The largest circulation Armenian e-magazine, circulates every Thursday. Est. 1999 |

for images by Marlen Shahinian and Armen Demirdjian here |
for images by Misho Ananikian click here |
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24 Nisan’a giderken! – Murat Kanatlı |
Başlığa bakıp herkes kendince tahminlerde bulunacağına eminim, zaten gündem bu kadar yoğun olunca neyi yazmalı diye insanın şaşırmaması elde değil… 24 Nisan’a dair neyi yazmalı? Ermeni soykırımı yıldönümünü mü, yoksa Annan Planı referandum yıldönümünü mü? 1915 yılında Ermenilerin uğradığı zulme karşı yapılacak iki yüzlü açıklamaları mı yazmalı, yoksa 2004 referandum sürecini kullanıp idarenin başına oturup 6 yıla yakın nemalananların yeniden nemalanabilmek için referandum sürecini diriltme çabalarını mı? Yoksa Kürtlerin bugünlerde başına gelenleri, 12 bağımsız vekil adayının, YSK tarafından veto edilmesini ve 24 Nisan’a doğru son kararların verilecek olmasını mı yazmalı! Resmi tez der ki, biz Ermenilere bir şey yapmadık, zaten yapsaydık bile 1915’de Türkiye Cumhuriyeti kurulmadıydı! Hrant cevap verir, madem öyle Anadolu’daki Ermeniler nere gitti? Etnik temizlik için illa ceset mi saymak gerek? Yani 1915 yılında yapılanlar bizi bağlamaz diyor resmi tez! Sahi “Çanakkale Zaferi” hangi yıldı? Sarıkamış? 1915 yılına ait üç olay, birini Osmanlı yaptı, diğeri İttihatçıların beceriksizliği ama Çanakkale Türklerin zaferi? Sahi, Çanakkale’de herkes Türk müydü? Oradakiler anadilleri ile konuşmuyor muydu? Savaş cephesinde bile kendi dile ile var olabilen Kürtlere, sonra nasıl yasaklı oldu? Orda yalnız Türkler ve Kürtler mi vardı? 1915 kimin tarihi? 24 Nisan’a dair neyi yazmalı? Ermeni soykırımı yıldönümünü mü, yoksa Annan Planı referandum yıldönümünü mü? İkisi alakasız konu gibi mi geliyor size? Yeni yetme AKP hükümetini hatırlayın… Ermeni ve Kıbrıs sorununda cesur adımlar attığı şaşalı bir şekilde medyada yer bulan AKP’nin açıklamalarını hatırlayın… Sonra Kürt açılımını, sonra demokratikleşme vaatlerini… “Devrimci Karargah” davasını ilk duruşmasını izlemek için İstanbul’a gidiyoruz. İlk dava! Eylül 2010 tarihinde gözaltına alındılar, Nisan 2011 yılında mahkemeye çıkarıldılar… Mahkeme salonunda ‘savunma yapmak istiyoruz’ diye çırpınan avukatlar, onlarının sesi duymayan, iddianameyi okumadan, sanıklara savunma hakkı bile vermeden “Devrimci Karargah ana davası” ile bu davanın birleştirilmesine ve 11 Ağustos’a ertelenmesine karar veriliyor. Avukatlar tavrı cüppelerini çıkararak protesto ediyor. Tabii devrimciler durur mu, tutsak da olsa yürekleri de tutsak değil ya, karşılık veriyorlar bu haksızlığa, sloganları ile… Öğleden sonraki bölüme alınmayan bizler, dayanışmaya gelenler, onların partili dostları, yoldaşları bu sese sessiz kalınamayacağı biliyoruz. Duvarın arkasında olsalar da, sloganlar tutsak alınamıyor. Sloganlarını yalnız bırakmıyoruz; “içerde, dışarıda, hücreleri parçala” sloganı yankılanıyor mahkeme koridorlarında… Sonra ‘sevecen’ AKP demokrasisi, sanıklar hakim önünde, dışarıdaki özellikle gençlerin olduğu grup medyanın önünde dövülüyor, gazlanıyor!
AKP demokrasisi! Ben bu sahnelere Kürtlerin Amed dediği sonradan adı değiştirilip Diyarbakır yapılan şehirdeki KCK davasında da tanık olmuştum… 13 Ocak’taki dava da avukatlar adil yargılanma ve savunma hakkı talep etmişlerdi ama ne çare AKP ‘şefkati’ onlara da gösterildi, on binlerce kişinin bu durumu protestosuna gözümüzün önünde polis saldırdı, Amed sokakları Nazi gaz odalarından farksız hale geldi. Davalar ertelendi, ertelendi ve gene ertelendi. Ama oradaki sanıkların ‘gerçekten’(!) kaçabilme ihtimalleri var. 100 kusur seçilmiş, belediye başkanı, başkan yardımcısı, belediye meclisi üyelerinin kaçabilme ihtimali var, TC devleti onlarda bu potansiyeli görebiliyor. Hizbullahçılar da kaçabilme ihtimali görmeyen, TC devleti, AKP demokrasisi, Kürt siyasilerde görebiliyor, devrimcilerde görebiliyor. Bu nedenle KCK davası sanıkları 2 yıldır içerde, Devrimci Karargah sanıkları ertelenen dava ile en az 1 yıl içerde kalacaklar Kürtler, Kıbrıslılar, Ermeniler, Türkiye’deki liberaller herkes kandırıldığının farkında ve özellikle AKP’ye öfkeliler… AKP gittikçe sıkışmakta, sıkıştıkça saldırganlaşmak… Yayınlanmamış kitabından dolayı Ahmet Şık hala gözaltında, Ergenekon, KCK, Devrimci Karargah davaları kabak tadı verdi, Avrupa Birliği kurumlarının da AKP’ye verdiği avans çoktan tükendi, yavaş yavaş harekete geçilmekte… Tam da böylesi bir durumda filmi başa sarar gibi Annan Planı referandum sürecini kutlamak, şahsen hoşuma gitmiyor, mideme bir şey oluyor… CTP lideri Ferdi Sabit Soyer, ‘Kıbrıs sorunundaki tek partnerimiz hala AKP’ demişti, 2011 yılındaki eylemlerin planlamasını tartıştığımız bir toplantıda. Bu durumda, CTP liderliğinin AKP’ye ip attığını düşünmek mantıklı olur… Dünyaya hatırlatacaklar ki 2004 yılında Kıbrıs sorununda AKP evet dediydi… Hoş, Erdoğan ve Gül o günkü açıklamalarında ‘Kıbrıslı Rumların hayır diyeceğini bildiğimiz için evet dedik’ dese de bu kısmı unutarak dünyaya mesaj verecekler, AKP’ye en azından Kıbrıs sorununda nefes alma fırsatı vermeye çalışacaklar… Çıkıp kürsüden ağızları dolu dolu bir de “Rumlar hayır dediydi” nutku sallayacaklar, milliyetçilere selam olsun diye; hala Türklerin çıkarlarını koruruz dercesine… Bir de Kıbrıslı Rumların tam seçimi üstüne orda bir Annan Planı tartışması açacaklar, milliyetçilerin elini güçlendirmek için… Tüm bunları da tıpkı 2000’lerin başında nasıl yapıp edip, koltuğa zıplayıp nemalandıysalar, bir kez daha bunu sağlamak için yapıyorlar, koltuk zevklerini bir kez daha tatmin etmek için… Bu nedenle TC’nin postacısı Eroğlu’nun talimatla masada yaptıklarına utangaçça laf söyleyip, kabağı Kıbrıslı Rumların başında kırıyorlar. Türkiye coğrafyasında barış, demokrasi, insanca yaşam isteyenler umutlarını AKP’den çoktan kesti. Bizdekiler ise koltuk uğruna hala AKP’de umut görmekteler… 24 Nisan’a dair neyi yazmalı? Kıbrıs’ta ihanete uğrayan ayaklanmanın yıldönümünü mü, yoksa koltuk uğruna nice değerlerin kuşa çevrilmesini mi? Ama esas soru şu; Kıbrıs’ta hala da bunlara inanacak olan var mı? Varsa kendi düşen ağlamaz, bunu da herkes çok iyi bilmeli! |
The first group of petition originators are the following: Ani Apartian - FR, Tatiana Ferahian - CY, Dalita Hacyan - FR, Koharig Kevorkian - FR, Antoinette Unanyan, AU, Jirayr Magarian - US, Simon Aynedjian - CY, Aris Avedyan - US, Bedros Hadjian - AR, Harouthioun Manukyan - FR, Ashod Merdinian - CA, Artun Maranci - US, Souren Sarafyan - UK, Vartan Ozininian - FR, Armand Ayaltun - CA, Simon Babikian - FR, Jean Ipdjian - UK, Hrach Kalsahakian - AE, Jirayr Hermann Dilaveroglu - DE. |
Dzaghgazart Bazaar by Nareg school PA |
Links of the week: |
Images: March and vigil by Marlen Shahinian and Armen Demirdjian : here (1) |
Images: March and Vigil: here (2) - |
Images: March and Vigil by Misho Ananikian: here (3) |
Youtube Video: March on Armenia street - April 24 in Cyprus: here |
"Adanayi Voghpe" sang by Zohrab Kouyoumdjian at the commemoration event: here |
Armenian Dance school Easter visit by Armenian MP Vartkes Mahdessian: here |
Dzaghgazart Nareg PA Bazaar: here |
Nareg school students exhibition: Tutor Tatiana Ferahian: here |
Ges Hay in L.A. by Hamazkayin's Timag written & directed by Natasha Tavoukjian: here |
Armenian Relief Society's (HOM) Tea fundraiser at HMEM / AYMA: here |
On Friday May 6 at 8:00pm the much anticipated annual performance of Sipan dance ensemble of the Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association Cyprus "Oshagan" Chapter will take place at the Pallas Theatre in Nicosia. SIPAN will also perform at the Larnaca Municipal Hall on Friday May 15. Director/Choreographer Felix Haroutunian, who has been teaching Hamazkayin dance ensemble in Beirut for almost two decades, has been working hard with the Cyprus chapter and they are expected to thrill the audiences with a versatile bouquet of dances and songs. |
Click here to view a video of SIPAN Dance Ensemble's practice session dancing ZORBA |
The aftermath: The Nicosia performance will be followed by a Dinner at HMEM / AYMA with exquisite buffet by Sevan Der Bedrossian. Live music by Garo Geugkezian from Lebanon. Price: 20 euros. Limited seats available. Reservations with Shoushig Baklian 99-667828 and Louise Aynedjian on 99533684. |
MAGARAVANK PILGRIMAGE Press release from the Office of The Armenian MP Vartkes Mahdessian |
We are delighted to inform the members of our community that the Office of the Armenian Representative is co-organising, together with the Armenian Prelature, a pilgrimage at the site of the Sourp Magar Monastery on Sunday 8 May 2011. This pilgrimage will be under the supervision of the UNFICYP. We would like to ask all persons who wish to participate in this pilgrimage, to register with the Office of the Armenian Representative via telephone number 22-454540 by providing the following details. |
- Name/Surname, date and place of birth - European ID number or valid passport number - Citizenship Participation cost 10 euros. We ask that you necessarily have with you the European ID or passport you provide us by telephone on the day of the pilgrimage. The bus service will depart from the Armenian Prelature of Nicosia at 11:00 am exactly. The last day of registration is Monday, 2 May 2011. |
Simon Aynedjian for Gibrahayer e-magazine - In an announcement issued last week, the Progressive Party announced that they are backing Dr. Antranik Ashdjian, in next month's parliamentary elections that will take place on Sunday 22 May, for the seat of the Armenian MP in the Cyprus Parliament. Nothing is known about the Progressive Party and these "organisations", who have followed traditional unfortunate patterns of pre-election periods, by revealing themselves in pre- election periods, in an attempt to achieve what they have not been able to accomplish in the community, during non-election periods of community growth. What these so-called organisations need to understand once and for all, is that before seeking the vote of our community, you need to first establish yourself as an entity in the service of the community and then seek their vote. We have had enough unsigned declarations, behind the curtain activities and songs with no names. Reveal yourself and stop underestimating the intelligence of our community! Simon Aynedjian |
Election statements: |
- from the Temagan Joghov and Archbishop Varoujan Hergelian - here after objections were raised to community members, trying to rob them of their right to vote.
- Ramgavar Cyprus Party - here

Kalaydjian Foundation Press Release - The Larnaca Chapter of the AGBU has announced that Demetris Christofias, President of the Republic of Cyprus, will inaugurate the Armenian Cultural Centre in Larnaca, Cyprus, on Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 12:45 pm. The Armenian Cultural Centre is a new home for Armenian culture, ethnology and art. The Centre will present and promote the history and culture of the Armenian nation in general and the Armenian community of Cyprus in particular, with the aim of deepening the understanding and appreciation of the cultural heritage that bonds all Armenians. The Armenian Cultural Centre is located at 13 Kilkis Street. The building housing the Centre was designed by architect Merouzhan Sarkisian of Limassol. It can accommodate up to 80 persons, and the roof garden, which will be the venue for outdoor events and gatherings, can accommodate up to 100 persons. The project was made possible due to the encouragement, support and substantial contribution made by the AGBU Central Board, as well as contributions received from the AGBU Larnaca, Limassol and Nicosia Chapters. Furthermore, from its inception the project received the full support of the Kalaydjian Foundation in Cyprus, as well as a number of Armenian Cypriot families and Armenian benefactors from abroad, who with their generous sponsorship and guidance helped the project reach a successful conclusion. |
Letters to the Editor |
A short documentary of the Armenian Genocide Commemoration march in Oxford street - London: click here |
Systematic, Unholy, Inhumane, Unjust, Cowardly – a few words that can only begin to rightly describe the horrific crime of the Armenian Genocide. To those who read these words, Genocide should be accustomed to your vocabulary palette- we have all been affected by it. The facts are present: the history has been written and no matter how farcical the denial is, we, the children of Armenia, owe it to the lost souls of our ancestors to fight for spiritual closure. April 24th 2011 marked the 96th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in which Armenians across the globe were united in their battle for deeper recognition of the crimes committed by Turkey in 1915. Within the United Kingdom, the Armenian Community and Church Council of Great Britain ( led a demonstration which seized the busy weekend hustle and bustle of Central London shoppers. Armenians took to the streets to make their voices heard on an issue that dearly awaits the recognition of the British Government.
My brother and I took it upon ourselves to film the highlights of the protest in an effort to share it with the Diaspora and likewise educate the world. We both invite you to watch our 10 minute online documentary which delves into the events of April 23rd 2011 with a deeper stance. We would also like to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to those who took part within the making of this documentary. Without your generous help and support, none of this could have possibly occurred. This short documentary is dedicated to all those who lost their lives in 1915 and likewise the Armenian community – you have all shown courage, strength and commitment through every means necessary during numerous hard years of denial and injustice. Yours Faithfully, Simon Davidian David Davidian- Film Maker, Editor – |
Dear Editor, What really annoys and disappoints me that the upcoming elections are really becoming like a silly game to people who have personal grievances and are slandering individuals and their families for a chair that does not belong to anyone. So if Mr Ashjian has a chance of getting votes good luck to him and hope he would be able to bring something more for the benefit of the community as a whole, and if Mr Vartkes wins then good luck as well to him and hope he continues in achieving all the new agendas and the projects which are already in process. Saying this, I would like to know why people are denying the achievements Mr Vartkes has done for the community and focusing on the things which he may have not done? Surely everyone knows that even a president of a country can't do every single thing from any agenda and that there are priorities and urgent matters that must be organised into action on the expense of less priority things!? Every party and every single individual regardless to which party or group they belong to have a right to their own vote which naturally I assume they give vote based on facts and not on family fueds and 'hashiv makrel' approach. Because if that's the approach that will be taken or is being taken, the community as a whole will fall apart. My point is that, once a new repsentative is elected no single party should assume that if they gave their support that they have control over the community or the representative himself. No represetative belongs to any party once he is on duty. He belongs to the community and he will only asnwer to the community. The balance that has been kept so far should continue always no matter who comes in the decades ahead. It is boring for me to hear at gatherings half facts when other facts are being ignored. If you want to vote for your favourite candidate do so without these lines that are below the standard of any kind of campaign to promote any candidate. My notes are observations as an independent person without any motives except to see a decent election and decent approach because I woudn't want to read another letter like the one I read from Ms/Mrs Alexandra Awad about a very unpleasant situation she experienced and I hope there aren't more cases like that because it does not reflect I quote (from another letter) "younger, more progressive and professional people come into the community's leadership and lead the Cypriot-Armenian community into the future it deserves". As for this other letter I read, with all due respect, everyone is free to choose which Armenian party they want to belong to and that should not be used as weapon to disrespect anyone. Every party has its place in history and there's no need to mock anyone. But to accuse the Gibrahayer being a one-sided newsletter was a nice one! I hope I haven't taken anyone's time, and I hope anyone who reads this does not catagorize it for anything but an observation and nothing more. Your votes should be yours. Thank you Taline B Angelides |
Dear Simon, I had no intention of expressing my opinion in your pages but a letter by Miran Sarkissian in Gibrahayer and recent increasingly desperate and vitriolic attacks on Vartkes Mahdessian have prompted me to come forward. Was it “progressive and professional” of Dr. Antranik Ashdjian to complain to the Government of Cyprus that the Armenian Church was issuing fraudulent “Armenian Race” certificates? Trying to get a brother and sister of Iraqi Armenian origin, who also happen to be closely related to our in-laws, struck off the voting register by stating that they have a Kurdish father! As a person who is participating in the church service every Sunday one would have expected him to get his facts right at the church office first, instead of rushing ahead to the Government with false accusations. He should have remembered an earlier occasion when an attempt to deprive people of their voting rights went badly wrong. As a person who played a not insignificant role in Dr. Antranik’s election campaign against Dr. Atamian a few years ago, I am very disappointed at his shifting alliances which indicate a precedence of opportunism over conviction. On a different note, I see that the Soviet Era propaganda line vilifying Dashnaks has not died down despite the fact that all the values they cherished and protected for over a century, their sacrifices, their Yerakouyn, their heroes, their songs, are now a proud and prominent part of the Republic of Armenia’s Heritage. Mihran Boyadjian Larnaca |
Satellite channel Press TV reports on Genocide commemoration in Cyprus: here |
Press TV is a 24-hour English language global news network with worldwide bureaus in London, Seoul, Washington DC, Beirut and Damascus, which covered the Armenian Genocide 96th anniversary commemoration events in Cyprus. |

News in Brief by Sevag Devletian |
- President Barack Obama on Saturday marked the anniversary of the massacre of Armenians in Turkey nearly a century ago by calling it a "horrific" slaughter, but once again stopped short of branding it Genocide. In a written statement, Obama said the 1915 killings of some 1.5 million Armenians represent "one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century." But for the third straight year, he failed to use the word Genocide to describe it.
- Turkey on Sunday voiced "deep regret" over US President Barack Obama's remarks on Armenian massacres under the Ottoman Empire, slamming them as "one-sided". "The statement distorts the historical facts. Therefore, we find it very problematic and deeply regret it... One-sided statements that interpret controversial historical events by a selective sense of justice prevent understanding of the truth," the Turkish Foreign Ministry said.
- Turkey's citizens of Armenian descent have tried their chances with the ruling and opposition parties by applying to be candidate nominees, but they were disappointed. There were three Turkish citizens of Armenian origin, Arev Cebeci, Melkon Karakose and Herman Balyan, who all applied from Istanbul, where the majority of the country's Armenians live, to be candidate nominee on the lists of political parties for the upcoming June 12 general elections.
- Several dozen demonstrators held red roses and photographs of the dead outside the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art, an Ottoman-era building where historians say Armenian intellectuals were briefly detained at the outset of the 1915 slaughter. Hours later, bigger crowds held similar events in Istanbul's Taksim square, a bustling transit hub, as well as in the capital, Ankara, and Izmir. It was the second consecutive year that Turkish
demonstrators marked the anniversary of what many international experts say is the first genocide of the 20th century. - The death of an Armenian soldier on April 24, Sevag Sahin Balıkcı (25) serving in the Turkish military, is under investigation. In a statement to Sabah Daily Sevag's finace Melani Kumruyan was quoted as saying: “I don't believe that it was an accident at all. The senior sergeant had beaten him up over a lost 50 lira bill.”
Gibrahayer Calendar Events |
Sunday 1 May - Annual picnic organised the Melkonian Alumni and Friends at Kornos area. Click here for google map. From Nicosia, take the A1 towards Limassol. Drive along until you get to junction 11 (after the Larnaca turning). Leave the motorway at junction 11 and head towards Kornos (on exit turn right and go under the motorway). Pass Cemetery on your right, then a few other buildings (Changourides and sons Furniture) and take the first turning on your left, signposted Kornos. Follow the road for approx. 1 km, past large church until you come to a T junction 1.5 km from initial turning Turn left and continue for approx. another 0.5 km. Turn right and follow earthen road until you arrive at the picnic site.- Friday May 6 at 8:00pm - Annual performance of Sipan dance ensemble of the Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association Cyprus "Oshagan" Chapter at the Palace Theatre in Nicosia. Director / Choreographer Felix Haroutunian.
- Saturday 7 May at 10:30 am - The completed road of Markos Drakos (in front of the Armenian cemetery of Ledra Street) will be delivered to Nicosia Mayor Eleni Mavrou. Armenian MP Vartkes Mahdessian will also be attending the ceremony and members of the Armenian community are also urged to attend.
- Saturday, May 7, 2011, at 6:30 pm - Armenian Evangelical Church service at the Greek Evangelical Church, 20 Gladstonos street. Message of the day from Mihran Jizmejian an educator, scholar, writer and lay preacher, a graduate of Near East School of Theology and the American University in Beirut, who also taught at the Melkonian Institute from 1965-1973.
- Sunday 8 May - Pilgrimage to St. Magar Monastery organised by the Office of the Armenian Representative Vartkes Mahdessian. See news item above.
- Monday 9 May 8:00 pm - Election Gathering of Dr. A. Ashdjian at Hilton Park.
- Tuesday 10 May at 8:00 pm - Eurovision Song Contest Semi-Final with the participation of Armenia with Emmy at HMEM/AYMA from 20:00 onwards. The Club Committee will be serving complimentary food to all present.
- Wednesday 11 May at 8:00 pm in Nicosia - Pan-Cyprian Election gathering of Armenian MP Vartkes Mahdessian at OCCHIO Lounge (ex-Mimoza cinema, 30 meters from The Europa Hotel) in Nicosia. Special appearance by X-Factor star Hovig Demirdjian. Drinks and food will be served. There will be bus services to the event from Armenian communities of Paphos, Limassol and Larnaca as follows: At 7:00 pm from Sourp Stepanos Church in Larnaca. At 7:00 pm from Sourp Kevork Church in Limassol and at 6:00 pm from the Carrefour Supermarket in Paphos.
- Saturday 14 May at 8:00 pm - Eurovision Song Contest Finals at HMEM/AYMA from 20:00 onwards. Complimentary food will be served.
- Sunday 15 May at 7:00 pm - Larnaca Performance of Sipan dance ensemble of the Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association Cyprus "Oshagan" Chapter at Larnaca Municipality Hall. Director / Choreographer Felix Haroutunian.
- Wednesday 18 May at 5:00 pm in Nicosia - Marzahantes for Nicosia, Larnaca and Limassol Nareg schools on the grounds of the Nicosia Nareg school.
- Thursday 19 May at 8:30 pm - Kravadz or.
- Sunday 22 May - Parliamentary elections for the new House of Representatives, including elections for the seat of the Armenian MP.
- Saturday 4 June – watch the Russia against Armenia match at HMEM/AYMA.
Armenian Sports by Sevag Devletian |
- BOXING: Vic Darchinyan (36-3-1, 27 KOs) wasted little time in devouring Colombia’s Yonnhy Perez with a barrage of punches before the fight was stopped due to an accidental clash of heads. Darchinyan captured the vacant IBO bantamweight world title on the score cards on April 23. Darchinyan, sporting the numbers 1915 on his trunks, dedicated this bout to the memory of the innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide.
- CHESS: Armenian GM Sergei Movsesian representing a Saint-Petersburg club won bronze in the Russian Team Chess Championship held in Olginka, Russia.
- WORLD CHILDREN'S GAMES: Armenia is represented by 4 tennis players and 14 judo wrestlers at the World Children’s Games in Ankara Turkey.
- FOOTBALL: ESPN The Magazine U.S. newspaper published the list of best-paid athletes from 182 countries. Armenian halfback Henrikh Mkhitaryan, with an annual salary of USD 360000 was included in the list. In August 2010, the 22-year-old sportsman singed a USD 7.5 million contract with Ukraine’s Shakhtar Donetsk.
- JUDO: In 1/16 finals of Istanbul-hosted European Judo Championships, Artyom Baghdasaryan (73 kg) beat Romania’s Adrian Nicolae Roumerge. However, the judo wrestler dropped out of the championship losing to Ambako Avaliani of Georgia.
- CHESS: Armenian GM Sergey Kasparov (Belarus) scored 6.5 points out of 9 possible to finish 2nd in an international chess tournament in Fagernes, Norway. Kasparov was only half a point behind the winner, GM Sergei Tiviakov (Netherlands).
New development project overlooking Larnaca Salt Lake, by three young Armenian professionals of our community. Click here |
Gibrahay Sports by Sevag Devletian |
- AGBU Ararat U-17's destroyed Asteras Strovolou with a 12-1 win in the Cyprus U-17 Futsal Cup. The win ensures Ararat U-17's qualification to the semi finals of the cup competition.
- Former member of the Cyprus Davis Cup Team Haig Ashdjian and Cyprus Seniors champions Simon Aynedjian will be participating in an International Tennis Tournament that will take place in The Larnaca Tennis Club from 30 April - 6 May, in which athletes from twelve countries will also be participating.
- AYMA/HMEM's next match is on Saturday May 7 against Kakkaristria at the PAEEK Stadium.
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