Wednesday 22 July 2015



Elizabeth II is not a Nazi. Those revolted by the little Princess making the ill-famed salute are either hypocrites or idiots. She clearly had not a clue what she was doing. The piffling scandal tells a revealing tale, however. One about the dubious historical record of the Queen’s own subjects, as well as other nations'.

Nazism has become a universal metaphor of pure evil. Wholly unreasonable. For any crime imputed to Hitler, putatively impeccable nations have done the same – or worse. Militarism and war-making? Democratic America has invaded 70 countries since 1776. Concentration camps? Parliamentary Britain created them first for the defeated white Boers in South Africa. In her book ‘Britain’s Gulag: the Brutal End of Empire in Kenya’, Professor Caroline Elkins argues that the British herded over a million and half Kikuyu people into harsh camps. Aggressive empires of robbery and plunder? Britain and France know a thing or two…Savage repressions on native peoples? Ireland? You get my drift… The death toll of the French colonial war in Algeria is estimated to half million – on the Algerian side. (The same France of ‘liberty, equality, fraternity’! Haha!) Even little, ‘innocent’ Belgium is responsible for the extermination of perhaps ten million Africans in the Congo!

Hence, the problem with the Nazification of evil is the Nazification of good. Namely, the forces of light turn out to have been pretty dark, murderously Nazi-like, too. ‘Nazism above, Nazism below’, you might say, with the gnostic Tabula Smaragdina.

Is there no moral difference at all between the crimes of Nazism and those other nations? There is. The former have been exposed and punished – the latter have not. Or are only intermittently harped on.

Simon Jenkins has written eloquently about Britain’s obsession with Nazism. What he did not ask is why. Insecurity? Britain’s envy of Germany’s economic success? (Despite its cities being reduced to rubble by the Allies in WWII.) Repressed awareness of Britain’s own dark side? Subconscious wish to transfer all guilt onto the Other? Or just straightforward bad conscience?

Thus, young Elizabeth’s naive Nazi gesture serves a useful purpose. It is a reminder of what Britain and other democratic Westerners have have been at for centuries, well before Hitler’s rise. Imperialism, colonialism, slavery, wars, mass murder, etcetera. You know the score…

Compared with those enormities, a few awkward episodes in Elizabeth’s long reign are mere bagatelles. For instance, when Princess Diana died in Paris, Buckingham Palace’s chief concern was to get back the jewels she was wearing. Bit callous, to say the least. Further, the Palace initially refuses to fly the Union Jack at half-mast as a sign of mourning for Diana’s death. It took PM Tony Blair’s intervention to do that.

Does the Queen know something about the way Diana died that ordinary folks don’t? ‘There are powers at work in this country of which we have no knowledge’ the Monarch allegedly told the man who washed the Princess’ knickers, her former butler. A peculiar, self-contradictory remark. How can you affirm anything about something you don’t know? And what powers did the Queen mean? Natural or supernatural? The ambiguous ‘thrones, dominions, principalities and powers’ mentioned by St Paul in Colossians and subjected to Christ? Elizabeth is a Christian, after all. She has to believe in them. Or, more prosaically, secret services snoopers? (Why was the FBI recording Diana and Dodi’s phone calls? What business did it have to do that?) Brits, Yanks or…what? Tantalising thoughts.

The Queen is no rank-and-file Christian, of course. By virtue of her office she is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, by law established. Also, as Head of State, no Act of Parliament is legally valid until it is signed by her. Sounds fine but…what if the Queen’s political and religious roles were to conflict?

At her Coronation Elizabeth II was handed the Bible, with the words: ‘The most valuable thing the world can afford.’ She also swore to uphold the Protestant religion. Very good but…How can you seriously believe in the Bible as the Word of God and at the same time put your signature on legislation that plainly contradicts Scripture? Or indeed the Anglican Book of Common Prayer? What legislation I mean, you ask? Guess!

Does old, bad Dr Freud hold the key to making sense of this ludicrous, never-ending Nazification mania? The English Royal Family is of German origins – nobody’s secret. George V, the Queen’s granddad, in WWI changed the dynasty name from ‘Saxe-Coburg-Gotha’ to Windsor but it fooled no one. The British may detest the poor Krauts as much as they like, yet their monarchy is German! Plus, remember the Anglo-Saxons? Were they not Germanic tribes, too? And wasn’t America till recently described as being ruled by ‘WASPS’? The white Anglo-Saxon Protestant elite? The Germans under different names are still ruling and screwing up the world, it seems. Is it all really about self-hatred, then? Does smearing a seven year old child by showing her making a Hitlerian sign express a sense of unconscious, collective guilt felt by her people?

Anyhow, the priest feels sorry for the Queen. At the age of 89, bound as she must be for her heavenly reward, she does not deserve this sort of mud. Was it not a shameless rag, the Sun newspaper should hang its head in shame.

Revd Frank Julian Gelli

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