Three political parties meet in Yerevan
Participating in the meeting were Chairman of the Social Democratic Hunchakian Party Central Executive Setrak Adjemian, Chairman of the Armenian Democratic Liberal (Ramgavar-Azatagan party) Central Executive Mike Kharabian and the ARF Dashnaktsoutiun Bureau Chairman Hrant Markarian.
The three leaders discussed the ongoing developments in Armenia-Turkey relations and other issues of mutual concern. EVENT OF THE WEEK ON GIBRAHAYER CALENDAR

( - A leading member of Azerbaijan’s ruling New Azerbaijan Party on Monday called on the OSCE Minsk Group mediating the Karabakh conflict to officially label Armenia as an “aggressor country.”
“We can not achieve a just solution to the conflict until the OSCE Minsk Group, set up to resolve Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, recognises Armenia as an aggressor country,” New Azerbaijan Party Deputy Chairman Ali Ahmadov said.
“This conflict began as a result of Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan. This solution lies in eliminating consequences of this aggression if we want a just solution,” he said.
“If aggression is not mentioned at all and the mediators and the OSCE Minsk Group, set up to solve this conflict do not call a spade a spade, namely, do not call an aggressor an aggressor, how and by what principles they are going to solve this conflict?,” Ahmadov said.
All those who make efforts to resolve the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict should call those responsible by name and take measures to punish them, he added.
Azerbaijan invaded the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic in the early 90s after the indigenous Armenian territory, trapped under Soviet Azeri rule for seven decades, declared its independence from the collapsing Soviet Union. Azeri forces were expelled from Karabakh in 1994 and a Russian brokered ceasefire that year brought an end to the fighting. The OSCE Minsk Group, co-chaired by the US, France, and Russia, has been working with Armenia and Azerbaijan since then to find a resolution to the conflict.
He made the assurances at the Etchmiadzin headquarters of the Armenian Apostolic Church while attending a meeting of top clerical and secular representatives of its worldwide dioceses that was chaired by His Holiness Catholicos Karekin II.
Sargsyan delivered a speech there before answering questions from the participants. Statements issued by the president’s and the Catholicos’s offices following the event mainly related to Armenia’s fence-mending protocols with Turkey and the current state of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
In a written statement, the presidential press service cited Sargsyan as saying that the signing of the protocols “does not mean, in any way, a renunciation of efforts at international recognition of the Genocide.”
Sargsyan has significantly complicated those efforts by accepting a Turkish proposal to set up a joint panel that would look into the events of the Armenian Genocide. Ankara has long sought such a commission to exploit the existence to prevent more countries from recognizing its crime against the Armenian people.
Many analysts close to the negotiations with Turkey and Azerbaijan say that Sargsyan has effectively agreed to speed up the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with more concessions to Azerbaijan. Armenian leaders have repeatedly denied that, arguing that none of the Turkish-Armenian protocols makes mention of the conflict. But Turkey’s top leadership has repeatedly made clear that Turkey’s parliament will not ratify the protocols until Armenia agrees to a resolution to the conflict favouring Azerbaijan.
According to the presidential statement, Sargsyan “once again reiterated that those two process are in no way connected with each other.” Armenia’s disputes with Azerbaijan and Turkey should be settled “separately,” he said.
Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian likewise insisted on Friday that the Armenian-Turkish thaw and the Nagorno-Karabakh negotiations are “two separate processes.”
“This is not only the Armenian approach but the approach of the international community,” he told Reuters.
But Nalbandian’s Turkish counterpart, Ahmet Davutoglu, said earlier in the week that the Turkish parliament will not ratify the agreements unless international efforts to end the Karabakh dispute yield a breakthrough soon.
Armenian leaders have implicitly threatened to annul the agreements if the Turks “drag out” the ratification process. “If one of the sides will delay and create some obstacles in the way of ratification and implementation, I think it could bear all the responsibility for the negative consequences,” warned Nalbandian. He also made clear that Armenia and Azerbaijan will not cut a framework deal on Karabakh “tomorrow or in one month’s time or in a very short period of time.”
Sargsyan, for his part, said on Monday that Yerevan has already devised contingency plans for various “possible scenarios of the process of normalising relations with Turkey.” He did not elaborate.
Ευτυχώς, που πολλοί αναγνώστες του «Πολίτη» επικρότησαν τις εξηγήσεις που έδωσα στην προηγούμενη μου επιστολή. Πολλοί, πλην του κ. Χαραλάμπους, φυσικά, που σαν ειδήμων εξακολουθεί να καυχιέται για την ορθότητα των απαράδεκτων του θέσεων.
Η ενόχληση μάλλον προέρχεται όχι από το καθ’ αυτό θέμα, αλλά από το γεγονός ότι κάποιος «τόλμησε» να απαντήσει στους βαρετούς κυριακάτικους μονολόγους του!
Στην ενόχληση αυτή έρχεται να προστεθεί και η (ελλείψει επιχειρημάτων) προτροπή του, ειδικά και ονομαστικά προς εμένα και τον φίλο Μάριο Καρογιάν, λίγο-πολύ να τα μαζέψουμε και να φύγουμε για την Αρμενία. Ευφάνταστο! Ούτε αυτοί που ονειρεύονται την «καθαρότητα» και την «αγνότητα» και πάσχουν από σύνδρομα ξενοφοβίας ή «φυλετικής ανωτερότητας» δεν θα έθεταν τα οράματα τους με τόση ευθύτητα.
Δεν επιθυμώ να εκφράσω την άποψη αν του πέφτει λόγος του κ. Χαραλάμπους για το αν και κατά πόσο δικαιούμαστε να εκφράζουμε άποψη και να πονάμε για την Μητέρα Πατρίδα μας, την Αρμενία, ενώ ζούμε στην Ιδιαίτερη Πατρίδα που μας γέννησε, την Κύπρο, όπου φυσικά συμμετέχουμε και στον πόνο για την διαμοιρασμένη αυτή γη.
Και κανείς άλλος δεν έχει την πικρή εμπειρία του να έχει γευτεί δις και τρις αυτό που ο κ. Χαραλάμπους προτρέπει σε εμάς τους Αρμενίους, αλλά και όλο τον Κυπριακό λαό κάθε Κυριακή για μερικά χρόνια τώρα, να ξεχάσουμε. Δηλαδή να σταματήσουμε να ασχολούμαστε με το παρελθόν.
Γεννάται μέσα μου ένα ερωτηματικό: Πόση ΑΠΕΧΘΕΙΑ, πόσο ΜΙΣΟΣ, πόση ΕΠΙΘΕΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑ έναντι των Αρμενίων, ειδικά των Αρμενοκυπρίων;
Η μόνη διάγνωση παραπέμπει και πάλι σε παροιμία: «Φταίει τους ο γάδαρος, τζιαι δέρνουν το σαμάριν».
Κύριε Χαραλάμπους, οι πολίτες της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας που άγουν την καταγωγή τους σε ένα ευγενές και πολιτισμένο Χριστιανικό έθνος όπως το Αρμενικό, σας παροτρύνουμε να καταπιάνεστε με άλλα ζητήματα και θέματα, και να μας αφήσετε να ζήσουμε εκεί που θέλουμε, όπως θέλουμε, και να μην μας χρησιμοποιείτε για τις μικροπολιτικές σας σκοπιμότητες.
Δρ. Αντρανίκ Αστζιάν
Kalaydjian Foundation Committee press release - As part of its efforts to support the NAREG schools and kindergartens in Cyprus, the Kalaydjian Foundation has donated new playground equipment for use in the schoolyard of the NAREG in Larnaca. The equipment was purchased from the world-famous Swedish company HAGS Aneby AB and was installed by their local distributor EL.NI.A. Kokkinos Ltd.
The playground equipment is designed for use by 2-6 year olds and features multiple play functions while meeting stringent safety standards, including special surface tiles for the ground.
JOIN the SIPAN Armenian Dance Ensemble of the
Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association
Cyprus "Oshagan" chapter
under Choreographer & Director Janna Tahmizian
JOIN by calling Shoushig Bakalian on 99667828

Internal Documents Reveal UK Officials
Misled Parliament on Armenian Genocide
By Harut Sassounian - Publisher, The California Courier
The 40-page meticulously-researched report, commissioned by the Armenian Centre of London, is based on hitherto secret documents obtained from the Foreign Office through the Freedom of Information Act. Mr. Robertson, the author of a report titled, "Was there an Armenian Genocide?" served as first President of the UN War Crimes Court in Sierra Leone.
Mr. Robertson had to make repeated requests over several months to the British government in order to obtain internal documents that the Foreign Office was legally obligated to release. According to the FCO, some of the documents were not released at all, while those eventually made public were partially blacked out, in order not to damage Britain’s relations with Turkey.
In his report, Mr. Robertson explains that the Armenian Centre had asked him "to consider the attitude of the British government in refusing to accept that the massacres of Armenians in 1915-16 amounted to genocide, and whether its reasons for taking this position are valid and sustainable in international law."
read the complete article here
Watch Hovig's entry to X-Factor's live shows by clicking here
News in Brief by Sevag Devletian
- Armenia's Foreign Minister has rejected Turkish calls for concessions in the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh in exchange for the historic rapprochement between Yerevan and Ankara. Speaking to Reuters last Friday, Edward Nalbandian said negotiations between Turkey and Armenia were over and both sides were obliged to move quickly to establish diplomatic relations and open their border under accords signed this month.
- U.S. President Barack Obama will host Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan at a White House meeting on December 7, the White House announced. Obama and Erdogan will discuss implementing a "shared strategy" for Afghanistan and Pakistan, increasing economic and security cooperation with Iraq, Middle East peace efforts, normalising relations with Armenia, relations with Cyprus and other issues.
- The Asian Development Bank will extend up to 500 million USD to Armenia to upgrade its main 550-km north south corridor road, Gagik Grigoryan Head of Foreign Relations Department at RA Ministry of Transport and Communication said.
- A Malatya foundation established to build mosques has assumed the financial costs of the restoration of a historic Armenian church located in the neighbourhood where assassinated Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink was born, Today’s Zaman reported. The head of the Carmuzu Tepebasi Mosque Building and Preservation Foundation, Latif Yildirim, said they started planning the project to help restore the Armenian Tashoron Church in 2008 and wrote letters to the Prime Ministry and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism as well as Armenian businessmen to win their support.
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Letters to the Editor
Dear Armenians,
From my latest visit to Lebanon, I was introduced to Mr. Bassam Lahoud, founding member of the foundation, "The Lebanese House of Photography" by the Cyprus Ambassador in Beirut.
We are at the moment researching mainly on the photographic history of Amchit and looking for any Armenians or photographers from Cyprus who had taken any pictures there and most importantly the Melkonian Brothers who were photographers, who used to come from Nicosia to Lebanon to do portraits and take photos in Lebanon, specially in Amchit a city near the antique city of Byblos in the 19th century in Beirut.
We would appreciate any help from anyone who has any information regarding where to find this photographic material and most importantly the Melkonian brothers where can we find any or their photographic archives, as we would like to scan them and print them to be exhibited in Lebanon at the foundation.
You can contact me on and on my phone numbers: 99336565 and 25580554.
Best regards, Sebough Voskeritchian - LMPA LSWPP A.ISF Hon. PESGSPC-Web:
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on Gibrahayer Facebook this week, Daniel Sagherian discusses national issues stemming from the Armenia - Turkey Protocols
Join our Facebook Page & join our ongoing global discussions
Daniel Sagherian writes (1)
- The reality is that, as a country we are in bigger countries' pockets; and as diaspora we are citizens of other countries: at best, naturalised citizens of new lands, with the oath that we will do our military as well as civil (clandestine) duties to those countries...
Daniel Sagherian writes again... (2)
- That's the aftermath of a genocide : Kill as many, expatriate the rest, and time will make them citizens of other lands, with oaths of allegiances to those "odar" lands. All leaders have obligations to other lands : And if naturalised, even worse, as they have taken oaths of even clandestine roles...
- So many of our political leaders are naturalised citizens of other lands. Them are the Genocide survivors... subject to foreign laws, taxations, political agenda. We cannot change that; we are the children of survivors. But at least we should see the truth. As for tiny suffering countries as ours, they are pawns for Russia, USA, Turkey, Iran, Arab petro-dollars...
PHONE HOME 909-35037
- Saturday 7 November - The Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association "Oshagan" Cyprus Chapter presents Gargatch and Ayk choirs from Lebanon at the Municipal Theatre of Larnaca. Artistic Director and conductor: Zakar Keshishian. Piano Kamila Keshishian. Under the Patronage of The Mayor of Larnaca Andreas Moyseos. Under the Auspices of the Armenian Representative Vartkes Mahdessian. Bus transport will be provided from AYMA. Bus leaves at 6pm. For registration for transport please contact 99-667828 until Wednesday 4 November. Free entrance to all Nareg pupils of Nicosia, Larnaca and Limassol.
- Friday, 13th November, 8:00 p.m. - Opening of The Armenian Book Fair 13-22 November.
Keynote Speaker: Yeghia Kayayan. Under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Varoujan
Organised by the Armenian Prelature, in cooperation with Moufflon Bookstore at The Utudjian Hall in Nicosia. Featuring the latest children’s and students’ publications, as well as Christian literature. - Saturday, 14th November, 6:00 p.m - Meditation. Organised by the Christian Education Committee of the Armenian Prelature of Cyprus - “The Parable of the Prodigal Son” (Luke 15:11-32). Speaker: Rev. Father Torkom Donoyian - Sourp Kevork Church, Limassol.
- Sunday, 15th November, 10:00 a.m. - Divine Liturgy and Sermon by Rev. Father Torkom Donoyian at Ayios Yeorgios chapel in Paphos (next to St. George Hotel in Chloraka)
- Sunday, 15th November - Youth Picnic to Makheras, organised by the Armenian Church Youth Committee.
- Monday, 16th November at 7:00 p.m. - Meditation - Organised by the Christian Education Committee of the Armenian Prelature of Cyprus “The Parable of the Good Samaritan” (Luke 10:30-37) Speaker: Rev. Father Torkom Donoyian Sourp Sdepanos Church, Larnaca.
- Wednesday 18th November at 8.00pm at The Utudjian Hall of The Armenian Prelature - Lecture on PREVENTION OF ADDICTIONS - Organised by the Office of the Armenian Representative. Speaker Dr. Kyriacos Veresies - Neurologist/Psychiatrist. All are welcome above the age of 10.
Friday, 20th November, at 8:00 p.m. - Badanegan (Teenagers) Gathering, organised by the Christian Education Committee of the Armenian Prelature of Cyprus at The Utudjian Hall in Nicosia. Father Torkom will be discussing the subject “Jesus Loves You”. Refreshments will be offered.
- Tuesday, 17th November at 7:00 p.m. - Evening service & Meditation: “The Intercession of the Virgin Mary”, by Rev. Father Torkom Donoyian
- Thursday, 19th November at 7:00 p.m. - Evening service & Meditation: “The Virgin Mary, Christ and us”, by Rev. Father Torkom Donoyian
- Saturday, 21st November -
3:00 p.m.: Blessing of the Salt
4:00 p.m. onwards: Preparation of Madagh
7:00 p.m.: Evening Service (Hsgoum) and Sermon by Rev. Father Torkom Donoyian - Sunday, 22nd November
8:45 a.m.: Morning Service
9:30 a.m.: Divine Liturgy, celebrated by Rev. Father Torkom Donoyian and Madaghorhnek
Note: The President of the Republic, the President of the House of Representatives, Ministers, Ambassadors, the Archbishop of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus, and the heads of the other denominations of Cyprus have been invited to attend the Liturgy.
- Thursday 26 November - Annual Telethon of the Hayastan All Armenian Fund. Your contributions can be sent to The Armenian Prelature of Cyprus. Telephone: 22493560.
- Sunday 29 November 4:00pm - Cleopatra Hotel, Nicosia - Annual Christmas Charity Tea and Handicraft Bazaar organised by The Armenian Relief Society (HOM) Cyprus "Sosse" chapter. As always the proceeds from the Charity Tea will be used to fund the numerous charity programmes sponsored by HOM.
- 11, 12, 13 December 2009 - Kravvadz Orer - "100 Years from the Massacres at Adana"Photo exhibition and commemorative events in Nicosia, Larnaca and Limassol. Organised by the Armenian Prelature. Details to be announced later.
Gibrahayer Calendar every week
- Every Friday 5.30 - 6.30 pm at Utudjian Hall - Armenian Dance lessons for children 6-10.
- Every Friday and Saturday evening - Marie-Louise Kouyoumdjian sings at ENALLAX with the resident Band.
- Every Saturday at 10:00-11:30 am at the Armenian Prelature in Nicosia - Giragnoria Varjaran (Sunday School) for 7-16 year olds. For more information contact Der Momig Habeshian on tel_99307966.
- Every Saturday at 5:00 pm at Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in Nicosia - Giragamoudki Jamerkoutioun (Vespers).
- Every Saturday, from 7 pm to 8 pm at AYMA: Gibrosi Badanegan Mioutiun (ages 10-15 included) weekly meetings (games, educationals, songs, trips and lots of fun...)
- Every Saturday, from 8 pm to 9 pm at AYMA: Gibrosi Yeridasartagan Mioutiun (age 16 - 23) weekly meetings (lectures, discussions, parties and outings for all Gibrahay youth)
- Every Sunday at 8:45 am at Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in Nicosia - Jamerkoutioun (Matins).
- Every Sunday at 9:30 am Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in Nicosia - Sourp Badarak (Divine Liturgy).
- The Armenian sambo team will take part in World Sambo Championship in Thessaloniki, Greece starting on November 5-9. The team consists of Vahan Vardanyan (68 kg), Vahyan Hovhannisyan (w/c 62 kg), David Khachaytryan (68 kg), Ashot Danielyan (74 kg), Vachik Vardanyan (68 kg) and Arsen Khachatryan (100 kg)
- Recently President Serzh Sargsyan met the President of International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles Rafael Martinetti. At the meeting, the parties focused on development of wrestling in Armenia. The parties also touched upon the issue of organising the 2010 Greco Roman Wrestling World Championship in Armenia.
- The Armenian national team won no medal in the 17th European Team Chess Championship 2009 in Novi Sad, Serbia. Armenia ranked fourth (13 points) in the standings behind Azerbaijan, Russia and Ukraine.
- Moscow will hold traditional annual chess Tournament dedicated to Grand Master Mikhail Tal on November 4-18. Ten Grand Masters will participate in tournament including Armenian GM Levon Aronyan.
- On October 28, in the 3rd qualifying match of 2011 Women’s World Football Championship, Armenia suffered its 3rd defeat, 1-5 to Slovenia.
“King” Arthur Abraham said that his upcoming bout with Andre Dirrell stands a good chance of landing at New York's Madison Square Garden on January 23. The fight takes place in the second stage of the Super Six tournament.
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