Diocese of the Armenian Church of the United Kingdom and Ireland Volume 2, Issue 14 21 April 2016 Armenian Church

In this
Meeting of
Representatives of Parish Councils
Primate’s Annual Report Summary
Prayers in
Birmingham Parish
Street Festival Planning Continues
Meeting of the
Representatives of the Parish Councils

On Saturday, 16th April at
the Gulbenkian Hall, the Primate presided over the meeting of the Chairs and
Vice-Chairs of the Parish Councils. The meeting was moderated by Keghvart
Vartanian, Vice-Chair of St. Yeghiche Parish Council.
At the beginning of the meeting the Primate
welcomed new members of the Parish Councils; Mr. Bagrat Nazarian and Mrs.
Lusine Hanson, Chair and Vice-Chair of St. Sarkis Parish Council and Mrs. Ayda
Lundon and Mrs. Kristina Begoyan, Chair and Vice-Chair of the Dublin Parish
The Primate briefed the participants about
his activities of the past year and each Parish Council presented a summary of
their activities. Respectively, there were reports from the Parish Councils of
Dublin, Cardiff, St. Sarkis, Manchester and St. Yeghiche. The Primate presented
reports about the Mission Parishes. A financial questions related to the
maintaining of Primacy were discussed. Mr. Hratch Tchilingirian and Mr. Viken
Haladjian were elected to attend the Church Representatives Assembly to be held
in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin from 31st October
to 6th
November, 2017. The participants also discussed how to
Diocese of the Armenian
Church of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland
His Grace Bishop Hovakim
Manukyan, Primate
Diocesan Office
Tel. 0208
127 8364 primatesoffice@ armenianchurch.co.uk

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Church News

provide humanitarian aid to the cities and
villages of Artsakh. The participants also got acquainted with the projects Ari
Toon, organised by the Ministry of the Diaspora of Armenia, and TUMO projects
for young people in Armenia. The Parishes were asked to promote these projects
in their congregations. In the second half of the meeting, legal questions were
addressed. The participants discussed the Constitution of the Diocese. They
agreed that the Parishes will study the document once again and will send their
comments by 10th
May. There will be a general meeting on 21st May to
work on the document and finalise it.
The Summary of the Annual
Report of the Primate

On 14th November
2015, during the ACT UK meeting, the Primate made a presentation sharing with
those present his mission and visions for the next three years:
Diocesan Life
To create a strong and cohesive
Diocese with its infrastructure, bylaws and relevant tools that will serve the
best interests of the Armenian faithful in the UK and Ireland. The Diocese
shall strive to bring together and build nurturing communities based on the
teachings of Christianity and in the context of the rich Armenian cultural
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Parish Life
To ensure that the Diocesan
Parishes have pastors or visiting priests and that the life of the Parishes
develops in accordance with the canons and traditions of the Armenian Church
taking into account the special circumstances of the Diaspora. The Parish is a
community of people who share and uphold common Christian Armenian values that
enrich their personal and collective lives.
Wider Community Life
To assure that the
Church fosters unity in the community and cooperates with all Armenian
organisations in the UK and Ireland in order to promote the spiritual and
collective cultural identity of Armenians, and to advocate for the just causes
of the Armenian people.
Ecumenical Life
To continue an active
engagement in ecumenism, especially given the unique opportunities for
ecumenical and inter-church relations in the UK and Ireland. Ecumenism is
active involvement in local and national efforts of churches to promote
Christian unity and cooperation and to engage in advocacy for justice, peace
and human dignity.
The following activities have
been carried out specifically to implement these
Primates Office: The Primate’s Office was
previously based at Armenian House. Since September 2015, with the generous
agreement of the St. Sarkis Trust, it is temporarily c/o The Vicarage in Iverna
Gardens. The Primate and participants expressed their thankfulness once again
to Armenian House Trustees and to the St. Sarkis Managing Trust.
Staff: One full time secretary, Ms. Hrachik
Sarian, and one-part time book keeping assistant, Mr. Krikor Sabounjian, who
replaced Mr. Alex Adamov in December 2015.
Communications: The e-magazine, which
features current and upcoming events, has been expanded to give more
information about all the major feasts of the Armenian Church. Ms. Aznive
Simon, Mr. Gagik Stepan-Sarkissian and the editorial team are working on
e-magazine. Mr. Garen Arevian and Ms. Aznive Simon are helping to create a new
Church website, which will be inaugurated in May 2016. YouTube clips about all
the major feasts of the Armenian Church are being prepared by Ms. Armine
ACT UK: There have been changes in the number
of Trustees and Executive Committee Members. Currently, ACT UK has six
Trustees: Bishop Hovakim

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Mr. Paul Manook, Mr. John Torosyan, Mr. Hovnan Hampartsoumian, Mr. Viken
Haladjian and Mr. Tatto Couligian. The number of Trustees will increase up to
seven. St. Sarkis Parish has nominated its candidate who will be the seventh
Trustee. The ACT UK year-end accounts for year ending 2014-2015 (from March
31st to March 31st) have been submitted to Company House. The year-end
accounts were delayed because the Primate was only able to undertake the work
in December 2015. The year-end accounts for 2015-2016 will be presented soon.
had its first Trustees Meeting on 14th November, 2015. At that
the Primate also presented his Mission Statement as well as the objectives of
his work. Since then he has undertaken changes in the Trust. There have been
several meetings of Trustees and the Executive Committee thereafter on a
regular basis. The Executive Committee Members are: Ms. Anais Heghoyan, Mr.
Raffi Tanielian, Ms. Tatiana Der Avedisian, Mr. Stepan Yeghiazarian and Mr.
Dickran Bedrossian as Chairperson.
the support of the ACYF has been very important in recruiting young people
who may also serve as deacons and in other areas of church life. The
temporary Executive Committee was formed 6 months ago. The Chairperson is Ms.
Anais Heghoyan. One of their outreach activities has been to take Christmas
and Easter Baskets to elderly members of the Armenian community. They also
organise an annual Christmas carol concert. Representatives of the ACYF
participated a regional European meeting in Italy in 2015. Anais has also
done a special fundraiser event for the Syrian Relief Society (around £7000
will be sent to Damascus).
Committee: At the initiative of Primate and some active members of the Church
the Primate’s Office Ladies Committee was formed in December 2015. Since
their formation they have been involved with the organisation of “The
Blessing of the Pomegranates” on New Year’s Eve. One of the
and most successful events was “The Blessing of the Newlywed Couples and
Families”. The third event was the organisation of an Easter Lunch at Tara
Copthorne Hotel.
Life: After his enrolment the Primate visited the Most Revd. and Rt. Hon
Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury and His Eminence Cardinal Vincent
Nicholls, Archbishop of Westminster, as well as the Rt. Revd and Rt. Hon
Richard Chartres, Bishop of London. The Primate is constantly in touch with
Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Orthodox Bishops based in the UK, and
cooperates with the Kensington Council of Churches. The Primate was actively
involved in organising the event at Westminster

Bible studies and workshops, lectures: There
have been Bible studies at the Gulbenkian Hall every Thursday at 7 pm. During
first year the Primate organised several workshops, including a presentation
“Being Christian in a Secular World.” The aim of the workshops and lectures are
to help Armenian and non-Armenian Christians to learn more about their heritage
and spirituality. An evangelising church needs to open up to the people and not
be timid to enter the public realm. Such a presence can only become possible
through the Church’s engagement with the world, as well as the testimony and
example Christians provide in their working and living environment. What are
the opportunities for the Church to engage with the secular world? How could
the Church function in the world of media and, education and culture and find
ways of collaboration in these spheres? How do the diaconal, charitable
activities of the Christian faith become realities in the world today? These
are some of the questions that are explored during the workshops and lectures.
Working with the parishes has been priority for the Primate. The principal
has been always to know about the all parishes and the work they do but at
the same time to allow them autonomy. However, the Primate carries out
pastoral duties in those parishes where there are no clergy.
The Diocese has one permanent serving full time pastor, Rev. Fr.
Bagdassarian. Rev. Fr. Besag Hatapian and Rev. Fr. Nerses Der Nersessian are
assisting the clergy. Last year the pastor of St. Yeghiche, Rev. Fr. Aren
Shahinian, got a new appointment. We had a visiting pastor, the Rev. Fr.
Movses Sargsyan, who served for 5 months, and the Rev. Fr. Vram Khazaryan is
currently helping the Primate to carry out his mission until his final
appointment. There have been regular meetings and consultations with priests
and deacons in order to exchange ideas about the mission and to learn from
each other. Meanwhile efforts are being made to recruit candidates for the
Community: during the past year the Primate was actively involved in
Abbey celebrating the lives of the Holy
Martyrs on 27th
October, 2015. He visited different churches during the Week of
Christian Unity has preached at St. Dunstan-in-the-West by the invitation
Bishop Jonathan of Fulham and has given the Annual Lecture at St. John
Chrysostom Society. These ecumenical meetings are essential for Christian
unity, advocacy and justice.
Armenian Street Festival: The Primate
attended the ASF on 5th July, 2015. The 2016 festival will be in the whole
of the square with the help of Kensington Council. It is expected that other
Christian denominations will also participate.

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community life for building bridges and
cooperating with members of the Armenian Community. The Primate also attended
Armenian Sunday and Saturday schools.
St. Yeghiche Church: St. Yeghiche Church has
helped the Primate to obtain a work visa and also contributes the substantial
part of his salary. There was a prayer service at St. Yeghiche Church for the
victims of terror attacks in France, and a fundraising event for the Syrian
Relief Society. The Primate celebrated at St. Yeghiche Church at Christmas and
Easter as well as on numerous other occasions and presided over the St.
Yeghiche AGM.
St. Sarkis Church: He has celebrated Divine
Liturgy on numerous occasions and presided over several events organised by the
ACYF, Ladies Committee and St. Sarkis Parish Council including an ecumenical
prayer for the Week of Christian Unity. He has also presided over and
facilitated Parish Council meetings and the AGM. The Primate also celebrated Palm
Sunday and most of the Holy Week celebrations were spent at St. Sarkis Church.
Holy Trinity Church: The Primate visited
Manchester twice to celebrate the Divine Liturgy and on several occasions
attended the youth gatherings. Holy Trinity in Manchester is the oldest
Armenian Church in the UK. The Primate is permanently in touch with Chairs of
the Trust and Wardens as well as serving deacons to meet the spiritual needs of
the community. Along with other programs, Manchester has a special deacons
training programme. A deacon from Birmingham also attends the trainings. The
Primate fully supports these projects and meets with the deacons during his
Cardiff Parish: He visited Cardiff in
November to get acquainted with the community and celebrate Divine Liturgy. The
Primate also visited and co- presided over the inauguration of St. David's
memorial of the Armenian Genocide. In January he celebrated the Divine Liturgy
and conducted the water blessing service for the community.
Dublin Parish: Dublin Parish is one of the
newly planted and flourishing parishes of the Diocese. The Primate visited
Dublin for the first time in October 2015 and celebrated Divine Liturgy at
Taney Parish Church. Then he co-presided over the celebration of the dedication
of a Khatchkar at Christchurch Cathedral on the occasion of centennial of the
Armenian Genocide, as well as presiding over the AGM in January. The Primate
visited Dublin on Easter Monday and celebrated the Divine Liturgy. He has also
taken the responsibility of the pastor of the parish until the congregation is
able to have its own parish priest.
Oxford Parish: The Primate visited Oxford in
January to celebrate the Divine

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Liturgy and at the same time organised a
group of 60 people to attend the Bodleian Library guided tour celebrating 2500
years of Armenian history.
Birmingham Parish: The Primate visited
Birmingham twice to celebrate Divine Liturgy and visited several families.
There is ongoing work to strengthen the parish and provide it with an edifice
where they can carry out their work.
Parish Life
Special Prayer Service in
Birmingham Parish

On Sunday, 17th April,
the Primate visited Birmingham had a prayer service for soldiers, who laid down
their lives in the recent military escalation in Artsakh, and held a meeting
with the members of Birmingham Mission Parish Council.
He confirmed his willingness to work closely
with the local community and to help with further development and growth. The
Bishop also confirmed his next visits, including the AGM of Birmingham Mission
Parish, which will be held at St.John's Church on 30th April, at 5 pm.

Armenian Street Festival
Planning Continues
On Wednesday 13th April,
the ASF Planning Committee met at the Gulbenkian Hall of St. Sarkis Church.
Reports were made regarding the progress in the planning works. ASF will be
held on 17th
July. This year the ASF will take up the whole of the square of Iverna
Gardens. It will start with the traditional Armenian service of Andastan
(blessings of the four corners of the world) and will be followed by an
official inauguration. Dignitaries and friends of Armenians will attend the ASF
including representatives of sister Churches.
Some of last year’s programme will be the
same, and some new groups will provide entertainment. Plans have been made to
pay special attention to the children’s corner as well as to provide more
provision to the elderly during the ASF. ASF seeks volunteers especially young
men and women to help the team on the day.
London hosted its first ever ASF in 2011, and
it has now become an annual event. The ASF is a celebration of our culture,
history, identity and faith. Last year, the festival offered a comprehensive
programme of music including the Jirair Band, the London Armenian Opera, as
well as music by Komitas. Traditional dancing from the Akhtamar Dance Group and
other entertainments were enjoyed, as well as delicious food, market stalls and
activities for children.
On Sunday 17th July
the Armenian Church and its community will be hosting its 7th annual Armenian
Street Festival (ASF), taking over the whole of Iverna Gardens by High Street
Kensington. ASF is a celebration of our culture, history, identity and faith;
bringing the community and their friends together for a fun day filled with
music, food and dancing.
Our event attracts over 3000 people
including the Armenian community, local residents, friends of our community,
and representatives of sister Churches in the UK.
On the day we will be offering vendors an
opportunity to hire one of our stalls in order to sell their products and raise
awareness. Over the years our stalls have sold books, artwork, craftwork,
charitable merchandise, jewellery and more. We are offering up to 20 vendors
the opportunity to hire one of our stalls for only £100 for the whole day.
If you would like to learn more, please
email us: primatesoffice@armenianchurch.co.uk or call 020 8127 8364. Our stalls
usually get sold quickly so we recommend contacting us as soon as possible to
secure a place at ASF.
Church News

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ACT UK Trustees and Executive Committee Meeting
On the
evening of Friday, 15th July, ACT UK Trustees and the
Executive Committee met at the Armenian Vicarage. Reports were made on the
financial situation. The meeting was informed that that the final year-end
accounts for 2014-2015 were finalised and presented to Company House. It has
become public on respective websites and will be distributed to the donors.
The Finance Committee has undertaken the task of producing the year-end
accounts for 2015-2016. Questions related to the publication of books on
spiritualty and cooperation with the Armenian Bible Society were discussed.
funds the Primate’s Office’s activities and specific projects such as the
ASF, Mission Parish outreach programmes, continuing education ministry
projects and publications. It also considers the specific wishes of donors
while implementing the projects based on the objectives of the Trust.
Church News

The Armenian Church News (ACN) publishes announcements of any

Armenian organisation as it is an inclusive channel of communication.

The objectives of ACN are to inform the wider public and its

members about:

Activities of the Primate

Organisations under the auspices of the Primate; ACT UK, ACYF,

Ladies Committee

Worldwide Armenian Church


Upcoming events in the community

The announcements about the community events are published upon the

request of a particular organisation. The articles cannot be longer than


ACN do not raise funds on behalf of any other organisation except for

Armenian Church (ACT UK, ACYF, ASF, Primate’s Office’s Ladies

Committee, St. Yeghiche, St. Sarkis, Holy Trinity, Dublin, Cardiff,

Birmingham, Oxford).

Any article, flyer or information that may contain appeals do not

the Primate’s or ACN official position.

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Armenian Church

Church News
RTE 1 Radio Interview with
Martine Madden was broadcast
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

6th – 14th June
Church News

A unique
opportunity to explore the Holy Land and the legacy of the Armenian Church in
Armenians have made
pilgrimages to the Holy Land since the 5th century. It is a unique opportunity for
every Christian man and woman to have a spiritual journey and retreat. On 9th June, the pilgrims will participate in the
Divine Liturgy on the occasion of the Feast of Ascension of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ (Old Julian Calendar).
For the Armenian pilgrims
it has another added value because apart from visiting Holy Places they will
visit the Armenian quarter and St. James Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem
to get acquainted
with the legacy of the
Armenian fathers in Jerusalem.
The group will be led by
the Primate, Bishop Hovakim Manukyan. Special guides will facilitate the
visits. The group will stay five days in Jerusalem at the Christmas Hotel,
two nights in Tiberias at the Boutique Hotel and one night in Tel Aviv at the
Deborah Hotel.
Cost: £1600(singleroom)
£1350 (shared room)
Includes: accommodation,
return flights from London Heathrow to Tel Aviv Airport (including airport
taxes and fuel charges), Armenian/English speaking guide services, deluxe coach
with free WIFI, entrance fees for tourist attractions on itinerary, half board
basis (two meals daily), and farewell dinner.
For more
information, please contact: primatesoffice@armenianchurch.co.uk

Diocese of Tavush
One Community,
One School
The objectives of creating Sunday Schools on
bordering areas are:
organise and coordinate spiritual education
in Tavush
to underline the scientific, moral and
spiritual aspects of religious education in the curriculum of the schools
to make the region of Tavush a unique centre
of education
to see strengthen the practising of
Between 2016-2019 we are planning to create around
70 schools in the region of Tavush
Each school will cost
around 2000 USD
Any child living in the bordering region has a
right to spiritual education. The borders are in good hands if we have people
there living according Christian values

“When I grow up I will become
like Serbazan”
Little Nelli is a member of the
Church Youth Organisation of Noyemberyan City
Strengthening Christianity on the
borders creates a stronger nation

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Forthcoming Events in April, May, June and July 2016
Bible Studies
Every Thursday, at St. Sarkis
Church Gulbenkian Hall led by the Primate and the
clergy of the Diocese
Next dates:
April 21st, 28th
Bible Studies are an
important part of the church’s ministry as they provide opportunities for the
faithful and those who are interested and curious to have a deeper
understanding of Christianity and to ask questions about their faith, beliefs
and concerns. During Bible
studies we make observations (what do passages in the Bible say?), provide
interpretation (what do they mean?) and ask how
applicable these passages
are to our lives today. Open to everyone.
Solemn Divine
Liturgy in Remembrance of the Genocide
Sunday, 24th April, St. Yeghiche Church
11:00am Solemn Divine Liturgy
Consecration of the replica of the icon of the Holy Martyrs of the Armenian
Genocide (the original of which was consecrated in the Mother See of Holy
Etchmiadzin on 23rd April, 2015, during the canonisation of the Holy
Martyrs of the Genocide)
1:00pm Prayer for the Armenian soldiers who died
protecting the homeland during the recent aggression of Azerbaijan against
Cardiff Parish
Remembrance Day
Sunday, 24th April at 11.00am
We will be asking the children to light 9
Candles for the 9th Anniversary of the memorial.
Genocide Commemoration Programme
Sunday, 24th April at 2:30pm in St. Yeghiche Church
Community Commemoration Programme
including a special guest speaker and cultural programme.
Lecture: The Armenian Church and National Identity
Friday, 6th May at 8:00pm in the Navasartian Centre
(please see advert for details)
Liturgical Hymns
Saturday, 7th May at 6pm in Pembroke College, Oxford
Oxford Armenian Choir presents the
musical tradition from an ancient church, from the 10th century
to the present day
(please see advert for details)

Association Mother’s Day Celebratory Tea Party
Sunday, 8th May, 3pm-5:30pm at the Double Tree Hotel, 2-8 Hanger Lane, Ealing W5 3HN. Tickets £20 (£10 for children under
12) and additional information can be obtained from the Committee members:
Klara 0208 998 5250, Juliette 0208 998 5490, Larissa 0208 581 8080, Suzelle
0208 453 0196, Odette 01494 816 757.
Dublin Parish
Divine Liturgy
in Taney Parish, Dublin
8 – 11th May, visit to Dublin
Cardiff Parish
Armenian Church
Service at Ararat Church
Saturday, 21st
May at 10.30am
Service in Memoriam of Mr. B. Kassardjian
Sunday, 22nd May in St. Sarkis Church

Divine Liturgy
and Special Memorial Service for Archbishop Gizirian
Sunday, 29th May, in St. Yeghiche Church (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE)
Divine Liturgy and special Hogehangist
service in memory of the late Archbishop Yeghiche Gizirian, the service will be
followed by Hogejash and remembrance event.

Pilgrimage to
the Holy Land
6 – 14th June (please see advert for
Pilgrimage to
Holy Etchmiadzin
24-26th June
Visit to Armenia and the Mother See of
Holy Etchmiadzin, on the occasion of the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis,
Bishop of Rome by the invitation of His Holiness KAREKIN II, Supreme Patriarch
and Catholicos of All Armenians.
Armenian Street Festival
Sunday, 17th July, 12pm-7pm
Gardens, London W8 6TP

The main objective of the diocesan
e-newsletter is to serve and reach out to Armenians throughout the United
Kingdom and Ireland. The community members and organisations are welcome to
send their announcements for the e-newsletter, including information not only
about public events but also about important family events such as christening,
matrimony or passing away.

Prayer Intentions for April:
We pray for justice and peace in the world
and particularly for the heroic people of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). We also
invite you to pray for the blessed memory of the dead soldiers and civilians in
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Church News
Services in the Armenian Churches
Services are held in the Armenian
Churches in London every Sunday starting at 11:00 am. In Manchester, there is a
service on the 1st Sunday of the month. For further details, please
contact the parish nearest to you:

Holy Trinity
Armenian Church
229 Upper Brook Street Manchester, M13
Tel: 0161 273 1074 www.armenianchurchmanchester.org/

St. Sarkis
Iverna Gardens Kensington, London, W8 6TP
Tel: 020 7937 0152 http://www.stsarkisparish.co.uk

St. Yeghiche
13b Cranley Gardens Kensington, London
SW7 3BB Tel: 020 7373 8133 http://www.styeghiche.org.uk/

Other Parishes
of our Diocese:
Cardiff - Tel: + 44 771 279 2304, +44 2920779248. john@jagproperties.co.uk
- Tel: +44 2891 863559. http://www.armenians.ie/
– Tel: +44 121 675 1469. St John’s Church, Stratford Road, Birmingham, B11
4EA Oxford - Tel: +44 7810 490242. armenian.society@studentsclub.ox.ac.uk

We invite those who have questions or
wish to gain deeper understanding of the faith, moral discernment, teachings
and traditions of the Armenian Church to contact the Office of the Diocese of
the Armenian Church in United Kingdom and Ireland:
The Primate’s Office
c/o The Armenian
Iverna Gardens
London, W8 6TP
or email: primatesoffice@armenianchurch.co.uk

Editorial Committee:
His Grace Bishop Hovakim
Manukyan, Primate
Garen Arevian
Hovik Hovhannisyan Aznive Simon
Gagik Stepan-Sarkissian Sossi
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