Thursday 23 August 2012

LOUSSAPATZ_The Dawn 947_2012_08_25

ԹԻՒ 944 ՇԱԲԱԹ, 25 ՕԳՈՍՏՈՍ 2012
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Armenians in Science
Viktor Ambartsumyan and Grigor Gurzadyan
Grigor Gurzadyan (Armenian: Գրիգոր Գուրզադյան) is an Armenian astronomer, and pioneer of space astronomy
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Armenia Denies Illicit Banking Links with Iran
YEREVAN -- Armenia moved to allay on Tuesday newly publicized Western fears that its banking sector could be used by neighboring Iran for financial transactions violating international sanctions imposed on Tehran over its controversial nuclear program.
“The Central Bank of Armenia obligates all banks and financial institutions in the Republic of Armenia to scrutinize their transactions, in order to avoid any possible involvement in transactions considered unacceptable by the international community,” the CBA said in a statement.
The statement came in response to an extensive report by Reuters saying that Iran is keen to expand its banking presence in Armenia to deceive Western governments and intelligence agencies trying to stifle the Iranian nuclear program through serious curbs on the Islamic Republic’s banking ties worldwide.
The news agency cited “a Western intelligence report” as saying that the Iranians are seeking “financial alternatives in countries that do not work according to the dictates of the West.” It said Armenia is one of them.
It also quoted an unnamed senior U.S. State Department official as saying that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton discussed the issue with President Serzh Sarkisian during a June meeting in Yerevan. The official did not elaborate.
The Western “intelligence report” identified ACBA Credit Agricole Bank, one of the largest in Armenia, as one of Iran’s principal targets. The ACBA chief executive, Stepan Gishian, strongly denied any business ties between his bank and Iran, however.
“We don't have any relationship with Iran,” Gishian told Reuters. “We never have, we don't now and furthermore we don't plan on becoming a channel for financing Iran. What you're saying is complete nonsense.”
The Armenian Central Bank likewise insisted that that neither ACBA, which is partly owned by the French banking group Credit Agricole S.A., nor any other Armenian bank has correspondent accounts with Iranian financial institutions. “The banks in the Republic of Armenia are strictly bound to customer due diligence rules, in order to avoid any direct or indirect financing of individuals and companies related to nuclear proliferation programs,” read its statement.
The CBA also sought to dispel U.S. concerns over operations of the Yerevan branch of Iran’s Bank Mellat, which has been under U.S. sanctions since 2007. It said the branch has been mainly financing small and medium-sized firms involved in Armenian-Iranian trade as well as tourists and students. It also noted that Mellat’s assets in Armenia have shrunk by more than half since December 2010, to roughly $40 million.
Arakel Meliksetian, deputy head of the CBA’s financial intelligence unit, told Reuters that Mellat Armenia was disconnected from the SWIFT system of payments earlier this year and is no longer able to send or receive international wire transfers.
According to Reuters, diplomats and intelligence officials believe Turkey and the United Arab Emirates remain Iran's principal banking connections even if they are not as welcoming these days. The two countries are under intense pressure from Washington and the EU to clamp down on what the West regards as illicit Iranian commerce.
The Central Bank of Armenia
Two Armenians Killed in Syria, Fighting Reporter in Armenian Districts
Anti-Government fighters in Aleppo's Armenian District
ALEPPO -- Two ethnic Armenians have been killed in Syria’s Damascus and Aleppo during the recent days as a result of clashes between Syria’ s governmental forces and rebels.
Arsen Ghshpoladian, 38, was wounded during Saturday morning clashes in the vicinity of the Armenian cemetery of Damascus’ Bab Sharkgh district. Ghshpoladian was transferred to hospital, but the doctors were unable to save his life.
In Aleppo clashes between governmental forces and opposition groups near Armenian districts has claimed the life of 76-year-old woman Adelina Khacherian.
Another Syrian-Armenian, Mesrob Chinchinian was injured as a result of a bomb blast. He has undergone an operation and is recovering.
The frontlines in Aleppo have reportedly moved closer to the city’s Armenian-populated districts in recent days. A video footage that recently appeared on Facebook features Syrian oppositionists saying that a district in Aleppo is now under their occupation.
According the report, the Cilician Armenian College and the Armenian National Prelacy are situated a short distance from the district called Jdayde.
No one from Aleppo's Armenian community could be reached for comment, with the mobile and landline telephony and the Internet being unavailable in the city for already a week.
On Tuesday, Syrian government troops had regained control of the main Armenian-populated districts in the city according to Armenia’s Diaspora Minister Hranush Hakobian. Hakobian also said that the fighting in Aleppo has inflicted no serious material damage on the Armenian neighborhoods mostly located in the city center.
“With their positive neutrality, [the Syrian Armenians] are managing to maintain calm and stability within the community and are not taking sides and creating unnecessary tension,” she told RFE/RL’s Armenian service ( “There has been no devastation and panic at the Armenian districts. People simply avoid going out.”
Hakobian spoke at Yerevan’s Zvartnots airport where she greeted a group of about 150 ethnic Armenian schoolchildren from Aleppo who arrived in Armenia to spend their summer holidays at a local resort. They joined about 250 other Syrian Armenian teenagers who were flown from Aleppo and Damascus last week. Their summer camp is financed by the Armenian government and private sponsors.
The minister also insisted that the plight of Syria’s 80,000-strong Armenian community remains “bearable” despite the continuing violence in the country. She said there is therefore still no need to evacuate Syrian Armenians en masse.
Candidate’s Son Arrested Ahead of Local Election
YEREVAN -- The son of a candidate challenging the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) in a small town near Yerevan was arrested and risked on Thursday criminal charges which his father linked with the upcoming mayoral election there.
The candidate, Avetik Dallakian, is one of three local members of the opposition-leaning Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) seeking to run for the post of mayor of Masis. They also include the town’s incumbent mayor, Dmitry Nazarian. The BHK leadership will decide next week which of them will challenge the HHK’s Sasha Hakobian in the election scheduled for September 9.
Police said that Dallakian’s 28-year-old son Volodya was taken into custody because of gunshots which he fired from a hunting rifle in a dispute with another local man outside his house late on
Tuesday. A police statement said he is facing charges of grave hooliganism carrying between four and seven years in prison.
Dallakian’s parents condemned the arrest, saying that the young man fired in the air to scare away a large group of armed men which they said gathered outside the house and threatened to hurt him, his wife and children.
“How can they arrest a man whose house came under attack and gunfire?” said Volodya’s mother, Heriknaz Dallakian. “Shouldn’t he have protected his wife and children?”
Avetik Dallakian linked the arrest with the upcoming election, saying that the local HHK team is trying to force him out of the race. “When I nominated my candidacy at the last minute that caused a stir among them ... And they have been working against us since then,” he told RFE/RL’s Armenian service (
Dallakian said that two of his supporters were beaten up and several others bullied and shot at last week. He also claimed that the men who “attacked” his son are relatives of Murad Muradian, an HHK lawmaker from a Masis constituency.
Both Muradian and Hakobian denied the allegations. They also insisted that the incident had nothing to do with the election. Masis was already the scene of a violent clash between two groups of men linked with the HHK and the BHK ahead Armenia’s last parliamentary elections held on May 6.
2,000 Armenians from Syria Residing in Armenia Currently
YEREV AN -- There are currently about 2,000 Armenians from Syria residing in Armenia after having mostly fled violence in the Middle Eastern state, the Ministry of Diaspora in Yerevan said on Thursday.
Most of them have come to Armenia in recent months amid increasingly heavy fighting between Syrian government troops and rebels. The influx appears to have intensified since the fighting reached the northern city of Aleppo, the cultural and economic center of Syria’s 80,000- strong Armenian community.
Armenia’ s Foreign Ministry says its diplomatic missions in Aleppo and Damascus have issued visas to over 3,000 Syrian nationals
this year. According to immigration authorities in Yerevan, roughly 6,000 Syrian Armenians have applied for dual Armenian citizenship since the start of the Syrian crisis early last year.
The Ministry of Diaspora data suggests that most of those applicants still have no plans to settle in Armenia. And many of the reported 2,000 immigrants do not seem intent on making the country of their ancestors their new permanent home.
Firdus Zakarian, a senior ministry official dealing with the matter, told RFE/RL’s Armenian service ( that only about 300 Syrian Armenians plan to stay there for good. One Syrian Armenian family has settled in Nagorno-Karabakh and several others plan to follow suit, he said.
Zakarian agreed that Armenia’s lingering socioeconomic woes and high unemployment in particular weigh heavily on many members of the mostly affluent Diaspora community. He said a lack of jobs and business opportunities is the main problem facing Syrian Armenian immigrants.
“Another problem is that their specialties do not always correspond to vacancies available here,” explained Zakarian. He said the Ministry of Diasporas has found jobs for only 15 Syrian Armenians this year.
Yerevan State University Lecturers Complain About Salaries
YEREVAN -- Several Yerevan State University (YSU) lecturers are complaining that their salaries are low, Zhoghovurd daily writes.
“One of them informed that the salaries of lecturers at other [state-run] universities are much higher than at YSU.
Why is the main university ‘poor?’ Responding to this question, YSU Rector Aram Simonyan informed: ‘We raised the salaries a year ago. And if everything goes well, we will raise [them] again as of January 1.’ In his words, ‘going well’ would depend on how many students they will have and how they will collect the tuition fees. Until then, however, many lecturers could resort to drastic measures,” Zhoghovurd writes.
Karabakh Army Holds Military Exercises
STEP ANAKERT -- Nagorno- Karabakh’s armed forces wrapped up on Thursday three-day military exercises which demonstrated their “adequate preparedness” for a possible war with Azerbaijan.
The Karabakh Defense Army said the “battalion-level tactical exercises” were watched by its commander, Lieutenant-General Movses Hakobian, and involved “different types of troops,” military hardware and live gunfire. It did not specify the number of soldiers participating in the drills and their venue.
“The holding of such war games is aimed at boosting tactical skills of participating personnel and enabling the latter to practice
defensive and counteroffensive combat operations,” the army said in a statement. The Karabakh Armenian forces again showed that they can accomplish “any combat objective,” it said.
A spokesman for Karabakh president Bako Sahakian said the army holds such exercises on a regular basis and they are all planned in advance. “Such events demonstrate to Azerbaijan and other states that the Republic of Artsakh is ready to defend its territorial integrity, freedom and independence”.
The latest exercises began on Tuesday amid Azerbaijan’s renewed threats to end the Nagorno- Karabakh conflict by force. Azerbaijani Defense Minister Safar Abiyev said Armenia is precipitating a new Karabakh war with its refusal to “return Azerbaijan’s occupied lands.”
Yerevan to Host Concert Dedicated to Michel Legrand
YEREVAN -- A concert dedicated to the 80th anniversary of famous French-Armenian musician, pianist and composer Michel Legrand will be held in Yerevan.
The concert held within the framework of the Yerevan International Music Festival will take place on October 20.
The Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra headed by conductor Eduard Topchjan, soloist for the Paris Opera, harpist Catherine Michel and Legrand himself will perform during the concert. Michel Legrand became famous for his film music and scores, such as The Umbrellas of Cherbourg and The Thomas Crown Affair. He won three Oscars and five Grammys.
Poverty in Armenia Grew by 5% Since 2008
YEREVAN -- Poverty in Armenia increased by 5 percent—and not by 13 percent—ever since 2008, Deputy Minister of Finance Vardan Aramyan said during a press conference on Wednesday.
“As a result of the work done by foreign experts, the method for measuring poverty has changed since 2010. It would have constituted 27 percent, in line with the old method. And that is why the numbers should not be played around with and say that poverty in our country has risen by 12 percent,” said Aramyan.
In his words, poverty should have made up 51-52 percent—in line with the new method—if the Government’s social expenditures are not increased.
“We have not solved all the problems with this, but we have done what the budget has allowed us to do.
We certainly wish that our citizens’ salaries and pensions be high. But it would not have been correct to spend all credits. The credit costs should not exceed capital investment. It is solely in this case that the credit serves progress. This was our key problem in 2008. Now, we do not need to resort to such drastic measures,” Armenia’s Deputy Minister of Finance stated.
Letter from Nowhere: Off the Map The leafy boulevards of Stepanakert, capital of Nagorno-Karabakh, are beginning to attract visitors, but to most of the international community the republic doesn't exist
By Dan Peleschuk Guardian Weekly
In many ways, Stepanakert resembles a small American town on the rise. Its main boulevards have been repaved, locals stroll through the renovated central square past its elegant fountain, and hotels have sprouted on every other block to hold the new influx of visitors.
There's just one thing: it doesn't really exist, and neither does the ethnic Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, of which Stepanakert is the capital. According to the rest of the world, the region belongs to Azerbaijan, and no one – not even Armenia, Karabakh's patron state – recognises it.
But that doesn't stop the self-proclaimed country from celebrating its 20 years of de facto independence this year. Patriotic banners flutter above Stepanakert's streets, and posters of the soldiers who during a bloody war in the early 1990s helped wrest the land away from Azerbaijan line the sidewalks.
Not long ago much of the city was in ruins and the economy virtually non-existent. Today locals meander along leafy streets lined with new banks, stores and government buildings. A tourism industry is slowly taking root, as travellers from across the world descend on the tiny republic, population about 141,000, in increasing numbers.
But under the surface are scars of a war that left more than 30,000 dead and many displaced. War is the only reason the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic exists. War – the memories of it, the fears of its return – is what makes it tick. Perhaps the best reminder of this is Aghdam, the ghostly shell of a former Azeri settlement levelled by Armenian forces in 1993. Just a short drive from Stepanakert, the one-time city of around 30,000 was reduced to grassy craters and jagged stone remnants of former apartments, schools and community centres. Visible from the only road that leads north to Karabakh's famed ancient monasteries, it is easy to notice.
Yet ordinary Karabakh Armenians are trying to capitalize on the relative post-war stability. Even as border tensions have escalated in recent months, which have seen deadly skirmishes between Armenian and Azeri forces, small-time businessman Ashot Simonyan says foreign visitors have continued to stream through his spare rental apartments. "Everyone who comes here really loves it," he says with a salesman's grin. "We have everything a tourist needs – it's completely normal here."
They Should Ask the Nation
By Hayk Aramyan Lragir
The “nationwide request” was introduced by Levon Ter-Petrosyan after his resignation in 1998. He had said he would return if the “nation asks him to”.
He returned after 10 years, certainly without the “nationwide request” but by the request of his supporters. He was able to animate the nationwide dissatisfaction, unfold a mass movement, but his team was not ready to bear such responsibility, they were not ready for the declared aims, or their aims were different and so, time passed and only the team which had asked Ter- Petrosyan to return remained in the Movement.
Earlier, the former first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communistic Party of Armenia Karen Demirchyan set the example “nationwide request”. He returned to politics victoriously, with an image of justice, well- being but his path was tragic.
Robert Kocharyan also seems to be trying to apply the trick “nationwide request”. He stated in an interview that one of the three preconditions for his return is the public demand. There is an online initiative which is collecting signatures and asking Kocharyan return.
In the mutated Armenian reality, the “nationwide request” is effective though the effect is short-term. The reason is that the social and political elite of Armenia has never been engaged in working out of a long-term political prospect and legislative and constitutional norms. The legal and political criteria were replaced by the personal views of the figures which were imposed on people as the only norms. So, everything turned upside down. Usually, it is the political figure who asks people trying to persuade them with their political programs.
Instead, the political class of Armenia which is a conglomerate of accidental people, adventurers and criminals has mutated the field so that people only hope to find a “savior”. It is not in vain that many political adventurers presented themselves as saviors.
But the “bludgeon” of the savior has two ends which has always turned to the wrong direction, against the “saviors” making them a subject of mockery. This is the reality. If you try to deprive people of their rights and
responsibilities, dignity and civil consciousness, there is only one step between the savior and betrayer. Today’s savior will be tomorrow’s betrayer. You will reap what you sow, the saying is. But the political class is, apparently, unable to refuse the dangerous and lifeless tricks, otherwise the formula of the “nationwide request” would have been uprooted a long time ago. The political class should understand that it is a great evil and a threat to national security when the nation thinks request is the only solution.
Lydian International Finds New Gold at Arshak and Erato in Latest Drilling
Lydian International (TSE:LYD) said it made one of its deepest intersections so far at its Amulsar project in Armenia, as it revealed latest drill results.
At 304 metres down, the firm hit 1.6 g/t gold over 7 meters at the Erato area of the project.
In the same area (Erato), other significant intervals of the yellow metal were found at a depth of 167 metres, it added.
The result was among the findings of an initial 18 holes from mostly step- out and exploration drilling.
Drilling at another area - Arshak - returned 13 meters at 1.5 g/t gold and 37 meters at 1.0 g/t gold along with 38.5 meters at 1.0 g/t gold and 33.0 meters at 0.9 g/t gold, Lydian told investors.
These figures confirm Lydian's view that further resource potential exists beyond the current resource shell towards the southeast at Arshak.
Other notable intersections included 53 metres at 1 g/t gold at Orontes and 38 metres at 1 g/t gold at Artavasdes.
The company intends to complete a resource estimate on the Orontes area next year.
Lydian's president and chief executive Tim Coughlin said: "Drilling at Amulsar has had a slow start this year with delays on the delivery and commissioning of new drill rigs."
"However, we now have seven diamond drill rigs and one reverse circulation drill rig on-site with an additional new reverse circulation rig due to arrive in early September. "New 3D geologic modelling has identified several areas of depth and step-out potential which we are confident will be converted into further new resources as the drill season evolves."
Fatwa on Armenian Massacres Attracts World Attention Despite Turkish Denials By Harut Sassounian, Publisher, The California Courier
Last week’s column on the 1909 Fatwa issued by Egypt’s top Islamic cleric condemning Turks for massacring Armenians in Adana drew widespread attention. The article was posted on websites in many countries, including Pakistan, India, Israel, France, Russia, Lebanon, Armenia, and the United States.
Although my columns are often translated and reprinted in the Turkish media, last week’s article broke all records. It appeared in summary form in dozens of Turkish newspapers and websites. In addition, prominent syndicated columnist Taha Akyol wrote a lengthy rebuttal published in Hurriyet, CNN-Turk, and others publications. Akyol is a right wing journalist who switched his allegiance from the ultra-nationalist Alpaslan Turkes, leader of the Grey Wolves, to Pres. Abdullah Gul and his ruling Islamist AKP party.
Akyol describes me as “one of the Armenian Diaspora’s fiercest leaders,” and “a Tashnak militant.” To prove to his Turkish readers that I am a “radical” Armenian, Akyol quotes from an earlier column in which I had stated that Armenians could regain Western Armenia someday when unexpected developments take place in that region, creating a power vacuum. Akyol was joined by former Turkish Ambassador Omer Engin Lutem in denouncing my views on Western Armenia. While calling me an “extreme nationalist,” Amb. Lutem depicted me as someone “highly admired and frequently read by Diaspora Armenians. In addition to the value of his writings, he is a person that must be taken seriously because of his influence over the Armenian Diaspora.”
In his article, Akyol uses standard denialist tactics by reducing the number of Armenian victims in Adana and mischaracterizing the killings as a clash between Armenians and Turks. In reality, 30,000 Armenians were killed by Turkish mobs which had been whipped into frenzy by Ismail Hakke, the Mufti of Bahce, a town near Adana. Akyol’s gross misrepresentation of the facts is contradicted by the July 31, 1909 decree of the Council of Ministers of Ottoman Turkey which placed sole responsibility for the massacres on the shoulders of provincial Turkish officials.
In a vain attempt to make his distorted views more credible, Akyol reports that he consulted Prof. Kemal Cicek, Director of the discredited Turkish Historical Society, who “had published a book last month titled, ‘The Adana Incidents of 1909 Revisited.’” In fact, the book was published a year ago, and Cicek is not the author, but editor of a volume consisting of papers presented at a 2009 Ankara conference. In response to Akyol’s question as to whether the Turkish Mufti had issued a Fatwa, Cicek reportedly stated: “I studied the Adana court records. Armenians had made such claims at the time, but no such documents or witnesses were found. There is absolutely no such Fatwa.”
Contrary to Cicek’s claims, there are a number of references confirming that Ismail Hakke, the Turkish Mufti, did issue a Fatwa to legitimize the atrocities. Dr. Ali Osman Ozturk, Professor at Canakkale’s “March 18 University,” wrote the following in the Milli Folklor Journal (2009): “The government hanged the Mufti of Bahce in Dortyol because of the Fatwa he had issued, stating that ‘Armenian blood and property are helal [religiously sanctioned].’” Historian Raymond Kevorkian also mentions the Turkish Fatwa in his monumental book, “The Armenian Genocide, a Complete History,” by referencing two sources: Z. Duckett Ferriman’s “The Young Turks and the Truth about the Holocaust at Adana, in Asia Minor, During April, 1909,” and the Turkish parliamentary commission's report by Judges Fayk Bey and Haroutioun Mosdichian. Dr. Vahakn Dadrian also refers to several Fatwas issued by Muftis in various Turkish towns, including the Mufti of Bahce, who “surpassed in intensity and scope the atrociousness of the rest of his colleagues.” Dadrian then quotes the German newspaper Berliner Tageblatt which reported the eyewitness account of German engineers: “The Mufti had excited and agitated the fanatical and criminal rabble of Bahce and its environs.”
To his credit, Akyol does not deny the Fatwa issued by the noble Egyptian Grand Sheikh Salim al- Bishri of al-Azhar. Akyol admits the possibility that the Arab Sheikh had issued such a Fatwa. I can assure him that such a Fatwa exists, since I have in my possession a photocopy of the document, excerpts of which were published in translation in my last week’s column. Akyol also acknowledges that the Turkish Mufti of Bahce was in fact hanged for his crimes in Adana!
Over a 100 years later, the Fatwa of Grand Sheikh of al-Azhar remains a most valuable document, particularly in these turbulent times. Copies of this righteous Fatwa along with the compassionate Decree issued in 1917 by the Sharif of Mecca should be disseminated by the Armenian Republic, church leaders, and civic groups to all Muslim states, their Ambassadors, media, and mosques worldwide, particularly in Turkey, Azerbaijan, and the Arab world.
Grigor Gurzadyan (Armenian: Գրիգոր Գուրզադյան) is an Armenian astronomer, and pioneer of space astronomy.
Gurzadyan was born on October 15, 1922 in Baghdad, to parents who fled in 1915 Western Armenia. Upon graduating the from the Hydrotechnical and Constructional Department of Yerevan Polytechnic Institute in 1944, he became the postgraduate of Victor Ambartsumian, who had just moved to Armenia. Being in Ambartsumian’s founding team of Byurakan Observatory, he later headed a Laboratory, in 1960s became deputy director of the Observatory for space research. Then, he headed the branch of Byurakan observatory on space research, in 1971 he founded and headed the Garni Space Astronomy Laboratory (Institute, 1992–2004). Member of Armenian National Academy of Sciences (1986; corresponding member 1965), DSci. 1955, PhD 1948. His son is Vahe Gurzadyan Armenian mathematical physicist and a professor at Yerevan Physics Institute, whose main research topics are: the chaos in non-linear systems, N- body dynamics, stellar dynamics, Cosmic Microwave Background radiation, observational cosmology.
In 1960s and early 1970s he directed the UV and X-ray observations of Sun via Rocket Astrophysical Observatories K-2, K-3 and K-4 by means of ballistic rockets R-5; the first launch being on February 15, 1961 from Kapustin Yar military base in Russia. His paper in Comm. Armenian Acad. Sciences, XLIII, 28, 1966, “A Powerful X-ray Flare on the Sun” (of October 1, 1965) is on the detection of most powerful Solar X-ray flare observed by then.
Then he moved to design space orbital observatories, both on board automatic probes and manned spacecrafts. Ultraviolet telescope Procyon was on board Kosmos (satellite) 309 in 1969, and X-ray telescope Altair on board Meteor (satellite) 1-16 in 1974; both were launched from Plesetsk cosmodrome. The highlight was Orion 2 Space Observatory (see Orion 1 and Orion 2 Space Observatories), with a wide-angle meniscus telescope of the Cassegrain system, operated on board the spacecraft Soyuz 13 in December 1973. Spectra of thousands of stars to as faint as 13th magnitude were obtained, the first satellite UV spectrogram of a planetary nebula (IC 2149) was obtained, revealing lines of aluminum and titanium - elements not previously observed in planetary nebulae, two photon emission from nebulae was detected for the first time. For comparison, the Skylab’s UV telescope which was on the orbit at the same time, could only look at stars down to 7.5th magnitude. Two years earlier, in April, 1971, the first space station Salyut 1 carried into orbit Orion 1 Space Observatory, the first space telescope with an objective prism.
He predicted magnetic fields in planetary nebulae in 1960s, which were actually discovered in 2005 (Jordan, Werner, O’Toole). He authored theoretical papers on flare stars (predicted negative infrared flares), interstellar matter, binary stars. In 1990s he developed the theory of common chromospheres (roundchromes) of close binary stars and of evolution of binary globular clusters.
Armenian National Institute Announces Major Expansion of its Website on the Armenian Genocide
W ASHINGTON, DC - The Armenian National Institute (ANI) announced this week a major expansion of its website on the Armenian Genocide. A new section titled Contemporary Press Coverage consisting of a compilation of over 170 articles from some 50 mainstream media sources discussing the Armenian Genocide has been added. The ANI website is one of the most frequently visited Internet resources on the Armenian Genocide.
The Contemporary Press Section demonstrates the growing public and international awareness of the Armenian Genocide with coverage spanning the globe, but especially from countries with English-language sources including the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Israel. The new section contains articles focusing on the historical, political, legal, and moral significance of the Armenian Genocide. For instance readers will find a series of articles tracing the evolution of the U.S. discussion in the media and the ongoing effort for affirmation.
The Contemporary Press Coverage section also conveys the world's onetime awareness of the events and the facts of the Armenians Genocide and how the intervening decades of silence, followed by growing attention to human rights issues, reshaped that discourse on the meaning of the events of 1915.
The compilation provides ten categories of coverage: Book Review, Editorial, Education, Feature Story, Film Review, Memorials, Opinion, Genocide Remembrance Day, Reporting, and Restitution, demonstrating the scope and type of
coverage garnered by this important subject. While WWI dominated the daily news bulletins, given the scale of the atrocities committed in
1915 against the Armenian people in the Ottoman Empire resulting in large numbers of victims, international media coverage of these crimes became regular news. A sampling of articles from 1915 is posted on the ANI website. Media attention to the plight of the Armenians diminished with the end of the war and went mostly silent for the better part of the 20th century.
Public attention to the historical significance of the Armenian Genocide resumed in the last quarter of the 20th century. Broader attention to human rights issues prompted by the recurrence of mass killings around the world redefined the Armenian Genocide as a precedent to the series of genocides that punctuated the 20th century. The media discourse on the Armenian Genocide has expanded in the 21st century as reflected in the Contemporary Press Coverage section which documents such media interest from the year 2000 onward. Noteworthy articles by prominent journalists and writers will be added to the site.
Founded in 1997, the Armenian National Institute (ANI) is based in Washington, DC, and is dedicated to the study, research, and affirmation of the Armenian Genocide.
Cups of Fortune A Coming of Age Novel By Lenore Tolegian Hughes
Pomegranate Seed Press
Paperback ($15.99) and Kindle ($4.99) versions available from
204 pages ISBN:1475098588 ISBN-13:9781475098587
Cups of Fortune captures the experience of the escapees from the Armenian genocide who came to America to rebuild their lives, and of their children growing up in 1950’s Southern California.
With a spirited and humorous voice Lenore Tolegian Hughes vividly evokes the physical, social, and psychological adventures of men and women driven by love of life to leave their homeland, and by their passionate natures to make something of themselves in the New World. The novel overflows with stories of three generations that are by turns horrific, hilarious, and heart-warming. At the same time Cups of Fortune is a powerful coming of age novel that recounts the early life of an Armenian-American girl growing up in 1950’s Los Angeles.
Raised by her survivor-grandmother, who reads fortunes in the patterns made by the grounds at the bottoms of cups of thick Armenian coffee, Azad is introduced to tales of her family’s shocking past, grows to appreciate of the exotic characters who inhabit her world, and gains insight into her own hyphenated identity. Gradually initiated into her grandmother’s masterful preparation of traditional (and mouth-watering) Armenian foods, Azad also learns one of the world’s perennial paths to love.
Honest, realistic, and magical, Cups of Fortune captivates the reader’s imagination by evoking a world both tantalizingly foreign and as familiar as home.
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