The largest circulation Armenian e-magazine circulates every Thursday. Established 1999 |

Gibrahayer and Phileleftheros - US-based Noble Energy has discovered gas in Block 12 of Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and the reserve is thought to be 30-40% larger than estimated, Phileleftheros newspaper reported today. The paper says that President Demetris Christofias is set to visit Noble’s offshore drilling rig next week, to inspect it and attend an inauguration ceremony for the new well. Microscopic bubbles of gas are already coming to the surface and everything is ready for the final stage of drilling, says the report. Minister of Commerce and Industry Praxoulla Antoniadou said that since drilling is being carried out, it means that hydrocarbon deposits are likely to be identified. But she cautioned that they are only half-way to drilling targets. "We are now about 2200 meters below the seabed and the goal is to reach 4000 metres. This is where we expect to locate hydrocarbon deposits,” she said in a written statement. Noble Energy has an exploratory license for Block 12 and started drilling on September 19th, in an area that experts say could contain 10 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Earlier this year, a Noble Energy official said that natural gas could be delivered from Block 12 by 2014. Block 12 neighbors Israel’s natural gas field Leviathan, which is considered to be one of the Mediterranean’s largest undersea gas reserves. The first well drilled on Leviathan alone contained 16 trillion cubic feet of gas.

Minister of Defence Demetris Eliades has stated that all measures are being taken on a diplomatic, political and military level to deal with developments in the Eastern Mediterranean and counteract Turkish threats against Cyprus, following the start of natural gas and oil exploration in its exclusive economic zone. Speaking to reporters after a visit to military camps in Larnaca district, the Defence Minister said “it is our obligation, especially these days, in conjunction with the leadership of the National Guard, to stand by the officers and National Guard men”. He noted the excellent training and capability of the National Guard units that allows it to perform its duties to the maximum, if circumstances call for such action. “At the same time, we are fully informed about developments in order to handle as best as possible any problems that may arise”, he said. The National Guard, the Minister pointed out, “needs the support, recognition and trust of the people and society as a fundamental prerequisite to fulfill its duties. I think it deserves it”, he added. |
Gibrahayer e-magazine and combined sources - Moscow has just announced that the Battle Group of the "Admiral Kuznetsov" aircraft carrier, from the North Sea (Barents Sea), will sail towards the Eastern Mediterranean, near “Venus” or Plot 12 in Cyprus EEZ. The aircraft carrier will depart on November 13 in order to take part in sea exercises in the Barents Sea and remain there for one week. Then on November 19 it will begin its journey to the Eastern Mediterranean. The duration of the mission will be three months. Admiral Kuznetsov and the ships accompanying this grand aircraft carrier are expected to cross the Strait of Gibraltar in late November when the data from Cyprus’ drilling is published. The naval force consists of six destroyers, frigates as well as support ships! A conventional Russian submarine is already conducting routine patrols in the area, but it was decided that there be more "persuasive" power projection to “surface” vessels. No one expected that Moscow would send the "Admiral Kuznetsov". Set to accompany this renowned Russian aircraft carrier is the destroyer Admiral Chabanenko, (Udaloy II type). Russia has already sought permission from Cyprus to perform surveys in two of its "plots" which are now being eyed by the Turkish Fleet. Moscow’s move to send this fleet to the area is an obvious answer to Ankara’s bullying in these specific plots. The Russian aircraft carrier is equipped with 19 Su-33 aircraft, 4 Su-25 (impact) and 17 Ka-27 helicopters and will transport a large number of nuclear warheads for use on missiles P-700 Granit. |
Gibrahayer e-mgazine and defencenet, 11 October Nicosia - Following the little “rift” in words between French President Nicola Sarkozy and Turkish Prime Minister T. Erdogan, over France’s official recognition of the Genocide of Armenia and the call to Ankara to stop denying a premeditated government effort to wipe out Ottoman Turkey’s Armenian population, the government in Paris decided to take the next step and send a war ship to the area as well in order to protect the drilling that is currently taking place off the coast of Cyprus. Specifically a report on defencenet said that France is sending a F792 Premier -Maître L'Her corvette type D'Estienne d'Orves so that it can send the message to Ankara that any type of move that does not comply with international law will not be tolerated. It is the first time since the 1970's that the French Fleet is once again taking its place against Turkey. The last time it did this was in 1976. Of course France is also protecting its interests in the area since it has already contracted two plots for drilling from the Cyprus government. For now, the French ship will enforce the message that the West and Russia have been sending Ankara all along, which is that it should stay away from the drilling area. It is the right message and goes to the appropriate recipient.
CHRISTOFIAS MESSAGE TO ERDOGAN AND DAVUDOGLOU “Cyprus will hold EU presidency, whether you like it or not” |
12 October Nicosia - Gibrahayer and combined local sources - Cyprus will assume the six monthly rotating EU presidency in July 2012 whether some wish it or not, President Christofias yesterday. Referring to the Turkish reactions regarding the Cyprus EU Presidency he sent a message to Turkish Prime Minister Tayip Erdogan and to Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davudoglou that whether they like or not Cyprus will assume the EU Presidency. “I want to say to Mr. Erdogan and to Mr. Davutoglou and to all the rest that Cyprus will assume the EU Presidency whether they want it or not”, the President said. Turkey’s Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has warned that his country’s relations with the European Union “will be completely frozen” if Cyprus assumes the bloc’s presidency before a deal reunifying the island is reached. The threat is part of what is seen as a tough new approach to both the EU and Cyprus by the Prime Minister. Cyprus, which joined the EU in May 2004, will assume the EU presidency for the first time in its history. |
Community calendar at a glance: |
- Wednesday 19 October at 6:30 pm at Nareg New Hall - Nareg Parents Association Nicosia have invited the School Hokapartsioutiun, Dnorenoutiun & Staff for a first meeting and acquaintance with parents. Cocktail will follow.
Saturday 22 October at 10:30am - Back to Victoria street (a walk organised by the Armenian, Turkish and Greek Cypriot residents of Victoria street, in memory of unger Puzant Nadjarian. The walk begins in front of Home for Cooperation (old Mangoian Shop) at 10:30 am opposite the Ledra Palace Hotel and ends with lunch at Boghjalian Restaurant, Victoria Street at 13:30pm.- Sunday 23 October 1:00 pm - Autumn Fund-Raising Luncheon organised by The Armenian Relief Society (HOM) Sosse Cyprus Chapter at Homenetmen - AYMA. Adults € 15.00, children 5-12 € 5.00. For reservations call: Nora Sarian, 99889910, Louise Der Parthogh 99438349.
- Saturday 19 November at 7:00 pm - Preparation of Madagh.
- Sunday 20th November at 10:00 am - Feast of Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in Nicosia. Divine Liturgy & Blessing of the Madagh.
- Sunday 27 November at 4:00 pm - HOM (Armenian Relief Society) Cyprus "Sosse" Chapter’s Christmas Fund Raiser at Cleopatra Hotel for humanitarian projects in Armenia, Artsakh and Cyprus.
- Sunday 4 December - HOM (Armenian Relief Society) Cyprus Sosse Chapter’s Stassikratous street Bazaar for humanitarian projects in Armenia, Artsakh and Cyprus.
- Sunday 25 December at 9:00 pm – Homenetmen - AYMA Christmas Ball.
- Sunday 1 January 2012 – Santa will be visiting Homenetmen -AYMA. Details to follow.
- Saturday 21 January 2012 - as Kravadz Or. Details to follow.
click here for Yerkir Media's video report on the opening |

by Benon Sevan Former Under-Secretary-General, United Nations |
It is truly disheartening to read the ongoing negative reports and columns in some news outlets in the Diaspora and Armenia regarding the current political, economic and social conditions in the Republic of Armenia, as well as the constant efforts by certain personalities and political parties to denigrate the Government of Armenia and its record. Of all the hundreds of negative reports, is not there at least a single positive development to report on? Contrary to the ongoing politically motivated negativism, there are indeed many successes and improvements achieved in Armenia which deserve to be congratulated and encouraged. One gets tired of reading what is being said by all these so-called pundits, rabble-rousers, including self-serving former government officials pursuing their own personal agenda to bring about a regime change not through the ballot box but through encouraging a mob culture. Unfortunately, what we have been witnessing is indeed tragic with the potential of dire consequences to the stability of the young Republic that recently celebrated its 20th Anniversary. No country has become democratic right away. It is categorically wrong and naïve to measure democracy in Armenia, which gained its independence only twenty years ago, with the same measuring stick used for democracies in other countries, such as France, the United Kingdom and the United States, which took centuries to reach their current stage of democracy. I ask all those who have adopted a negative attitude to read history. It was not the Armenians who invented the guillotine; it was not the Armenians who hanged their opponents from the Tower of London; and it was not the Armenians who practiced slavery and/or segregation based on color or race. How long did it take for some of Europe’s democracies to give their women the right to vote? In as much as one can understand the impatience and frustration expressed with regard to the current situation in Armenia, we have no alternative but to be patient. One cannot simply bring about democracy through legislation alone; nor can it be imported or imposed through the barrel of the gun or by rousing the mob. We must fully bear in mind our history: over 70 years of communist rule, preceded by about two years of a most fragile independence, and by over five centuries of Ottoman rule. We simply cannot divorce ourselves from the burden and dire consequences of having lived under occupation for so many centuries. Regardless of our impatience and desire to witness a truly democratic state of Armenia, we have no alternative to being patient, because it takes time to develop democracy, economic and social development, and civil society, as well as true democratic reforms. We need to develop, among other things, political maturity, change of mentality and outlook, which take time and cannot be achieved through legislation alone. Nor can they be achieved through the mob. Undoubtedly, the Republic of Armenia, similar to many other countries, has its own share of serious difficulties, compounded by the current political and economic crisis and uncertainties worldwide, and its geographical location in a rather dangerous neighborhood, blockaded by Turkey and Azerbaijan, and with an ambiguous relationship with Georgia. Undoubtedly, there is much to be desired with regard to the prevalent political, economic and social conditions in Armenia. There are, among others, corrupt practices, inconsistencies in the application of the justice system, as well as poverty and unemployment that forces many Armenians to emigrate. Are these conditions unique only to Armenia? How about the current high unemployment figures and the deteriorating social conditions in some of the strongest democratic states as well as their financial difficulties requiring massive bailouts, and facing possible defaults? It is long overdue for Mr. Levon Ter-Petrossian, the first President of the Republic of Armenia, to stop his corrosive activities pursuing his personal agenda through endless rallies to bring about a regime change. He should look into the mirror and remember what went on during his own administration and should review his own record and legacy before throwing stones at others. Some of the current practices, which he has been so critical of, started during his own administration. Mr. Ter-Petrossian, if you want to become the next President of the Republic of Armenia, organize yourself peacefully and put your candidacy during the next election. Let the people decide who should be the President through their ballots. Stop your divisive and destructive actions, calling constantly for demonstrations which might get out of hand with very serious consequences. Irrespective of the negativism prevailing among certain circles, both within Armenia and the Diaspora, Armenia has indeed a considerable number of talented and fully committed professionals, both within the Government, the Ministries and the private sector, as well as in different segments of the society. We should recognize and give credit where it is due for all the progress being made. We should all unite and spare no effort in supporting and encouraging them to speed up the development of democratic institutions, as well as strengthening the economy and raising the living standards. In conclusion, I appeal to all political leaders, political pundits, and the media, both in Armenia and the Diaspora, to refrain from any action that may incite violence. I should also like to appeal to all my compatriots to concentrate their efforts and energies towards the strengthening of the young Republic. All Armenians should unite because we complement each other; our survival as Armenians is truly inter-dependent. The strengthening and the security as well as good governance, economic and social development of the Republic of Armenia should be the primary objective of all of us, above all other interests.
Practice sessions of SIPAN Dance Ensemble of Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association under Director / Choreographer Felix Haroutunian begin on Saturday 8 October, 2011 at Homenetmen - AYMA and will continue until the end of 2011 on Friday's, Saturday's and Sunday's. A new schedule with practices during the week, will be announced in 2012. Interested to join SIPAN's Dance Ensemble? Call Shoushig Bakalian on 99667828. |
with Sevan Malikyan MA at the Cornaro Institute, 23 Mehmet Ali Street - Larnaca MOBILE : 99162520 . |

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