Gibrahayer e-magazine The largest circulation Armenian e-magazine on the Internet Circulates every Wednesday - Established in 1999 |
Monday, February 9, 2009 YEREVAN (RFE/RL) - The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Turkey reported further progress towards the normalisation of bilateral relations after weekend talks in Munich that also involved President Serzh Sargsyan. Eduard Nalbandian and Ali Babacan met in the southern German city on the sidelines of an international security conference for the second time in just over a week. Babacan also had a separate conversation there with Sargsyan, who headed the Armenian delegation at the annual high-level forum. |
“You know that after the [January 29] meeting between the Armenian president and the Turkish prime minister in Davos, the foreign ministers were instructed to make additional efforts to normalise relations,” Nalbandian told journalists after the talks. “I and Mr. Babacan met for that purpose,” he said in remarks broadcast by the Armenian Second TV Channel on Saturday. “The meeting was constructive. We are moving forward and getting closer to the normalisation of relations.” "We made progress in talks on how to normalise relations," Babacan said on Sunday, according to the Anatolia news agency. A spokesman for the Turkish Foreign Ministry likewise described the talks as “quite productive.” “These talks aim at normalising the relations between Turkey and Armenia," the official, Burak Ozugergin, was quoted by Anatolia as saying. Sargsyan met Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the Swiss resort town after months of unprecedented Turkish-Armenian diplomatic contacts that have raised hopes for the establishment of diplomatic relations and the opening of the border between the two neighboring states. Neither Nalbandian, nor Babacan said in Munich just when that could happen. Babacan discussed one of the main obstacles to the Turkish-Armenian rapprochement, the unresolved Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, with Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev and Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov during a visit to Baku on Monday. “The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict must be resolved solely within the framework of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity,” the Turkish minister told reporters in Baku, according to the Trend news agency. Babacan and official Azerbaijani sources did not say if the Turkish-Armenian dialogue was on the agenda of the talks. There have been some indications that Ankara is ready to stop linking the normalisation of its strained relations with Yerevan with a Karabakh settlement acceptable to Baku. Azerbaijani politicians and pundits have expressed concern at such prospect. In Yerevan, meanwhile, Sargsyan met on Monday with Bako Sahakian, president of the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. His office said Sargsyan briefed the Karabakh Armenian leader on the results of his January 28 meeting in Zurich with Alyiev.
Gibrahayer e-magazine - Nicosia 11 February - Cypriot President Demetris Christofias said last week that Turkey would not be able to join the European Union as long as it continued keeping its troops in northern Cyprus. "It's not possible for Turkey to be accepted as a member of the union while continuing the occupation of Cyprus," he told reporters of the foreign press in Nicosia. Earlier last month Foreign Minister Markos Kyprianou said Cyprus might block more chapters in Turkey's accession negotiations with the EU in light of an oil exploration dispute between the two countries. "As long as there are threats regarding the exercise of our sovereign right to exploit the natural resources within our exclusive economic zone [in the Mediterranean Sea], it is very difficult for us to start discussions on the relevant chapter of the negotiations, he concluded.
February 6 Press release from AGBU Press service - During his visit to Cyprus on January 22, 2009, the President of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), Berge Setrakian, accompanied by Mr. Benon Sevan, was received by the President of the Republic of Cyprus, H. E. Demetris Christofias, and the President of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus, H. E. Mr. Marios Garoyian. Mr. Setrakian used this opportunity to brief them on the Organization's activities and the challenges that it faces in the 21st century for the maintenance and perpetuation of the Armenian identity in both the Diaspora and the Republic of Armenia. He also discussed the future prospect of the Melkonian property in Nicosia. The Cypriot President and the House Leader expressed their support and friendship toward the Armenian people and their commitment to further strengthen the positive relations between Cyprus and the Republic of Armenia. They also conveyed their full understanding of AGBU's objectives and the importance of the Organisation's focus on its programs for strengthening the relationship of the worldwide communities with Armenia. Furthermore, they expressed their appreciation to Mr. Setrakian that AGBU was considering the development of a project in Cyprus for the benefit of all Cypriots as a token of gratitude toward the government and the people of the Republic of Cyprus for their longstanding support of the Armenian community. The following day and at the suggestion of the Cypriot President, Mr. Setrakian met with H.E. Dr. Andreas Demetriou, Minister of Education and Culture. Also in attendance were House Representative Takis Hadjigeorghiou and Nicos Peristianis, Executive Dean of the University of Nicosia. During this meeting, the development of educational projects of mutual intent were considered and discussed.
Melkonian Alumni Association of Cyprus Press Release - Nicosia, 10 February- According to press reports, AGBU President Berge Setrakian paid a visit to Cyprus and held separate meetings with the President of the Republic, the House President and the Minister of Education and discussed various subjects including, as the AGBU states, “the Melkonian property issue.” According to a press release, “Cypriot officials have expressed their appreciation to Mr. Setrakian that AGBU was considering the development of a project in Cyprus for the benefit of all Cypriots as a token of gratitude toward the government and the people of the Republic of Cyprus for their longstanding support of the Armenian community.” After failing to sell the Melkonian Estate because of the preservation and national heritage order protecting 60% of the property, the AGBU has now changed course and wants to find a face-saving exit out of Cyprus, using the Melkonian property as bait. The Cyprus Melkonian Alumni were surprised that Armenian Cypriot issues were discussed by the President of the Republic, the House President and the Education Minister in the absence of the Armenian Representative at the House of Representatives. Further still, past pleas from the University of Cyprus to temporarily house the historic Melkonian Library were also ignored. When it comes to issues affecting the Armenian community, the Cyprus government has an obligation to inform the community and stand by its pledges made before the elections that it will support efforts to re-open the Melkonian as a school in line with the wishes of the Melkonian benefactors. The AGBU leadership based in the US may still be thinking in terms of dollars and cents, but we are sure President Demetris Christofias and House President Marios Garoyian will adhere to their high moral standards and responsibilities for the benefit of Armenians and Cypriots, insisting that whatever is offered by the AGBU should lead to the reopening of Melkonian Educational Institute at its present location in Nicosia.
Melkonian Alumni & Friends - Los Angeles, California - February 11th, 2009 - We learn from a press release dated 6 February 2009 that Mr. Berge Setrakian, the President of Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), had a meeting with President Demetris Christofias and House of Representatives President Marios Garoyian on 22 January 2009. According to the AGBU press release, Mr Setrakian discussed at the meeting the activities of his organisation "for the perpetuation of Armenian identity" and a "project in Cyprus for the benefit of all Cypriots as a token of gratitude toward the government and the people of the Republic of Cyprus for their longstanding support of the Armenian community." We are pleased to hear that the AGBU is considering projects that will benefit all Cypriots as a token of appreciation for the hospitality and generosity Cyprus and Cypriots have accorded Armenians since the end of World War I. We are also delighted to hear that "the Cypriot President and the House Leader expressed their support and friendship toward the Armenian people and their commitment to further strengthen the positive relations between Cyprus and the Republic of Armenia." However, it is also obvious that the current and future status of the Melkonian Educational Institute (MEI) was an important--if not the most important--item on the agenda of this meeting. Sadly, the only reference the AGBU press release makes to the MEI is that Mr Setrakian "also discussed the future prospect of the Melkonian property in Cyprus." It is dismaying to learn that Mr Setrakian discussed the MEI only as a "property" and that he did not broach the possibility of reopening the institute at his meeting with the Cypriot President and House leader and even in the course of his discussions about "educational projects of mutual intent" in a subsequent meeting with the Minister of Education and Culture. We are extremely grateful for the support and assistance the Government of Cyprus provided to the MEI throughout its existence and appreciate in particular the readiness it expressed to ensure the preservation of the school after the AGBU decided to close it in 2005. Indeed, it would be no exaggeration to say that the Government of Cyprus has been more farsighted and sensitive with regard to the future of the MEI than the AGBU, which has treated the school as just "property" instead of acting as the custodian of its educational heritage. In view of the scant detail the AGBU press release provides about the exact nature what was discussed with regard to the "Melkonian property," we urge the Government of Cyprus in general and the Ministry of Education and Culture in particular to meet with our representatives to explain unambiguously where the government stands on the future of the MEI and whether any yet undisclosed agreements were made with Mr Setrakian. The MEI alumni organizations in Cyprus and across the world remain determined to continue their campaign to have the MEI reopened in Cyprus and to prevent the AGBU from selling the "Melkonian property" for financial gain. |
Nicosia 9 February, Gibrahayer e-magazine - In an announcement by the Secretariat of the Armenian Church of Cyprus, the completion of the restoration of the Armenian cemetery at "Ledra Palace" was announced. The press release of the Armenian Church reads: "It is with great pleasure that we wish to inform our community that the old Armenian Cemetery is to be completely restored at a cost of about €300.000. The Government of the Republic of Cyprus has generously undertaken to provide us with €153.000 for this project and the target date for the completion of the works is April - May 2009. Work on the renovation of the chapel, the restoration of the outer walls, the preservation of existing tombstones is already in progress and provision is also being made for the cemetery to be supplied with electricity and water. A monument will also be erected on the site in memory of those buried there. It is also planned to celebrate holy mass followed by a memorial service in the chapel of the cemetery on the Sunday after Easter every year. To meet its financial obligations for the completion of this project, the Armenian Church of Cyprus would welcome contributions from members of our community and in particular those that have relatives buried there. We extend in advance our grateful thanks to all those who respond to our call." |

Press Release - Catholicosate of Cilicia - Antelias-Lebanon - His Holiness Aram I received the Ambassador of Cyprus in Lebanon, Kyriakos Kouros on February 5. Accompanying the Ambassador was Dr. Jerard Dedeyan, a Professor at the University of Sorbonne, who is researching on the Armenian community of Cyprus in the Middle Ages. His Holiness Aram I provided a brief historical account of the ties between the Cilician Kingdom and the Island and of the mutual relations during the reign of the Lusignans. The Pontiff and his guests also discussed the developments in the Middle East in general and the political situation in Lebanon in particular. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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