Click the above link to make your voice heard. |
Simon Aynedjian for Gibrahayer e-magazine - Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan appealed to Greece to bring their antagonistic military program to an end, "for the benefit and well-being of the people of their countries" while welcoming a group of Greek and Turkish Cypriot journalists on Saturday in Bolis, during which he spoke about Greco-Turkish relations and the Cyprus problem. A scheduled meeting of 40 minutes lasted more than one and a half hours. Erdogan spoke warmly about Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou and he declared that he has high expectations from his upcoming visit to Greece. Erdogan declared he wanted to leave the poisonous past behind and said that, "we should all look forward for the speedy solution of the Cyprus problem". At a time when new revelations are being made regarding the deliberate provocations of the Turkish military in drawing the Greek Air Force into dog fights in the hope of sparking an "episode" over the Aegean, Prime Minister Erdogan’s words are a move in the right direction. However, they must be backed up with actions, not only in the Aegean and with Greece, but in realising Turkey's “zero conflict with neighbours” policy with Armenia, Cyprus and the Kurds. Only then will his statements made in Bolis last Saturday, gain any meaning and only then can Turkey make a real step in joining the European family.
Desmond Butler, Associated Press - WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama is in a bind as a House committee prepares to vote on a resolution that would recognise the World War I-era killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks as genocide. While a White House candidate, then-Sen. Obama said he believed the killings were genocide. A congressional resolution to that effect could alienate Turkey, a NATO ally and traditional friend of the United States that is crucial to America's foreign policy goals. Past administrations have defeated similar resolutions through public cajoling about national security interests and with behind-the-scenes lobbying. So far, however, the Obama administration has taken no public position on the measure, set for a vote Thursday by the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Aides to senior lawmakers on the committee say there has been no pressure against the resolution from the White House. The administration was informed ahead of time that the committee would be scheduling the vote, according to Lynn Weil, spokeswoman for the committee's chairman, Rep. Howard Berman, D-Calif. Turkey long has made clear that the issue could affect relations with the U.S. In 2007, when the House Armed Services Committee passed such a resolution, Turkey recalled its ambassador, and U.S. officials feared the Turks might cut off American access to a Turkish air base essential to operations in Iraq. After lobbying by Bush administration officials, the resolution was not considered by the full House. |
 A positive vote by Berman's committee would send the resolution to the full House. The U.S. still wants Turkey's support for its operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. It also is pressing Turkey, which holds a rotating seat in the U.N. Security Council, to support penalties against Iran, Turkey's neighbour. The committee is strongly pro-Israel, and prospects for passage could be affected by rising tensions between Turkey and Israel, as well as Turkey's relatively warm relationship with Iran. In the past, Turkey and Israel had friendlier relations, and Israel had quietly lobbied against the resolution. For decades, Armenian-American groups have sought congressional affirmation of the killings as genocide. Historians estimate that up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by Ottoman Turks around the time of World War I, an event widely viewed by scholars as the first genocide of the 20th century. Turkey denies that the deaths constituted genocide, saying the toll has been inflated and those killed were victims of civil war and unrest. This year, some Armenian groups and lawmakers are expressing optimism on the resolution's prospects, noting that Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton all supported recognition when they served in the Senate. |
Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, who introduced the resolution for consideration, said he sees more favourable conditions than in 2007. "Last time we had President Bush calling lawmakers at their homes to oppose the resolution", he said. In April, Obama broke a campaign promise to brand the killings genocide in an annual White House statement on the day marking Armenian remembrance. Obama said that while he had not changed his personal views, he did not want to upset promising talks between Turkey and Armenia on improving relations and opening their border. Turkey sealed the border in 1993 to protest Armenia's war with neighbouring Azerbaijan. In October, Turkey and Armenia signed an agreement to normalise relations, but Turkey has yet to ratify it. As progress toward a breakthrough between the two countries appears stalled, it may be harder for the Obama administration to oppose the resolution or refrain from calling the killings genocide in this year's statement. "Our interest remains the achievement of a full, frank and just acknowledgement of the facts", said White House spokesman Mike Hammer, when asked about the resolution. "We continue to believe that the best way to advance that goal is for the Armenian and Turkish people to address the facts of the past as a part of their ongoing efforts to normalise relations". Hammer would not elaborate on the administration's position on the resolution. Turkey's ambassador to Washington, Namik Tan, said the Turkish public may view the administration's silence on the resolution as pressure to ratify the agreement with Armenia. "This could definitely complicate the process", he said. "The greatest lobbyist in Washington is the administration. We have not seen them around enough on this". |
Armenian National Committee of Cyprus Press Release (24 February, 2010) - The Armenian National Committee of Cyprus is greatly disappointed that the TV channel Euro news has produced and broad casted in early February a false and biased video report on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict named “Forgotten Victims Of A Frozen Conflict” ( www.euronews.net/2010/02/01/forgotten-victims-of-a-frozen-conflict/). The Euro news reporters, among many inaccuracies, have failed to comprehend the following: That Nagorno-Karabakh was never part of Azerbaijan, as such a country never existed till 1918 when Azerbaijan was formed. That to the peaceful and civilised demonstrations of the Armenian in Yerevan and Stepanakert in February 1988, the Azeris responded with massacres of innocent Armenians in Sumgait and later in Kirobavad and Baku where the Soviet army interfered to stop the massacres. During these massacres, some Armenians where burnt alive, after which the Azeris used to dance over the charred bodies. These were scenes reminiscent to the genocide of the Armenian in Western Armenia from 1915 to 1923. In 1988 that Azeri forces started the forced evacuation of the Armenian population of Shahumian north of Nagorno-Karabakh in 1988, whilst in 1991 the Azeri Ministry of Interior Forces (OMON) forcibly evacuated the Armenian population of a few dozen villages of southern Hadrut area of Nagorno-Karabagh. The report misses to point out that Nagorno-Karabakh was completely blockaded by the Azeris, with no links (neither aerial, nor land) to the outside world from 1988 to 1992. Its population had to face hunger and the cold harsh prolonged winters of those years. The report also misses to point out in contradiction to a few Islamic monuments which are relatively new constructions, there are thousands of Christian Armenian monuments (many of them ancient) in and around Nagorno-Karabakh. Euro news should not sacrifice the truth for the benefit of “balanced reporting”. The story of Armenian over the centuries has been that of a retracting country with settlers forcibly settling its areas. On the other the story of the Turkic Tatar tribes (such as that of the modern day Azeris) was that of an ever expanding settlements. This had to stop somewhere and it stopped in Nagorno-Karabakh. We urge all Armenians to go to the Euro news web site at www.euronews.net/services/feedback/ and protest the airing of the aforementioned report. |
Contact The Chairman of The Armenian National Committee Cyprus Hagop Manougian on hagop@hotmail.com |
Gibrahayer e-magazine - The youth organisation of ARF Dashnaktsoutiun of Athens, organised a demonstration in front of the Azerbaijani Embassy of Athens on 27 February, on the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the Sumgait massacres. Similar demonstrations and memorials were held in all communities in the Diaspora, Armenia and Artsakh. |
By Appo Jabarian - Executive Publisher / Managing Editor - USA Armenian Life Magazine - Archalus Tcheknavorian-Asenbauer of Vienna, a former Managing Director of United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, and a long-time member of the Armenian Assembly, had sent two consecutive letters respectively dated January 10 and 13 to the Armenian Assembly, raising several important issues regarding the Armenia-Turkey Protocols and Armenian political hierarchy. This article is a follow-up to last week's commentary titled "Armenian-Americans Deserve Fair Political Representation", which discussed how the Turkish-imposed Protocols brought to the surface the awkward situation where Armenian-Americans were denied the basic right for fair political representation. In her letters, she questioned the wisdom of dragging the non-political institutions, namely religious, philanthropic, cultural, and educational organisations into the political arena. Speaking of the mission of the Armenian religious institutions, she wrote: "The church has no political mandate, nor a basis for participating in a political debate, especially when we have an independent country, with its political institutions".
As for the Armenian General Benevolent Union, a philanthropic organisation, she pointed out that organisations like AGBU, which have a specific mission to provide education and other humanitarian services to post-Genocide Armenians, enjoy the support of financial contributors that come from different segments of the Armenian population with differing political views. These supporters have chosen to give their wealth or contribution to AGBU not for their political positions, but to help the poor and disadvantaged Armenians around the world". The AGBU has neither the background nor the experienced personnel to deal with political affairs. It should not participate in political debates because this is not its mandate. The AGBU's official participation in any political debate can only have a negative reflection on its own organisation and is disastrous for the Armenians, Ms.Tcheknavorian-Asenbauer wrote. Armenians must respect the very basic rules of separating the political entities from non-political ones. The lack of understanding of these fundamental issues can set our nation back, she asserted. During her tenure for nearly forty years as a U.N. official with political assignments, she noticed the progress of various countries that have followed the above unwritten rule. She noted that countries that do not respect their own institutions, and their peoples' destiny, never progress. Focusing on political mistakes committed by the AAA, she elaborated: "I became a member of the Armenian Assembly of America because I had the view that it is a) Neutral; b) Professional; c) Working in the interest of Armenia and our Nation. The support the Armenian Assembly gave to the Armenian President for signing the light-weight Protocols that are based on double-standard, made me very SAD... Supporting the Protocols as an automatic reaction to other parties that were against them, for sure was not the best contribution made by the AAA. ... Some decisions that do not produce the foreseen results must be stopped in order to avoid making further harm. Therefore, the most effective reaction on the part of AAA would be to advise the President of Armenia to cancel the Protocols, because Turkey did not respect the terms". Speaking of the oil lady at the State Dept., she wrote: "It is not in our interest to speak with Secretary Hillary Clinton in a begging tone. We should not put our Nation so down in front of her. She should be informed that the game is over, because they could not make Turkey follow the four-party (Turkey, USA, Europe, Armenia) agreement. In fact, Turkey disrespected the negotiating parties along with their efforts and good will", indicated Tcheknavorian-Asenbauer. The anti-Protocols movement in Armenia and the Diaspora has proven that the politically mature major organisations such as the ARF-Dashnaktsoutiun, Social Democratic Hunchakian Party and ADL-Ramgavar Party have empowered Armenia to reject Turkey's demand for capitulation. They have also effectively amplified the necessity of defending the security and national interests of Armenia and Armenians. The leadership of the three major Armenian political parties has accurately reflected the anti-Protocols views of the overwhelming majority of their respective party members. Conversely, the leadership of the non-political organisations failed to reflect their members' collective position, because of the simple fact that neither they carry political responsibility nor do they have the political will or maturity. Sadly, that situation plays well into the hands of Turkey. Many community members have expressed deep concerns that certain Armenian-American organisations have unwittingly become anti-Armenian Trojan horses by needlessly meddling in political affairs, thus benefiting Turkey and harming Armenia and Armenians. This dire situation needs to be remedied sooner rather than later. |
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Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra katoomba@cytanet.com.cy - Last Tuesday, 23 February 2010, Elita Michaelides, hostess of the Sigma TV Show “Me tin Elita” aired a programme dedicated to the Armenian community of Cyprus, with Armenian MP Vartkes Mahdessian, researcher-scholar Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra and X-Factor contestant and singer Hovig Demirjian as her guests. Although a large part of the 2-hour show was dedicated to Hovig, the other two guests were given some time to speak about the Gibrahay kaghout, its history, culture, language (an “identity symbol”, according to Mahdessian), its Christian character, the Melkonian, the Genocide etc. About 20 phone calls were aired, many by Greek-Cypriots who praised their Armenian-Cypriot compatriots; Asdghig Garabedian (Hovig’s grandmother) shared with us her family’s Genocide story, while former Chief Guide Takouhy Devledian shared parts of her fascinating and full of giving life’s story. Towards the end, a short reportage about the Armenians in Cyprus was shown. It was evident that Armenian MP Vartkes Mahdessian enjoys a remarkable popularity within his community. I would like to thank Mrs Michaelides and Sigma, for devoting this programme for this historical community, and for helping raise awareness; to express my gratitude to Mr Mahdessian and all members of the community, who have embraced and assisted me in my research, and to Vartkes and Elita who, through the programme, have baptised me as “Alexandrian” and “Hadjilyrian”! The video will be available in Gibrahayer’s next issue. |

Sunday 9 May - Pilgrimage to St. Magar Monastery - organised by the Office of the Armenian Representative Vartkes Mahdessian. Details to follow. |
From 7or.am - Սերժ Սարգսյանն ու իր «գործիքը» |

News in Brief by Sevag Devletian |
- The Armenian Revolutionary Federation Dashnaktsoutiun has launched an email campaign urging parliament members not to ratify the protocols in their current state. A five-language (Armenian, English, Russian, French, and Spanish) web site has been established, through which electronic letters can be dispatched to the Members of Parliament. The address is www.notoprotocols.net .
- Yerevan may recall its signature under the Armenian-Turkish protocols aimed at stabilising relations and to establish diplomatic ties between the two countries, warned the Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan during his conversation with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in Kiev.
- For the first time in Turkey's history, the Ankara Radio Polyphonic Choir, which is affiliated with the state-owned Turkish Radio and Television Corporation, or TRT, has performed a work by a leading Armenian composer, the Hurriyet Daily News reports. Led by Istanbul-based conductor Hagop Mamigonyan, the choir performed the "Harvest Wind", a work by Armenian polyphonic music expert and ethnomusicologist Komitas.
- US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in contrast to previous State Department positions, refrained from direct opposition to the Armenian Genocide resolution, when responding to enquiries last Thursday at two separate hearings in Congress.
- 2,000 people have signed an online petition to change a street name in Istanbul after "Hrant Dink", in honour of the slain Armenian editor of Agos, but the city has twice rejected the request. The petition, www.hrantdinkcaddesi.org, seeks to change the name of the street from Ergenekon Avenue in Istanbul's Kurtulus neighbourhood to Hrant Dink Avenue. The name change has symbolic meaning since Ergenekon is the name that has been given to case surrounding an alleged military coup d'etat.
- The Board of Directors of the World Bank approved the provision of 7 million USD loan as an additional financing of the `Social Investment Fund in Armenia' program and the 5 million USD loan for the additional financing of `Social Insurance Administration' program. The first program will promote the increase of the living conditions of socially insecure and vulnerable groups of people. The second program is aimed at expanding the works directed toward improving the social services in Armenia.
- The Armenian Oshvank church in Erzerum will be restored at the expense of Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry. However, 60,000 TRY granted by the Ministry is not sufficient for the restoration. Thus, Director of Erzerum Department on protection of culture heritage Suat Bakirkir appealed to the Turkish Government with a request to allocate the remaining 200,000 TRY.
Make your contribution: Marfin Popular Bank Public Company Ltd, Strovolos Industrial Area sub-Branch Stavrou Avenue 96-I, 2034 Nicosia - Cyprus A/C: Aynedjian Simon, a/c No: 1011100 3421 Swift Code: LIKI CY 2N, IBAN: CY13 0030 0101 0000 0101 1100 3421 |
Articles of the week |
 Yergou Troshag by Hrayr Jebejian in Aztag Daily - click here www.aztagdaily.com/DisplayNews.php?ID=32389
In Lieu of an Editorial by Jean Ipdjian on Gibrahayer e-magazine - click here http://gibrahayer.com/index.php5?&page_id=111&path=111
The political future of the religious minorities in Cyprus by Dr. Antranig Ashdjian in Cypriot Politis daily newspaper - click here www.politis-news.com/cgibin/hweb?-A=931443&-V=archivecolumns |
- Wednesday, 3 March - after the 6:00pm Lenten Vespers (Hsgoum) in Sourp Asdvadzadzin cathedral, Nicosia, the Christian Education Committee of the Armenian Prelature is organising lecture Five of a series on the role of the Armenian woman in our collective life: “Women in Armenian History”, by Betty Zartarian, on the occasion of the “Year of the Armenian Woman” as proclaimed by His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia.
- Friday, 5 March - after the 6:00pm Lenten Vespers (Hsgoum) in Sourp Asdvadzadzin cathedral, Nicosia, the Christian Education Committee of the Armenian Prelature is organising lecture Six of a series on the role of the Armenian woman in our collective life: “The Armenian Woman as a Protector of the Homeland”, by Aghavni Sarian, on the occasion of the “Year of the Armenian Woman” as proclaimed by His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia.
- Sunday, 7 March at 1:00 pm - at AYMA/HMEM, The Armenian Relief Society (HOM) "Sossee" Cyprus Chapter is organising a Mid-Lent “Michink” Lunch. Armenian traditional home made and delicious vegetarian dishes will be served. Entrance 10 euros per person and 5 euros for children.
- Wednesday, 10 March - after the 6:00pm Lenten Vespers (Hsgoum) in Sourp Asdvadzadzin cathedral, Nicosia, the Christian Education Committee of the Armenian Prelature is organising lecture Seven of a series on the role of the Armenian woman in our collective life: “The Armenian Woman as an Intellectual”, by Yeran Kouyoumdjian, on the occasion of the “Year of the Armenian Woman” as proclaimed by His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia.
- Friday, 12 March - after the 6:00pm Lenten Vespers (Hsgoum) in Sourp Asdvadzadzin cathedral, Nicosia, the Christian Education Committee of the Armenian Prelature is organising lecture Eight of a series on the role of the Armenian woman in our collective life: “The Armenian Woman as a Social Worker”, by Lili Hovsepian, on the occasion of the “Year of the Armenian Woman” as proclaimed by His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia.
- Saturday, 13 March at 6:00 pm at The Utudjian Hall of the Armenian Prelature - Haik Demoyian, The Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum in Dzidzernagapert, will deliver a speech entitled "The Genocide Museum and the Armenia-Turkey Protocols". The event will be organised by the Kalaydjian Foundation, under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Varoujan Hergelian. Details to follow.
- Wednesday, 17 March - after the 6:00pm Lenten Vespers (Hsgoum) in Sourp Asdvadzadzin cathedral, Nicosia, the Christian Education Committee of the Armenian Prelature is organising lecture Nine of a series on the role of the Armenian woman in our collective life: “The Armenian Woman in Public Life”, by Sara Vorsganian, on the occasion of the “Year of the Armenian Woman” as proclaimed by His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia.
- Friday, 19 March - after the 6:00pm Lenten Vespers (Hsgoum) in Sourp Asdvadzadzin cathedral, Nicosia, the Christian Education Committee of the Armenian Prelature is organising lecture Ten of a series on the role of the Armenian woman in our collective life: “The Armenian Woman in Modern Times”, by Vart Karargulleian, on the occasion of the “Year of the Armenian Woman” as proclaimed by His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia.
- Wednesday, 24 March - after the 6:00pm Lenten Vespers (Hsgoum) in Sourp Asdvadzadzin cathedral, Nicosia, the Christian Education Committee of the Armenian Prelature is organising lecture Eleven of a series on the role of the Armenian woman in our collective life: “The Armenian Woman facing the Challenges of the 21st Century”, by Vera Tahmazian, on the occasion of the “Year of the Armenian Woman” as proclaimed by His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia.
- Friday 26 March - after the 6:00pm Lenten Vespers (Hsgoum) in Sourp Asdvadzadzin cathedral, Nicosia, the Christian Education Committee of the Armenian Prelature is organising lecture Twelve of a series on the role of the Armenian woman in our collective life: “The Elderly Armenian Woman Then and Now”, by Anahid Eskidjian, on the occasion of the “Year of the Armenian Woman” as proclaimed by His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia.
- Sunday 28 March at 4:00 pm - The Armenian Relief Society (HOM) "Sosse" Cyprus Chapter is organising its annual Easter Charity Tea and Bazaar at the AYMA Club Nicosia, to support its local charity activities, as well as its projects in Artsakh and Armenia. Entrance €10 per person. During the event, a raffle (at 10 euros per ticket) will take place for a King Size Hand-Made Patchwork Quilt. The draw will take place the same day.
- UPCOMING 1 - 28 March to 5 April 2010 - in Nicosia, Larnaca, Limassol and Paphos - Palm
Sunday, Holy Week and Easter services. - Saturday 10 April at 8:00pm - The "Sipan" Dance Ensemble of Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association Cyprus "Oshagan" Chapter presents a performance of Armenian traditional dances at the Strovolos Municipal Hall in Nicosia. Director Janna Tahmizian.
- Sunday 2 May at 8:00pm - The "Timag" Theatre Company of Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association Cyprus "Oshagan" Chapter presents "Baghdasar Aghpar" at PASYDY Hall in Nicosia. Director Janna Tahmizian.
- Sunday 9 May - Pilgrimage to St. Magar Monastery - organised by the Office of the Armenian Representative Vartkes Mahdessian. Details to follow.
- UPCOMING 2 - Weekend of Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd of May 2010 - in Sourp Asdvadzadzin cathedral, Nicosia - Traditional Feast Day of Sourp Magaravank, with Herisa Preparation and Blessing.
- Arevakal (Lenten Matins) commence in Sourp Asdvadzadzin cathedral, Nicosia on Wednesday 17th February and will be held every Wednesday and Friday at 7:40 am.
- Arevakal (Lenten Matins) commence in Sourp Stepanos church, Larnaca on Wednesday 17th February and will be held every Wednesday at 7:40 am.
- Arevakal (Lenten Matins) commence in Sourp Kevork church, Limassol on Friday 19th February and will be held every Friday at 7:40 am.
- Hsgoum (Lenten Vespers) commence in Sourp Asdvadzadzin cathedral, Nicosia on Wednesday 17th February and will be held every Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 pm.
- Hsgoum (Lenten Vespers) commence in Sourp Stepanos church, Larnaca on Wednesday 17th February and will be held every Wednesday at 4:00 pm.
- Hsgoum (Lenten Vespers) commence in Sourp Kevork church, Limassol on Friday 19th February and will be held every Friday at 4:00 pm.
- Friday 4 June 2010 - The Armenian Relief Society of Cyprus (HOM) is organising a Gala Dinner on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Relief Society at the STOA Restaurant. Welcome drinks at 8:30 pm. Dinner at 9:00pm.

Sports by Sevag Devletian |
- FOOTBALL: Emmanuel Mbola insists that a move to Tottenham is on the cards after training with the North London club. The 16-year-old is currently playing his football in Armenia with Pyunik Yerevan. However, Mbola is now in dispute with his employers, who he is contracted to until 2011, and claims they are threatening to scupper his hoped-for move to White Hart Lane.
- FOOTBALL: Today, the Armenian National Football team played a friendly match against Belarus at the Antalya Ataturk Stadium in Turkey and were defeated 3-1.
- FOOTBALL: FC Gandzasar, representing Armenia at the Turkmenbashi Cup traditional international tournament, were knocked out with a 1-2 defeat by Tajik Vahsh.
- BOXING: Detroit will host its biggest boxing card in nearly a decade when German -Armenian sensation Arthur Abraham fights Flint’s Andre Dirrell as part of Showtime’s super middleweight tournament on March 27. The fight will be at either Cobo Arena or Joe Louis Arena, co-promoter Carlos Llinas said.
- 2010 WINTER OLYMPICS: Armenian skier Ani-Matilda Serebrakian withdrew from the giant slalom race at Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games on February 24.
2010 WINTER OLYMPICS: Another representative of the Armenian team, skier Arsen Nersisyan, dropped out of Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. Nersisyan, along with 13 other sportsmen, skied off the course in giant slalom. Armenian skiers Sergey Mikaelyan and Kristine Khachatryan won 70th and 76th places in the tournament. - CHESS: Linares 2010 super tournament finished without having any significant changes in its final round. Armenian GM Levon Aronian registered his first victory over Azerbaijan’s representative Vugar Hashimov. Vesselin Toplaov scored 6.5 points and won the super tournament. Alexander Grishchuk occupied the 2nd place scoring 6 points. Levon Aronian had 5,5 points and the 3rd place.
- BOXING: German-Armenian Susi “Кiller Queen” Kentikian, the WBAК and WIBF flyweight champion is training in the most popular resort of Austria, Zelden. The German-Armenian boxer is getting prepared to her fight in Germany on April 24, which is going to be the main event. She will be fighting with German boxer Nadia Raoui (WIBA title).
Gibrahayer in Sports by Sevag Devletian |
AGBU Ararat FC beat GC School 5-0 in the Cyprus Futsal Premier Division. The victory marked AGBU Ararat FC being crowned Cyprus Futsal Premier League champions for a record 7 times in 11 years. Highlights and celebrations from the game can be seen at www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAzKQrdTnZQ. - AYMA/HMEM lost 3-0 to ESOGBA in the Cyprus Amateur Football League Cup.
- Homenmen FC defeated D. Christodoulou 3-1 in the 3rd Division of the Cyprus Futsal League. Highlights from the game can be seen at www.youtube.com/watch?v=yu3qBQ5pkxY.
- Ararat FC U-17's lost 7-1 to GC School U-17's in the Cyprus U-17 Futsal Championship.
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Marie Louise Kouyoumdjian sings LIVE with ENALLAX resident Band Spring program begins on 5 March, every Friday & Saturday. Performances begin at 11:30 pm |
every week in our community |
- Every Friday 5.30 - 6.30 pm at The Utudjian Hall - Armenian Dance lessons for children 6-12.
- Every Friday and Saturday evening - Marie-Louise Kouyoumdjian sings at ENALLAX with the resident Band. New program as of the first weekend of March.
- Every Saturday at 10:00-11:30 am - at the Armenian Prelature in Nicosia - Giragnoria Varjaran (Sunday School) for 7-16 year olds. For more information contact Der Momig Habeshian on tel_99307966.
- Every Saturday at 5:00 pm - at Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in Nicosia - Giragamoudki Jamerkoutiun (Vespers).
- Every Saturday, from 7 pm to 8 pm at AYMA: Gibrosi Badanegan Mioutiun (ages 10-15 included) weekly meetings (games, educationals, songs, trips and lots of fun...).
- Every Saturday, from 8 pm to 9 pm at AYMA: Gibrosi Yeridasartagan Mioutiun (age 16 - 23) weekly meetings (lectures, discussions, parties and outings for all Gibrahay youth).
- Every Sunday at 8:45 am at Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in Nicosia - Jamerkoutiun (Matins).
- Every Sunday at 9:30 am Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in Nicosia - Sourp Badarak (Divine Liturgy).
If you are experiencing computer related problems - DIAL 99437073. The PC Doctor is back !!! |
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