Thursday 30 May 2013


ԹԻՒ 986 ՇԱԲԱԹ, 1 ՅՈՒՆԻՍ 2013
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Armenians in Science
Arthur H. Bulbulian December 20, 1900 – June 23, 1996 Arthur H. Bulbulian was a pioneer of Armenian descent in the
field of facial prosthetic.Notice
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Լրագրողներու պաշտպանութեան յանձնախումբը՝ Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), որու կեդրոնը կը գտնուի Նիւ Եորք, Թուրքիոյ իշխանութիւններուն թելադրած է անպարտ արձակել հայ մտաւորական, գրող, լրագրող Սեւան Նշանեանը եւ հետաքննութիւն կատարել՝ Twitter ընկերային ցանցին վրայ անոր հասցէին հնչած սպառնալիքներուն մասին:
Յիշեցնենք, որ Պոլսոյ դատարանը Մայիս 22ին Նշանեանը 13,5 ամիս բանտարկութեան դատապարտեց` «մահմետականներու կրօնական արժէքները հրապարակաւ նախատելու» մեղադրանքով: Նշանեանի դէմ պատժական հետապնդումի պատճառ հանդիսացած էր աղմկայարոյց «Մահմետականներու անմեղութիւնը» ժապաւէնին առընչութեամբ անոր կատարած մեկնաբանութիւնը: Լրագրողը իր պլոկին մէջ, ակնարկելով Մուհամմէտ մարգարէին, գրած էր, որ «Ատելութեան ոճիր չի հանդիսանար ծաղրելը՝ արաբ ղեկավար մը, որ դարեր առաջ պնդելով, որ Աստուծոյ հետ կապի մէջ է՝ քաղաքական, նիւթական եւ սեռային շահեր ապահոված է ինզինքին»:
Նշենք, որ խնդրոյ առարկայ ժապաւէնը լոյս տեսած էր 2012ին եւ իսկական փոթորիկ մը ստեղծած՝ մահմետական աշխարհին մէջ, քանզի հոն Մուհամմէտ մարգարէն կը ներկայացուէր որպէս կնամոլ, որ երբեմն յարաբերութիւններ կ՚ունենար նաեւ այրերու, նոյնիսկ երախաներու հետ:
Այս առթիւ, Լրագրողներու պաշպանութեան յանձնաժողովի Եւրոպայի եւ Կեդրոնական Ասիոյ բաժնի համակարգող Նինա Օկնիանովա ըսած է. “Զգայուն հարցերու մասին իր կարծիքը յայտնած լրագրողը բանտարկելը յարիր չէ ազատ եւ բաց հանրութեան” ու աւելցուցած, որ Վերաքննիչ ատեանը պէտք է բեկանէ Սեւան Նշանեանին դէմ արձակուած վճիռը:
Օկնիանովա նաեւ խօսքը ուղղելով թրքական իշխանութիւններուն՝ կոչ ըրած է “անյապաղ հետաքննելու սպառնալիքները եւ պատժելու՝ անոնց հեղինակները”, ակնարկելով վերջերս Twitterի վրայ տեղ գտած եւ Ս. Նշանեանի անձը թիրախ առնող սպառնալիքներուն: Արդարեւ, ընկերային այդ ցանցին վրայ քանիցս գրուեցաւ, որ Նշանեան եւս պիտի արժանանայ Հրանդ Տինքի ճակատագիրին:
«Նոր Յառաջ»
Ftýuk Krdð=tlrtz Aþýu=ð=ðþlnd rðudndz=g!
28-05-2013 ՄԱՐՄԱՐԱ
Ուղղության փոփոխություն. հայ միգրանտները հնարավոր է
Ռուսաստանից շրջվեն դեպի ԵՄ գոտի Նաիրա Հայրումյան «ԱրմենիաՆաուի» թղթակից
Ուղղության փոփոխություն. հայ միգրանտները հնարավոր է Ռուսաստանից շրջվեն դեպի ԵՄ գոտի Մինչ Հայաստանը փորձում է կարգավորել հարաբերությունները Եվրոպական միության հետ, Ռուսաստանն աստիճանաբար խստացնում է միգրացիոն քաղաքականությունը, եւ միանգամայն հնարավոր է, որ շուտով Հայաստանից էմիգրացիոն հոսքերը փոխեն ուղղությունը:
Ռուսաստանն ընդունել է օրենք, որի համաձայն 2015 թ. հունվարի 1-ից հետխորհրդային հանրապետություններից միգրանտները երկիր մուտք կգործեն արտասահմանյան անձնագրերով, ընդ որում,
կայարաններում նրանց կդիմավորեն միգրացիոն կենտրոնները, որտեղ նրանք հաշվառման կկանգնեն: Այժմ Հայաստանի եւ Ռուսաստանի միջեւ գործում է անայցագրային ռեժիմ:
Այս որոշումը Ռուսաստանի կառավարությունը բացատրում է նախկին ԽՍՀՄ-ից միգրանտների շրջանում հանցավորության բարձր մակարդակով եւ միգրանտների հոսքը կրճատելու անհրաժեշտությամբ: Ընդսմին, Վլադիմիր Պուտինը հանձնարարական է տվել չխոչընդոտել երկիր բարձրակարգ մասնագետների մուտքը:
Բացի այդ, Ռուսաստանը մտադիր է ընդունել օրենք, որի համաձայն երիտասարդ տղամարդ միգրանտները պարտադիր կարգով պետք է ծառայեն ռուսական բանակում, եթե նույնիսկ ծառայել են իրենց երկրների բանակում: Այս օրենքը հաստատ կփոխի Ռուսաստան մեկնել ցանկացող բազում հայ երիտասարդների որոշումը:
Ընդ որում, Հայաստանը մտադիր է Եվրամիության հետ կնքել Ասոցացման համաձայնագիր, որը նաեւ ենթադրում է այցագրային ռեժիմի դյուրացում: Դյուրացման մասին մի ակտ Հայաստանի եւ ԵՄ-ի միջեւ ստորագրվել է դեռ դեկտեմբերին, սակայն այն մինչ այժմ Եվրախորհրդարանը չի վավերացրել: Ինչպես ասում են եվրոպացի փորձագետները, համաձայնագիրն ուժի մեջ մտնելուց հետո հայ միգրանտների կտրուկ աճի վտանգ կա:
Այժմ Հայաստանից աշխատանքային միգրանտների 90%-ը փող վաստակելու նպատակով մեկնում է Ռուսաստան: Հայաստանում տրանսֆերտների 85%-ը նույնպես ստացվում է Ռուսաստանից, ինչն ապահովում է Հայաստանի սպառողական շրջանառության գրեթե երրորդը:
Ռուսաստան են մեկնում հիմնականում այն մարդիկ, ովքեր պատրաստ են աշխատելու շինարարությունում, ոչ որակյալ աշխատանքի եւ ոչ լավագույն պայմաններով: Տեղեկատվական եւ այլ տեխնոլոգիաների ոլորտի պրոֆեսիոնալները նախընտրում են մեկնել ԱՄՆ: Ուսանողները, ինչպես նաեւ օտար լեզուներին տիրապետող անձինք ջանում են ընկնել եվրոպական երկրներ:
Արտագաղթը դառնում է Հայաստանի համար հիմնական խնդիր, թեեւ իշխանությունների ներկայացուցիչները պնդում են, որ մարդիկ գտել են իրենց ընտանիքները պահելու ոչ վատ եղանակ: Սակայն մեկնողների մեծ մասը, հատկապես դեպի Արեւմուտք, այլեւս չի ցանկանում վերադառնալ: Շատ դեպքերում ընտանիքներ են քայքայվում, ճակատագրեր խեղվում:
Հայաստանն ինքը պետք է շահագրգռված լինի Ռուսաստանի հետ միգրացիայի կարգավորման մասին համաձայնագիր կնքելու մեջ: Սակայն առայժմ Երեւանը նախընտրում է չզբաղվել միգրացիայի խնդիրներով՝ ենթարկվելով այն օրենքներին, որոնք ընդունում են այն երկրները, ուր ուղղվում են հայերը՝ փող վաստակելու, արդարության կամ ինքնիրացման հնարավորության փնտրտուքով:
Մայիս 23ին, Ալիեւ ընդունած է Մինսքի խումբի համանախագահները՝ ռուս Իկոր Փո- փովը, ամերիկացի Իան Քելլին, ֆրանսացի Ժագ Ֆօռը եւ անոնց ընկերացող՝ ԵԱՀԿ-ի պաշ- տօնավարող նախագահի անձնական ներկայացուցիչ Անճէյ Գասփրչիկը։
Մինսքի պատուիրակութիւնը Մայիս 24ին Պաքուէն Երեւան ժամանած է եւ ընդունուած նախագահ Սարգսեանի կողմէ:
Զրուցակիցները քննարկած են Լեռնային Ղարաբաղի հակամարտութեան բանակցային գործընթացի ներկայ փուլին եւ յետագայ քայլերուն վերաբերող հարցեր. այս մասին կը տե- ղեկացնէ նախագահի գրասենեակի հանրութեան հետ կապերու եւ լրատւութեան վարչութիւ- նը՝ առանց մանրամասնութիւններ տալու:
Հայաստանի Արտաքին գործոց նախարար Էդուարդ Նալբանդեան եւս նոյն օրը խորհրդակցութիւններ ունեցած է այցելու դիւանագէտներուն հետ: Ըստ Արտաքին գործոց նախարարութեան մամլոյ ծառայութեան՝ այս հանդիպումին քննարկուած են ղարաբաղեան խնդիրի խաղաղ կարգաւորման գործընթացը յառաջ մղելու կարելիութիւնները:
Համանախագահները նախարար Նալբանդեանին ներկայացուցած են Պաքուի մէջ տեղի ունեցած հանդիպումներուն իրենց տպաւորութիւնները:
Իր կարգին, Էդուարդ Նալբանդեան համանախագահներուն ուշադրութիւնը հրաւիրած է բանակցային գործընթացի էութիւնն ու բնոյթը խեղաթիւրող ազէրպայճանական կողմի շա- րունակական յայտարարութիւններուն վրայ, որոնք չեն նպաստեր գործընթացի յառաջխա- ղացքին:
Համանախագահները այս անգամ Լեռնային Ղարաբաղ չեն այցելած: «Նոր Յառաջ» Մայիս 28, թիւ 510
Իկոր Փոփով «Ազատութիւն» ձայնասփիւռին հետ զրոյցին ըսած է, որ աշխատանք կը տանին Հայաստանի եւ Ազէրպայճանի նախագահներու նոր հանդիպում մը կազմակերպելու համար:
Պատասխանելով Մայիս 21ին Մոսկուայի մէջ ազէրպայճանցի իր պաշտօնակից Էլմար Մամէտեարովի հետ հանդիպումէն ետք սթաթուս քուոյի անընդունելիութեան եւ գրաւեալ տարածքները վերադարձնելու մասին Ռուսաստանի Արտաքին գործոց նախարար Սերկէյ Լաւրովի յայտարարութեան վերաբերող հարցումի մը՝ Փոփով ըսած է. “Լաւրով այդպիսի բան չէ ըսած: Ան ըսած է, որ սթաթուս քուօն ձեռնտու է ոչ մէկուն՝ ո՛չ Ազէրպայճանին, ո՛չ համանախագահող երկիրներուն, ո՛չ Հայաստանին՝ նկատի առնելով տնտեսական շրջա- փակումը: Ձեռնտու չէ նաեւ Լեռնային Ղարաբաղին: Մենք կը մտածենք, որ բանակցային գոր- ծընթացին մէջ պէտք է ըլլայ յառաջընթաց, եւ այդ յառաջընթացին որպէս արդիւնք՝ ի վերջոյ պէտք է ստորագրուի խաղաղութեան պայմանագիր: Ասոր մասին է խօսքը”:
Նշենք սակայն, որ Լաւրով ճիշդ ու ճիշդ ըսած էր հետեւեալը. “Սթաթուս քուօն, անշուշտ, 19
անընդունելի է բոլորին համար: Նախ՝ Ազէրպայճանի, Հայաստանի եւ Լեռնային Ղարաբաղի մէջ ապրողներուն համար. ես ատոր խորապէս համոզուած եմ: Սթաթուս քուօ կը նշանակէ ոչ միայն ազէրպայճանական տարածքներու վերադարձի հարցին անլոյծ մնալը, այլեւ՝ Հա- յաստանի տնտեսական շրջափակումը: Այդ պատճառով, հոս կարիքը չկայ ոեւէ մէկը հա- մոզելու՝ այդ կարգավիճակի անընդունելիութեան մասին”:
Ռուս համանախագահը աւելցուցած է, որ հակամարտութեան կարգաւորման՝ այսօր քննարկուող վեց կէտերը կը ներառնեն թէ՛ տարածքներու վերադարձի եւ թէ՛ Լեռնային Ղա- րաբաղի վերջնական կարգավիճակի հարցերը:
Ծանօթ աւատապետ Ռուբէն Հայրապետեանի ընտանիքին պատկանող «Հարսնաքար» ճաշարանային համալիրին մէջ, անցեալ տարուան Յունիս 17ին, ծեծէն եւ ստացած վէրքերէն մահացած էր ռազմական բժիշկ Վահէ Աւետեան։
Գրեթէ տարի մը ետք՝ անցեալ շաբաթ Երեւանի Աւան եւ Նոր-Նորք վարչական շրջաննե- րու ընդհանուր իրաւասութեան դատարանին մէջ տեղի ունեցած է դատավարութեան նիստը, որու ընթացքին ունկնդրուած են վկաներ, ինչպէս նաեւ՝ Հայաստանի Ֆութպոլի դաշնակցու- թեան նախագահ Ռուբէն Հայրապետեան: Սակայն այս վերջինը լրագրողներուն մերժած է ըսել, թէ ի՛նչ կարգավիճակով ներկայացած է դատարան:
Ուրբաթ օր՝ Մայիս 24ին, որպէս վկայ ունկնդրուած է նաեւ Դիանա Նաւոյեան, որ դէպ- քին օրը կը գտնուէր ճաշարանը՝ Վահէ Աւետեանի եւ անոր ընկերներուն հետ:
Ան բացատրած է, թէ ինք արտաքնապէս լարումի ոչ մէկ նշան չէ նշմարած կողմերուն մի- ջեւ, միայն թէ Վահէ Աւետեանի զգեստաւորման շուրջ տարակարծութիւններ եղած են սպա- սեակներուն հետ, ճաշարանէն դուրս ելած են, եւլն.: Նաւոյեան դէպքին ծանրակշիռ ծալքե- րուն տեղեկացած է միայն յաջորդ օր:
Դատական յաջորդ նիստը տեղի կո՚ ւնենայ Մայիս 31ին։ «Նոր Յառաջ» Մայիս 28, թիւ 510
ԹԷԼ-ԱՎԻՎ - ԵՐԵՒԱՆ ԱՌԱՋԻՆ ԹՌԻՉՔԸ՝ ՅՈՒՆԻՍ 5ԻՆ «Արմենիա» միջազգային օդակայաններու գլխաւոր տնօրէն Մարչելօ Վէնտէ՝ Մայիս
24ին լրագրողներուն հետ ունեցած հանդիպումին յայտնած է, թէ իսրայէլեան «Արգիա» օդա- նաւային ընկերութեան Թէլ-Ավիվ - Երեւան առաջին թռիչքը տեղի կ՚ունենայ Յունիս 5ին։
Ան դիտել տուած է, որ այս գիծը կրնայ նոր խթան հանդիսանալ Հայաստանի եւ Իսրայէլի յարաբերութիւններուն՝ աւելցնելով, որ ամէն տարի 6 միլիոն Իսրայէլացիներ արձակուրդի կ՛երթան, եւ այդ առումով Հայաստանը կրնայ լաւագոյն ուղղութիւններէն մէկը հանդիսանալ անոնց համար:
Առայժմ ծրագրուած է թռիչքներ կատարել շաբաթը անգամ մը։ Երկու ուղղութեամբ ալ, տոմսին արժէքը կը սկսի 310 եւրոյէն
«Նոր Յառաջ» Մայիս 28, թիւ 510
Հալէպահայ 70ամեայ մտաւորական, գրող, Հայկական Բարեգործական Ընդհանուր Միութեան տեղական մարմնի ղեկավար Յակոբ Միքայէլեան Մայիս 21ին ծայրայեղ իսլա- մապաշտ խմբակցութեան մը կողմէ առեւանգուած էր Հալէպ-Լաթաքիա ճամբուն վրայ: Մա- յիս 25ին կը հաղորդուէր, որ ազատ արձակուած է: Ազատագրման պայմանները չէին նշուեր:
«Նոր Յառաջ» Մայիս 28, թիւ 510
ՊՈԼՍՈՅ ՄԷՋ ՊՈԼՍՈՅ մէջ, Մայիս 23ին սկսած Սուրիոյ ընդդիմադիր համախոհութեան համագումա-
րը երեք օրերու ընթացքին որեւէ արդիւնքի չէր յանգած եւ որոշուած էր շարունակել նաեւ Մայիս 26ին: Տարակարծութիւնները ակնբախ են մանաւանդ երկու նիւթի շուրջ: Նախ, Ժը- նեւեան նոր ժողովի մը՝ ընդդիմութեան մասնակցիլ-չմասնակցելու հարցին մասին: Արդարեւ, այս ժողովը կը փափաքին Ուաշինկթըն եւ Մոսկուա՝ բանակցութեանց սեղանին շուրջ քով- քովի բերելու համար Սուրիոյ վարչակարգն ու ընդդիմութիւնը: Սուրիոյ իշխանութիւնները արդէն դրական պատասխած են: Նաեւ կան խոր տարակարծութիւններ ընդդիմութեան հա- մախոհութեան խորհուրդի ընդլայնումի հարցին շուրջ: Ներկայիս, ան կազմուած է 63 ան- դամներէ, եւ դեռ պէտք է միանան 21 նորեր: Ասոնք երեք խմբակցութիւններու՝ Քիւրտերու, Թիւրքմէններու եւ ազատական ձախակողմեաններու ներկայացուցիչները պէտք է ըլլան: Այս խմբակցութիւններէն իւրաքանչիւրն ալ աւելի ու աւելի ներկայացուցչութիւն կը պահանջէ:
«Նոր Յառաջ» Մայիս 28, թիւ 510 Prince Charles Visiting Armenia
Prince Charles at Yerevan's famous Matenadaran museum of ancient manuscripts
YEREV AN -- Charles, the prince of W ales, arrived in Armenia on Tuesday on a three-day private visit which a senior British diplomat said reflects his interest in the country’s history and culture.
The eldest child and heir apparent of Queen Elizabeth II thus became the first member of the British royal family to set foot in independent Armenia.
The main purpose of his trip is to promote a charity project in Yerevan planned by Armen Sarkisian, a London-based former Armenian prime minister. The project called “Yerevan My Love” is aimed at reconstructing historical buildings in the city and using them for charitable purposes. Sarkisian and Charles have jointly raised funds for
that as well as a separate effort to restore a medieval castle in Scotland in recent years. Charles headed to Yerevan’s famous Matenadaran museum of ancient Armenian manuscripts on his arrival at the Zvartnots international airport. No journalists were allowed to enter the building guarded by senior Armenian police officers. Officials at the British Embassy in Armenia said Charles familiarized himself with manuscripts before listening to a presentation of “Yerevan My Love” by
Charles and Sarkisian made their way into the recently expanded Matenadaran building through a back door, wrong-footing several dozen Armenian environmental activists that demonstrated by the main entrance. They gathered there to urge the prince to help thwart plans by the British company Lydian International to mine gold at the Amulsar deposit in southeastern Armenia. They say that open- pit mining operations there would severely damage the local ecosystem, a claim strongly denied by the company.
Armen Sarkisian, who reportedly has extensive business interests in Britain joined Lydian International’s board of directors in March. The protesters noted this fact in a letter which they hoped to hand to Charles.
Jonathan Aves, the British ambassador to Armenia, promised to pass the letter on to Charles when he met the protesters outside the Matenadaran. Aves also offered to arrange a meeting between their representatives and the prince’ s private secretary.
While agreeing that there are “legitimate concerns” regarding mining at Amulsar, Aves stressed that he is “impressed” by Lydian’s approach to environmental issues. “We expect that they will do their best to meet all the regulations and rules that are required to establish their operations,” he told RFE/RL’s Armenian service ( The diplomat added that the Armenian government is “working hard” to ensure that the British company complies with those rules. Aves also declined to give more details of Charles’s other sightseeing activities, citing the private nature of the visit. The British envoy said that the world-famous prince is “interested in cultural monuments and the history of Armenia.”
Visiting French Lawmakers Call for International Recognition of
STEPANAKERT -- Three members of France’s parliament met with Nagorno-Karabakh’s leaders on Monday during a visit to the territory that will likely prompt protests from Azerbaijan.
Francois Rochebloine, a pro-Armenian member of the French lower house, and Senators Henri de Raincourt and Bernard Saugey held separate meetings with Karabakh’s President Bako Sahakian and Foreign Minister Karen Mirzoyan.
All three lawmakers are affiliated with center-right parties that are in opposition to France’s current Socialist government. De Raincourt served as a minister in former President Nicolas Sarkozy’s cabinet before returning to the French Senate in June last year.
In a statement, Sahakian’s office said the Karabakh leader discussed with the visiting parliamentarians the unresolved conflict with Azerbaijan and broader regional security. Sahakian was quoted as stressing the importance of the recent creation of a French parliamentary group promoting cooperation with Karabakh.
The members of the friendship group briefed journalists in Yerevan about their tour over NKR, including visits to Stepanakert airport, Shushi museum. As they noted, they aimed to familiarize themselves on with the situation in the Republic and promote a peaceful life in Artsakh.
Mr Saugey, in turn noted, that he last visited the country 20 years ago, during the war. “The Republic’s development over the past years is obvious, though much has yet to be done. I was very impressed with the efforts the Republic’s leadership takes to achieve progress,” he noted.
The French Senator further urged to struggle for international recognition of the Republic, as well as the protection of the latter’s rights.
“During out visit, we met several generals who said they wanted to be the soldiers of peace. I was very impressed with their statement. The Artsakh-France friendship group is a minor structure, which however, can promote that goal,” he stressed.
A pro-Armenian member of that group, Valerie Boyer, visited Karabakh together with a Greek member of the European Parliament late last month. Boyer also called for international recognition of Karabakh’s de facto secession from Azerbaijan during the trip.
Like Raincourt and Saugey, Boyer is a member of Sarkozy’s Union for the Popular Movement party. She was the main author of a 2012 French bill criminalizing denial of the Armenian genocide. Azerbaijan is likely to condemn the French senators and declare them persona no grata for visiting Karabakh without its permission.
Armenia Celebrates First Republic Day
Armenia’s military units parading at Sardarapat memorial
SARDARAPAT -- Armenia marked First Republic Day on Tuesday May 28, in a special ceremony celebrating the establishment of an independent Armenian republic state 95 years ago.
The ceremony took place at the Sardarapat war memorial 40 kilometers west of Yerevan, the site of a key battle with Ottoman Turkish troops that was followed by the declaration of Armenia’s independence.
In a speech at the event, President Serzh Sarkisian called for unity to make achievements and uphold the restored statehood.
“For many nations the declaration of independence was a political act and even a grand ceremony whereas for us it was an ordeal. We did not even know that one or two days after the courageous
May battles we would declare independence. We created Armenia’s statehood right in the battle field at the expense of enormous casualties and losses, thanks to blood and faith, standing behind each other, looking forward. United!” said Sarkisian in his speech.
“May 28, 1918 heralded our physical deliverance and political rebirth; consequently, our people’s valor and vigor were superbly manifested during the Great Patriotic War and in the battle of Artsakh. Today, here at Sardarapat, the Armenian soldier’s firm tread and victorious spirit testify in the best possible way that we know the formula of survival and victory,” he continued.
President Sarkisian said the younger generations need to be reminded of the important message of the ones who made May 28 a reality.
“Be united! Be consolidated by statehood! Rely on your own strength! Thus we are capable not only to restore our statehood and independence disrupted for centuries but make considerable achievements. Their foundations were laid here and today we are standing here proudly as citizens of a free and independent country, the heirs of heroic grandfathers,” he said.
Following a ceremonial parade by Armenia’s military units, the President Sarkisian and other dignitaries laid wreaths at the Memorial to the heroes of the Battle of Sardarapat.
Scotland Parliament Declares April 24 Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day
EDINBURGH -- The Scottish Parliament passed a motion to announce April 24 as the Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. The motion, presented by The Member of the Scottish Parliament for Edinburgh Central Marco Biagi, was signed by 65 MPs out of 129 representing all political forces. According to the motion posted on the Scottish Parliament’ s website, “the Parliament notes that 24 April is the anniversary of the government of the Ottoman Empire arresting Armenian intellectuals in 1915, which is generally considered to be the beginning of the forced relocations and expulsions that led to the deaths
of hundreds of thousands of Armenians in a systematic genocide over the course of eight years; believes that the Armenian tragedy gives the people of every nation reason to pause and reflect; commemorates all those who have fallen victim to genocide or attempted genocide, and recognizes this and all other genocides as tragedies that should never be repeated in any part of the world.”
Aliyev Again Threatens a Military Solution to the Karabakh Conflict
BAKU -- Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev hit out at international mediators on Monday, saying that they are trying to reinforce the ceasefire regime in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone at the expense of his country’ s territorial integrity.
“The co-chairs [of the OSCE Minsk Group] are trying stabilize the situation along the Line of Contact and dealing with other issues unrelated to the essence of the problem. Such a situation is unacceptable and inadmissible. It must be changed,” Aliyev said in a speech in Baku cited by
Aliyev said that the United States, Russia and France, which co-head the Minsk Group, must help to “ensure Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity recognized by the international community.” “Occupation forces must be withdrawn from Azerbaijan’s territory,” he said, speaking just days after the co-chairs’ latest visit to Baku and Yerevan.
Confidence-building measures aimed at preventing deadly skirmishes along the Armenian- Azerbaijani frontline have been a key focus of the mediators’ activities in the last few years. In particular, they have urged the warring sides to withdraw snipers from frontline positions and work out a mechanism for joint investigations of truce violations. This idea has been backed by the Armenian side but rejected by Baku.
The mediators appear to have made no new formal peace proposals since Aliyev and President Serzh Sarkisian failed to agree on the most recent version of their Basic Principle of a Karabakh settlement at a meeting hosted by Russia two years ago. They are now trying to organize a new Armenian-Azerbaijani summit in the coming months.
Aliyev again accused the Armenians of stalling for time and threatened a military solution to the Karabakh dispute. But he also said, “We are seeking a peaceful resolution of the conflict for now. I think that possibilities of that have not yet been exhausted.”
Prof. Richard Hovannisian Receives
UCLA Honors Collegium Distinguished Teaching Award
Patricia A. Turner and Richard Hovannisian
UCLA -- On May 23, Professor Richard Hovannisian was named the recipient of the UCLA Eugen Weber Honors Program Distinguished Teaching Award for his years of service to the honors division. He has been singled out for his motivational teaching, especially of the Honors Comparative Genocide colloquium, which has steadily won the praise of students, who attest that the course has deeply influenced them to strive for human rights and the prevention of the crime of genocide.
The Rose Gilbert Honors Spring Tea was opened by Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Patricia A. Turner, who spoke of the excellence of teaching and student scholarship at UCLA. Assistant Vice Provost for Honors, G.
Jennifer Wilson, then lauded Professor Hovannisian for his inspirational work, reading three examples of the student evaluations that described the instructor and the course in superlative terms. She invited Hovannisian to the podium to receive his award. In thanking the Honors Program, the professor
reflected on the role of the late UCLA Dean of Social Sciences Eugen Weber, a world renowned historian of Western Civilization, and of Mrs. Rose Gilbert, an outstanding teacher of English at Palisades High School, where she helped develop the writing skills of Raffi, Armen, and Ani Hovannisian and then to the next generation through Raffi’s son Garin. Rose Gilbert, who was present at the awards ceremony and continued to teach into her nineties, is a major benefactor of the scholarship programs at UCLA.
Although Richard Hovannisian is now an emeritus faculty member at UCLA, he is recalled annually to interact with bright, motivated students in the comparative study of genocide, with the Armenian Genocide being one of the major subjects.
Writer Levon Khechoyan Refuses
Armenian State Award
YEREVAN -- Renowned Armenian novelist Levon Khechoyan has refused to accept a state award granted by President Serzh Sarkisian in protest against the socioeconomic and political situation in the country.
Khechoyan was among several writers, artists and other intellectuals who were awarded a Medal for Services to the Homeland ahead of an independence holiday marked in Armenia on Tuesday. He boycotted an awards ceremony held in the presidential palace on the same day.
Khechoyan explained on Wednesday that his decision was an expression of protest against widespread poverty and injustice which is forcing many Armenians to leave their country. He also said he could not have accepted the medal amid continuing street protests by fellow veterans of the war in Nagorno-Karabakh demanding a sizable rise in their state pensions.
Speaking to RFE/RL’s Armenian service ( from a Yerevan hospital where he is currently undergoing treatment, Khechoyan made clear at the same that he is grateful to Sarkisian for deciding to award him.
Prominent Armenians have occasionally refused or handed back state awards in the past, citing the state of affairs in the country. Last January, Harutiun Karapetian, a senior fellow at the state- funded Research Center for Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, renounced an annual presidential prize sponsored by the Boghossian Foundation, a Diaspora Armenian charity, in protest against what he called widespread corruption in post-graduate education and research.
Karapetian was part part of a team of three researchers who received the prize as well an equivalent of $5,000 in 2008 in recognition of their work.
Incidentally, Sarkisian handed the latest Boghossian Foundation awards to over a dozen scientists, scholars and artists at a ceremony on Wednesday. “With these awards we are not only expressing gratitude to you but also urging to do more,” he told them.
Passions Over Gas Price Increase Continue
YEREVAN -- The Public Services Regulatory Commission of Armenia failed to convene its meeting to discuss the new tariffs for natural gas and electricity.
Before the start of the sitting members of an initiative group protesting against the increased tariffs staged a protest outside the PSRC building. The group was not allowed in as the hall was small and could not seat everyone interested in the public debate.
Hardly had the discussion started when it was interrupted because of the turmoil in the hall.
Shiraz Kirakosyan, Deputy Chairman of PSRC, said that 3.5 million people might express a desire to attend the PSRC sitting but they cannot find room for all attendees.
"Conditions in Vardashen's sovkhoz (state farm) are much better than in this hall, which does not even have loudspeakers and air conditioners," said Andreas Ghukasyan, a member of the civil initiative.
PSRC Chairman Robert Nazaryan hurried to reply the activist saying that they could simply provide a bigger hall. His words angered Arshak Sadoyan, a member of the Public Council, who said, "If you could provide us with a larger hall, why didn't you do it?"
The PSRC Chairman said the protest staged outside the building was nothing but a show. In reply, the activists present at the hall said they were not actors to stage shows.
As announced earlier, the new natural gas tariff will be set at 156 AMD per cubic meter, with 30- percent subsidy from the government. Electricity tariff is expected to increase by 27 percent.
LA Children Raise Funds for Children in Armenia at AMAA Luncheon
AMAA Child and Orphan Care luncheon committee members
BEVERLY HILLS -- The Crystal Ballroom of the Beverly Hills Hotel was adorned with beautiful butterflies for the AMAA Child and Orphan Care luncheon and children’s fashion show, where the theme was “Children Helping Children Spread Their Wings.” The luncheon co-chairs, Joyce Stein and her daughter Tina Segel, welcomed the crowd and introduced the vivacious emcee for the day, Araksya Karapetyan, the anchor for KTTV Fox 11. The co-chairs of this event worked tirelessly to make every aspect of the luncheon enjoyable for all the guests. Kyle Kevorkian, who had been to Armenia in the last year, gave a moving devotional about his experience there.
The ballroom looked spectacular with beautiful bird cage centerpieces that were overflowing with flowers generously donated by Zareh David Ghoukassian of David Z. Design in Beverly Hills. Jessica Vartoughian once again donated the wonderful favor bags full of Jessica Cosmetics products for each guest! All of our guests were thrilled with their goodie bags....
There were so many wonderful items available to bid on at the silent auction! This year’s silent auction was tremendously successful— Paulette Geragos and Leslie Kevorkian, the silent auction co-chairs, and their wonderful committee procured many amazing items, including incredible jewelry, beautiful Lalique and Waterford pieces, many children’s toys, dining certificates, and much more. Argine Jean Kelegian and Christine Minasian made the auction room look absolutely breathtaking.
After lunch, Lisa Karamardian talked about her recent trip to Armenia and encouraged everyone to sponsor a needy child and make a difference in their lives. A video was shown describing the poor and substandard conditions which many of Armenia’s children live in. Tina Segel said “our committee is so excited to help the needy children and their families in Armenia and Karabagh.”
After a delicious dessert with beautiful edible butterflies, the children’s fashion show was introduced by Ani Zakari, who along with Marilyn Bezdikian and Caroline Tufenkian, coordinated this year’s show. The fashion show was sponsored and produced by Nordstrom Glendale. The Nordstrom Glendale team, along with the committee, worked tirelessly to make the fashion show a huge success and to make sure the presentation of more than fifty children and teenagers in this year’s show was seamless. This year, Jessica Vartoughian’s granddaughter, Alia Shamsi, opened the fashion show and walked with her father down the runway. Nordstrom was thanked for its partnership and participation in this year’s event which is very much appreciated. As a special surprise at the end of the fashion show, Hoy Lari entertained the audience with their wonderful performance! Assistance with the video presentation of the fashion show was expertly coordinated by Julia Aghishian, who oversaw all technical, sound and lighting for the event.
The finance and reservations chair, Sandra Kalemkiarian, was thanked for her tremendous contribution towards the success of the event by making sure the reservations and silent auction are run efficiently and accurately. Sandra works tirelessly every year, to seamlessly close out the auction. “We are grateful for every donation and sponsorship we receive,” explained Sandra, “this was the third year we had an enormous crowd. We are grateful for all our guests who come every year to support the needy children in Armenia.”
In closing, Lori Muncherian and Arsine Phillips, the West coast co-chairs of the committee, thanked the chairs, the entire committee and all the donors for their continued support of this event for the children in Armenia. Many children in Armenia lack the basic necessities—food, clothing and shelter. “We are giving hope for a better future, one child at a time,” explained Elizabeth Agbabian, who along with Savey Tufenkian and Mary Najarian have worked on this very worthy program since the 1988 earthquake in Armenia.
"Along the Trails of the Armenian Orphans"
YEREVAN -- U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John A. Heffern opened the photo exhibition “Along the Trails of the Armenian Orphans” at the National Gallery of Armenia.
The exhibition is a joint project of the Naregatsi Art Institute (NAI), the Near East Foundation (NEF), and the U.S. Embassy. The exhibition illustrates the amazing story of Near East Relief: an American-led humanitarian mission that saved hundreds of thousands of Armenian orphans following the 1915 atrocities in the Ottoman Empire. It includes exceptional photos kept at The Rockefeller Archives
Ambassador Heffern, NAI Founder Nareg Hartounian, NEF Chairman Shant Mardirossian,
and the Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Hayk Demoyan, spoke at the exhibition opening and shed light on this important chapter in U.S.-Armenia relations.
In addition, the opening featured the screening of a documentary film, “Lest They Perish,” by Zareh Tjeknavorian, and a musical tribute to Near East Relief performed by the Naregatsi Folk Instruments Ensemble.
The Embassy, NAI, and NEF opened similar exhibitions at the Naregatsi Art Institute in Yerevan on Sunday, May 26 and the Terchoonian Home Orphanage in Gyumri on Monday, May 27. All three exhibitions will be open, free of charge, until June 8.
The collection belongs to the Rockefeller Archive Center of New York
Sevan Nisanyan is Not Alone!
A group of Turkish and non-turkish intellectuals issued a statement titled "Sevan Nishanyan is not Alone" in support of Istanbul-Armenian linguist Sevan Nishanyan, who was sentenced to 13.5 months of imprisonment only for the Prophet Muhammad.
37 intellectuals have already signed the statement. Among them are Ragip Zarakolu, Sait Çetinoglu, Ismail Besikçi, Garo Kaprielian, Ali Nesin and many other distinguished figurs.
We protest the thirteen and a half months of sentencing of Sevan Nisanyan charged with the pretext that he does not interpret Islamic mythology like the Islamists. After Fazil Say, who has been also punished because of Omar Khayyam's poetry, the punishment of the writer, linguist and researcher
Nisanyan is not only a strong indication that Sunni Islam's intolerance in Turkey is not only widespread at state level but has become clearly the official opinion.
It is also necessary to interpret Egemen Bagis's, the Turkish Europe minister's, obscene comparision of the Swedish parliament's resolution of Seyfo (Assyrian Genocide) as being "masturbation" in the same context - a statement he made during a meeting with the Assyrian/Syriac representatives in Sweden. In addition, the recent prison sentences of Necati Abay, the representative of the Solidarity Platform with Imprisoned Journalists for 11 years and three months, the sentencing of the former editor of the newspaper Azadiya Welat, Ibrahim Güvenç, for more than 10 years (10 years and 3 months and 22 days) can be seen as another evidence that freedom of expression faces new restrictions in Turkey.
We learn from an article of Mehmet Y. Yilmaz, who writes about an anecdote attributed to the Minister of Culture and appearing in the Hurriyet newspaper dated from 13 May 2013 under the title 'anecdote' the following: The Prime Minister Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a meeting of the so-called 'wise men' is cited saying, that Ömer Celik, the Minister of Culture, meant God when saying that even he cannot do anything against defamation, while Erdogan said of himself that they call him the father of Jesus - as told in the anecdote, which only trigged smiles.
It is scandalous that a minister of the AKP insults billions of Christians around the world as well as distorts Christian view about the Holy Trinity with rude comments while he is supported by Erdogan. It is macabre that such statements are made in meeting with the so-called 'wise men' aimed to promote peace, whereas no one opposes. While Erdogan is still insulting Yezidis, Alevis, Zoroastrians and other religions, Islamic intolerance is evidently executed by exorbitant penalties of the Turkish Republic as it is obvious in the case of Nisanyan, who only rejected to accept Islamic mythology as is.
We, the undersigned, demand the immediate withdrawal of this conviction and of similar inquisitory decisions that may follow. We demand that life assurance must be given to Sevan Nisanyan and freedom of expression is fully supported as written in the constitution.
Critique of religions is meantime part of the liberty of thoughts and freedom of religion which are fundamental human rights. We want to emphasize that such decisions unfortunately encourage terrorists at a time where Islamic terrorism is spreading and threatening the world's peace.
We ask all concerned people in the world to speak out against this ridiculous decision.
We declare that we are concerned about Sevan Nishanyan, Fazil Say, Necati Abay, Abraham Güvenç and other persecuted friends for their thoughts. Join us, raise your voice, because there it about dignity and our all future ...
Ismail Besikçi, Fikret Baskaya, Sait Çetinoglu, Ibrahim Seven, Adnan Chalma Kulhan, Abut Can, Kenan Araz, Abdulmesih BarAbraham, Ali Nesin, Erol Özkoray, Ragip Zarakolu, Ahmet Abakay, Attila Tuygan, Ahmet Önal, Muzaffer Erdogdu, Aram Budak, Nadya Uygun, Rüstem Aryal, Murat Kuseyri, Sait Eser, Fikri Göksal, Shabo Boyaci, Garo Kaprielyan, Hilda Siradag, Kermo Reada, Hovsep Hayreni, Recep Marasli, Shabo Akgül, Ferit Altinsu, Musa Konaç, Basim Altundag Barhe, Sabri Yildiz, Simon Barmano, Yohan MackayRume, Selay Ertem, Zeynep Tozduman, Hanna Kerkinni, Dikran Ego, Pinar Ömeroglu, Serdar koçman, Fatima Akalin, Mahmut Konuk, Ramazan Gezgin, Sezai Sarioglu, A. Aydin Dogan, Güngör Senkal, Dr. Ali Kiliç, Temel Demirer, Sibel Özbudun
Direction Change: Armenian emigration may be turning from Russia
to EU zone
By Naira Hayrumyan ArmeniaNow correspondent Photolure
While Armenia is trying to establish ties with the European
Union, Russia is gradually tightening its immigration laws, and it is quite possible that very soon emigrational outflows from Armenia will be changing their direction.
Russia has adopted a law according to which migrants from former Soviet countries beginning on January 1, 2015 will be required to enter the country only with so-called ‘foreign’ passports (as opposed to internal passports used within their own countries). They will be met at
stations by immigration officials and will have to get registrations at immigration centers. At present, Armenia and Russia have a visa-free regime.
The Russian government explains this decision by the high level of crime among immigrants from post-Soviet countries and the need to reduce the flow of migrants. At the same time, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed immigration officials not to obstruct the entry of skilled professionals to the country.
In addition, Russia is going to pass a law, according to which young male migrants will have to serve in the Russian army, even if they already served in the armies of their countries. This law is certain to deter many young Armenians from going to Russia.
Meanwhile, Armenia intends to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union, which implies simplification of the visa regime. One related act was already signed by Armenia and the EU in December, but it has not yet been ratified by the European Parliament. As European experts say, there is a risk of a sharp increase in the number of Armenian migrants after the enactment of the agreement.
At present, more than 90 percent of migrant workers from Armenia prefer going to Russia. About 85 percent of transfers in Armenia are also received from Russia, which provides almost a third of the consumer turnover in Armenia.
Among those who go for work to Russia are mainly people who are ready to engage in construction, do unskilled work not always in very good conditions. Professionals in the field of information and other technologies choose to go to the United States. Students, as well as multi-lingual professionals try to get to Europe.
Emigration is becoming a major problem for Armenia, although Armenian authorities say that people thus have found a good way to support their families. However, many who go abroad, particularly to the West, no more want to come back, which affects family ties and changes destinies of people.
Observers say Armenia itself should be interested in signing an agreement with Russia on the regulation of migration. Meanwhile, at present Yerevan appears to prefer not to deal with issues of emigration, leaving it all to the laws of the countries to where Armenians emigrate in search of work, opportunities or justice.
Robert Fisk: 'Syrian war could go on for two, three years'
President Bashar al-Assad's troops in Syria are gaining ground. British Middle East reporter Robert Fisk met some of them when he visited the front lines earlier this month, and told DW about what he saw.
DW: Mr. Fisk, you've just returned from Syria. What were your impressions?
Robert Fisk: What you find is that there are large areas which have been destroyed, large areas which are largely depopulated, and large areas which are not only undamaged, but in which life more or less continues. This applies not only to the center of Damascus, it applies mostly to the city of Latakia, where there's a large Alawite community, and the same applies to Tartus. So you do find certain areas of Syria where the government is still firmly in control and where some semblance of life goes on. You can go out to lunch; you can shop; you can go to your office.
How freely can you travel around Syria as a western reporter?
I drove from Beirut to Damascus. During the day there are Syrian Army checkpoints, and the road is pretty clear. When you get into Damascus, you hear shellfire from the suburb of Daraya, which is less than a mile away from the main highway leading between Beirut and Damascus. When I came in, there was an aircraft literally dropping a bomb in the suburb of Daraya, which is held by rebels. At one point I flew to Latakia, on the coast, and from Latakia I drove north right up to the Syrian government army's
front line. The Syrian government army allowed me to go into their frontline positions.
What impression did you get from the Syrian government soldiers?
I found them a very ruthless, tough, but apparently pretty determined army. They clearly took no prisoners. They talked at one point about killing up to 700 terrorists, as they call the rebels. A general showed me a video on his phone of dead rebels with beards, and twice in the video a military boot appears and crushes the faces of the dead men.
Many of the soldiers I spoke to had been wounded. So they are tough, ruthless men on the government side, and we know the same apples to the rebels. And both sides, as we are well aware, have committed human rights abuses and war crimes. At the moment - but this does not necessarily mean it will last - the government forces in
Syria are clearly taking territory from the rebels.
There are continual discussions about whether chemical weapons are being used in Syria.
We know that chemical weapons exist in Syria in the hands of the government, but there is no actual 100-percent proof that they have been used. The rebels say they have been used against civilians by Assad's forces, the Assad government says the rebels have used them. The United Nations has one report saying that rebels have used them, but there is no proof that Assad did. I put this to a senior military officer in Damascus, and he said, 'Why would we use chemical weapons? We've got MIG-29s that drop bombs and cause far more damage.'
In Washington, there is talk about arming the rebels and imposing a no-fly zone. What do you make of such ideas?This has been going for two and a half years. I think the Americans think that as long as they keep talking, no one will point out that they're not actually doing anything. The problem now for the
The suburb of Daraya is still controlled by rebels
West is that the rebels they want to support are the Free Syrian Army, allegedly all defectors from the Syrian government army. They do not want to support the Islamist rebels with links to al Qaeda. But once the weapons cross the border, I don't think you can be pick-and-choosy about where they go. So you've got this rather odd situation where we in the West are
funneling money, support and weapons to rebels who include al Qaeda, whereas in Mali, we're trying to kill all the al Qaeda people.
What role is Iran playing in this conflict?
The war is not about Syria, it's about Iran. And the intention of the West is to effectively destroy Iran's only Arab ally. And for the Iranians it's about keeping their only Arab ally. We know that the Iranian government has given advice, but these are very, very small token forces, compared to the propaganda, which is that thousands and thousands of Iranians are arriving en masse. I did not see any Iranian soldiers on any front line.
Media reports say that Russia intends to supply weapons to the Syrian government.
Ever since the Israeli raid on military installations north of Damascus two weeks ago the Syrians have been very concerned that they may find themselves under attack again by the Israelis. They want to be able to prevent this, and I think the Russians are quite
The government is still firmly in control of large parts of the country
The Syrians want to prevent more Israeli air raids
keen to give them the weapons to do that.
Is there a danger that the conflict could spread to Israel?
Israelis America's greatest ally in the Middle East. If it bombs government forces, it's supporting the rebels. So in a sense, we in the West are now involved militarily, by allowing the Israelis as proxies to bomb Syria. But at the moment, I can see every reason why the Israelis would want to stay out of Syria, because the Syrian army in the last two years has broken free of the corruption, and it's become quite experienced in fighting. So if the Israelis did
want to get involved on the ground in Syria, they'd find themselves fighting some very determined forces.
Would it be helpful for the international community to intervene in Syria?
Militarily, no. Politically, of course. I think the last talks between Kerry and Putin, where they actually went to talk at a joint conference, is the best thing we've heard so far politically. It's interesting that the Americans and especially the French don't want Assad regime people in a transition government. But they also don't want a very large rebel faction, the Islamist Nusra group, to be involved either, so already we're saying, "Let's have a big conference, but here are the people who cannot attend." I think the war is not over; I think it could go on for another two or three years.
Robert Fisk (66) is an author and Middle East correspondent for British newspaper "The Independent." For more than 30 years, he has reported from the world's crisis regions, including Northern Ireland, Portugal during the Carnation Revolution and Afghanistan. Since 1976, he has been reporting on the Middle East from his home in Beirut. Fisk speaks Arabic and is one of the few western journalists to have interviewed Osama bin Laden. He has won several journalism prizes for his work.
To US Government’s Anti-Armenian Brief
By Harut Sassounian Publisher, The California Courier
Lawyers on behalf of Armenian plaintiffs responded last week to the U.S. Government’s brief which had urged the Supreme Court not to review a Federal Appeals Court decision striking down a California law extending the statute of limitations on Armenian Genocide-era insurance claims.
The Solicitor General, on behalf of the U.S. government, had filed a politically-motivated and flawed brief that completely misrepresented the insurance case and raised unwarranted questions about the legality of the California law.
In his brief on the plaintiffs’ behalf, Igor Timofeyev, argues that the California statute (Section 354.4) does not violate any established federal policy and should therefore not be preempted. He asserts that California has the right to regulate the obligations of insurance companies, a traditional sphere of state competence and jurisdiction.
The plaintiffs’ lawyer accuses the US government of advancing “an unprecedented theory of federal affairs preemption: All claims arising out of international incidents are committed exclusively to the federal competence, even when these claims involve private actors and private contracts, and the federal government has taken no action to resolve them.”
Timofeyev qualifies the U.S. government’s position as “revolutionary” and “antithetical to the respect due to the states as separate sovereigns.” He then summarizes his counter-arguments in six points:
1) “To justify the Ninth Circuit’s aberrant decision, the Government articulates a foreign affairs field preemption theory of unprecedented breadth.” Timofeyev asserts: “Petitioners’ claims are against a private [German insurance] company, not against a foreign sovereign. Nor are these claims integral to ‘a major foreign policy dispute’ between the U.S. and a foreign nation.” The State of California, being “home to the overwhelming majority of Armenian-Americans,” has “a legitimate interest in securing compensation for its injured residents, irrespective of whether the underlying injury occurred in-state or abroad.”
2) “The court of appeals committed a fundamental error: It adjudged illegitimate a state’s well-established interests in regulating insurance, setting the statute of limitations for state-law claims, and ensuring compensation for its injured residents simply because the events giving rise to these claims occurred overseas. That is not the law.”
3) Countering the Government’s contention that Section 354.4 is based on “a distinct political point of view on a specific matter of foreign that decries the actions of the Ottoman Empire,” Timofeyev reminds the court that Pres. Obama himself acknowledges that the Ottoman mass murders were “one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century.” Furthermore, the President commended states for commemorating “the massacre [of Armenians] in the final days of the Ottoman Empire.” Timofeyev also asserts that “the President’s repeated praise for states’ commemorative efforts is fundamentally inconsistent with the Government’s claim that the foreign affairs doctrine automatically preempts any state action expressing a ‘point of view’ on this issue.”
4) “The Government tries to bootstrap its preemption argument by invoking the U.S. efforts to negotiate a resolution of World War I era claims.... The Government concedes that Section 354.4 ‘does not conflict’ with any of these diplomatic efforts. Indeed, the Government acknowledges that ‘the United States did not...attempt to negotiate the resolution of claims by Armenians who were injured by the Ottoman Empire during that period.’” In fact, one of the reasons why the US Senate refused to ratify the American Treaty of Lausanne was “the absence of provisions for the Armenian refugees and exiles from the Ottoman Empire.”
5) The Government seems alarmed that Section 354.4 “imposes the politically charged label of ‘genocide’” on Turkey, which “could provoke Turkey’s ire. But fear of ‘upsetting foreign powers...even when the Federal Government desperately wants to avoid upsetting foreign powers’ is not a legitimate reason to preempt traditional state activity.... The Government cannot explain why, if the term ‘Armenian Genocide’ employed by Section 354.4 would have an adverse effect on foreign affairs, the same would not hold equally for laws and resolutions adopted by about forty states that expressly recognize the Armenian Genocide by name. Nor does the Government explain why a statute ‘creating judicially enforceable rights’ is more offensive to Turkey than state laws including the Armenian Genocide as part of mandatory school curricula.”
6) “The Ninth Circuit’s aberrant decision is generating confusion among lower courts.”
Timofeyev rightly concludes his brief by urging the Supreme Court to “review and correct the Ninth Circuit’s decision before it causes greater mischief.”
UAE Tour Company Adds Trips to Armenia, East and West
, May 27, 2013
Offbeatours, a UAE-based tour company introducing one-of-a-kind destinations that are quite beyond the traveller's usual wish-list, has added tours to Armenia to its offerings, according to
David Butler, the owner of Offbeatours, chooses destinations that exceptionally provide eye-opening and adventurous experiences. Keeping this ethos in mind, five unique trips within Armenia, focusing on various aspects of the region, have been recently launched.
"Armenia had to be the next addition to our portfolio of tours," Butler said. "It is a land of mountains and monasteries offering great weather at this time of the year and bringing five different facets of the country is a great combination. I assure adventurous tourists will find it an intriguing experience."
Each tour has a unique aspect that it focuses on. While travelling through Eastern Armenia, monuments bring history to life with a trip that focuses on the landscapes, from mountain tops to monasteries. Another tour shows travelers scenic spots and villages that have kept Armenian history alive even today, and a tour to the west of Armenia shows you another face of the region's heritage. Another interesting tour is to the self-proclaimed independent Republic of Nagorno Karabakh, which is not on the itineraries of most visitors to the region.
Watertown, MA 02472 USA Tel: (617) 926-TREE Email: Web:
PRESS RELEASE May 28, 2013
ATP Completes 39th Season of Tree Planting in Armenia
YEREVAN--Armenia Tree Project (ATP) has recently completed its 39th season of planting. Nearly 44,000 trees were planted this spring throughout Armenia, including decorative and fruit trees and more than 10,000 reforestation seedlings in the Lori region. This brings the total number of trees planted and rejuvenated by ATP to 4,268,516 since 1994.
ATP's Community Tree Planting (CTP) program revitalizes urban and rural territories by partnering with residents to plant at parks, public institutions, and other sites in Armenia and Artsakh.
Plantings were organized this spring in 111 sites, 20 of which are new for ATP. The sites recently greened include museum grounds, schoolyards, hospitals, military bases, churches, and orphanages. The first planting of the season was at Haghartsin, where 150 thuya (arbor vitae) evergreens were added to the green space around the monastery.
ATP also planted 2,144 trees in Artsakh, mainly in the liberated territories of Martuni and Hadrut at the military bases and the town of Berdzor. "It is of special importance for us to organize tree plantings in these strategic territories of Artsakh," explains CTP program manager Arthur Harutyunyan.
Special plantings were undertaken at the Paros Lighthouse Foundation center in Ptghunk, the Evangelical church in Pyunik, Kharberd Orphanage, Gavar University, and several boarding schools.
Public tree planting days were also organized to celebrate Earth Day with partner organizations and volunteers. At the first event conducted with the United Nations and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, more than 300 trees were planted in the Avan community of Yerevan together with several ambassadors and members of the international diplomatic community. Another Earth Day planting was organized at Jrahovit School with the United States Embassy staff and members of the Armenian Volunteers Corps.
"The list of ATP partners is growing every year. Two more companies operating in Armenia sponsored plantings in local communities, which included an opportunity for employees to plant trees along with members of the local community," added Harutyunyan.
Mentor Graphics joined ATP to plant 300 trees around St. Astvatsatsin Church in Shahumyan Village, and another 150 trees were planted by LTXC Credence at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. In total, 28,125 trees were planted by ATP's CTP program this spring.
ATP's SEEDS program planted 14,973 seedlings on a 5 hectare territory in the community of Koghes, located in the Lori region of northern Armenia. The newly planted forest is comprised of pine, ash, mountain ash, wild apple, and pear trees. The SEEDS program, or "Social, Economic, and Environmental
Development for Sustainability," was launched in 2011 to enable ATP to build capacity in its reforestation programs while improving results through new methods of program delivery.
ATP's mission is to assist the Armenian people in using trees to improve their standard of living and protect the environment, guided by the desire to promote self-sufficiency, aid those with the fewest resources first, and conserve the indigenous ecosystem. ATP's three major programs are tree planting, environmental education, and sustainable development initiatives. For more information, please visit the website
ATP partnered with organizations and local residents of all ages to plant nearly 44,000 trees at 111 sites throughout Armenia and Artsakh this spring
Diaspora Ministry Finding Varied Jobs for Syrian Armenian Students
Narek Aleksanyan
May 27, 2013
Diaspora Student Council President Samvel Mkoyan told reporters today that according to preliminary survey results some 40% of Syrian- Armenian students face housing related problems.
Syrian-Armenian students in Armenia also encounter language and employment issues.
Samvel Mikoyan said that many had found jobs
after the Diaspora Ministry reached out the various organizations and businesses, requesting that they hire Syrian-Armenians, students or otherwise.
The jobs vary from waiters/waitresses to more specialized employment in their fields of concentration.
Mkoyan told reporters that the ministry had set up a special agency tasked with finding work for the new arrivals.
Some 60% of the 250 Syrian-Armenian students now in Armenia had arrived in 2013.
200 students are now receiving full or partial tuition reimbursement from the Hayastan All Armenian Fund.
Ten Syrian-Armenians are currently enrolled in various preparatory courses at no charge.
In the past, Syrian-Armenians, like other students from the diaspora, were paying higher tuitions than citizens of Armenia. students.html
Russian Railway ‘Very Interested’ Abkhaz Link
Satenik Vantsian
Russia’s state-owned national railway on Tuesday expressed support for the idea of restoring a rail link with Georgia and Armenia passing through Abkhazia, which has been floated by the new Georgian government.
“We are very interested in the position of the Georgian leadership in terms of the possibilities of restoring traffic from Russia to Georgia and on to Armenia via Abkhazia. It would open up new opportunities,” Vladimir Yakunin, the chief executive of the RZhD network, told journalists in Gyumri.
Yakunin stressed at the same time that the reactivation of the railway, which used to serve as a lifeline road for landlocked Armenia, requires “political
decisions” by all interested parties. The railway has been closed since the outbreak of a bloody secessionist war in Abkhazia in 1992. Visiting
Yerevan in January, Georgian Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili said his government supports its rehabilitation in principle.
The Armenian government welcomed that announcement. The relaunch of cargo train service across Abkhazia would lower transportation costs in Armenia’s import and export operations that are mainly carried out through Georgian territory.
Other Georgian officials cautioned afterwards, however, that the new authorities in Tbilisi will be treading carefully on the issue despite their desire to improve Russian-Georgian ties. “It is too early to speak about the rehabilitation [of the railway,]” Foreign Minister Maia Panjikidze told RFE/RL’s Armenian service ( in Yerevan in April.
Renewed rail traffic between Georgia and Russia would have a direct bearing on RZhD operations also because the Russian transport company, the third largest in the world, manages Armenia’s rail network. Yakunin spoke to reporters on Tuesday after he and Prime Minister Sarkisian inaugurated a newly built railway depot in Gyumri.
Arthur H. Bulbulian December 20, 1900 – June 23, 1996
Arthur H. Bulbulian was a pioneer of Armenian descent in the field of facial prosthetic.
His work as a part of the Mayo Clinic Aero Medical Unit led to his being credited with the creation of the A-14 oxygen mask for the United States Air Force in 1941. The A-14 fighter pilot’s mask was frost proof, and included a microphone for radio communication, and allowed the pilot to
talk and eat while wearing it.
He was a member of a team which included Drs. W. Randolph Lovelace and Walter M. Boothby, developing the BLB (Boothby, Lovelace and Bulbulian) nasal and orinasal oxygen mask. This invention became useful for clinical settings, and, as it turned out, for aviators at high altitudes. The BLB and A-14 oxygen mask was used in combat in World War II .
Dr. Bulbulian also was the first director of the Mayo Medical Museum, and as such, developed content with staff doctors, and built the exhibits. This was the first medical museum in the United States. He also designed and created the exhibits for the Mayo Clinic’s display at the 1933 “A Century of Progress Exposition,” at the Chicago Worlds Fair.
Born on December 20, 1900, near Caesarea in the Ottoman Empire, he moved to the United States in 1920. He attended Middlebury College, where he received a B.S. and M.S. degree in Science. He did more graduate work at Brown University and the University of Iowa. In 1928, he entered the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry, and received the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery. In 1931 he was appointed as an instructor in orthodontics at the same school.
Russian pilots resume trainings flights in Armenia
World War II era flying helmet and oxygen mask
May 28, 2013 - 17:22 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - Russian air base pilots have resumed training flights in Yerevan’s Erebuni airfield following the shift to summer mode.
According to the press service of the Southern Military District, the Russian base operated about 500 training flights in Armenia in 2013, with the pilots of MiG-29 fighters operating over 150 aerial duels in low visibility conditions and 100 flights at night and in adverse weather conditions.
Large-scale work, including maintenance and repair services and 100 technical operations on each
MiG-29 fighter, has been carried out by experts of aviation engineering service. The new training period will focus on work in adverse weather conditions and at low altitude.
Vanadzor-Fioletovo and Armenia-Iran railways construction on government’s agenda : PM
YEREVAN, May 29./ARKA/. The construction of Vanadzor-Fioletovo and Armenia-Iran railways remain on the government’s agenda, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan told reporters on Tuesday.
Sargsyan noted, on the request of the Armenian side, the specialists from different institutions, under the auspices of the Russian Railways, consulted the government of Armenia concerning the efficiency of the Fioletovo and Armenia-Iran projects.
“The experts introduced us with several possible scenarios, and they are on our agenda today,” Sargsyan responded to ARKA.
North-South railway connects Armenia with Iran which will allow to use alternative ways of transportation of energy resources and other goods. Currently railway
communications of Armenia with foreign countries is provided only through the territory of Georgia. In November 2011, former Armenian transport and communications minister Manuk Vardanyan said the
project is ready, and a group of experts headed by deputy transport minister of Armenia, Iran and Russia, is working on it.
According to the experts, the project total budget will stand at 1.7-2.8 billion dollars. The project is currently discussed by Russia, Iran and China. The interest was also shown by the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank.
In December 2012, former economy minister of Armenia Tigran Davtyan said the project of Vanadzor- Fioletovo railway construction will not be implemented in the near future. Earlier, General Director of SCR Viktor Rebets said the estimated cost of the project varied within $250-500 million.
South Caucasus Railways, a 100-percent subsidiary of Russian Railways, runs Armenian Railway.
Armenian Railways was handed over to the South Caucasus Railways on February 13, 2008 for 30-year concession management with a right to prolong the management term for other 10 years. -0-
15:53 29.05.2013 ment_s_agenda_pm/
65th anniversary of Israel’s independence marked in Armenia
May 29, 2013
YEREVAN. – The 65th anniversary of Israel’s independence and establishment of honorary consulate in Armenia was marked in Yerevan on Wednesday.
The ceremony was attended by heads of diplomatic missions, Cabinet members, members of parliament and representatives of international organizations.
In his opening speech, Israel’s Ambassador to Armenia Shmuel Meirom told about his
country’s achievements over the years, in particular noting leading positions in medicine, biotechnology and high-tech.
“The only thing Israel lacks is peace with its neighbors. Israel wants peace,” he said, noting that they will do their best to reach peace as soon as possible.
Ambassador Meirom congratulated newly appointed honorary consul of Israel to Armenia Ashot Shakhmouradian, expressing confidence that the opening of honorary consul’s office will contribute to development of bilateral relations.
Vice Speaker of the Armenian parliament Eduard Sharmazanov addressed the participants, noting that opening of the consulate will contribute to development of relations between the states.
In his turn Ashot Shakhmouradian thanked for the honor, adding that he would do everything for strengthening of bilateral ties.
Armenia’s Armavia selling its aircrafts and property
YEREVAN, May 29. /ARKA/. Armenia’s national air company Armavia has put up its aircrafts and property for sale, Nana Avetisova, the company’s press secretary, told ARKA News Agency.
On April 1, 2013, Armavia stopped operating its flights and launched bankruptcy procedure.
“The sooner we sell our aircrafts and property, the sooner we’ll pay our employees’ back wages, refund the price of tickets sold and repay our debt,” Avetisova said.
She said that Armavia has some debtors fr om which the company expects money.
Avetisova found it difficult to say how many aircrafts Armavia put up for sale.
According to Armavia’s official website, the company has eight
aircrafts, including CRJ, Boeing and Airbus planes. The Armavia spokeswoman also refrained fr om revealing the amount of the company’s debt saying it is a
commercial secret. On May 22, Armenian Finance Minister David Sargsyan said that the government’s State Revenue Committee had
filed a suit against the national air carrier over levying so-called air tax. Andranik Shkheyan, deputy chief manager of Armenia – International Airports, which runs Armenia’s international
airport Zvartnots that in 2001 was handed over by the government to Argentinean American International Airports owned by Argentinean citizen of Armenian descent Eduardo Eurnekian for a 30-year concessional management, on his side, told journalists that the government has taken the case to court demanding 17 billion drams. He said that Armavia owes about $5.536 million to Zvartnots.
Armavia returned the first of the two Sukhoi SuperJet 100 planes ordered earlier explaining its move by shoddy assemblage of the aircraft. The second has not been delivered at all, and Mikhail Bagdasarov, the owner of Armavia, said his company owed nothing to Sukhoi.
However, the management of Sukhoi company said that Armavia has not paid for the first aircraft about $4 million.
Media reports in Armenia say Armavia’s debts are not lim ited to liabilities toward Sukhoi.
According to Haykakan Zhamanak, it owes also $22 million to VTB Bank, which had lent this money to enable the company to purchase Sukhoi SuperJets 100 and pay its employees back wages for two or three months.
Armavia was established in 1996. In 2005, Mikhail Bagdasarov, MIKA Lim ited holding president, became the owner of the full package of the company’s shares.
Before its bankruptcy Armavia operated more than 100 flights a week to 40 destinations in 20 countries.
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