Saturday 9 April 2011

Loussapatz 880 2011 'The Dawn'

ÂÆô 880 - Þ2 ́2Â, 9 2äðÆÈ 2011

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1 – 10

11 -18

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Argentine Court Adopts Unprecedented Ruling On

Armenian Genocide

BUENOS AIRES -- An Argentine federal judge declared “the Turkish state committed the crime of genocide against the Armenian people between 1915 and 1923”.

Judge Norberto Oyarbide sustained a claim by Argentine-Armenian, Gregorio Hairabedian, who had filed a lawsuit against Turkey demanding to learn fate of his 50 relatives who disappeared during the Armenian Genocide.

In the claim submitted 11 years ago, Hairabedian had asked the country’s justice system to prove that the Turk- ish state was responsible for annihilating and torturing numerous Armenians in Svaz and Kharberd around the time of World War 1.

The ruling by Judge Norberto Oyarbide holds Turkey responsible for perpetrating and committing the Armenian Genocide. The judge also stated Turkey should help Hairabedian get information about his relatives.

Though the court’s decision does not set accountability criteria for Turkey, it serves as grounds for Armenian organizations to raise the issue in international tribunals and courts.

In 2002, Justice Oyarbide officially requested the Turkish authorities to transfer archive documents on Hayra- petyan family to the Argentine court. He also requested the English, German, US and Vatican authorities to provide documents on the 1915-1923 Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. After studies that lasted 11 years the Ar- gentine court passed the ruling.

Secret cables by consuls and ambassadors who served in Germany at the time greatly contributed to Oyarbide’s decision.

”Al this were not just crimes against Armenians. The Turkish state was implementing a systematic program aimed at the extermination of the Armenian nation,” one of the cables read.

Bryza Reminds Baku That Aircrafts From Azerbaijan to Nakhijevan Fly Over Armenia

BAKU -- U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan Matthew Bryza told journalists he is happy that Azer- baijan has changed its stance and tries to protect its rights in ICAO.

Asked about the opening of an airport in Stepanakert, Bryza said he does not want to give cer- tain comments: “Let the [OSCE Minsk Group] Co-Chairmen arrive in the region and express their attitude. It would be more correct. I can also say that aircrafts from Azerbaijan to Nakhijevan fly over Armenia’s airspace, and it is considered to be acceptable,” APA quoted Bryza as saying.

Earlier, Armenian Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan commented on the statement of Azeri side threatening to shoot down planes bound for Karabakh.

As the Minister stressed, Armenia will spare no efforts for a “clear sky over Artsakh.” 11

When asked by journalists, whether he’s ready to fly in the same plane bound for Stepanakert with the Armenian President onboard, Mr. Ohanyan expressed his readiness to take the same plane as the President will, however, the protocol does not allow it.

Earlier, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan promised to be the first passenger of the plane bound for the newly built Stepanakert airport.

The director of the State Civil Aviation Administration of Azerbaijan Arif Mammadov an- nounced Azerbaijan would shoot down the aircraft that would be landing at the Stepanakert airport. The Azeri side has already managed to complain to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). “We notified that the airspace over Karabakh is closed. The Law on Aviation envisages physical destruction of airplanes landing on this territory,” Mammadov said. Moreover, official Ba- ku considers itself entitled “to destroy any planes that will come to land at the airport of Stepanak- ert”. According to Mammadov, the ICAO management recommended making every effort to avoid possible negative effects in the region.

Hrant Dink Murderer Blames Turkish Media for his Actions

ISTANBUL -- Ogün Samast, the confessed hitman in the assassination of Armenian-Turkish journalist Hrant Dink, who was fatally shot outside the Agos weekly office in 2007, has claimed he committed the act under the influence of media labeling of Dink as a “traitor.”

Samast’s remarks came in a letter he submitted on Monday to an Istanbul juvenile court where he is standing trial. “I am not guilty. The ones who are guilty are the newspaper headlines that por- trayed Hrant Dink as a traitor. I got rid of the trash in my eye. Now let the ones who prepared those headlines think. Where are the ones who brought me to this point? I did not know about Agos. My veins were filled with ignorance then. I learned about Dink from newspaper headlines. And I sacri- ficed myself. ... I am afraid of Yasin Hayal,” the letter read.

Samast’s case was separated from the main trial because he was under 18 years of age on Jan. 19, 2007, the day of the murder. Samast attended the second hearing of his trial in juvenile court in Istanbul on Monday. He blamed the media for the assassination. Samast shot Dink in the back out- side the Istanbul offices of the Turkish-Armenian weekly Agos, of which Dink was the chief editor.

Dink was the target of a media lynching campaign regarding a story he published in Agos. The story claimed Sabiha Gökçen, the first Turkish woman pilot and the foster daughter of Turkey’s founder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, was actually of Armenian origin. Dink was a Turkish citizen of Armenian origin who had been working to reestablish ties between Turks and Armenians, which have been troubled since the alleged killing or deporting of hundreds of thousands of Armenians during the last years of the Ottoman Empire.


Turkish Cypriot Politician Visits Karabakh

STEPANAKERT -- A prominent Turkish Cypriot politician paid a landmark visit to Nagorno- Karabakh over the weekend to take part in roundtable discussions organized there by a British peacebuilding charity.

Kutlay Erk, secretary general of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), reportedly shared with local officials and civil society members his long experience of face-to-face contacts with Greek Cypriots. He said such contacts are important for resolving the decades-long conflict in Cyprus.

“Before that we were enemies, but thanks to our communication we became friends. Mutual trust developed into friendship,” the Regnum news agency quoted Erk as saying at a seminar in Ste- panakert sponsored by the London-based group International Alert.

“Our existing status quo is unacceptable, unstable,” he said. “We need to look for other solu- tions. The status quo in the Karabakh conflict zone is not the best one either.”

Erk served as the mayor of the Turkish-controlled part of the Cypriot capital Nicosia until 2006 and was later a special negotiator of Mehmet Ali Talat, the former CTP leader and president of the unrecognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Talat championed reunification of the divided island and closer ties with the European Union during his 2005-2010 presidency.

According to Regnum, Erk, who is apparently the first Turkish Cypriot to set foot in Karabakh, was asked by a seminar participant about Azerbaijan’s threats to shoot down civilian aircraft that will use the Armenian populated territory’s sole airport currently undergoing reconstruction.

Erk appeared to disapprove of those threats, saying that Northern Cyprus has for decades had flight services with Turkey despite being recognized only by Ankara. “Despite political protests from the Greek side, there have never been any harmful actions, any threats to shoot down civilian planes,” he was quoted as saying.

In an angry reaction the Azerbaijani government said on Wednesday that it will likely blacklist Kutlay Erk for visiting Karabakh.

Strong Criticism, Harsh Responses: Armenian “Tashir” Singers Accuse Society of Being “Envious”

By Gayane Abrahamyan

Passions are still flying high over last weekend’s Tashir 2011 Pan-Armenian Music Awards, and this time Armenian singers have told of their annoyance at suggestions and appeals by a group of activists to forward the generous gifts given to them during the awards (apartments in Yerevan and Moscow) to homeless families.

The Armenian stars consider such appeals to be a show of “disrespect” towards their art.

The sixth Pan-Armenian Music Awards organized by Tashir Group, headed by Moscow-based Armenian tycoon Samvel Karapetyan, was distinguished by its luxury, which unlike the previous years, when the top present was a car, this year seven pop artists got apartments in the center of Ye- revan, and two got homes in Moscow, while three singers received posh cars as presents.

Such extravagance described by many as “a feast during a plague” led civic activists to vent their anger on Facebook, appealing to all artists to donate their presents to homeless families.

(Incidentally, some of the newly constructed apartments given away at the Tashir show were built as part of a huge city redevelopment project leaving hundreds of city center residents evicted from their homes with small compensations).

The response of many artists was quite harsh. Singer Nune Yesayan, who owns two apartments in newly erected buildings, which were repeatedly shown during different TV shows, said that “they [those activists] totally spoil the rare present.”

“It’s a pity that people do not appreciate our work and instead of being happy for us, they make demands. This is impolite. They spoil everything, they do not want us to enjoy [our pre- sents],” Yesayan told ArmeniaNow.

Another popular Armenian singer Shushan Petrosyan is also angry. She says that she “does not feel unsettled about homeless people in the disaster zone,” because she “sang for them many times in order to keep them close to our culture.”

“Who has the right to tell me what to do with my present? They only talk big. What have they done for this country? This is simply a malice, which already kills our society,” Petrosyan told Ar- meniaNow.


Armenian Military Steps Up Reserve Drills

YEREVAN -- The Armenian military has begun a nationwide call-up of reservists for training and exercises which military officials in Yerevan say will be more regular and intensive from now on.

Thousands of reserve troops are due to spend roughly one week in military camps this year to refresh and improve their combat skills.

The first group of reservists, all of them sappers and army engineers, began on Saturday week- long exercises involving heavy demining equipment at a military training center about 40 southwest of Yerevan. Military officials say other reserve forces will be called up in the following weeks and months.

In a weekend statement, the Armenian Defense Ministry described the drills as a “planned event” stemming from Armenia’s law on military service. It said they are meant to “upgrade the combat skills of reserve personnel” and raise “the level of mobilization readiness in the Republic of Armenia.”

The ministry spokesman, Davit Karapetian, told RFE/RL’s Armenian service that the Armenian army command has decided to hold reserve drills on a more “regular” basis. He said they will also be more intensive than in the past. Karapetian denied any “direct connection” between the exercises and what some Western offi-

cials and regional analysts see as an increased risk of another Armenian-Azerbaijani war for Na- gorno-Karabakh. But he said Armenia’s Armed Forces must be prepared to give an “adequate re- sponse” to possible “changes in the security environment.”

Talk of renewed fighting in the conflict zone has intensified over the past year amid more fre- quent deadly skirmishes reported from the main Armenian-Azerbaijani “line of contact” around Karabakh. Azerbaijan’s leaders have also continued to threaten to win back the disputed territory and surrounding areas by force.

An Azerbaijani state-controlled organization highlighted those threats on Tuesday when it launched sniper courses for young people, including girls. The AFP news agency reported that civil- ian participants will also learn about fighting techniques, weaponry, map-reading skills and legal is- sues. The previous Armenian reserve mobilization was announced in March last year. The Defense Ministry said at the time that it wants to make sure that “every duty-bound Armenian man knows his place and function in the military” in case of a large-scale armed conflict.

WikiLeaks: US Issued Warning to Turkey Before Dink’s


ISTANBUL -- Recently leaked WikiLeaks cables reveal that the United States warned Turkey of escalating anti-Christian hostilities inside the country back in 2005, the Turkish Hurriyet re- ported.

Citing a cable published in Taraf newspaper, the Turkish publication says that US diplomats had issued such warnings to Ankara ahead of the assassination of Hrant Dink, the editor-in-chief of the Armenian-Turkish newspaper Agos, and catholic priest Santoro.

”On March 11, 2005, the Turkish Department on Religious Affairs issued a statement which contained the following phrase – ‘Our children are robbed of their belief’. As the lines targeted Christian missionaries, the US diplomat called on the Turkish authorities and the Religious Affairs Department to modify the statement,” the paper says adding that the United States kept spotlight of the Christian community in the town of Malatya.

“In a letter sent to Washington on March 16, 2005 American diplomat John Kunstadter noted that Turkish imams spread information against Christian missionaries,” Taraf writes.

In 2006, catholic priest Andrea Santoro was murdered in the Santa Maria Church in the city of Trabzon. Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink was assassinated near the editorial office of the Agos newspaper, January 19, 2007 by Turkish ultranationalist Ogun Samast.

Eighteen months before the murders in Zirve publishing house, the diplomats had met with the alleged organizer of the plot, Houssein Yekli, who was a representative of an investigative depart- ment. On April 5, 2007, a group of Turkish young people broke into Zirve publishing house which prints Christian literature, and brutally killed several employees, one of whom was a German national.


Archbishop Unrepentant About Gun, Luxury Car Possession

YEREVAN -- Archbishop Navasard Kchoyan, head of the church’s largest diocese encompassing Yerevan and the southern Ararat province, defended his ownership of a handgun and luxury car which was revealed by the Arme- nian press recently, shrugging off the resulting outcry in some media and online social networks. “I don’t take that se- riously,” he told RFE/RL’s Armenian service.

The Yerevan newspaper “168 Zham” reported last month that Kchoyan has been seen riding in a Bentley car. It quoted him as saying that he received it recently as a gift from one of his godsons.

The celibate priest refused to go into details, reportedly telling the paper not to meddle in his “private life.” It is still not clear how old his luxury car is. Brand new Bentleys currently cost between $180,000 and $280,000. Later in March, another newspaper, “Hetq,” revealed that Kchoyan received in 2007 a pistol from then Prime

Minister Serzh Sarkisian. The paper said his spokeswoman initially denied the information but then confirmed it after being shown documentary evidence of the gift. She was quoted as saying that Kchoyan does not carry the weapon and keeps it in his office safe.

“In all countries, weapons are presented to all those who are appreciated,” Kchoyan told RFE/RL. “A weapon is [given as] an appreciation, not for some other purpose.”

The archbishop also had no qualms about using a very expensive car in a country where the official poverty rate exceeds 34 percent. “Should I have renounced the gift?” he said.

Kchoyan has for years faced criticism from local media for his behavior and lifestyle which they consider too earthly.

He has also sparked controversy by participating and even speaking at political gatherings organized by Sark- isian and his Republican Party of Armenia. Kchoyan personally blessed the current Armenian president at a February 2008 campaign rally held in Yerevan in the run-up to a dispute presidential election.

The office of Catholicos Karekin II, the supreme head of the Armenian Church, has not commented on the latest controversy surrounding the archbishop.

Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies Presents a Lecture by Haigazian University President Dr Paul Haidostian

WORCESTER, MA -- The Clark University Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies will host a lecture by Rev. Dr Paul Haidostian entitled “The American Missionaries and the Armenian Genocide: How to Assess their Ministry?” at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 14, in Tilton Hall, Higgins University Center, 950 Main St.

Reverend Paul Haidostian is the President of Haigazian University, which was established in 1955 in Beirut, Lebanon by the joint endeavors of the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) and the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East (UAECNE). Haigazian University is an Armenian liberal arts Uni- versity using English as the language of instruction. Haigazian is home campus to students from 20 countries throughout the world.

Rev. Haidostian is currently the Chair of the Central Committee of the Union of Armenian Evangelical Church- es in the Near East.

Rev. Haidostian holds a BA in Psychology from Haigazian College, a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree from the Near East School of Theology, a Master of Theology (Th.M.) and Ph.D. in Pastoral Theology from Princeton Theological Seminary.

This event is presented by the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. It is hosted by the Kaloos- dian Mugar Chair and supported by the Asher Fund. For more information, call 508-793-8897.

The Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies is privileged to stand at the forefront in establishing the Armenian Genocide as a distinct focus of doctoral study.

In 2002, Carolyn Mugar and her late husband John O’Connor ’78, a Clark University trustee, donated the first- ever endowed Chair in Modern Armenian History and Armenian Genocide Studies. They challenged others to join them in supporting this innovative professorship named in honor of Carolyn’s parents Stephen and Marian Mugar, as well as Robert Aram ’52 and Marianne Kaloosdian. Robert Kaloosdian, a lawyer in Watertown, MA and former pres- ident of the Washington, DC- based Armenian National Institute, is a leader in Armenian affairs. The mission of the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies is to educate undergraduate and graduate stu- dents about genocide and the Holocaust; to host a lecture series, free of charge and open to the public, to use scholar- ship to address current problems stemming from the murderous past; and to participate in public discussion about a host of issues ranging from the significance of state-sponsored denial of the Armenian genocide and well-funded de- nial of the Holocaust to intervention in and prevention of genocidal situations today.


Armenian Genocide Resolution Clears Key Committee and

Moves to the Floor

SACRAMENTO -- AJR 2 designating April 24, 2011 as California Day of Remembrance for the Armenian Genocide and authored by Assemblymembers Anthony Portantino (D-La Cañada Flint- ridge) and Katcho Achadjian (R-San Luis Obispo) has been approved by the Assembly Rules Com- mittee and now moves to the full Assembly for a vote on April 14.

The resolution sends a message to President Obama and Congress to formally recognize the atrocities committed during the genocide and calls on Turkey to acknowledge its role in the Arme- nian Genocide and the deaths of more than 1.5 million people.

For each of the past 14 years, the state Legislature has memorialized the horrific events of the early 20th century with a resolution marking April 24th as the symbolic beginning of the Armenian Genocide (1915 – 1923).

“The Armenian genocide was one of the greatest tragedies in modern history and to ignore it is to condone it,” said Assemblymember Portantino. “I am honored to join my colleague, Assembly- member Katcho Achadjian, in the introduction of this Resolution remembering the 1.5 million Ar- menians who were tragically killed in the first genocide of the 20th Century. We hope to properly commemorate this horrendous act and offer some peace and respect for the survivors and their fam- ily members who live in California.”

California is home to the largest population of Armenians outside of Armenia with nearly one million Americans of Armenian ancestry.

AJR 2 is a bi-partisan and bi-cameral effort, jointly authored by Portantino and Achadjian with Principal co-authors - Assembly Members Connie Conway, Mike Gatto, Linda Halderman and Speaker John Peréz. State Senators Tom Berryhill, Kevin De León, Carol Liu, Joe Simitian, Mark Wyland, and Leland Yee. Co-authors: Assembly Members Tom Ammiano, Bill Berryhill, Marty Block, Paul Cook, Martin Garrick, Richard Gordon, Curt Hagman, Diane Harkey, Jared Huffman, Bonnie Lowenthal, Fiona Ma, William Monning, Jim Nielsen, Kristin Olsen, Sandré Swanson, Das Williams. Senators An- thony Cannella, Robert Dutton, Michael Rubio.

FAU Libraries Host “The Greatest Crime of the War:

The Armenian Genocide During World War I” Exhibition

Film and Panel Discussion by Descendents of Survivors

BOCA RATON, FL - As part of the ongoing Armenian Genocide exhibition at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) Wimberly Library in Boca Raton, FL, two high-profile South Florida community activists will lead a discus- sion following the screening of a 30-minute excerpt from the PBS documentary, “The Armenian Genocide.” The film and panel discussion will take place on Tuesday, April 12 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm on the 5th floor of the FAU Wimberly Library and is free and open to the public.

Marta Batmasian, a member of the Florida Department of Education Commissioner’s Task Force on Holocaust Education, will share her family’s experience in Turkey and the effects of the Armenian Genocide on her family. Ar- menian Assembly of America Grassroots Director Taniel Koushakjian, an FAU alumnus, will discuss the Armenian- American identity and the post-genocidal effects on the Armenian community in the United States.

”We live in a community in which there are thousands of survivors of modern genocides and their descendants. Our community has played an active role in attempts to intervene against genocide in Darfur. St. David’s Armenian Church, Congregation B’Nai Israel and the FAU Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education have been at the forefront of the these community efforts. It is important for our community to learn about and memorialize the Arme- nian victims just as we memorialize and educate about the Shoah. Remembering both strengthens our commitment to prevent and intervene against genocide,” said Dr. Rose Gatens, Director of the FAU Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education (CHHRE).

“The Armenian Genocide” film and panel discussion is being sponsored by the Center for Holocaust and Hu- man Rights Education at Florida Atlantic University in conjunction with “The Greatest Crime of the War: Armenian Genocide During World War I,” an exhibition on display through Wednesday, April 27, at the Wimberly Library. The exhibition displays the systematic murder of 1.5 million Armenians in Anatolia during the middle of World War I, between 1915 and 1916. The story is told through 21 free-standing panels that showcase photographs, quotes from witnesses, and the history and legacy of the genocide. The events and the exhibition, which is on loan from the Flor- ida Holocaust Museum in St. Petersburg, are being hosted by FAU Libraries as part of Genocide Awareness Month, an observance during April to increase awareness and prevention of genocides. The Armenian Genocide, the Holo-


caust, the Bosnian, Rwandan and Darfur genocides occurred within the last 100 years and are all commemorated in the month of April.

Small groups of 10-15 wishing to receive a docent-led tour may book their tour by contacting the FAU Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education at 561-297-2929. Dr. Rose Gatens will offer these group tours on Wednesdays, April 6, 13 and 20th between the hours of 9:00 am and 3:00 pm. The exhibit will close with a special guest lecture by Dr. Mary Johnson, Senior Historian with Facing History and Ourselves and curator of the Armenian Genocide exhibit, on Monday, April 25 from 7:00 - 8:00 pm. Following the lecture will be the Armenian Genocide Commemoration and Memorial service to the victims conducted by clergy from St. David’s Armenian Church of Boca Raton and St. Mary’s Armenian Church in Cooper City.

Cemal Pasha’s Grandson Says Genocide, Morgenthau’s Great Granddaughter doesn’t

By Harut Sassounian Publisher, The California Courier Hundreds of Armenians turned out at UCLA last Thursday night to hear with great apprehension Hasan Cemal, the grand- son of Cemal Pasha -- one of the top three Turkish butchers of the Armenian nation. This unique and controversial event, ti-

tled "From Der Zor to Dzidzernagapert: A Conversation with Hasan Cemal," was organized by AGBU Asbeds.

Understandably, there was great tension in the air. The large hall was filled to capacity and many were turned away due to lack of room. The presence of armed policemen and security guards inside the hall was both reassuring and disturbing. Ce- mal confirmed that he was cautioned against coming to Los Angeles, but fortunately everything proceeded calmly. The most shocking thing that evening was not what Cemal said, but what another speaker, Dr. Pamela Steiner, the great grand- daughter of Amb. Henry Morgenthau, did not say!

Kurken Berksanlar, Chairman of ABGU Asbeds, welcomed everyone to "an open-minded conversation." While admitting that some Armenians view with great suspicion Turks who acknowledge the Genocide, he believed that "progressive” Turks, who are speaking openly about the evens of 1915..., appear to be above and beyond the reach and control of today’s Turkish government." Berksanlar then introduced the keynote speaker Hasan Cemal and the two discussants, Dr. Pamela Steiner, and Prof. Richard Hovannisian.

A columnist at Milliyet newspaper, Cemal immediately won over his skeptical audience by greeting them in Armenian -- "parev harkeli paregamner" -- and telling them: "I came here to open my heart and open my mind to you.... I know your pain, your grief of Genocide, your grief of Meds Yeghern." Ignoring Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code which bans the use of the term Armenian Genocide, he courageously repeated those words several more times during his talk. He also con- demned the Turkish government’s denial of the Armenian Genocide, calling it "colluding in the crime!"

Cemal described his deeply moving 2008 visit to the Armenian Genocide Monument in Yerevan, where he laid three carna- tions in memory of his close friend, Hrant Dink, the Armenian journalist who was assassinated in Istanbul by Turkish ex- tremists. While visiting Yerevan, he had a startling encounter with Armen Gevorkyan, grandson of the man who in 1922 assassinated his grandfather, Cemal Pasha.

Cemal described the progress made in Turkey during the past three decades on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, going from total denialism to an apology campaign, restoration of Armenian churches, and holding academic conferences on this topic. He asked Armenians to come to Turkey to participate in the "recovery of memory." He urged them never to forget the past, without becoming its captives.

While Cemal’s candid remarks left a good impression on the audience, Dr. Steiner turned off the attendees with her ada- mant and intentional refusal to use the word genocide. Instead, she used such typical Turkish denialist terminology as "trag- edy,” “suffering,” and “events of 1915." As director of the Inter-Communal Trust-Building Project, she spoke about "possi- ble steps towards building trust between Armenians and Turks." She stunned the audience by asking Armenians to ac- knowledge that "the Turkish people [who] suffered horrendously during World War I ... need and deserve acknowledgment for that!" As if that request was not outrageous enough, she went on to urge Armenians to "consider acknowledging Turk- ish suffering before they receive an acknowledgment for theirs!"

During the question and answer period, when I pointed out the irony of Cemal Pasha’s grandson freely using the term Ar- menian Genocide, while the great granddaughter of Amb. Morgenthau would not, Dr. Steiner’s response was inadequate. Her justification was that she was playing the role of a “facilitator,” seeking "conciliation" between Armenians and Turks.

The final discussant, Prof. Hovannisian, in a stern voice, gave a polite, yet powerful response to the previous speakers. He told Hasan Cemal that the large Armenian audience had come not to listen to him as a Turkish journalist, but as the grand- son of Cemal Pasha. He explained that understanding the Turkish perpetrators’ mindset cannot in any way justify their ac-


tions. He cautioned everyone not to equate Armenian suffering resulting from intentional destruction with the suffering of Turks as a result of war. He emphasized that Armenians were seeking not only recognition, but, more importantly, restitu- tion of their confiscated properties. He urged the Turkish government to return the hundreds of Armenian churches in Tur- key to the Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul. Finally, in a direct allusion to Dr. Steiner, Prof. Hovannisian emphasized that "conciliation" required "acts of contrition." His remarks were greeted with a standing ovation.

I found Cemal to be both candid and brave. He could have easily avoided the use of the term Armenian Genocide, main- taining that doing so could land him in jail. However, he made no excuses and used the genocide term several times. Con- sidering his grandfather responsible for "the Great Catastrophe," he described today’s Turkey as "a manic-depressive coun- try!"

Although it is not easy to forget that Hasan Cemal is the grandson of one of the three masterminds of the Armenian Geno- cide, it would be wrong to hold children responsible for the sins of their parents. His position has dramatically evolved since his Boston appearance two years ago, when he avoided the term Armenian Genocide. I asked him privately at the end of his UCLA talk if he was not concerned that he could be taken to court for using the word genocide. Even though he said he did not think so, he found it important enough to mention my concern in a column he wrote in Milliyet upon his return to Istanbul.

The only sour note in Cemal’s words that evening was his rejection of demands for the return of Armenian territories from Turkey. Nevertheless, it is not surprising to hear a Turk, no matter how tolerant, defend his country’s territorial integrity. He did state, however, that the Turkish government should apologize to Armenians and pay compensation to them.

On the other hand, Dr. Steiner, as a Jewish-American and direct descendant of Amb. Morgenthau, cannot be excused for her persistent refusal to use the term genocide, despite her self-avowed good intentions. Anyone who does not acknowledge the truth of the Armenian Genocide loses the moral authority to play a constructive role in Armenian-Turkish relations. One cannot remain neutral between a victim and victimizer. She should heed the wise words of Holocaust survivor and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel who stated: "Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim!"

As facilitator between the two communities, Dr. Steiner probably believes that she should not take sides. But telling the truth is not taking sides between Armenians and Turks, anymore than acknowledging the Holocaust is siding with Jews. Furthermore, it is not clear what exactly her role is as facilitator. Genocide is not a dispute that requires the services of a mediator. How can she reconcile two nations without the victimizer first making amends for what her own great grandfa- ther called "The Murder of a Nation!"

Two days after her talk at UCLA, Dr. Steiner sent me a lengthy e-mail explaining further her role as facilitator and insisting that Amb. Morgenthau would have supported her work. I cannot pretend to know her great grandfather better than her, but being familiar with the Ambassador’s humanitarian efforts during and after the Genocide, I have no doubt that he would have done everything possible to bring justice to Armenians, rather than remaining neutral between the perpetrators and their victims.

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