Thursday 12 February 2009

My State of Mind, by Hrant Dink; Watch the transcribed video of an important interview with TV5; update 9 February 2009‏

From: Dikran Abrahamian

My State of Mind, by Hrant Dink, Birgün Newspaper (translated by Nazim Dikbas), 1 November 2004
Watch the transcribed video of an important interview with TV5; English subtitles provided by Friends of Hrant: Voices in Dialogue.
“Unclench your fist and we will talk”: Hrant Dink & Victor Jara, By Arpie Dadoyan, New Jersey, 21 January 2009
Friends of Hrant: Voices in Dialogue are a group of Armenians, Turks and Kurds with roots in Anatolia who have come together to share their deep love and respect for Hrant Dink and to carry on his legacy and dream. On January 17 in Ottawa, Canada, they put together an evening commemorating the second anniversary of Hrant Dink’s senseless killing and invited the public to attend the event.
An Apology, a Thank You and Dialogues, by Dikran Abrahamian, 9 February 2009
Centuries and millenia measure a nation’s life; and experiences of such a collective, especially of traumatic nature, are imprinted in the collective memory - never to be erased and never to be forgotten. A mere century ago, the Young Turks proclaimed the end of the Ottoman Sultan's horrible reign. They spoke of friendship and goodwill.
United States and NATO: The Axis of Genocide Posted in Thursday, 29 January 2009 13:45
"How could NATO member Turkey ever credibly claim some fictive right of "humanitarian intervention" anywhere given its longstanding campaign to submerge the Kurds as well as its previous extermination of the Armenians, a genocide which it still denies today."

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