Friday 31 August 2012


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Armenians in Science
Spiru C. Haret 15 February 1851 – 17 December 1912 was a Romanian mathematician, astronomer and politician. Haret was born in Iaşi, Moldavia, to an old
Armenian family, He made a fundamental contribution to the n-body problem in celestial mechanics by proving that using a third degree approximation for the disturbing forces implies instability of the major axes of the orbits, and by introducing the concept of secular perturbations in relation to this.
ԱՊՍՏԱՄԲՈՒԹԻՒՆԸ (1894) Մեթր Պարգեւ Դաւիթեան
Սասնոյ առաջին ապստամբութիւնը Օսմանեան Կայսրութեան դէմ տեղի ունեցաւ 1894 թուականի Օգոստոս ամսուն, ղեկավարութեամբ Հնչակեան անվեհեր հերոս Մեծն Մուրատի (Համբարձում Պոյաճեան)։ Նոյն տարւոյն, 1894-ին, Մեծն Մուրատի եղբայրը՝ Անմահն Ժիրայր, կախաղան կը բարձրացուէր որպէս առաջատար հայ ազատատենչ Հնչակեան ֆէտայի։ Տարիներ ետք, Օգոստոս 24, 1915-ին, Մեծն Մուրատ, ինք ալ, եղբօր նման, կախաղանի վրայ կ՛անմահանար որպէս հայկական Ցեղասպանութեան առաջատար զոհ։ Երկու նշանաւոր ու նահատակ Հաճընցի Հնչակեան եղբայրները այդպէսով կը հանդիսանային կորիզն ու ներշնջումի աղբիւրը Հաճընցիներուն, որոնք քաջաբար մղեցին Հաճնոյ Հերոսամարտ, եւ Սփիւռքի տարածքին տարին հայապահպանման սքանչելի գործ, Հնչակեան գաղաբարախօսութեամբ եւ հայրենասէր ազգասիրութեամբ դաստիարակուած։ Սասնոյ Ա. Ապստամբութենէն խանդավարուած ե քաջալերուած, յաջորդաբար 1895-1896 տարիներուն, տեղի ունեցաւ Զէյթունի ապստամբութիւնը, ուր եղբայրացած Հնչակ եւ Դաշնակ համբուրելի Ֆէտայիներու առաջնորդութեամբ, հայ գիւղացին ՅԱՂԹԵՑ հզօր Օսմանեան բանակին, եւ Զէյթունի գաւառը ճանչցաւ Ինքնավար Շրջանի դրութիւն մինջեւ Համաշխարհային Ա. Պատերազմի սկիզբը։ Սասնոյ ապստամբ եւ քաջարի մեր ժողովուրդը ապստամբեցաւ անգամ մը եւս 1904-ին, եւ Սասունցին ճանչցուեցաւ հայ ազգի հերոսական մարտնչումներու առաջատար զինուոր։ Մեծն Մուրատ՝ որ 1894-ի Օգոստոս ամսու վեջաւորութեան ձերբակալուեցաւ եւ Թուրք իշխանութեան կողմէ բանտարկուեցաւ Լիպիոյ Թրիփոլի քաղաքին մէջ, Հնչակեաններու կողմէ կազմակերպուած փախուստի ծրագրով բանտէն դուրս բերուեցաւ 1905-ին, եւ դարձաւ Պոլիսը ներկայացնող պետական երեսփոխան Օսմանեան Փարլամենթին մէջ 1909 թուականին։ Յատկանշական իրողութիւն է որ ազգային հերոսի պատուաբեր կոչումին արժանացած Մեծն Մուրատ, որպէս բանտարկեալ եւ որպէս պետական երեսփոխան, կոչ ուղղեց նամակներով, գրութիւններով եւ ելոյթներով հայութեան փրկութեան համար աշխատող բոլոր կողմերուն, Հնչակին եւ Դաշնակին եւ բոլորին, որ հաւաքուին մէկ դրօշի տակ տանելու ազատագրական պայքար, հաւատալով որ Հայ ժողովուրդի փրկութիւնը կը կայանար անոր միասնական ուժին մէջ։ Դժբախտաբար, զինք լսող չեղաւ եւ ան, ինչպէս բախտակից ուրիշ մեծեր, կախաղաներու վրայ կամ անդարձ ճամբաներու եզերքին , նահատակուեցան կտոր-կտոր որպէս Հնչակ ու Դաշնակ, որպէս լուսաւորչական, կաթողիկէ եւ աւետարանական կամ բողոքական։ Այսօր, Մեծն Մուրատի ազգային միասնականութեան կոչերը կը մնան այժմէական , Հայութեան բաժան-բաժան աշխատող բոլոր կողմերուն եւ ուժերուն, ի Հայաստան եւ ի սփիւռս աշխարհի, որ նային Արարատի սէգ կատարին եւ չզբաղին դէպի Արարատ տանող ճամբուն վրայ սեփական դղեակներ շինելու գործով........։
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New French Textbook Teaches About Armenian Genocide
PARIS -- The French Education Ministry has decided to include chapters about the Armenian genocide in history and geography books used in French secondary schools. French students studying world history since 1910 will also read a chapter called “The Armenian Genocide.”
The chapter in the textbooks is devoted to giving detailed information on the Armenian genocide, which will explain in detail of the genocide, ethnic structure of the Ottoman Empire, rule of Talat Pasha and policies of nationalist Turks and purported exiles. The chapter will also include
the numbers of Armenians who were killed, exiled or sent to death. The author of the new textbook Valerie Perthue, suggested the pupils to draw a new glance to
the history and examine a number of historical events, which are usual not included in European school curriculum. The authors also included French history controversial episodes, particularly the facts revealing cooperation established between French officials , Marshal Peten and Hitler in the course of Fascist Germany occupation. Algeria colonization by France as well as decolonization processes are widely discussed in the new textbooks.
French President Francois Hollande answered Turkish reporter’s question on inclusion of the Armenian Genocide materials in the French textbooks.
Talking to Hurriyet on the margins of the 20th Annual Ambassador’s Conference in Paris, Hollande said “it was absolutely out of his knowledge.”
“Changes in the books are prepared by commissions ... The desicion does not come from me, but I will ask and learn where it comes from. Then I will inform you,” Hurriyet Daily News quotes Hollande.
Turkey’s European Union Minister EgemenBagis has strongly criticized the introduction of the Armenian Genocide to French history textbooks.
Bagis called on the French, who take great pride in their state founded on the worthy precepts of “liberté, égalité, et fraternité” (liberty, equality and fraternity), to reexamine their understanding of their own national motto. “I hope they will soon realize this mistake and correct it,” he said, while delivering a speech at a meeting arranged by the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), the Hurriyet Daily news reports.
Three Armenians Killed in Damascus
Aftermath of bob explosion in Jaraman district
DAMASCUS -- According to the Armenian Diocese in Damascus three Armenians were killed in one of the city’s districts on Tuesday, Aug 28.
The killed Armenians were identified as Bedros Matosian, born in 1963, Kevork Matosian, born in 1966 and Levon Matosian, born in 1990. The circumstances of their death was not clear.
Currently, the Diocese representatives are trying to get bodies out of the battle zone.
Also on Tuesday and explosion took place near the entrance of Jaramana cemetery during a funeral killing tens of people and wounding others.
Jaramana is a Christian-populated district
of Damascus where some 400 Armenians reside. In Aleppo bobs exploded close to Armenian Elderly Nursing home but no damages or casualties
were reported. More than fourteen Armenians have died, two of them were soldiers of Syrian Army, during the
last seventeen months of clashes between government forces and opposition fighters.
An Effective Approach to Help the Armenian Community in Syria
The crisis in Syria and as a consequence, the perilous daily lives of the Syrian Armenians have alarmed and deeply concerned the Armenian community.
The historical record reminds us the past and present destiny of nations; making assumptions on past history may lead us to uncertainty and anxiety; and that is why we should move with practical considerations, determination and a spirit of service.
The spiritual heads, and the leaders of the political and humanitarian organizations in the Western U.S.A., as an alert guardians of the community, came together to collectively bring together the “Syrian Armenian Relief Fund Executive Committee” with the task of planning activities and coordinating fundraising, and distributing funds as needed to save lives, and to provide moral and emotional support for our sisters and brothers living in
difficult conditions across Syria, and sustenance for their Armenian institutions. The Syrian Armenian Relief Fund Executive Committee includes the following organizations,
their representatives and the roles that they have accepted within the committee:
· · · · Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America, Meher Der Ohanessian, Treasurer;
Armenian Evangelical Union of North America (AEUNA), Zaven Khanjian, Chairperson; Armenian Relief Society of Western U.S.A. (ARS), Sona Madarian, Secretary; Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), Harry Balian, Vice Chairperson;
· Catholicosate of Cilicia, Central Executive Board, Khajag Dikijian; · Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, Barkev Hamalian; · Armenian Catholic Church, Ara Aroyan; · Armenian Democratic Liberal (Ramgavar) Party, Khachig Janoyan; · Armenian Revolutionary Federation-Western U.S.A. (ARF), Vartkes Nalbandian; and · Social Democrat Hunchakian Party-Western U.S.A., Harout Fakjian.
The abovementioned Executive Committee members are committed to do their outmost to reach out to community at large, to make the impossible possible and to extend a helping hand for the sake of the survival of the Syrian-Armenians.
The Executive Committee has also received the blessings of the Armenian Apostolic Churches, His Eminence Archbishop Mousheg Mardirossian, Prelate, and Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate, as well as the leaders of the Armenian Catholic and Evangelical churches, and has already taken effective first steps.
We appeal to the Armenian people, to follow our announcements in the print and TV media, the web site, and Facebook page, and to make the most generous contribution that you could possibly make.
Please send your check payable to the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund, P.O. Box 1948, Glendale, CA 91209-1948, or make an online contribution at
Syrian Armenian Relief Fund Executive Committee
Time for Action: Syrian-Armenians Need Your Urgent Assistance
By Harut Sassounian Publisher, The California Courier
There has been too much talk about the tragic crisis in Syria by self-described analysts and experts who have managed to spread misinformation, while inadvertently jeopardizing the safety of the Armenian community.
At this late hour, rather than propagating half-baked political ideas, the Diaspora should concentrate on providing urgently needed humanitarian assistance to Syrian-Armenians.
It is encouraging that Armenian organizations have started raising funds to meet the needs of Armenians in Syria. Going a step further, in some countries, social, religious and political organizations have formed coalitions to extend the needed help in a coordinated manner. Hopefully, these groups will shortly issue statements about the specific needs of Syrian-Armenians, the amount to be raised, and the mechanism to distribute the funds.
In the absence of a Diaspora-wide structure that would represent all Armenians worldwide and deal with their collective problems, each community is trying to form its own umbrella organization. In some instances, several joint committees are established in the same community, each dealing with a specific issue. To avoid redundancies, it would be preferable to form a single joint committee in each community with subcommittees dealing with separate tasks.
Additionally, two pan-Armenian bodies can play a critical role in this humanitarian crisis -- one located outside Syria and the other inside the country tasked with the coordination and distribution of humanitarian assistance from all sources:
1) The entity outside Syria – which is yet to be formed -- would not only coordinate aid from the Diaspora and Armenia, but more importantly, secure assistance from governments, international organizations (United Nations, World Council of Churches), and non-governmental organizations.
2) The recently-created pan-Armenian entity within Syria is composed of all Armenian religious and charitable organizations. It is charged with communicating the needs of the community to the outside world, receiving the incoming aid, and distributing it to Armenians throughout the country.
While a comprehensive assessment of the Syrian-Armenian community’s extensive needs has not been made, it is clear that millions of dollars are required to provide thousands of destitute families with food, water, medical care, fuel, electricity, and tuition for needy students. It is imperative that the aid be shared with all people living in or near Armenian neighborhoods, regardless of their ethnic or religious affiliation.
In order to carry out such a worldwide large-scale fundraising drive, the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund should consider dedicating its telethon this year to the Syrian-Armenian relief. Major organizations and benefactors should be asked to make generous contributions to preserve the historic Armenian presence in Syria that predates
the Genocide. The All-Armenian Fund has already taken a first step by opening a special bank account in Yerevan to solicit donations for Syria which so far has raised $50,000. This amount has been spent on airlifting hundreds of children from Aleppo to summer camps in Armenia.
Funds should also be urgently raised to provide housing and living expenses to Syrians who have recently moved to Armenia either on a temporary or permanent basis. This is not the time for arguing over the difficult choice between helping Armenians stay in Syria or move out, since their very survival is at stake. Everyone must respect the wishes and judgments of Syrian-Armenians and support their personal decisions. After all, since their lives are on the line, their choices must not be questioned. This is also not the time to make judgments on the quality and quantity of assistance provided by the Armenian government to Syrian-Armenian refugees. Such assessments can be made at a later date, after the storm has subsided.
Finally, even though financial assistance is the most urgent need, equally important is conveying the message to Syrian-Armenians that they are not alone in their greatest hour of need! They should be made to feel that Armenians and good people around the world sincerely care for their well-being and are doing everything possible to safeguard their survival.
Such a hopeful and caring message is critical not only for Syrian-Armenians, but to all Armenians throughout the world. The pain of any one community must be shared by all Armenians who should rush to help the stricken community, because they are all members of one big family. This spirit of mutual support would assure all Armenian communities that in case of misfortune, they will not be abandoned to their tragic fate.
In view of the dire situation of Armenians in Syria, let’s set aside all other considerations and rush to their
Arthur Abraham Crowned WBO Super Middleweight Champion
BERLIN -- Arthur Abraham is the new world WBO super middleweight champion after his unanimous win over Robert Stieglitz.
Abraham, 32, who defended his IBF middleweight title 10 times between 2005 and 2009, is now the world champion at the heavier weight after the judges scored the fight 116-112, 116-112, 115-113 on Saturday.
"This is an emotional moment for me and it's hard to describe how I feel," said Abraham.
"I always wanted to be the middleweight world champion and now I am the super middleweight champion too.
"I trained hard for this and I had to box cleverly against such a good champion."
Abraham lived up to his 'King Arthur' moniker and the new champion now has a record of 27 knock-outs in 35 wins and three defeats.
Having laboured to a points win over Piotr Wilczewski to defend his European WBO title in March, Abraham was back to the best fighting for the world title.
Abraham started the stronger of the pair, but the champion twice pinned the challenger to the ropes in the second and started to exert his authority.
Stieglitz raised the tempo in the third and Abraham fell clearly behind on points going into the fourth, but responded with some body-head combinations and one sharp hook left Stieglitz with swelling above his left eye.
By the fifth, Stieglitz's face was marking noticeably while Abraham started to let his guard drop to lure the champion as he landed some punishing shots.
Stieglitz put together some good combinations in the seventh round and kept up his impressive work-rate, despite a cut above his right eye needing the attention of the ring doctor in the 10th.
Abraham raised his fists to the Berlin crowd in early celebration before the start of the 12 and finished clearly ahead on points as Stieglitz, 31, suffered the third defeat of his career in his 45th fight. Next for Abraham is a match-up with the winner of WBA super-middleweight champion Felix Sturm and IBF middleweight title-holder Daniel Geale fight.
European Commission Allocates New Funding for Judicial Reform
and Economic Integration in Armenia
BRUSSELS -- The European Union has approved 60 million euros ($75 million) in fresh assistance to Armenia which is designed to support judicial reforms and speed up the country’s integration into the EU.
The annual assistance announced late on Tuesday by the EU’s executive body, the European Commission, stems from its Eastern Partnership program covering six former Soviet republics. The commission said the money will be spent on “accelerating justice reform and preparing the ground for increased bilateral relations, political association and economic integration with the EU.”
The new assistance will include: new training opportunities for key national institutions, providing expert advice and best practice, setting up of schools for lawyers, judges and prosecutors. The overall goal is an independent, transparent and effective judiciary to serve the Armenian people, and builds on the EU’s previous support to judicial reform in Armenia.
The funding will also support those Armenian institutions involved in the preparation and future implementation of new EU-Armenia agreements currently being negotiated, and in particular the Association Agreement (including a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area), and the Visa Facilitation and Re-admission Agreement.
Opposition politicians and other government critics are highly skeptical about the authorities willingness to implement these programs, saying that an independent judiciary would pose a serious threat to President Serzh Sarkisian’s hold on power. They say Armenian courts will therefore continue rarely defying the government and security apparatus without a democratization of the overall political system.
According to official statistics, only about 2 percent of individuals charged with various crimes in Armenia were acquitted by local courts last year. EU President Herman Van Rompuy praised reforms carried out by the government when he visited Yerevan last month. He said the Sarkisian administration is “on the right track.” Van Rompuy also described the Armenian authorities’ handling of the May 6 parliamentary elections as an “important step forward.”
Israeli Diaspora Minister: Nobody in Israel Denies the Fact of
Armenian Genocide
YEREVAN -- Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Minister of Israel, Yuli- Yoel Edelstein laid a wreathe at the Genocide Memorial on Yerevan’s Tsitsernakabert hill during what was the second trip to Armenia by an Israeli government member in four months. Agriculture Minister Orit Noked visited Yerevan and paid her respects to genocide victims in April.
"The Armenian Genocide is widely recognized in Israel", the minister said after visiting the genocide memorial, he also drew parallels between the Jewish Holocaust and the Armenians Genocide of the 20th century.
Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Minister of Israel, Yuli-Yoel Edelstein Laing a wreath at the Armenian Genocide Memorial
“True, there is no state law [in Israel recognizing Armenian service ( “But I think that in Israel, in view of ... our common history and
the genocide,]” Edelstein told RFE/RL’s
some similar elements and moments, you will hardly find people who will deny the genocide, who will say, like we unfortunately hear, that all this is fabrications and lies.”
“So I think that unfortunately -- I stress, unfortunately -- in this area our peoples have quite a lot in common, quite a lot for mutual understanding,” he said.
Citing the strategic character of Israel’s relationship with Turkey, successive Israeli governments have resisted domestic calls for Armenian genocide recognition. An Israeli Foreign Ministry official reaffirmed this stance during landmark hearings on the issue that were organized by an Israeli parliament committee last December.
Support for Armenian genocide recognition appears to have grown within the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, and the government since 2010. Some observers link that to Israel’s worsened relations with Turkey, which vehemently denies the genocide.
Israel’s Environment Minister Gilad Erdan, a close ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, publicly called for the Jewish state to “formally recognize the Holocaust perpetrated against the Armenian people” during further Knesset discussions on the sensitive issue in June. Erdan acknowledged that the Israeli government has not changed its policy yet.
Edelstein arrived in Armenia to attend, together with Armenian Culture Minister Hasmik Poghosian, an event marking the 20th anniversary of an organization representing the country’s small Jewish community. He also held separate talks with Poghosian.
“When it comes to cultural exchanges, there are benefits to both sides involved,” Edelstein told RFE/RL’s Armenian service. “That is why I hope this is not just a visit but perhaps also a change to some different phase in at least cultural ties between us.” “I am sure that such meetings and contacts will continue and we will turn our relations from being just good and normal to relations that will fully realize the potential for cooperation between our countries,” added the Ukrainian-born minister.
IT Group Wants Tougher Government Action Against Software
Piracy in Armenia
YEREVAN -- The Armenian authorities are still not doing enough to combat widespread software piracy despite growing use of licensed computer programs in the country, according to local representatives of an international information technology (IT) association.
In its most recent global survey, the Business Software Alliance (BSA) representing the worldwide IT industry estimated that 88 percent of software used in Armenia last year was pirated or not fully licensed. The BSA reported a 93 percent piracy rate in 2007. The number of computers used by state and private institutions as well as individuals has increased significantly since then.
Acting as a legal representative of Microsoft, the BSA has helped to lower the piracy rate by exposing local firms using unlicensed copies of software produced by the U.S. IT giant. In the words of NarineMkrtchian, a BSA official in Yerevan, all of them except the Brabion Flora Service, a flower retailer with a dozen office computers, have agreed to compensate Microsoft for the copyright infringement so far.
Earlier this year, the BSA filed a lawsuit against Brabion, demanding 2.4 million drams ($6,000) in compensatory damages. The first court hearing on the case took place last month.
Mkrtchian said on Tuesday that top executives of private firms caught pirating rightly complain that Armenian government agencies and other state-funded organizations themselves routinely use unlicensed products for their computers.
“Eighty percent of programs used in our government agencies are pirated,” Mkrtchian told RFE/RL’s Armenian service ( “Many directors of private firms caught pirating say that the government should start the legalization process from itself and serve as an example for the private sector.”
Prof. Shemmassian to Present Musa Dagh at USC international workshop on
Resisting the Path to Genocide
LOS ANGELES -- The 2020 “Genocide Resistance” Research Cluster, University of Southern California (USC) Dana andDavid Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences has organized an international workshop on “Resisting the Path to Genocide: Groups and Networks.” The two-day conference will take place on September 7-8, 2012 according to the schedule indicated below.
The general theme of the conference seeks to answer the following questions: “How do opposition groups form? Which social, cultural and political conditions support the development of the group opposition and resistance? What kind of groups
whether informal networks, private organizations or public institutions, are most likely to resist discrimination and violence in genocidal societies? How do we classify groups of resisters? What oppositional strategies have proven to be most effective at the group level? Do group activities have an impact, and can they help stop the violent radicalization of a genocidal society?”
Prof. Vahram Shemmassian, Director of the Armenian Studies Program at California State University, Northridge, and an expert on Musa Dagh, will be one of the presenters among scholars participating from the United States, Europe and Africa. He will focus onthe reasons why the majority of the Armenians of Musa Dagh elected to defy the Ottoman government’s deportation orders in the summer of 1915 that aimed at genocide. He will also dwell on the process of the resistance that had a succesful outcome.
The conference is open to the public. Those who plan to attend are requested to contact AlidaLiberman, research assistant,
Friday, September 7: USC, University Park Campus, Doheny Library, Library Friend Lecture Hall Morning Session: 10:00 – 12:30 Welcome remarks Walter Richmond – German, Russian, and Classical Studies; Occidental College - Circassian Efforts to Broker Peace
with Russia VahramShemmassian –Armenian Studies; California State University, Northridge - The Decision and Process of the
Musa Dagh Resistance to the Armenian Genocide Tanja von Fransecky – History, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany - Group Escaping from Deportation Trains
in France, Belgium and the Netherlands Luncheon
Keynote address: 1:30 – 3:00
Mark Roseman – Pat M Glazer Chair for Jewish Studies & Professor in History, Indiana University Bloomington - Rescued from Memory: Hidden Networks and Hidden Jews in the Holocaust
Afternoon session 3:30 – 5:30
Michael Bazyler – Law, Chapman University - Lawyers as Resisters to the Holocaust; Lawyers as Perpetrators of the Holocaust; Lawyers as Bystanders to the Holocaust
Jadwiga Biskupska – History, Yale University - The Polish Intelligentsia and the Primacy of Jewish Victimhood Saturday, September 8:VILLA AURORA, Pacific Palisades Morning Session: 10:00 – 12:30 Susanne Beer – Sociology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany - Information networks of rescuers in Nazi
Germany Tim Gallimore – Higher Learning Commission, Interdisciplinary Genocide Studies Center - The Role of External
Groups in Combating Genocide Ideology and Genocide Denial: The Case of Rwanda
Oscar EdororUbhenin – Public Administration, Ambrose Alli University, Nigeria - Informal Networks and Resistance to Mass Violence in Nigeria
Concluding remarks HassounaMosbahi, Feuchtwanger fellow (Villa Aurora) - Readings from his novel “A Tunisian Tale” in Arabic and in English.
Open Music Society Foundation to Perform at Shuttle Endeavour
Arrival Ceremony
LOS ANGELES -- The Open Music Society Foundation (OMSF), a Los Angeles-based arts organization, has been selected by the California Science Center Foundation to present artistic performances at the upcoming Space Shuttle Endeavour arrival ceremony, the OMSF announced today.
For the past several months, the California Science Center and OMSF have collaborated to develop the artistic program of the highly anticipated event, which will take place at Los Angeles International Airport on September 20.
The OMSF’s involvement comprises the design and production of several especially commissioned performances, to be featured at various stages of the arrival ceremony.
The California Science Center was named by NASA as the new home of Space Shuttle Endeavour, which
completed its last mission in 2011 following a 25-year run and close to 123 million miles of space travel. Thus Endeavor’s trip to Los Angeles is considered something of a homecoming, given that the shuttle was built in Palmdale, near Los Angeles.
“The OMSF team and I are very proud to be a part of Endeavour’s historic arrival in Los Angeles,” said Aram Gharabekian, the OMSF’s artistic director and conductor. “This will be a globally significant celebration, marking the shuttle program’s extraordinary achievements, which continue to benefit all of humanity. I commend the California Science Center leadership and the cities of Los Angeles and Inglewood for their heroic efforts to bring Endeavour to California. The shuttle’s homecoming will stir deeply felt emotions and civic pride throughout our community, and we’re excited to join this celebration through the language of music.”
On September 20, Endeavor will be flown atop a modified Boeing 747 from Florida’s Kennedy Space Center to LAX, where it will remain a few weeks before being transported to the California Science Center. The arrival ceremony at the airport, to be held
inside an United Airlines hangar, will mark the spacecraft’s final journey. According to a California Science Center spokesperson, the arrival ceremony will be attended by
some 300 dignitaries and guests, and receive global media coverage. Highlights of the event will include a VIP reception, live feeds of Endeavour’s landing and taxiing toward the hangar (shown on Jumbotron screens), rolling of the red carpet and disembarkation of dignitaries, and speeches by various officials, all interspersed with performances featuring some 40 OMSF artists. There are also plans to film the entire event for the production of a commemorative DVD.
The OMSF is in charge of the considerable logistics of the event’s artistic program, which entails the execution of unconventional sound- and staging-design components, given the unique challenges of performing inside an airport hangar.
“We bring together talent from various nationalities, all collaborating to create great things,” said Alina Koutnouyan, the OMSF’s COO and a founding member of its Board. “Our organization is thrilled to work with the California Science Center’s visionary leadership in celebrating the enormous
Space Shuttle Endeavour. Photo by Matt Stroshane/Getty Images North America.
OMSF artistic director and conductor Aram Gharabekian. Photo by Hakber.
scientific strides achieved through the space program, and Endeavour in particular. We are very grateful for the tremendous support and encouragement we have received from the California Science Center and City of Los Angeles, various Council members, and the community at large. We look forward to a memorable welcome to Shuttle Endeavour.”
Varand Gourjian, another OMSF founding Board member and CFO, stated, “By collaborating with the California Science Center on Endeavour’s arrival ceremony, the OMSF aims to achieve an exhilarating convergence of art and science.”
On the night of October 12, Endeavour will leave LAX, arriving the next morning at Inglewood City Hall. From there the shuttle will travel through city streets to the California Science Center — the first time a spacecraft will be transported through urban roadways. Beginning October 30, Endeavour will be on display at the California Science Center’s Samuel Oschin Space Shuttle Endeavour Display Pavilion while the Samuel Oschin Air and Space Center, a new addition to the Science Center, is being built. When the new wing is completed, in 2017, Endeavour will be its centerpiece, along with the shuttle’s external fuel tank and twin rocket boosters. The Samuel
American University of Armenia to Launch Undergraduate Program in Fall 2013
YEREVAN -- The American University of Armenia (AUA) announced plans to launch its first-ever Bachelor's degree program, set to begin in the fall of 2013. In its over 20-year history, AUA has become one of the country's premier research institutes. With the addition of a new, four-year undergraduate curriculum, the university raises the bar for education in Armenia even higher.
The momentous announcement was made by AUA President Dr. Bruce Boghosian at a recent press conference which garnered worldwide media coverage. Dr. Boghosian noted that the undergraduate program will enroll approximately 300 students every year, with the goal of accommodating 1,200 undergraduates by 2017.
AUA's new undergraduate program will offer majors in Computational Sciences, Business, and English & Communications. The Bachelor's degree in
Computational Sciences will include topics in applied mathematics and computer science, as well as courses in computational techniques for the simulation and modeling of systems of relevance to science and engineering. The coursework for the Bachelor's degree in Business will include a solid grounding in economics, finance, accounting, marketing, management, and business communications. The Bachelor's degree in English & Communications will include courses in journalism, public relations, writing, translation and other aspects of communications.
AUA's 4-year program will help lay a foundation for graduates who are well-positioned to pursue careers and advance progress in their homeland. All three programs will have a strong general education component, and will be taught in English. These new majors will complement the seven Master's degree programs that AUA currently offers.
The new AUA undergraduate program will allow the university to further its mission of providing accessible, high- quality education for the next generation of Armenian professionals - while at the same time making the school a destination for international students. "All of us at AUA are excited about reaching this new milestone...We remain committed to offering rigorous academics and an Armenian education, and look forward to a vibrant, international faculty and student body from Armenia and abroad," noted Dr. Boghosian. He further emphasized, "The university will keep in place its 'need-blind' admissions policy, continuing to ensure that no qualified Armenian student is denied an education at AUA because they lack the means to pay tuition."
At the press conference (l. to r.) Director of Accreditation Sharistan Melkonian; Vice President of Operations Ashot Ghazaryan; AUA President Dr. Bruce Boghosian; AUA Foundation Board Member Dr. Yuri Sarkissian; Vice President of Finance Gevorg Goyunyan.
The American University of Armenia is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 985 Atlantic Avenue, #100, Alameda, CA 94501, (510) 748-9001. Following an intensive proposal process, which included a visit to the university, the Commission approved the offering of the new undergraduate program. The Western Association of Schools and Colleges is one of six regional accreditation agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. The undergraduate program has also already received a license from the Republic of Armenia's Ministry of Education and Science.
New Publication Sixth Edition of George Bournoutian’s
"A Concise History of the Armenian People"
COSTA MESA, CA -- Mazda Academic Press has just published the Sixth Edition of George Bournoutian’s: A Concise History of the Armenian People. The revised and up-to-date edition is dedicated to Bournoutian’s friend, Aris Sevag, who edited this edition.
Bournoutian’s book, the first comprehensive survey in English of the history of the Armenians from ancient times to the present, has been adopted as a textbook in a number of high school and colleges and has been well-received by Armenian and non-Armenian readers. Students and teachers of history have made use of the special maps and timetables. Some 15,000 copies have been sold.
In 2003, the AGBU of Argentina commissioned a Spanish translation of the book to be undertaken by Ms. Tiravanti de Margossian. Published in Buenos Aires the book is titled Historia Sucinta del Pueblo Armenio and was featured at the International Book Fair in Buenos Aires. That edition was sold out and a new printing is in preparation.
In 2011, Bournoutian gave Aras Press of Istanbul permission to publish a Turkish translation prepared by Ender Abadoghlu and Ohannes Kilichdaghi. The title of the book is Ermeni Tarihi and it was featured at the Istanbul International
Book Fair. In 2012, the Egypto-Lebanese Publishing House, at the behest of the AGBU in Egypt, obtained
Bournoutian’s permission and prepared an Arabic translation by Sahar Tawfiq. Published in Cairo the book is titled Mawgez Tarikh al-Sh`ab al-Armani and was featured at the Cairo International Book Fair.
Simultaneously, the AGBU has undertaken to prepare an Armenian translation of the sixth English edition. Translated by Artsvi Bakhchinyan, the book is titled Hay Zhoghovrdi Hamarod Patmut`yun, will be published next week in Yerevan by the Hayastan Press.
While in Tokyo at the invitation of Sophia University to deliver two lectures on his books dealing with Iran and the Caucasus in the 18-19th centuries, Bournoutian signed an agreement with the noted Japanese publishing firm Fujiwara-Shoten to prepare a Japanese translation by Professors Komaki and Watanabe to be published in Tokyo in 2013 under the title Arumenia-jin no Rekishi.
Spiru C. Haret 15 February 1851 – 17 December 1912 was a Romanian mathematician, astronomer and politician. Haret was born in Iaşi, Moldavia, to an old Armenian family, He made a fundamental contribution to the n-body problem in celestial mechanics by proving that using a third degree approximation for the disturbing forces implies instability of the major axes of the orbits, and by introducing the concept of secular perturbations in relation to this.
As a politician, during his three terms as Minister of Education, Haret ran deep reforms, building the modern Romanian education system. He was made a full member of the Romanian Academy in 1892. He also founded the Astronomical observatory in Bucharest, appointing Nicolae Coculescu as its first director. The crater Haret on the Moon is named after him. Life Haret was born in Iaşi, Moldavia, to an old Armenian family, and showed an early talent for mathematics, publishing two textbooks (one in algebra and one in trigonometry) when he was still a high school student. In 1869 he entered the University of Bucharest, where he studied physics and mathematics. In 1870, while a student in his second term, he became teacher of mathematics at Nifon Seminary in Bucharest, but quit the following year in order to continue his studies. In 1874, at age 23, he graduated with a degree in physics and mathematics.
After graduation, Haret won a scholarship competition organized by Titu Maiorescu and went to Paris in order to study mathematics at the Sorbonne. There
he earned a mathematics diploma in 1875 and a physics diploma in 1876. Two years later (on January 18, 1878) he earned his Ph.D. by defending his thesis, Sur l’invariabilité des grandes axes des orbites planétaires (On the invariability of the major axis of planetary orbits), in front of examiners led by Victor Puiseux.
In this work he proved a result fundamental for the n-body problem in astronomy, the thesis being published in Vol. XVIII of the Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris. Haret was the first Romanian to obtain a Ph.D. degree in Paris.
After his return to Romania in 1878, Haret abandoned scientific research and dedicated the rest of his life to improving Romanian education, which was heavily underdeveloped at the time, both as professor and as politician. He was appointed professor of rational mechanics at the Science Faculty in Bucharest. The next year (1879), Haret became a correspondent member of the Romanian Academy, receiving full membership in 1892. He kept the professorship at the Science Faculty until his retirement in 1910, when he was followed as professor of mechanics by Dimitrie Pompeiu. From 1882 he was also a professor of analytical geometry at the Bridges and Roads' School in Bucharest. After retirement, Haret occasionally lectured at the informal People's University.
Haret was the Minister of Public Education in three liberal governments, between 1897–1899, 1901–1904 and 1907–1910. As Minister of Education he ran a complete reform, basically building the modern Romanian education system. Scientific activity Haret’s major scientific contribution was made in 1878, in his Ph.D. thesis Sur l’invariabilité des grandes axes des orbites planétaires. At the time it was known that planets disturb each other’s orbits, thus deviating from the elliptic motion described by Johannes Kepler’s First Law. Pierre Laplace (in 1773) and Joseph Louis Lagrange (in 1776) had already studied the problem, both of them showing that the major axes of the orbits are stable, by using a first degree approximation of the perturbing forces. In 1808 Siméon Denis Poisson had proved that the stability also holds when using second degree approximations. In his thesis, Haret proved by using third degree approximations that the axes are not stable as previously believed, but instead feature a time variability, which he called secular perturbations. This result implies that planetary motion is not absolutely stable. Henri Poincaré considered this result a great surprise and continued Haret’s research, which eventually led him to the creation of chaos theory. Félix Tisserand recommended the extension of Haret's method to other astronomic problems and, much later, in 1955, Jean Meffroy restarted Haret’s research using new techniques.
Spiru C. Haret Statue in University Square, Bucharest
Soon after his return to Romania, Haret abandoned research, focusing for the rest of his life on teaching and, as Minister of Education, on the reform of the education system. He only published an article on the secular acceleration of the Moon in 1880 and one on Jupiter’s Great Red Spot (1912). In 1910 he published Social mechanics, which used mathematics to explain social behaviour (somehow anticipating the fictional "psychohistory" branch of mathematics developed by Hari Seldon, the fictional character of Isaac Asimov's Foundation, published 40 years later).
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