Thursday 25 October 2012

LOUSSAPATZ_ The Dawn - 2012-956-10-27

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Ամերիկան պիտի ընտրէ իր նախագահը Նոյեմբեր 6-ին, եւ ամէն տեսակի գուշակութիւններ ու հաշիւներ ցոյց կուտան որ յաղթանակ տանելու մէջ գրեթէ հաւասար ուժ կը ներկայացնեն Հանրապետական եւ Դեմոկրատ կուսակցութիւնները։
Ամերիկայի մէջ առաջին անգամ ըլլալով կարծէք գաղաբարական պայքար կայ ունեւորներու եւ չունեւորներու միջեւ. իրենք զիրենք «հաւատացեալ» կոչողներու եւ այդպիսիներու կողմէ «անհաւատ» կոչուող «այլազաններու» միջեւ. պետութեան հաշւոյն ապրիլ ուզող (Ռոմնիի վերագրեալ սպրդած լուռով) ժողովուրդի քառասուն- եօթ առ հարիւր տոկոս ներկայացնող «անգործ» կամ «ծոյլ» նկատուող ամերիկացիներու եւ անոնց դէմ կանգնող «աշխատասէր» կամ «գործունեայ եւ տրատու» ամերիկացիներու միջեւ։
Երեք հեռատեսիլային վիճաբանական ելոյթներէ (TV Debate) ետք, Օպաման եւ Ռոմնին յստակօրէն փորձեցին սիրաշահիլ միջակ դասակարգը Ամերիկայի, որ կը ներկայացնէ մեծագոյն տոկոսը քուէարկողներուն եւ որ կը տառապի իր կեանքի մակարդակի անկումէն։ Տնտեսական նեղ վիճակի մէջ եղող միջակ դասակարգը, որ անգործ է եւ իր բժշկական պէտքերը հոգալու համար ապահովական բազմածախս ու բարձր վճառում (Premium) պահանջող ընկերութիւններու կողմէ շարունակ կը շահագործուի, պէտք է եւ պարտի գիտնալ թէ ընկերային ծառայութիւն տուող կողմը պէտք է յաղթէ յառաջիկայ ընտրութիւններուն մէջ, որպէսզի ան սեփական շահերով հետաքրքրուող մեծ ընկերութիւններու զոհը չմնայ։ Ան սուտերով պէտք չէ տարուի կամ խաբուի թէ հարուստն է որ գործ կը ստեղծէ եւ չհաւատա՛ որ անոր շահերը պաշտպանող կողմը գործ կը ստեղծէ։ Պահպանողական տնտեսական տեսակէտներով լեցուն անցեալի ռազմասէր եւ ինքնասէր պահպանողական քաղաքականութիւնն էր Ճորճ Պուշի եւ Եւրոպացի իր գործակիցներուն որ անգործութիւն պատճառեց աշխարհի մէջ, գոհացնելու համար միլիառներ դիզող հարուստները աշխարհի։ Հայ համայնքը Ամերիկայի, որուն մեծամասնութիւնը անկասկած որ միջակ դասակարգին կը պատկանի, հարկ է որ ճիշդ դիրքորոշուի, յառաջիկայ ընտրութիւններուն։ Հնչակեան կուսակցութեան Հայ Ամերիկեան Խորհուրդը, խելացի կեցուածք որդեգրեց վերջերս յայտարարաելով որ ան զօրավիգ կը կանգնի Պարաք Օպամայի ընտրութեան, անոր վերընտրութիւնը նկատելով յաղթանակ մը ամերիկացի ժողովուրդի մեծամասնութեան տնտեսական, հարկային, ընկերային եւ քաղաքական շահերուն։ Եւ որովհետեւ հաւասար կը նկատուին ուժերը, ամերիկահայերու խելացի դիրքորոշումը ի նպաստ Օպամայի կրնայ փրկել Ամերիկան եւ անոր կարքով ճամբորդող աշխարհը, ռազմասէր ու ինքնասէր պահպանողականներէն։
The report between these pages are illegible, therefore, omitted!
Գանատական Խորհրդարանի Նախկին Անդամ (1993-2004) Քաղաքացիական Դատաւոր (2005-2008) Տիար Սարգիս Ասատուրեանի Հանդիպումը Հունգարիոյ Դեսպանին Հետ, Օթթաուա, Գանատա
Տիար Սարգիս Ասատուրեան պաշտօնական հանդիպում մը ունեցած էր Օթաուայի, Գանատա, մէջ, Հունգարիոյ դեսպան Լազլօ Բօրտանիի (Laszlo Pordany) հետ, իր գրասենեակին մէջ։ 45 վայրկեան տեւող անհատական հանդիպման ընթացքին քննարկուած էր Հունգարիոյ եւ Հայաստանի ներկայ քաղաքական կացութիւնը։ Դեսպանը, ներկայ կացութիւնը գնահատող իր արտայայտութիւններուն մէջ եղած էր անկեղծ։ Դեսպանին (աւելի ետք) կատարած հետեւեալ գրաւոր պատասխանը (թարգմանաբար) կը յանձնենք մեր ընթերցողներու ուշադրութեան.-
Սիրելի Պրն. Ասատուրեան, Կը փափաքիմ շնորհակալութիւն յայտնել Ձեզի, Հունգարական դեսպանատուն կատարած Ձեր այցելութեան եւ մեզի հետ Ձեր քննարկելուն համար այժմէական հրատապ հարց մը, ինչպէս նաեւ այդ մասին իմանալու համար Հունգարական կառավարութեան դիրքը եւ իմ կարծիքս։ Արտօնեցէք նաեւ որ երախտագիտութիւնս արտայայտեմ մեր զրոյցին նկատմամբ։ Մեր խորհրդակցութիւններուն ընթացքին, Ձեր դրական եւ յստակ արտայայտութիւններուն լոյսին տակ, ուրախ եմ Ձեր փափաքը կատարել կարենալուս` գրաւոր կերպով կրկնելով կարգ մը գլխաւոր մտախոհութններ, որոնք կþընդգրկեն Ձեր հարցումներուն պատասխանները։ 1- Հակառակ կարգ մը հաւաստիացումներու, Ռամիլ Սաֆարով ազատ չէր արձակուած բանտէն, այլ որոշուած էր Պուտափէշտէն զինք փոխադրել տարբեր բանտ, իր հայրենիքին մէջ շարունակելու համար իրեն վճռուած ցկեանս բանտարկութեան պատիժը։ 2- Չկայ որեւէ երկիր որ կը ցանկայ օտար բանտարկեալներ յաւիտեան պահել իր հողին վրայ։ Նաեւ՝ իմանալով կատարուած սահմռկելի ոճրագործութեան պարագան, մենք մեծ նախազգուշութեամբ նկատի առինք զայն բանակցութիւններու ընթացքին, պատրաստութեան եւ նոյնինքն՝ փոխանցման պարագային, որ տեղի ունեցաւ ամբողջովին միջազգային օրէնքներու հիման վրայ։ 3- «Կարգադրութեան» կարեւոր մէկ մասնիկն էր, մասնաւոր համաձայնութեամբ, բանտարկեալը պահել նոյն պայմաններուն մէջ ինչպիսիք էին Հունգարիոյ պայմանները։ 4- Այս հարցով, ենթադրեալ որեւէ «ֆինանսական կարգադրութեան» մը ակնարկութիւնը, բոլորովին սխալ է։ Հունգարիոյ համար տարօրինակ ամբաստանութիւն մըն է անիկա, զոր երկու երկիրներու պետութիւններն ալ դրժած են ընդունիլ։ 5- Ազրպէյճան ուրացաւ իր խոստումը։ Սաֆարովը փոխանակ անմիջապէս բանտարկուելու, ներումի արժանացաւ, եւ ընդունուեցաւ որպէս ազգային հերոս։ 6- Հունգարիան, Ազրպէյճանի արարքը ոչ միայն կը նկատէ օրինական խախտում, այլ նաեւ զզուելի, անբարոյ եւ անընդունելի։ 7- Հունգարիա հաղորդած է այս պարագան Ազրպէյճանի կառավարութեան, ծանրակշիռ եզրերով, որովհետեւ մենք շարունակաբար յայտարարած ենք մեր յուսախափութիւնն ու անհամաձայնութիւնը Ազրպէյճանի որոշումին նկատմամբ։ 8- Հունգարիա բնաւ նպատակ չունէր վիրաւորելու Հայաստանն ու հայ ժողովուրդը։ Այդ անկարելի է։ Հայաստան, դարերէ ի վեր սերտ բարեկամ ունի Հունգարիան, եւ մենք հազարաւոր հայ գաղթականներու ապաստան տուած ենք դարերու ընթացքին։ Մեր
քաղաքացիներէն եւ հայրենակիցներէն շատեր տակաւին ունին երկքաղաքացիութիւն, այլ խօսքով՝ անոնք միաժամանակ լաւ հայեր եւ լաւ հունգարացիներ են։ Այս կը նշանակէ թէ՝ հայերը անարգելով մենք զմեզ կ’անարգենք։ 9- Մենք մեծապէս կը ցաւինք երկու երկիրներու դիւանագիտական յարաբերութիւններու կասեցման համար։ Պիտի փորձենք գտնել եւ գործածել բոլոր դիւանագիտական միջոցները, վերականգնելու համար բարեկամական կապերը Հայաստանի հետ։ Այդպիսի առիթ մը կարծէք ստեղծուած է Զուիցերիական կառավարութեան ջանքերուն շնորհիւ։
Կը գնահատեմ ձեր արդար հետաքրքրութիւնը այս հարցին մանրամասնութիւններուն առնչութեամբ։
Ձերդ՝ Անկեղծօրէն՝ Տոքթ. Լազլօ Փորտանի Հունգարիոյ Դեսպան
Թուրքիան Կրնայ Կործանիլ Մինչեւ 2030 Թուականը.
Քաղաքագէտ Քաղաքագէտ Սերկէյ Շաքարեանց Թուրքիոյ
առջեւ ծառացած երեք կործանարար սպառնալիքներ կը տեսնէ: «Թուրքիային սպառնացող առաջին եւ շատ կարեւոր վտանգն է Արեւմուտք-Սիրիա յարաբերութիւնը: Սա Թուրքիայի թշնամին է: Յաջորդ վտանգաւոր սպառնալիքը Իրանն է, որը երբեք թոյլ չի տայ, որ Թուրքիան հնարաւորութիւն ստանայ իրականացնելու իր «նէոօսմանիզմ»-ի ծրագիրը: Իրանը հակակշիռ է Թուրքիային, եւ դա շատ լուրջ
խնդիր է վերջինիս համար»,-ըսած է քաղաքագէտը: Այս մասին կը հաղորդէը: Քաղաքագէտին կանխատեսումով` եթէ նոյնիսկ Թուրքիան կարենայ շրջանցել այս երկու ընդհանուր խնդիրները, ապա երրորդ` խոշորագոյն սպառնալիքին դէմ ոչինչ կրնայ
ընել: Այդ սպառնալիքը Ռուսաստանն է, որ շահագրգռուած է սահմանափակել Թուրքիան: Ըստ անոր` այս սպառնալիքները կը նպաստեն Թուրքիոյ կործանումին իբրեւ պետութիւն մինչեւ 2030 թուականը, եթէ ոչ` աւելի շուտ: «Այդ ժամանակ հաստատ Թուրքիան չի լինի այն երկիրը, ինչ կայ այսօր»,-ըսած է քաղաքագէտը: Ֆինանսապէս այդ երկիրը այսօր
ալ ձախողման եզրին է, քանի որ ահռելի քանակութեամբ արտաքին պարտք ունի, նշած է ան: Շաքարեանց ըսած է նաեւ, որ Թուրքիոյ համար սպառնալիք են նաեւ քիւրտերը, քանի որ Սուրիոյ մէջ կատարուող վերջին իրադարձութիւնները կը վկայեն Սուրիոյ, Իրաքի եւ Թուրքիոյ քիւրտերու համախմբման մասին: «Չի բացառւում, որ դրանից կը տուժի հէնց
Թուրքիան»,-ըսած է քաղաքագէտը:
FM Nalbandian Slams Mexico Over Controversial Resolutions on Nagorno Karabakh
MEXICO CITY -- On a visit to Mexico on Monday Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian voiced his concern over adoption of distorting resolutions by Mexican parliament over Nagorno Karabakh.
Mexican lawmakers passed a resolution earlier this year saying that the military operation launched by Armenians near Khojalu in late February 1992 was an instance of ethnic cleansings against Azeri civilians.
Meeting with his counterpart Patricia Espinosa, the Armenian minister stressed that these resolutions roughly contradict the position of the international community voiced many times by the leaders of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing countries and harm the talks and regional security as well as negatively affect Armenian-Mexican relations.
The minister also stressed that he shares the viewpoint of Mexican human right defenders that the unveiling of the so-called “Khojalu monument” in Mexico is an offence to the memory of genocide victims and agreed with the responses throughout the world over placing statue of former president of Azerbaijan in Mexico’s capital. Mexico’s Minister offered explanations over the placing of the former president’s statue, saying the Mexican public has negatively responded to it.
On the same day the Armenian minister met with the members of the Mexican Senate. He said this year the two countries are marking 20th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations but not everything that was done was aimed at developing the relations, but just the opposite, there were steps that harmed them. “What I mean is the adoption of resolutions about Nagorno Karabakh by the Mexican former convocation parliament which contradict the stance of the international community and encourages the unconstructive stance of Azerbaijan and its aggressive steps,” Minister Nalbandian said.
EU Wants Cleaner Election for Deeper Ties With Armenia
YEREVAN -- A further deepening of the European Union’s ties with Armenia and its greater economic assistance to the country hinge on the proper conduct of the upcoming Armenian presidential election, a senior EU diplomat said on Monday.
“The European Union expects Armenia to ensure that the presidential elections scheduled for 2013 are and will be in line with international standards,” Traian Hristea, head of the EU Delegation in Yerevan, told a news conference. “Armenia should therefore address effectively the shortcomings identified by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights during the May 2012 parliamentary elections.”
“Let me stress again that whether this is done will determine the pace of our bilateral cooperation with Armenia,” he said. “We expect that the full commitment of the Armenian authorities will ensure that the elections are held in a democratic and transparent manner.”
Hristea reaffirmed the EU’s largely positive assessment of the Armenian parliamentary elections, saying that they were marked by “noticeable improvements” in election administration. But he said “much more is necessary” for making the presidential election, due in February, truly democratic.
“The conduct of elections is a test of successful reforms in Armenia closely monitored by the European Union,” Hristea said. “It also determines the more-for-more principle from which Armenia has already benefited.”
The EU allocated 43 million euros ($56 million) in fresh assistance to Armenia last month. It plans to give the Armenian government 15 million euros in additional funding soon in recognition of economic and political reforms implemented so far.
Yerevan hopes to secure much greater economic assistance as a result of an unprecedented conference of Armenia’s foreign donors planned by the EU. Visiting Yerevan in July, EU President Herman Van Rompuy indicated that the donor conference is contingent on the Armenian authorities’ handling of the presidential election.
“We will be ready to assist our Armenian colleagues in organizing a possible [donor] conference and to go ahead with the preparations if this more-for-more principle will be continuously implemented,” Hristea said in this regard. The EU diplomat met journalists to announce the second phase of a $2.2 million program that the European Commission launched early this year to foster the freedom and fairness of Armenian elections. Much of this money is being spent on training of local election officials and monitors.
Archbishop Torkom Manoogian Laid to Rest
JERUSALEM -- On Monday, October 22, the funeral service was performed for His Beatitude Archbishop Torkom Manoogian, the late 96th Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, and former Primate of the Eastern Diocese, who passed away on October 12.
On the prior evening, the casket was carried in a procession from the Jaffa Gate to Sts. James Armenian Cathedral, where the Divine Liturgy was celebrated on Monday morning. The Patriarch was subsequently interred at the Holy Savior Monastery at the Zion Gate.
Archbishop Aris Shirvanian presided over the funeral, in his capacity as the newly elected Locum Tenens of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem. He was elected to that position last Friday, during a special meeting of the Patriarchate’s monastic brotherhood. He will lead the organization of a patriarchal election following the 40-day period of mourning for Patriarch Torkom. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese, paid his final respects to Patriarch Torkom in a eulogy: “He was one of the very few churchmen of his generation to carry the weight of our church on his shoulders. He stood out . . . and seemed to combine all the grace and dignity of the Armenian past, with all our fondest hopes and aspirations for the future. “
Armenia Fund Launches Telethon 2012 Campaign
GLENDALE -- Wednesday, October 10, 2012 marked the launch of Armenia Fund's 15th International Telethon campaign.
The live 12 hour program is set to air on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2012 and will raise funds for the construction of Multifunctional Community Centers in the remote villages of Armenia and Artsakh.
The community centers will house first aid clinics with an ambulance, computer rooms connected to the internet, an auditorium for trainings and town hall meetings, a library with audio visual equipment, as well as an administrative and accounting office. The dinner reception, hosted at the House of Armenia in Glendale, attracted long time donors and supporters of the Fund.
The event has become a tradition where the official logo of the telethon is unveiled, kicking off the campaign and rallying the greater Armenian-American community around one mission: to help strengthen Armenia. The honor of unveiling the official Telethon 2012 Logo, designed
by Los Angeles based graphic artist Edik Balaian, was given to Mr. Ara Vardanyan, Executive Director of Hayastan All-Armenian Fund and Mr. Ara Aghishian, Esq., Chairman of Armenia Fund U.S.
Western Region. Present at the event was the Honorable Grigor Hovhanissian, Consul General of the Republic of Armenia in Los Angeles, Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate of the Western Prelacy, Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian, former Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, as well as the leadership of major Armenian-American organizations, who are also members of the Armenia Fund’s Corporate Board.
Armenia and Karabakh Presidents Inspect Troops on Frontlines
Presidents Sarkisian and Sahakian inspecting Karabakh frontlines
STEP ANAKERT -- President Serzh Sarkisian visited Armenian frontline positions near Nagorno-Karabakh and discussed the tense situation along the Armenian-Azerbaijani “line of contact” with the NKR’s top military commanders on Monday. Sarkisian was accompanied by Karabakh president Bako Sahakian and Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian.
The Armenian leader “familiarized himself with the combat readiness of the armed forces on the spot.” He also monitored fresh exercises held by the NKR Defense Army before holding a meeting with the top army brass. No details of that meeting were reported.
The Armenian and Karabakh militaries ended on October 13 more large-scale war games involving thousands of army reservists. They simulated,
among other things, missiles strikes on oil installations and other strategic targets in Azerbaijan. The two-week drills highlighted the growing risk of another Armenian-Azerbaijani war. Sarkisian, who commanded Karabakh Armenian forces during the first war, claimed earlier this month that the Azerbaijani side is “getting prepared for resuming military hostilities and settling the conflict by
military means.” He pointed to “a dangerous accumulation of armaments in Azerbaijan.”
By Representative Adam B. Schiff
Time to Refocus on Artsakh
When the Soviet Union broke apart twenty years ago, simmering ethnic and regional conflicts that had been suppressed for decades reemerged with great suddenness. Concentrated in the Caucasus, the fighting has ebbed and flowed over the years, with several of the conflicts left unresolved, or “frozen,” as American and European policymakers have been preoccupied with crises in the Middle East and South Asia, and economic woes at home.
The most bitter of these clashes, and the one most likely to flare anew, is the standoff between Azerbaijan and Nagorno- Karabakh or “Artsakh,” an almost exclusively Armenian area that was placed under Azerbaijani administration in 1923 by the Soviet Government, despite centuries of cultural, linguistic and religious ties to Armenia.
In 1988, as Soviet central control was beginning to weaken under Mikhail Gorbachev, the Armenian population of Nagorno- Karabakh renewed their longstanding struggle for independence
from Azerbaijan, touching off six years of conflict that would claim tens of thousands of casualties on both sides and push thousands more from their homes by the time a cease-fire was reached in May 1994.
The years since the end of the war have been uneasy – punctuated by frequent sniper attacks by Azeri forces along the line of contact and an unremitting stream of threats from a broad array of senior Azerbaijani government officials, including a threat to shoot down civilian airliners should the Nagorno Karabakh Republic proceed with plans to reopen Stepanakert Airport. In addition, the people of Artsakh face the daily threat from the estimated 100,000 land mines that were planted during the fighting of the early 1990s, and which remain largely uncleared.
Since 1992, the United States, France and Russia have spearheaded international efforts to mediate the impasse through the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s “Minsk Group.” Despite repeated efforts, including a renewed declaration of purpose by the three co-chairs in May 2012, the process has been stalled by repeated Azerbaijani demands for preconditions and added pressure on the Armenian side.
The volatility of the situation was greatly heightened last month by the egregious repatriation and release of Ramil Safarov, an Azerbaijani army captain who had confessed to the savage 2004 axe murder of Armenian army lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan, while the latter slept. At the time, the two were participating in a NATO Partnership for Peace exercise in Budapest, Hungary. After the murder, Safarov was sentenced to life in prison by a Hungarian court.
On August 31, Safarov was sent home to Azerbaijan, purportedly to serve out the remainder of his sentence. Instead of prison, he was greeted as a hero – promenading through the streets of Baku carrying a bouquet of roses. President Ilham Aliyev immediately pardoned Safarov and he was promoted to the rank of major and given a new apartment and eight years of back pay.
Safarov’s rapturous welcome in Baku is testament to the degree of anti-Armenian hatred that is being incited in contemporary Azerbaijan. That a man who nearly decapitated a sleeping comrade could be treated as a national hero is so inexplicable and appalling, it vindicates the concern of many Armenians that the forced imposition of Azeri sovereignty over the free people of Arstakh would result in a bloodbath.
The Aliyev government, for its part, by so publicly embracing a confessed murderer, has deliberately provoked all Armenians and defied the rule of law – while at the same time foreclosing any progress towards a resolution of the status of Artsakh in the foreseeable future. Azerbaijan’s transgression must carry a price, but it should also serve to remind us of the pressing need to ensure the rights of the Artsakh people to determine their own destiny.
I have long supported self-determination for the people of Nagorno-Karabakh and I believe that unless the United States and its Minsk Group partners take concerted efforts to resolve the status of Nagorno-Karabakh in a way that reflects the will of the people of Artsakh, the prospect for renewed fighting and horrific casualties will grow. It is in everybody’s interest to see this matter settled and it should be a diplomatic priority for 2013.
Years of fighting and economic isolation have left Nagorno-Karabakh seriously underdeveloped. With the assistance of the Armenian-American community, I have been pressing for USAID to devote more assistance to Artsakh. While I have succeeded in getting the amount for next year more than doubled (to $5 million) in the State Department funding bill pending in the House of Representatives, the need is much greater and more aid will be necessary.
Building a strong, independent Artsakh is only half of the equation, however. Azerbaijan must also be reminded that the price for its actions is high. Azerbaijan treasures the security assistance that it receives from Washington, not because it needs the money (it does not), but because it signifies a certain closeness in the bilateral relationship. By cutting off military aid to Azerbaijan, the United States would signal its disgust with the Safarov affair, while also reminding Aliyev that the United States will not tolerate any acts of aggression against Armenia or Artsakh. The people of Artsakh – overwhelmingly Armenian and overwhelmingly Christian – cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of Aliyev. By celebrating a murderer, he and his country have shown the world their true nature and made a compelling case for hastening full recognition of independent Artsakh.
East of Byzantium: War Gods A Graphic Novel by Roger Kupelian
GLENDALE -- Roger Kupelian, an award-winning Visual Effects Artist, will present his book East of Byzantium: War Gods on Thursday, November 8, 2012 at 7pm at the Glendale Central Library Auditorium, 222 East Harvard Street.
East of Byzantium: War Gods is a Byzantine-era saga of unparalleled bravery. A fresh new look at the world before the Dark Ages and after the fall of the Rome. It is the real story of exceptional men and women surviving in a world torn apart by war, religious strife, and the lust for world domination. The book reflects Kupelian's combined appreciation for history and sequential art. He says "I wanted to give the readers a cinematic experience of the story."
Roger Kupelian has been working in the Digital Effects industry since 1995. He is well versed in many forms of visual media, from the storyboard production to the final shots for major film projects. His film credits include the Academy award winning The Lord of the Rings, Alice in Wonderland, Charlie Wilson's War, Pirates of The Caribbean, X-Men, The Mummy, and Flags of Our Fathers. His accomplishments include published articles, short stories, and a documentary translated to three different languages and televised internationally. His artwork has been published numerous times and was featured in many of the Lord of the Rings
art books (and even as part of a stamp collection for the New Zealand postal service). A Jury Prize was awarded to his war-zone documentary, Dark Forest in the Mountains, which was followed up with a sequel, Hands and A Homeland.
The presentation is in English. Admission is free; seating is limited. Library visitors receive 3 hours FREE parking across the street at The Market Place parking structure with validation at the Loan Desk.
The program is sponsored by the Library, Arts & Culture Department, the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) and the Friends of the Glendale Public Library.
Rare Findings Dating Back to 6th Millennium B. C. Excavated in Massis
YEREVAN -- The excavation of 37 different monuments has been undertaken by the National Institute of Archeology and Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia and the results are satisfying. As the director of the Institute Pavel A vetisyan mentioned in the conversation with "Armenpress" not only excavations, but testing and research have been executed in those ancient places. Excavations in 10 archeological units are still being carried out. He said: "This year we have carried out excavation in Massis hill nearby Yerevan, which is a monument dating back to the Stone Age and probably the most part of the hill
was devastated during 1970s, but the layers are still safe. The Armenian-American expedition has already discovered the constructions with round plan and dug out a large amount of instruments from bones and stones."
According to Pavel Avetisyan among other things one unique finding has been discovered and depictions on its surface tell us about the fact that probably it belongs to the first half of the 6th millennium B. C. Notwithstanding, this should be proved by an exploration.
As the Director of the National Institute of Archeology and Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia archeological works in Areni Cave are still in process, although currently the expedition is more focused on the procedure of settlement of the group. Archeological excavations have been initiated in a number of Armenian capitals of various periods like Y ervandashat, Artashat, Armavir and Dvin.
St. Nersess Reception Brings Generations Together
NEW ROCHELLE, NY -- In late September, more than 100 friends of St. Nersess Armenian Seminary attended the 5th annual ‘Evening Under the Stars’ benefit reception and silent auction.
College graduates and young professionals who have attended past conferences, once again volunteered their time to organize the event, greet and serve attendees, and share their recent experiences of St. Nersess with guests while learning the similarities from early conference alumni in attendance.
The Guardians and Shepherds of the Seminary were the first to hear the details of the new property purchased in Armonk, NY, 16 miles from the current New Rochelle location. This 5.5 scenic, tree-adorned property will serve as the new home of the Seminary and will boast the Karekin I Theological Center, St. Hagop chapel, library, classrooms, offices, student housing, and a dean’s residence.
This new facility, along with the ultimate sale of New Rochelle, will provide a more sound financial foundation to build upon the institution’s already renowned theological program. The Seminary will soon launch a fundraising campaign for the new site, specifically including naming opportunities for the renovated buildings. Additionally, the Board will begin the process of selling the New Rochelle location.
St. Nersess, founded in 1961 and originally located in Evanston, IL, is the only Armenian Seminary specifically serving the Armenian Church and meeting the unique needs of the Armenian people across North America. Dozens of clergy and numerous lay leaders have graduated from St. Nersess and actively serve in the North American Dioceses. Additionally, the youth conferences continue to touch the lives of hundreds of teens and college-aged students each year. It is estimated that more than 6,000 youth have benefit from these conferences over the past five decades, with many – now as adults — serving their parishes in a variety of capacities.
The ‘Evening Under the Stars’ reception is one of the Seminary’s major annual fundraising events. During the evening, a silent auction was held with twelve items up for bid ranging from the popular Alex and Ani bangles to a Tufenkian oriental rug. A live auction was also held with an exclusively designed cross pendant by Michael Givelekian of Royal Jewels of Rye, NY, owned and operated by Mirijohn and Anoush Givelekian. Michael, a former conference attendee, was inspired from the Seminary’s stained glass entry door as the sterling silver cross pendant was inlaid with colorful hot enamel.
In addition to the guests who attended the festivities, many others generously supported this event through sponsorships. All proceeds from the reception and auction directly benefited the Seminary’s Youth & Vocations programs. To learn more about these and other programs and activities of the Seminary, as well as the exciting plans for relocation, please visit
Neither Obama Nor Romney Deserve Armenian-Americans’ Votes
By Harut Sassounian Publisher, The California Courier
During my recent trip to Armenia, journalists repeatedly asked which US presidential candidate I supported in the November 6 elections. My answer was clear and unequivocal: I supported neither Pres. Obama nor Governor Romney. Upon my return to the US, I was pleased to learn that the Armenian National Committee of America had made the same decision by not endorsing either candidate.
This was not a difficult decision. Both candidates have been disappointing. The President has not kept his word on many Armenian and non-Armenian issues, while his rival has not shown the slightest interest in the Armenian-American community and its issues.
Here is Pres. Obama’s long list of unkept promises on Armenian issues: 1. During the 2008 presidential campaign, he repeatedly pledged to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, and broke his promise after the election. 2. Furthermore, the Obama administration opposed the adoption of a congressional resolution on the Armenian Genocide. 3. Pres. Obama significantly reduced the amount of foreign aid to Armenia and Artsakh (Karabagh). Moreover, his administration did not spend the full amount of aid Congress had allocated to Artsakh. 4. He pressured Armenia to sign the infamous “Protocols” with Turkey in 2009. 5. He did not press Turkey to lift its blockade of Armenia. 6. He remained silent in the face of repeated saber-rattling by Azerbaijan’s President against Armenia and Artsakh, and ignored his campaign pledge to support Artsakh’s self-determination. 7. In late December 2010, circumventing the "hold" placed by U.S. Senators, Pres. Obama unilaterally appointed Matt Bryza as Ambassador to Azerbaijan. Bryza’s candidacy had been overwhelmingly opposed by the Armenian- American community. 8. Breaking another promise, Pres. Obama failed to promote trade with Armenia. 9. He and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did not respond to repeated requests to meet with Armenian-American community leaders to address their concerns.
Armenian-Americans do not need to beg Pres. Obama to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, since Pres. Ronald Reagan had issued such a statement in his Presidential Proclamation of April 22, 1981. By not acknowledging the Armenian Genocide, Pres. Obama simply undermined his own credibility. Most Armenian- Americans trusted him in 2008. They no longer trust him in 2012! As the popular saying goes, “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!”
Those who think that such an assessment is too harsh and too narrowly focused on Armenian issues should be advised that Pres. Obama has not kept 86 other promises on national and international issues, according to
Governor Romney has not fared any better with Armenian-Americans. He has avoided any contacts with the community, making no attempt to seek their support and votes. The concern is that if he shows such callous disregard when he desperately needs every single vote to get elected, he will most definitely not pay any attention to Armenians and their issues after the election!
Clearly, it is unwise for both presidential candidates not to court the support of Armenian-American voters in crucial swing states, at a time when the race is so tight that a handful of votes could mean the difference between victory and defeat. However, it is still not too late for the two candidates to sit down with the leadership of the Armenian-American community and address their concerns. This will not be an easy conversation. As it would be practically impossible to trust Pres. Obama’s new promises, his only credible response would be to take a positive step on an important Armenian issue before Nov. 6! Gov. Romney, on the other hand, has more of an uphill battle. Being a candidate, he can only make promises that would not be taken too seriously at this late hour.
To avoid being fooled again by false promises, the Armenian-American community needs to adopt a new election strategy. Only those candidates who have fulfilled their campaign promises during their first term in office should be supported for reelection. Promises made by new candidates or those with no solid record of accomplishments on Armenian issues should be simply ignored.
Finally, not voting for either presidential candidate does not mean sitting out the elections. One third of the US Senators are up for reelection as well as all 435 House Members. Armenian-American voters should reward candidates supportive of their issues by voting them back into office, and should punish their opponents by voting them out of office! Please consult ANCA’s ratings of all congressional candidates on
Newly discovered picture shows Kaiser's officers at scene of Turkish atrocity The INDEPENDENT
The photograph – never published before – was apparently taken in the summer of 1915. Human skulls are scattered over the earth. They are all that remain of a handful of Armenians slaughtered by the Ottoman Turks during the First World War. Behind the skulls, posing for the camera, are three Turkish officers in tall, soft hats and a man, on the far right, who is dressed in Kurdish clothes. But the two other men are Germans, both dressed in the military flat caps, belts and tunics of the
Kaiserreichsheer, the Imperial German Army. It is an atrocity snapshot – just like those pictures the Nazis took of their soldiers posing before Jewish Holocaust victims a quarter of a century later.
Did the Germans participate in the mass killing of Christian Armenians in 1915? This is not the first photograph of its kind; yet hitherto the Germans have been largely absolved of crimes against humanity during the first holocaust of the 20th century. German diplomats in Turkish provinces during the First World War recorded the forced deportations and mass killing of a million and a half Armenian civilians with both horror and denunciation of the Ottoman Turks, calling the Turkish militia-killers "scum". German parliamentarians condemned the slaughter in the Reichstag.
Indeed, a German army medical officer, Armin Wegner, risked his life to take harrowing photographs of dying and dead Armenians during the genocide. In 1933, Wegner pleaded with Hitler on behalf of German Jews, asking what would become of Germany if he continued his persecution. He was arrested and tortured by the Gestapo and is today recognised at the Yad Vashem Jewish Holocaust memorial in Israel; some of his ashes are buried at the Armenian Genocide Museum in the capital, Yerevan.
It is this same Armenian institution and its energetic director, Hayk Demoyan, which discovered this latest photograph. It was found with other pictures of Turks standing beside skulls, the photographs attached to a long- lost survivor's testimony. All appear to have been taken at a location identified as "Yerznka" – the town of Erzinjan, many of whose inhabitants were murdered on the road to Erzerum. Erzinjan was briefly captured by Russian General Nikolai Yudenich from the Turkish 3rd Army in June of 1916, and Armenians fighting on the Russian side were able to gather much photographic and documentary evidence of the genocide against their people the previous year. Russian newspapers – also archived at the Yerevan museum – printed graphic photographs of the killing fields. Then the Russians were forced to withdraw.
Wegner took many photographs at the end of the deportation trail in what is now northern Syria, where tens of thousands of Armenians died of cholera and dysentery in primitive concentration camps. However, the museum in Yerevan has recently uncovered more photos taken in Rakka and Ras al-Ayn, apparently in secret by Armenian survivors. One picture – captioned in Armenian, "A caravan of Armenian refugees at Ras al-Ayn" – shows tents and refugees. The photograph seems to have been shot from a balcony overlooking the camp.
Another, captioned in German "Armenian camp in Rakka", may have been taken by one of Wegner's military colleagues, showing a number of men and women among drab-looking tents. Alas, almost all those Armenians who survived the 1915 death marches to Ras al-Ayn and Rakka were executed the following year when the Turkish-Ottoman genocide caught up with them.
Some German consuls spoke out against Turkey. The Armenian-American historian Peter Balakian has described how a German Protestant petition to Berlin protested that "since the end of May, the deportation of the entire Armenian population from all the Anatolian Vilayets [governorates] and Cilicia in the Arabian steppes south of the Baghdad-Berlin railway had been ordered". As the Deutsche Bank was funding the railway, its officials were appalled to see its rolling stock packed with Armenian male deportees and transported to places of execution.
Furthermore, Professor Balakian and other historians have traced how some of the German witnesses to the Armenian holocaust played a role in the Nazi regime.
Konstantin Freiherr von Neurath, for example, was attached to the Turkish 4th Army in 1915 with instructions to monitor "operations" against the Armenians; he later became Hitler's foreign minister and "Protector of Bohemia and Moravia" during Reinhard Heydrich's terror in Czechoslovakia. Friedrich Werner von der Schulenburg was consul at Erzerum from 1915-16 and later Hitler's ambassador to Moscow.
Rudolf Hoess was a German army captain in Turkey in 1916; from 1940-43, he was commandant of the Auschwitz extermination camp and then deputy inspector of concentration camps at SS headquarters. He was convicted and hanged by the Poles at Auschwitz in 1947.
We may never know, however, the identity of the two officers standing so nonchalantly beside the skulls of Erzinjan.
Australia’s largest NSW state recognizes Nagorno Karabakh
October 25, 2012 - 11:18 AMT PanARMENIAN.Net - The Legislative Council of the New South Wales Parliament adopted a resolution recognizing the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh and the right to self-determination of its Armenian people, who declared independence from an oppressive Azerbaijan 20 years ago, reported the Armenian National Committee of Australia. The motion, which was unanimously adopted Thursday, Oct 25, comes after many months of advocacy from the ANC Australia. It was introduced to the Chamber by the Hon. Marie Ficarra MLC, who was been a long-standing supporter of Armenian issues. The motion acknowledges the 20th anniversary of
independence of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, it supports the right to self-determination of its people, and it “calls on the Commonwealth Government [of Australia] to officially recognize the independence of Nagorno Karabakh and strengthen Australia's relationship with the Nagorno Karabakh and its citizens”. ANC Australia Executive Director Vache Kahramanian and with Communications Director Haig Kayserian were present in the Gallery to witness the successful passage of this historic motion.
“Nagorno Karabakh has been at the forefront of ANC Australia’s recent activities. Today’s result is a victory for all those who continue to remain oppressed under brutal regimes,” Kahramanian remarked. “The NSW Parliament has always been, and continues to be, a beacon of hope in upholding human rights. We thank all members of the Legislative Council for taking a stance to uphold the basic human right to self-determination. In particular we thank Marie Ficarra for her courageous stance.”
ANC Australia Honorary Chairman, Greg Soghomonian welcomed this historic decision. Soghomonian said: “The Republic of Nagorno Karabakh is now receiving the status it has long deserved – an independent, democratic republic. This is a significant milestone for the Armenian-Australian community and the Armenian community at large.” He added: “This motion serves as a testament to the strength of the Armenian National Committee of Australia in ensuring the representation of all issues of importance to our community.”
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