LOUSSAPATZ 923 2012 02 25.
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Armenians in Science
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Boun Bar;k;ndani :rkou,abjiov (20 “;trouar 2012) ke j;uako-.;nq M;/ Pahqi /isakan ,r=ane! Na.` i3nc w pah;xo[oujiune2 apa` i3nc w M;/ Pahqe2 oroun masnauor kar;uoroujiun k#en/a\oui incpws Endhanra-kan :k;[;xiin2 no\npws Ha\x1 A5aq1 :k;[;xuo\ mw=!
Pah;xo[oujiune bolor kr7nn;roun mw= tara/oua/ hin sovoroujiun me ;[a/ w2 or ke miti m;[q;rw maqrouil2 hogin aznouaxn;l2 m7t;nal As-tou/o\ ;u ar6ananal ‘rkouj;an!
Pah;xo[oujiunn ou /omapahoujiune na;u Hin Ktakarani mw= ,at tara/oua/ ;u \aya. kirarkouo[ hog;uor krjoujiunn;r win!
M;r :k;[;xin ir hauatax;aln;roun ke j;ladrw2 pah;xo[ouj;an ,r=anin2 hra6aril anasnakan artadroujiunn;rw ;ko[ bolor t;saki snnd;[wnw` ms;[wn2 kajn;[wn2 kj;[wn ;u ]kn;[wn out;liqn;rw! Isk /omapa-houjiune ke n;rka\axnw ,at au;li .ist 6ou6kaloujiun me` kamauor hra-6ar;lov endhanrapws snnda5ouj;nw!
|isous inq al ir ;rkrauor k;anqin enjaxqin hog;uor krjouj;an a\s ];ue kirark;x! ?an7j w \atkapws2 or qarozcakan gor/ounwouj;an anxn;lw a5a= An anapat qa,ou;xau ;u qa5asoun 7r;rou .ist /oma-pahouj;an ,r=an me anxoux2 mia6amanak ‘or]ou;lov satana\wn! H;ta-qerqrqkan w2 or ‘or]icin a5a=in harxoume out;liqin ke v;rab;ri1 9:jw Astou/o\ Ordin ;s2 esw@ or a\s qar;re hax da5nan0 (Mt1 D2 3)! Dipouk w |isousin patas.ane2 or krkn;lov Hin Ktakaranin mw= B1 &rinax Grqi hog;uor mwk patouwre (B1 &r1 E2 3)2 ke k;dronana\ mardka\in go\ouj;an hamar ,at au;li kar;uor a5a=nah;rjouj;an vra\2 jw 9Groua/ w1 #Mia\n haxov cw or marde k#apri2 a\l amwn .7sqov` or k#;llw Astou/o\ b;rnwn#0 (Mt1 D2 3)!
Na.nakan ;k;[;xin ord;gr;x a\s sovoroujiune himnou;lov jw@ Hin Kta- karani auandouj;an ;u jw |isousi toua/ an]nakan 7rinakin vra\!
Minc;u D1 dar pah;xo[ouj;an ,r=ane endamwne ,abaj me ke t;uwr2 a5ncou;lov Auag
Ha\astan2 or D1 darou skizbe` 301 jouakanin Qristonwoujiune p;-takan pa,t7nakan kr7n h5cak;x2 ,outov endoun;x qa5asoun 7r;rou pah;xo[ouj;an sovoroujiune2 /isakan h;t;u;al tramabanouj;amb1
• M;/ Pahqe ke sksi Boun Bar;k;ndani :rkou,abjiov ou ke t;uw minc;u ?a[kazardin na.ordo[ {azarou \arouj;an
• Auag
D;5 krna3\ M;/ Pahqe ha\ irakanouj;an hamar2 ;k;[;xakan hin so- voroujiun me ellalw baxi2 oun;nal imast me2 masnauorapws ar;umoutqi ;rkirn;rou bazmazg ;u bazmam,akouja\in droua/qin2 na;u enk;ra\in hasara- kargi \ara’o’o. ar6wqn;rou ;u emb5noumn;rou \or]anoutin mw=! I3nc ke n,anakw a\s7r ha\ mardoun hamar pah;xo[akan hog;uor krjou-j;amb na.apatrastouil “rkci S1 |arouj;an t7nin1 april mta\in ;u hog;kan n;rha\;xo[ouj;an ardiunalix 6amanakahatoua/ me! Kar;li3 w ard;7q tarouan 7r;rou endhanour ta[toukin mw= gtn;l2 i v;r=o\2 pah me k;dronaxoumi` hog;pws2 inco3u cw na;u fiziqapws v;ranorogou;lou ha-mozoumov! Harxoume` jw i3nc imast ouni im an]nakan go\oujiune! Za\n incpw3s krnam im mard kocoumin hamapatas.an ar6wqov ardiunauor;l! O3v ;m ;s sa ti;z;rqi anhounouj;an2 a,.arh2 mard ;u Astoua/ \arab;-rouj;an mw=! >orqin mw=2 inco3v w or ke tarb;rim ouri, arara/n;rw!
9O3v w marde` or za\n ke \i,;s2 kam mardou ordin` oroun k#endounis0 (Sa[1 E2 4) ke .orhrda/w Sa[mos;rgoun! Ardar;u2 m;nq korsnxouxa/ ;nq hog;uor- baro\akan m;r n;rqin zgaxo[oujiune a\n masin2 or m;r a5an]-na\atouk dirqe g;razanxapws ke himnoui a\n \arab;rouj;an vra\2 or Astoua/ m;zi ke ,norhw ;u sto\g m;zmw iuraqanciurin h;t ke st;[/w!
M;r a57r;a\ k;anqin h;uqe2 m;r oura.ouj;an ;u trtmouj;an bolor pah;re l;xoua/ ;n astoua/a\in a\s ;zaki ,norhqov! Qriston;a\ marde ke hauata\2 or an m;[qi tirap;touj;nwn ;u mahouan kor/anarar ou-6wn endmi,t azata- groua/ w m;/ 'rkaginov me` Qristosi Carcaranax2 >ac;louj;an2 Mahouan ;u |arouj;an 'rkagor/ >orhourdov! An or anm;[ wr2 kamauorabar ;njarkou;xau m;[qin` .ortak;lou hamar anor z7rou-jiune! An or anmah wr` m;5au2 ir hra,a'a5 |arouj;amb apahov;lou ha-mar mard arara/i go\oujiune` dwm \andiman ir Ararcin!
Ardi enk;ra\in k;anqin sovoroujiunn;rn ou 7rwnqn;re2 ,ouka\akan .7l droua/qi hramxouxa/n;roun ;njaka\ spa5o[akan hasarakoujiune2 na;u niujin yo.oujiune2 entr;lou kar;liouj;anx mw= .a\tayamouk baz-mazanoujiune2 angam bar7r pa\mann;rou st;[/oume c;n krxa/ ambo[=a-pws apahov;l srti a\n go- hounakoujiune2 zor ardar;u m;nq m;r wouj;an mw= ke 'nt5;nq!
M;r banakanouj;amb2 gitouj;an ;u yartararou;sti hska\ nouayoum-n;rov j;r;us \a=o[a/ ;nq lou/;l niujakan a,.arhi h;t kap oun;xo[ bazmajiu d6ouaroujiunn;r2 .ndirn;r1 ba\x m;nq m;@r .ndire` mardou bar-do\je c;nq krxa/ lou/;l! Banakanouj;an lo\sov lousauora/ ;nq ,at ban2 ba\x anor ko[qin au;lxa/ w m;r anoro,oujiunn ou mjoujiune2 oc jw arta-qin a,.arhi h;t oun;xa/ m;r \arab;rouj;an mw=2 a\l` m;r s;rsidiin! Gouxw Bab;loni bar]rab;r] a,tarakn;r ka5oux;lou al pwtqe coun;nanq pa,tpanou;lou hamar bnakan a[wtn;rou dwm1 ;rkir molorakwn h;5ana-lou ;u ouri, molorakn;rou vra\ hasta-
tou;lou hnarauoroujiunn;r gitou-j;an anour=n;rn ou arka/a.ndroujiunn;re el- lalw h;tzh;tw ke dadrin2 da5nalov ,7,a’;li irakanoujiun! Ba\x2 mi;uno\nn w2 o3v piti kangnw m;z a\n ahauor a[wtin a5=;u2 or m;r n;ra,.arhi snankouj;nwn kou ga\! O3v piti srbw m;r artasouqe2 ;rb i\nanq m;r hogii an\atak para-pouj;an mw=! M;r mw= 7r est 7rw k#ayi va.e2 jw piti ga\ 6amanak ;u m;nq piti mnanq an7ji` nsta/ yo. s;[ann;rou ,our=! Ahauore ogii@ sovn w ;u oc jw niuj;[wn snoundin pakase!
A\s7r au;li qan ;rb;q ke gtnouinq baro\akan hrama\akani me a5-=;u2 ;rb a,.arhi dramatirakan hasarakarge .or ygna6am k#apri2 no\nisk tnt;sapws apahov nkatoua/ g;rhz7r p;toujiunn;roun ;u ;r-kirn;roun mw=! Pwtq cw3 v;rat;souj;an ;njark;l m;r k;anqe2 mta/;la-oye2 k;nxa[avarouj;an zanazan ];u;rn ou sovoroujiunn;re! ^amanake cw3 zgastanalou2 gitakx;lov na;u m;r hog;kan mna\oun gohounakouj;an2 k;anqi imastauoroumi ;u go\ouj;an ar6;uorman pakasin! M;zi nor ar;u;loum w pwtq2 qa=oujiun` dimagrau;lou 6amanaki martahrauwrn;re` na;u ir stou;rot ko[m;rov1 enkyoua/oujiun2 gor/azrkoujiun2 enk;ra\in ;u hasarakakan k;anqi mw= m;kousaxoum2 mta\in g;r\ogna/oujiun2 en-tan;kan tarat;sak n;[oujiunn;r2 ;u masambq noxin!
Qriston;an2 \iraui@2 ke ditw ou k#emb5nw a\s bolore |arouj;an k;na-rar lo\sin tak! Amour hauatqi2 hamb;ratar \o\si ;u enda5a=o[ siro\ mw= an ke gitakxi2 or ir gl.oun v;r;u ;u ir srtin mw= Astoua/ w or ke jagauorw2 jw gor, ;u xourt amp;roun ;t;u go\oujiun ouni ar;gake` ir lousa,o[ ;u =;rm ya5aga\jn;rov2 isk ‘ojorikn;rwn v;r= \ousa6pit /ia-/ann w or ir ;r’n;rang kamare ke kapw ;rknakamarin vra\!
M;/ Pahqi ;u inqnam’o’oumi qa5asnordax a\s 6amanakahatoua/i en- jaxqin2 m;zi ke mna\ m;r masnauor ou,adrouj;an a5arkan dar]n;l ;r;q ban1
1. A\n inc or ke sirw kokorde` anpa\man 7gtakar cw marmnin! 2. Astoua/ a,.arhe st;[/a/ cw m;r ‘oqrik stamoqsn;roun hamar! 3.Out;st;[wni v;rab;r;al /isakan kanonn;roun pahpanoumov cw or
k#ardarananq ou ke stananq m;[q;rou jo[oujiun2 a\l` hauatqov \ousaxoua/ siro\ irakanaxoumov` m;r mardava\;l k;anqin mw=!
A\s a5jiu2 \an]narar;li piti ella\ masnakxil ;k;[;xin;roun mw= pa,-teuo[ 6amakargouj;anx hog;parar araro[oujiunn;roun2 \atkapws h;-t;uil S1 M;srop Ma,toxin v;ragroua/ apa,.arouj;an v;raxno[ ;u v;-haxno[ ,arakann;roun2 ar;uagali2 .a[a[akan ;u hskoumi ;zaki ar6wq n;rka\axno[ pa,tamounqn;roun2 oronq2 m;/au masambq2 anzougakan st;[/agor/oujiunn;rn ;n S1 N;rsws
^en;u2 19 “;trouar 2012 Dokt1 Abwl Qhn\1 Manouk;an
Dr. Stephan Ariyan is Clinical Professor of Sur- gery, Plastic Surgery, and Otolaryngology at Yale Univer- sity School of Medicine, and Associate Chief of the De- partment of Surgery at the Yale-New Haven Hospital. He served as Professor and Chairman of Plastic Surgery at Yale from 1979 to 1991. At that time, he retired from that position to attend the Graduate School of Business at the University of New Haven and earned an MBA in 1993. He continues as the Director of the Yale Melanoma Unit at the Yale Cancer Center
Dr. Ariyan received his medical degree from New York Medical College. After a surgical internship at UCLA, he completed his training in general surgery as well as plastic surgery at Yale University School of Medicine, becoming certified by both the American Board of Sur- gery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He was then asked to join the faculty at Yale in 1976, was appointed Chairman of Plastic Surgery in less than 3 years, and
rose to the rank of tenured full Professor of Surgery in another 2 years. Dr. Ariyan is an internationally known surgeon specializing in the treatment of patients with head and neck cancer, breast cancer, and malignant melanoma. He has been recognized for the origination and development of several myocutaneous flaps for reconstructions of the head and neck most notably the pectoralis major flap, which has become the most commonly used flap for head and neck reconstruction worldwide. He established the Yale Melanoma Unit in 1976, and continues to this day as the Director
of that multispecialty team. Following the devastating earthquake in Armenia in December 1988, he was in-
vited by the government of the then Soviet Union to help care for the many victims. Af- ter assessing the situation, he recommended the establishment of a western standard plastic surgical unit to care for the reconstruction of the vast number of patients. He was asked to select a team of surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses from Armenia, which he trained at Yale from 1990-1991, with the joint collaborative efforts of the AGBU, the USAID, the ECFMG, the RRC for Plastic Surgery, the Yale School of Medicine, and the Yale-New Haven Hospital. That team has been successfully working together at the new Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Center in Yerevan since its opening in 1992. The success of this effort has been used by the USAID as the model for the implementation of health care education in the redevelopment of the former So- viet Eastern European countries.
Collective Security Treaty Organization to Act Against ‘Chaos’ In Member States
MOSCOW -- The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) will intervene to restore “law and order” if one of its members, including Armenia, is beset by serious unrest, the secretary general of Russian-led alliance of seven ex-Soviet states confirmed on Tuesday.
“This is an agreement that was reached by the presidents at their informal summit in Astana [last August,]” Nikolay Bordyuzha told journalists in a live video link from Moscow.
“We discussed mechanisms that are needed for cases where the authorities, law-enforcement bodies of a particular country cannot control the situation, when there is chaos, mass disturbances, looting and it is not possible to control the situation at the national level,” he said.
Bordyuzha explained that such intervention would not necessarily take the form of joint mili- tary action. The CSTO would primarily rely on its “political and peacekeeping potential,” he said without elaborating.
Aleksandr Lukashenko, the controversial president of CSTO member Belarus, discussed the is- sue with Bordyuzha last year. Lukashenko, who tolerates little dissent at home, reportedly called for the alliance members to jointly suppress possible attempts by domestic opposition groups to stage a “constitutional coup.”
Bordyuzha insisted in that regard that the CSTO is not assuming “gendarmerie functions” to help the ruling regimes in the member states crack down on the opposition. He said it would only respond to “chaotic situations” in order to “protect citizens and restore law and order.”
Armenia has already committed troops to the Collective Operational Reaction Forces (CORF) and is due to host CORF exercises this autumn.
US Congressional Delegation Visiting Armenia
YEREVAN -- A 15-member Congressional Delegation from the U.S. House of Representatives headed by Chairman David Dreier met with President Serzh Sarkisian and Speaker of Parliament Samvel Nikoian on February 19. President Sarkisian hosted a dinner for the delegation, which in- cluded five members of the U.S. House of Representatives, and Ambassador John Heffern.
According to a press release by the US Embassy, Congressman Dreier, Chair of the House De- mocracy Partnership, highlighted the importance of the upcoming parliamentary elections to the bi- lateral relationship and urged the government and all the political parties to “do everything in their power to ensure free, fair, and credible elections.” The delegation expressed interest in developing closer ties between the National Assembly and the US Congress.
The Congressmen visited Armenia as representatives of the House Democracy Partnership (HDP), which is a bipartisan, 20-member commission established by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2005 to support the development of independent, democratic legislatures. The HDP seeks to build the capacity of its partner legislatures in key areas such as legislative oversight, budget analysis, committee operations, constituent relations, and library and research services, using peer-to-peer exchange programs, training seminars for members and staff, and targeted material assistance. This was the second visit of the HDP to Armenia.
The Delegation includes Rep. David Dreier (R-CA); Rep. James Moran (D-VA); Rep. Joe Wil- son (R-SC); Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE); Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-TX); Reverend Patrick Conroy, Chaplain of the House of Representatives; and staff.
Controversial Yerevan Park Construction Suspended Amid Protests by Environment Protection Groups
YEREVAN -- Authorities in Yerevan suspended the controversial construction of shops in a public park in central Yerevan on Wednesday after almost two weeks of daily demonstrations staged by environment protection and other civic groups.
Officials said no further construction work will be carried out there until the end of this week.
“Suspension is a legal category, don’t use that word,” Karen Movsisian, a senior officer from Yerevan’s police department, told RFE/RL’s Armenian service (Azatutyun.am). “[Construction] has simply been stopped. They are simply given time to do things in a legal manner.”
Movsisian did not elaborate. In a statement issued on Tuesday, the police offered to hold a roundtable discussion with relevant civic groups on “the legal grounds for the police actions” against mostly young activists who have been trying to halt the shop construction.
In what they consider an attempt to save more green areas in the Armenian capital from de- struction, the protesters have repeatedly blocked the construction, forcing builders to work over- night and request police protection. Police presence in the Mashtots Park was especially strong on Tuesday.
Only a handful of police officers guarded the construction site on Wednesday as it continued to be picketed by several dozen activists. Organizers of the protests were distrustful of the construc- tion suspension announced by the police.
“Our actions threatened to gain a huge resonance. That is why [the authorities] realized that it’s wrong to press us or let this movement gain momentum,” Mariam Sukhudian, a prominent envi- ronmental activist, told RFE/RL’s Armenian service.
“We will keep coming to the park every day just as we have in the last 12 days,” she said.
Turkish Presidential Report Calls for New Trial in Dink Murder Plot
ANKARA -- Negligence by Turkish state officials led to the 2007 killing of prominent Turk- ish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, and a flawed murder investigation undermined public trust in the security services, a report commissioned by the president of Turkey has concluded.
The Turkish Presidency’s State Supervisory Council on Monday recommended that top police and gendarmerie officials be prosecuted due to their alleged negligence.
Security officials failed to protect Dink despite warnings of a plot to kill him and the subse- quent legal process exposed widespread structural problems and the need for reforms, the report said.
Last month, an Istanbul court sentenced a man to life in prison for Dink's murder but acquitted 17 other defendants, sparking large protests and criticism from rights groups.
\The investigation into the murder of Dink, former editor of the bilingual Turkish-Armenian weekly Agos and Turkey's best known Armenian voice abroad, was viewed as a test of democracy and human rights in European Union candidate Turkey.
President Abdullah Gul ordered Turkey's State Supervisory Council (DDK) to investigate the case following accusations from Dink's family, lawyers and rights groups that state officials had been complicit in the murder.
In a 650-page report, the conclusion of which was posted on the president's website late on Monday, the DDK said security forces failed to act on tip-offs about a plan to murder Dink and called for the negligent officials to be investigated and tried.
It said the way the case had been handled had undermined public confidence in the judicial system.
"On the one hand, a result to a case that does not satisfy the public conscience has emerged and, on the other hand, the credibility of all the public institutions has been brought into question," the DDK said in the report.
In 2010, the European Court of Human Rights ordered Turkish authorities to pay 100,000 euros ($132,600) to Dink's family in compensation, saying authorities had failed to protect Dink even though they knew ultra-nationalists were plotting to kill him.
Seven security officials have already been convicted for failing to relay information on the plot that could have prevented the murder.
In a statement ahead of last month's verdict, Amnesty International said authorities had still not investigated the full circumstances behind Dink's murder.
EU Launches Free Trade Negotiations with Armenia
BRUSSELS -- The European Union on Monday decided to launch negotiations on a deep and comprehensive free trade area with Armenia in order to boost economic growth and investment with the Eastern European Partner.
The negotiations will cover matters that have become crucial to a modern, transparent and pre- dictable trade and investment environment. They will not only tackle market access conditions but also focus on regulatory approximation, which will help achieve a closer economic integration of Armenia with the EU.
"The opening of free trade negotiations mark a turning point in our trade relations with Arme- nia. We are entering a new phase that will bring our economic ties to a new level of depth and am- bition," said EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht. "The EU is Armenia's first trading partner and a deep and comprehensive free trade area will give Armenia a more favorable access to the Eu- ropean single market thereby helping to boost economic growth in the country," he added.
Commissioner for Enlargement & European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle said: "This is a further sign of the strengthening of our political and economic ties. Launching DCFTA negotiations is one more step towards closer economic integration which is one of the cornerstones of our rela- tions with countries of Eastern Partnership."
The free trade area will be part of the broader Association Agreement which has been negoti- ated with Armenia since July 2010, in the framework of the Eastern Partnership and the European Neighborhood Policy.
The European Commission said that a free trade area was expected to diversify and strengthen Armenia's export capacity and effectively open the way to access the EU market of 500 million con- sumers.
Armenia needs to continue its work toward reaching a stable, transparent and predictable eco- nomic environment. This is essential to attract foreign direct investment inflows, leading to job cre- ation and long-term growth. The most important gains for Armenia lie therefore behind the border, in regulatory reforms, and as such will impact on its long-term development perspective, the Com- mission said.
Independence and Recognition: Int’l Conference in Stepanakert Discusses Prospects of Kara-
bakh’s Statehood
By Naira Hayrumyan ArmeniaNow.com
Last weekend Stepanakert saw a two-day international conference entitled “The 20th Anniver- sary of NKR’s Independence: Realities and Prospects”, which was attended by lawmakers and po- litical scientists from Karabakh and Armenia, representatives of the expert communities from Rus- sia, Germany, the United Kingdom, Poland, Greece, the Netherlands. The official delegation at the conference from Armenia was led by Deputy Speaker of the Armenian Parliament Eduard Sharma- zanov.
The main message of the conference was the statement delivered by the chief editor of the Rus- sian news agency REGNUM, well-known Russian political consultant Modest Kolerov: “I do not agree that the more an independent state exists [de facto], the more objective arguments it has for independence [de jure]. It makes no sense to demand that the world recognize the independence of Karabakh until Armenia does so.”
In response, Sharmazanov said that Armenia’s goal is to achieve an international recognition of Nagorno-Karabakh. “If a unilateral recognition by Armenia will help in this matter, we will make this step. But everything has its time.”
According to the chairman of the NKR parliamentary commission on foreign policy affairs Vahram Atanesyan, the modern world does not suggest an order by which Nagorno-Karabakh can peacefully exist within Azerbaijan. “The incompatible cannot be combined. The West and the East are incompatible, and now this boundary passes along the border between Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan,” said the Karabakhi lawmaker.
The conference took place against the background of a political controversy surrounding a re- cent interview by NKR President Bako Sahakyan to one of the Greek-language Armenian newspa- pers. Responding to a question about the limits of concessions from the Armenian side, Sahakyan said that the matter did not concern unilateral concessions, but rather a compromise and that every- thing would be done without any damage to the interests of the Armenian side.
This caused a flurry of discussions on online social networking sites and in the mainstream media. Armenian political analyst Sergey Shakaryants said that the president of Karabakh should not talk about possible concessions at all. Chairman of the European Integration of Artsakh NGO Hayk Khanumyan published an article in which he called Sahakyan a “driving force behind capitula- tion”.
Chairman of the NKR Public Council for Foreign Policy and Security Masis Mailyan also be- lieves that neither Armenia nor Nagorno-Karabakh should be discussing the issue of territories. “The Armenian sides should not be tricked by official Baku that often refers to the recognition of the Azerbaijani Republic ostensibly within ‘internationally recognized borders’. “Despite the fact that the Azerbaijani Republic was internationally recognized 20 years ago, it was only recently that the Azerbaijani-Russian border was determined. The process of delimitation and demarcation of the Azeri-Georgian border and the Azerbaijani-Iranian maritime border is still continuing, and the sta- tus of the Caspian Sea itself has not been defined. And the process of defining the borders between Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan and Armenia have not started at all in view of the lack of diplomatic relations between the two countries.”
Government Bill On Emergency Rule Withdrawn From Parliament
YEREVAN -- The Armenian government on Wednesday unexpectedly withdrew from parliament a controver- sial bill which opposition politicians say would make it easier for the authorities to use the army for quelling street protests.
Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian asked parliament speaker Samvel Nikoyan to remove the draft law regulating introduction of state of emergency from the National Assembly agenda just two weeks after it was passed in the first reading.
Sarkisian’s spokesman, Aram Ananian, told RFE/RL’s Armenian service (Azatutyun.am) that the bill will un- dergo changes before being again sent to the parliament. He declined to comment on those changes.
The bill stipulates that the president of the republic can call a state of emergency in case of an “immediate dan- ger to constitutional order,” including attempts to forcibly seize power, terrorism and “mass disturbances.” It allows the head of state to turn to the armed forces for help if police and other security forces are unable to enforce emer- gency rule. In that case, military personnel would be allowed to use riot equipment and live ammunition in accor- dance with an Armenian law on the police.
Opposition groups and the Zharangutyun (Heritage) party in particular have expressed serious concern over the proposed legislation. They claim that the authorities are keen to create more legal grounds for the use of lethal force against the opposition ahead of next May’s parliamentary elections. They say the armed forces should on the contrary be banned from any intervention in political processes.
The government and its loyal majority in the parliament have dismissed the opposition claims.
Armen Martirosian, a Zharangutyun deputy, suggested two reasons for the government’s decision to withdraw the bill. “First of all, the issue of the army’s involvement has had a lot of resonance and even a deputy from the ruling [HHK] party, Rafik Petrosian, was against it because it clearly contradicts our constitution,” he told RFE/RL’s Arme- nian service (Azatutyun.am).
Martirosian also pointed out that the bill was passed because several HHK deputies voted in place of their ab- sent colleagues in breach of the National Assembly statutes. The government is now keen to stop its political oppo- nents questioning the legality of the bill’s adoption, he said.
Armenian army units were ordered into central Yerevan on two occasions in the past, most recently in the af- termath of the February 2008 presidential election that saw deadly clashes between security forces and opposition protesters [read: state-sponsored slaughter and military coup]. Ten people were killed and more than 200 others in- jured on March 1-2, 2008.
Franz Werfel Stamp Issued by Raoul Wallenberg Foundation
JERUSALEM -- The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation is dedicated to develop educa- tional programs and public awareness campaigns on the Saviors of the Holocaust. It is named after Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg missing since January 1945 after saving the lives of tens of thousands of Jews and other persecuted during World War II..
The Foundation has issued new commemorative stamp dedicated to the memory and literary legacy of Franz Werfel.
Franz Werfel (1890-1945), Austrian poet, modernist playwright, and novelist, was born in Pra- gue, the son of a Jewish merchant. During World War I, Werfel served for several years on the Rus-
sian front as a soldier in the Austrian army. A friend of authors Max Brod and Franz Kafka, Werfel later moved to Vienna and Berlin. He was forced to leave the Prussian Academy of the Arts in 1933. His 1933 novel, Die vierzig Tage des Musa Dagh (The Forty Days of Musa Dagh), detailed the mass murder and expulsion of Armenians from eastern Anatolia in 1915 and received much attention in the United States. It stood as a warning against future acts of mass murder and won lasting respect from Armenian communities throughout the world.
Werfel’s books were burned by the Nazis as those of a Jewish author who advocated pacifism, love for all mankind, and hostility to extreme nationalism and Nazism. Werfel had to flee Austria after the German annexation. He then escaped from France by hiding in the Catholic sanctuary of Lourdes, crossing the Pyrenees on foot to safety in Spain, and leaving from there for the United States. With gratitude for his sanctuary at Lourdes in mind, he wrote the best-selling novel, The Song of Bernadette. Though he remained a Jew all of his life, Werfel was attracted to many aspects of Catholicism.
How Will the Canadian Museum for Human Rights Represent Genocide?
Statement by the International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Issues (A Divi- sion of the Zoryan Institute) on the Canadian Museum for Human Rights
TORONTO -- The International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (A Division of the Zoryan Institute) (“IIGHRS-Zoryan”) was invited to a public gathering in Winnipeg by the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (“CMHR”) in April 2003, after an initial meeting with Gail Asper in Toronto. As a Canadian institution, we lent our name publicly in support of the CMHR at an early stage.
Our early enthusiasm diminished over time, owing to the politics surrounding the museum. Owing to such politics, we still have no idea how the Armenian Genocide and other cases will be represented in the CMHR. The IIGHRS-Zoryan made a detailed presentation to CMHR officials in December 2009, as part of its public consultation, on how to represent genocide in general, and the Armenian Genocide in particular. When we found that the public consultations were not being taken into consideration by museum officials, and there was an outcry from various communities about what they felt was unfair treatment, we subsequently issued two public statements on this issue in February and August 2011, and wrote directly to Stuart Murray, the museum’s President and Chief Executive Officer. None of the points have been dealt with by the CMHR, nor has our letter been responded to.
The essence of the arguments is as follows.
The lack of responsiveness of the CMHR and the absence of information about how cases of the gross violation of human rights will be represented raise questions as to which cases will be included, how much space will be allot- ted to each case, what their content will be, if they will have a permanent or only temporary exhibit, and how these decisions are made. Moreover, there is a close relationship between the gross violation of human rights and genocide that is being neglected in the museum’s planning. Unless we study such cases comparatively, the lessons that can be learned are of limited value, particularly with a view to the prevention of such cases.
In trying to fend off criticism from various community groups over its handling of these issues, the CMHR posted a statement on its website, originally appearing as a letter in the Globe & Mail on March 23, 2011, that the museum is not about genocide and never was. The August 2011 IIGHRS-Zoryan editorial rebutted this with explicit statements to the contrary from the museum’s own publicity. The editorial also argued the benefits of studying the known cases of genocide on a comparative basis. Finally, the editorial pointed out that as a federal institution, the CMHR was legally required to adhere to the official Canadian policy of multiculturalism, which is to integrate all cit- izens into Canadian society and treat them fairly and equally.
We recently learned from Armenian community representatives that the museum will include the five geno- cides officially recognized by Canada’s Parliament, including the Armenian Genocide, but we still do not know how they will be represented or how the CMHR will deal with the fundamental questions raised in our two public state- ments. It seems that the CHMR is playing community politics by contacting different groups at different times, while ignoring the challenging questions raised by an institute whose mission is the study of these very issues. We raise the- se issues today to make the Armenian community aware of what has transpired over the past eight years. The IIGHRS-Zoryan calls upon the Armenian community of Canada to speak with one voice and to demand answers to these questions, for which we have been awaiting an answer for a long time.
Armenia Has a Unique Chance
By Naira Hayrumyan
The crisis of the global governance threatens to escalate into a serious conflict, and the leaders of the great powers are trying to find a solution.
The informal summit of the foreign ministers of G 20 is underway in the Mexican town of Los Cabos. The main issue is global governance.
Nothing is known about the results of the discussion but it is evident that the world is trying to review a number of key issues. One of these issues is 1% population which owns 30-50% of world goods. The global politics is based on the needs of this 1%, they have concentrated in their hands almost all the financial resource, keeping the remaining 99% in captivity. It has been possible to sustain the world population at a tolerable social level for several decades, but now that the world population is growing, and the shortage of food and fuel is becoming an issue, the population de- mands social justice.
This issue is especially urgent in the U.S. while the election campaign is underway. Represen- tative Ron Paul who is running in the primaries made a sensational statement: “We've slipped away from a true Republic. Now we're slipping into a fascist system where it's a combination of govern-
ment and big business and authoritarian rule and the suppression of the individual rights of each and every American citizen.”
Such statements by possible U.S. presidential candidates evidence that the era of “democratic majority” is coming to end. The world has so far been artificially divided into two large parties which shared their stances, and decisions were taken proceeding from the opinion of the majority even if it was 51%.
This system is exhausted and now the world needs to take into account the opinion of the 99% of the population. The concept of public interest is becoming dominant, and people more often wonder whose interests the government defends, 1% or the major part of the population.
These issues are highly relevant in Armenia where now civic engagement is awakening, where the government is asked questions about whether it should protect the interests of the business or the public.
Armenia is the witness of the crisis of the current economic management in transitional coun- tries but it is moving by inertia towards the collapse of the system. We keep borrowing money from international organizations, becoming the hostage of capital trying, to build the democratic system of majority which is no longer trusted in the West.
It is noteworthy that Russia is walking against the stream. Putin stated that strategic control will continue until it enables the world capital fill Russia. Pro-Putin experts note as his positive feature that he does not want to be part of the global power of capital, imperialism. But what does he propose in return? What a new system of values does he propose? Is it only restoration of Soviet socialism and military state?
Armenia may work out its own approach to reforms of global governance, insisting on the re- duction of financial dependence on the West and weakening of Russian bondage regarding security issues. And most importantly, Armenia may form a government, proceeding from the interests of 100% and not 1% of the population. This may seem utopia but all the other ways lead to a catastro- phe, like in the case of Greece, which is deciding now to be or not to be part of global financial management.
Armenia Fund Starts Construction of Vocational School in Shushi
YEREVAN -- The Hayastan All-Armenian Fund’s French affiliate has launched the construc- tion of a vocational school in Nagorno Karabakh’s city of Shushi.
According to a press release by the fund, the future institution will be named after French- Armenian benefactor Yeznik Mozian, whose bequest has provided the necessary funds for the pro- ject.
With a total area of 4,050 square meters, the future school will accommodate up to 225 stu- dents. It will offer a three-year certificate program in various specialties as well as a broad spec- trum of general academic subjects.
The two-story campus will feature all required amenities including fully appointed classrooms, workshops, labs, and a library. The facility will also be equipped with central heating and air-
conditioning, and comprise storage space for educational materials. Currently construction crews are laying the building’s foundations.
"On the model and standards of similar French professional institutions our architects and con- sultants have designed this school to practice the most effective educational methods. School pro- fessors and instructors will be selected and trained accordingly", said the Mozian family representa- tive Robert Aydabirian, who is the overall project coordinator.
Graduates of the Yeznik Mozian School -who will be certified variously as locksmiths, metal- workers, welder, casing worker, mason, painters, roofers, stuccoer, tilers, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, and other specialists - are expected to enter the local job market, helping fill the short- age of trade professionals.
“The school will welcome students from all over Karabakh as well as Armenia, being equipped with dormitory facilities and aimed at becoming the most advanced school of this kind in the re- gion”, points out the chairman of the Hayastan Fund French affiliate Bedros Terzian.
“Today Artsakh is in dire need of highly skilled professionals in the construction sector,” said Kajik Khachatryan, head of the Shushi District Administration. “The Yeznik Mozian School will mean a wonderful opportunity for young people who wish to specialize in a particular trade and be- come accomplished specialists.”
“The establishment of the Yeznik Mozian School is an unprecedented initiative in the history of our organization,” said Ara Vardanyan, executive director of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund. “We are confident that, thanks to the contribution of our French-Armenian benefactor, the socio- economic development of Shushi will be further boosted by an educational institution poised to produce generations of highly qualified professionals.”
The Yeznik Mozian School is being constructed in Shushi’s eastern neighborhood, which con- tinues to be developed as the city’s educational quarter. It is already home to several music and lib- eral-arts schools as well as the Agriculture Department of Artsakh State University.
By Harut Sassounian Publisher, The California Courier
Egemen Bagish: Turkey’s Minister of Genocide Denial
Even though all Turkish government officials routinely deny the Armenian Genocide, one par-
ticular minister has turned denial into a full-time job. Ironically, as Minister for European Union Af-
fairs, Egemen Bagish has harmed Turkey’s prospects for EU membership more than any of its critics!
Although Bagish has been making zany statements ever since his ministerial appointment two years
ago, his recent blunder in Zurich made headlines around the world. The Turkish Minister arrogantly
dared Swiss authorities to arrest him after boasting that "the events of 1915 were not genocide!" Swit-
zerland has a law that penalizes genocide denial, similar to the law now pending in France. A Swiss
prosecutor is investigating Bagish’s words and his diplomatic status to see if charges could be filed
against him for genocide denial.
Of course, it does not take much courage to hide behind the cover of diplomatic immunity and make
Don Quixotic statements, challenging the laws of other countries. If Minister Bagish were truly a ma-
cho man, he would waive his immunity, go to Switzerland, and publicly deny the Armenian Genocide.
However, it appears that the feisty Minister has chickened out! After boasting that he would gladly re-
turn to Switzerland to deny the Armenian Genocide again, he facetiously declared that he would not go
to Switzerland, since he has no money in Swiss banks! The real reason for the Minister’s abrupt
change of heart is his fear of getting arrested should the Swiss prosecutor rule that his diplomatic im-
munity does not protect him from the crime of genocide denial.
How much longer can Prime Minister Erdogan tolerate Mr. Bagish’s clownish antics that make Tur-
key look like a rogue state in the eyes of the world? Admiring his fluency in English, the Prime Minis-
ter had offered this 41-year-old former New York college student a top ministerial post, not realizing
what a liability his loose tongue would prove to be!
Just as Pres. George W. Bush’s nonsensical statements became known as "Bushisms," the world now
has a rich collection of "Bagishisms!" Here is a sampling of his preposterous remarks:
-- "What happened in 1915 can’t be classified as genocide as far as I’m concerned, but I was not
around in 1915!"
-- "I’m a politician. My job is to determine the future, not the past!"
-- "In recent years, every one has seen that more Europeans are moving to Turkey than vice versa."
-- During a recent conference in Qatar, Minister Bagish became the laughing stock of the audience,
when he proudly announced that "Europe" is a Turkish word! The Greek Ambassador to Qatar angrily
responded: "Europa was one of the lovers of Zeus in Greek mythology, everyone knows that!"
-- Minister Bagish does not seem to realize that he is contradicting himself by asking other countries
to open their archives to see if there was an Armenian genocide, while concluding that there was no
genocide! The least he could do is have the decency to keep his mouth shut until the Ottoman archives
are fully open. Meanwhile, the archives of other countries have been open for decades.
-- Rattling off the witty Americanisms he picked up in the streets of New York, such as "a day late and
a dollar short," Bagish told Euronews: "This is execution without trial. Calling the 1915 events a geno-
cide based solely on information we have right now comes from a lobby that nurtures malicious ha-
-- "Germany was a strong ally of the Armenians in 1915, so the Germans should open their archives
and give documents to historians for examination," Bagish told EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan
Fule, according to Hurriyet newspaper. Bagis made two factual errors in one sentence: Germany was
the ally of the Ottoman Empire, not Armenians; and the German archives have been open for years!
-- "There’s no force that could bring about the arrest of any Turkish Minister," Bagish bragged to
journalists. Why is he then afraid to waive his diplomatic immunity and then deny the Armenian
Genocide in Switzerland?
-- Bagish keeps on repeating the falsehood that the Armenian government "did not have the courage to
respond to Prime Minister Erdogan’s letter requesting the formation of a commission of historians to
study the Armenian Genocide." In fact, the then Pres. Kocharian did answer, suggesting that all out-
standing issues between the two countries be resolved in the larger context of government to govern-
ment relations. It was the Turkish Prime Minister that did not respond to Armenia’s President.
While Minister Bagish has diplomatic immunity, the rest of Turkey’s population does not enjoy such
a privilege. It may be a good idea to accord immunity to all 72 million Turks in order to shield them
from prosecution, when they utter the words "Armenian Genocide" in Turkey!
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