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Saturday 24 April, 2010 - The 95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide is commemorated in front of Haydarpasha train station in Bolis, from where the first convoy of 220 deported Armenians left on April 24, 1915. Most of them never returned back ... |
Agence France Presse - April 24, 2010 - Hundreds of rights activists and artists in Istanbul commemorated the 1915-17 massacres of Armenians by Ottoman Turks for the first time Saturday, breaking a near century-old Turkish taboo. The biggest rally was in Taksim Square, in the heart of modern Istanbul, where several hundred people staged a sit-in, holding red carnations and candles and listening to recordings of Armenian music. Police in riot gear guarded the event and kept at bay a group of counter-demonstrators, AFP journalists saw. Earlier the Istanbul branch of the IHD human rights association organised a rally attended by about 100 people on the steps of the Haydarpasa train station from where the first convoy of 220 deported Armenians left on April 24, 1915. Under the slogan "Never Again" and, again, the watchful eye of the police, demonstrators carried black and white photos of some of the deportees, most of whom never returned. Counter-protesters also gathered near the IHD demo, including former diplomats waving the Turkish flag. Forty-two Turkish diplomats were killed by the extremist Armenian Asala organisation in the 1970s and 1980s. Turkish intellectuals and artists signed a petition calling on "those who feel the great pain" to show their sorrow. Avoiding an open confrontation over the term genocide -- which the Turkish government fiercely rejects -- the petition speaks of the "Great Catastrophe" of the massacres. "The genie is out of the bottle," Cengiz Aktar, an Istanbul academic who backs the petition, told AFP. "These broken taboos concern not just Armenia, but also other hidden subjects" such as the rights of minority Kurds, he added. He said that despite the police presence, organisers feared a backlash from people opposed to the demonstration. The Istanbul rallies came as tens of thousands of Armenians marked the 95th anniversary of the mass killings in the Armenian capital Yerevan, amid fresh tensions with Turkey over the collapse of reconciliation efforts. The dispute about the genocide label has poisoned relations between the two neighbours for decades. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan welcomed a statement by US President Barack Obama on Saturday which avoided the use of the term and instead referred to "one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century". "President Obama has made a statement which takes into account the sensibilities of Turkey," Erdogan was quoted as saying by the Anatolia news agency. Armenians say up to 1.5 million of their kin were systematically killed between 1915 and 1917 as the Ottoman Empire, the predecessor of modern Turkey, was falling apart. |
- Wednesday 28th April at 7.00 pm - Lecture "Endanegan Tasdiaragoutiun". Speaker: Chairman of the Nareg School Hokapartsoutiun Vartan Tashdjian at the Nareg new Hall, organised by the Nicosia Nareg Parents Association. The event will be followed by a reception which is open to all.
- Friday, 30th April at 7:30 pm - “Utidjian” Hall, Nicosia - the Armenian Prelature of Cyprus is organising a lecture “Churches, the Armenian Church and the Ecumenical Movement” by Bishop Nareg Alemezian, Ecumenical Officer of the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia.
- Saturday 1 May at 10:30 am - Melkoniantsis' Picnic at Pyrga. The event is open for all. The menu is simple (kebab, salad, potatoes) and participation is 10 Euros per person (children are free). The money will cover food cost, so no need to do anything and just come along. If you want to contribute with food, dips, fruit, dessert, drinks, supplies or just volunteer, contact Taline Babikian-Angelidou on 96-577847 or Harout Der Bedrossian. Bring along your nargilehs, your cards, backgammon, football and toys for your kids.
- Sunday, 2nd May 2010 at 9:30 am - Sourp Asdvadzadzin Cathedral, Nicosia- “Magaravanki Oukhdi Or” Divine Liturgy and Blessing of the Herisa. Bishop Nareg Alemezian, Ecumenical Officer of the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia will celebrate the Divine Liturgy and deliver the Sermon. A short memorial service will be held after the Badarak in front of the statue of Zareh Srpazan, marking the 6th anniversary of his passing.
- Saturday, 1st May 2010 at 4:00 pm - at Nareg School, Nicosia - Blessing of the Salt for the Preparation of the Magaravank Herisa. 7:00 pm at Sourp Asdvadzadzin Cathedral, Nicosia- Evening Vigil (Hsgoum). 8:00 pm at Nareg School, Nicosia- Festive Preparation of the Magaravank Herisa; BBQ and Refreshments for all volunteers showing up to help stir and prepare!!! All welcome.
- Sunday 2 May at 8:00pm - The "Timag" Theatre Company of Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association Cyprus "Oshagan" Chapter presents "Baghdasar Aghpar" at PASYDY Hall in Nicosia. Director Janna Tahmizian.
Wednesday 5 May at 7:00pm - Gibrahayer Chief Editor Simon Aynedjian talks about "Hay Tad promotion on the Internet" at the Hall of the Nareg school in Larnaca. Organised by The Armenian Club of Larnaca. Followed by dinner in Larnaca. More details to follow. Sign up with Kevork Hovsepian on 99652690. -
Sunday 9 May - Pilgrimage to St. Magar Monastery organised by the Office of the Armenian Representative Vartkes Mahdessian. -
Friday 14 May at 8:00 pm - Interactive Lecture/Discussion/ Power Point Presentation, on Sex Education, organised by the Office of the Armenian MP Vartkes Mahdessian by Despo Hadjiloizou - Former Executive Director of Family Planning, at The Utudjian Hall of the Armenian Prelature. All youth over the age of 16 as well as parents are strongly recommended to attend. -
Friday 28 May at 8:30 pm - Celebrations of the 92nd anniversary of the Independence of Armenia, organised by the ARF Dashnaktsoutiun Cyprus Gomideh, AYMA/HMEM, ARS (HOM) Cyprus "Sosse" Chapter and Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association Cyprus "Oshagan" Chapter at PASYDY Hall, followed by Independence feast at AYMA. -
Friday 4 June 2010 - The Armenian Relief Society of Cyprus (HOM) is organising a Gala Dinner on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Relief Society at the STOA Restaurant. Welcome drinks at 8:30 pm. Dinner at 9:00pm. -
July 16 to August 1 - Khalkidiki Camp of the Armenian Relief Society of Greece (Gabouyd Khach) - For participants of the age group 10-17 years old. For more details please contact Louise Aynedjian - on 99533684. -
September 16, or 17 or 18 Kravadz Or - by The Armenian Relief Society of Cyprus (HOM) who are organising a Concert on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Relief Society at the Presidential Palace. Details to follow. -
Saturday 20 November 2010 - Kravadz Or by the Office of the Armenian MP Vartkes Mahdessian - Details to be announced later. -
Sunday 21 November 2010 - Kravadz Or by the Office of the Armenian MP Vartkes Mahdessian - Details to be announced later.
The European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy welcomes with overwhelming satisfaction the decision of Armenia to freeze the ratification of the protocols signed with Turkey by the Armenian Parliament. One year after the beginning of the process, the Armenian President, Serge Sarkissian, while reaffirming his attachment with the normalisation of relations with Turkey, reported the absence in Turkey of a favourable environment, and of leaders ready to engage in this process. Indeed, the Turkish leaders had put additional conditions, without agreement between the two countries, to the ratification of these protocols, while thus hoping to keep Armenia under pressure. “The first condition to succeed such negotiations is the bona fide of it’s contents: however, we had already observed an obvious imbalance: Armenia clearly expected for this situation to be normalised, and Turkey, whom we denounced as having leaders with a serious lack of sincerity” declared Hilda Tchoboian, Chairperson of the European Armenian Federation. The European Armenian Federation recalls that on April 6th, Catherine Ashton, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy affirmed the EU support for the protocols by indicating, in accordance with the agreements, that the latter should be applied with no preconditions. “The conditions of a true agreement between the two countries were distorted in advance: Armenia had to pay too high a price for the lifting of the Turkish blockade,” added Hilda Tchoboian. “This decision confirms that Armenia had been duped by Turkey who wants to maintain Armenia as a neighbour hostage”. The Federation recalls that with this attitude, Turkey is infringing the Copenhagen criteria, which stipulate that the applicant countries should establish good relations with their neighbouring countries. “We invite the European Union to take note of Turkish responsibility for the failure of these agreements; and to take effective and rapid measures for the lifting of the blockade on Armenia,” concluded Hilda Tchoboian. |
News in Brief - by Sevag Devletian |
- Political parties in the Republic of Cyprus expressed their solidarity to the Armenians in the struggle for the Armenian Genocide recognition internationally, committed under Ottoman Empire in 1915-1923. “Non-recognition of the Genocide by Turkey will jeopardise the whole mankind,” a statement by Communist Party of Cyprus (AKEL) read. DISY announced that they grieve with Armenian nation on Genocide victims and back all the steps towards the international recognition of the Genocide. “International community should recognise Genocide as a crime against humanity. Turkey should be punished for the Genocide, perpetrated against Armenian people,” the party stated in a statement. Movement for Social Democrats (EDEK) and Movement of Ecologists and Environmental also made statements denouncing the Genocide.
- US Congressman Ed Royce (R-CA) expressed his disappointment that President Obama failed to recognise the 1915 massacre of Armenians as genocide. Royce also took the occasion to call on the House of Representatives to take up H.Res.252, a resolution that would put Congress on record as recognizing the slaughter of 1.5 million Armenians as genocide.
- Turkey's Foreign Minister has denounced a statement by US President Barack Obama that the massacre of Armenians during the First World War was one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century. Ahmet Davutoglu said on Saturday the country does not accept judgement of its history from the U.S. He called on US leaders to better understand the strategic Turkish-American partnership and to respect Turkey's history.
- Turkey is studying what steps to take after Armenia's ruling coalition announced it was halting ratification of a historic accord on normalising bilateral relations.
- On April 26, the trilateral meeting of Armenian, Russian and Azerbaijani religious leaders, Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill I and Head of the Caucasus Muslim Board Sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazadeh was held on the sidelines of Religious Leaders World Summit in Baku. Karekin II received an unfriendly welcome protest in Baku. Patriarch Kirill said the meeting was very successful and that they discussed various issues, mainly ways of solving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
Barak Obama's notorious statement on Armenian Remembrance Day |
On this solemn day of remembrance, we pause to recall that ninety-five years ago one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century began. In that dark moment of history, 1.5 million Armenians were massacred or marched to their death in the final days of the Ottoman Empire. Today is a day to reflect upon and draw lessons from these terrible events. I have consistently stated my own view of what occurred in 1915, and my view of that history has not changed. It is in all of our interest to see the achievement a full, frank and just acknowledgement of the facts. The Medz Yeghern is a devastating chapter in the history of the Armenian people, and we must keep its memory alive in honour of those who were murdered and so that we do not repeat the grave mistakes of the past. I salute the Turks who saved Armenians in 1915 and I am encouraged by the dialogue among Turks and Armenians, and within Turkey itself, regarding this painful history. Together, the Turkish and Armenian people will be stronger as they acknowledge their common history and recognise their common humanity. Even as we confront the inhumanity of 1915, we also are inspired by the remarkable spirit of the Armenian people. While nothing can bring back those who were killed in the Medz Yeghern, the contributions that Armenians have made around the world over the last ninety-five years stand as a testament to the strength, tenacity and courage of the Armenian people. The indomitable spirit of the Armenian people is a lasting triumph over those who set out to destroy them. Many Armenians came to the United States as survivors of the horrors of 1915. Over the generations Americans of Armenian descent have richened our communities, spurred our economy, and strengthened our democracy. The strong traditions and culture of Armenians also became the foundation of a new republic which has become a part of the community of nations, partnering with the world community to build a better future. Today, we pause with them and with Armenians everywhere to remember the awful events of 1915 with deep admiration for their contributions which transcend this dark past and give us hope for the future.
Letters to the Editor |
President Barack Obama was a Messiah for me during his campaign. I even wrote a poem for him. But I feel let down. It seems, after all, that the Armenian Genocide is AN INCONVENIENT GENOCIDE for him, since he cannot even pronounce the word. He could have remained as a hero in history, changing Washington, as he promised, yet, unfortunately, Washington changed him. What an opportunity lost for USA and for the world, but above all, for principles, moral, and human justice. Dr. Alicia Ghiragossian In 1965 as a young boy scout I participated in opening of the Genocide memorial on its 50th anniversary. Since then I have been participating and organising April 24th commemorative activities every year without exception. Last year I was in Yerevan on April 24th and I thought that it would be the most memorable and important one for me. How disappointed I was! I was participating in a technical conference organised by Minister of Diaspora. On the morning of April 24th they took conference participants to Dzidzernagapert and we all laid down flowers there and then they were going to take us to Gumery to meet with mayor and other city departments. They mentioned that mayor is going to “open a table for us”, which means food, drinks, and fun. Some of us from Diaspora refused to go to such an activity which means work and having fun on April 24th. Organisers were disappointed that we were turning down mayor’s invitation. On April 24th government was closed so do all the banks and large companies, but more that 80% of the business in Yerevan were operating and people were going about their normal activities just as if it was another day of the year. Where in contrast, in other cities in the world, most of Armenia business, if not all, are closed on April 24th. There is something seriously wrong with this picture. After returning from Dzidzernagapert, I called my friends to find out what other commemorative functions are there in Yerevan to participate. I found out that there were none! Some of comments from my friends were, “we are going and putting flowers in Dzidzernagapert, what else do you want to do?”, “we have concerts and speeches year around, why do we need more today?”, and other similar comments. In the evening, life was very normal in Yerevan and I am afraid that if I had gone to a night club, I would have seen people dancing and having fun just like any other night. It is true that thousands of people go to Dzidzernagapert, but there were no placards, no statements, and no speeches. A flame is burring in Dzidzernagapert, but it seems it is not burning in the people’s heart anymore. In my wildest imagination I would have not thought that I would say this, but I should say that we are lucky by living in cities outside Armenia with large Armenia population where we can properly and respectfully commemorate memory of the victims of the Genocide. Areg Gharabegian Dear Simon, My mother lost 41 members of her family and she is then only one escaped and all killed by them and she was at that time 14 years do not remember her all family names and my father was a soldier under Antranig PASHA and he had 2 bullets in his legs one on each and he shown me many times the area and he told me there were no medicine and after one month the bullets came out.We are from VAN ( MOGASI). Vartan Bedrosian - California Obama (I omit the "Dear" since you certainly have not earned it), I am the grandson of survivors of the Armenian Genocide. All my grandparents were the only survivors of their huge families. Only my maternal grandmother's family counted 55 people! I had no suspicion that you would not utter the G word this time too. It seems that you not have enough spine for that. It is sad that you could not bring change to the US administration but rather yourself were sucked up... Speaking the truth, I do not care whether you call a genocide a genocide, it should be your own concern in the first place, if you are truly endeavouring to build a good image of your country, an image of truth and rightfulness... Alas, as if the US's biased policies towards the Palestinian question is not enough, or as if the shameful "war on terror" initiated by your predecessor is not enough, you once again proved that the US has no shame at all; it is as immoral as it has been at least since the times of the cold war. Nevertheless, I thank you at least for reassuring me again that my thoughts about the US are still applicable... it is the same totally unreliable and deceitful country and the true axis of evil has its fulcrum in Washington... Arshak Davidian MD - Stepanakert |
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Press release from the Office of The Armenian MP Vartkes Mahdessian - We are delighted to inform the members of our community that the Office of the Armenian Representative is co-organising, together with the Armenian Prelature, a pilgrimage at the site of the Sourp Magar Monastery on Sunday 9 May 2010. This pilgrimage will be under the supervision of the UNFICYP. We would like to ask all persons who wish to participate in this pilgrimage, to register with the Office of the Armenian Representative via telephone number 22-454540 by providing the following details. - Name/Surname, date and place of birth - European ID number or valid passport number - Citizenship Participation cost 10 euros. We ask that you necessarily have with you the European ID or passport you provide us by telephone on the day of the pilgrimage. The bus service will depart from the Armenian Prelature at 11:00 am exactly. The last day of registration is in tow days on Friday, 30 April 2010 |
Armenian Sports by Sevag Devletian |
- GYMNASTICS: Armenia claimed its first historic gold medal in the Vault competition at the UEG European Gymnastics Championships held in Birmingham UK with the victory of 18-year-old Artur Davtyan.
- TENNIS: Yerevan is hosting the Fed Cup tennis women team championship of Euro-African zone’s second group from April 27 to May 1. The championship will bring together eight teams from Armenia, Luxembourg, Greece, Georgia, Norway, Lichtenstein, SAR and Finland.
- BOXING: WBA, WBA and WIBF flyweight champion Susi Kentikian (27-0, 16 KOs) successfully defended her titles in a ten-round fight vs. Nadia Raoui (11-1-1, 3 KOs). The judges scored the fight 96-94, 96-95 for Kentikian and 96-94 for Raoui.
- JUDO: 2009 World Championships bronze winner Hovhannes Davtyan (w.c. 60kg) and 2010 World Cup holder Armen Nazaryan (w.c. 66kg) finished 5th and 7th respectively at the European Judo Championships in Vienna, Austria.
- CHESS: 197 chess players are participating at the 9th International Open de Malakoff in France. After 3 rounds, international masters Valentin Pambukchian (Bulgaria) and Grigor Sevak Mekhitarian (Brazil) won 2 points each and are 1 point behind the leader.
Gibrahay Sports by Sevag Devletian |
- AGBU Ararat FC face AEL in first leg of the Cyprus Futsal Cup semi finals tonight in Limassol.
- Homenmen FC will face off against CITY Futsal FC tomorrow night in the final play off game for promotion to the Cyprus Futsal 2nd Division. Since both teams have already been promoted, it is expected that all players on the team roster will get a chance to play during the match.
- AYMA/HMEM forfeited their scheduled game against Hellenic bank in the Cyprus Amateur 2nd Division due to it being scheduled on the Armenian Genocide commemoration day.
- AGBU Ararat U-17's defeated GC School U-17's 2-0 in the Cyprus U-17 Cup. Ararat U-17's face Atlas Aglandjia in the next round.
- An All-Armenian semi-final: Former Davis Cup star Haig Ashdjian and seniors champion Simon Aynedjian face each other in the semi finals of the over 45 Audi Open Tennis Championships at the Field Club. Ashdjian defeated Marios Kalavanas 6-1, 6-1 and Aynedjian defeated Marc Azaias 6-2, 6-0 in the quarters.
Armenian Premier League - Week Results |
FC Mika 2 - FC Gandzasar 0 FC Impuls 2 - FC Shirak 1 FC Ulysses 2 - FC Kilikia 0 FC Banants 1 - FC Pyunik 1 |
1st - FC Mika 12 points, 2nd - FC Pyunik 11 points, 3rd - FC Ulysses 10 points, 4th - FC Banants 8 points, 5th - FC Impuls 7 points, 6th - FC Kilikia 6 points, 7th - FC Gandzasar 3 points, 8th - FC Shirak 0 points |
1 comment:
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