Set the record straight
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Labels: 28th February 2009
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Labels: 28th February 2009
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Labels: 28th February 2009
Armenia – Land of Culture. Exhibition of photographs, free & open to public
Monday 2 to Friday 6 March, 10am to 5pm daily
Armenia was one of the countries of the famous Silk Road, which accommodated trade and cultural exchange long ago
and became the first nation to adopt Christianity, in 301 AD, as a state religion.
This exhibition presents a country with a millennia-long history and traditions, an excellent destination for cultural, religious,
historical and adventure tourism.
[the following week there is an exhibition entitled Türkiye from 1000 feet:
their website includes three pictures of Van, two of which show the devastation of the previous Armenian part]
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Labels: 28th February 2009
Ռ.Ա.Կ-ի շրջանակներուն լուրջ ուշադրութեան
Ռ.Ա.Կ. Լիբանանի Շրջանային Վարչութեան անունով, Աւետիս Տագէսեանի Ամերիկա այցելութիւնը , մեզի կը պարտաւորեցնէ ձեր լուրջ ուշադրութեան յանձնել հետեւեալ կէտերը:
1. Իր գլխաւորած վարչութիւնը ԱՊՕՐԷՆ է, պարզապէս անոր համար որ, ասկէ շուրջ երկու տարի առաջ ՆՇԱՆԱԿՈՒԱԾ է, հետեւաբար, օրինական ու կանոնագրային առումներով այլեւս ուժի մէջ չէ:
2. Ռ.Ա.Կ. կեդրոնական վարչութիւնը պաշտօնական նամակով մը պահանջած է նոր ղեկավարութիւն մը առաջացնել, ԸՆՏՐՈՎԻ, սակայն ներկայ ապօրէն վարչութիւնը անհիմն եւ անհամոզիչ պատճառաբանութիւններով մերժած է, անորոշութեան մէջ ձգելով զայն:
3. Այս անօրէնութեանց դիմաց, Յակոբ Գասարճեանի մը առաջադրութիւնը Լիբանանեան խորհրդարանի անդամակցութեան, կը մնայ գերազանցապէս ՄԵՐԺԵԼԻ , քանի անդամակցութեան ջախջախիչ մեծամասնութիւնը դէմ է անոր թեկնածութեան, մնաց որ անիկա կուսակցութիւնը քանդեց, զինք քննադատողները հեռացուց ,կուսակցութեան անունը շահագործեց,ոչինչ տալով անոր:
4. Յակոբ Գասարճեանին շուրջ գտնուողները,որոնք մատի վրայ կը հաշուըուին, մեծ մասը դրամական ուժով կը մնայ հոն, իսկ Աւետիս Տագէսեանին Ամերիկա այցելութիւնը նոյն ծիրէն ներս կ'իյնայ: Ի միջի այլոց,նոյն Տագէսեանն է որ Ռ.Ա.Կ.-էն վտարուած է, նոյն Յակոբ Գասարճեանի կարգադրութեամբ, նիւթական իւրացումներու ամբաստանութեամբ:
5. Ռ.Ա.Կ.-ը իր ամբողջ փայլուն պատմութեան ընթացքին,չէր վարկաբեկուած ու սնանկացած ,որքան Յակոբ Գասարճեանի մը եւ անոր մանկլաւիկներու շրջանին,որուն մէկ ներկայացուցիչը եղաւ ''վտարեալ'' Տագէսեանը , փոխանակ բարեկարգում մը կատարելու, անարժաններով զսպելու ու կուսակցութեան վարկը բարձր պահելու:
Թերեւս ասոնց համար նիւթականը աւելի ծանրակշիռ է , քան Ռ.Ա.Կ.-ի երդումն ու ուխտադրումը:
6. Տագէսեանը, որ Արտաւազդ թագաւորին նման Գասարճեանին ցանած Ռ.Ա.Կ.-ի աւերակներուն վրայ կը դեգերի, ինք շատ լաւ գիտէ այս քանդիչին ու դաւադիրին ստորնութիւնները, բայց, յանուն իր փառամոլութեան ու կարճատեսութեան, կը յաւակնի Ամերիկա հասնիլ: Մարդկային,ազգային, ու կուսակցական արժանապատուութենէ զուրկ մէկու մը ծառայելու :
7. Օտար բայց ծանօթ աղբիւրէ մը ձրի օդանաւային տոմս ապահովող այս ''սուրհանդակ''ը , որ մարդ համոզելու բնաւ ատակ չէ, պիտի կազմակերպէ քուէարկողներու Լիբանան այցելութեան միջոց, անոնց եւս տրամադրելով ձրի տոմսեր, նոյն աղբիւրէն, Ռ.Ա.Կ.-ի արդի պատմութեան մէջ աւելցնելով սեւ էջերու թիւը:
Եթէ այս բոլորը չէք գիտեր, գիտցէք: Հոս բոլորը գիտեն ու ժամանակը ցոյց պիտի տայ այս ապօրէններուն անկումին պատկերը եւ վախճանը:
Ռ.Ա.Կ. Լիբանանի Շրջանակի Անդամակցութիւն
26 Փետրուար 2009
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Labels: 28th February 2009
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Labels: 28th February 2009
Rant Number 341 25 February 2009
Aristocratic, anti-Semitic, popish, clericalist, misogynist, elitist and reactionary. Not exactly terms of commendation in our enlightened age. Who, what do they designate? Jean Marie Le Pen’s National Front? Holocaust-denying Bishop Williamson? Islamophobic Dutch MP Geert Wilders? Mein Kampf? False. They properly describe that milestone of Western human rights, Magna Carta – what else?
‘900-year struggle for Britain’s freedoms and rights’, the bombast of the Taking Liberties exhibition (logo: a clenched fist) at the British Library announces. Most famous amongst its ‘key icons of liberty and progress’ is indeed Magna Carta. Sealed by King John at Runnymede in 1215. A seminal document of English constitutional practice, my Oxford English Dictionary says. And a smart Italian lady with whom I chatted the exhibition enthused: ‘You wonderful British…you showed all Europeans the way out of medieval darkness.’ Pretty flattering. But it is all rubbish. From beginning to end. Some people are like parrots. They simply echo any stuff and nonsense. Had they read the Great Charter, it’d make them sit up.
The august document consists of 63 clauses. ‘The English Church shall be free’, the first runs. ‘It shall have its rights undiminished and its liberties unimpaired’. Just in case you don’t get it: ‘free’ means free from royal interference, not from papal authority. A freedom the monstrous syphilitic tyrant, Henry VIII, later usurped. Today the Church of England is so utterly unfree that its bishops are appointed by the monarch – in fact, by the Prime Minister! Thus Pope Benedict turns out to have excellent legal entitlement to the English Church – he only has to appeal to Magna Carta!
Anti-Semitic. I kid you not. Clauses 10 and 11 take a swipe at Jewish money-lenders. ‘If a man dies owing money to Jews, his wife will have her dower and pay nothing towards the debt from it.’ Whatever the reason back then, that wouldn’t do today. And King John’s grandson, Edward II, may have had those articles in mind when he expelled the poor Hebrews from England in 1290. Not quite kosher, nah!
‘Heirs may not be given in marriage to persons of lower social rank.’ Clause 6. Probably a popular sentiment with all parents in all ages. Would I wish my lovely boy, Linus, to marry anyone called Tracy or Sharon? A shop-girl or a waitress? If I said ‘yes’, I’d be a bloody liar. Stone me to death, I won’t pretend. My hypocrisy has limits, unlike my snobbery. But, groan… hardly a progressive position, I concede it.
Clause 54 is a pearl. ‘Nobody will be arrested or jailed on the appeal of a woman for the death of any person, except her husband.’ I don’t figure the suffragettes Taking Liberties makes so much of would have rejoiced at this. Casts a bit of an aspersion on women’s testimony, to put it mildly. Misogyny rampant. And in a text hailed as a beacon of modern rights. What a hoot!
Clause 57 mentions de passage ‘taking up the Cross’. Meaning crusaders. That would do wonders for religious dialogue, no doubt.
Equality. A fundamental value of our time. Yet Magna Carta flatly denies it. ‘Earls and barons shall be fined only by their equals’, the 21st article states. Indeed, until the 19th century British aristocrats were tried by their peers, in the House of Lords. Similarly, secular courts could not investigate priests or nuns. A nice privilege not abolished until 1827, under George IV. I wish it hadn’t. Priestly perks appeal to a priest. Although, on second thoughts…would I really fancy being tried by the Establishment-fawning Anglican clergy I know? La samaha Allah! All things being equal, I’d rather opt for a sharia court. Fairer, I bet you.
All right. Time to take the bull by the horns. The aforesaid isn’t what turns Magna Carta’s modern fans on. Clauses 39 and 40 do. ‘No free man shall be seized or imprisoned…except by the lawful judgment of his equals, or by the law of the land…to no one will we deny right or justice’. The origins of habeas corpus, no less. But what does ‘free man’ mean? As Ms Claire Breay, author of an eye-opening booklet on the Carta, ably points out, ‘the peasantry who constituted the mass of the population were firmly outside its remit.’ Even less were serfs and slaves. Hence revered doctrines and dogmas like democracy and human rights find no support in that much mythologised document. Moreover, habeas corpus was never sacrosanct or absolute. In Britain it has often been suspended, notably during the French Revolution, in wartime and more recently in Northern Ireland. It seems raison d’etat can trump even the Latin of Magna Carta, when force majeure dictates…
If Magna Carta was so central to the English historical consciousness of freedom and rights, you’d expect that majestic English genius, Will Shakespeare, to celebrate it. Or, at the very least, to mention it. Not so. The Bard’s Life and Death of King John says not a word about it. The monarch does battle against the evil cleric Pandulph, the papal legate, but that’s hardly surprising, as John’s quarrel with Pope Innocent III got him an excommunication in return. Of course, Shakespeare was intent on glorifying the absolutism of the ghastly Tudor dynasty - the Welsh’s greatest revenge on their English overlords. It would not have done to portray an English king as subject to lesser forces in his own realm. Come to think of it, the great Will had a few points in common with Dr Goebbels. Poetry apart, some of his plays ooze the most outrageous political propaganda. Nothing new there. Great artists, from Virgil to Chaucer and Goethe, have often sucked up to the powers that be. Even geniuses have to eat.
Magna Carta should be more aptly called ‘Parva Carta’, small charter, as its actual significance was minor. Later ages have built it into a myth. Fine, providing you know the actual truth. Myths are what human beings need. King Arthur is a myth for romantics and medievalists. Democracy, equality and the rights of man are myths for the multitudes. Unicuique Suum. To each his own.
Revd Frank Julian Gelli
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Labels: 28th February 2009
In a couple of days the Open Letter to his Excellency Serzh Sargsyan will be made public. Please indicate whether you would endorse the letter. Provide Name and Surname, Title/Occupation, City/Country.
It would be much appreciated if you could include the Armenian version of your name too as the original of the letter will be in Armenian.
Dikran Abrahamian
Dikran Abrahamian ( Honourable Serzh Sargsyan, President of Republic of Armenia :
Your Excellency:
One year has gone by since the tragic events that unfolded in the streets of Yerevan on March 1-2, 2008, following the presidential elections. Armenia’s security forces opened fire at civilians who were protesting an election process marred by irregularities and fraud. The violent show of force resulted in 10 deaths and numerous injuries, thus inflicting a deep wound to a people’s psyche.
You heard the voices of outrage coming immediately from the Armenian communities of the Diaspora as well as the world community at large, and you pledged to act swiftly to restore your people’s confidence in the fairness and integrity of your administration. Specifically, you promised to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into this tragedy, to bring to justice those responsible for the violence, and to release the arrested protesters.
We are alarmed to note that your administration has made little or no progress on this front: none of the deaths has been accounted for and most of the arrested protesters remain in prison.
President Sargsyan, we recognize that Armenia is facing major economic difficulties and grave security issues. We are also aware that your administration is engaged in intense diplomatic activities on multiple fronts. While it is understandable that your government might be preoccupied with these challenges, it is crucial to remember that Armenia can not solve its domestic problems or improve its international stature if Armenian governments fail to honor the basic human rights of its citizens, including the rights to freedom of expression and a fair judiciary.
call on you to act urgently on your promises to restore justice, fairness, and accountability to the victims of the post-election violence and their families.We eagerly await your public response.
Concerned Individuals
CC: Honourable Minister of Diaspora Affairs
Endorsed by: Davit Zargarian, Haig Misakyan, Dikran Abrahamian, Avo Bedrossian
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Labels: 28th February 2009
">Gibrahayer e-magazine www.gibrahayer.c
The largest circulation Armenian e-magazine on the Internet
Circulates every Wednesday - Established in 1999
With Armenian tri-colours and the Karabakh flags waving, a large banner that read “Aliyev, Stop the Aggression. Nagorno-Karabakh is Already Independent,” the crowd chanted “Karabakh is Armenian” catching the Aliyev off guard as he exited his vehicle.
The Armenian community of Greece - especially the youth - had gathered to raise their voices against the visit of the Azeri president to Greece.
Aliyev's Azeri security team was very aggressive toward the protesters and pushed the Azad Or editor and Armenian photographers back and stopped them, as representatives of the press, from entering the building. The Greek police also held back protesters, who refused to move from their positions.
Soon thereafter, President Papoulias arrived and was greeted by cheers from the protesters, who stayed put until the conclusion of the conference and Aliyev's quick exit from the venue, where the protesters continued their protest slogans.
During the meeting, Aliyev reiterated his anti-Armenian rhetoric, saying that “Armenia has invaded and is occupying Azeri year=20year=2009&month=02 You can view the demonstration and the way the Armenians of Greece
greeted the President of Azerbaijan >TURKISH COLONEL TO STAND TRIAL ON HRANT DINK MURDERPanARMENIAN.Net 18.02.2009 - A Turkish court ordered a colonel and five soldiers, to stand trial in connection with the murder of Hrant Dink, editor of Agos Turkish-Armenian weekly, who was assassinated by a gunman outside his office on January 19, 2007.
Colonel Ali Oz was indicted last year for failing to provide protection to Dink, who had received death threats before he was murdered.
A lower court dismissed the case against Oz, but last week a court in the city of Trabzon, said Oz should stand trial.
Two low-ranking soldiers are already on trial accused of neglect of duty in the Hrant Dink murder, Reuters reports.
PanARMENIAN.Net 18.02.2009 - The Turkish General Staff plotted terror acts against initiators of the Armenian apology campaign, Bolis-based Normarmara newspaper reports.
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Labels: 28th February 2009
Monday, February, the first day of Lent
Each year the liturgical calendar lists many occasions for observing Paregentan (good living). One such occasion is Poun Paregentan (Main or Prime Good Living). The name rings for all people with a joyful sound. It is the signal for the start of the abstinence. It serves as a joyous celebration as a counter-balance to the burdensome weeks of abstinence (lent). It is a toast for long life, health and success. It is a heartfelt expression of an attitude toward loved ones, disclosed in gatherings and around bountiful tables.
This year paregentan is marked on 22 February 2009
The Peace Service (Khaghaghagan), the Rest Service (Hanksdyan), and the Sunrise Service (Arevakal) are performed more often during Lent than at other times of the year. In popular terms Peace and Rest services are combined and called Hsgoum.
Peace Service, performed in the late evening, contains prayers for peace at the end of the day. Rest Service, which comes just before retiring for the night, asks God's continuing care through the night. Sunrise Service, performed first thing in the morning, reminds us that God is the giver of the light of the morning and the light of salvation.
The Great Lent (Medz Bahq) is 48 days from the day that followes Poun Paregentan until the morning before the Easter (this year it starts from 23 February 2009 until the morning of 12 April 2009). The main part of the Lent is between Poun Paregentan and Palm Sunday "Dzaghgazart" (6 weeks), followed by the Holy Week from Palm Sunday to Holy Easter (total 7 weeks).
What is the purpose of Medz Bahq?
A time designated by Christian churches as a unique period for self examination, a search for spiritual values and for spiritual renewal. By voluntarily depriving ourselves from material pleasures, we make a conscious effort to dwell on our spiritual values.
What are the customary dietary rules when observing Medz Bahq?
Most people who observe Medz Bahq, give up eating all animal products (meats from all sources, butter, milk, eggs, cheese, etc.) Some people choose to observe Medz Bahq throughout the 40 days; others do it only on Wednesdays and Fridays; others may give up specific things like desserts or drinks; or others may choose whatever they feel is a material pleasure for them.
Note that observing the dietary restrictions without accompanying kind deeds, renders the observation of Medz Bahq useless.
The Meaning of Lent:"Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And he fasted forty days and forty nights, and afterward he was hungry." (Matthew 4:12.)
This is the Biblical basis of the period called Lent, given to us to prepare for the Feast of Feasts, the Resurrection. Just as we need time to prepare for any great event in life, we need time to make ourselves ready to participate in the blessed and wondrous event commemorated by Easter.
Lent gives us the opportunity to:
Renew our commitment to God
Reflect on our lives and let them be directed by God
Respond to Jesus' call for love and mercy toward all of God's children
Michink or median day of Lent is the 24th day of Lent and it occurs on the Wednesday of the fourth week. Although it does not have any specific religious significance, this mid-point day has been traditionally marked as a special day, an occasion for celebration. It is often marked with fellowship and friendship while sharing a table of Lenten foods.
This year the median day of Lent (Michink) will be on 18 March 2009.
Armenians around the world celebrate the Easter Sunday. They exchange the Easter greeting: Krisdos haryav ee merelotz and Orhnyal eh harootiunun Krisdosee. They share with relative, friends and community members a joyous Easter feast, often including lamb and colored eggs (symbols of new life).
On the Monday after Easter, Armenian families in many parts of the world visit the graves of their loved ones.
Easter Sunday is followed by a period of 40 days, during which time there are no saints' days or fasting days. This period is dedicated to the 40 days Christ spent on earth after His Resurrection. The end of this period is called Ascension Day, commemorating Christ's entry into heaven.
Fifty days after Easter is Pentecost, on which day the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and gave them the power to preach in various languages. This usually is marked as the birthday of the Church.
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Labels: 23rd February 2009
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Labels: 23rd February 2009