culture, and the only thing it asks from the world is its right, to have its homeland, to have the right to pray in its churches." He also said that his grandmother has bequeathed to him always to keep Cyprus on his mind and in his heart, which after the Genocide of 1915 cordially and warmly received the migrant Armenian people. M. Garoyian concluded his speech by the call "Viva Armenia and Viva the Republic of Cyprus!," in response to which the audience stood up and applauded. |

Gibrahayer - Nicosia - His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia delivered the sermon on Sunday 16 November at Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in Nicosia in front of a packed crowd of worshippers, who had come to listen to his message and receive his blessings. Celebrating Holy Liturgy was Archbishop Gomidas Ohanian, who together with His Holiness had earlier arrived to Cyprus to participate in the inter-faith dialogue organised by the Greek Orthodox Church of Cyprus. |
Omphalos tis Gis (Marina Christofides) Nicosia - November 15 - The UN Secretary-general’s Special Adviser on Cyprus Alexander Downer said yesterday he still believed ongoing negotiations on finding a solution to the Cyprus problem would result in success – albeit more slowly than some had hoped. “I think obviously the process will go into 2009 and as long as the momentum is sustained they can achieve a good solution in the end,” Downer said after a two-and-a- half-hour meeting between Christofias and Talat. Yesterday’s meeting was the eighth since the talks were launched on September 3 and focused on the single issue of governance and power-sharing. Neither of the leaders made comments as they left the meeting, preferring to leave Downer to brief the press. |
According to the Cyprus Mail the talks have been fraught with difficulties, with Christofias and Talat frequently trading barbs via the media. Most recently, the paper says, Greek Cypriots this week accused Turkish Cypriots of having a philosophical approach not compatible with the agreed federal setup of a future joint state. The Turkish Cypriots responded by saying it was committed to a federation but one in which it could govern its own affairs. Earlier bickering focused on the issues of Turkish military guarantees – something the Turkish Cypriot side says is non-negotiable – and whether a solution would mean a continuation of the existing Cyprus Republic. So far, none of these issues have been resolved. Despite the prevailing public feelings of negativity surrounding the negotiations, Downer said he remained optimistic, insisting that “the process is working quite well now. It is working a lot better than it did initially”. Asked when he thought the two leaders and their teams would move on to the second item on their agenda, Downer said, “There is no particular time laid down for that but they made good progress on the judiciary and they are moving on Monday to discuss deadlock-resolving mechanisms, and I think you could hope they could get to property before too long”. His comments were later echoed by Christofias, who agreed property could be on the agenda before the end of the year. “Today, Downer is justified in saying that more progress has been achieved than before,” Christofias said. “We have done well today, to a certain extent. Generally speaking, yes, we have taken some steps forward.” Downer was at pains yesterday to focus on the more positive aspects of discussions so far, and stressed on the need for the two sides to “maintain momentum”. He added, however, the belief that it would be counter-productive to set what he described as “artificial deadlines” or time limits to the negotiations, saying that such an approach “would actually make the process more difficult rather than easier”. Asked how momentum would be maintained into the coming year Downer said, “I think that is a question of the political will of the leaders,” adding: “I have spent a lot of time with them now, I have come to know them and they are people who do have the political will to find a solution”. |
 The youth organisation of Dashnaktsoutiun -the AYF - celebrated the 30th anniversary of its activities in Cyprus with an event that took place in AYMA on November 8. Through the slide presentation of 148 images, the participants of the event witnessed a rich history of activities that no doubt has left its mark on the Armenian community of Cyprus. You can view the slide-show in our next week's issue. |
Armenians criticise Gönül with a letter to Erdoğan |
Today's Zaman - A group of more than 40 Turkish-Armenians, in an open letter to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, have voiced their grievances about remarks from Defence Minister Vecdi Gönül that defended the deportation of Greeks and Armenians from Anatolia at the beginning of the last century, describing his comments as "praising ethnic cleansing and crime." Gönül, in a speech at the Turkish Embassy in Brussels on the occasion of the anniversary of the death of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk on Nov. 10, claimed that if Greeks and Armenians were still living in the country, Turkey would not be the same nation-state it is today. He also hinted that Armenia is supporting the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). "If there were Greeks in the Aegean and Armenians in most places in Turkey today, would it be the same nation-state? I don't know with which words I can explain the importance of the population exchange, but if you look at the former state of affairs, its importance will become very clear," Gönül said. The Lausanne Treaty, signed in 1923, called for a population exchange between the Greek Orthodox citizens of the young Turkish Republic and the Muslim citizens of Greece, which resulted in the displacement of approximately 2 million people. The Armenian population that was in Turkey before the establishment of Turkish Republic was forced to emigrate in 1915, and the conditions of this expulsion are the basis of Armenian claims of genocide. In the same speech, Gönül hinted that Armenians are supporting the PKK. "We cannot deny the contribution of those who consider themselves the victims of this nation-building, especially the forced emigration, to the struggle in the southeastern Anatolia," he said. The group, in their open letter published on a Web site, stated that Gönül's remarks contradict the Constitution, which says that anyone bound to the Turkish Republic by the citizenship is called a Turk. "It is very difficult to understand, if we are talking about a Turkish nation, why the Armenians and Greeks [non-Muslims] cannot be a part of this nation, when Kurds, Arabs and Albanians [Muslims] can be? To what extent does this mentality, which underlines that religious unity is required in order to be a nation, fit in with the contemporary state of law?" the letter asked. The letter suggested that the changes made by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) toward democratisation were considered by intellectuals to be "positive," but that the rivals of the AK Party claimed these changes are just a disingenuous effort to get the financial support of the European Union. "The reaction of the AK party to Gönül's scandalous remarks will be a very good indicator of the sincerity of the policies [of AK Party]," the letter claimed. |
 UTUDJIAN HALL - ARMENIAN PRELATURE ORGANISED BY: Armenian National Committee of Cyprus Wednesday 19 November at 7:00pm A report on the latest developments on the school will be given by a representative of the Melkonian Cyprus Alumni |
Δεν είστε μόνοι στην αρένα - Σιμόν Αϊνετζιάν |
Gibrahayer Editorial - Translation by Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra - Η διένεξη μεταξύ ελληνορθόδοξων και αρμενορθόδοξων κληρικών με πρόσχημα κάποιες τελετουργίες και παραδόσεις στον ιερό τάφο στην Ιερουσαλήμ, είναι μια αχρείαστη κηλίδα στις υφιστάμενες αδελφικές σχέσεις μεταξύ Ελλήνων και Αρμενίων σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο. Αν και οι σχέσεις αυτές στο πέρασμα του χρόνου μπορούν να αντέξουν πολύ περισσότερα από κάποια γρονθοκοπήματα μεταξύ ιερέων, εντούτοις υποσκάπτουν τους ήδη πλεγμένους πολιτικούς και πολιτιστικούς δεσμούς μεταξύ Αρμενίων και Ελλήνων, στην Κύπρο, την Ελλάδα και τις Διασπορές μας. Οι ιερείς στην Ιερουσαλήμ (και ελληνορθόδοξοι και αρμενορθόδοξοι) θα πρέπει να σκεφτούν προσεκτικά πριν ρίξουν την επόμενη γροθιά, γιατί με κάθε γροθιά, πλήγoνται συμμαχίες, τεντώνονται φιλίες και μονοπωλούνται δεσμοί. Όταν οι «πνευματικοί αδελφοί» μας ήταν απασχολημένοι με γρονθοκοπήματα, η Δημοκρατία της Αρμενίας καλωσόριζε τον Πρόεδρο της Βουλής της Κύπρου, έναν Αρμένιο στην καταγωγή. Όταν οι «πνευματικοί αδελφοί» μας ήταν απασχολημένοι βρίζοντας ο ένας τον άλλο στον ιερότερο των τόπων, η ελληνορθόδοξη Εκκλησία της Κύπρου άνοιγε τις πύλες της εκκλησίας του Αγίου Γεωργίου, έτσι ώστε οι Αρμένιοι - στη συνεχώς αυξανόμενη αρμενική κοινότητα της Πάφου - να λειτουργήσουν, να τιμήσουν τους νεκρούς τους, να εξασκίσουν την πίστη τους, σε ένα ευρωπαϊκό περιβάλλον θρησκευτικής ανοχής και αδελφικής αγάπης. Όταν οι «πνευματικοί αδελφοί» μας ετοιμάζονται να ρίξουν την επόμενη γροθιά, ας σκεφτούν ότι, σε άλλες χώρες της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου - όχι πολύ μακριά από την Ιερουσαλήμ - ένας πολιτικός, θρησκευτικός και εθνικός δεσμός που συνδέει Αρμένιους και Έλληνες προσπαθεί απεγνωσμένα να διατηρήσει εθνικές και πολιτικές αξίες μπροστά από πραγματικούς εχθρούς. Επομένως, αγαπητοί «πνευματικοί αδελφοί», την επόμενη φορά που ετοιμάζεστε να ρίξετε την επόμενη γροθιά …
ΠΡΟΣΕΧΕΤΕ... Δεν είστε μόνοι στην αρένα…
Σιμόν Αϊνετζιάν - Ηλεκτρονικό μαγκαζίνο Gibrahayer (
News in brief by Sevag Devletian |
- The oldest Armenian-language newspaper in Turkey - Jamanak -is 100 years old, surviving a century of turmoil in a place where Armenians were massacred and reduced to a tiny community. Jamanag was founded by Misak Kocunyan, and his brother Sarkis in Bolis.
- President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan issued a congratulatory message on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Lebanon based "Aztag" Armenian daily, President's Press Office reported.
- Asked whether Turkey, as the new member of the U.N. Security Council, would pursue its own national policy or U.N. policies if a problem about the Caucasus and the Nagorno-Karabakh was brought to the Council, Erdogan said Turkey would contribute to speed up efforts for settlement of the problem, Turkish Hurriyet reported.
- There are about 3,000 web-sites in Armenia, Coordinator of the E- Content Association (ELBA) Garegin Chugaszyan said at the press-conference dedicated to the 3rd Pan- Armenian e-content competition. He added that not all Armenian web-sites are in the ".am" zone, and this creates additional difficulties to count them.
- Tayyip Erdogan, announced at New York's Columbia University that Turkey's president would soon host a second round of trilateral talks with the presidents of Armenia and Azerbajan.
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