In its most recent edition, posted on its Website last week, the prestigious Atlantic Monthly focuses on the Armenian vote in the upcoming elections in an article entitled “McCain's Armenia Problem.” Below we present the article. McCain's Armenia Problem "In the superheated world of ethnic grievance politics, rarely do presidential elections feature such a clear contrast between two candidates. In California, New Jersey, Michigan and Nevada, that contrast could hurt McCain." BY DANIEL NICHANIAN From The Atlantic Monthly Eight years ago, George W. Bush was battling an unexpectedly competitive John McCain for the GOP's presidential nomination. Scheduled to vote just days after South Carolina, Michigan suddenly looked decisive--and its substantial Armenian-American population became an attractive voting block. Three days before the vote, Governor Bush sent a letter to two Armenian-American businessmen addressing the Armenian community's biggest demand--recognition that the 1915 extermination of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire was an act of genocide. The Turkish government to this day denies that any genocide occurred, and no president since Ronald Reagan has used that term while in office. Bush pledged to correct that. “The Armenians were subjected to a genocidal campaign,” he wrote. “If elected President, I would ensure that our nation properly recognises the tragic suffering of the Armenian people.” Bush lost in Michigan, won the presidency; and then bailed on his pledge. Last fall, the House of Representatives looked set to adopt a resolution affirming the Armenian genocide. But as Turkey threatened to disrupt its commercial ties with the United States and to invade Iraq, President Bush warned that America could not afford to alienate Turkey and pushed Congress to drop the measure.
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Omphalos tis Gis - Speaking to the press on his return from his meeting with Turkish Cypriot leader, Mehmet Ali Talat, President Christofias announced that the annual military exercise Nikiforos was being cancelled. Later in the day, Reuters said that Talat's spokesman had also announced the holding of the Tavros military exercise in the north. Christofias recalled that he had asked the UN Secretary General at their last meeting in New York last month to help get these exercises cancelled. As regards the talks, Christofias said discussions were continuing, but he was not in a position to announce anything. He said the discussion was could and would continue. Messrs Iacovou and Nami would be taking up the various issues in conjunction with respective experts and the talks would then continue next Wednesday. He refused to be drawn into saying whether he was pleased or not. "When there is progress, we will say so”, he said. |
ARMENTEL SIGNS CONTRACT WITH TURKISH TELECOM | - 10/10/2008 - Till the end of October "Armentel" company will sign a contract with "Turkish telecom" on receiving Internet services from Turkey, said Neicho Velichkov the General Director of "Armentel" in a meeting with the journalists, today. He said that both Armenia and Turkey are authorised in their countries to start cooperation and currently the conditions of the service are being negotiated. "It is important for us to be sure that secure Internet connection will be provided, and Turkey is one of those possibilities," said the General Director. |
Strasbourg Conference 9-10th October 2008 - The Representative of the Armenian Community in the Cyprus Parliament, Vartkes Mahdessian, received an official invitation from the Secretariat General of the Council of Europe and the Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, which was celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, to participate in the conference under the theme "Enhancing the impact of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities: past experience, present achievements and future challenges" which was held on 9th and 10th October 2008 in Strasbourg. Mahdessian was the only Religious Minority Group Representative from Cyprus to take part in this conference. An important component of this conference was the participation of NGOs, who had carried out important work on the promotion and strengthening of the implementation of the Framework Convention during the past decade and also, in drafting of the Declaration. The aim and the purpose of the conference was to officially present the final declaration, which will contain specific recommendations for a variety of stakeholders involved with the Framework Convention such as the Advisory Committee, the Council of Ministers, CoE Member states, as well as civil society organizations.
Thursday 9th October 2008 During the drawing up of the final Declaration on the Framework Convention for the protection of National Minorities, the paragraph which summoned the late 19th and the first half of the 20th century historic facts, such as the two World Wars, the Holocaust, the Cold War, etc. Mahdessian intervened and referred to the Armenian Genocide of 1915, which was missing from the list. There were strong reactions from some participants but at the end, the conference accepted his suggestion and added the word "Genocides" after the Holocaust. Under a different topic, Mahdessian referred to the problems and obstacles that the members of the Armenian Community in Cyprus face such as securing governmental and semi-governmental jobs, practical difficulties of newly enrolled Armenian soldiers, difficulties of Armenian law graduates, who have to sit for further complicated Greek exams in order to be able to practise their profession in Cyprus. The second part of Thursday’s agenda was dedicated to the review and possible improvements of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Late afternoon of the same day, Mr. Mahdessian visited the exhibition "National Minorities, Breath of Diversity, Breath of Europe" dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, where the Armenian Representative had a look at the works of the talented Cypriot Armenian artist Tatiana Ferahian.
Friday 10th October 2008 On Friday 10th October, 3 workshops took place and the participants were divided into 3 groups.- Workshop I.- The Impact-Assessment of the Framework Convention in the State Parties Workshop II- Use of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and its monitoring results by the Council of Europe, Human Rights and other International mechanisms. Workshop III- Discuss effective participation and possible topics for future thematic work of the Advisory Committee of the Framework Convention. In the afternoon, a plenary session and a Round-table discussion was held to review the findings of the three Workshops and conclude the Impact-Assessment of the Framework convention. As per Mahdessian’s evaluation, the conference was productive and his participation as the Representative of the Armenian Community in Cyprus an honour. His impressions were quite positive and in the coming years he hopes to see improvements implemented regarding the rights of National Minorities. |

October 15, 2006 - Jean Eckian - Paris - Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk, Nobel Prize of literature, accused, Tuesday, Turkey to restrict freedom of expression, at the time of the inaugural ceremony of the Frankfurt's Fair of the Book, to which also Turkish president Abdullah Gul assisted. «Turkish state unfortunately continues to punish writers and to prohibit books, he said, adding that "the censure is always in force in the country on the basis of article 301 of the Turkish penal code, with which one tries to intimidate writers like me, of the hundreds of authors and journalists trailed in justice and condemned», the Nobel Prize 2006 regretted. «Some were even killed. Me I am alive here and I am ready to make the opening speech» he said to journalists. «The access to Youtube and others Turkish websites or foreigners are forbidden in Turkey for political reasons », he still denounced, ensuring however that «the authors and the editors did not leave themselves to intimidate.» Author of «Snows» had been worried by Turkish justice in 2005 to denounce the Armenian genocide. At the end of the inaugural speech, President Gul in spite diplomatically applauded the writer. Image courtesy of Financial Mirror/EPA/CNA" |
WORLD RANKING Population: 3.1 million 2004 GDP: $3.1 billion 2004 GDP per head: $4,100 Area: 30,000 sq km Median age: 31.7 Air quality scores: Lowest #26 37.8 (a score ranging from 0-100 based on particulate concentration in urban areas and regional ozone layers) Defence spending: as % of GDP #13 6.3% Lowest divorce rates: #12 0.6% per 1,000 population Heart Disease: #12 277 per 100,000 population in 2002 Highest death rates: #77 9.6 per 1,000 population in 2005 (tied with France) Crude birth rates: #20 average no. of live births per 1,000 population 2000-05 Highest growth in number of listed companies: #10 88.6% increase in 2001-05 Lowest % of population in labour force: #7 32.4 Highest services growth 1994-2004: #3 10.5% average annual % increase in real terms Highest economic growth 1994-2004: #9 7.6 average annual % increase in real GDP (China 9.1) Countries with largest refugee population: #13 235.200 in 2004 Slowest growing populations: #13 -19.4 2004-50 % Slowest growing cities: Yerevan #21 -0.56 average annual growth 2005-10, % |
CADENCE IN CYPRUS The Office of the Armenian Representative has invited the world famous «Cadence» Ensemble of Armenia to perform only for one night at Latsia Municipal Theatre on Friday 28th November 2008. «Cadence» Ensemble’s repertoire includes masterpieces of classical and contemporary music of European, American, Russian and Armenian composers as well as the works of Argentine composer Astor Piazzolla. 
News in brief by Sevag Devletian |
- In an interview with ISNA, head of National Iranian Gas Export Company (NIGEC), Reza Kasaeizadeh said that Iran is able to pump 2 million cubic meters of gas to Armenia during this winter.
- Gegham Gharibjanyan, the Deputy Foreign Minister presented the procedure for Armenians living abroad and foreign citizens having certain categories to get entrance visa of Armenia from diplomatic services and councils of Armenia abroad. The Deputy Foreign Minister said that according to that procedure the process of getting entrance visa becomes simplified.
- A concert will be held in the city of Torreon, Mexico soon, during which pieces by Komitas and Aram Khachatrian will be performed by the local orchestra.
- France-based mobile operator Orange has been awarded a licence to launch a new mobile network in the Republic of Armenia. It will be the third mobile network to set up in the country. A GSM and 3G network will now be launched in the country, with Orange winning the right to issue 055 and 095 dial codes.
- Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliev on Monday vowed a policy of "total offensive" against neighboring Armenia during a hardline speech ahead of the presidential election this week. The incumbent president and candidate in the country's October 15 presidential election told an extended meeting of the Azerbaijani government on Monday that the policy will remain unchanged until Armenia "stops the occupation of Azerbaijani lands."
INTER MILAN Vs ANORTHOSIS Champions League October 22, at: 9:45 |
After throwing Greek Champions Olympiakos out of the Champions League, Cyprus Champions Anorthosis defeated Panathinaikos 3-1, in the Champions League on Cyprus Independence Day at GSP Stadium. Anorthosis now top the table with Italian Champions Inter Milan with four points and face Jose Mourinho's boys in Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on the 22nd of October at 9:45 pm. |
If you have difficulty understanding the current world financial situation, the following should help... Once upon a time in a village in India, a man announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10. The villagers seeing there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them. The man bought thousands at $10, but, as the supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their efforts. The man further announced that he would now buy at $20. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again. Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer rate increased to $25 and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch it! The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now act as buyer, on his behalf. In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers: ' Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at $35 and when he returns from the city, you can sell them back to him for $50. ' The villagers squeezed together their savings and bought all the monkeys. Then they never saw the man or his assistant again, only monkeys everywhere!
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Gibrahayer - Nicosia - As part of its plans to expand its online activities, Gibrahayer e-magazine will be launching an Educational online Trivia Game, that parallel to providing prizes to its winners, will provide an educational forum on important historical and political happenings of Armenian reality. A team across Armenia and the Diaspora has already started working on the project and the Game will be officially launched this autumn. More than 100 major prizes have been donated and will be given out to our winning subscribers. We urge our subscribers to support our new online activities by financially contributing to the team that will be working on the project. |
Thank you for extending Gibrahayer e-magazine's lifeline and providing us with the opportunity to constantly bring innovation to our online services. Call 909-35037. Every call costs 7.86 euros for Cypriot subscribers.
International subscribers can make contributions to: Marfin Popular Bank Public Company Ltd, Bank Address: Strovolos Industrial Area sub-Branch Stavrou Avenue 96-I, 2034 Nicosia - Cyprus, A/C Name: Aynedjian Simon, Account No: 101 1100 3412, Swift Code: LIKI CY 2N, IBAN: CY13 0030 0101 0000 0101 1100 3421
All names of contributors will be announced, unless requested otherwise. |
Letters to the Editor |
Dear Simon, It was a great thing that you had done regarding the survey in Cyprus. I have a question regarding the following: "Despite our Christian values and pride as the first Christian nation, only 18% regularly attend Church, almost 6% never attend Church and the rest attend Church a few times a year on christenings, weddings and funerals." The above statistics means that 76% attend church only 5 times. How do you explain and analyse this result? What could the problem be? Note: I also think the percentage is not very different from Lebanon, perhaps here it may reach to 25% who attend church. However, on the other hand, there are other spiritual groups that are growing within the Armenian community. I know the situation in Cyprus is different, the reason why I email you. Cheers, Raffi Chilingirian Sireli Simon, Please find attached herewith the paper on Western Armenian language, presented to the Inter-nation Conference at the University of Teramo in Italy. With the permission of its author we avail its complete text to the readers of the Gibrahayer. Koharig Kevorkian - Paris France
You can read the article in Armenian in the section, Our Online Family on under Prof. Vartan Ozinian. Simon Aynedjian |
- McCain and the Armenia problem
- New Opinion Column.
- Cyprus this week.
- Our online family - Omphalos Tis Gis
- Our online family - on Western Armenian Language by Prof. Vartan Ozinian
WESTERN ARMENIAN A minority and a non- territorial language. Its problems and its chances of survival by Vartan Ozinian |
This paper was presented in French during the plenary session of the inter-nation conference held at the University of Teramo, Italy on the 21 + 22 May 2008. This English version is translated from the original text by Dr. Art Maranci - member of Pro Edvcatio movement. |
Vartan Ozinian has studied structure of materials (Engineering physics , physical chemistry, mathematics) in the Universities of Istanbul and Paris, with research studies in Basle and the Royal institute of Technology- Stockholm, 1951-1965; Economics and Finance at the Institute of Political Studies-IEP, Paris 1959-1964; Linguistics and Languages at the National School of Living oriental Languages-ENLOV, Paris 1962-1964; Doctoral. Degree conferred on him by University of Paris-Sorbonne, 1978, based on his research in Relations Between Languages, Communication and Civilisation carried out at Harvard and MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1969-1973); Concurrently with his studies and research he has worked as an engineer (1963-1969);He has led studies and research on the Culture of Armenians and Civilisations . at the National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilisation (INALCO, Paris 1969-1978), Econometric Adviser and Development of Human resources (international Organizations / part of U.N.), general Director of Gamma Institutes World Network (Econometrics from 1987 to Date); Member of the Pro Edvcatio movement (from 2000 to date). Publications in the areas of the above specialities.
Sports on |
Read all the important news related to Cyprus and Armenian sports-world by visiting the section entitled Sports on - Anorthosis face Inter Milan on the 22nd of October
- Latest news on community sports
- Latest Sports from Armenia and Cyprus
- David Nalbandian in Armenia
- complete schedule of fixtures of Cyprus Champions Anorthosis Famagusta, until December 2008
- Belgium kept their unbeaten record in World Cup qualifying Group Five intact with a 2-0 win at home to Armenia on Saturday. TONIGHT the Armenian team will face the Bosnians in the "Belino Polye" stadium in the town of Zenitsa.
- World Youth Chess Championship will start on October 19 in the city of Vung Tau, Vietnam. 15 boys and girls will represent Armenia.
- The athletes of Armenia's karate-do team won 18 medals - 11 gold, 6 silver and 2 bronze - in the international tournament held in the U.S. town of Glendale. In November the athletes are expected to participate in another international tournament in Tokyo.
- Russian-based Armenian Gennady Martirosian (14-1, 4 KOs) scored the biggest win of his life to date with a well-earned unanimous decision over Hungarian kayo artist Attila Kovacs (24-2, 17 KOs), who was 22-0 since losing his third only pro encounter. Light-hitting but busy Martirosian used his superior speed to fool slow Kovacs and to wear his opponent down with a relentless body-punching.
Top-seeded David Nalbandian capped a near perfect week with a 6-2, 5-7, 6-3 win over local favourite Robin Soderling in the Stockholm Open final on Sunday. The seventh-ranked Argentine lost just one set in five matches on the Royal Tennis Hall's hard courts. "It was great," Nalbandian said. "The conditions are perfect to play indoors. It could be faster or slower. I adapt my game to play here and I really like it." Nalbandian earned his second win of the season and ninth career victory. It was also the first singles victory by an Argentine in the 40-year history of the tournament. Nalbandian won his first title of the year in Buenos Aires in February and lost the championship match in Acapulco the following week. Both players held their serve in the third set until the seventh game, when Nalbandian broke to take a 4-3 lead on his fourth break point after the Swede netted a backhand. Nalbandian then held and wrapped up the match with another break after the fourth-seeded Soderling double-faulted on match point. "I was supposed to win in the second set when I was a break up, but he started playing better under the pressure," Nalbandian said. "The third set was very tight. When I got the break I think I had everything under control." Soderling also lost the 2003 Stockholm final to Mardy Fish. Nalbandian, who improved to 5-1 against Soderling, next will head to Spain to begin his defence of his Madrid Masters title. |
Gibrahayer Calendar |
Every Saturday from 7:00 pm - midnight - Marie Louise (vocals) and Armen (guitar and vocals) perform at The Golden Bay Hotel Bar in Larnaca. Every Friday at 11:00pm - Hovig sings at Red Club, in down town Nicosia. |

- Every Wednesday at 7:00 pm - Community gathering at The Armenian Club of Larnaca, followed by dinner.
- 30 September - 10 October 2008 - Armenian Cypriot artist and Gibrahayer e-magazine cartoonist Tatiana Ferahian, will be accompanying Daphne Trimikliniotis, to help set up the group exhibition entitled diverCYty, which will take place at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, from 30 September - 10 October 2008 (see above article)
- Monday October 13 at 8:00pm at AYMA - General Meeting of Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association, Cyprus Oshagan Chapter.
- Wednesday October 15 - The Pharos is celebrating its 10th anniversary with a major event at the old Powerhouse which will be inaugurated by President of the Cyprus Parliament Marios Garoyian. The exhibition, with 40 international artists will include many from Armenia. Every evening until Nov 9 there will be events, concerts, lectures and performances. Open to the public – free of charge. Visit the website of the Pharos Trust at www dot thepharostrust dot org
- Saturday, October 25, at 05:00 pm - Armenian Evangelical Church service in Greek Evangelical Church, 20 Gladstonos street, Nicosia. Message: "God Called the Armenian Nation".(Asdvadtz Gantchetz Hay Joghovourte). The service will be dedicated for the Cultural Month - TARKMANCHATZ. Speaker: Hrayr Jebejian. All are welcome.
Friday 14 November at 8:30 pm - Celebrations for the 20th Anniversary of the Armenian Relief Society of Sosse Cyprus Chapter at The Cleopatra Hotel in Nicosia. Details to follow. -
Friday 28th November - The Office of the Armenian Representative has invited the world famous «Cadence» Ensemble of Armenia to perform only for one night at Latsia Municipal Theatre. «Cadence» Ensemble’s repertoire includes masterpieces of classical and contemporary music of European, American, Russian and Armenian composers as well as the works of Argentine composer Astor Piazzolla. -
Saturday 20 December - Nor Serount Ball - details to follow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Armenian Genocide Resolution was adopted by the House Foreign Affairs Committee with a vote 27 to 21 on October 10, 2007. The vote in the full House has not been scheduled yet. Meanwhile, several Congressmen recalled their signatures under pressure of the Turkish lobby.
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