please find Issue 10 (Vol. 6) of the E-Newsletter published by the Primate's Office of the Armenian Church of the UK and Ireland.
Your feedback as always is gtreatly appreciated.
PS: A copy of all the E-Newsletter published, since Issue 1, Volume 1, at the beginning of Bishp Vahan Hohvnaessina's tenure as the Primate of UK is now available in a CD. See inside for more information.
The Primate's Office
Armenian Church of Great Britain and Ireland

Տ.Վահան Եպս. Յովհաննէսեան, Հայրապետական Պատուիրակ
եւ Առաջնորդ
The Right Revd Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate and Pontifical Legate
29 April, 2015
Տ.Վահան Եպս. Յովհաննէսեան, Հայրապետական Պատուիրակ
եւ Առաջնորդ
The Right Revd Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate and Pontifical Legate
29 April, 2015
Issue 10, Volume 6
The Armenian Church in Cardiff had a daylong commemoration of the Genocide of the Armenians on 24th of April, which started with a special prayer service at the Khachkar in the Temple of Peace. The readings included in the service were from the ‘Commemoration Prayers’ published by the Church In Wales and composed by Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate, and Canon Patrick Thomas. Fr. Nerses Vrej Nersessian joined Canon Patrick Thomas in leading the faithful in the prayers in English, Armenian and Welsh. The second part of the day’s programme was composed of presentations, testimonies and speeches by Eilian Williams, Ruth Barnett, Mike Joseph, Mr. Ara Margarian and Fr. Nerses Vrej Nersessian. Meanwhile, the ‘Survivors Poem’ was recited by Dr. Ara Kanekanian. On this occasion, and for the launching of the new Book by Canon Patrick Thomas, Remembering the Armenian Genocide 1915-2015, Mr. Martin Shipton chief reporter of the Western Mail and Echo interviewed the author Canon Patrick. Thanks to the chairman of the Parish Council of the Armenian Church in Cardiff, Mr John Torosian, and his council members the events in Cardiff were impressively covered by the media including the BBC. Click here.
The Armenian Church in Cardiff had a daylong commemoration of the Genocide of the Armenians on 24th of April, which started with a special prayer service at the Khachkar in the Temple of Peace. The readings included in the service were from the ‘Commemoration Prayers’ published by the Church In Wales and composed by Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate, and Canon Patrick Thomas. Fr. Nerses Vrej Nersessian joined Canon Patrick Thomas in leading the faithful in the prayers in English, Armenian and Welsh. The second part of the day’s programme was composed of presentations, testimonies and speeches by Eilian Williams, Ruth Barnett, Mike Joseph, Mr. Ara Margarian and Fr. Nerses Vrej Nersessian. Meanwhile, the ‘Survivors Poem’ was recited by Dr. Ara Kanekanian. On this occasion, and for the launching of the new Book by Canon Patrick Thomas, Remembering the Armenian Genocide 1915-2015, Mr. Martin Shipton chief reporter of the Western Mail and Echo interviewed the author Canon Patrick. Thanks to the chairman of the Parish Council of the Armenian Church in Cardiff, Mr John Torosian, and his council members the events in Cardiff were impressively covered by the media including the BBC. Click here.
An ecumenical service of prayer and remembrance in Taney Parish Church, Dublin, was organised by the Armenian Church of Dublin, Ireland. An impressive number of participants, Armenians and non-Armenians, heard the Archbishop of the Church of Ireland in Dublin, Dr Michael Jackson, who described the killing as a “genocide” which demanded “recognition and response”. Among the dignitaries who spoke was the Catholic auxiliary bishop of Dublin Raymond Field, representing Abp. Diarmuid Marti. The Bishop said Turkish authorities had always falsified what happened as inevitable consequences of the war”. However, added the Bishop, Pope Francis loudly proclaimed that what happened was a genocide at a recent mass in. Canon Patrick Thomas of the Church of Wales the author of the recent book Remembering the Armenian Genocide 1915 was present at the event as well as the President of the Jewish Representative Council Leonard Abrahamson, the Rev Ken Lindsay past-president of the Methodist Churches in Ireland and Hayk Khemchyan consul with the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia.
An ecumenical service of prayer and remembrance in Taney Parish Church, Dublin, was organised by the Armenian Church of Dublin, Ireland. An impressive number of participants, Armenians and non-Armenians, heard the Archbishop of the Church of Ireland in Dublin, Dr Michael Jackson, who described the killing as a “genocide” which demanded “recognition and response”. Among the dignitaries who spoke was the Catholic auxiliary bishop of Dublin Raymond Field, representing Abp. Diarmuid Marti. The Bishop said Turkish authorities had always falsified what happened as inevitable consequences of the war”. However, added the Bishop, Pope Francis loudly proclaimed that what happened was a genocide at a recent mass in. Canon Patrick Thomas of the Church of Wales the author of the recent book Remembering the Armenian Genocide 1915 was present at the event as well as the President of the Jewish Representative Council Leonard Abrahamson, the Rev Ken Lindsay past-president of the Methodist Churches in Ireland and Hayk Khemchyan consul with the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia.
Genocide March
In Dublin
His Grace Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate of the Dioceses of France and the UK and Ireland, and hear his homily, was in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin on the 23rd to participate in the morning Badarak and the afternoon service of the canonization of the victims of the Genocide as martyred saints. On the 24 th in the morning His Grace returned to Paris to offer the Badarak at the Cathedral in Paris and lead the crowd in the march on Champs-Élysées, which culminated in the laying of wreathes on the tomb of the unknown soldier in the arc du triomphe in the heart of Paris. His Grace then joined the tens of thousands of Armenians who gathered near the stature of Gomidas Vartabed to hear the Primate Minister of France, Manuel Valls, address the crowd. His Grace thanked Mr Valls for his time and solidarity. This was followed by the protest march to the Turkish Embassy in Paris. The events of the day culminated with the dimming of the lights of the Eiffel Tour on this occasion.
His Grace Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate of the Dioceses of France and the UK and Ireland, and hear his homily, was in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin on the 23rd to participate in the morning Badarak and the afternoon service of the canonization of the victims of the Genocide as martyred saints. On the 24 th in the morning His Grace returned to Paris to offer the Badarak at the Cathedral in Paris and lead the crowd in the march on Champs-Élysées, which culminated in the laying of wreathes on the tomb of the unknown soldier in the arc du triomphe in the heart of Paris. His Grace then joined the tens of thousands of Armenians who gathered near the stature of Gomidas Vartabed to hear the Primate Minister of France, Manuel Valls, address the crowd. His Grace thanked Mr Valls for his time and solidarity. This was followed by the protest march to the Turkish Embassy in Paris. The events of the day culminated with the dimming of the lights of the Eiffel Tour on this occasion.
Those who participate in the St Sarkis Church services cannot miss the kind presence of the Very Reverend Fr. Bisak Hatepian, who quietly participates in the worship, assists the celebrant priest at the altar during Badarak, sings with the choir whenever not at the altar, and celebrates the Badarak when the Pastor is not in the parish. He has been serving in our Diocese for over decades. Deacon Hovik Hovhanissysan, Parish Council Chairman, realising that this year is the 50th anniversary of his ordination as a celibate priest (archimandrite) decided to honour by personally donating a set of Badarak vestment to Fr BIsag, prepared in Holy Etchmiadzin. On Sunday, 8 March, the Steward’s Sunday of Great Lent, HG Bp Vahan blessed the vestments donated by Deacon Hovhanissyan and presented it to Fr Bisag. A reception in honour of Fr Bisak’s ordination and his birthday, courtesy of the Parish Council, followed the Badarak at the Nevart Gulbenkian Hall of the St Sarkis Church. Axios. Axios. Axios! Արժանի է: Congratulation Hayr Bisag!
Those who participate in the St Sarkis Church services cannot miss the kind presence of the Very Reverend Fr. Bisak Hatepian, who quietly participates in the worship, assists the celebrant priest at the altar during Badarak, sings with the choir whenever not at the altar, and celebrates the Badarak when the Pastor is not in the parish. He has been serving in our Diocese for over decades. Deacon Hovik Hovhanissysan, Parish Council Chairman, realising that this year is the 50th anniversary of his ordination as a celibate priest (archimandrite) decided to honour by personally donating a set of Badarak vestment to Fr BIsag, prepared in Holy Etchmiadzin. On Sunday, 8 March, the Steward’s Sunday of Great Lent, HG Bp Vahan blessed the vestments donated by Deacon Hovhanissyan and presented it to Fr Bisag. A reception in honour of Fr Bisak’s ordination and his birthday, courtesy of the Parish Council, followed the Badarak at the Nevart Gulbenkian Hall of the St Sarkis Church. Axios. Axios. Axios! Արժանի է: Congratulation Hayr Bisag!
The St Sarkis Parish Pastor and Council are happy to announce the resumption of the Bible Study sessions in English on a monthly basis. Fr. Shnork Bagdasarian, Pastor, will lead the first session on Thursday, 14th May, 2015 at 7.00 pm in Gulbenkian Hall. All are welcome. The following Sunday, 17th May, 2015, is Ascension Sunday, Following the Divine Liturgy a Bazaar will be held in Gulbenkian Hall, there will be dancing around the church, singing and fortune telling. Admission free for all. Finally continuing the Parish Council’s Movie Night, the next screening will be on 24th May, at 2.00 pm in the Gulbenkian Hall, showing "Heaven is for Real". A drama based on Todd Burpo's book chronicling his son Colton's emergency appendectomy and subsequent “heavenly experiences”. The evening will include Hot-dogs, nachos, popcorn and refreshments which will be offered at £5.00 per person. All are Welcome.
The St Sarkis Parish Pastor and Council are happy to announce the resumption of the Bible Study sessions in English on a monthly basis. Fr. Shnork Bagdasarian, Pastor, will lead the first session on Thursday, 14th May, 2015 at 7.00 pm in Gulbenkian Hall. All are welcome. The following Sunday, 17th May, 2015, is Ascension Sunday, Following the Divine Liturgy a Bazaar will be held in Gulbenkian Hall, there will be dancing around the church, singing and fortune telling. Admission free for all. Finally continuing the Parish Council’s Movie Night, the next screening will be on 24th May, at 2.00 pm in the Gulbenkian Hall, showing "Heaven is for Real". A drama based on Todd Burpo's book chronicling his son Colton's emergency appendectomy and subsequent “heavenly experiences”. The evening will include Hot-dogs, nachos, popcorn and refreshments which will be offered at £5.00 per person. All are Welcome.
Under the chairmanship of Mr Dick Bedrossian, a general meeting of the Armenian Street Festival Committee was held in the Gulbenkian Hall last Wednesday, 6 May, 2015. HG Bp Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate, made a surprise appearance. The committee discussed different aspects of the Festival, offered by the chairmen of the subcommittees present, and new ideas were approved The date of the Festival as announced lier is: Sunday, 19 July, 2015. The Festival promises to be a yet another great day of fun, food and fellowship celebrating our culture, history and identity, with surprises. As always volunteers are needed for the Festival. If interested please contact the Hrachik at the Primate’s Office: 0208 127 8364, or e-mail: If you are one of those who could not join us during the past five years, for whatever reason, click here. To support our festival please donate to ACTUK by sending your cheque to the Primate’s Office, payable to the Armenian Church Trust UK, or online by clicking here.
Under the chairmanship of Mr Dick Bedrossian, a general meeting of the Armenian Street Festival Committee was held in the Gulbenkian Hall last Wednesday, 6 May, 2015. HG Bp Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate, made a surprise appearance. The committee discussed different aspects of the Festival, offered by the chairmen of the subcommittees present, and new ideas were approved The date of the Festival as announced lier is: Sunday, 19 July, 2015. The Festival promises to be a yet another great day of fun, food and fellowship celebrating our culture, history and identity, with surprises. As always volunteers are needed for the Festival. If interested please contact the Hrachik at the Primate’s Office: 0208 127 8364, or e-mail: If you are one of those who could not join us during the past five years, for whatever reason, click here. To support our festival please donate to ACTUK by sending your cheque to the Primate’s Office, payable to the Armenian Church Trust UK, or online by clicking here.
First Church Festival in 2011
The Continuing Education Ministry of the Primate’s Office of our Diocese is happy to announce the release of a new educational DVD titled “Let’s Talk Badarak”. The DVD includes 9 talks of 10-15 minutes each by HG Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate, which elaborate on the meaning of Badarak: this central liturgical celebration in the Armenian Church. Srpazan Hayr elaborates on the biblical origins of the Badarak. The DVD is available for £7 and can be for purchase by e-mail the Information Centre or from the Giftshop. We are also happy to inform our readers thaton the occasion of the election of His Grace Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian, primate the Diocese of Pontifical Legate for Western Europe, a CD has been released containing all the E-Newsletters published since his first year as a primate, 2010. To obtain a copy of the CD please send a donation of £5 to the Primate’s office with your postal address or visit the Primate’s Office.
The Continuing Education Ministry of the Primate’s Office of our Diocese is happy to announce the release of a new educational DVD titled “Let’s Talk Badarak”. The DVD includes 9 talks of 10-15 minutes each by HG Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate, which elaborate on the meaning of Badarak: this central liturgical celebration in the Armenian Church. Srpazan Hayr elaborates on the biblical origins of the Badarak. The DVD is available for £7 and can be for purchase by e-mail the Information Centre or from the Giftshop. We are also happy to inform our readers thaton the occasion of the election of His Grace Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian, primate the Diocese of Pontifical Legate for Western Europe, a CD has been released containing all the E-Newsletters published since his first year as a primate, 2010. To obtain a copy of the CD please send a donation of £5 to the Primate’s office with your postal address or visit the Primate’s Office.
By the orders of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, His Grace Bishop Vahan
Hovhanessian, Primate of France, will continue his responsibilities as the Primate of the Diocese of the UK and Ireland
during the month of May and further, until a new Primate for UK and Ireland is appointed. Messages to the Primate can
be sent via the Primate’s Office or by calling 0208 127 8364.
Have you visited the new website of our own ACYF? Click here.
The Armenian Gift Shop has recently received a new shipment of items. You can explore them bu visiting the gift shop
website at:
Support the above and other programmes of the Primate’s Office by donating to ACTUK: cheques posted to the
Primate’s Office payable to the Armenian Church Trust UK, or make an online donation by clicking here.
Remember the Armenian Church in your will.
The Primate’s Office, Hye Doon, 25 Cheniston Gardens, Kensington, London W8 6TG – 0208 127 8364 –
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