Saturday 24 January 2015

Levon Karadjian shared Ruben Shukh's post to the group: I am a descendant of a survivor of the Armenian Genocide!

19 hrs · Edited · 
Two documents - an illusion and reality. 1. European countries, Turkey and Armenia signed the Treaty of Sevres, which determines the borders of Armenia in 160 thousand square kilometers (1920, August). 2. Russia and Turkey signed the Russian - Turkish Treaty of Friendship and Brotherhood, which rejected from the Republic of Armenia the Kars region, county and Surmali and Nakhichevan region in favor of Turkey and Azerbaijan, leaving Armenia 29 thousand square kilometers territory (1921, March).
Ruben Shukh added 2 new photos.
Два документа – иллюзия и реальность. 1.Странами Европы, Турцией и Арменией подписывается Севрский мирный договор, определяющий границы Армении в 160 тыс. кв км...

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