Monday, 6 February 2012

'The offence against the god?' Génocide Arménien

Dear Seta

Please find below Jean-Varoujan Sirapian's response to Robert Badinter, former Justice Minister of France. The article is in French, however at the end you may find an automated Google translation. It's not ideal but gives the gist in English.


Génocide arménien : l'offense envers les dieux?

Jean-Varoujan Sirapian, Le Huffington Post, 27 Janvier 2012

Dans un article publié sur le site du Huffington Post, sous le titre, "Génocide arménien : la pitié dangereuse", Robert Badinter ressasse les arguments maintes fois répétés par les opposants acharnés de la loi qui vient d'être votée par le Sénat, le 23 janvier, après sept heures et demie de débats.

Les mêmes arguments appellent les mêmes réponses que nous essayerons d'apporter ici sur les trois points évoqués par M. Badinter.


• Please visit the poll question: "If Israel and the US attack Iran, do you foresee a wider war which would also engulf Armenia?" It is found in the right-hand column of the website


Armenian Genocide – ‘The offence against the gods?’

Jean-Varoujan Sirapian's response to Robert Badinter, former Justice Minister of France.

Law passes on 23rd Jan 2012

Points raised…

It is only therapeutic if the ailment is helped, aided or remedied. The recognition of the Armenian Genocide is the start of that process; in order to therapeutically treat the pain in this case a whole nation cannot tack a pill! One cannot alter history or make it go away. Turkey’s denial just pours more insult to injury!

“De-nial is not a river in Egypt!”

Turkey…scrambles eggs well.

A set back is only possible if there was progress, we have to go forward with the Armenian question not stand still in silence as we have done for almost a century! The time is approaching fast for our centenary and I only hope, I will be alive to see it happen before or on the centennial commemorative anniversary!

It is not the individual Turks fault when he/she denies the Armenian Genocide of 1915; it is their government who has kept this knowledge from their history books. Endeavoring to keep its population ignorant and in the process trying to change Armenian History! This is additional wrongdoing after the fact! Turkey states, on that occasion they were deporting Armenians. Why deport the very people who lived on the very land that they, cultivated, built their homes, businesses, schools and churches for centuries. Why starve them, beat them, rape their women and children plundering their homes!

The law supporting freedom of opinion and expression, does not give cart blanch to express ignorance to the facts! The fact is, it happened! What is shameful is the denial. Freedom of speech and expression does not mean the person exercising their right to it is automatically correct in their assumption and the subsequent statement that they make is negative, to a negative question! No matter how the argument is presented, it has to be substantiated, no matter how one uses their mother tongue.

Empty Rhetoric: Is short lived, persuasive, and thought eloquent in style, goes against logic to prove its self.

The word, ‘Holocaust’ was adopted from the Armenian’s, by the Jews. It stands to reason as it happened to the Armenians before the attempt to obliterate the Jews, by Hitler.

Hitler’s generals were to have questioned him ‘You cannot do this to the Jews’ to which he replied, ‘Who ever heard of the Armenians?’

Totalitarian regimes: Undemocratic! I guess in this case France is taking a small leaf out of Turkey’s brutal undemocratic dictatorial, tyrannically run, oppressive illiberal; rules and applying it. The ball is in Turkey’s court! How does that feel?

In the Law courts Judge’s have all the power! Ankara also has power over its people. This is proven by the assassination of Herant Dink, the imprisonment of their poets, writers and all who go against their rule 301. Irony is that Armenians became Christians in the year 301AD. One wonders, by what thought did Turkey chose the rule 301.

I drawing special attention to Turkish PM. IN THIS ARTICLE AT POINT II

Verbatim: Erdogan’s statement, 15th December. ‘No historian can find not trace of genocide in our history! End of discussion.’ Holding dialogue is impossible with Erdogan’s harsh, brutal and unyielding words in his statement!

Errs/Hubris: Self-importance, egotism, superciliousness, big-headedness and cockiness. These nouns go completely against humanity; superiority is best displayed by the humanity it shows toward all men! No one is worthy to declare him or herself as superior!

We are all sinners but loved by our ‘God’ one God, equally. The ‘Gods’ is ancient talk - Turkey, move on from your ‘‘Eski Ghaffa.’’ [Old way of thinking] It is out of mode and out dated.

Many nations have a history of barbarism, somewhere in their timeline. England for instance, apologized for taking part in the slave trade, rightly so!

The paragraph before the penultimate, says it all! ‘Turkey is governed by its deep state. It also tried to distort the truth by involving other groups that exist, but are not in the equation. Those are not what we are referring to; a more sinister and harrowing group exists in ‘deep state.’ The more learned, know who or what they are! Hence the motion, if the Middle East problem is resolved so would the question of the Armenian Genocide.

Robert Badinter seems to be making three points about the legal difficulties that the French Parliament's decision might raise. The fact that the French Parliament's decision is a strong and formal indication! Turkish stance on the issue of the Genocide flies in the face of all the available evidence. Churchill was, I believe, mindful to call the “Turkish atrocities against the Armenians the equivalent of genocide.”


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