Friday 28 March 2014

Nor Or - New Day - March 27, 2014, No. 13:N.O.

N.O.  Blank 3/26/14 1:47 PM Page 1
92 TARI% JIU 13 VOLUME 92, NO. 13
Itala-g;rmanakan aWic;nzio m,akouja\in k;ntrone% Fa\as- tani d;spanatan ;u Italia\i fa\;ri miouj;an f;t famagor- ‘akzouj;amb% kaxmak;rp;l ;n aArmin W;gn;re ;u Anatolia\i fa\;re 1915 j&o .oragrow zou- zafandhse% orin n;rka\azoua‘ ;n g;rmanazi gro[ ;u iraua-
pa,tpan Armin W;gn;ri^ Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune 'asto[ lou- sankarn;re% groum h aNouvelles d'Armenieo-n!
1915 j& a®o[=apafouj;an ‘a- ®a\ouj;an g;rmanazi ;rita- sard spa Armin W;gn;re% ore ‘a®a\oum hr Øsman;an ka\srou- j;an g;rmanakan storaba- vanoumoum% :ritjourq;ri ko[miz irakanazoua‘ Fa\oz Z;[aspa- nouj;an akanat;sn hr dar];l! Na fariurauor lousankarn;r hr katar;l^ 'or];low o[b;rgakan irakanoujiune n;rka\azn;l g;r- manakan fanrouj;ane! W;gn;re na;u dim;l hr AMN-i na.agaf Woutrø Wilsenin^ .ndr;low øgn;l fa\;rin!
Ar;umt;an Miaz;al Nafangn;rou fa\oujiune ke dataparth Sourio\ fa\abnak Q;sapi wra\ jourq p;touj;an m;[sakzou- j;amb kataroua‘ \ar]akoume% anendoun;li ke gtnh anor bna- kicn;rou t;[afanoume ;u ke pafan=h Spitak Tounhn ou a,.ar- fi p;toujiunn;rhn^ ktrouk qa\l;r a®n;l dours b;r;lou xin;al- n;re Q;saphn% incphs na;u diurazn;lou t;[afanoua‘ q;sapzi- n;rou toun w;radar]e!
M;r fama\nqi fa\oujiune ir ambo[=akan xørakzoujiune ke \a\tnh fama\n souriafa\ouj;an endfanraphs ou masnauoraphs Q;sapi fa\ouj;an% wstaf;zn;low% or piti ,arounakh fnarauor amhn mi=ozn;row% ;u or;uh a,.atanq\;low% a=akzil anonz w;rapr;lou yig;roun!
Fa\ fama\nqi a®a=nordn;rn ou n;rqo\i,;al ka®o\zn;re ,tap goumaroua‘ fandipoumi me enjazqin .orfrdakz;zan anmi=a- kan ou f;®aka\ øvandakouj;an ou xørakzouj;an mi=ozn;rou ma- sin% w;rafastat;low souriafa\ouj;an øvandakouj;an ir;nz \an]na®oujiune! Oro,ou;zau anmi=aphs Souriafa\ouj;an Øvan- dakouj;an Miaz;al Marmnin (SARF) dim;l or \a®a=ika\ ør;- roun anmni=akanørhn souriafa\ouj;an% ou \a∞tkaphs q;sapa- fa\ouj;an kariqn;roun famar ,arounakh ir axgøgout fan- ganaka\in a,.atanqe% oroun ankaska‘ piti xørakzin m;r fama\nqi axgakizn;re!
Fa\z& A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i Ar;umt;an J;m Fa\z& A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Ar;umt;an J;m Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i Fa\ Kajo[ikh A®a=nordaran Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i Fa\ Au;taranakan Mioujiun Sozial D;mokrat Fncak;an Kousakzoujiun Fa\ |;[a'o.akan Da,nakzoujiun Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzoujiun Fa\ Bar;gor‘akan Endfanour Mioujiun Fa\ Øgnouj;an Mioujiun Q;sapi Ousoumnasiraz Mioujiun
Mart 25% 2014 Los Any;les
Pa,tønakan Damaskose Jourqio\ gor‘o[oujiunn;re anouana‘ h akopit \ar]a- koumo! Jourqio\ xinoua‘ ouv;- re kraka‘ ;n souriakan inq- naji®i wra\! Ka®awarouj;an [;kawar Â;=h' Ja\i' Hrto- [ane \a\tarara‘ h% or inq- naji®e mta‘ h Jourqio\ øda\in tara‘q! aAn .a.ta‘ h m;r øda\in tara‘qeo%- esa‘ h warcap;te% wka\akoc;low Reuters-e! aM;r F-16 kor‘anic- n;re bar]raza‘ ;n ;rkinq ;u kraka‘ inqnaji®i wra\! In- co#u! Orowf;t;u ;jh douq .a.- ta‘ hq m;r øda\in tara‘qe% apa m;xmh ouv;[ faroua‘ spashqo%- esa‘ h Hrto[ane! Lratouami=ozn;rou tou;aln;- row^ inqnaji®e% oroun wra\ krak baza‘ hin% j®ca‘ hr saf- mana\in ,r=ane% ort;[ Sou- rio\ apstambn;re ke pa\qa- rin ;rkri na.agaf Pa,ar Asati dhm! Apstambn;re ke pa\qarin Sourio\ fiusis- ar;umt;an ko[me gtnouo[ Q;sapi mh= w;rafsko[oujiu- ne w;rzn;lou famar!
Na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ane Mart 23-in a,.atanqa\in a\zow ke m;kni Nit;rlant- n;rou Jagauoroujiun^ mas- nakz;lou famar Faaga\i mh= ka\analiq Mi=ouka\in An- wtangouj;an gagajavo[o- win!
A\zi ,r=anakn;rou enjaz- qin ke;soui na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ani fandipoum- n;re Nit;rlantn;rou war- cap;t Mark Âouthi% :AFK Minski .oumbi famana.a- gafn;rou f;t! Fanrap;tou- j;an na.agafe Nit;rlant- n;rou mh= fandipoum k*oun;- na\ na;u t;[i fa\ fama\nqi n;rka\azouzicn;rou f;t!
Sourio\ fiusis- ar;umoutq gtnouo[ f a\ a b n a k Q ; s a p i b n a k c o u ji u ne t ar - fanoua‘ h Lajaqia!
A n o n z ' o. a n z - mamb^ souriazi aps- tambn;rou ;u jour- qakan ko[mhn au;li qan 24-vam;a\ \ar- ]akman tara'hn \;to\ w;r=in fa\e lqa‘ h Q;sape! Mnaza‘ bnakcoujiune Q;saphn f;®aza‘ hr au;li wa[! Q;sape anmi=aphs Souria-jourqakan safmani møt h! Marti 21-i wa[ a®auøt;an xinoua‘ .mbauoroumn;re anza‘ hin souriakan safmane ;u \ar]aka‘ Q;sapi fa\abnak ,r=ani ou ,r=aka\ giu[;rou wra\!
Q;sapi Qaradouran giu[i giu[ap;ti ordin a\nt;[hn f;®aza‘ h w;r=ine! Souriakan banake w;rafsko[ouj;an tak w;rzouza‘ h giu[e! A\l akanat;sn;rou wka\ouj;amb^ ba.oumn;re ;u krake c;n dadra‘ a\nt;[! Ke fa[ordoui% or kan wirauorn;r% saka\n fa\;rou ,r=anin mh= xof;r ckan!
N.O. March 27, 2014, No. 13:N.O. Blank 3/26/14 1:47 PM Page 2
NOR ØR% MART 27% 2014
M;nq :nq^ M;r Zau;re
Fa\astan-S'iu®q .a\tab[ht \arab;rouj;anz mh=% i ,ars baxmajiu gor‘ønn;rou% anka.ouj;nhn ;tq% kar;uorago\n ø[ake ke fandisana\ d;spanakan kam n;rka\azouzcakan iro[awiyake! S'iu®qa- fa\oujiune% oro,aph*s% irauounq couni ;u ci krnar oun;nal mi=amou. ellalou fa\r;ni p;touj;an ka- ®awarakan-diuanagitakan n;rqin farz;roun% endfoup^ Fa\astane n;rka\azno[ n,anakouo[ an]- nauoroujiunn;rou entrouj;anz mh=! >øsqe ;rb;q ci w;rab;rir fa\r;nakan k;zoua‘qn;roun ;u ent- ranqn;roun^ artaqin qa[aqakanouj;an endmh- =hn% oronq krnan qnnarkoumn;rou kam m;knaba- noumn;rou ;njarkouil% S'iu®qhn ditoua‘ aknozow% datoumn;row ou fpoumn;row!
M;r aknarkoujiune k*;rja\ FF d;spanatoun- fiupatosoujiun ou ga[ouj-fama\nq \arab;rou- jiunn;roun% oronq la\nafounc ou la\na‘ir karkini me .oroujiunn ou taro[oujiune ounin% sksa‘ .orfrda\in karg;rhn% al o@ur mnaz anka.ouj;an ,r=anin! Fon our Fa\astane ouni n;rka\azouz- cakan pa,tønakan fangamanq% t;[uo\n fa\ou- j;an f;t (orqan al qic ella\ jiue) \arab;rou- jiunn;re c;n krnar anzo[aki kam patafakan founi me mh= gtnouil!
Fa\r;nakan a\d ka®o\zn;re ke fandisanan a\n patoufann;re% ourkh s'iu®qafa\oujiune ke \arab;ri ir fa\r;niqin f;t% ke famagor‘akzi% ke ];®narkh% ke nouirab;rh% no\nisk ke n;r,ncoui% orowf;t;u famoxoua‘ h or atika h yi,d ou arag ou[in% ;u anor mi=ozow krnan irakananal ir ‘ra- girn;re!
At;nin fandhs ;ka‘ hinq fraparakagrakan \ødoua‘ow me^ aFF n;rka\azouzicn;rou famat;[;li kap;rn ou droua‘qeo (aXarjønqo% 7 Fokt;mb;r 2000)% our \atkaphs andradar]a‘ hinq FF d;spanou- jiun-s'iu®qafa\oujiun kap;re bargauay% ar- gasab;r ou drapa,t paf;lou anfrav;,touj;an!
A\sørouan drouj;amb kam m;knakhtow% ;rkar
yamba\ ktra‘ ;n a\d \arab;roujiunn;re% ar]a- nagroua‘ ;n nouayoumn;r ;u iragor‘oumn;r% m,a- koua‘ ;n ‘ragirn;r% oronq bolorn al gnafat;li ou gow;li ;n^ ir;nz endfanrouj;an mh=!
Saka\n% s'iu®qafa\oujiune ke bauararoui# a\s bolorow% ke gofana#\% ;rb ir t;[a\nakan nstoua‘- qow ou kargousarqow% au;li kariqn ouni gor‘- nakan ou ,ø,a';li n;rdroumn;rou% ga[ouja\in ou fama\nqa\in k;anqi m,akouja\in tarb;r ;r;s- n;roun xørawig kangn;lou n;rgor‘ouj;amb!
O#w krna\ ellal a\d kamour=e% ;jh oc Fa\asta- ni pa,tønakan n;rka\azouzcoujiune% or phtq h ellal miak .øsa'o[e% irakanazno[e kam tnøri- no[e% fa\r;niqi patkan i,.anoujiunn;roun f;t kapou;lou% xrouz;lou (kam x;kouz;lo#u)% fousk^ fa\- r;nakan t;sakhtn;re kam oro,oumn;re ' z;lou^ S'iu®qi a\s kam a\n ko[min!
1999-in% 2001-in ;u 2003-in% ;r;q \a=ordakan Fa\astan-S'iu®q .orfrdavo[own;r t;[i oun;- zan :r;uani mh=% .ou®n;ram n;rka\oujiunn;row ou masnakzoujiunn;row% saka\n% dvba.tabar% kaxmak;rpo[ ko[me c\a=o[;zau a\d .orfrdavo- [own;rhn qa[;l or;uh ardiunq% orowf;t;u kar‘;z a\d fauaqn;row al;®n;r ,arv;lo% isk au;li afa- uore a\n hr% or anonq ,arounakou;zan% faka®ak S'iu®qhn fnca‘ w;rapafoujiunn;roun ou qnnada- toujiunn;roun% matnan,;low ;u a.tayanac;low anonz aj;razoumon;re% minc;u or% ør me% anonq endmi,t&&& ,ogiazan!
Inco#u ;[an a\d ka[azoumn;re!
Est m;xi% d;spanoujiunn;rou kar‘iqn;rou an- ,qazoumow% isk% am;nhn kar;uore% s'iu®qafa\ou- j;an t;sakhtn;rou al ant;soumow% oronz masin% ørin% bauakan m;lan fos;zau ou gric yøyou;zau!
J;r;us a\d da®n 'or]a®oujiunn;re patya® ;[an% or na.agaf S;rv Sargs;an a®oumbo me pa\j;znh^ S'iu®qi na.araroujiune st;[‘;low% mhk ko[mhn^ aknkal;low S'iu®qe au;liow n;rgrau;l
Jourq mtauorakan% mardou irauounqn;ri farz;row xba- [ouo[ A\,h Giuna\soun% ow \a\tni h Jourqia\oum Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an v.tman dhm pa\qarow% Jourqia\oum fa\;- ri ;u qrd;ri kotora‘n;ri ma- sin \ødoua‘ h fraparak;l! |ø- doua‘e n;rka\aznoum ;nq am- bo[=ouj;amb&
aNo\n fo[i tak ;n qna‘ fa- \;rn ou qrd;re! Irakanoum fa- \;ri ko[qin phtq h n,;nq na;u \o\n;rin% asorin;rin% ;xdin;- rin% "oqr Asia\i^ mousoulman c;- [a‘ bolor axg;rin! Saka\n a\s ør;rin fa\-qrdakan \arab;rou- jiunn;rn ;n ørakargoum!
Z;[aspanoujiun% yanacoum% v.toum% mo®azoum% w;r\i,oum& fa- \;ri ou qrd;ri mi=;u mi ko[miz ayo[ ,'oume% mius ko[miz hl ayo[ laroua‘oujiune kar;uor t;[ ;n grauoum a\sør! >ndire parx h&&& J;rj;roum kardazi^ Tiarp;qir-Martin yanapar- fin f®omhakan vamanakn;riz mnaza‘ b;rdi au;rakn;ri tak gan] orono[n;re m;‘ajiu mard- ka\in oskorn;r% gang;r ;n gt;l! J;rj;riz mia\n Taraf-oum
andradar] ka\ a\n masin% or a\d oskorn;re karo[ ;n fa\;- rin patkana‘ lin;l!
mi,t asoum ;n^ avo[owourde cgi- ti% ci ls;l% nranz ci patmou;lo! Sa .yyoua‘ fan;louki h nman!
mim;anz! Marde m;[qi xgazoumiz% ko-
rsti znzoumiz% zauiz% anfan- gstoujiuniz pa,tpanou;lou fa- mar ir w;rapra‘e kam ka- tara‘e karo[ h v.t;l^ angam inqn ir famar! Saka\n ;rb .øsqe Z;[aspanouj;an masin h% .ndir h da®noum oc mia\n m;[- qi xgazoume% .[yi .a\je% a\l;u oun;zoua‘qe% kana\q% a[=ikn;- re!
P;takan v.tman qa[aqa- kanouj;an mh= hl no\n pa,tpa- nakan m;.anixmn h! Incphs an]nakan v.tman dhpqoum^ a\s
aTaraf-i f;t xro\zoum Cenar giu[i giu[ap;t P;tirfan Pal- jan asaz% or a\d oskorn;re karo[ ;n fa\;rin patkana‘ lin;l! aIm kar‘iqow^ fa\;ri os- korn;r ;n! M;r pap;re mi,t patmoum hin% or fa\;rin 20-30 foganoz .mb;ri hin bavanoum ou spannoum! Fa\oz Z;[aspa- nouj;an ,r=aniz mnaza‘ oskor- n;r karo[ ;n lin;loo%- giu[ap;- ti .øsq;rn h mh=b;roum par- b;rakane!
Giu[ap;te papiz h ls;l a\s amhne! Dranq ,at;rn ;n ls;l a\d tara‘qn;roum% saka\n qc;rn ;n .øsoum giu[ap;ti nman! Saka\n m;x% cgit;s incou%
Fimnoua‘ 1922-in (~r;xnø) Established 1922 (in Fresno)
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Dauan;low ®amkawarakan skxbounqn;r% ke fauatanq baxmakar‘ouj;an ;u axat .øsqi irauounqi% f;t;uabar% fraparakoua‘ groujiunn;re anpa\man c;n arta\a\t;r .mbagrouj;ans t;sakhte! Kamqh anka. patya®n;row sprda‘ wripakn;rou famar k*apauininq m;r a,.atakizn;roun ;u enj;rzo[n;roun n;ro[amtouj;an!
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N.O. March 27, 2014, No. 13:N.O. Blank 3/26/14 1:47 PM Page 3
THURSDAY, MARCH 27% 2014 3
To[ou ";rinchqi Farzow :MIA-i Wy®i Lo\sin Tak
(Xouiz;riakan J;rj;re^ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an Masin)
Fa\astani aArmhn'rhso p;takan lratou gor‘akaloujiune ir lratououj;anz mh= jargmanabar fraparaka‘ h a\n \ødoua‘e% or lo\s t;sa‘ h xouiz;riakan am;naf;[inakauor j;rj;rou aNo\h Xiurifhr Za\jounkoi ;u aLe Janoi mh=% ;u oronz mh= manra- masn;al andradar] ka\ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an j;ma\in! |ø- doua‘in mh= masnauorabar ke .øsoui z;[aspanouj;an ør;roun ;u anor \a=ordo[ tarin;roun% Xouiz;rio\ ;u a\d ;rkri anfat qa[aqazin;rou% fa\anpast dirqoro,oumn;rou ;u gor‘ounhou- j;an masin! A\nouf;t;u koc k*ou[[oui% or Xouiz;rio\ i,.anou- jiunn;re f;tamout ellan ou bo[oq;n a\n wy®in dhm% xor :uro- pa\i Mardka\in Irauanz At;ane ar]ak;z jourq qa[aqakan gor‘ic To[ou ";rinchqi dimoumi a®ncouj;amb! Stor;u% aArmhn- 'rhsohn artatp;low% ke fratarak;nq a\d \ødoua‘e!
A\s tari% |ounouarin% fr;an;rou foloqosji \i,atakouj;an mi=ax- ga\in ørouan a®jiu% Xouiz;rio\ Na.agaf Titih Pourkfaljhr esa‘ hr& aNo\nisk n;rka\is kan mardik% oronq k*ouranan Foloqosji taro- [oujiune% a\nphs incphs or ke v.t;n nazin;rou a\l \anzagor‘oujiun- n;rou ;u a\l z;[aspanoujiunn;rou ‘aualn;re! M;r partqn h m;rv;l nmanørinak w;rab;roum me ;u fakaxd;l a\dpisi møt;zoumn;rou% mar- doz \i,;zn;low 'ast;rou ;u patmakan irakanoujiunn;rou masin! Xouiz;ria ;u a\l ;rkirn;r ke zankan% o*c jh parxaphs .øsqow en- dounil fr;an;rou foloqosje% a\l \stak gor‘o[oujiunn;r katar;lo!
A\s .øsq;re liowin famafounc ;n a\n ya®in f;t% xor artasana‘ hr Xouiz;rio\ Na.agaf Youx;''h Mojja (or i dhp fing angam ;rkri na.agaf entroua‘ h)% Axg;rou lika\hn n;rs% S;pt;mb;r 1922-in%& a:rb m;nq ke .orfinq a\n masin% or a\s mardik (nkati ouni fa\;re) ;rkouqoukhs milion bnakcoujiun ounhin Jourqio\ mh=% isk fima mna- za‘ h endamhne 300 faxar fa\% m;nq phtq h o*c mia\n \arganqi tourq% ou bar;azakamoujiun zouzab;r;nq a\d a[qat ou dvba.t mardoz fandhp% a\l na;u fastatakam k;zoua‘qow phtq h a=akzinq anonz% m;r ouv;rou a®au;lago\n ca'owo!
Irøq% Xouiz;rio\ vo[owourde mi,t al fa\anpast gor‘ounhoujiun tara‘ h% m;kn;low mardasirakan m[oumn;rh! Ph®ni da,na\in ar.i- uin mh= minc;u a\sør ke pafpanoui 1896-1897-i n,anauor dimoum- .ndragire% orou tak storagra‘ hin gr;jh khs milion xouiz;ria- zin;r (bnakcouj;an møtauoraphs 13&7 tokose)% ;u orow koc k*ou[[ouhr orphsxi Xouiz;rio\ ka®awaroujiune mi=amthr ;u arg;lq ellar Øsman;an ka\srouj;nhn n;rs qriston;an;rou spanoujiunn;roun!
Xouiz;riazin;rou ko[mh fa\;roun fandhp zouzab;roua‘ øgnoujiu- ne \aya. f;rosakan drs;uoroumn;r k*oun;nar! 1899-1922-in% :akop Qiunzlhr ;u ir kine^ Hlixaphj% amhn inc k*enhin orphsxi kar;na\in j;j;uzn;l fa\;rou ta®apanqn;re% mafouan karauann;rou yamboun wra\% Sourio\ anapatn;rhn n;rs! Karg me xouiz;riazin;r no\nisk ir;nz k;anqe wtangi tak ke dnhin! Ørinak% xouiz;riazi yarta- raght me datapartou;zau ®axmada,ta\in datarani ko[mh% qani or faz toua‘ hr fa\ ga[jakan karauani kin;roun ;u ;;roun!
2007-in% Loxani ostikanakan dataranin ko[mh Jourqio\ fa\r;- nakiz me datapartou;zau Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune ami=axga\in souto anouan;lou \anzanqow! Xouiz;riakan datarann;re m;rv;zin wyi®e b;kan;lou ;rkou dimoumn;re% n,;low or Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiu- ne% a\nphs% incphs frhakan z;[aspanoujiune% apazouzoua‘ 'ast h ou yanacoum gta‘ h xouiz;riakan ørhnsdrouj;an ko[mh! A\nouam;- na\niu% Mardou Irauounqn;rou :uropakan At;ane (:MIA)% 17 D;k- t;mb;r 2013-in b;kan;z wyi®e% m;kn;low .øsqi axatouj;an ira- uounqi skxbounqhn! Wy®i j;roujiune saka\n .øsqi axatoujiune ch% orou f;t mardoz m;‘amasnoujiune famamit ke gtnoui! Farzn a\n h% or :MIA-i wyi®e ca'axanz wiy;li ];uak;rpoumn;r ke parounakh Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an masin% ;u a\d ];uak;rpoumn;re liowin dours k*;ll;n :MIA-i irauasouj;an ,r=anakhn!
Datarane% n,;low or inq kocoua‘ ch oro,oum ka\azn;lou fa\kakan
kotora‘n;rou irakanouj;an% ;u kam a\d gor‘o[oujiunn;re az;[as- panoujiuno orak;lou irauakan 'astajou[j;rou irauaca'ouj;an ,our=% a\nouam;na\niu ke fastath ir kaska‘e a\n masin jh ard;øq fa\kakan farzi masin krna#\ fasarakaz aqons;nsouso ellal! A\sphs% datarane ant;s;low fratarakoua‘ ‘aualoun 'ast;re% animast k;rpow kaska‘i tak ke dnh Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an patmakan iro[oujiune!
Datarane ke pa,tpanh a\n t;sakhte% or z;[aspanoujiune \stak k;rpow safmanoua‘ irauakan faskazo[oujiun h% or kirark;li h mia\n a\n at;n ;jh \stakørhn fastatoua‘ h mi=axga\in datara- nin ko[mh! "astørhn% :MIA k*ant;sh fska\akan irauagitakan gra- kanoujiune% or fa\kakan dhpqe ke bnoro,h orphs z;[aspanoujiun!
:MIA a\nouf;t;u ke ,arounakh or a1915-i iradar]oujiunn;rou v.toume orphs z;[aspanoujiun% inqnin fa\ vo[owourdin fandhp at;loujiun ci s;rman;ro% ou kariq ckar or a\s irauakan bnoro,oume kaska‘i tak jo[;lou famar Xouiz;ria z;[a\in .trakanouj;an m;- [adranqow patvh mard me! Miavamanak% :MIA ke n,h or Foloqosji v.toume a\sør fr;an;rou dhm at;louj;an skxbounqa\in ,arvic o\vn h!
Jourqio\ mardou irauounqn;rou mioujiune ouv;[ 'ast;r ke b;rh a\n masin% or ";rinchqi paraga\in a®ka\ h z;[apa,touj;an drs;- uoroum! Miouj;an andamn;re ke gr;n& aM;nq anmi=akan akanat;sn ;nq jh incphs "oqr Asio\ mh= fa\;rou ou qriston;a\ a\l axg;rou dhm z;[aspanouj;an ourazoume skixbhn isk patya® fandisazau% or fakavo[owrdawarakan famakarg me st;[‘oui Jourqio\ mh=% z;- [a\in at;louj;an mjnolorte i xørou ella\% incphs na;u a\d ;njafo[i wra\ katarouin spanoujiunn;r% otnafarouin fa\;rou irauounqn;re! A\spisi møt;zoumn;r yamba\ bazin% or Fanrap;touj;an ,r=anin Jourqio\ mh= fa\;re ditouin orphs afing;rord ,arasiuno% .traka- nouj;an ;njarkouin% mi,t aprin wa.i pa\mann;rou mh=% ;u b®noujiunn;rou jira. da®nan axga\nakan zo\z;rou ;u ba.oumn;rou enjazqino!
Ourazoume ke nkatoui z;[aspanouj;an w;r=in 'oule! Ourazoume k*anpatouh xof;re ;u anonz va®angordn;re% xanonq kar;kzanqi arvani an];r ci nkat;r% ou ke ,arounakh anonz xofi kargawiyake fog;banakan a\n whrqi mi=ozau% ;rb anardarouj;an fandhp l®ou- jiun ke pafpanoui! A\sphs Fa\oz z;[aspanouj;an ourazoume m;‘ wnas ke patya®h ambo[= a,.arfi fa\;roun!
:jh :MIAi oro,oume anb;kan;li mna\% a\n at;n Jourqio\ mh= ;u a\lour fakafa\kakanouj;an drs;uoroumn;re au;li piti xøranan% ;u fastataphs piti qa=al;r;n z;[apa,toujiune! Xouiz;rio\ ørhns- drouj;an fama]a\n% amhn gor‘o[oujiun% or ke ke paks;znh kam k*ardaraznh z;[aspanouj;an 'aste% ke nkatoui z;[apa,tou- j;an drs;uoroum! Na.agaf Pourkfaljer yi,d h ;rb koc k*ou[[h \stak gor‘o[oujiunn;rou ];®nark;l! Xouiz;riakan ka®awaroujiune baro\akan patas.anatououjiun ouni bo[oq;lou "hrinchqi farzow :MIA-i wy®i dhm% ou pa,tpan;lou ir fakaz;[apa,takan ørhnqn;re! Xouiz;ria ditord ch ;[a‘ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an ør;roun ;u ci krnar a\vm al ditordi kargawiyaki mh= mnal ;jh z;[aspanouj;an iro[oujiune ke v.toui!
|i,;zn;nq or 16 ";trouarin al mardou irauounqn;rou ;u z;[aspa- nagitouj;an olorti .oumb me gitanakann;r baz namak ou[arka‘ hin Xouiz;rio\ Datakan Na.ararin% endg‘;low or :MIAi wyi®e .øsqi axatouj;an irauounqi f;t a®encoujiun couni% ;u \a\tn;low% or ir;nq .oraphs mtafog ;n datarani wy®i a\n khtow% or n;rfak ke mna\ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an masin patmakan wau;ragr;roun ou 'ast;roun!
A\d namaki tak storagra‘ hin f;[inakauor z;[aspanaghtn;r ou patmabann;r% oronq la\nørhn ousoumnasira‘ ;n fa\kakan farze!
Âophr Fatthy;an aMarmarao øraj;rj% Mart 10% 2014
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NOR ØR% MART 27% 2014
Na.agaf S;rv Sar- gs;ani framanagrow ,arq me bnagaua®n;rou parg;uatroua‘ ;n Fa- \astani Fanrap;tou- j;an 2013 j& p;takan mrzanakn;re^ fimq en- doun;low Fa\astani Fan- rap;touj;an Na.aga- fi 2002 jouakani Øgos- tos 22-i aFa\astani Fanrap;touj;an p;takan mrzanakn;r fimn;lou ;u ,norf;lou kargi masino 1164 framanagire ;u fa,oui a®n;low p;takan mrzanakn;rou \an]na.oumb;rou a®a=arkoujiun- n;re! Na.agafi nstawa\ri mh= t;[i oun;za‘ h mrzanakn;rou \an]- man fandisauor araro[oujiune!
};®narkin masnakzoujiun ke b;rhin Misaq Qhlh,;an^ Si- liqon Whlii mh= ;l;qtrona\in gitnakan% or w;r=;rs nouiroua‘ h korsoua‘ fa\ s;roundn;rou f;taxøtouj;an%
Mi=oza®oumi auartin% Qali`ornio\ na.kin nafangap;t% fa\axgi Yory Thøqmhy;an gnafatakan nouirata.takn;r n;rka\azouz |ounastani% Australio\ ;u Norw;kio\ p;tou- j;anz d;spanatan n;rka\azouzicn;roun!
Manramasnouj;anz famar piti andrada®nanq \a=ordin! |&M&
zouzakio auartiz \;to\ S'ilp;rke sks;l hr fauaq;l Foloqost w;rapra‘ mardkanz pat-
moujiunn;re! A\s tari S'ilp;rki fimnadra‘ fimnadrame dar]aw 20 tar;kan ;u a\n endla\noum h ir a,.arfagroujiune ;u sks;l h fauaq;l t;[;koujiunn;r Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an% Kampota\i ou Âouanta\i Z;[aspanoujiunn;ri masin% groum h!
G;rmanakan Konstanz qa[aqi jatrone a\sørouaniz Fa\oz Z;- [aspanouj;an masin n;rka\azoum h b;madr;lou! N;rka\azman fa- mar fimq h ‘a®a\;l ‘agoumow fr;a\ g;rmanazi gro[ Htkar Fil- s;n®aji aF;qiaj w;r=in ga[a'ari masino whpe!
Incphs t;[;kaznoum h jourqakan aD;mokrat .ap;ro lratoua- kan ka\qe% jatroni [;kawaroujiune n;rka\azoume c;[;al \a\ta- rar;lou koc ano[ hlhktrona\in namakn;r h stanoum!
Jatroni tnørhn Qristo` Niqse% andrada®nalow a\d namakn;rin ;u koc;rin% n,;l h% or dranq akn\a\t mi=amtoujiun ;n fastatou- j;an st;[‘agor‘akan axatouj;ane! G;rmania\oum Jourqia\i gl.auor fiupatosn hl jatroni [;kawarouj;ane .ndr;l h% orphsxi amhn n;rka\azoumiz \;to\ 1915 jouakani w;rab;r;al a®ka\ a\l kar‘iqn;re ;us n;rka\azou;n fandist;sin!
Q;sape fnago\n giu[ h% or% est oro, ousoumna- siroujiunn;rou% fa\;row bnak;zoua‘ h fa\oz ar- qa\ Tigran M;‘i vama- naka,r=anhn^ m&j&a& 1-in dar!
Sourio\ fiusis-ar;u- mt;an ,r=ane gtnouo[ Q;sapn ou ,r=aka\ fa\- kakan giu[;re souriakan pat;raxmi ;r;q tari- n;rou enjazqin Damas-
Am;rikafa\ aHYER UNITEDo bar;gor‘akan kaxmak;rpoujiunn ardhn 2-rd angam h% inc bv,kakan sarqauoroumn;r h a®aqoum L{F Qa,aja[i ,r=ani Kowsakani qa[aqa\in bouvmiauormane!
Incphs Qa,aja[i aM;rano pa,tønaj;rji .mbagir Xøfrap E®- qo\;anin \a\tn;z bouvmiauorman gor‘adir tnørhn Lousinh Sar- gs;ane% fimnadir bar;gor‘n;rn a®a=in angam ou[ark;l hin ,a- qari makardakn ar;an mh= oro,o[ sarq ou bv,kakan tarb;r para- gan;r% isk a\s angam a®aq;l ;n 10 tonom;tr% 4 manraditak ;u a\ln!
aM;nq ,norfakal ;nq S'iu®qi m;r bar;kamn;riz^ øgnouj;an ];®q m;kn;lou famar% ardhn auartou;l ;n fiuandanozi ,hnqi fim- nanorogman a,.atanqn;re ;u bouvan]nakaxmn ou fiuandn;re ,ou- tow ke t;[a'o.ou;n \armarauht ,hnqeo asaz gl.auor bvi,ke!
koshn minc;u Falhp fariurauor fa\ entaniqn;rou famar anwtang apastan hin! Q;sapi giu[;rou fa\;rn a\vm tarfanoua‘ ;n Lajaqia ;u apastana‘ t;[i fa\kakan ;k;[;ziin ou dprozin mh=! Ke fa[ordoui% or fnarauor h^ Qaratouran giu[i mh= d;® mnaza‘ ;n oro, fa\;r% saka\n anonz f;t kap fastat;l fnarauor ch! Giu[i [;kawarn;re ke 'or];n gtn;l anf;t kora‘n;re!
Souriakan pat;raxmi enjazqin Jourqian baxmat;sak a=akzou- jiun zouzab;ra‘ h Sourio\ na.agaf Pa,ar Asati warcakargi dhm pa\qaro[ souriazi apstambn;roun% oronz m;‘ mase sounni islami f;t;uordn;r ;n! Fakamartouj;an ;r;q taroua\ enjazqin Sourio\ mh= i,.o[ al;uin;re pafpana‘ ;n w;rafsko[oujiune Lajaqio\ ;u ambo[= mi=;rkra‘ow;an fatoua‘i al;uiabnak ,r=ann;rou mh=^ minc;u jrqakan safman! Ka®awarakan ouv;re% saka\n% korsnzouza‘ hin w;rafsko[oujiune Jourqio\ f;t safmana\in anzakht;rou mh=^ baza®ouj;amb Q;sapi% or anz;al ,abjoua\ drouj;amb ;us anza‘ h apstambn;rou w;rafsko[ouj;ane!
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THURSDAY, MARCH 27% 2014 5
En‘a\arani san;r ir;nz ;rav,touj;an [;kawarow
S& |akobi bake
Au;li qan 1400 taroua\ fa- roust auandouj;an me kro[n h Srboz |akob;anz Miabanoujiu- ne! Takauin 4-rd daroun :rou- sa[hmi mh= ka\in fa\kakan ;k;- [;zin;r ;u wanq;r! Minc;u 6-rd dar fa\kakan wanq;re ir;nz a®a=nordn;row ;u wanakann;row gtnoua‘ ;n :rousa[hmi Endfan- rakan :k;[;zuo\ Patriarqi i,.anouj;an tak! A\s wiyake ke 'o.oui% ;rb Biuxandakan p;touj;an ka\sri yn,oumin tak :rousa[hmi Endfanrakan Pa- triarqoujiune k∞endouni Qa[k;- donakan dauananqe! Fa\asta- n;a\z ;k;[;zin% or chr endouna‘ Qa[k;doni oro,oumn;re% 7-rd da- roun k∞a®an]nana\ ;u ke da®na\ inqnouro\n Patriarqoujiun ;u Miabanoujiun!
Anzno[ au;li qan 14 dar;rou enjazqin Srboz |akob;anz Mi a b a n o u j i u n e k ∞ e n j a n a \ i r ouro\n yambow^ paf;low Fa\as- tan;a\z ;k;[;zuo\ ana[artou- jiune^ m,ak;low ir auandoujiun- n;rn ou anka. gor‘ounhoujiune!
Afauasik a\dpisi ;rkou auan- dakan araro[ouj;an n;rka\ gtnou;zanq S& St;'anos Na.a- wka\i tønakatarouj;an a®jiu!
|auart Sourb ;u anmaf pa- taragi% khsørouan ya,hn ;tq F& Par;t ’& Wrd& :rhz;an ;u F& G;- [am ’& Wrd& Xaqar;an xis fra- uir;zin wanqi a\sphs kocoua‘ aparthxaja[eo% our wardap;t fa\r;rou fam;st ;u kokik ka- zarann;rn ;n! Soworoujiun ;[a‘ h Va®angauorazi ab;[an;rou
;u anonz t;soucin ko[mh a\z;l;l auag s;roundi wardap;tn;roun! M;xi qa=a‘anøj F& Par;ti
na.a];®nouj;amb ,tkoua‘ hr kokik pt[as;[an me ir kaza- ranin dimaz! A\st;[ baxmam;a\ fog;uor spasarkouj;an wastak oun;zo[ m;r wardap;tn;re di- mauor;zin ;ritasardn;rou pa- touirakoujiune% ;[an 'o.adar] ,norfauoranqn;r ,;,tou;zau krkin angam Qristosi ‘a®a\ouj;an a®aq;louj;an kar;uoroujiunn ou S& |akob;anz ou.tin spasar- k;lou \an]na®oujiune!
A\s araro[ouj;an mh= xis \atkaphs tpauor;zin noren‘a- n;rou ;u ;ritasard wardap;t- n;rou gnafatanqi .øsq;re% oronz mh= k∞endg‘ouhin ;ra.tiqi ar- ta\a\toujiunn;re Miabanou- j;an anz;ali ou n;rka\i ;ra.- ta,at fog;uorakann;rou fandhp!
Wanakan k;anqe wa[ mi=na- darhn ir ouro\n k;nza[e oun;- za‘ h^ mhk ko[mhn nouirouil Qris- tosi wardap;touj;an% anor ousoumnasirouj;an ou m;knou- j;an% mius ko[mhn patrast;l wa[ouan lousamit fog;uorakane% or piti ‘a®a\h jh* ;k;[;zuo\ ;u jh* dprouj;an! A\d k;nza[e \atkan,oua‘ h sakauak;zou- j;amb% a,.arfik k;anqi wa- \;lqn;rhn kamauor fravaroumow^ i phts axgin ou ;k;[;zuo\ ana- [artouj;an! Wanakan famalir- n;rhn n;rs h or xargaza‘ h m;r dproujiune% ];®agraz arta- groujiune% nor;rou st;[‘oume% manrankarcakan arou;ste ;u a®fasarak gitoujiune! A\s i nkati oun;nalow Au;tiq Isa-
}^ Dokt& Grigor >otan;an% Dokt& Wighn |owsh';an ;u Dokt& Minas Goya\;an
}^ Irauaban Vpit Chbqin;an-Cenari% Dokt& Grigor >otan;an% Dokt& Wighn |owsh';an% Dokt& Minas Goya\;an% Prn& Simon Ayilayø[lou% irauaban Htwin Minas;an ;u Toqj& |owfannhs Au;tiq;an
Kiraki% Mart 16% 2014-i ;r;- ko\;an vame 6&00-in% Polsafa\ Miouj;an k;dronin mh=% t;[i oun;zau anxougakan mi=oza®oum me% oroun npatakn hr Los Any;- lesafa\ fama\nqe ‘anøjazn;l Fa\ ;r;q auandakan kousakzou- jiunn;roun% Soz;al D;mokrat Fncak;an% Fa\ |;[a'o.akan Da,nakzouj;an ;u Âamkawar Axatakan kousakzouj;anz ‘a- goumin% patmakan anz;alin% n;rka\i gor‘ounhoujiunn;roun% apaga\i ‘ragirn;rou n;rka\az- man% anonz qa[aqakan dirqa- uoroumn;roun ;u fa\ axgin spa®- nazo[ martafrauhrn;roun fan- dhp ir;nz k;zoua‘qn ou taroua‘ a,.atanqn;re a\d ou[[ouj;amb!
Polsafa\ k;drone l;zoun hr fa\ ;ritasard ;u tar;z s;roun- di n;rka\azouzicn;row% oronq n;rka\ hin t;[;ak ellalou fa\ kousakzoujiunn;roun vamanaka- kiz gor‘ounhouj;anz ;u axga\in makardaki wra\ taroua‘ ira- gor‘oumn;roun% fa\r;niqin ;u s'iu®qi tara‘qin! Ørouan gl.a- uor bana.øsn;rn hin% Dokt& Grigor >otan;an% n;rka\azn;low Soz;al D;mokrat Fncak;an kou- sakzoujiune% Dokt& Wighn |ow- sh';an% n;rka\azn;low Fa\ |;- [a'o.akan Da,nakzoujiun kousakzoujiune% ;u Dokt& Minas Goya\;an% n;rka\azn;low Âam- kawar Axatakan Kousakzoujiu- ne% isk ørouan fandisawarn hr Toqj& |owfannhs Au;tiq;an% or bari galst;an ;u ,norfakala- kan .øsq;rhn ;tq% frauir;z SDFKousakzouj;an n;rka\azou- zic Dokt& >otan;ane orphsxi n;rka\aznh kousakzouj;an pat- makan anz;ale% n;rkan ;u apa-
ga\i ‘ragirn;re! Dokt& >otan;an n;rka\azouz
kousakzouj;an 1887 jouakanin ‘agoum a®a‘ ,arvoume% anor ax- ga\in npatakn;rn ou gor‘ou- nhoujiunn;re% oronq ‘a\r a®a‘ hin :uropa\i mh= karg me nouir- ;al fa\ axga\in mtauorakan- n;rou mta\[azoumn;row% xanonq kirark;lou ;u =anal 'rk;lou fa- mar fa\ axge% Fa\astani mh= tira‘ jourqio\ strkakan qa- [aqakanouj;an yirann;rhn% axatagr;low fa\ vo[owourdin darauor fa\r;niqe jourqin ti- rap;toujiunhn! An n;rka\azouz fa\ vo[owourdi 'rkouj;an fa- mar kousakzouj;an tara‘ xi- n;al pa\qare Fa\oz Z;[aspa- nouj;an vamanaka,r=ann;roun% ;u \;t z;[aspanouj;an tarin;- roun taroua‘ axga\in w;ra- kangman a,.atanqn;roun ;u kousakzouj;an gor‘ounhoujiun- n;roun masin!
Dokt& Wighn |owsh';an n;r- ka\azouz Fa\ |;[a'o.akan Da,nakzouj;an kousakzouj;an patmakane or ‘nound a®a‘ hr Ji`lisi mh=% 1890 jouakanin% fa\ \;[a'o.akan kousakzou- jiunn;rou miazoumow% f;tapnd;- lou famar Øsman;an lou‘hn fa\ vo[owourdi axatagrman a,.a- tanqn;re% ;u anor f;txf;th yn,ic ;u f;[]ouzic qa[aqakan b®natiroujiunhn ou t;[i oun;- za‘ tara‘qa\in Famit;an =ar- d;rhn! Dokt& |owsh';an apa n;rka\azouz Fa\oz Z;[aspanou- j;an vamanaka,r=ann;roun kousakzouj;an tara‘ pa\qare fa\ vo[owourdi 'rkouj;an fa- mar ;u anor \a=ordo[ tarin;-
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NOR ØR% MART 27% 2014
Dokt& "ro`& Ghorg >rlop;ani (1927-2010) ;rkar tarin;ri tqna=an a,.atanqi ardiunqe fandisazo[ w;ro\i,;al .oragrow fatore lo\s t;sau 2006 j& Ph\- roujoum aMimi ;u Armhn |arou- jiun;ano fimnadrami m;k;nas- ouj;amb! A\n ba[kaza‘ h 406 stouar h=;riz! Grqi kaxmi a®a- =in ;r;sin patk;roua‘ h nkaric^ A rj ø C aq ma g y ; a ni a : [ ; ® n o gor‘e!
Fatore ba[kaza‘ h a®a=a- baniz% n;ra‘oujiuniz ;u 14 .ist bowandakaliz glou.n;riz ;u w;r=abaniz! A\n famalroua‘ h na;u qarthxn;- row ;u \au;loua‘ow% our angl;rhn l;xouow truoum ;n tarb;r f;[i- nakauor gitnakann;ri ;u mta- uorakann;ri ko[miz Fa\oz Z;- [aspanoujiune fastato[ 'as- tagrakan groujiunn;r!
A®a=in f;rjin kardalow a®a- =abane% anmi=aphs parx h da®- noum% jh inco#u h f;[inake ];®- nark;l ;u ;rkar tarin;r a,.a- t;l a\s j;ma\i ,our=!
D;®;us manouk fasakiz f;[i- naki \i,o[ouj;an mh= mi,t wa® ;n mnaz;l ir;nz g;rdastani mardkanz% ir ‘no[n;ri ou farax- atn;ri patma‘ ;[;®na\in sar- sa'axdou \ou,;re! Jh incph#s ir faraxatn;ri koroustn ou davan ta®apanqn;re t;uaphs zauow ou arzounqow ;n lzr;l nra ac- q;rn ou ambo[= houjiune!
A\sphs h or M;‘ :[;®ni 'aste ambo[= k;anqoum fangist ci tou;l ir;n ;u tarin;ri enjaz- qoum fauaq;low w;rapro[n;ri a[io[orm wka\oujiunn;re% incphs na;u tarb;r l;xoun;row mi ,arq ;rkrn;ri ar.iun;roum pafouo[ 'astagrakan niuj;rn ou minc a\d fratarakoua‘ a[biuragi- takan fratarakoujiunn;re% ,a- radr;l h aZ;[aspanoujiuno .o- ragrow ir a\s ;rke!
|a\tni h% or 1965 j& Fa\oz Z;- [aspanouj;an 50-am;a\ tar;li- ze Fa\astanoum n,ou;z fama- vo[owrdakan m;‘ pa\qarow! Patmabann;rn ou gitnakann;re sks;zin au;li m;‘ ca'ani,ow .oranal ;ritjourq;ri ko[miz Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an pat- mouj;an ousoumnasirouj;an farzin! Incphs f;[inakn h n,oum% a\d dar]au famendfanour gi- takan f;taqrqrouj;an a®ar- ka\ ;u sksou;z aFa\oz Z;[aspa- nouj;ano qa[aqakanazman 'ou- le!
"ro`& Ghorg >rlop;ane a®a- =inn hr% or sks;z øgtagor‘;l z;[aspanagitouj;an ;xre% d;- ®;us 1980 j& sks;al! Incphs t;s- noum ;nq a\s fatorn hl lo\s h t;s;l a\d no\n .oragri tak!
Fark h n,;l% or ir a\s .ist kar;uor a,.atouj;an mh= ka- tar;l h t;sakan banimaz end- fanrazoumn;r% jh incph#s h \[a- zou;l Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an ‘ragire ;u incph#s h gor‘a- drou;l a\n! F;[inake manramasn w;rlou‘;low Fa\oz Z;[aspanou- j;an drdapatya®n;re tou;l h
na;u dra imastauoroume ;u patv;liouj;an fimnauoroume% mi;uno\n vamanak a®a= qa,;low fo[a\in ;u niujakan korsti fatouzman .ndire!
|atkan,akan h% or a\sør bauakanaca' jourq a®a=adhm mtauorakann;r faskanoum ;u gitakzoum ;n 1915 j& fa\ouj;an f;t kataroua‘ afauor z;[as- panoujiune ;u baza\a\t \a\t- noum ;n ir;nz wrdowmounqe a\d m;‘ago\n o[ b;rgouj;an masin! Jourq;rhn l;xouow jargmanuoum ;u lo\s ;n t;snoum fa\ ;u øtar z;[aspanaghtn;ri grq;re! Mi;u- no\n vamanak a®an]in jourq gro[n;r famar]akørhn \ødoua‘- n;r ;u grq;r hl fratarakoum fa\;ri kotora‘n;ri masin!
Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an ira- kanouj;ane ant;[;ak a\søroua\ jourq s;rounde% kardalow a\d groujiunn;re% liowin ga[a'ar h kaxmoum jh i#nc h t;[i oun;z;l 1915 j& ar;umtafa\ouj;an f;t!
Ghorg >rlop;ane ir a\s m;- ‘arvhq a,.atouj;an 375-rd h=oum gr;l h&
aPatmagitouj;an xargazman ou y,martouj;an baza\a\tman yanaparfe .a'ano[n;ri ,ar- qoum ir;nz patouauor t;[n h grauoum a®a=adhm jourq mta- uorakanoujiune% orn a\sør a,- .arfe fiaznoum h ir gitakan .oraja'anzouj;amb% lousam- touj;amb% qa=ouj;amb ou mar- dasirouj;amb! Nranq a\n ®af- wirann;rn ou f;rosn;rn ;n% oronq jourq vo[owrdi patiue piti 'rk;n! Nranq qa= gitakzoum ;n% or ou, jh kanou. o[= a,.arfe piti endouni jouq;ri ko[miz Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 'aste% ;u au;li patouab;r ;n nkatoum a\n ,out katar;l% orphsxi far- kadroua‘ clin;n noranor sout;r ou k;[‘ t;soujiunn;r fnar;lou&&&o!
"ro`& Ghorg >rlop;ane \a- touk ou,adroujiun h dar]r;l na;u Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an pafan=atirouj;an .ndrin! Na n,;l h% or Z;[aspanouj;an% =ar- di% kotora‘i enjazqoum touva‘ ko[me oun;nalou h cors bno\ji wnasn;ri kam koroustn;ri fa- touzoum!
1& Fa\oz an,arv% incphs na;u ,arvakan go\qe t;[afanouj;an ;u kotora‘n;ri enjazqoum mat- nou;zin korsti! Niujakan a\d koroustn;re fa,ouarkuoum ;n milia®n;row% ore minc;u a\sør ci fatouzou;l!
2& Z;[aspanouj;an vamanak fa\;re touin au;li qan mhk ou khs milion nafatakn;r! F;[i- nake n,oum h% or aMardka\in ko- rousti pafa=atiroujiune ;r- b;mn mtnoum h niujakan fa- touzman mh=! Mardou k;anqe stanoum h dramakan arta\a\- toujiun! A\s fatouzoumiz hl xourk ;n mnaz;l fa\;reo!
3& :rrord fatouzman .ndire b;roum ;nq ambo[=ouj;amb! aM,a- kouja\in korouste no\nphs an-
Lour;r Niu :orqhn
Na.a];®nouj;amb FBEM-i Niu :orqi gras;n;akin ;u gor‘akzouj;amb FF MAK-i N;rka\azcouj;an ";trouar 27% 2014% Fing,abji ;r;ko\;an% Bar;gor‘akani gras;n;akin mh=% n,ou;zau Soumka\iji xo- f;roun \i,atake! Ardar;u% 1988-in ;rb >orfrda\in Miou- jiune ir 'louxman a®a= sksa‘ hr gtnouil Atrrph\yani jourq- jajarn;re pat;f a®ije gta‘ hin Paqoui% Kirowapa- ti ou Soumka\iji mh= apro[ au;li qan 300 faxar fa\;rou fandhp fala‘anqn ou koto- ra‘e iragor‘;lou!
A\d t.our dhpq;roun% tas tar;kan Annan (Ano\,e) en- taniqow krza‘ hr apastan gtn;l :r;uan% g;tna\ark \ar- kabavini me mh=% ourkh anza‘ hr Moskoua ;u apa^ Miaz;al Nafangn;r! Annan a\d ør;rhn pafa‘ hr øragroujiun^ anza‘ dhpq;roun masin wka\akoc;- low ta®apanqi yanaparfe% fala‘anqe% xgou,auor nist ou kaze% aproua‘ xgazoumn;re% anoro,ouj;an ør;re! Au;li ou,% ardhn Am;rika\i mh= entaniq kaxma‘% irauabanouj;an wka- \akan staza‘ Annan xanonq ke \an]nhr fatori me^ ang- l;rhn l;xouow^ "Nowhere" A story of exile (Oc mhk t;[ _ Aqsori me Patmoujiune)!
ji xof;rou \i,atake ;u fan- gamanørhn arta\a\tou;zau MAK-hn n;rs L;®na\in {ara- ba[i farzow ;[a‘ a,.atan- qn;roun masin! Gnafat;z f;- [inakin katara‘ gor‘e fa- \oz irauounqn;rou pa,tpan- ouj;an g‘ow% manauand Am;- rika\i xanaxan nafangn;rou mh= (incphs^ Mh\n) p;takan qa[aqakan dhmq;roun ir ka- tara‘ dimoumn;roun% oronq w;r=in tarin;roun ardiuna- uorou;zan i npast {araba- [in!
Ir girqe n;rka\azouz f;[i- nake^ Anna Astoua‘atour;a- ne (Jiurqoj)% m;rj end m;rj kardalow fatoua‘n;r ankh! An \ouxoumna.a®n arta\a\t- u;zau a\n bolor t.our dhpq;- roun masin% oronq qal;zin ir f;t t;[afanouj;an a\s am- bo[= enjazqin! An xgou,azouz n;rkan;re ellalou arjoun% ;rb ax;rin;r sksa‘ ;n fakabro- bakanti ar,aui me Niu :orqi po[otan;rhn sksa‘^ apa- ko[mnoro,;l =analow miamit anzordn;re jh fa\;rn ;n ;[a‘ Atrph\yani mh= t;[i oun;za‘ spandin kataro[n;re! Annan koc erau n;rkan;roun miana- lou fa\ dati f;tapndman fa- mar taroua‘ a,.atanqn;- roun% incphs na;u ,arounak;- lou pa\qare a\d ou[[ouj;amb!
An sira\øvar touau patas- .ann;r n;rka\azoua‘ far- z;roun% ormh ;tq n;rkan;roun tramadroua‘ ir girq;re an storagr;z!
aQali`ornia\i Fa\ Gro[n;ro Miouj;an april;an ];®narke nouiruoum h fa\ nafatak mtauorakann;ri \i,atakin! :r;kon ka\analou h Fing,abji øre^ Aprili 3-in% v& 5&30-8&00 Kl;nth\li fanra\in gradaranoum!
Faszhn^ 222 Harvard Glendale CA
QFGM Warcoujiun
Thursday, March 27, 2014 Volume 92, No. 13
Sargsyan: Deportation Kessab Armenians’ Houses Looted And Burnt Armenian
Of Kessab Armenians A Challenge To Mechanisms Of Protection Of National Minorities
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan made a statement for the press on Kessab events. Speaking in The Hague on the sidelines of the World Nu- clear Summit, President Sargsyan expressed deep concern over the events around Kessab. “All of us remember the history of Kessab very well. Unfortunately, in the course of the past cen- turies it has been rich in hellish realities of deportation of Armenians,” Serzh Sargsyan said.
The President reminded that Kessab faced the first serious assault back in 1909, when the Turkish armed detachments en- Syria Rebels Launch Northern Offensive After tered the city. Armenians found refuge in the Karadouran Mountains and the seashore. After robbing and putting the city on fire, the Turks moved to Karadouran to rob and set ablaze the houses of the upper district. In a French vessel the Armenians moved to Latakia. After spending a year in Latakia, the refugees returned to Kessab and reconstructed their houses.
Parliamentary Delegation Leaves For Syria
The armed rebels have turned the Ar- menian church of Kessab into a gathering place, Hasmik Man- jikyan-Berberyan, who fled Kessab to neighboring
Monday. “The people
fled without tak- ing anything with them – they have neither clothes nor first necessity items. Fortunately, there are no re-
Latakia, told “They have opened the Turkish border,
ports about victims. We should thank the administrative authorities of Kessab for evacuating them and taking to Latakia. First of all, we have organized humanitarian as- sistance: we are providing the refugee fam- ilies with mattresses, blankets and household items.”
which is very close to Kessab, and removed the barbed wires. They come by cars from Turkey and loot our houses. No one hinders them,” she said, adding that the looters also burn the houses.
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said on Monday that the Embassy of Arme- nia in Syria works on the program of meas- ures to support the Armenians in Kessab. The program will be implemented in a full scale.
Armenian parliamentary delegation left for Syria on Monday evening to study the situation in Kessab, Parliament Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan stated on Tuesday.
Some 600 families were evacuated from Armenian-populated town of Kessab in Syria following the attacks by gunmen who entered the region from the Turkish border on March 22. The Armenian families have taken refuge in Latakia. “We do our best to help them. The Armenians have taken refuge in the Armenian church and Armen- ian organizations in Latakia, located about 50 km south of Kessab,” Bishop Armash Nalbandian, primate of the Armenian Church of Damascus, told on
Spokesman for Nagorno-Karabakh President David Babayan said the Nagorno- Karabakh Republic is prepared to support Armenians from Kessab in every way pos- sible, including by creating conditions for them to live in Nagorno-Karabakh.
The delegation comprises of Republi- can Party MPs Samvel Farmanyan, Levon Martirosyan, Naira Karapetyan, as well as non-party MP Edmon Marukyan and Her- itage faction MP Tevan Poghosyan.
Heavy Losses
An Armenian Settlement Is Bombarded In Aleppo
Touching upon the historic events, Serzh Sargsyan recalled another date in his- tory – the year 1915, when the population of Kessab did not stay apart from the Ar- menian Genocide. The Armenians of Kessab were deported in two directions – to Deir ez-Zor and Jordan. Thousands of them died, most of them in the deserts of Deir ez-Zor.
DAMASCUS: Syrian rebels have launched a fierce offensive against President Bashar Assad’s troops in four northern provinces in a bid to re- verse a string of defeats, an activist group and rebels said Monday.
west of the city of Homs. The rebels, including the jihadist Nusra Front, seized a key area on the border with Turkey Mon- day, gaining full control of the Kasab crossing, the Syrian Observatory for
Shooting and firing are going on in Aleppo, Syria. This time, on March 24, at about 16:30 Armenian church Zvartnots and Armenian-populated settlement were fired in New village district. As Armen- press news agency informs, livinbg houses were bombarded. Armenian young boy and girl were wounded. There is no infor- mation about the victims.
Officers carry a picture of Hilal al-Assad, a cousin of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad
Human Rights said. The takeover came
Qalamoun region
barded rebel positions in Kasab, in Latakia province, the heartland of Assad’s Alawite sect, a day after Turkey
“Today’s deportation of Kessab Arme- nians – the third in history – is a most seri- ous challenge to the mechanisms of the 21st century targeted at the protection of na- tional minorities. I think everyone should realize that these parallels should be sober- ing for all parties,” President Serzh Sargsyan said.
Syrian Rebels Tout A
shot down a Syrian warplane in the area.
Azerbaijani Terrorists Got Into An Ambush: 13 Militants Were Killed
A bomb blasted on Armenian church. Fire occupied a house and the young Ar- menians tried to bonnet it.
Fighting Force The US
Hunt Begins To Find Black Boxes For Doomed Flight MH370
Now that satellite data has confirmed that the missing Malaysian airliner crashed into the Indian Ocean, the race is on to find the crucial voice and data recorders, the so- called black boxes, before a battery-pow- ered homing device runs out.
By Ariel Zirulnick
The President thanked the Syrian au- thorities for the steps taken to protect the Kessab Armenians in these times of hard- ship.
The Syrian opposition says it finally has a rebel group that rejects extremism, wel- comes a diplomatic solution, and can win a fight. Now, where are its weapons?
In the course of fighting in Syria a squad of terrorists from the organization IŞĐD got into an ambush. As it is stated by Azerbaijani news agency, the total number of terrorists who got into an am- bush equal to twenty-five, 13 out of which were killed.
The offensive follows several victories for the regime along the Lebanese border – in the north of Damascus, and around Krak des Chevaliers, a renowned Crusader castle
even as the air force bom-
Can Work With
“I have already instructed Armenian representations at UN Offices in New York and Geneva to pursue the issues of guar- anteeing the security of Kessab Armenians and their return to their homes at structures specialized on issues of human rights and national minorities,” President Sargsyan said.
Today Syrian opposition leaders pleaded with the Arab League to pressure the international community to provide “sophisticated weapons” that could help them match those of the regime forces – a request it has been making for years now, to little effect. One reason is the blurred line between Syrian rebel groups and foreign extremist groups, including Al Qaeda al- lies. But with little fanfare, four representa- tives of armed opposition groups were on the sidelines at the failed Syria peace con- ference in Geneva last month. These groups hope to prove their value as anti-regime fighters that the US can stomach arming.
Most of the killed terrorists were Azer- baijanis as well as two Turkish nationals.
The President has discussed the issue with his Holiness Aram I, the Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia.
Note that Azerbaijani Salafis or Wah- habis are fighting in the ranks of various terrorist groupings that operate in Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. According to the Azerbaijani news agency the total number of Azerbaijani terrorists in these countries equals to 300. Whereas according to FaktHeber Azerbaijani portal over the past three years only in Syria almost 200 Azerbaijani terrorists were killed.
According to President Sargsyan, the Armenian Embassy in Syria is working on assistance programs for Kessab Armenians.
8 Nor Or Weekly - Thursday March 27, 2014
DEPOP Research Group Concludes International Speaking Tour on Armenia’s Emigration Trends
Ode To Armenian Books By Alice Krumian
In the dim convent's flickering candle light, With a reed pen on dry parchment inscribed, In the newly learned Armenian letters, Queen of Translations, First Armenian Gospel.
Illuminator's religious insight, Naregatsi's spiritual flight, Everlasting fortress of national faith, Miraculous prayer book, Holy Nareg.
Silent witnesses of all recorded facts, Of our ancient culture and heroic acts, From Hayg Nahabed to Sardarabad, Treasured History Books of our glorious past.
The embodiment of poetic sensitivity, The anthology of literary creativity, The legacy of writers' impassioned nature, Our rich and noble Classical Literature.
From century to century transmitted with pride, Preserved volumes where our whole past lies, Sleepless guardians of all intellectual light, Cherished Armenian Books of any date and type.
To the ill-fated souls lingering in jails, To the frail infirms confined to their beds, To the young or old in their solitude, Loyal companions, Books of support and hope.
With their skeletal, bloody and quivering hands, Tracing on the desert's fiery and scorching sand, Our martyred mothers bequeathing their offspring, The heartbreaking Books of untold suffering.
Beloved Armenian libraries and bookstores, Repositories of countless records of our lore, May you survive the alarming perils of our time, And prosper even more, for centuries to come.
HMADS 26th Annual Science Fair Dedicated In Memory Of Dr. Albert Kapikian, Virologist
By Kristen Reed
Event Organized by AGBU Western District Draws Hundreds to Glendale Central Library
The DEPOP Research Group, in part- nership with AGBU and the Kololian Foun- dation, has just concluded a worldwide tour to present its report “The Depopula- tion Crisis in Armenia.” The group’s stop in California, which followed events in Beirut, Paris, Toronto, New York, was or- ganized by the AGBU Western District and drew over 250 guests to the Glendale Cen- tral Library. There, guests weighed in on a new dialogue about emigration, demo- graphic and socioeconomic challenges in Armenia today and possibilities for build- ing a stronger future for the republic.
to the need for the Armenian diaspora to help reverse these demographic trends. Using Israel and its repatriation efforts as a case study, he called on diasporans to join together in their efforts to help Armenia.
The researchers include Dr. Khatchik Der Ghougassian of the Hrayr Maroukhian Foundation; Veronica Aghajanyan, Ani Avetisyan, Tatevik Hovhannisyan, Elena Kozhemyakina, Elena Muradyan, and Elina Sahakyan of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University; Kristine Antonyan, Karlen Khachatryan, and Haik Sargsyan of Yerevan State University; and independent researchers Arshak Balayan, Armen Gaka- vian, and Avetik Mejlumyan.
In his address to guests at the AGBU Central Office in New York, Kololian re- marked that “theArmenian people have a history of uniting in the face of crisis. The country’s readily declining population is yet another crisis that we must resolve to- gether, whether it is by investing in local businesses and micro-lending or by engag- ing with the Ministry of Diaspora to sup- port civic projects that lead to greater citizen involvement.”
The DEPOP teams’ monitoring and sur- veys revealed startling statistics: a near 20% drop in Armenia’s population over the past two decades. Their research shows that al- though those numbers were initially tied to a lack of economic opportunities, in recent years, families with higher earnings are even more likely to leave the country.
The first step to bringing about mean- ingful change, he continued, is to strengthen civic institutions across Arme- nia and to organize public discussions, which they were able to initiate with the AGBU Western District as a partner. Krekor Karaguezian, the AGBU Western District chair, noted that “this event was the first of its kind to raise awareness within our local community in the Los Angeles area about what is now unfolding in Armenia. Our members left with new insights into the current situation, inspired to do what they can to strengthen the democratic process and create a prosperous future for our country and our people. We are thankful for the support of the Kololian Foundation and the young researchers who helped to create this important platform.”
In light of these findings, the DEPOP group proposed recommendations, which they shared with the Glendale audience. Vahan Kololian, co-founder of the Toronto- based think tank the Mosaic Institute and the sponsor of the DEPOP project, pointed
To learn more about the DEPOP group, and to download a copy of the report “The Depopu- lation Crisis in Armenia,” please visit
British Journalist Briefs Armenian Community
In LA On Latest Developments In Syria
Our special guest of the day was Phar- macist, Mr. Ted Guekjian, R. Ph., a current HMADS parent of Third grader Carolina. Mr. Guekjian taught the students about the chemistry of soap making, and with the help of his wife, the students even got to make their own soap to take home with them as a souvenir. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Ted Guekjian!
By Lusine Avanesyan
Public Radio of Armenia, Los Angeles
Journalist Robert Fisk says was shocked by the condition of the Christian church in the Syrian city of Yabroud, which has been razed to the ground. Fisk, who has long been working as The Indepen- dent’s correspondent in the Middle East, told about his impressions from the visit to Syria at a meeting with representatives of the Armenian community in Los Angeles. He said the Greek Church in Yabroud had been completely destroyed.
I cannot imagine how this can be prevented,” Fisk said.
According to the journalist, the dividing lines among the Syrian population are the
Oakland Gardens, NY- The 26th Annual Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School– HMADS Science Fair 2014- took place from Tuesday, March 11th to Thursday, March 13th, and it was three days filled with noth- ing but Science, Science, and more Science across its many fields.
On Wednesday, March 12th Our spe- cial guest of the day was Dr. Mary Grigo- ratos, Orthodontist, our sixth grade teacher Ms. Christina's sister.
Robert Fisk has taken an example of a burnt New Testament as a proof of the van- dalism taking place in Syria today. He met a woman, who spent three years under the Islamist rule in Yabroud. She told Chris- tians had to by food twice as expensive be- cause of their belief.
Robert Fisk noted that once a rich city, Yabroud is now in ruins. Although it has been liberated by the Syrian army, it is de- stroyed and unrecognizable today, like the rest of Syria.
Mr. Hovhannes Mardirossian, Nuclear Physicist, Vice President of AESA, NY-NJ branch and Chairman of Technology and Education, and Ms. Shaunte' Baboumian – HMADS class of '99, a graduate student at Columbia University. Also joining the Sci- ence Assembly were: Mr. Robert Karapet- ian, a veteran photographer and Mrs. Kariné Kocharyan, the president of the VOA, Armenian TV.
“Will it ever be possible to eliminate the huge gap between the Christian and Mus- lim communities? Perhaps never,” Fisk said.
Robert Fisk, an English writer and jour- nalist, has been Middle East correspondent of The Independent for more than twenty years, primarily based in Beirut. Fisk holds more British and international journalism awards than any other foreign correspon- dent. He has also been voted International Journalist of the Year seven times. He has published a number of books and reported on several wars and armed conflicts.
major problem. He said the western jour- nalists even have maps distinguishing the Shia, Sunni and Christian districts. These maps and dividing lines exist in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, he said, adding that this is the major problem in the Middle East.
This year’s Science Fair was dedicated in memory of Dr. Albert Kapikian, a virol- ogist, who passed away on February 24, 2014 at the age of 83. Dr. Kapikian was a pi- oneering virologist at the National Insti- tutes of Health who discovered norovirus in 1972, with his colleagues identified the hepatitis-A virus in 1973, was the first sci- entist in the United States to detect human rotavirus, and led a decade long effort that resulted in the first licensed rotavirus vac- cine in 1998. His father, Mr. Zareh Kapikian a survivor of the Armenian Genocide, was a staunch believer in Armenian education and considered the grandfather of HMADS.
In the afternoon our special guests ar- rived; our principal extended special thanks to all of them as she introduced them: Mr. Vahan Tanal, P.E., AESA, NY-NJ Section's Chairman of the Mentoring Com- mittee, and a former parent, Mr. Aram Set- ian, Physics / MBA, President of AESA, NY-NJ branch and Project Manager Engi- neering and Quality Media Support, Mer- cedes Benz- USA,
While in Syria, Fisk met with an Ar- menian clergyman, who told that about 25- 30 thousand Syrian Armenians had fled the country and he does not believe they will ever return. “This is the case with other Christian communities, as well, and this is the greatest tragedy. As a witness of all this,
He is one of a few Western journalists to have interviewed Osama bin Laden, which he did on three occasions between 1993 and 1997.
On Tuesday March 11th we kicked off the start of the Science Fair with Ms. Hrip- sime's First Graders and Ms. Mayda's Sec- ond Graders singing "The Water Cycle Song".
Mr. Hovhannes Mardirossian ex- plained with the help of a Power Point Presentation the use of LASER to the stu- dents. The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth
Cont. on p.9
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday March 27, 2014 9
Who Was God Marduk? Worshippers Believed In Mardukin – In Husband And Wife
fact be Marduk who was perfect with 4 eyes, 4 ears and his worshippers believed in Mardukin – in Husband and Wife ( in Armenian)?
Turk Intellectuals Who Recognized The Armenian Genocide
Picture: 1.Marduk and
10 - Ahmet Insel By Hambersom Aghbashian
1915 genocide and the ques- tion of its recognition.(1)(4)
Republic of Arme- nia with Mt Ararat. According to Sumerian epics Sumerians (Mar- duk) originally came from Aratta- Ararat- Armenia. Aratta means ‘Ara’s house’ to which corre- sponded semanti- cally the names Ayrarat (‘Ara’s plain’) and Urartu/Ur-ardi (‘place of Ardi- Ara’). AR/ARA is ancient Armenian God Creator – AR-AR-ich
Marduk in Enûma Eliš is described as hav- ing 4 eyes, 4 ears. The growth of large, among all excellent
ine.Four eyes, four ears! In Armenian Mard means Human Being, Person, Husband, Man. Marduk can also mean Small Person, Little Man, Kid, Child If you asked an ancient Ar- menian worshipper of God Marduk who he be- lieved in the answer would be “Mardukin.” In Armenian language Mardukin is “Husband and Wife” (Mard u Kin). Kin means Wife, Fe- male, Woman. Marduk having 4 eyes, 4 ears is
Ahmet Insel (born in 1955 in Istanbul to a Turkish Sunni Muslim and kemalist family), is a Turkish Economist, Uni- versity professor, Writer and a Columnist. He did his univer- sity studies in Paris and di- rected the Economics Department of the University of Paris I from 1990 to 1994. Since 2004, he teaches in the Economics Department of Galatasaray University in Is- tanbul and since 2007, he has been Head of the department of economy in Galatasaray In France, he was one of the founders of the review MAUSS (Anti-Utilitarian Move- ment in the Social Sciences); in Turkey, he participates in the Iletisim venture, the ed- iting house which published the writer Orhan Pamuk, and he is a chronicler for the daily Radikal. Ahmet Insel wrote a great number of books about Turkey and is now one of the managing editor of the progres- sist editing house Iletisim.(1)(2)
In his article "Could Eu- rope have an effect on the Ar- menian question ? ( 10 October 2013, Insel wrote "it is obvious that there is a strong sensitivity among EU member countries towards genocide which Armenians were exposed to. We saw the reflection of this fact in deci-
2. Babylon.
sions of parliaments of some EU member countries to accept the genocide and espe- cially in the attitude of European Parlia- ment continues from 1987 till today ". He added " We are in an era in which the pol- icy of “no problems with neighbor coun- tries” is collapsed in Turkish foreign policy. Within the following two years, Armenian question shall be discussed in the world public opinion and the genocide shall be commemorated. In such an environment,
Unthinkable the shape of his perfect - It is difficult to understand, it is impossible to imag-
Ahmet Insel is one of the initiators of a Turkish petition asks Armenians for forgiveness for the 1915 genocide. On Dec. 7,2008, Robert Tait wrote in (The Guardian) "Academics and writers in Turkey have risked a fierce official back- lash by issuing a public apology which came in an open letter that invites Turks to sign an online pe- tition supporting its senti- ments. It reads: "My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I re- ject this injustice and for my share, I em- pathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers. I apologize to them". Tait added that "The contents expose its au- thors - three scholars, Ahmet Insel, Baskin Oran and Cengiz Aktar, and a journalist, Ali Bayramoglu - to the wrath of the Turk- ish state, which has prosecuted writers, in- cluding the Nobel prize-winning novelist Orhan Pamuk, for supporting Armenian genocide claims".(3)
the approach of Turkey to- wards Armenian question shall tend to be more de- fensive and reactive rather than to be proactive to- wards positive solution. The improvement which shall neutralize this ten- dency could be the fact that EU Council shall ac- celerate membership ne- gotiations of Turkey spectacularly."(5)
Mardukin (a Husband and Wife).
According to (hyeme-, 17 Oct 2013) , Ahmen Insel visited Ar- menia to participate in a book festival. Presentation
*** .. We think it most probable that, after
all, Ararat was in Armenia; and that when posterity of Noah, or a part of them, left Ar-
Here we can also see another important concept – a concept of Family:
of Armenian version of Dialogue sur le tabou arménien (Dialogue about the Ar- menian Taboo) co-authored by Ahmet Insel and Michel Marian was held during the festival.(6)
Marduk is the son of Haya (Ea). Hay in Armenian is “Armenian.” Haya created the world by Marduk’s plan.
The most complete genealogy of Mar- duk is represented in the poem “Enuma Elish” ( Enûma Eliš ) – he was the son of Haya (Ea) and Damkiny, grandson of Anwar and Kithar. Winner of Tiamat. God Haya (Ea) created man by his plan.
1. ?sp=liv&livre_id=332
Arman Revazyan, Sumerologist.
3. /2008/dec/08/armenian-genocide-turkey- apology-petition
menia, they first went eastwards towards the Caspian Sea, then south-eastward, and finally westward to Shinar.
Hay(a) is a self designative name of Ar- menians. Means “Armenian”.
In April 2010, Ahmet Insel and Michel Marian published "Dialogue about the Ar- menian Taboo" (in Turkish and French).The book is a conversation between two men, one Turk, Ahmet Insel ,and one Armenian, Michel Marian , about the past, the present, and the future. Through their personal and family itineraries, the great events that marked the history of these two peoples are evoked with, as its culminating point, the
4. ang=en&id=322&debate_ID=4&slide_ID=2
Marduk, Sumerian God.
The land of Shinar was certainly the same afterwards called Babylonia or Chaldea.
In Armenian Mard means Human Being, Person, Husband.
5. php/en/turkey-and-european-union- standpoint-of-turkey/could-europe-have- an-effect-on-the-armenian-question
Thomas Tucker Smiley “Geographical and Historical Account of the Places men- tioned in the Holy Scriptures.
Marduk = also can mean a small per- son, little man
This is similar to old Armenian legend thought to be based on Biblical story about a Perfect Human Being which was two in one–andaManandaWoman.Coulditin
If you asked an ancient Armenian wor- shipper of God Marduk who he believed in the answer would be “Mardukin.” In Ar- menian language Mardukin is “Husband and Wife” (Mard u Kin).
6. et-Insel/529539334
Mard (Person, Man, Husband, Human Being) – Marduk ( little person, baby, kid, child ) – Mardukin (Husband and Wife).
Azerbaijan Requires James Warlick’s Dismissal
Based on Arman Revazyan’s works.
HMADS 26th Annual Science Fair...
graders participated in the HMADS Inven- tion Center, 2014, and presented their in- ventions to their classmates, teachers, and special guests. After much debate and con- templation the winners were chosen. In 3rd place was Olivia Nercessian, Fourth Grade with the "Liter Meter," in 2nd place was Haig Piramzadian, Fifth Grade with the "Duo Shaker," and in First Place was Mar-
From Minsk Group
got convinced that for the resolution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict the participa- tion of official Stepanakert is necessary.
Cont. from p. 8
The statement of U.S. Co-Chairman James Warlick in Twitter that Karabakh con- flict is a conflict “between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan”, not between Ar- menia and Azerbaijan has caused a real hysteria in Azerbaijan.
In an interview with Azerbaijani portal Guladze referred to Warlick’s statement as “a message of not a very pro- fessional diplomat”. The portal called U.S. Co-Chairman frivolous and silly and ex- pressed its dissatisfaction with the fact that Washington has appointed such a “frivo- lous person who writes on social network everything that crosses his mind” as a Co- Chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group.
2.http://www.recon- iew=item&id=31&Itemid=157&lang=en
garet Sakar, Sixth Grade with the "Home Use Bottle Shredder."
Thank you to all of our guest speakers and special guests for supporting the HMADS Science Fair and for expanding the minds of our students. Also special thanks are extended to our students, teach- ers, and parents for working together to present such a wonderful week of Science.
Former government adviser on foreign affairs of Azerbaijan, political scientist Vafa Guladze in an interview with Azerbaijani news portal said that it is neces- sary to “kick out” James Warlick from the OSCE Minsk Group. Azerbaijan is not pleased with the fact that the American side
10 Nor Or Weekly - Thursday March 27, 2014
“Partam: All Things Armenian” App
Azerbaijan Secular Country:
To Launch By April 24
What About Society? By Nelli Minasyan
Feature-rich release provides photos and info about Armenian destinations across the US, profiles of eminent Armenians
The constitution of the country de- clares Azerbaijan as secular state, where re- ligion and state are separated, where everyone has equal rights to exercise his/her belief, no matter which religion a person is affiliated to. Azerbaijan has often been identified as one of the most secular Muslim countries, where state has man- aged to keep balance between religion and state.
Sounds great, isn’t it? Now let’s come out of the world of imagination and look directly into realty.
Los Angeles, March 19, 2014 — “Par- tam: All Things Armenian,” a powerful app providing a wealth of information about modern Armenian identity, will be released by April 24, on the occasion of the 99th an- niversary of the Genocide.
Middle East, and elsewhere to research and photograph Armenian landmarks and in- stitutions. Concurrently, he has compiled a vast amount of material on Armenian- Americans who have contributed their tal- ents and inventions to American civilization. His documentary work has been published in several books (all avail- able at, and is now being made accessible through the Partam app as well.
In spite of the fact that Azerbaijan offi- cially is considered a secular state, religion plays a prominent part in social as well as political life of the country. Approximately 96-98% of Azerbaijani population is Mus- lim. The majority of Azerbaijani society is Shiites (65%), while almost 35% are Sunnis. The number of representatives of other re- ligions doesn’t pass 6-7%. Islam has inten- sively started to revive in Azerbaijan after the country gained its independence; that is from late 20th century on. Simultane- ously Islam was used on two fronts: the state was using Islam to consolidate the identity of people living in Azerbaijan, while different streams and branches of Islam under the supervision of some coun- tries (mainly Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia) penetrated into the country and started to attract people and disseminate their ideol- ogy in the society. As a result, today, we have what we have! Islam is an inseparable part of Azerbaijani society, frequently cause of tensions, protests, even sometimes armed clashes, in spite of the fact that the state authorities restrict religion through of- ficial as well as unofficial means: such as legal amendments to law on religion and wave of arrests of religious activists on fab- ricated charges.
on services on special holidays, in 2013 20% of the population attended religious serv- ices at least once a month because it is re- quired by religious traditions.
The Partam app features high-quality photos and descriptions of Armenian land- marks and institutions throughout the United States, profiles of hundreds of emi- nent Armenian-Americans, and informa- tion about numerous Armenian commercial establishments.
“At a time when most Armenian or- ganizations are still in protest mode, plan- ning the same old marches, going through the same routine, I thought of offering our youth a concrete, progressive, up-to-the- minute tool to foster in them a powerful awareness of their cultural heritage,” Par- tamian said. “My position is, ‘Yes, we lost 1.5 million compatriots and we lost our lands, but we gained the world.’ The 1915 Genocide was a failed attempt to annihilate our nation. The Partam app is my answer to that failed attempt; it celebrates our comeback, our victory, as a people.”
This is the overall image of the whole Azerbaijani population. However, the trend is not identical all over the territory of the country. There are regions in Azerbaijan that are considered to be traditionally reli- gious ones. The main reason for that is his- torical. Those religious regions were Iran influenced Shia regions, Turkey influenced Sunni ones or North Caucasus and Saudi Arabia influenced Salafi ones. The most re- ligious regions and cities of Azerbaijan are northern regions of Zakatali, Ismaili, Qakh, Geychai, Evlakh, Quba, Ganja, Qusar as well as southern regions of Jalilabad, Masala, Lenkoran and Absheron Peninsula: Baku, Sumgait, Nardaran. Those are hot spots of the country, the places where most frequently religious protests and clashes are taking place.
The geographical material is searchable by US city and categories including Ar- menian Centers, Schools, Churches, Khachkars, and Genocide Memorials. Users can click on any entry to see maps and driving directions. In addition, they can directly connect with their destinations of choice through the provided phone, Web, and email links.
Overall, in spite of the fact that Muslim society of Azerbaijan belongs to different branches and streams of Islam and differ- ent regions of the country enjoy diverse de- grees of religiosity, the overall picture is that the personal religiosity of Azerbaijani society has been gradually increasing from 2009 to 2013, given the mean of religions importance and self-perception of reli- giousness, reaching to the point where more than half of the population is reli- gious. Though the reported attendance to religious services monthly don’t pass 20% yet, there is comparatively high trust to- wards religious organizations and more than half of the population on special holi- days attend to services because it is re- quired by religion, and more than a half from time to time follow religious tradi- tions. All these developments occurred in the environment of restrictive legal and ad- ministrative measures aimed at preventing people to exercise their religious freedom, not even given the illegal restrictions to- wards religious associations and persons, who have constantly become subject of ha- rassment of the authorities. Interestingly, there is an opinion in the academic com- munity that Islamic revival in recent years, besides world events, has been directly in- fluenced by those restrictions and harass- ment towards believers. The theory of counter-reaction? We will see..The Partam app’s geographical desti- nations are complemented by a treasure trove of information about outstanding Ar- menian-Americans, including inventors, scientists, artists, writers, political and mil- itary leaders, athletes, entrepreneurs, and others. The information includes biograph- ical profiles, photos, and reproductions of US patents.
Partamian said that the Partam app will be a “work in progress,” in the sense that material will be added to it in the months leading up to April 24, 2015, and enhance- ments will continue to be made afterwards. “By the centenary of the Genocide in 2015, the Partam app will include photos and de- scriptions of Armenian landmarks and in- stitutions in not only the US, but also Lebanon, Cyprus, Italy, Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, and the UK,” Par- tamian explained. “I have already docu- mented Armenian landmarks and institutions in these countries, and will con- tinue to do so in other countries where there are Armenian communities.”
The analysis of Caucasus Barometer data, country-wide survey conducted in Azerbaijan starting from 2008-2009, once more confirms that in Azerbaijan the soci- ety is becoming more and more religious.
Partam app users can get registered, create bookmarks, and leave comments.
In a period of 2009 to 2013 the number of Azerbaijanis that considered religion to be important part of their everyday life in- creased from 67% to 82%. Over half of the population as of 2013 (58%) fast because it is required by religion. Azerbaijani society as well tends to trust religious organiza- tions. In 2013, 65% of Azerbaijani society re- ported about their trust towards religious organizations. The self-reported religiosity of Azerbaijanis experienced a gradual in- crease. In 2011, 25% of the population con- sidered themselves religious, while in 2013 this number already equaled to 32%, whereas the increase was constant.
“It’s all about instilling in our youth an awareness of their cultural heritage,” said Stepan Partamian, the creator of the app, which is being offered to the public free of charge.
“I’m launching the Partam app as a major project connected with the com- memoration of the 100th anniversary of the 1915 Genocide,” Partamian continued. “I am gifting this app, which is the culmina- tion of ten years of my work, to the Ar- menian nation, as a tool for Armenians throughout the world to research and re- joice in their cultural identity, and also, ul- timately, to help bring the worldwide Armenian community closer together.”
“To date, over $100,000 have been spent on research, traveling, and photography,” Partamian said. “This is a one-man project, with no support from any institution. By the time all the photography and research material I’ve gathered over the past decade, including Armenian landmarks and insti- tutions outside the US, is featured on the Partam app, the total price tag will reach $300,000.”
The attendance to religious services as well has been rising in spite of Azerbaijani authorities’ crackdown on religious lead- ers, activists and closure of mosques. Though in 2009, as analysis show, the Azer- baijanis didn’t attend to religious services frequently: only half of the population went
During the past decade, Partamian has traveled throughout the US, Europe, the
Damascus: Turkish Aggression In Kassab Reflects Actual Involvement In Events Since Beginning
halt its aggression, support terrorism and show respect to the Security Council’s rele- vant resolutions, the Foreign Ministry source said. It also voiced Syria’s demand the Turkish government “refrain from in- volving Turkish army in unavailing and unjustifiable adventures against a neigh- boring country that have only the feelings of fraternity and good-neighborliness to- wards the Turkish people and the desire to continue good bilateral relations that serve the two neighboring countries and their peoples”. H. Said
Damascus, (SANA) Syria dismissed military aggression which the Turkish gov- ernment has waged against Syria’s sover- eignty and the sanctity of its land in Kassab area over past two days as reflecting Turkey’s actual involvement in the events in Syria from the beginning of the crisis up to now.
The aggression, the source noted, in- cluded firing tank and artillery shells on the Syrian territories to secure coverage for the armed terrorist groups to enter into Syria from the Turkish land.
take part in massive protests against Erdo- gan demanding the departure of his regime.
An official source at the Foreign and Ex- patriates Ministry labeled in a statement on Sunday Turkish aggression as “unprece- dented and unjustifiable” that also reflects bankruptcy of Erdogan.
It reiterated that these “serious” Turk- ish military attacks reflect Erdogan’s failure to handle the needs of the Turkish people who have rejected the Turkish govern- ment’s hostile policies against Syria as they also rejected the corruption which Erdogan is involved and uncovering the involve- ment which led to the Turkish people to
“This escalation came in the framework of the aggressive policies of Erdogan’s gov- ernment and its openly-provided support to the armed terrorist groups,” said the source, adding that the terrorist groups have taken up the Turkish lands as a shel- ter, springboard and arming center for them to kill innocent Syrians and destroy the infrastructure of the Syrian people.
Syria demands Erdogan government
N.O. March 27, 2014, No. 13:N.O. Blank 3/26/14 1:47 PM Page 7
Srbaxan Fa\re .øsqi pafoun
Ar;g N,an;an
Øqlant Kartenx- Niu :orq - Ourbaj^ ";trouar 21% 2014-i ;r;ko\;an Srboz Nafatakaz Amhnør;a\ Warvarani _S&N&A&W&- frauhrow Galoust;an srafin mh= fauaqoua‘ hin Ar;g N,an;an entaniqi andamn;rn ou bar;- kamn;re% warvaranin fogabar- ]ouj;an andamn;re% SNAW-i Bar;kamn;rou |an]na.oumbin andamn;re% ousouzcakan kaxme% Findl;an Sanouz Miouj;an ;u Polsafa\ Miouj;an n;rka\azou- zicn;re% miasnabar gnafatanqi arvanazn;lou Tiar Ar;g N,an- ;anin ;rkaram;a\ ‘a®a\oujiune SNAW-i entaniqhn n;rs!
Ar;g N,an;an ;u ir axnoua- 'a\l ko[akize^ Filtan a®a=in angam SNAW-i entaniqin ‘anø- jazan ;rb ir;nz ordin Alhne ;u apa doustr^ Lorin mankamsourhn isk a,ak;rt;lou sksan! A\d ta- rin;rhn sks;al Thr ;u Tikin N,a- n;ann;re ir;nz gor‘øn mas- nakzoujiune b;rin warvaranin mhn mi \an]na.oumbin a,.a- tanqn;roun% ;u ke ,arounak;n no\n korowow xørawig kangnil warvaranin iuraqanciur ];®- narkin% faka®ak anor or ardhn ir;nz xauakn;re ,atonz auar- ta‘% masnagitaza‘ ;u ir;nz asparhxn;roun nouiroua‘ ;n!
:r;kon ir fa\rakan n;rka\ou- j;amb ke patouhr Miaz& Na- f a n g n ;r o u A r ; u ;l ; a n J ; mi A®a=nord^ Bar]ra,norf T& >a- vak Arq& Parsam;an! Patouo\ s;[anin A®a=nord Srbaxan før s;[anakiz hin Srboz Nafata- kaz :k;[;zuo\ fowiu^ Arv& T& Ab- rafam Qfn\&;an% ørouan m;‘ar;al^ Ar;g N,an;an ;u ir axnoua'a\l tikine^ Filtan% Ar;- gin ‘no[qe^ Polso\ Dpr;wanqhn n;rs ir baxmawastak ‘a®a\ou- j;amb ‘anøj mankawarv% gra- baraght ;u Srbaxan før ousou- zic^ Toqj& ;u Tik& Arta,hs-Silwa N,an;ann;re% m;‘ar;al amolin xauakn;re^ Alhn ;u Lori N,an- ;ann;re ;u warvarani tnørh- noufi Tik& Xarminh Pø[os;ane!
Srbaxan før bazman a[øjqhn ;tq Tik& Pø[os;ani fandisawa- rouj;amb enjazq a®au ørouan \a\tagire! An jou;z bolor a\n \atkani,n;re oronq n,oua‘ hin Ar;gin f;t gor‘akzo[ ousouz- cakan kaxmhn ;u \an]na.oum- b;rou andamn;rhn a\d øroua\ m;‘ar;alin famar n,anakoua‘ fiur;rou grqo\kin mh=! Ar;ge bo- lorhn .oraphs gnafatoua‘ an]-
nauoroujiun men h% ;u yanczoua‘^ orphs gor‘oun;a\% nouiroua‘% fa- uasarak,®oua‘% fam;st% y,da- paf% f;t;uo[akan vo[owakan% ;u fogatar^ \atkaphs warvaranin w;rab;ro[ farz;roun nkatmamb! aIm ‘anøjoujiuns sksa‘ h ;rb Alhne m;r mankamsouri a,ak;rt ar]anagroua‘ hr! Ankh ;tq Ar;g tarin;rou ir ‘a®a\oujiu- ne sksau ‘no[akan \an]na.oum- bin mas kaxm;low! Tarouh tari fasau minc;u fogabar]ouj;an
at;nap;touj;an pa,tønin! :r- kou xauakn;re wka\ou;low gazin% ba\z^ warvarans ke warani auar- takani wka\akan tal Ar;gin!
A\s fauaqo\je m;r bolorin ;ra.tagitouj;an fam;st mhk arta\a\toujiunn h% ];r patoua- kan ‘no[qin ;u ];r sirasoun xa- uakn;roun es;lou jh^ ;jh anonq ordiakan ;u fa\rakan parta- kanoujiunn;rhn xlazoua‘ paf;r apra‘ ;n - t;sn;lou jh a\d pa- f;re o#ur ;u incph#s arv;uoroua‘
;n% ‘a®a\;lou i 'a®s fa\;zi dastiarakouj;an ;u Fa\ Amh- nør;a\ warvaranin go\at;umano!
Tik& Pø[os;an fiumorow drouag me patm;low au;lzouz jh a\s fauaqe parxaphs mi=nadadar men h% Ar;gin anzno[ 25 taroua\ ‘a®a\ouj;an% orphsxi fangst- ;an kocou;lou ga[a'arn angam snouzan;lhn fravari% bolorowin mtqhn wanh% ;u no*r ;®andow ,arounakh ir nouiroume% orowf;- t;u SNAW ,a*t phtq ouni Ar;- gin ;u Filta\in phs anfatn;rou 'or]a®ouj;an ;u nouiroumino!
Siro\ ;u gnafatanqi bavak bar]razn;lou frauhre touau warvarani fogabar]ouj;an na.kin at;nap;t% ;u fimnadire^ SNAW-i Bar;kamn;rou fanga- nakouj;an \an]na.oumbin% Tiar Nourfan Atar;an!
|a=ordabar gnafatanqi ;u ;ra.tagitakan arta\a\tou- jiunn;row ;lo\j oun;zan Foga- bar]ouj;an fa,ouapaf ;u SNAW-i Bar;kamn;rou |an]na- .oumbin at;nap;t^ Prn& |owfan- nhs Maliq;ane ;u warvaranin n;rka\ ‘no[n;rou anounow^ Tik& Lana Gaxany;ane!
Tik& Pø[os;an \atouk fpar- touj;amb b;m frauir;z warva- rani ,r=anauartn;rhn .oumb me^ g;[arou;stakan kokik \a\tag- row me ir;nz masnakzoujiune b;r;lou a\s n,anakaliz ørouan% ;u miavamanak akanat;s ella- lou kamauor a,.ato[n;roun b;- ra‘ n;rdroumin ;u gnafatanqi mhk arta\a\touj;an! |a=orda- bar ;lo\j oun;zan Nigol Ma®q^ =oujakow ;u Arjiur Ibhq^ da,- naki enk;rakzouj;amb% anonq framzouzin Komitasi aGaroun a&&&on! Dalar |owsh';an% or Tikin Filta\hn das k∞a®nh% da,naki wra\ nouag;z
artasan;z Famø Saf;ani aM;r L;xouno fa\;rhn ;u ir isk axat jargmanouj;amb angl;rhnow kardaz% f;xasaf qnq,ouj;amb ';low Saf;a- ni patgame fa\a.øs ;u an- glia.øs n;rkan;roun!
Ar;g ;u Filta N,an;ann;roun fra,ali nouhr men hr% dar];a*l warvarani ,r=anauartn;rhn ;u m;‘ar;alin xauakn;re^ a\vm gowaxda\in kaloua‘hn n;rs mas- nagitaza‘ Alhnin ;u d;[agor- ‘oufi Loriin famat;[ a,.atan- qow% safikn;rou øgnouj;amb ;lo\- je! Alhn ;u Lori 'o.n i 'o. .øs;low ir;nz entan;kan a®ør- ;an n;rka\azouzin% ‘no[qin man- kouj;nhn sks;al% nkarn;row patm;zin anonz k;anqi ou[iin masin% Polso\ Findl;anhn minc;u Niu :orq fas- tatouile 1980-akani skix b n;- roun!
Ar;g ;u Filta\i ‘anøjoujiune sksa‘ hr Findl;ani na.akrja- rani gras;[ann;rhn! K;anqi pa\mann;rou b;roumow tarb;r ou[in;row ,arounakoua‘ hr ir;nz
N,an;an entaniq
K;drone Xarminh Pø[os;an ;u Thr ;u Tik& Ar;g N,an;an
|a\tagrin masnako[n;re Ar;g N,an;anin f;t
N.O. March 27, 2014, No. 13:N.O. Blank 3/26/14 1:47 PM Page 8
NOR ØR% MART 27% 2014
K;anqe FBEM Art;mis Naxar;an ’a[kozhn n;rs
F B E M A r t ; mi s N a x a r ; a n ’a[kozi Bar;k;ndani ;u War- dananz tønin nouiroua‘ mi=o- za®oume a\s tari \;ta]gou;zau Mart 7-in^ annpast ;[anakin patya®ow! A\d ør% m;r 'oqrik a,ak;rtn;re ounhin dimakn;r% karg me dasarann;r dar]a‘ hin Wardann;r^ sa[auartn;row% ;u endfanraphs tønakan hr mjnolorte dours galow am;nør- ;a\ famaxg;stn;rou miørina- kouj;nhn!
Bolor dasarann;re .oumb a® .oumb% ir;nz dastiarak jh øg- nakan ousouzcoufin;roun gl.auo- rouj;amb ;u fa\kakan ;rav,tou- j;an tak moutq gor‘;zin ar- f;stakan ‘a‘kow marxada,t! A pa% skix b a®au \a\tagire % gl.auorouj;amb fa\;rhni ousouz- coufin;r tikinn;r L;na Ars- lan;ani% Wiqi Cilinkir;ani ;u Qnar Pø[os;ani% incphs na;u ;rg-;rav,touj;an ousouzcoufi Tikin Marinh Qhl;ani!
A,ak;rtn;re m;‘ .andawa- ®ouj;amb ;rg;zin ;u artasa- n;zin Wardananzi ou Bar;k;n- dani \atouk ;rg;r ;u artasa- noujiunn;r! Fandisoujiune 'a- kou;zau tnørhnoufi Tikin Ja- gou, >odaba.,;ani ,norfauo- rakan ;u ,norfakalakan .øsqow! N;rka\ m;‘ajiu ‘no[n;roun fa- mar wa\;lqi paf men hr t;sn;l 2-5 tar;kan au;li qan fariur 'oqrikn;rou fa\a,ounc ou fa\a- dro,m \a\tagire!
A\l Gor‘ounhoujiunn;r
- |ounouar 8-in m;r a,ak;rt- n;re .andawa®ouj;amb dproz w;radar]an karøtow l;zoun dh- pi ir;nz enk;rn;re% .a[aliq- n;re ;u a®ør;a\ dprozakan k;anqe!
- |ounouari mh= m;r cors ta- r;kann;re pto\ti gazin dhpi Thousand Oaks Civic Center wa- \;l;low aShanghai Actobatso-i fra- ,ali kataroumn;re!
- K;nza[awarouj;an nouiroua‘ fauaqin^ aCharacter Trait Assem- blyo-in enjazqin% a,ak;rtn;re w;r\i,;zin tar;skixbhn i w;r ir;nz sorwa‘n;re^ aWstaf;liou- jiuno% aFogataroujiuno ;u a|arganqo! A\s kar;uor niuj;re mas ke kaxm;n m;r a®ør;a\ da- sauandouj;an ;u dastiarakou- j;an enjazqin! ";trouar am- souan niuje aArdaroujiunon hr!
- Vo[ow-Fandipoum me oun;- zanq 4 tar;kann;rou ‘no[n;roun f;t% xir;nq na.apatrast;lou famar \a=ord tar;,r=anin^ Mankaparthxin! Qnnarkou;zan xanaxan farz;r& incph#s ke patrast;nq m;r a,ak;rtn;re% orphsxi diurouj;amb ;u bnakan enjazqow Mankaparthx 'o.a- drouin& i#nc t;saki a,.atanq- n;r ke katarouin Mankapar- thxi mh= ;u a\ln! :rkrord vo[ow men al t;[i oun;zau Fing,abji% Mart 13-in% our \au;l;al t;[;- koujiunn;r trou;zan m;r ‘no[n;- roun Mankaparthxi a®ør;a\ k;anqi ;u ørhnqn;rou masin! A,ak;rtn;r ardhn isk a®ije oun;zan fandip;lou ir;nz galiq dasaranin f;t% ,'ou;zan a\s tarouan Mankaparthxi a,a- k;rtn;roun% ousouzcoufin;roun ;u dasaranin mjnolortin f;t!
- Ambo[= ,abaj me \atka- zouza‘ hinq dasarann;rhn n;rs ’a[kozi ‘no[n;rou a\z;louj;an% our ‘no[n;re fnarauoroujiune oun;zan vam me anzen;lou ir;nz xauakin dasaranhn n;rs! Fay;li ;u øgtakar!
- ’no[a-Ousouzcakan vo[ow- n;r t;[i oun;zan Marti a®a=in ,abjouan enjazqin% our ‘no[n;- roun f;t mankawarvakan møt;- zoumow qnnarkou;zan a,ak;rt- n;roun \arayoun aye ;u endfa- nour patrastoujiune!
F B E M A r t ; mi s N a x a r ; a n ’a[koze h* ou ke mna\ fa\abo\r pourak me 2-hn 5 tar;kan 'oq- rikn;rou famar% patrast;low xir;nq dhpi Mari Manouk;an Na.akrjaran ;u T;miry;an :rkrordakan warvaran!
J[jakzoujiune Warvaranhn
a":SAD O#UR Ho katak;rga- kan xau;,te anz;al ,abaj Pos- jeni mh= oun;za‘ ;lo\jow% \a[- jakan ,r=apto\ti ,[ja\in ;r- rord ø[ake iragor‘;z!
:ritasard \a\tni lragro- [oufi Jalin Papa\;ani mta- \[azoumn h a\s g;[;zik ;u .o- raja'anz gor‘e! Anfatakan na.a];®nouj;amb ;u fauaqakan yig;row% au;li qan qsan am;ri- kafa\ ;ritasard ;ritasar- doufin;r% gr;jh anj;ri b;ma- .a[arkouj;amb% grau;zin au;li qan faxar fandisat;sn;rou xma\la\nqe irara\a=ord ;r;q ;lo\jn;row Niu :orqi% Niu Yer- xii ;u Posjeni mh=!
a";sad O#ur Ho katak;rgakan xau;,te% n;rka\azoua‘ angl;rhn l;xouow ;u fam;moua‘ fa\;rhn na.adasoujiunn;row^ f;[ina- koujiunn h Jalin Papa\;anin!
>orq ;u a\vmhakanoujiun n;r- ka\azno[ a\s gor‘e^ lousar]aki tak k*a®nh fa\ k;anqe \ouxo[ fratap enk;ra\in_entan;kan kny®ot farz;r! Am;rik;an .a\- ta'[;k barq;re^ ba.oum k*oun;- nan auandapa,t fa\ entaniqi arvhqn;roun f;t! Fa\ ‘no[q ka®ca‘ ke mnan fa\ inqnoujiune pa,tpan;lou ir;nz andrdou;li wy®akamouj;an wra\! A u;lin% jat;rakan a\s inqnatip gor‘e a®lzoun h am;rikafa\ vamana- kakiz entan;kan k;anqi bax- majiu fakasoujiunn;row!
Gor‘o[oujiunn;re k*enjanan f;xasaf ;u endfoup! F;[inake \a=o[a‘ h a.tayanac;l t;[a- kan mi=awa\rin (m;r emb®noumow) oun;za‘ v.takan axd;zoujiune^ am;rikafa\ a\s s;roundin wra\% ;jh no\nisk a®vam;a\ fanga- manq ke xg;nou a\d!
|a=o[ b;makataroujiunn ou niujin .orounk imaste% ;xaki \a=o[ouj;an k*a®a=nordh a\s xau;,te% iuraqanciur fandisa- kanin an;rkba\ gnafatouj;an
arvananalow! Ardiakan am;rik;an barq;re
oronq .otor ke fam;matin fa\ entaniqin auandakan arvhqn;- roun f;t^ \stakørhn ourouag‘oua‘ ;n a\s xau;,tin mh=! |a=orda- kan ;r;q ];®narkn;rn al b;ma- drou;zan l;zoun srafn;rou mh=!
Au;li qan qsan am;rikafa\ ;ritasard ;ritasardoufin;r% oronz ‘no[qe Am;rika fasta- toua‘ ;n Libananhn% Souria\hn% Jourqia\hn incphs na;u am;ri- ka‘in fa\;r% (na;u gl.auor d;- rasann;rhn mhke australiafa\ h) warakic .andawa®ouj;amb% enk;rakan xouarj ;u fam;ra,. mjnolorti mh=^ a®a=nordouj;amb jat;ragir_b;madric J& Papa\- ;anin% \arab;rabar kary vama- nakami=ozi mh= iragor‘;zin a\s nouayoume!
T;[in h fraparaka\in ,nor- fakaloujiun \a\tn;l JMMiou- j;an ka®karoun [;kawarn;rhn% \a\tni fraparakagir |akob Wardiwa®;anin^ ir gor‘nakan a=akzouj;an famar!
C aj ma y ; a ni n ! A r d ar ; u |arouje^ ir fa[ordakan% f;xa- fambo\r ;u enk;ra\in møt;zoum- ow% ,abajn;r ambo[= n;rka\ gtnou;zau na.apatrastakan 'or];roun% katar;low baxmajiu øgta,at zouzmounqn;r!
W;r=aphs d;rasan d;rasanou- fin;roun ‘no[qn ou \aya.a‘ fa\ warvarann;roun dasatoun;re fpart ke xgan ir;nz xauak- n;roun ;u na.kin a,ak;rtn;roun apafowa‘ \a=o[ouj;amb! |a[- jakan ;rje ke ,arounakoui!
Iuraqnciur ];®narki faso\- jhn% oro, \atkazoum me ke ka- taroui fa\anpast ;u fa\rhnan- past ‘ragirn;rou satarman!
F&P& Niu Yerxi
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Na.agaf Øpama\i fastata‘ aditamatc;li .namqi ørhnqoi kam Obamacare a®o[=apafakan apafowagroujiune bauakan lau ;[au amprikazin;roun =a.=a.ic m;‘amasnouj;an famar% faka- ®ak karg me qnnadatn;rou% manauand baxmamilionathrn;rou ;u milia®tathr;rou!
Takauin qani me nafangn;r ke faka®akin ator ;u no\nisk safmana'akoumn;r ke fastat;n anor gor‘adrouj;an^ ir;nz na- fangn;roun mh=!
Nor bar;lauoume a\n h% or anonq oronq ardhn isk apafowa- groujiun me ounin% oronq c;n;r na.agafin saf- manoua‘ ca'ani,n;roun% piti kar;nan ir;nz oun;za‘ apafowa- groujiune paf;l minc;u 2017! A® i f;t;uanq% ,our= mhk milion am;rikazin;r ;u mhk milion 'oqr a®;utourn;r piti øgtouin a\s nor drouj;nhn!
W;rlou‘abann;re k*es;n% jh a\s bar;lauoume o[=mit møt;zoum me ;[au p;touj;an ko[mh% ;u mhkh au;li qnnadatn;r chxoqazan!
Isk qani me qnnadat-lragro[n;r k*es;n% or a\s w;r=in bar;la- uoume qa[aqakan m;‘ axd;zoujiun piti oun;na\^ i npast d;mok- ratn;roun!
K;za‘ k;anqi a'ounqin^ ;s^ banast;[‘ me d;® nor% :rb ;rg a® ;rg baza‘ j;u% k*a®nh j®icq im fogin% |or]ana®at ariunis ambo[= shrowe bosor% :s 'a\ln ou 'a®qe anmaf k*;rg;m fxør m;r l;xouin!
>auarafo‘ .orqin mh= vamanaki andoundin% Our m;r davan patmouj;an dar;rn endmi,t souxou;zan% Tatanoumin mh= ,ouar% a'in wra\ korousti A\boub;nown ir bazau m;xi ou[in 'rkouj;an!
:u nora‘ag ar;ui m*incphs ,o[;re pa\‘a®% Ba®;rn anor =amb;zin sirt;roun .ind ou ;rax& Palatn;roun% b;rd;roun ;u fiu[;roun m;r .onarf% Ibr fauastiq go\ouj;an^ yayancn anor ,o[,o[az!
Ou s;roundn;r anfamar xa\n kr;zin anwefat^ Arfauirqi ;u ar;an anfangrouan ou[ihn& Gorowanqow an\atak ou tqnouj;amb anendfat% K®;zin xa\n ;u touin t;silq ou 'a\l fr;[hn!
Dar]au ‘a[ka‘ maga[aj^ ;rkajagir dprouj;an% Dar]au mat;an patmouj;an^ sti a®anz s.ranqin% Nar;kazin ir sirtin va\jq;z anow four lauan% Anoq ‘.az orphs .ounk^
Siratocor sirt;rhn za\t;z orphs aantounio% zauhn m;r .an]o[% ;[au zauin m;r darman% A,.arfas'iu® pandou.tin ;rg;z .aprikn fa\r;ni% M;r go\ouj;an gouparin ;[au an sourn \a[jakan!
Fima qa\l;rg h dar];r ou ]a\nas'iu® zn‘agin% :[ba\rn;rous t;slawa®^ \a[j;@rge w;f \o\x;roun% Or k*ou®yanan anendfat ,o[;roun phs a\ga\in% Ou lo\s za\tq;r ke s'®;n a,.arfi cors ‘ag;roun!
Ou ;s k*;rg;m fima xa\n \o\xo*w% shro@w me bosor% Vo[owourdis auandin kangna‘ fpa*rt va®angord% Trouhr h gan] me in‘i% or couni* gin famaxør% Ou ;s anow ke \ordim m;r dar;roun t;ndow \ord&&&!
Afa k*i=n;m ;s k;anqi 'ojorka\o\x pa\qarin% Kour‘qis xra*f% foguo\s^ j;u era‘ fxør m;r l;xoun% |a[janaki ;rg;row maqa®oumin ke n;touim% Or ;s da®nam nor martik% arvani fi@n 'a®q;roun&&&!
DPROZN:ROU FAMAGOUMAR Mart 21-22% 2014 Saouj`ilt% Miciken
Fa\kakan Bar;gor‘akan Endfanour Miouj;an Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i dprozn;rou tnørhnn;r ;u fa\kakan niuj;r dasa- uando[ ousouzicn;r Mart 21-22% 2014-in fama.mbou;zan F&B&E&M&i Al;qs ;u Mari Manouk;an Carjer Dprozin mh=% Saouj- `ilt Miciken% masnakz;lou famar Fa\ krjouj;an nouiroua‘ famagoumari me!
:rkou ørouan famagoumari enjazqin% tnørhnn;r ;u ousou- zicn;r a®ij oun;zan a\z;l;lou ;u masnakz;lou fa\kakan Car- jer dprozi dasarana\in a,.atanqn;roun% 'o.anak;zin ir;nz tpauoroujiunn;re% zouzmounqn;re% dasauandman ‘ragirn;re ;u ir;nz ko[mh øgtagor‘oua‘ tarb;r mi=ozn;re!
F&B&E&Miouj;an warvarann;re ke gor‘akzin F&B&E&M&i F;®awar Golhyin ( f;t% øgtagor‘;low anor fa\ l;xoui% patmouj;an ;u m,ako\ji famazanza\in baxmal;xou ‘ragirn;- re% a®zanz dasauandoumn;re ;u st;[‘agor‘akan yartarar- u;sti en];®a‘ ;u ,arounakabar endar]akouo[ kar;lioujiun- n;re! Famagoumari masnakizn;re a®ij oun;zan ‘anøjanalou F;®awar Golhyi nor ‘ragirn;roun% oronz ,arqin ardhn gor‘a- drouj;an droua‘ ;n yatraki dasenjazqe ;u amhn ;®ams;a\ fraparak;li hl;qtrona\in girq;rou ,arqe^ fa\ m,ako\ji ;u patmouj;an w;rab;r;al faroust niuj;row!
Famagoumarin masnakzo[ F&B&E&M&i Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i dprozn;rn hin^ Manouk;an-T;miry;an Warvaran% Qanoka "arq% Gali`ornia% Wach ;u Jamar Manouk;an "asatina\i ;rkror- dakan Warvaran% Gali`ornia% Armhn-Qhphq Al;q Manouk;an Warvaran% Monjrhal% Ganata% ;u Alhqs ;u Mari Manouk;an Carjer Warvaran% Saouj`ilt% Miciken% or ke fiurenkalh fa- magoumare!
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NOR ØR% MART 27% 2014
fak;an dipouk k;rpow saphs arta\a\toua‘ h aM;r Patmicn;- re ;u M;r Gousann;reo q;rjoua- ‘in mh=&
M;r fo\akap fin wanq;ri mouj .ouz;roum m;nouj;an mh=%
Patmicn;re m;r w,tafar% m;[m kanj;[i lo\sow an,h=%
Mi n,.arow% mi koum =row ;u ygnouj;amb gi,;rn anqoun
Patmoujiune m;r gr;zin maga[aji wra\ tvgo\n&&&
No\n øre ;r;ko\;an frauirou;- zanq na;u Va®angauoraz En- ‘a\arani m;‘ ya,arane^ n;rka\ gtnou;lou mhk a\l fandisauor ya,k;ro\ji% oroun npatakn hr fam;st% ba\z famadam ya,at;- sakn;rou embo,.noumow oura. vamanz oun;nal miasnabar! A\st;[ Hin Va®angauorazi ;u Jargmancazi m;‘au masamb ;ritasard ousouzic-ousouzcoufi- n;re (fa\ ;u oc-fa\)! Wastaka- ,at wardap;tn;rou bari ga- lousti ;u ma[janqn;rou .øsq;- rhn ;tq en‘a\arani san;re mjnolorte ataqzouzino fa\r;na- sirakan ;u .ra.yanqi \atouk ;rg;row% oroun inqnab;rabar masnakz;zanq na;u m;nq^ dours galow frauir;ali ;u fiuri m;r taraxhn!
A\s aknarks j;ri piti ellar ;jh qani me .øsq ceshi F& Bagrat P;ry;q;ani masin% oroun ousman% gor‘ounhouj;an ou partakanouj;anz ‘anøjaza\ fangamanørhn! Fa\r Sourbe :rousa[hmi Maounj Sqo'ous :bra\akan Famalsarani Mi=in Ar;u;l;an Ousmanz bavnhn n;rs k ∞a, .ati d o ktoraka n j;x i n wra\% ousoumnasir;low fa\;rou n;rka\oujiune Sourb T;[;az mh= M;mlouqn;rou
M;r t;[;koujiunn;re qa[;low Srboz Jargmancaz Warvarani Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i fratara- koujiun aFa\ :rousa[hmohn% Srboz |akob;anz Miabanoujiune ouni 34 andam% oroun w;ze Arq;- piskopos ;n& tasn;rkou mia- bann;r ke ‘a®a\;n artasafman!
roun% minc;u jouakans kousak- zouj;an tara‘ axga\in gor‘ou- nhoujiunn;re! Dokt& Minas Go- ya\;an n;rka\azouz Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an pat- makane!
An ,;,t;z jh Âamkawar Axa- takan kousakzoujiune% faka®ak anor or ‘nound a®a‘ hr Polso\ mh=% 1921 jouakanin% 5 kousak- zoujiunn;rou miazoumow% saka\n an \a=ordakan s;roundn hr Ar- mhnakan kousakzouj;an% or ‘nound a®a‘ hr 1870-akan joua- kann;roun ;u fimnoua‘ hr Wani mh=% 1885 jouakanin! Dokt& Go- ya\;an na. n;rka\azouz Armh- nakan kousakzouj;an patma- kane% anor gor‘ounhoujiunn;rn ou axatagrakan ,arvoumn;re manauand Fa\oz Z;[aspanou- j;an tarin;roun ;rb jourqe ke =anar kor‘an;l Wani ;u ,r=a- ka\qi pa,tpan fa\kakan mia- z;al yakate% or kaxmoua‘ hr fa\ ;r;q kousakzoujiunn;rou% SDFK% F|D ;u Armhnakan martikn;rou fama.mboumow! Dokt& Goya\;an apa n;rka\azouz Âamkawar Axatakan kousakzouj;an \;t pat;raxmin tara‘ axga\in gor‘ounhoujiunn;rn ou a,.a- tanqn;re% Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an st;[‘oume% orphs kousakzouj;an m,akouja\in j;u ;u orphs fa\ m,ako\ji pafpan- man ka®o\z% minc a\d^ tan;low ir axga\in ;u qa[aqakan a,- .atanqn;re i npast fa\ vo[o- wourdin!
Axga\in ogiow ‘nound a®a‘ fa\ auandakan ;r;q kousakzou- jiunn;rou patmakan anz;aln ou n;rka\is taroua‘ gor‘ounhou- jiunn;re m;‘aphs \ar ;u nman hin irar% i baz a®;al anonz gor‘adrouj;an karg me ou[in;- rhn% oronq ke tarb;rhin mia\n ord;groua‘ gor‘;laoyow! A\st;[ t;[in h \i,;l jh% a\s ;r;q auan- dakan kousakzoujiunn;re% ar;an gnow paf;zin ;u pa,tpan;zin fa\ vo[owourdi mnazordaze Fa- \oz Z;[aspanouj;an ;u =ardi tarin;rhn ;tq! Anonq fama.mb;zin taragroua‘ fa\ vo[owourdi b;- korn;re ;u anonz xauakn;re fa\ warvarann;rou ,our=% Mi=in Ar;- u;lqi ;u fama\n s'iu®qi tara‘- qin% orphsxi a\sør^ fa\ axge oun;na\ ir mtauorakann;re% gitnakann;re ;u arf;stauor- n;re% bargauay;lou% baxmanalou ;u axat apr;lou famar!
Ørouan fandisouj;an ;rkrord mase ke ba[kanar farzaxro\z-
n;rou bavinh me% our ke n;rka- \ana\in Polsafa\ Miouj;an fo- gabar]ouj;an andamn;r^ ira- uaban Htwin Minas;an% Tiar Simon Ayilayø[lou ;u irauaba- noufi Tik& Vpit Chbqin;an-Ci- nari% orphs farzadro[ marmin! Farzoumn;re famat;[ ou[[oua‘ hin ;r;q kousakzoujiunn;rou n;rka\azouzicn;roun% oronq iura- qanciure;zin end- fanraphs no\nanman ;u fama- kar‘iq patas.ann;row! Far- zoumn;re famadroua‘ hin a\- sørouan fa\ vo[owourdi kazou- j;an masin% s'iu®qi mh= ;u Fa- \astani% manauand nkati a®- n;low Polsafa\ ga[oujin xga\oun kazoujiune% Fa\astani arta- ga[ji paragan;roun% Fa\asta- ni ;u Jourqio\ safmann;rou bazman% Fa\astani Maqsa\in Miouj;an kam :uropakan Miou- j;an miazman a®au;loujiunn;re kam dvouaroujiunn;re% Fa\as- tani n;rqin qa[aqakan ;u tnt;sakan kazouj;an% Fa\as- tan-s'iu®q kap;roun% Arza.i fanrap;touj;an yanacman pa- ragan;re ;u kar;lioujiunn;re% ;u fa\ axge f;taqrqro[ a\l far- zadroumn;r!
Farzoumn;rou patas.ann;re% incphs n,ou;zau w;r;ue% famapa- hin ;r;q kousakzou- jiunn;rou ‘ragirn;roun ;u anonz f;tapnda‘ fa\ axga\in gor‘ou- nhouj;anz ou[;gi‘in! Saka\n \atkan,akan hr kousakzoujiun- n;rou miat;[ k;zoua‘qe fandhp Fa\astani i,.anoujiunn;roun b®na‘ dirqin% ;u a\nt;[ t;[i oun;za‘ vo[owrdakan xanaxan endwxoumn;roun% oronq phtq c;n ‘a\raf;[ mi=ozn;row w;ra‘ouin Ouqranakan aMh\tanio me% t;[i talou famar animast ;u ariu- naf;[ 'a.oumn;rou% ;rb \arat;u .orfrdakzoujiunn;re au;li .o- f;m mi=oz ke nkatouhin fama- kargi 'o'o.ouj;anz famar!
Fandisoujiune auart;zau yo. fiurasirouj;amb!
M;‘aphs gnafat;li h Polsa- fa\ Mioujiune a\s ;xaki ];®- narki kaxmak;rpouj;an ;u patrastouj;an famar% or ar- vanazau oc mia\n n;rkan;rou gnafatanqin% a\l na;u^ ;r;q fa\ kousakzoujiunn;roun% oronz a®ij en‘a\ou;zau Los Any;lesafa\ ;u Polsafa\ fama\nqin n;rka\az- n;lou ir;nz patmakane% n;rkan ;u apaga\i gor‘ounhoujiunn;re!
|& Martiros;an
fa\r;niqi lousar]akin tak% mius ko[mhn al^ S'iu®qin xgazn;l talou fa\r;nakan fogatarouj;an w;rab;rmounqe ir nkatmamb! Ba\z a\s kargadroujiune kam 'o.arinoume i#nc touau d;spanoujiunn;roun kam n;rka\azouzcoujiunn;roun% anonz kamr=a\in d;re au;li xøraz- n;lou ;u ardiunauor;lou a®oumn;row! Faxi@u jh a®au;loujiun me% orowf;t;u anonq mnazin ir;nz miapa[a[ouj;an ou miørinakouj;an mh=% ir;nz aenjaziko gor‘ounhouj;nhn andin canzn;low% ;rb anfra- v;,t hr (;u h*) au;li ,ø,a';li ;u ardiunauht a=akzoujiun zouza- b;r;l% cbauararou;low% mi=nordakan kargow% ,qan,an kam wka\akan ba,.;lou 'or]ouj;nhn!
:rb;mn% akama\% ke mta‘oui% jh d;spanoujiunn;rou aartakargooujiune ou aliaxøroujiunoe asonzmo#w mia\n ke bnoro,oui% ;u kam^ mia\n a\z;loujiunn;rou% fowanauoroujiunn;rou ou fandipoumn;ro#u ‘irow% oronq% antarako\s% øgtakar ou ,inic ;n% ba\z% bnau c;n famapa-;r d;spanoujiunn;rou d;rakatarouj;anz liarvhqouj;an!
A\o*% d;spanoujiunn;re ir;nz an]nakaxmow% fa\r;niqe ke n;r- ka\azn;n% qa[aqakan ou diuanagitakan gor‘ounhouj;anz xou- gaf;®% anpa\man .ndro\ a®arka\ ga[oujin mh= wa\;l;low no\nqan pa,tønakanoujiun ou f;[inakoujiun% miangama\n! Isk a\d warke kam kar;uoroujiune% am;nhn a®a= fa\r;ni p;toujiune piti ta\ d;spanoujiunn;roun% end oroun^ S'iu®qi na.araroujiune% ls;lou anonz% .orfrdakz;lou% nkati a®n;low anonz .orfourdn;rn ou j;- ladroujiunn;re% orowf;t;u% w;r=in fa,ouow% anonq au;li irax;k% gi- tak ou ‘anøj ;n ir;nz nstawa\r;rou fa\ouj;an ,r=anakn;roun ou kaxmak;rpoujiunn;roun% ir;nz frama\akann;row ;u arvaniqn;row% incphs na;u ;ra.tauorn;rou ou wastakauorn;rou d;rakatarou- jiunn;row ou graua‘ dirq;row!
Ch# or Fa\astan nsto[-apro[ o;uh m;‘auor% i∞nc fangamanq al oun;na\% ci krnar ‘anøj ellal ga[ja,.arfi or;uh kariqin% f;t;- uaphs% irauounq al ci krnar oun;nal f;®aka\i ou f;®afasi trama- banouj;amb w;rab;rmounq zo\z tal kam&&& anaknkaln;r matouzan;l!
I w;r=o\^ ;jh d;spanoujiun me i wiyaki ch% couni axd;zikoujiu- ne kam ci gtn;r ir d;re ardarazn;lou ;u arv;uor;lou mi=oze% øri- nak% ir apra‘ ga[oujin mtauorakanouj;an a=akzoujiun zouza- b;r;lou% anor foun]q;re w;razan;low fa\r;niqi mh=% ke n,anakh jh^ t;[ me% ban me ka\ (a\s al ouri, afaxanga\in fratapoujiun me)!
Ke mna\ a\s xga\oun m;talin mius ;r;se& d;spane kam n;r- ka\azouzice o#ur ke gtnoui a\s parounakin mh=% i#nc ke n;rka\aznh% inco#w k*an]nauoroui ;u incph#s ke gor‘h! Sour farzadroumn;r% ba\z&&& an.ousa';li!
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dhpqoum ;us niujakan patya®n;r kan! P;toujiune f;rqoum h^ fanrouj;ane miasnakan pafo[ aaxga-
\in gitakzoujiuneo pa,tpan;lou% mardkanz mim;anz møt;zn;lou famar!
Saka\n farzi na;u oun;zoua‘qi farjoujiune ka\! A\sinqn^ p;- toujiune koroustn;re 'o.fatouz;louz .ousa';lou famar h v.toum!
W;rada®nanq skxbin! M;r apra‘ fa\r;niqoum oskorn;r ;n dours \ordoum! Mardik glou. gl.i talow f;taqrqruoum ;n^ ard;øq oskorn;re fa\;ri#n% jh# qrd;rin ;n patkanoum! Isk dra n,ana- koujiune m;r mh=^ am;na.orqoum% karo[ano#um ;nq xgal! aMousoul- manakan ;[ba\rouj;ano drø,i n;rqo\ "oqr Asia\i qriston;a\ vo[owourdn;re spannou;zin% nranz oun;zoua‘qe bavanou;z% ja- lanou;z! Qriston;a\ vo[owrdi ocncazoumiz \;to\ a\l;us jaqzn;lou kariq ckar% or irakanoum nranz adardeo oc jh mousoulmann;ri ;[ba\roujiunn hr% a\l jourqazoume! A\s angam spannou;zin qrd;re! A\vm nranq no\n fo[;ri tak ;n ja[oua‘! aXouloumno a\vm hl oc mi ban c;[a‘i nman qriston;an;ri dhm j,namazn;low^ Islami drø,i tak mousoulmann;rin fauaq;lou =anq;r h ja'oum^ i,.anoujiune paf;lou ;u f;rqoume ,arounak;lou famar! L®h*q% lsh*q% oskorn;re ,,n=oum ;n% ]a\n;re mim;anz ;n .a®nuoum^ qrd;rhnow ;u fa\;rhnow ao@co% ao@co ;n asoum&&&o!
a®ør;an ;u tarin;r ;tq xirar dar];al gtn;low% Polso\ mh= dro,moua‘ siro\ bo\ne ke ,arouanakouhr ‘a[kil Niu :orqi mh=! Alhn ;u Lori fiumora.a®n gnafatanqow andradar]an ir;nz ‘no[qin axga\in ‘a®a\ouj;an ;u ;rkaram;a\ nouiroumin .orouj;ane% oroun j;r;us 90 tokose anpa\manørhn a®ncoua‘ hr dprozin w;rab;r;al vo[own;row% kax- mak;rpcakan a,.atanqn;row% f;®a]a\na\in f;tapndoumn;row! :jh a®ør;a\i a\d paf;re vamanakin ir;nz manouk fogin;roun mh= parb;rabar end- wxoum k ∞a®a=aznhin% n;rka\i fasoun møt;zoumow k∞andrada®- na\in a\d nouiroumin kar;uorou- j;an!
Warvarani fogabar]ouj;an n;rka\ fama-at;nap;tn;r^ Tik& Ar'i Yantan ;u Prn& :douard Karap;t;an ir;nz gnafatanqi .øsqhn ;tq fogabar]ouj;an anounow Ar;gin nouir;zin Da- ta.axi Mourye _ a® i gnafa- tanq Ar;gin tarin;rou vo[owa- kan ;u at;nap;t ellalou fan- gamanqow ;u 'or]a®ouj;amb% mi,t al vo[own;re gor‘nakan ‘irin mh= pafpan;lou karo[ou- j;an famar!
M;‘ar;al Ar;g N,an;anin fasa‘ hr karge ir srti .øsqe arta\a\t;lou ørouan kaxmak;r- pic \an]na.oumbin% ‘no[qin ;u xauakn;roun!
Ar;g ir ,;,te drau ENTANIQ ;u DPROZ famat;[ gor‘akzou- j;an! Toqj& Arta,hs ;u Tikin Silwa N,an;ann;roun ‘no[akan a®o[= fogataroujiune Polsafa\ k;anqhn n;rs ;u Ar;gin dhpi Findl;an Nor Dproz a®a=nordo[ entroujiune^ ardhn isk ir k;anqin fimnaqare amrapnda‘ hr! Ar;g ir dprozakan \ou,;rhn _ Niu :orqi ~ransakan Lishhn kam^ Niu :orq Famalsarani ør;- rhn ,at au;li% ir mh= .oraphs armatauoroua‘ ke gtnhr na.a- krjarani gras;[ann;rhn ir mh= s;rmanoua‘e!
Afa jh ourkh ke b.i Ar;g N,an;anin n;r,ncoumn ou noui- roumi fogin FA| DPROZIN fan- dhp! Anor famar h or gitak- zørh*n 'ara‘ h Niu :orqi miak amhnør;a\ warvaranin^ SNAW- in! Fo*s h% or ir ;rkou xauakn;- roun a®a=in qa\l;re ou[[ou;zan% fime drou;zau anonz apaga\i masnagitakan k;anqin! Fo*s h% or nor s;rounde ke dastiara- koui% axga\in gitakzouj;an% l;xoui ou auando\jn;rou paf- panman g‘ow ke lizqauoroui% ;jh an,ou,t ‘no[n;r gitakza- bar ir;nz xauakn;re a®a=nor- d;n dhpi nman warvarann;r!
A®a=nord Srbaxan fa\re ir ;xra'akic .øsqow bar]r gna- fat;z Alhnin ;u Loriin ;lo\je% ir;nz ‘no[qin axga\in ;u enta- n;kan k;anqe ,a[a.o[ a®ør;an patk;rauor ;u sqanc;li ];uow framzn;loun famar! Srbaxan F a\re , nor f au or;z A r;g n ou Filtan% Toqj& Arta,hs N,an;an entaniqe ;u SNAW-i entaniqe% oronq nman orakauor \a\tagrow ke m;‘arhin ou bar]r ke gna- fathin kamauor% nouir;al an- damn;roun arvhqn;rn ou xofo- [oujiune!
Thr Abrafam Qfn\& ;ani Pafpanicow auartin fa- sau ;r;ko\;an pa,tønakan mase% oroun \a=ord;z karkandaki fa- toume!
N;rkan;re fiurasirou;zan ya- ,akauor s;[anin wra\ ,®a\lørhn tramadroua‘ famadam out;- liqn;row! |an]na.oumbi tikin- n;re gl.auorouj;amb^ Marø Vamkoc;anin ;u Na\ta Osk;ric- ;anin =anq chin .na\a‘ acqi ou stamoqsi wa\;lq apafowo[ a.orvab;r s;[anow me grau;lou fiur;roun ou,adroujiune!
:r;kon ,arounakou;zau \i,a- taki nkarn;row farstazn;lou ar.iun;re ;u 'o.adar] gnafa- tanqi .øsq;row ,norfauor;lou ørouan m;‘ar;al^ N,an;an Amole!
Fa[ordagroujiun^ SNAW-i Gras;n;akhn Niu :orq
Fayo\qow ke fa[ord;nq% jh Tolorhs Xøfrap Lipman Fimnadrame niujaphs piti øvandakh or fratarak- ouin entr;al a& wardap;takan auartaya®;r fa\agitakan niuj;rou masin% b& fa\oz fin patmouj;an ;rk;r fa\ patmabann;rou% g& 19-rd darou ;u au;li wa[ ,r=ani fa\ grakanouj;an ;rk;r! N;rka\azouo[ a,.atasiroujiunn;re krnan ellal ka*m fa\;rhn ka*m angl;rhn l;xouow! :jh gor‘ me fa\;rhn l;xouow h% anor phtq h enk;rana\ angl;rhn orakauor jargmanoujiun me! Dimoumnagirn;re n;rka\azn;l amhn tarouan April 15 ;u No\;mb;r 15 jouakann;rhn a®a=! |au;loua‘akan t;[;kouj;an ;u dimoumnagri j;rjik stanalou famar dim;l
LIEBMANN FUND-PUBLICATIONS c/o Mr. M. Haigentz 1518 11th Street Fort Lee, NJ 07024
fatouzan;li h! Kor‘anoua‘ kam qandoua‘ patmakan \ou,ar]an- n;re m,akouja\in arvhqn;re anw;radar];li ;n! Kar;li h nore st;[‘;l% kar;li h nmanake ,in;l% ba\z oc a\n^ inc barbarose qand;l h! Ba\z zaualin a\n h% or ;jh a\l paragan;roum Z;[as- panouj;an dadar;zoumow da- daroum h na;u m,akouja\in ko- rouste% am,akouja\in z;[aspa- noujiuneo% Fa\oz Z;[aspanou- j;an dhpqoum^ paragan a\l h! Fa\ m,ako\ji nkatmamb barba- rosakan w;rab;rmounqe ,arou- nakuoum h Jourqia\oum% qani or jourqe npatakadroua‘ h fa\i f;tqe w;razn;l Patmakan Fa\astaniz% orphsxi karo[ana\ dra jrqakanoujiune fastat;l!
4& Øsman;an Jourqian bna- =n=;z ou b®naga[ji ;njark;z dar;riz iw;r ir bnørranoum ap- ro[ fa\ vo[owourdin! A\dpisow na kor‘an;z ou qand;z fa\i toune ou b®ni ouvow iurazr;z Fa\oz A,.arfe% or no\nphs phtq h w;radar]ni ir tiro=% orphsxi a,.arfow mhk zroua‘ fa\oujiu- ne w;rada®na\ ir fa\r;niqe!
Mi .øsqow fa\ vo[owourde ouni ar;an% niujakan% m,akou- ja\in ou fo[a\in pafan=ati- roujiun!
:xrakazn;low n,;nq% or "ro`& Ghorg >rlop;ani a\s m;‘arvhq a,.atoujiune ‘anrak,i® n;r- droum h Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune mi=axga\in ca'ani,ow yana- c;lou ;u datapart;lou .ndroum!
N.O. March 27, 2014, No. 13:N.O. Blank 3/26/14 1:47 PM Page 12
Ka\azan 18-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;rn% oronq auartou;zin a\spisi ardiunqn;row&
aArarato-aGan]asaro^ 0-0 aAla,k;rto-aMikao^ 0-1 aOuliso-a
NOR ØR% MART 27% 2014
Ararat Bananz
8 7 3 24-12 8 5 5 29-21 6 6 6 31-22 5 9 4 27-19 5 9 4 18-19 3 4 11 12-27 3 3 12 20-54
31 29 24 24 24 13 12
>& 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
|& F& P& 10 5 3 23-10 35
Los Any;lesoum auartou;z axat oyi emb,amarti a,.arfi gauaji .a[arkoujiu- ne% orin masnakzoum hin 10 fauaqakann;r% a\d juoum FF fauaqakane! Fauaqakann;re bavanou;l hin 2^ A& ;u B& .mbi! Fa\astani fauaqakane gtnuoum hr A& .mboum! M;r fauaqakane .mboum 3-5 fa,ouow partou;z Jourqia\i% 1-7 fa,ouow^ AMN-i% 0-8 fa,ouow^ Irani ;u 4-4 fa,ouow Fndkastani fauaqa- kani f;t! Endfanour lrazouzic zouzani,- n;row FF fauaqakane .mboum grau;z 5-rd t;[e!
B& .mboum \a[j;z Âousastani entranin% isk w;r=in^ 5-rd t;[e grau;z Wrastani fauaqakane! W;r=ini f;t hl FF fauaqakane pa\qar;z 9-rd t;[i famar! Fandipoumn auartou;z 4-4 fa,ouow! Anfatakan miauor- n;ri fa,ouarkow 9-rd t;[e grau;z Wrasta- ne% Fa\astane w;r=inn hr! Fa\astani gl.a- uor fauaqakane partrastuoum h :uropa\i a®a=nouj;ane!
Isk a,.arfi gauaje nouay;z Irani fa- uaqakane% ore ;xra'akicoum 6-2 fa,ouow a®au;louj;an fasau Âousastani entranou nkatmamb!
Aprili 5-12-e Isra\hloum ke ka\ana\ ‘an- ramarti :uropa\i a®a=noujiune% orin ke masnakzi Fa\astani fauaqakane! A \s ør;rin% FF fauaqakane ousoumnamarxakan fauaq h anzkaznoum Abow;anoum!
giu[e n;rka\azno[ 48 qk& qa,a\in Sargis Sargs;ane% ow f®cakou;l h a,.arfi a.o\- ;an!
|atkan,akan h% or Jourqia\i fauaqa- kann a\s a®a=noujiunoum \a[jo[ ci oun;z;l! "o.arhne Anjalia\i Q;'hx marxapalatoum fnc;l h FF p;takan ørfn;rge ;u w;r h .o\az;l m;r ;rkri ;®ago\ne!
Kl;nth\le n;rka\azno[ arf;stawarv b®nz- qamartik Wanhs Martiros;ane f;rjakan \ajanakn h tøn;l!
Ka\azan FF gauaji .a[arkouj;an kisa- ;xra'akici a®a=in fandipoumn;re! Kapani aGan]asareo 2-1 fa,ouow \a[j;z aBanan- zino% isk aMikao-a"iuniko fandipoume 1-0 fa,ouow ,af;z a"iunikeo!
Marti 13-in ;u 20-in ka\azan :urolika\i 1/8-rd ;xra'akici krknaki fandipoumn;rn% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row&
aAnvio-aAX Alkmaro^ 0-0% 0-1 (0-1) aWal;nsiao-aLiudogorhzo^ 1-0% 3-0 (4-0) aPlx;no-aLiono^ 2-1% 1-4 (3-5) aB;n`ikao-aTot;nf;mo^ 2-2% 3-1 (5-3) a~;or;ntinao-a:ouw;njouso^ 0-1% 1-1 (1-2) aXalzbourgo-aBax;lo^ 1-2% 0-0 (1-2) aB;riso-aS;uiliao^ 0-2% 2-0 (2-2) aS;uiliano 4-3 fa,ouow \a[j;z^ 11 m;jra-
nozn;row! aNa'olio-aPortouo^ 2-2% 0-1 (2-3)!
Marti 21-in
aBars;lonao (Ispania)-aAjl;tikøo (Ispa- nia)
aÂhalo (Ispania)-aBorousiao (G;rmania "SV (~ransia)-aC;lsio (Anglia) aBauariao (G;rmania)-aManc;sjer :ou&o
(Anglia) A®a=in fandipoumn;re ke ka\anan Ap-
rili 1-in ;u 2-in% fandipoumn;re^ Aprili 8-in ;u 9-in!
Dortmounti aBorousiano% ori kaxmoum fandhs h galis FF fauaqakani ®mbarkou F;nri. M.ijar;ane% na.ord .a[arkoujiu- noum \a=ord 'oul dours ;kan Matriti aÂhalo f;t fandipoumn;riz \;to\ (4-1% 0-2)!
:urolika\i qa®ord ;xra'akicoum ke fandip;n f;t;u;al xo\g;re&
aAX Alkmaro (Folandia)-aB;n`ikao ("or- jougalia)
aLiono (~ransia)-a:ouw;njouso (Italia)
aBax;lo (
aPortouo ("orjougalia)-aS;uiliao (Ispa- nia)
A®a=in fandipoumn;re ke ka\anan Ap- rili 3-in% patas.ann;re^ Aprili 10-in!
Qali`ornia\i Marongo qaxino\oum ka\a- za‘ mrzamartoum Wanhse miauorn;row \a[- j;l h m;qsiqazi Mariø Lozano\in ;u nouay;l WBO Inter-continental a.o\;anakan gøtin!
G& M&
F a u a q i a u a r t i z \ ; t o \ A p r il i fauaqakane ke m;kni J;l Awiw!
3 - i n
Da Wanhsi arf;stawarv ®ingoum anzka- zra‘ 36-rd mrzamartn hr (34-1-1% 21 no- kaout)!
Ir mrzamarte \a[janakow auart;z na;u Wanhsi ;[ ba\re^ Wachn!
Aprili 1-6-e ~inlandia\i Wantaa qa[a- qoum t;[i h oun;nalou emb,amarti :uropa\i a®a=noujiune!
Axat oyi embi,% Fa\astani fauaqakani andam Dauij Sa`ar;ane% ow na.ord tari dar]au a,.arfi ;u :uropa\i a.o\;an ~in- landia ci m;kni!–in \a\tni dar]au% or Sa`ar;ane mh=qi wnasoua‘q ouni ;u a\s ør;rin bouvman ,r=an h anznoum G;rmania\oum!
Âousastani >anti Mansi\sk qa[aqoum ,arounakuoum h a,.arfi a.o\;ani \auak- nordn;ri mrza,are!
Mrza,ari a®a=in ,r=ani w;r=in mrza- 'ouloum L;uon Aron;ane s;u .a[aqar;row kar;uor \a[janak tarau S;rgh\ Kar\akini nkatmamb ;u wastak;low 4&5 miauor faua- sarou;z a®a=atar^ a,.arfi na.kin a.o\- ;an Wi,wanajan Anandin! 8-rd mrza'ouloum mim;anz f;t mrz;zin a®a=atarn;re! A®a- =in ,r=anoum Anande \a[j;l hr Aron;anin! A\s angam L;uone .a[oum hr spitak .a- [aqar;row! Partian spasoua‘iz anf;ta- qrqir stazou;z ;u 19-rd qa\lin ko[m;re .a[a[ da,inq knq;zin!
9-rd mrza'ouloum L;uone s;u;row mrz;z Mam;diarowi f;t ;u kr;z ;rkrord partou- jiune!
10-rd ;u 11-rd mrza'oul;roum L;uon Aron- ;ane oc-oqi .a[az Jo'alowi ;u Swijl;ri f;t! 11-rd mrza'ouliz \;to\% a®a=atare Anandn h% ow wastak;l h 7 miauor% Aron;ane ouni 6 miauor!
:r;q masnakizn;re oun;n 5&5-akan miauor% minc;u mrza,ari auarte mnaz;l h 3 mrza- 'oul!
A®a=nouj;ane \a\tauorou;l ;n 7 ‘anra- martikn;r! A\d ‘anramartikn;rn ;n^ Smbat Margar;ane (56 qk&)% Wanik Au;tis;ane (71 qk&)% Tigran Martiros;ane (77 qk&)% A®aq;l Mirxo\;ane (77 qk&)% A[asi A[as;ane (85 qk&)% incphs na;u g;r‘anr qa,a\inn;r Âoubhn Al;qsan;ann ou Fa\k |akob;ane! Fauaqa- kani gl.auor marxicn h Pø[os Pø[os;ane!
aM;r gl.auor npatakn h a®anz wna- soua‘qn;ri a®a=noujiun anzkazn;ln h! Zan- kanoum ;nq m;r anouani marxikn;rin krkin lau marxawiyak dours b;r;l! M;r g;rnpata- ke No\;mb;rin ka\analiq a,.arfi a®a=nou- j;ane lau na.apatrastou;ln h% orn incphs githq warkani,a\in ho& asaz Pø[os Pø[os- ;ane!
Gl.auor marxice n,;z% or fauaqakan d®n;re oc mhki a®=;u 'ak ch! Kananziz :uropa\i a®a=nouj;ane ke masnakz;n^ Hl;n Grigor;ane% Anna Gow;l;ane% M;linh Daloux- ;ane ;u F®i'simh >our,oud;ane! Fauaqa- kani gl.auor marxicn h Arta,hs N;rsis- ;ane!
Marti 11-17-e Jourqia\i Anjalia qa[a- qoum ka\az;l h ou,oui a,.arfi patan;kan a®a=noujiune% orin Fa\astaniz masnakz;l ;n 8 marxik! Sanda mrza];uoum ir;n fa- uasare ci oun;z;l Ararati marxi Arma,

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