The largest circulation Armenian e-magazine Circulates every Thursday. Established in 1999 |

TONIGHT AT 7:00 pm |

You can sign up to the dinner that will follow at Homenetmen - AYMA after the event by texting Varteni Kassabian on 99454314. |
SHIMON PERES: "We will not threaten anybody but at the same time, we will not take threats from anybody" |
NICOSIA - (Xinhua) - Cyprus and Israel have expressed readiness to cooperate on a joint project to tap huge offshore gas deposits that may change the European energy map. Israeli President Shimon Peres, who wrapped up a two-day official visit to Cyprus on Friday, said Cyprus and Israel have substantial economic cooperation potential with the discovery of natural gas in the Mediterranean. "We can cooperate in generating this newfound energy, and use it for the benefit of the entire region," Peres said. Cypriot President Demetris Christofias said that the project is expected to open the way to new sectors of cooperation between the eastern Mediterranean neighbors. Israel gas deposits in two offshore fields are reported to total over 24 trillion cubic feet. An official of Noble Energy, a Texas-based company drilling for both Israel and Cyprus, has said large deposits are also expected to be confirmed in a neighboring Cypriot offshore field. A possible joint project under discussion is the building of a 180-kilometer undersea pipe to bring the gas to the south shore of Cyprus, where a 10-billion euro facility to liquefy the gas is under consideration. The European Union is reported to be keenly interested in the project, which will help it diversify its energy sources. However, Turkish opposition to gas exploitation is a factor to be taken into consideration. Both Christofias and Peres deplored threats by Turkey, which has sent navy ships and military aircraft to protect survey vessel charting the sea-bed close to where Noble Energy is drilling. Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974 in reaction to a Greek coup and occupied its northern part. It has invoked the rights of Turkish Cypriots to natural gas deposits to justify sea survey off the south Cyprus coast. "Israel will not threaten anybody but at the same time it will not take threats from anybody," Peres said. "The Middle East yearns for harmony and will not tolerate other states' attempt for hegemony," he added. However, both Presidents also sounded a conciliatory note by stating that their cooperation will not come at the expense of other countries. "We can cooperate in generating this newfound energy, and use it for the benefit of the entire region. We will do this through cooperation with the states in the region, and according to all international laws," Peres said.
Relations between once allies Turkey and Israel took a turn for the worse after the incident of Mavi Marmara ship in May, 2010, when Israeli marines intercepted the Gaza bound vessel and nine Turkish activists on the ship were killed in ensuing shooting. Israel has just given a warning that it will also intercept another Turkish flotilla now under sail for Gaza. Cyprus-Israel relations have traditionally been friendly but not especially warm as Cyprus had tried to keep a balance on the Palestinian issue. But Cyprus-Israel relations grew notably after the Mavi Marmara incident and an agreement to delineate their respective offshore exclusive economic zones. Cyprus' state-run television quoted diplomatic sources as saying that still unannounced defence agreements between Cyprus and Israel signed recently provide for intelligence sharing and for Israeli aircraft to fly through Cypriot air space and make use of its land defence infrastructure. Six Israeli helicopters exercising in the eastern Mediterranean recently made a refuelling stop in Cyprus. |
SHOWDOWN IN CYPRUS | - While world attention has been focused on a Turkish-Israeli military showdown over aid flotillas to Gaza, a possibly even more dangerous dispute is unfolding between Turkey and Israel-allied Cyprus. Tensions between the two countries are at their highest level in years, as the Cypriot government in the divided island’s southern half went ahead with plans to have Texas-based Noble Energy start offshore exploration for natural gas in its exclusive economic zone (EEZ). As Noble moved its drilling rig last Thursday from Israeli waters, where it had also been exploring for natural gas, to Cyprus’ 800,000-acre Aphrodite field, located off its south-eastern coast, Turkish warships and aircraft shadowed the transfer. The Turks, however, stayed outside of Cyprus’ territorial waters and airspace and did not interfere with the American company’s operation. Noble received an exploration license for the Aphrodite field from Cyprus, and test drilling was expected to start on Monday. The Aphrodite field borders Israeli waters where “massive gas fields” were discovered. Turkey strongly opposes the Cypriot exploration plan, ostensibly because it does not include, and therefore will not benefit, Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus. It has called on the Greek Cypriots to halt all exploration. “We will be very cautious in this process; all of our steps will be taken as retaliation and [in response] to Greek Cypriot moves,” a Turkish Foreign Ministry official said. Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974 after a Greek Cypriot-mounted coup sought unification with Greece. The island had previously experienced inter-communal violence. As a result of the invasion, more than 180,000 Greek Cypriots were evicted from the island’s northern half, while 50,000 Turkish Cypriots were also forced from their homes. The island was then divided in two, and the UN patrols the boundary, called the “Green Line,” that was established between the two communities. In the Turkish- occupied northern zone, a separate government was set up. Called the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC), it is only recognised by Turkey, which exercises control over it. Since 1974, Turkey has moved thousands of settlers into the island’s northern half. The the internationally-recognised government of Cyprus with its capital in Nicosia, is the internationally recognised government and has a seat at the UN and was granted European Union (EU) membership in 2004. Since Turkey embarked on a confrontational course with Israel two years ago, Cyprus and Israel have drawn closer together. Greece, the other member of this new, eastern Mediterranean partnership, has said it “will throw its weight” behind Cyprus’ gas exploration project. Last year, as an indication of Israel’s and Cyprus’ close co-operation, they signed an agreement delineating their economic zones for exploration purposes. According to one report, Israel has also offered Cyprus two modern warships and is rebuilding Cyprus’ only naval base after its near destruction by a munitions explosion. An Israeli company, Delek, a partner of Noble’s in exploring Israeli waters, also has an option to drill in the Aphrodite field. In calling on Cyprus to halt exploration, Turkish officials did not engage in the kind of incendiary language their Prime Minister, Recep Erdogan, did last week on his so-called ‘Arab Spring’ tour of North Africa. At a meeting of the 22-member Arab League in Cairo, he said Israel “must pay a price for its crimes and aggression it has committed.” In Tunisia last Thursday, Erdogan continued his bellicose statements and issued Israel a warning. “Israel cannot do whatever it wants in the eastern Mediterranean. They will see what our decisions will be on this subject. Our navy attack ships can be there at any moment,” he said. |
Video Links of the week |
Mayda Neshanian is back in Victoria street (video in Armenian and Turkish) click here |
Moses Elmadjian is back in Victoria street - click here for video |
52 images of the Armenian Relief Society (HOM) Charity Luncheon, click here |
Levon, Agho and Hagop Sarian are back in Victoria street - click here for video |
130 images of the event Back to Victoria street, click here |
Letters to the Editor |
Hello Everyone at Gibrahayer Magazine, My name is Seta and I remember living in Victoria poghotz [Street] directly adjacent to the Ottoman Bank and above the Batta shoe shop... My Uncle and his family lived below our flat! The front door was frosted-glass, the iron work pattern was on the outer frame. Opening the door to go upstairs was a stairway in a light colour marble... We had two rooms with a balcony at the front of the house, on the right was the kitchen and the bathroom was to the right of the entrance. At the rear of the flat was a courtyard where I believe two of my friends lived. Other of my school friends lived opposite our flat, the Haroutounian’s, Nora, sister, mother and I thing, her grandmother. Next to their flat live an English lady, A spinster I think. In between Nora’s building and our’s, was the bakery and the Jami, our house was on the left of the Y junction. As one turned right and exited the, walking on Victoria Street, and continue done to the bazar and market area. It’s where Garabed enishde had a bicycle shop, he also had the first TV in the family. As a child I attended Melikian school, the Church was adjacent to the school! I remember my head Master, Mr Yessayan and his wife and Father Coulig [ian]. He used to bless me and gave me a ‘nshkhar’. As a child I knew there was another place that we went to when we leave earth and thought I wouldn’t mind going there if, God is as nice as Father Couligian. I have lots of other memories, that I will share with you in my next email. Sirov Seta Tokatlian |
Continued… My memories [Seta Tokatlian] 1950’s |
Apart from the social events, when all the family gathered at Garabed enishde’s [uncle’s] house watching/listening to Perry Como on the black and white TV. On a very hot summer’s evening, after our meal at a large and long table to accommodate everyone, set in the courtyard by the side of the garden. I am told, there was a squeal coming from the garden where the rabbit pens were. Seconds later I came bouncing in happy to have brought my parents what, I thought, was a lucky find! A Rabbit’s tail…Not so lucky for the rabbit, the next day our meal was ‘Rabbit Stew’…Their house was somewhere on the way to the market off Victoria Street. His shop was locked up after it was looted from the start of the Turkish occupation, according to my cousin. I was in Cyprus in 2009, I was taken and showed our house, it was so ghostly, stripped of all its French windows, frames too, balcony, roof rails and all the marble cladding. It peered over the very tall wall, which separated the north of the country. Back to my childhood memories… One day we were returning home when friends and relations stopped us and ushered us into their home, we spent some time there as we were told it was too dangerous to go home. I know that there was an air of fright, surprise and most of all; my mother was so guarded about me! We walked the short distance home. As we approached our house my mother held my hand tighter and tighter…I remember vividly approaching the front steps, by this time her had was almost covering my eyes, but I could still see from the gaps of her fingers. A dark colour car with the passenger door open, the screen was smashed, later we were told it was a bullet that had gone through the screen and killing the Manager of the Ottoman Bank. There were soldiers everywhere, guns, riffles and jeeps. My mother was ushered into the house; I was grabbed and picked up from behind and carried up the stairs. We got to the top of the steps and I was set down on to the marble floor in the hall, my father and little brother were there. The soldier picked my brother up and bounced him on his knee… he later took out the hand gun from his belt and emptied the rounds from the chambers and gave it to him to play… the coffee arrived and I took the opportunity to go to the balcony and looked out onto the spot where the car was, now there was a sheet blanking the view. It had red blood all over it! How I wished the soldier would pick me up and give his gun over now my brother had finished play. My mother Mari was a seamstress and later was to have made dresses for this soldier’s wife, whom I called aunty ‘Eileen.’ And the soldier? Well, he became Godfather to my little brother… They couldn’t have children and they sort of adopted us! He called me ‘Im bzdig aghchigus.’ Years later, we used to visit their house, it was reciprocal, [Old Windsor, England]… A row of terraces, they lived with his mother opposite was the old police station. He had become a driving instructor; alas he and his wife have passed away. His name you ask? Cecil Hailstone. I believe he was in the Queen’s guards; we used to go and see the parades on the grounds of the Barisp, the football ground. My father Misak, an Aircraft Mechanic, and his cousin Garo have their picture on the front cover of the AYMA magazine published by the Gibrahayer magazine, when they were in the youth team. The publication was this year and I sent an email to the magazine saying, ‘It’s my dad!’ My cousin’s in Cyprus sent me the magazine as a surprise. I have fond memories living in Victoria poghots [Street] I had a tricycle, which I rode round, and round on the roof of our house. The inner walls round the roof were so spikey and the aggregate scratched and broke the skin on both my knees and bled as I rode round, I used to stick to the edge because it made the course much bigger. I rode it clockwise and anti clockwise to give a different perspective. But it was more because my knee bled more and more. At the rear of the roof was the utility room. There was a large round tub in the middle of the space where my mother would do the washing, all by hand and peg them all out to dry on the line. My mother was so wary of the railings at the front of the roof that I was never allowed up there on my own. Even though the utility was also my playhouse! I remember my father flying a kite up there on occasions and we used to keep chickens too! We had so many little chicks hatching at one time. It was so lovely holding them and hearing them chirping away specially when it was feeding time. I was so much happier when I got my first bike, my father used to watch me as I cycled up and down Victoria Street starting at our house down four or five shops and back to the end of the Ottoman Bank by the time I turned round and rode back down the road again. I am finding it hard to remember things I can write about, you see there were times when father would throw one of my mothers footwear on the roof of the bakery, if he did not like the style but I can’t write about what happened next! I was taken to the Bata shoe shop for a birthday pair of sandals and a beggar woman came begging outside, I asked to be taken to the market for sandals as they would cost less and we could then give some money to the beggar. She was given the money, but then followed us to the market and began asking for money again; apparently it was then that I managed to use a choice word which caused her to hurriedly scurried away. I think it was one of my father’s words that I used when he got angry. Though we had a bath in our bathroom, I always enjoyed going to the ‘Hamam,’ the steam baths, with my mother once a week. I believe it was situated at the end of Victoria Street at the start of the market. I am about to retire from teaching next year, and if it is not being too familiar, what are my prospects of someone giving me a part time job if I decide to come back home? Most of our ‘sinsile’ [family] is spread all over the world now and the older generation have passed away. Including my parents. Sirov Seta Tokatlian.
News in Brief by Sevag Devletian |
- Congressmen Howard Berman, Nita Lowey, Eliot Angel, Brad Sherman, Steve Israel, Shelley Berkley and Adam Schiff have proposed a resolution, asking President Barack Obama to stop the $11 million worth weapons deal with the country. The Congressmen expressed concerns over the country's continuing threats to Israel, its blockade policy against Armenia, and the occupation of Cyprus. They asked Washington to give more attention to those problems instead of selling weapons to Turkey.
- Istanbul's 40-person polyphonic Sourp Lousavorich ("St. Illuminator") Armenian Choir led by conductor Hagop Mamigonyan participated in a program dedicated to the memory of the Van, Turkey earthquake victims which aired on a Turkish TV channel last Thursday by performing the well-known Armenian litany "Der Voghormya" ("Lord have mercy"). Sourp Lousavorich has been performing in Istanbul for 80 years. Armenian musicians have been actively participating in the charitable events and campaigns to raise funds for victims of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck
Turkey's Van region on Oct. 23. Among this group is Istanbul-based rock musician of Armenian descent Hayko Cepkin, who opened the "Rock for Van" charity concert on Oct. 30. - The United Nations will play no major role in international efforts to end the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict even after Azerbaijan became a member of its Security Council, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian stated. Nalbandian argued that the United States, Russia and France continue to share Armenia's view that the OSCE Minsk Group co-headed by them must remain the key international body mediating Armenian-Azerbaijani peace talks.
- Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin said Monday that he wanted to convene an annual parliamentary session of the full Knesset to mark the Armenian Genocide. "It is my duty as a Jew and Israeli to recognize the tragedies of other peoples," Rivlin said. Rivlin added that diplomatic considerations, important as they may be, should not deter us from recognizing a tragecy experienced by another people. Since 2008, the full Knesset has allowed the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee to hold sessions that have been closed to the media about the Armenian Genocide. Last week, for the first time, the full Knesset approved the convening of an open, public session on the issue by the Education, Culture and Sports Committee, at the request of Meretz Knesset member Zahava Gal-On. This represents a complete change in approach on the issue.
Community calendar at a glance: |
- Wednesday 9 November at 7:00 pm - Presentation and Film about Artsakh by journalist and political analyst Tatul Hakopyan from Yerevan, at the Utudjian Hall of The Armenian Prelature. "Artsakh and the Armenia - Turkish Protocols" followed by
the film "The Armenians from Mrav to Arax", co-organised by The Armenian Prelature of Cyprus and The Armenian National Committee of Cyprus (Hay Tad Committee). The event is under the auspices of Archbishop Varoujan Hergelian. You can sign up to the dinner that will follow at Homenetmen - AYMA after the event by texting Varteni Kassabian on 99454314. - Wednesday 16 November at 8.00pm at Homenetmen - AYMA. "Literary night dedicated to Daniel Varoujan organised by the "Oshagan" Cyprus Chapter of Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association and presented by Artsakank Chief Editor Arto Tavitian. Join us for the first installment of Literary Nights in a convivial atmosphere over cheese and wine, graciously provided by La Maison du Vin and there will be a variety of delicious cheeses and bites. RSVP to Charperson Shoushig Bakalian 99667828.
- Saturday 19 November at 7:00 pm - Preparation of Madagh.
- Sunday 20th November at 10:00 am - Feast of Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in Nicosia. Divine Liturgy & Blessing of the Madagh.
- Sunday 27 November at 4:00 pm - HOM (Armenian Relief Society) Cyprus "Sosse" Chapter’s Christmas Fund Raiser at Cleopatra Hotel for humanitarian projects in Armenia, Artsakh and Cyprus.
- Sunday 4 December - HOM (Armenian Relief Society) Cyprus Sosse Chapter’s Stassikratous street Bazaar for humanitarian projects in Armenia, Artsakh and Cyprus.
- Sunday 25 December at 9:00 pm – Homenetmen - AYMA Christmas Ball.
- Sunday 1 January 2012 – Santa will be visiting Homenetmen -AYMA. Details to follow.
- Saturday 21 January 2012 - Homenetmen AYMA presents "Taline & Friends". Details to follow.
- Saturday 11 February 2012 - Kravadz or by Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association's "Oshagan" Cyprus Chapter.
- Sunday 11 March 2012 - Kravadz Or - Office of the Armenian Representative.
- Saturday 5 May 2012 - Kravadz or by Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association's "Oshagan" Cyprus Chapter.

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Armenian Sports by Sevag Devletian |
BOXING: Boxing champ Vic Darchinyan believes he can win a record tally of world title belts by the end of next year. IBO bantamweight champion Darchinyan is gunning for title belt No.9 next month when he fights Panama's WBA bantamweight super champion Anselmo Moreno in California. CHESS: The Armenian men’s team will face England in the third round of Porto Carras hosted European Team Chess Championships. After the second round the Armenian men's team ranks 19th with 4.5 points, England takes 21st place with 4 points. 38 men’s teams participate in European Chess Championships. CHESS: In the third round of European Chess Championships, the Armenian women's team will face Germany. Armenia currently ranks 9th place with 4,5 points, Germany comes 6th with 5.5 points. WEIGHTLIFTING: 4 female and 6 male weightlifters will represent Armenia at the World Weightlifting Championships to kick off in Paris on November 5. Isabella Yaylyan (53kg) will be the first Armenia’s representative to perform on November 6. Vanik Avetisyan and Samvel Grigoryan (both under 69kg) will enter the competition on November 8 while Meline Daluzyan will perform on November 9. Hripsime Khurshudyan and Naira Harutyunyan (both +75) as well as Arakel Mirzoyan and Tigran Martirosyan (both 77kg) will compete on November 10. Heavyweights Hayk Hakobyan and Ruben Alexanyan will perform on the last day of the Championsips on November 13. JUDO: Armenia’s Andranik Chaparyan (73kg) won his second fight against Derek Langlois of Canada at the World Junior Judo Championships in Cape Town. JUDO: Olympic bronze winner, Armenia’s David Ghazaryan (-66 kg) beat Martin Vegvari (Hungary) to make it to the next stage of World Junior Judo Championships ongoing is Cape Town, South Africa. CHESS: Four chess players will represent Armenia at the World Youth Chess Championship 2011 that will be held in Caldas Novas, Brazil, from November 17-27. The Armenian team includes Karen Grigoryan, Hovhannes Gabuzyan, Samvel Ter-Sahakyan and Robert Aghasaryan. Over 1000 young chess players from 72 countries will compete in 6 age categories - under 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18.
Gibrahay Sports by Sevag Devletian |
- AGBU Ararat suffered their second consecutive defeat this season with a 4-3 scoreline against Parnassos in the Cyprus Futsal 1st Division. Ararat currently rank 4th in the league table with 9 points.
- Homenmen suffered yet another heavy defeat with a 1-13 score against Apeleftherosi in the Cyprus Futsal 3rd Division. Homenmen currently rank in the relegation zone with 4 points.
- Homenetmen - AYMA Bowling Team won their fourth game in four games and lead Division Three in the Cyprus Bowling Championships.

click here to order the book in Turkish |
Aras Yayıncılık’ın Türkçeye kazandırdığı yeni kitabı, bir başka ötekilik halini konu alıyor. Van’dan Amerika’ya uzanan bir yaşamın tanıklığı ve Ermeni bir ressamın sanatçı olarak ortaya çıkışındaki fırtınalı hayat hikâyesi tarihi arka planıyla okuyucuya sunuluyor. Yazar Nouritza Matossian, yirmi yılı aşkın araştır-malarına dayanan kitabında, doğumundan intiharla sonuçlanan ölümüne dek Gorky’yi ve sanatını bütün yönleriyle mercek altına yatı-rıyor. Van Gölü kıyısında geçen çocukluğu, savaş ve sürgün yılları, giderek parçalanan bir aile, Erivan, Tiflis, İstanbul ve nihayet Ame-rika’ya göç ile başlayan ressamlık mücadelesi, fırtınalı ilişkileri… Asıl adı Manug Adoyan’ı yüreğine gömüp Arshile Gorky adına sarılarak Yenidünya’ya tutunma mücadelesi… |
Baştan sona bir ‘yolculuklar’ kitabı olan Gorky’nin yaşamöyküsünde okuyucu onun serüveniyle birlikte Kandinsky, Picasso, Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock, Roberto Matta, Andre Breton vb. gibi kimisi Nazi işgallerinden kaçıp Amerika’ya sığınan birçok entellektüel ve sanatçının dünyasını, aralarındaki tartışmaları ve sanattaki yeni gelişmeleri izleme fırsatı buluyor. Yazarın “Türkçe Basıma Önsöz”ü ile açılan ve Gorky’nin yaşamından siyah beyaz fotoğraflar, bazı önemli eserlerinin renkli baskıları ile görsel olarak zenginleşen kitabın sonunda bir Gorky kronolojisi ile geniş bir kaynakça ve dizin yer alıyor. |
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