Saturday 13 December 2008

A Monster's Fall - By A. Baghchedjian

November 2008

Harut Sassounian writes in the California Courier, August 26, 2008 that it is a unique chance for the Armenians to claim their properties from Turkey without the help of lawyers and or without gong to courts.

Armenians cannot make any individual property claims because
Turkey will prove Armenians sold their lands. You must think I am kidding. Absolutely not! The Turks planned in minute details the genocide with all its future provisions and consequences. Once they killed the men, the soldiers asked the women to sign papers that they were selling their properties. Those who refused were shot on the spot. Armenians have other documents. Remember all criminals make mistakes! As for our collective properties, all our churches have been destroyed partially or totally on purpose. If they were kept, they were made into stables. Our hospitals were confiscated due to all sorts of regulations or laws created specially for the purpose of confiscating. Most were sold and the buildings used for other purposes or the new owners have built completely new buildings and businesses.

Turkey affirms its citizens own a total 7 5 0 0 0 0 acres of land in Syria, Iraq and Egypt. This is an excellent pretense to declare war if things are not settled according to Turkish wishes...It is a trap for the involved countries. (Turkey is dreaming to take back land that they lost during World War One).

When we look at the tradition of war laws, the looser has no right to formulate any claims. It is the winner who dictates his will and wishes. Let us look at a concrete example.
Germany had invaded Poland. But Germany lost W.W.2 (World War II). Hence their departure from Poland, they left behind all German owned properties. Turkey had invaded the Arab countries. But Turkey lost W.W.I and had to give up its Arab provinces. A New map was drawn, in the Middle East, to establish the independence of Arab states. Turkey showed its good will to all Arab states, in the sense that all Moslem's are buddies. But in 1948, a new situation was created that titillated the fox's appetite. Little by little, Turks started to ask for properties supposedly owned by Turks in Syria, Iraq and Egypt. It is somehow sarcastic that Turkey makes land claims to others. When Turkey sits on the land and the property of others... Ai'shey Hyoors article in "Taraf" is very significant, "After 1914 who sat on Armenian properties".

As for Armenians, (The first Christian Nation to declare Christianity as state religion), fought with the allies during W.W.I, and won. They took for granted that the western civilized world would accept automatically the independence of
Armenia. What happened? Either the civilized world was not yet very civilized or they were duped.

As soon as, The Turks lost W.W.I, they ran to Anglo countries and told them that they would become their friend and promote English Values. But, in the dark, they negotiated with Stalin to promote communism throughout the Moslem countries. The Turks hate the Arabs. They even have a very famous proverb which shows their extreme hatred toward Arabs.

"Ney Shaamen Shekeree, Ney Araben yusee".

(The World wide famous Syrian sweets are called Shaamen Shekeree in Turkish).
The proverb translates, "I'd rather do without the Syrian Sweets than see the face of the Arabs".

While the Turks helped the revolutionaries to overthrow the last King of Iraq, the late Faisal II on
July 14, 1958, they were helping the King to have a Turkish Queen. The King thought, he was safe and refused the help offered to him from his cousin, King Hussein of Jordan.

In the
Middle East, most revolutions were initiated by the Turks to create havoc. The Turks are the genuine “Kafeeroon”. They rejected the very letters of the Holy Book of Islam – the Koran. They did that to pretend to the Westerners they are secular. On the other hand they pretend to be Moslems to the Moslems.

At the end of W.W.I, while the Turks negotiated with Anglos and Stalin, another group was giving out tins of gold, stolen from Armenians, to the French leaders. *So that they would not acknowledge Armenian Independence. But the French are not blameless, because they were trying to make Armenia a French colony. *(Socrat H. Terzian, Eighty Months Heroic Battle of Hajen With Pictures, "In Armenian", Editor Bartenon, Athens, 1937, page 304).

During W.W.II, the Turks sent all the Jews living on Turkish-lands to labour camps in Askale. Had Hitler won, no Jew would have come out alive from Askale. When it became evident Hitler would loose the war. Turkey declared to be on the side of the allies, and in Europe, supposedly, some Turkish families helped a Jew or two to escape…

Turks use different language to accommodate different people. In the past it worked now with globalisation the latitude is narrowed. During the Iraq war, Turkey deceived both the United Kingdom and the United State. The Game is over, Turks cannot pretend to be on the side of the winner as they used to but still…

Although the U.S. is not dead yet, already the Russian daily news paper “Kommersant” writes, Turkey and Russia have started talking together about creating “A Platform of Security and Stability in the Caucuses”. This would permit Turkey to reinforce their position in the region; Turkey has also met Iranian leaders and has some secret agreements…

Turkey built a dam and has control over an important resource, water. Turks can threaten both Moslems and Israelis, according to the movement of the political tide.

The Turks are the same barbarians who wished to invade the whole western world in the 14th Century. They advanced twice to the walls of Vienna itself and were stopped, 1529 and 1683. They started to invade Eastern Europe. They killed Armenian parents, took the very young boys and raised them as Moslem soldiers and called them “Janissaries”. They sent them to invade Europe. If they won, it was for the benefit of Turkey. They got new territories, land from Europe. If they lost and died, it did not matter. They were only Christian born individuals; they shed the blood of Christian born people to conquer Christian lands of Europe; “Janissaries were raised specifically for this purpose. There were no Moslem nations in Europe. Because of these “Janissaries” invasions and lots of Christian blood was shed by Turkey, today Europe has two Moslem countries in the heart of Europe: Bosnia and Kosovo…Source of past and future Troubles… Turks are the same barbarians, yesterday, today and tomorrow. In 2004 an Azeri-Turk officer, age 27, axed a fellow Armenian, Lieutenant Gurgen Markarian, age 26. Both were in an English language course run under the auspices of NATO’S PARTNERSHIP FOR PEACE in Budapest. Turks tried to kill Pope John Paul II and they did kill Hrant Dink. He was a Turkish-Armenian and a decent journalist.

Let us look at certain facts that will affect and disturb Westerners in the future. The peace treaty according to Oslo and Camp David were but theatricals. They did not discuss the real issues for both sides. Example; properties owned by Jews in Arab lands nor properties owned by Palestinians in Israel. Further more it did not take into account the terrible sufferings of the Palestinian population.

Turkey, as usual, promised each side what they wish to hear! Grey wolves will get rid of Al-Qaeda but there is also the promise to get rid of MOSSAAD.

Someone born of a Jewish mother is considered Jewish to the Jews. Someone born of a Moslem father is considered Moslem to the Moslems. Someone who has a Jewish mother but also has a Moslem father is accepted as Jewish and as Moslem. This kind of Mixture can be accepted from both sides or rejected from both sides. Politically, they can be a danger for both sides in particular a danger to humanity in general. People, with a double identity, can enter any western country with their Jewish identity and cause trouble by defending principles of Jamaa Islamia or…

Turkey may get rid of El-Qaeda. But because of the fore mentioned, they will turn against Israel and Kill 2/3rd of the Jewish population of the whole world with the help of dormant Nazi supporters in America. Alan Greenspan is blamed for the fall of America inc. for his “Nonchalance on the unregulated shadowy banking system”. (Newsweek, October 13th, 2008, page 20). “Wall Street to get drunk on greed promotes ridiculous credit schemes, crash into fiery inferno, retire in style and bill us for the wreckage”. (Newsweek, October 13th, 2008, page 20). The situation is very similar to pre-Nazi period when people were looking for escape goats for their failures. Even 9-11, people in the Middle East and some in Europe believe, it was concocted by the Jews. I think it is ridiculous!

Turks were allies of Germany and are starting to say that the Armenian Genocide was not planned by them but by Jewish officers in the German army, and that the Germans suggested to their Turkish Allies. I don’t believe it a bit. Anyhow, it is the Turkish government who decided and killed the Armenians not the Jews. Turks will kill Jews with methods learned from the MOSSAD. Furthermore they will use:

A) Martyrs and munitions of sultan Bought from Israel

B) Logistics of Tadiran Communications also from Israel.

Can this be prevented? Of course, yes but…Do I have a Crystal Ball? No, I look at politics through mathematical lenses. Once el-Qaeda and MOSSAD vanish the grey wolves will remain…

Already Turks are laughing loud. Volcan Vowal adviser to Turkish Prime Minister Transer Ciller says “Our armed forces outnumber the entire population of Armenia”. But I wish to remind the Turks and their past and future allies that History Repeats Itself. Whether you are a believer of any religion or a believer in Darwinian evolutionary Science, Nature’s cycles repeat! Armenians have always won in the long run and there is a reason for that.

1). Cleopatra, by plotting, killed the Armenian King Ardavzt III to reign over Armenia, She had to commit suicide and Rome reigned over her country. Where are her descendents today? Vanished from the surface of the world, we, Armenians are still here.

2). Persians asked Armenians to change their religion. Armenians refused. The head of the Armenian Army “Vartan” died. But another Army forced the Persians to change their own religion…We still have the same religion.

3). The Byzantine Empire wished Armenia would vanish and become part of its Empire. All the intrigues and wars didn’t help. The Byzantine Empire Vanished…Armenia was born of its ashes.

4). The Tsar of Russia Nicolas III killed important Armenian families to manipulate and reign over the Armenian population. His own people gathered his family to take a picture and decimated the whole family…

You write we can claim properties “without layers and without courts”. There is no free meal but there is Natural Justice. Historically the last word has been ours. Can Turkish armies, including grey wolves and Ergenikon face celestial armies? Or put in other terms: What will happen to them? When The Bells of Righteousness Toll?

Turkey is an autocracy (A fake democracy). Turkey has a rogue and dubious regime. Turkey suppresses its own population Moslems, Kurds and “Deunmey” alike. What is a “Deunmey”? Throughout Ottoman reign, Christians and Jews were forced to become Moslems. Their cities are shabby. The government neglects them on purpose. They cannot get government jobs. They cannot trade. Their sons cannot marry Moslem girls but Moslems take by force and marry their daughters. The list of oppressions is long. Some Moslem Turks are fed up to live under a regime that does not respect Human Rights. While the west pretends, “It is the best Moslem democracy and should be exported to other Moslem countries”, the Turks laugh at westerners and call them: “Guoosh Akkely” (It means brainless or with small brains like birds).

The Turkish regime hates the Jews, the Arabs, all Moslem countries, the Westerners, The Russians, The Armenians and its own people. The government promotes gay prostitution hotels in Europe. They encourage the traffic of western girls who are kidnapped to become prostitutes and they don’t hide it. For Turks it is normal; they take for granted non Moslem girls are made to be prostitutes. During the Bosnian war, they even dared to say on the television publicly, “It is worse for a Moslem woman to be raped”. Crimes are sent under the rug. The government dictates the subjects the people can talk about. Article 301 prevents free speech. Telling the truth is considered a blasphemy toward the Turkish Nation. It is the most undemocratic, inhumane and savage article in the annals of law. A state built on lines cannot last.

The Day will come the population of Turkey will welcome the return of the Armenians to their historic land…Because on that day they too would want to live in Liberty, Prosperity and Pride. Pride to have overcome a barbaric past, and live as a civilized Nation.

Hassan Jemal’s (The grandson of Jemal Pasha, one of the three masterminds of the Armenian Genocide) laying flowers in memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide is very much appreciated indeed. There is always a beginning…

A. Baghchedjian

Mathematics Teacher and Politician


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