Saturday 8 September 2012


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Thousands of Hungarians protested in Budapest against their government
Արաբական աշխարհի «Գարուն»ը որ Թունուզէն ծլարձակեցաւ եւ Լիպիա-Եգիպտոս-Եմէն երկիր- ներուն մէջ պտղաւորուեցաւ, կը փորձէ շարունակել իր «գարնանացումը» Պահրէյնի եւ Սուրիոյ մէջ, ուր նորօրեայ Արեւելք-Արեւմուտք պայքարի մը գետին կը պատրաստուի։ Պահրէյնի մէջ Սէուտական Արաբ- իան Իրանի բազուկը բռնած է, Սուրիոյ մէջ ալ՝ աշխարհի մեծերը փոքրեր շալկած, իրար դէմ ցցուած են։ Սուրիոյ «Գարուն»ը կը շարունակէ մահ ու աւեր սփռել ամէն տեղ, եւ կռուող կողմերը մարդկային ամէն արժէք ու սրբութիւն կ՚անտեսեն։ Արաբ-Թուրք նորօրեայ մերձեցումը, Թուրքիա-Ռուսիա առեւտրական շա- հերով ընթացող սերտակցութիւնը, Իսրայէլ-Ազրպէյճան սթրաթեժիք զինուորական գործակցութիւնը եւ Իրան-Իսրայէլ բախումի մը հաւանականութիւնը, Թուրքիա-Իսրայէլ նոյն գեր-հզօրին ծառայելը եւ Թուրք- իա-Իսրայէլ-Ազրպէյճան երրեակի գործակցութեամբ՝ Հայաստանի դէմ զարգացող վտանգը: Այս բոլոր երե- ւոյթները, որ 21-րդ դարու Միջին Արեւելքին նոր գոյն, ձեւ ու երես տալու պատկեր կը ներկայացնեն, ան- պայման որ մօտէն թէ հեռուէն իրենց ազդեցութիւնը պիտի ունենան աշխարհի բնակչութեան վրայ, որ Նաֆթի եւ կրօնի պատճառաւ կախեալ է Միջին Արեւելքէն։
Կար ժամանակ, երբ պաղ պատերազմ կոչուող անուան տակ Արեւելք-Արեւմուտք դասակարգային սուր պայքար կար. Արեւելքի գաղափարապաշտութիւնը յաղթած կը թուէր ըլլալ Արեւմուտքի նիւթապաշ- տութեան, եւ կրօնամոլը նախանձոտ աչքերով կը դիտէր իրմէ առաջ քալող գաղափարապաշտին։ Կար Եր- կաթէ Վարագոյր (Iron Curtain) եւ Չարամիտ Կայսրութիւն (Evil Empire) անուններով՝ Արեւմուտքի կողմէ խարանուած Սովետ Միութիւն, եւ կար գաղութատիրութիւն, դրամատիրութիւն եւ կայսերապաշտութիւն անուններով ճանչցուած Արեւմտեան աշխարհ: Առաջինը կը մեղադրուէր Սովետ ժողովուրդները խեղդա- մահ ընելու յանցանքով, եւ երկրորդ երրեակն ալ կը նկատուէր «Երրորդ Աշխարհ»-ի ժղովուրդներու դէմ դաւադրութիւններ սարքող։ Թուրքիա, Իսրայէլի կողքին, ազգայնական Արաբին թշնամի պլօքին կը պատ- կանէր, Հայաստանն ալ, Ազրպէյճանի հետ միասին, Սովետ Պլօքին մէջ եղբայր ըլլալու խաբկանքը կ՚ապրէր։ Իսլամ կրօնամոլութեան ներկայացուցիչները (Իսլամ Եղբայրութեան Շարժում, իսլամ կնոջ ներկայիս ընդ- հանրացած «հիժապ»ի կերպարը, եւ Ուսամա Պէն Լատընի կրօնամոլ նմանները) շուքի մէջ մնացած էին եւ առաջատար տեղ չունէին Արաբական Ծոցէն դուրս գտնուող արաբախօս կամ իսլամ երկիրներու մէջ։ Արաբական ազգային միութեան դրօշին տակ հաւաքուած էին արաբ աշխարհի իսլամ եւ քրիստոնեայ ազ- գայինները, եւ Արաբիստանը, Պաղեստինի փրկութեան կոչին տակ, ազգային միութեան գործ տանիլ դաւա- նող ղեկավարները բռնապետեր նշանակած էր՝ Արեւելքի եւ Արեւմուտքի կարգադրութեամբ։
Եւ պատահեցաւ որ Արեւելք-Արեւմուտք պայքարին մէջ ոմանք մտցուցին կրօնքի զէնքը, եւ ծնունդ տուին Ուսամա Պէն Լատին կոչուող ոճրագործ-կրօնամոլներու, որոնք Աֆղանիստանի մէջ Արեւմուտքի կաթը խմելով մեծցան եւ դարձան գազաններ, դառնալով նորաստեղծ Ֆրանքըշթայնի կերպարներ, որոնք յօշոտեցին զիրենք ստեղծող տէրերը, Նիւ-Եօրք քաղաքի Ուօլ Սթրիթ կոչուող փողոցի խորտակեալ շէնքե- րուն տակ։ Մինչ այդ, Կլասնոսթ եւ Փէրէսթրոյքա քայլերով արդիական աշխարհ մտնել ուզող Կորպաչեւը ձախողեցաւ ներկայ «համայնավար-դրամատէր» Չինաստանի պէս բարեփոխել կեանքը իր Սովետ ժողո- վուրդին, եւ Պերլինի պատի անկումով վերացաւ նաեւ այն պատը որ դրամատէր աշխարհի մէջ կը բաժնէր գայլը ոչխարէն, եւ հզօր ընկերութիւններուն տուաւ սանձարձակ եւ աւերիչ ազատութիւն մը, որ Downsizing կամ Cost-saving խաբկանք ծրագիրներով տակնուվրայ ըրաւ կեանքը պարկեշտ գործաւորին։ Եւ պատահե- ցաւ նաեւ այնպէս, որ հարիւր տարիներու երկայնքին ճակտի քրտինքով եւ պայքարի արիւնով շահուած ընկերային ծառայութիւններ, որ միջակ դասակարգ ստեղծած էին եւ անոր արդար աշխատանքին հատու- ցում որպէս կը ծառայէին, հզօր ընկերութիւններու (Major Corporations) անզգամ մարդոց կողմէ, հազարու- մէկ սուտ պատճառաբանութիւններով, ծախսալի եւ աւելորդ նկատուեցան, որպէսզի հարուստը գոհանար եւ միջակ դասակարգը դասալքուէր, որ «հարուստը աւելի հարստանար եւ աղքատն ալ աւելի աղքատա- նար»։
Եւ ցաւալի է որ պարզ ու հասարակ մարդոց մտքեր լուալով (Brainwash), եւ առեւտրական քրիս- տոնեայ աղանդներու օրհնութեամբ ու բացայայտ գործակցութեամբ, այս բոլորը եղան ընտրական քուէա- տուփերու խողովակով եւ նիւթապաշտ մարդոց կողմէ՝ ժողովրդավարութեան իմաստը շահագործելով։
Այսպիսի հզօր ընկերութիւններով կառավարուող Ամերիկան, ասկէ քանի մը ամիս ետք, Նոյեմբեր
ամսուն, պիտի ունենայ իր նախագահական ընտրութիւնները։ Աշխարհ կը սպասէ այդ ընտրութիւններու արդիւնքին, որպէսզի տեսնէ թէ ո՛վ եւ ի՛նչպէս պիտի վճռէ ապագան Միջին Արեւելքի մէջ իրար հետ խա- ղաղ կեանք ապրիլ չուզող ժողովուրդներուն։ Մինչ այդ, Ռուսիան, որ դժգոհած է Ամերիկայէն յետ-Քազ- զաֆի Լիպիոյ մէջ շահաբաժինէ զրկուած ըլլալուն համար, կը փորձէ իր երբեմնի հզօր պետութիւն ըլլալու իրաւունքը խաղալ Սուրիոյ մէջ, որպէսզի լրջօրէն նկատի առնուի, երբ այդ տագնապած շրջանին մէջ ՄԵԾերը նոր քարտէսներ գծելու նստին։
Միջին Արեւելքի պետութիւնները ատենօք կազմուեցան Համաշխարհային Ա. Պատերազմէն ետք լուծեալ Օսմանեան Կայսրութեան տակ գտնուող տարածաշրջաններէն։ Անոնք ստեղծուեցան եւ սահմա- նագծուեցան այն ատենուան աշխարհակալ նկատուող կայսրութիւններու (Անգլիա-Ֆրանսա) կողմէ, որոնք պատերազմի ընթացքին իրենց կնքած գաղտնի համաձայնագրութեամբ (1916), որ Սայքս-Փիքօ (Sykes-Picot) կոչուեցաւ, իրենց շահերու պատկերին համապատասխան ժողովուրդներ եւ պետութիւններ ստեղծեցին (վերապահելով շրջան մը ապագային ստեղծուելիք Իսրայէլի համար)։
Այսօր, Իսրայէլ-Պաղեստին հակամարտը որ կէս դարէ աւելի տակնուվրայ ըրաւ Միջին Արեւելքի կեանքը, ինչպէս նաեւ Սուրիոյ արաբական մահասփիւռ «Գարուն»ը, կը սպասեն ամերիկեան ընտրութիւն- ներու արդիւնքին, որ կրնայ բերել այնպիսի վարչակագ մը, որ նոր Սայքս-Փիքոյանման գաղտնի համաձայ- նութիւններ կնքելով, Միջին Արեւելքի քարտէսին կրնայ տալ նոր պատկեր մը։ Ցաւալի է տեսնել Արաբիս- տանի Թուրքիոյ յենած Սիւննիներուն եւ Իրանի յենած Շիիթներուն զոհ դառնալը կրօնի զէնքին, որ ատենօք Ամերիկայի կողմէ գործածուեցաւ Սովետ Միութեան դէմ, Աֆղանիստանի եւ Լեհաստանի մէջ։
Յաւալի է նաեւ որ այսօր արաբական «Գարուն»ով ծնած մանուկը Արաբիստանի մէջ, որ ունի ամէն իրաւունք մեծնալու, ազատ ապրելու եւ վայելելու արդի աշխարհի պատուաբեր կեանքին համազօր ապրե- լակերպ մը, ծնած ըլլալ կը թուի ընտանիքի մը մէջ որ կրօնամոլութեամբ կը դիտէ իր շրջապատը, եւ պատ- րաստ է իր «Գարուն» կոչեցեալ զաւակը մատաղ ընել սատանայ աստուածներուն ...... որոնք նոր տիպի կրօ- նական ու համայնքային պատերազմներ կը ծրագրեն իրեն համար։
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Սուրիոյ հայ գաղութը, որուն կազմակերպեալ կեանքի արմատները կ՚երթան մինչեւ 1432 թուական, Սփիւռքի ամենակենսունակ գաղութներէն է եւ միշտ լիաբուռն մասնակցած է մեր համազգային բոլոր նախաձեռնութիւններուն։ Այսօր ի'նքը կը գտնուի ծանր կացութեան առջեւ եւ կարիքը ունի մեր ամենուս օժանդակութեան։
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Վստահ ենք, որ Գանատայի հայութիւնը խուռներամ պիտի ընդառաջէ նախաձեռնող կազմակերպութիւններու կոչերուն եւ պիտի կարենանք մեր լաւագոյնը ընել Սուրիոյ մեր կենսական գաղութի այս նեղ օրերուն։
Armenia Suspends Diplomatic Relations with Hungary International Criticism and Condemnation Over Azeri Killers Pardon
Thousands of Hungarians protested in Budapest against their government
YEREVAN –Armenia suspended diplomatic relations with Hungary on Friday, furiously condemning the NATO and European Union member state for effectively freeing the convicted Azerbaijani killer of an Armenian army officer.
President Serzh Sarkisian announced the decision at a meeting with the Yerevan-based ambassadors of foreign states and representatives of international organizations. It followed an emergency session of Armenia’s National Security Council that discussed implications of RamilSafarov’s extradition to Azerbaijan and a pardon immediately granted to him By President IlhamAliyev.
“With these joint actions, Hungary’s and Azerbaijan’s authorities have cleared the way for a repeat of such crimes,” Sarkisian told the foreign envoys. “They are sending a message to murderers. They [murderers] know now that a murder committed on the basis of religious or ethnic hatred can go unpunished.”
“I can not tolerate that,” he said. “The Republic of Armenia can not tolerate that. The Armenian people will not forgive that.”
“I am officially declaring that today we are suspending diplomatic relations and all official contacts with Hungary,” he added.
Sarkisian stated that official Budapest simply cut a secret deal with the Azerbaijani government after having repeatedly assured Yerevan that the Azerbaijani army lieutenant will remain behind bars in Hungary. He said officials at the Hungarian Foreign Ministry and parliament reiterated those assurances “during contacts in recent days.”
Sarkisian went on to urge the international community to respond to the development with “clear and unequivocal actions.” “Half-measures and empty talk are not acceptable,” he warned. “We will judge the attitude of our partners towards the security of the Armenian people by their response to this incident.”
The warning seemed primarily addressed to Western powers. Sar-kisian noted that after Lieutenant Gurgen Markarian was axe-murdered by Safarov during a NATO training course in Budapest in 2004 they were “continually urging us to refrain from politicizing that process.” “We were continually urged to trust the judiciary of Hungary, a member of that important alliance,” he said.
The president spoke of implications of Safarov’s release for the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict when he addressed his National Security Council earlier in the day. He ordered Defense Minister
SeyranOhanian to put Armenian army units on a higher state of alert and said he will give the head of the National Security Service, Gorik Hakobian, an unspecified “special assignment.”
Sarkisian said he has also told Armenian diplomatic missions abroad as well as Armenian Diaspora groups to launch public relations campaigns. “The Hungarian authorities must understand that they have committed a serious blunder,” he said.
International Condemnation President Obama “Deeply Concerned”
President Barack Obama has expressed his “deeply concern” over Azerbaijan’s pardon of convicted soldier Ramil Safarov who axed Armenian lieutenant, GurgenMarkarian to death, the White House said Friday.
“President Obama is deeply concerned by today’s announcement that the president of Azerbaijan has pardoned RamilSafarov following his return from Hungary,” said National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor.
“We are communicating to Azerbaijani authorities our disappointment about the decision to pardon Safarov,” Vietor added in a statement.
“This action is contrary to ongoing efforts to reduce regional tensions and promote reconciliation. The United States is also requesting an explanation from Hungary regarding its decision to transfer Safarov to Azerbaijan.”
US State Department Statement
The State Department also reacted to the pardon of Safarov. In a press statement Patrick Vent- rell, Acting Deputy Spokesper-son, Office of Press Relations said, “The United States is extremely troubled by the news that the President of Azerbaijan pardoned Azerbaijani army officer RamilSafarov, who returned to Baku today following his transfer from Hungary. Mr. Safarov had been serving a life sentence in a Hungarian jail for murdering Armenian officer GurgenMargaryan during a 2004 NATO training event in Budapest.
We are expressing our deep concern to Azerbaijan regarding this action and seeking an explanation. We are also seeking further details from Hungary regarding the decision to transfer Mr. Safarov to Azerbaijan.
We condemn any action that fuels regional tensions”.
OSCE Statement
International mediators from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe said on Monday that Azerbaijan’s decision to pardon RamilSafarov had damaged the peace process in the region.
The international mediators, including representatives of the United States, Russia and France, met with the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan after the pardon threatened to inflame tensions.
The mediators “expressed their deep concern and regret for the damage the pardon and any attempts to glorify the crime have done to the peace process and trust between the sides,” the group said in a statement.
Russia Deplores
Russia deplored on Monday a pardon granted by Azerbaijan’s President IlhamAliyev to Azerbaijani army officerRamilSafarov, saying that it will complicate a peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
Unlike the United States and the European Union, Moscow also explicitly slammed Hungary for extraditing the convicted murderer.
“We believe that these actions by the Azerbaijani as well as Hungarian authorities run counter to efforts agreed upon at the international level and within the OSCE Minsk Group framework in the first instance and aimed at reducing tension in the region,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Aleksandr Lukashevich said in a statement.
NikolayBordyuzha, secretary general of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), a Russian-led military alliance of six ex-Soviet states, denounced Safarov’s release from prison in stronger terms. He said the move “runs counter to the norms of international law and calls into question the viability of the inter-state system of countering crime.”
“Nothing can justify this step taken for parochial political purposes,” Bordyuzha said in a statement. “Moreover, turning the criminal into a hero will only help to heighten the already high tension in the region.”
European Union Criticizes Azerbaijan
The European Union on Monday criticized Azerbaijan for freeing Safarov. “We are concerned by the news that the president of Azerbaijan pardoned Azerbaijani army officer RamilSafarov who was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of an Armenian army officer in 2004,” MajaKocijancic, a spokeswoman for EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton told a news briefing in Brussels. “We are closely following the situation and are in contact with relevant sides to obtain more information,” said Kocijancic. “We are particularly concerned with the possible impact that these developments might have on the wider region, and therefore we call on Azerbaijan and Armenia to exercise restraint on the ground and in public statements in order to prevent any kind of escalation of this situation.”
S.D. Hunchakian Party Condemns the Extradition and Subsequent
Pardon of Azeri Murderer Safarov
YEREVAN -- Armenia Branch of the Social Democrat Hunchakian Party issued a statement condemning the extradition and subsequent pardon of the convicted Azeri murderer Ramil Safarov.
Safarov had been serving a prison sentence in Hungary, where he had killed an Armenian officer while both were attending a training course at a military academy in the capital, Budapest, in 2004. The Azeri soldier, without any regret, confessed that he had hacked the Lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan to death and was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2004. Yet On Friday, August 31st the Hungarian government repatriated the Azerbaijani military officer to Azerbaijan where he was immediately pardoned and set free by Azeri President IlhamAliyev. This prompted Armenia to cut diplomatic ties with Hungary, accusing it of having struck a deal to secure energy.
In a statement the party says: “The decision of the Hungarian authorities to repatriate the Azeri murderer and terrorist to Azerbaijan is worthy of contempt. Hungary, which considers itself to be a devotee to the European values and the protection of human rights, agreed to transfer a murderer throwing a challenge to the whole civilized world and proving that Azerbaijani dollars are more important than justice.”
The Hunchakian Party welcomes the decision of the Armenian authorities to suspend diplomatic relations with Hungary, and expresses the hope that the process does not stop and Safarov receives punishment either in Budapest or at home in Baku . The fact of praise and glorification of murderers in Azerbaijan demonstrates the Armenophobic, genocidal and fascist atmosphere that reigns today in Azerbaijan.
The party is confident that organizations throughout Diaspora will take action to make the international community give an adequate assessment of “Hungary’s treacherous behavior and Azerbaijani fascist policy,” The statement concluded expressing “The hour of retribution is close ...”
Armenians Burn Hungary Flags to Protest Safarov’s Return
YEREVAN -- Hundreds of people protested outside the Hungarian consulate in Yerevan on Saturday after Budapest sent convicted murderer Ramil Safarov back to his native Azerbaijan, where he was pardoned. The protest was jointly organized by “Sargis Tkhruni” student union of Social Democratic Hunchakian Party and “Hayazn”
The demonstrators burned the Hungarian flag and threw eggs, tomatoes and coins, accusing Budapest of doing a deal with Baku in order to profit from Azerbaijan’s energy riches. “The Hungarians have sold their honor and conscience to the Azerbaijanis like a common prostitute,” protest organizer ArmenMkrtchian told AFP . The protesters held slogans of “Shame”, “Death to the enemy” and “Hungary is a sold country”.
Hungarian national, armenologist Sigmund Benedek also participated in the protest, he issued the following statement: “I am asking for forgiveness from the whole Armenian nation as well as from the family of GurgenMargaryan. I consider such behavior of Hungarian Government as immoral against Armenian nation. GurgenMargaryan was murdered in result of crime committed against ethnic identity. Extradition of Safarov is the great mistake of Hungarian diplomacy: I will be the ambassador of Armenian opinion in Hungary” mentioned Hungarian armenologist asking not to put parallels between Hungarian nation and authorities.
“Hungarian nation is near Armenians and Armenia” he summarized.
S.D. Hunchakian Youth Mark the Independence of Artsakh
YEEVAN -- To mark the 21st anniversary of the Independence of Artsakh, SarkisDkhruni Students and the Youth Union of Social Democrat Hunchakian Party (SDHP) paid tribute to the fallen soldiers who fought for the independence and freedom of Artsakh at the Erablur Pantheon on September 2.
Flowers are wreaths were laid on the tombs of the martyrs as a sign of respect and gratitude for the perished heroes who sacrificed their lives in order for Artsakh to be free and independent regardless of their ranks, positions or party affiliations.
Dkhruni Youth members were accompanied by Artsakh fighters, among whom was the prominent commander of the Hunchakian “Paramaz” Detachment Commander Volodya Azatyan, ASALA member Vasken Siselyan and SDHP Armenia Executive Chairman GevorgPerkupekyan.
Hungarians Rally in Budapest Call for Resignation of Government
BUDAPEST -- Several thousand Hungarians protested in Budapest on Tuesday against their government’s decision to allow convicted Azeri killer Ramil Safarov to return home, leading to heightened tensions between Armenian and Azerbaijan.
Protesters chanting “We are sorry, Armenia” said they doubted the government’s motives, adding that whatever the reasons, the decision was unacceptable.
“Murderers should not be extradited to countries where it is clear that ethnic hate crimes are considered heroism,” said protester Laszlo Muhari, 30. “In a democratic country this is not acceptable.”
“(Prime Minister Viktor) Orban should stop lying and start giving clear answers, because it is simply impossible that such a brutal killer is just released without a background deal.”
A Meeting With Ankara Ambassador
Reported by Rev. Fr. Vertanes Kalayjian, Archpriest and Edward Alexander
In the July consecutive issues (26 & 27) of the Massis Weekly, an organ of the Armenian Social Democratic Hunchakian Party, was published an interview-article about a meeting held between the leaders of the traditional Armenian political parties and the Foreign Minister of Turkey. It is an interesting and educational report that those who are interested in the Hay Tad should read. After reading the said article by Avedis Demirjian, we thought we should report about that other meeting which was held 26 years later in the Capital of the USA, here in Washington, DC.
Here it is.
In mid-June of 2003 a meeting initiated by Mr. Ecvet Tezcan, Ambassador and General Director for Intelligence and Research within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, was held with a few prominent members of St. Mary Armenian Apostolic church community in the Washington, DC area and myself, as the Pastor of the church. The others were: Mr. Edward Alexander who had years of diplomatic experience having served as the chief of the Armenian section of the Voice of America and later in the State Department as a diplomat in various capacities; Mr. Vartkess Balian of blessed memory, a much revered and devoted member of the church in leadership positions both in the church and the AGBU; his equally dynamic and involved wife, a leader and activist Mrs. Rita Balian. The latter graciously agreed to make their residence available for the meeting. This was not the first time that the Balian residence was the venue for such meetings. Even before the final establishment of the Embassy of Armenia, the Balian residence had become an unofficial venue for such meetings with ambassadors, congressmen, senators and governmental delegations from Armenia and elsewhere. Both their hospitality and rich collection of rare Armenian art on display made their residence conducive to such meetings.
The meeting started with Amb. Tezcan informing us that the proposal to meet with Armenian Diaspora figures in the United States, in order to ascertain their thinking on Turkish-Armenian relations had originated with him and had received the full support of the Turkish Government.
He went on to underline his government’s position that the establishment of an independent Armenian state had motivated Turkey to make every attempt toward normalization of relations, but with Armenian-American insistence on initial recognition of the Genocide, the process was not advancing. He pointed out, however, that discussions between Turkish and Armenian officials taking place in their respective capitals reflected good intentions on both sides.
It was understood as well, and it was made very clear by the Armenian group, that no Armenian community in the United States could speak to issues that were clearly in the domain of official Armenian-Turkish negotiations betHaving said that much, our group maintained that the Diaspora Armenians still hold Turkey responsible for what had happened in the years from 1800-1923, particularly the mass deportations and killings that culminated in the Genocide.
Further, there are some other fundamental issues that need to be brought to the table, not the least of which are all the provisions of the Lausanne Treaty with respect to minority rights. It was brought to the ambassador’s attention that this very meeting was taking place thousands of miles away from our ancestral lands and homes as a direct consequence of the Ottoman and Young Turk Governments’ policy of deportations and killings. This opened the door to remind Amb. Tezcan of the individual family odysseys that, in one case, started from Kotahya from where the Balian grandfather and other members of the family started to be “relocated” in Kirkouk (present day Iraq) and from there to Dera’a, Syria just south of Damascus. From there, encouraged by the French, Armenians went back to Adana only to be deceived once again and be deported a second time by the forces of Mustafa Kemal, the “Father” of present day Turkey.
“Mr. Ambassador, you are in the presence of survivors of the genocidal policies of your government,” he was told. “To start goodwill negotiations or even a simple dialogue, we need to have some confidence-building acts or events before we start. And we do not need long stretched-out diplomatic negotiations, because it is all within the power of the Turkish Government. One stroke of the pen will do it, especially with the provisions of the Lausanne Treaty which Turkey has signed.”
As a starter it was underlined also that the need for the government to stop harassing and remove the bureaucratic red tape in dealing with the Armenian Church and the Armenian schools in Turkey. This act alone will go a long way in confidence-building. We were also aware of, as much as the Turkish government is, that, along the path of joining the European Union, the Turkish government needs to recognize the Armenian Genocide, and deal with the solution of the Cyprus issue. The lively discussions continued and consisted of responses to provocative questions with no holds barred, although the atmosphere was always cordial and civilized. The scope of the discussion was wide: Turkey’s obstructive policy of denial; the plethora of evidence in Armenian and European archives, unknown to the Turkish generation; the resurging involvement of Armenian youth in Genocide awareness of Turkish destruction of the Armenian cultural monuments and churches in Anatolia and elsewhere.
Each of these and other themes were explored, sometimes in minute detail, the Armenian side emphasizing that it represented no particular political party or faction but only the conscience of five generations. The meeting concluded with the hope that a rapprochement could be reached with an exercise of reason and respect for the interest of both sides. When asked, however, whether his initiative represented some glimmer of hope in Ankara toward conciliation of the major issue dividing the two nations, Ambassador Tezcan stated flatly that the Turkish Government would never recognize the Genocide. In response, one of the members of our group answered with equal solemnity that the road to Turkish membership in the EU would be equally difficult, if not impossible.
After his return to Turkey, in a follow-up note, the Ambassador stated: “Dear Mr. Alexander, believing that a thorough exchange of perspectives is crucial for the establishment of
a fruitful dialogue, I would like to express my thanks for the meeting we had during my visit to the USA in early June [2003].”
The following year, in a message relayed through Mr. Timur Soylemez of the Turkish Embassy in Washington, Ambassador Tezcan proposed another meeting with our group to be held in April of 2004. We conveyed our regrets to him for not being able to respond to his invitation for the following reasons:
1. As it must be evident, April was not the most appropriate month to have such a dialogue;
2. We still cling to our optimistic hope that the Turkish Government will come forth with genuine confidence- building gestures of goodwill intentions towards issues that are vital to us, the Diasporan Armenians;
3. We look forward to Turkish Government recognition of the Republic of Armenia and the lifting of all blockades;
4. We await all of these positive developments and to continuing our dialogue for the common good of both the Armenian and Turkish people. There was no follow-up response and the dialogue ended there.
Genocide & Human Rights University Program Alumni Continue to Grow
TORONTO -- The International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (A Division of the Zoryan Institute) concluded its 11th successful year of growth in the Genocide and Human Rights University Program (GHRUP). To date, some 300 students from 22 countries have participated in the renowned program, which is run in partnership with the University of Toronto. Twenty-two students from Armenia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Turkey, and the United States participated in the 65-hour seminar, which ran from August 6 to 17, 2012. They were taught by eleven leading scholars from the fields of International Law, Political Science, History, Sociology and Psychology through a uniquely interdisciplinary and comparative approach. This year’s students came from such diverse fields as Criminology, Development Studies, Diaspora Studies, International Law, Literature, Social Work, Theatre, and, of course, Genocide Studies.
Prof. Joyce Apsel, the program’s new Course Director, observed “The GHRUP students formed a learning community both within and outside the classroom setting. They learned both from the speakers and from one another, and were able to weave together difficult, important themes about studying genocide and other atrocities. The classroom was a site for moving beyond static frameworks and hierarchies and challenging each other to understand the complicated dynamics of human destructiveness in history. The diverse intellectual interests, training and backgrounds of the students and their commitment to the study of genocide and human rights issues resulted in my first year as GHRUP Course Director being an extraordinarily meaningful one.”
The GHRUP was established in 2001—the first course was offered in 2002—with a mission to help develop the next generation of genocide scholars. A noteworthy achievement in this regard was the participation of one of the program’s own graduates as an instructor. Maja Catic, Assistant Professor, Department of Defence Studies, Canadian Forces College, reintroduced the genocide in the Former Yugoslavia to the curriculum, which hadn’t been taught for several years.
Another noteworthy achievement this year was a new unit titled, “The Psychological Trauma of Genocide,” taught by Shaké Toukmanian, Professor Emerita and Senior Scholar, Dept. of Psychology, York University, and a founding member of the GHRUP Program Development Committee. She noted that while studying genocide through a historical or political lens is important, it does not allow for a holistic understanding of the crime. In her presentation, she sought to focus on the human dimension of genocide, the experience of psychological trauma of the survivors and their descendants, with particular emphasis on women and children of the Armenian Genocide, and drawing comparisons with interviews with female survivors of the Bosnian Genocide, who had borne children conceived through rape.
Israel Charny, Executive Director, Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide, Jerusalem, and Editor-in-Chief of the Encyclopedia of Genocide, joined the class over webcam from Israel. As a practicing psychologist and one of the world’s foremost experts on the subject of genocide denial, he was able to draw on his decades of personal experience confronting denial to give students an insight into its theoretical basis, the motivations of deniers, and the controversy over criminalizing denial versus freedom of expression.
Upon completing the program, one student commented, “All of the instructors were incredibly knowledgeable, prepared, empathetic and passionate about the field. They conveyed passion and inspired a true commitment from all of us.” Another wrote, “I simply loved the course. Trying to learn from prominent scholars and to understand the debates surrounding the field was enlightening. Getting to know, spend time, respect and make friendships among like-minded human beings who are truly committed and willing to learn and share experiences was fantastic.” A third remarked, “Genocide is not taught like this anywhere, it is a must to keep this going.”
“It has been a challenge to keep this program going for so many years, but a very satisfying one,” commented Greg Sarkissian, President of the IIGHRS. “The challenges are many—organizational, logistical, pedagogical, and, of course, financial,” he continued. “To bring in so many talented instructors—eleven this year— and dedicated students from far and wide is a very difficult undertaking, costing to date some $1.1 million, or an average of $100,000 per year. But when you see how the faculty present their subjects and how the students respond and are engaged, you know that you have made a good investment helping to develop the next generation of genocide scholars, raising awareness of the crime of genocide, and, hopefully, in the future of genocide prevention,” he concluded.
For more information, visit, write to, or call 416-250-9807.
Armenian Studies Program California State University, Fresno Paul Ignatius to Speak on his New Book “Now I Know in Part: An Armenian-American Reflects on His Life and Times”
FRESNO -- Paul R. Ignatius, former U. S. Secretary of the Navy and Assistant Secretary of Defense, will speak on his new book Now I Know in Part: An Armenian-American Reflects on his Life and Times at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, September 12, 2012, in the University Business Center, Alice Peters Auditorium, Room 191, on the Fresno State campus.
The lecture is part of the Armenian Studies Program Fall 2012 Lecture Series and is co-sponsored by the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research.
Paul R. Ignatius’ Now I Know in Part, a substantially revised and expanded edition of a memoir that was first published privately in 2000, was issued in late 2011 by NAASR’s Armenian Heritage Press.
In Now I Know in Part, Ignatius looks back on family history, childhood in Glendale (long before it had a major Armenian community), colorful characters (famous and obscure), Hollywood brushes with greatness, military service during World War II, a memorable journey to Historic Armenia with NAASR in 2006, and more.
A descendant of Armenian parents from the Kharpert region of historic Armenia, Ignatius is a native of Glendale, California, and a graduate of the University of Southern California. He earned an BA from Harvard University after serving as a naval officer in World War II. He is also the author of On Board: My Life in the Navy, Government, and Business (Naval Institute Press, 2006).
Ignatius served for eight years in the presidential administrations of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, first as an Assistant Secretary of the Army, then as Under Secretary of the Army and Assistant Secretary of Defense, and finally in 1967 as Secretary of the Navy. Following his government service, he was president of the Washington Post for two years and president of the Air Transport Association for fifteen years. He is the recipient of the Army Distinguished Civilian Service Award, the Navy Distinguished Public Service Award, and the Department of Defense Distinguished Public Service A ward.
Copies of Now I Know in Part will be available for purchase after the lecture. The lecture is free and open to the public. Parking: Parking rules have changed for the university. Parking is available in Lots A or J on
campus, only if a free parking pass is obtained by using parking code 273301 in any of the campus kiosks. For more information on the lecture please contact the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669.
Hungarian/Azeri Scandal Vindicates Artsakh’s Quest for Independence
By Harut Sassounian Publisher, The California Courier
Armenians worldwide are outraged by Pres. Aliyev’s pardon following the Hungarian government’s release of Ramil Safarov -- an axe-wielding Azeri Lieutenant who hacked to death Armenian officer Gurgen Margarian in his sleep, while attending a 2004 NATO course in Budapest.
One is at a loss to decide which country should be blamed more for this scandalous and shameful affair -- Hungary or Azerbaijan? Part of the blame should also go to the international community for ignoring the repeated protestations of Karabagh (Artsakh) Armenians that they never again could live under the repressive rule of Azerbaijan.
When Safarov committed his barbaric act in 2004, Azeris celebrated his cowardly crime and sang his praises. Since then, Azerbaijan did everything possible to induce the Hungarian government to release the axe-man from prison, while Armenian officials sought to ensure that Safarov serves his life-sentence.
Hungary’s leaders repeatedly assured Armenia that the Azeri prisoner would not be released, despite Azerbaijan’s relentless pressures. Yet, on August 31, 2012, without any prior notice, the Hungarian authorities broke their solemn pledge by sending Safarov to Baku.
Why this sudden turn of events? The likely explanation may be found in a brief news item released by Bloomberg a week earlier: “Azerbaijan is in talks with Hungary to buy as much as three billion euros worth of government debt.... The debt, which may be sold in Turkey at the request of Azerbaijan and denominated in Turkish lira, may be sold prior to Hungary coming to an agreement with the International Monetary Fund on a backstop.... Azerbaijan is willing to accept yields below the market rate on Hungary’s debt.”
Clearly, Hungary has betrayed Armenia for “30 pieces of silver” -- in this instance, three billion euros ($3.77 billion)! Such a large sum would go a long way to rescue Hungary from financial ruin, but would not save Hungarian officials from moral bankruptcy! For Hungary, Azerbaijan’s oil money is more
precious than Armenian blood. To justify its sinister deed, Hungary leaked a letter dated August 15, 2012 from Vilayat Zahirov,
Azerbaijan’s Deputy Minister of Justice, confirming that his country would not commute Safarov’s sentence after his transfer to Baku. Zahirov cited Article 57.3 of Azerbaijan’s Criminal Code, assuring that a convict serving a life sentence can only be released after 25 years in prison.
Not surprisingly, Azerbaijan violated not only its commitment to Hungary, but also its own laws, when Pres. Aliyev set Safarov free by granting him an immediate pardon upon arrival in Baku on a specially chartered flight of Azerbaijan Airlines. The Azeri Lieutenant was promoted to the rank of Major, received a free apartment, eight years of back pay, and a hero’s welcome for the cold-blooded murder of a sleeping Armenian!
In view of the worldwide Armenian outrage at this disgraceful development, Pres. Serzh Sargsyan called the National Security Council to an emergency session on August 31, announcing Armenia’s suspension of diplomatic relations and all official contacts with Hungary. He further summoned the head of Armenia’s National Security Service and gave him a “special assignment!” Pres. Sargsyan then delivered a terse message to a gathering of foreign Ambassadors in Yerevan, cautioning them that Armenia’s future relations with their governments would depend on their reaction to this incident! Russia and the United States responded by expressing their concern at Safarov’s release and pardon, and demanding an explanation from Hungary and Azerbaijan.
Since Azerbaijan will surely reject any suggestion of incarcerating its “national hero” or returning him to Hungary to serve out his life-sentence, Armenians should embark on a series of initiatives to convince the international community that Artsakh can never accept the rule of axe-wielding murderers and their state sponsors. Armenians should take advantage of the sympathy generated by this miscarriage of justice in order to strengthen their case for Artsakh’s independent statehood.
In the coming days and weeks, Armenians should step up the pressure on Hungary and Azerbaijan by holding demonstrations in front of their embassies and consulates, asking all countries as well as NATO, EU and OSCE to condemn the shameful manipulation of international norms of justice by Budapest and Baku.
Armenia should immediately suspend negotiations with Azerbaijan and recognize the independence of Artsakh, urging all other countries to do likewise. When Pres. Aliyev signed Safarov’s pardon, he unwittingly affirmed Artsakh’s quest for independence.
Armenians worldwide should join forces to strengthen Armenia politically, economically, and militarily to forestall Azerbaijan, Turkey, and all others from resorting to any future hostile action.
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