Friday, 14 March 2014


N.O. March 13, 2014, No. 11:N.O. Blank 3/12/14 2:58 PM Page 1
92 TARI% JIU 11 VOLUME 92, NO. 11
Louso\ >oran Ma\r Ajo® Sourb H=mia‘niz Fa\rap;- takan M;r ørfnoujiunn ou =;rm ,norfauoranqn;rn ;nq b;roum sir;li tiknanz ;u øriordaz^ Marti 8-i a®i- jow!
Garnanamoutin% bnouj;an xarjønqi a\s ør;rin Marti 8-;an tøne .ndoujiun h \au;loum mardkanz srt;rin^ a®an]na\atouk kar;uor;low kananz lousauor a®aq;lou- jiune a,.arfoum! Gor‘ou- nhouj;an tarb;r bnagaua®- n;roum m;r ma\r;re% qo\r;rn ou doustr;re ir;nz \atouk sirow% fogatarouj;amb ou fauatarmouj;amb ardiu- nauoroum ;n ir;nz ‘a®a\ou- jiune m;r ;rkrin ou vo[o- wrdin% =anq;r n;rdnoum^ i .ndir m;r fasarakouj;an barørouj;an% p;touj;an xø- razman% pa\‘a® ou lousauor galiqi k;rtman! Axga\in- ;k;[;zakan m;r andasta- noum an'o.arin;li ;u ba- za®ik h kananz ouro\n d;rn ou nouir;al spasauorou- jiune% masnauorabar^ enta- niqn;ri amrouj;an% nor s;rndi krjouj;an ou das- tiarakouj;an gor‘oum!
Ma\r Ajo® Sourb H=mia‘- niz M;r srtagin bar;ma[- janqn;re b;r;low^ i .oroz srti a[øjoum ;nq a® Bar]- r;aln Astoua‘% or ørfnou- j;an ou ,norfn;ri n;rqo\ pafpani m;r ma\r;rin% qo\- r;rin ou doustr;rin ;u xørazni axniu ou gowarvan enjazqow ‘a®a\;lou m;r vo- [owrdi ;u Fa\r;niqi a®a=- enjazin!
Jo[ Astoua‘ Ir Sourb A=i fowanin tara‘;al pa- fi bolor tiknanz ;u ørior- daz wra\% parg;ui qa=a- ®o[= ar;u,atoujiun% ;r=an- koujiun ;u ;rkna®aq biur bariqn;r!
ÂD Na.agaf Wladimir "ou- jine f;®a.øsaxro\z oun;za‘ h G;rmanio\ Kanzl;r Ang;la M;r- k;li ;u M;‘n Britania\i war- cap;t Th\wit Q;m;roni f;t% orou enjazqin qnnarkoua‘ ;n Ouqranio\ mh= tiro[ irawiyake ou {rimi mh= spasou;liq fanra- qouhi farz;re!
ÂD Na.agafe wstafoujiun \a\tna‘ h% or {rimi ørinapaf [;kawarouj;an ko[mhn na.a- ];®nouo[ qa\l;re ke fimnouin mi=axga\in irauounqi ørhnqi wra\% mincd;® Qi;ui i,.anou- jiunn;re or;uh gor‘o[oujiunn;r c;n ];®nark;r asafmana'ak;lou ma\raqa[aqi ;u ,arq me ,r=an- n;rou mh= armatakan ;u ‘a\ra- \;[ axga\nakan ouv;rou gor‘o- [oujiunn;reo!
Au;li ou, Q;m;roni n;rka\a- zouzice \a\tarara‘ h% or "ou- jine mtadir h ygnavamin lou- ‘oum tal diuanagitakan ;[a- nakow! Isk M;rk;li mamouli ‘a- ®a\oujiune d;®;us ch frapara- ka‘ Ang;la M;rk;li^ a\d f;®a- .øsaxro\zhn staza‘ tpauorou- jiunn;re!
Wani Cajaq ,r=ani mh= 100 tari a®a= fa\ faua- taz;aln;roun ‘a®a\a‘% isk 30 tari a®a= orphs dproz øgtagor‘oua‘ fa\kakan ;k;[;zin a\vm orphs .oti paf;st k*øgtagor‘oui!
Incphs ke t;[;kaznh jrqakan aIflaso gor‘a- kaloujiune% patmakan ;k;- [;zin a\vm zauali irawi-
yaki mh= \a\tnoua‘ h! Anthrouj;an matnoua‘ na.kin ;k;[;zin ou dproze a\vm giu[azin;re k*øgtagor‘;n anasounn;rou ]m;®oua\ pa,are paf;lou famar!
:k;[;zuo\ mhk mase% saka\n% d;® kangoun h ;u giu[azin;re ir;nz
F a\ a s t a n ; a z A ® aq ;l a k a n ; k ; [ ; z u o \ A r ; u m t ; a n j ; mi A®a=nordarani Gala\y;an sra- fe% Perphnq% Qali`ornia% Mart 3% 2014-i ;r;ko\;an vame 7!30-in l;zoun hr grakanashr fa\ bax- mouj;amb me% oronq ;ka‘ hin ounkndr;lou fa\r;ni ;rkou bana- .øsn;rou% \an]ins Dokt& Ar‘roun Auag;ani a
So\n mi=oza®oume kaxmak;r- poua‘ hr Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an Ar;umt;an Am;- rika\i
aNor Øroi a,.atakiz ;u ørouan fandisawar Frac S;- ';jy;an ;r;ko\i fandisouj;an
bazoume katar;z% fakiry k;rpow n;rka\azn;low ørouan bana.øs- n;re ;u fandisouj;an a®ijn ou npatake% or piti ‘a®a\hr Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an yanac- man a,.atanqn;roun ;u 100 am- ;aki og;kocman fandisoujiun- n;roun% .jan;low fa\ vo[owourdi axga\in ogin% og;kan ;u \;[a- 'o.akan ,ounc ar‘ar‘a‘ ir ax- ga\in f;ros gro[n;roun ;u ba- nast;[‘n;roun npatakaslaz .øsq;row!
aNor Øroi .mbagir% |akob Martiros;an n;rka\azouz ÂA-
Kousakzouj;an Ar;umt;an Am;- rika\i
aNor Øroi na.kin .mbagir ;u a,.atakiz% Dokt& Minas Go- ya\;an n;rka\azouz ørouan a®a-
Âous xinouorakann;re gra- ua‘ ;n {rimi Inqnawar Fan- rap;touj;an Nowo`iodoro- wka auani ødaka\ane (Sa- kii ,r=an)% ort;[ gndazir- n;r ke t;[adr;n% a\s masin \a\tna‘ h Ouqranio\ Pa,t- panouj;an na.ararouj;an^ {rimi m;tia k;droni [;ka- war Wladislau S;l;xniowe!
aNowo`iodorowka\i a[biur- n;rhn \a\tni dar]a‘ h% or ødaka\ane graua‘ ;n møt 80 ®ous
N.O. March 13, 2014, No. 11:N.O. Blank 3/12/14 2:58 PM Page 2
NOR ØR% MART 13% 2014
Fa\;rs% gonh artasafmani mh=% endfanraphs ,at c;nq f;taqrqrouir datastanakan wyi®n;- row% oronq lok axga\in bno\j ke kr;n! Baza®ou- jiunn;re \arg;li ;n saka\n!
A\sphs% D;kt;mb;r 17% 2013-in% Mardka\in Ira- uounqn;rou :uropakan At;ane (MI:A) ar]ak;z bowandak fa\oujiune xa\razno[ wyi® me% orow ke dataparthr Xouiz;rian% or dataparta‘ hr Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiunn ourazo[ jourq me% To[ou ";rinchq anounow!
A\s an]e% or a\l patya®n;row a\vm jrqakan bantin mh= ir axatoujiune bolorowin korsnzou- za‘ h% ir;n dhm bazoua‘ date ,af;zau% At;anin ko[mh ir;n ,norfoua‘ ou arta\a\tou;lou axatouj;amb!
";rinchq% oroun masin na.ørøq \aya. arta- \a\toua‘ hinq% k*aprhr a\n vamanak Xouiz;rio\ mh= ;u ambartauanouj;amb fraparakau Fa\ka- kan Z;[aspanoujiune \or=or=a‘ hr ami=axga\in sout meo!
A\nouf;t;u% amisn;r anzan ;u mard a\l;us cf;- taqrqrou;zau a\s anpatka® ourazoumow% minc;u or anz;al D;kt;mb;rin% oc mhk gitakiz anfati mtqhn canza‘e ,anjafar;z bolors! MI:A-n zard endfanrakan wstafouj;an arvanaza‘ ;u :uro- pa\i Miouj;an anpakas fowanauoroujiune wa\;lo[ datauoranakan marmin men hr% or ir a\d anardar wyi®ow k*angitana\% mo®azouj;an kou tar% no\ni*sk k*arfamarfhr fa\ vo[owourde!
A\soufand;r]% ;khq a\s farze qnn;nq a®arka- \akanørhn% a®anz axga\nakan gounauoroumi! W;- ro\i,;al endfanrazo[ tpauorouj;an dhm \andi- man% ,outow kar;li h t;sn;l ca'axanzoujiunn;r% oronq mol;®and fa\ou mitqe m,ou,apata‘ ;n! Ar- dar;u% m;r t;sankiune axga\in h& m;r dit;lak;r- pe^ no\nphs% mincd;® At;ane farze qnna‘ hr oro,aphs safmana'ak endla\noumow& Z;[aspanou- j;an jh;u aknarka‘ hr% ba\z anor ousoumnasi- rouj;an chr ];®narka‘% nkati oun;za‘ hr a®an]nabar ";rinchqi masna\atouk paragan% inc or ir kargin tramabanakan ke gtn;nq% mnaz or no\ninqn ";rinchq chr ouraza‘ fa\;roun dhm 1915-in patafa‘e% ba\z ir kar‘iqow^ t;[i
oun;za‘e Z;[aspanoujiun chr nkata‘% f;t;uabar phtq ch or xouiz;riakan Patvakan Dataranin ‘anrak,i® touganqin ;njarkoua‘ ellar!
Our;mn% a\s safmana'ak møt;zoumow h% or MI:A-in ;øje datauorn;rhn fing fate mia\n% mta\nouj;an ant;[i ,;[oumow me% k;dronaza‘ hin arta\a\tou;lou axatouj;an skx bounqin wra\% or i w;r=o\^ ir go\ouj;an gl.auor .aris.- n;rhn min ke kaxmh antarako\s& a\l .øsqow^ Fa- \oz Z;[aspanoujiune chr ouraza‘! Ardhn incphs krnar :uropakan Miouj;an ;njaka\ datarana- kan marmin me ouraza‘ ellal Z;[aspanoujiune% xor inq wa[ouz yancza‘ hr&&&!
A\soufand;r]% m;[adr;li ch ;rb;q xouiz;ria- kan dataranin ";rinchqe datapart;lou wyi®e% qani or a\d p;toujiune^ ir kargin yancza‘ hr Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune ;u au;lin^ ir Patvakan Ørinagirqin mh= au;lzouza‘ hr nor \ødoua‘ me% ca'axanz;al touganqi ;njark;low a®an]nabar Xouiz;ria apro[ bnakicn;re% incphs ";rinchqe a\n vamanak!
Amhn paraga\i tak^ xouiz;riakan Patvakan Datarane irauounq ouni% oro, vamkhtow% ;rkrin w;raqnnic At;anin dim;lou% .ndra\aro\z .oz;li wyi®e w;rat;souj;an ;njark;lou artønouj;amb!
A\s bolor nkato[oujiunn;rn endoun;low fan- d;r]% a\d anbar;.i[y wyi®e lr=ørhn wnasakar ke nkat;nq!
:rb m;r qnnouj;an bowhn k*anzn;nq ";rinchqi datawarouj;an j[ja‘rare% ke gtn;nq fon nka- ta®;li kht;r% oronq fa\;rous dirqe ke tkaraz- n;n! Ørinaki famar^ jourqe ke ,;,thr jh^ 190 p;touj;anz mimia\n qsan;ak me yancza‘ h Fa- \oz Z;[aspanoujiune! Fa\;rs phtq ch# or a®au;l a,.atanqow a\d qanake au;li qan fariuri fasznhinq! A\s t;sakhte fa\anpast h antara- ko\s! Kar;li# h saka\n m;r dirqe pa,tpan;l es;low% or irakanouj;an mh= ardhn kan fariurhn au;li p;toujiunn;r% oronq jh;u faka®ak c;n Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune endoun;lou% ba\z baxma- jiu a\l patya®n;row ou patya®abanoujiunn;-
Fimnoua‘ 1922-in (~r;xnø) Established 1922 (in Fresno)
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Dauan;low ®amkawarakan skxbounqn;r% ke fauatanq baxmakar‘ouj;an ;u axat .øsqi irauounqi% f;t;uabar% fraparakoua‘ groujiunn;re anpa\man c;n arta\a\t;r .mbagrouj;ans t;sakhte! Kamqh anka. patya®n;row sprda‘ wripakn;rou famar k*apauininq m;r a,.atakizn;roun ;u enj;rzo[n;roun n;ro[amtouj;an!
92-AM:AK 1922-2013
Anka.azoumhn ;tq Fa\astani mh= ];uauorou;zan ;rkou ou[[ou- jiun oun;zo[ tiro[ warca];u;r!
1& Dramatirakan ;u 2& Aua- tap;takan! Ousti ;rkri fars- touj;an tiranalou molouzqn ou ar,aue t;ndagin hr oro, pa,- tøni fasa‘ an];rou ;u anonz fowanauor;aln;rou møt!
E nk;ro=mh ‘.a.ot .ndro[ (mourazo[) kam baykon coun;zo[ an]iq% a\sør dar]a‘ ;n fo\a- k;rt aparanqn;rou thr ou giu- [atnt;sakan% mj;rqi ardiuna- b;rakan fimnarkn;rou kam fan- ra.anoujn;rou thr ;r;u;li an]- nauoroujiunn;r! Omanq al axga- \in patgamauor masnauor jik- napafn;row&&&!
Foginin waya®a‘ sirt;rnin qaraza‘ kam osk;xø‘% x;.ouj;an mh=% arfamarf;low kariqauor-
;aln;re% ir;nz ,oun;roun ;u ka- toun;roun au;li .namq ou foga- ‘oujiun ke tanin qan jh ja[ me andin anøji ;u a®anz kø,iki axatamartikn;rou kam a[qat- n;rou xauakn;roun!
[;ak ;n jh a\s dasakarge i#nc mi=ozn;row% p;takan oun;zoua‘- qe aiurazn;lowo farstoujiun dixa‘ h% ba\z ke l®;n qani or ir;nq al masnabavin staza‘ ;n a\d p;takan oun;zoua‘qi aAyourdhno ;u aS;'akana,nor- foumhno kam al k;anqi ;u oun;- zoua‘qi korousti wa.e xir;nq lou® ke pafh!
Saka\n fimnakan farz ka\% oroun anz;ali ;u n;rka\i p;ta- kan an]iq phtq h;n! A\sørouan tase milion tolarh au;li farstoujiun oun;zo[ an- ]iq i#nc mi=ozn;row farstazan! :u inco#u na.kin data.axe a\s farze cousoumnasir;z bazi Wardan Øskan;ani paraga\hn!
A\sør Fa\astani mh= baro- \axrkoua‘ mi=awa\r go\oujiun
Zouzamoloujiunn ou ,oua\tou- jiune mrzakzoujiun dar]a‘ h a\s dasakargin famar! Ir;nz ard ou xardi% g;[agitakan .namqin famar a,.arfi ;u :r;- uani adram ms.;lou a®o[=aran- n;reo a®ør;a\ fandisawa\r dar- ]a‘ h!
T;sak me Monte Carlo–i m;‘a- faroustn;rou kam Hollywood–i ;r;u;lin;rou k;nza[awaroujiun! C;m oux;r .øsil gi,;ra\in va- madroua‘ fary;row .ra.yanq- n;rou patmoujiunn;rou masin! Anz;alin p;touj;an bar]r pa,- tøn wara‘ an]iq ,at lau t;-
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N.O. March 13, 2014, No. 11:N.O. Blank 3/12/14 2:58 PM Page 3
THURSDAY, MARCH 13% 2014 3
Mi=in Ar;u;lqi masin orakauor makardakow \ødoua‘n;r% m;knabanoujiunn;r ou lou‘oumn;r k*en‘a\h% Oua,inkjeni mh=% ";- trouar 13% 2012-in fimnadroua‘ angliata® Al-Monitor øra- j;rje% oroun thr ou tnørhnn h Jamal Daniel! Anor .mbagrouj;an mas ke kaxm;n ‘anøj lragro[n;r ;u akad;makann;r! Øraj;rje møthn ke gor‘akzi Mi=in Ar;u;l;an j;rj;rou f;t!
Stor;u% axat jargmanouj;amb kou tanq jourq lragro[ Ør- fan Q;mal Y;nkixi mhk \ødoua‘e% or andradar]a‘ h Aptoulla Øyalani namakin% or lo\s en‘a\oua‘ h Polso\ aAkøsoin mh= |ounouar 30-in! Ke f;t;uin m;r siunakagir Prn& S& Minas;ani kary% lrazouzic ditarkoumn;rn ou m;knabanoujiune^ \ødoua‘in skixbe ou w;r=auorouj;an!
’& >mb&
:r;soun tarouan xin;al dimadrouj;nh ;tq% Qiurtistani Banouo- rakan Kousakzouj;an (PKK) \;[a'o.akan j;ui a®a=nord Aptoulla Øyalan% 2013 Mart 31-in% Polso\ baz;re% k[x;aki me wra\ gtnouo[ banti ir .ouzhn% qiurt xinakizn;roun koc ou[[;z war dn;lou xhn- q;re% a.a[a[ouj;an nor ,r=an meo sks;lou famar!
No\n tarouan D;kt;mb;rin% jrqakan ka®awaroujiune \a\tara- r;z% jh banakzouj;an ];®narka‘ h Øyalani f;t% npatak oun;nalow famox;lou Øyalane% orphsxi anor xinakizn;re% war dn;low xhnq;re% qa,ouin ;rkrhn dhpi fiusisa\in Iraqi ir;nz bnørrane!
Farze a*\n h% jh orqano#w piti \a=o[i a\s xinadoulin irakana- zoume! Jourqio\ ,our= 75 milion bnakcouj;an ,our= 20 a® fariure qiurt;r ;n! 1984-in qiurt;re dim;zin xin;al enddimadrouj;an% anka.ouj;an ]gt;low% ba\z i w;r=o\ gofazan inqnawarouj;an pafan=ow farau-ar;u;l;an Jourqio\ mh=! K *aknkalouin bar;kargou- jiunn;r ;u au;li vo[owrdawar safmanadroujiun me% qiurt ban- tark;aln;rou axat ar]akoume% ;u Øyalani zk;ans bantark;ali pa\mann;roun bar;lauoume! Jourq i,.anoujiunn;re gor‘adr;zin skxbnakan bar;kargoumn;rou ,arq me% qiurt;rou m,akouja\in ira- uounqn;re w;rafastat;low - ]a\nas'®oumi irauounq% ou qrt;rhnow dasenjazqn;rou fastatoum% dataranin mh= qrt;rhnow inqnapa,t- panoujiun% ;uln&!
Sourio\ qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmin ;rkara]goumn h or tagna- pali go\awiyak me st;[‘a‘ hr Jourqio\ famar% ir ;rkar safma- nag‘in wra\% our ke gor‘hin na;u fiusis-ar;u;l;an Sourio\ qiurt xin;aln;re! Baxmafaxar souriazin;rou artaga[je na;u dhpi jrqakan fo[% lour= mtafogoujiun ou wtang ;n Jourqio\ famar! Fa- uanabar% a\s gl.auor patya®ow al Hrto[an banakzouj;anz ];®- narka‘ hr Øyalani f;t% qrtakan \au;l;al yn,oume w;razn;lou famar!
Aptoulla Øyalan aAkøsoin [rka‘ h |ounouar 30 jouakir namak me% our k*ar‘ar‘ouin f;t;u;al mitq;re&-
1& Fa\oz f;t patafa‘e irakan z;[aspanoujiun h! Fra,qi famaxør ;r;uo\j h fa\ vo[owourdin w;raproume% or ankaska‘ ar- diunq h m;‘ =anq;rou ;u pa\qari! 2) Ambo[= a,.arf fa,toua‘ h fa\ vo[owourdi patmakan a\s iro[ouj;an f;t% ou ke bavnh anor wi,te! Jrqakan Fanrap;toujiune farzin møt;nalou h fasounouj;amb (mat- urity)! Patmouj;an ano[oq irakanouj;an f;t fa,tou;lou h! Øyalan ke frauirh Jourqian ;u a,.arfe% or yancnan Fa\oz Z;[aspanou-
jiune! 3) Fa\kakan s'iu®qin [rka‘ patgame f;t;u;aln h& aFam;st j;ladroujiuns piti el- lar% or fa\ vo[owourde ,arounakhr ir pa\qare% .ousa';low axga\- nakan% z;[apa,t o®oga\jn;rh% gitakz;low t.our npatakn;roun mi=axga\in dramatirouj;an ou lopin;rou (lobbies)% oronz npatakn h m;r ;rkou vo[owourdn;roun \aui- t;nakan ba.oume! 4) aVo[owr- dawar fanrap;toujiun me fa,oui ke nsti ir anz;al patmouj;an f;t% orphsxi tarb;r houjiunn;r go\akzin axatørhn! A\s iro[ouj;nhn m;kn;low% m;nq ke pa\qarinq oc jh qiurt vo[owourdin% a\l a\s ,r=ani bolor vo[owourdn;roun ;u fauatamqn;roun famaro! A\s fastatoumow anika ke patas.anhr a\n qnnadatouj;an% or dhpi .a[a[ouj;an enjazqin^ jrqakan ka- ®awarouj;an ou qrtakan Banouorakan Kousakzouj;an mi=;u% qiur- t;re k;dronaza‘ hin mia\n ir;nz ,af;roun wra\% antarb;r mnalow Jourqio\ mh= vo[owrdawarouj;an famar m[ouo[ endfanour pa\- qarin fandhp! 5) Anika qrtakane ke nkath Jourqio\ mh= m[ouo[ vo[owrdakan pa\qarn;rhn mhke! aM;r ;r;soun tarouan pa\qarhn ;tq% f;tamout ;m .a[a[ouj;an fastatoumin% faka®ak im dvouar- in pa\mann;rous% ;u anika ci krnar dhm ellal or;uh vo[owourdi ]gtoumn;rouno!
Øyalani w;ro\i,;al namaki bowandakouj;an lo\sin tak% fa\kakan farzin fandhp^ endfanraphs% ;u Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an^ masnauo- rabar% i#nc h dirqoro,oume qiurt;roun! Fraparaka\in nman arta- \a\toujiunn;r endfanraphs m[oua‘ k*ellan kazouj;anz xarga- zoumn;rh! Fauanakan kar;lioujiun me a*\n h% jh Øyalani f;t Jourqio\ p;touj;an na.a];®na‘ banakzoujiunn;re t;[qa\l k*en;n!
Minc;u fima% jh* Øyalan ;u jh ~ransa\i ir n;rka\azouzicn;re% "arixi mh= PKK-i andam ;r;q qrtoufin;rou spanouj;an a®ijow al% npastauor arta\a\toujiunn;r ;rb;q chin katara‘ Fa\oz Z;- [aspanouj;an nkatmamb! N;rka\is% \ankar‘ t;[i k*oun;na\ Øyalani a\s armatakan dirqoro,oume Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an nkatmamb!
aAkøsoin mh= lo\s en‘a\oua‘ Øyalani namake% bnakanabar% diua- nagitakan famar]ak na.a];®noujiun men h! Xougaf;®abar% jourq la\namit mtauorakanouj;an% jrqakan karg me axd;zik j;rj;rou npastauor fratarakoumn;re% Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an fariuram;aki na.ør;akin% drakan ;u o[=oun;li ellalow fand;r]% c;nq krnar kan- .agou,ak;l% jh or;uh andradar] piti oun;na#n minc;u 2015 jrqa- kan p;touj;an dirqoro,oumin wra\!
Mi=in Ar;u;lqi% souriakan tagnapi qa[aqakan noranor xarga- zoumn;re% jrqakan i,.anouj;anz go\awiyake% m;‘ p;touj;anz dirqoro,oumn;re% fimnakanørhn ;u oro,aphs ir;nz axd;zoujiune piti oun;nan Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an yanacoumin kapakzouj;amb!
Ørfan Q;mal Y;nkix
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mi=ozn;row ke 'or];n kan.;l anor 'louxoume! Giu[azin;rhn S;lim Gourbane ke patmh% or tarin;r a®a= xbøsa,r=ikn;r ;ka‘ ;n ;k;- [;zin t;sn;lou% saka\n atkh ;tq oc oq ;k;[;ziin athr ch kangna‘o!
An n,a‘ h% or ir;nz zau ke patya®h ;k;[;ziin wiyake ;u ke pa- fan=;n w;rakangn;l anika! aA\s ;k;[;zin ,at jank h m;x famar% qani or a\n tarin;roun% ;rb giu[i mh= dproz ckar% ,at;re anika dprozi w;ra‘a‘ ;n ;u a\d ;k;[;ziin mh= na.nakan krjoujiun staza‘! M;r giu[azin;rhn ;rkouqe;sa‘ ;n ;k;[;zuo\ 'lou- xoume ou k*øgtagor‘;n tara‘qe! :jh anonq cella\in% ;k;[;zin wa- [ouz auroua‘ k*ellar! Anonq ;k;[;zuo\ a®asta[in 'a\t;r drin ;u taniqe fo[ow ‘a‘k;zin!
Ke pafan=;nq% or pa,tøn;an;re w;rakangn;n ;k;[;zin ;u a\n øgtagor‘;n xbøsa,r=oujiune xargazn;lou npatakowo% esa‘ h an!
Spitak Toune f;rqa‘ h ,arq me jrqakan XLM- n;rou t;[;koujiune a\n masin% jh Jourqio\ war- cap;t Â;=h' Ja\i' Hr- to[ani ;u AMN na.agaf Paraq Øpama\i w;r=in xro\zi enjazqin ,ø,a- 'oua‘ h am;rikabnak krø- nakan-fasarakakan gor- ‘ic% noursistn;rou a[andi
a®a=nord ~;jfoullaf Giul;nin Jourqia w;radar]n;lou j;man% ke grh!
aNman xro\zi masin t;[;koujiune ;u a®au;l ;us Øpama\i fa- ma]a\noujiune c;n;r irakanouj;aneo%- a+ifano gor‘akaloujiune ke mh=b;rh Spitak Tan pa,tønakan n;rka\azou- zcin!
Au;li wa[ Jrqakan XLM-n;re gra‘ hin% or Øpama\i f;t xro\zi enjazqin Hrto[ane \a\tarara‘ h% or am;r ;rkri dvgofouj;an a[- biure ke gtnoui AMN-i mh=% ;u m;nq ];xmh qa\l;r k*aknkal;nq^ oroun i Øpaman ibr jh patas.ana‘ h% or aan amhn inc faskaza‘ ho
Jourqio\ mh= gtnouo[ \ounakan fin giu[i^
hr ou a\n al;s;li! Skixbe ,hnqi ka®ouzoume apørini hr% \;to\ al bantapani grpa-
nhn ir;r anf;tazan! A\s ;rkou \anzagor‘oujiunn;rou m;[adranqow hr% or jourqafa\ gro[ S;uan N,an;anin na. t;[a'o.;zin baz bant% isk \;to\ 'ak! Dhpqin na.orda‘ hr N,an;ani mhk gra®oume% ort;[ an n,a‘ hr% or islami moutqe anf;j;oujiun h! >ndra\aro\z a\s gra®oume a®a=in dhpqe chr% ;rb S;uan N,an;ane ke qnna- dathr islamn ou Jourqian! Asor na.orda‘ hr fanrap;tou- jiuno girqi fraparakoume^ q;malixmi datapartmamb% ormh ;tq toua‘ farzaxro\zi mh= gro[e;sa‘ hr ir ];rbakaloujiune!
>or zauow t;[;kaznoum ;nq% or Marti 3-in AMN B;l- wil Illino\i fiuandanozoum i Thr fangc;z Ma\r Ajo® S& H=mia‘ni miaban% Am;rika\i Fa\oz Ar;u;l;an j;mi fo- g;uor spasauor Fog;,norf T&
N&S&Ø&T&T& Gar;gin B& ’a\- rago\n Patriarq ;u Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikose ;u Ma\r Ajo®i miabanoujiune a® Astoua‘ a[øjqow bar;\i,a- tak Fa\r Sourbi fogou fan-
gstouj;an famar^ sgoum ;n Fog;,norf T&
NOR ØR% MART 13% 2014
Fa\astani na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ane Marti 8-in% a\z;l;l h aNa\irio bv,kakan k;ntronoum gtnouo[ sparap;t Waxghn Sargs;ani møre^ Tikin Gr;ta\in!
A\s masin j[jakzin asaz A®o[=apafou- j;an na.ararouj;an gl.auor xga\axrko[- w;rak;ndanazno[ Anatoli Gnounin!
Na.agafin dimauor;l h a®o[=apafouj;an na.kin na.arar |aroujiun Qou,k;ane! Anatoli Gnounin n,;z% or Tikin Gr;ta\i wiyake ka\oun h! A®a\vm nran a\l bavanmounq t;[a'o.;lou masin .øsq cka\! aF;nz t;sn;nq m;r kariqe couni ke t;[a'o.;nq a\l bavin% d;® fsko[ouj;an ;u bouvman kariq ounio% asaz bvi,ke!
N,;nq% or Tikin Gr;ta\i møt \a\tnab;rou;l h ou[;[i ar;an ,r=ana®ouj;an sour .angaroum% orn arta\a\tou;l h i,;mik insoultow! Na fiuandanoz hr t;[a'o.ou;l Marti 4-in!
Incphs t;[;kaznoum h alenta.- ruo-n% krønakan f;®ar]ako[n;ri Axga\in Enk;rakzouj;an (Natio- nal Religious Broadcasters) a®a- =arkow% am;rik;an aParamounto kinoenk;roujiune Dar;n Anowos- kou aNo\o `ilmi (a\s `ilmi ,our= ‘aga‘ tara]a\noujiunn;ri ;u .ndirn;ri masin vamanakin gr;l h) bolor gowax- da\in niuj;re k*apafowi lrazouzic bazatragr;row! A\d masin oro,oume enk;roujiune ka\azr;l h a®anz kinob;madrici mas- nakzouj;an!
a~ilme og;,ncoua‘ h No\i masin a®asp;low! Cna\a‘ or jo\l ;n trou;l g;[arou;stakan wripakn;r% m;nq famoxoua‘ ;nq% or `ilmoum pafpanou;l h boun bowandakoujiune% milionauor fauataz;aln;ri famar kar;uorago\n arvhqn;rn ou ambo[=akanoujiuneo% asoua‘ h bazatragroum!
:[a‘ t;[;koujiunn;row an]amb ®;visorn enkal;l h a\d bazat- ragri \a\tnou;le a®anz .andawa®ouj;an% saka\n nra ko[miz or;uh pa,tønakan m;knabanoujiun ci arou;l!
aNo\eo Aronowskou 6-rd liam;trav ®;visorakan a,.atanqn h ;u nra asparhxoum am;najank `ilmarou;sti na.agi‘e! ~ilmi ‘ ;[;l h 130 mln& tolar!
Anz;al ,abaj anf;taza‘ Boeing 777-200 inqnaji®e% or ke pat- kani aMalaysia Airlineso ødanaua\in enk;rouj;an^ minc;u a\s pafe ch gtnoua‘! A\s masin \a\tna‘ h Malaxia\i warcap;t Na=ib Toun Âaxake!
aÂIA Nowostiio fa[ordmamb% warcap;te \a\tna‘ h% or angam b;korn;r c;n \a\tnab;roua‘% jh;u a®auøtouanh Farau-Cinakan ‘owi mh= ke ,arounakouin orono[akan a,.atanqn;re!
Ke n,oui% or a\d a,.atanqn;roun ke masnakzin 'rkararn;r ;u xinouorakann;r Wihjnamhn% Malaxia\hn% Singapourhn ;u ~ili'in- n;rhn!
Est na.nakan warka‘i^ inqnaji®e inka‘ h J.ø-Cou k[xihn 300 qm& a\n ko[m^ Malaxia\i a'hn møtauoraphs 220 qm& f;®auorouj;an wra\! Inqnaji®i mh= ;[a‘ h 227 ou[;uor ;u an]nakaxmi 12 andam!
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THURSDAY, MARCH 13% 2014 5
Am;napatiu T& Nourfan Arq& Manouk;ani f;t
a:jh mhk ko[mhn ca'axanz ouv;[ h an]is tkarouj;an ma- sin im oun;za‘ famoxoums% saka\n mius ko[mhn a\sør pat- rastakamoujiun ke \a\tn;m .ixa.;lou miak a\n patya®ow% or ke fauatam jh a\s nouira- kan \arkhn n;rs dar;rh i w;r irakanaza‘ ou apro[ ga[a- 'arn ou gor‘e parxaphs f;t;- uanqn ;n mardoz end Astou‘o\ ou.takzouj;an fra,ali ardiun- qin& mardik^ oronq |o\si ;u Siro\ ga[a'arakann;rhn togoroua‘ ;u a®inqnoua‘% møt ambo[= tasn;uouj dar;r ;ka‘ ;n .a®- n;lou ir;nz fauatqi shre ir;nz yigi qrtinqino!
Nourfan Arq& Manouk;an Fa\ Patriarq :rousa[hmi (a" >mbagrakanio% aSiono
Amsagir% :rousa[hm% 2013)
18 dar dimaza‘ Fa\astan;a\z :k;[;zuo\ a\s fog;uor% m,akou- ja\in ;u ousoumnakan k;drone FAMA|N FA|OUJ:AN s;'aka- noujiunn h! A\s gitakzouj;amb ,arvil ke n,anakh lr=ørhn pat- rastouil au;li amour va\r;rou wra\ paf;lou xa\n^ f;®ou paf;- low amhn t;sak al;ko‘oumn;rh ou fo[mafaroumn;rh% oronq pat- rast ;n or;uh vamanak faroua- ‘;l kam spa®nal anor go\at;u- man!
Ambo[= fogiow a\s a®aq;lou- j;an l‘oua‘ Patriarqi me f;t fandip;lou a®an]na,norfoume parg;uou;zau in‘i 2014-i |oun- uarin! :s t;sa\ t;silq oun;zo[ fog;uor a®a=norde% or endou- n;low nor vamanakn;rou marta- frauhrn;re% ou.ta‘ h ir miaban ;[ba\rn;row nouirakan ‘a®a- \oujiune matouz;l :rousa[hmi S& Ajo®in!
Wstafoujiun ke n;r,nc;n Patriarq Før f;t;u;al .øsq;re& a:jh mhk ko[mhn ca'axanz ouv;[ h an]is tkarouj;an masin im oun;za‘ famoxoums% saka\n mius ko[mhn a\sør patrastakamou-
jiun ke \a\tn;m .ixa.;lou miak a\n patya®ow% or ke fa- uatam jh a\s nouirakan \arkhn n;rs dar;rh i w;r irakanaza‘ ou apro[ ga[a'arn ou gor‘e parxaphs f;t;uanqn ;n mardoz end Astou‘o\ ou.tagnazouj;an fra,ali ardiunqin&&&o! (a" >mbagrakanio% h= 3)
Nourfan Patriarq Manouk;an ‘na‘ h ma\r ga[ouj Falhpi mh= 1948-in% auaxani anounow^ Pø[os! Na.nakan krjoujiune stanalh ;tq t;[uo\n Fa\kax;an Warva- ranhn n;rs endounoua‘ h Kili- kio\ Kajo[ikosouj;an dpr;wan- qe 1961-in% isk 1966-in^ :rousa- [hmi Srboz |akob;anz Va®an- gauoraz Warvarane! A\d tari- n;roun Patriarqoujiune øv- toua‘ hr nouir;al fog;uorakan- n;rou fo\low me% or ir ba.toro, dro,me dra‘ h Va®angauorazi ;u Jargmancazi san;roun wra\% \i,;nq :[i,h Patriarq Thrthr- ;ane% Nora\r Arq& Pø[ar;ane% Kiur;[ Wrd& Gabiq;ane!
Apaga\ Patriarqe sarkauag ke ];®nadroui 1968-in% kousa- krøn qafana\^ 1971-in ;u tari me ke warh Va®angauorazi 'o.-t;souci pa,tøne! Fog;uor fowiui ‘a®a\oujiunn;r ke ka- tarh Fa\`a-:a`a\i ;u Folan- ta\i fa\ ga[oujn;rhn n;rs% apa 1982-in% ;r=anka\i,atak T& Jor- gom Arq& Manouk;ani frauhrow ke m;kni Niu :orq^ ousan;low :piskoposakan E ndfanour Astoua‘abanakan Y;maranhn n;rs! AMN-i mh= An 1985-94 fo- g;uor fowiun hr Mhshcous;zi S'rink`ilt qa[aqi ;u apa J;qsasi S& Ghorg ;k;[;zuo\!
T& Nourfan Arq& Manouk;ani k;anqin mh= kar;uor fangrouan me ke da®na\ 1999-in ;piskopo- sakan ];®nadroujiunn ou ø‘oume ];®amb Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[i- kos Gar;gin B&i! 2009-in :rou- sa[hmi Fa\ Patriarq Jorgom A r q & Ma n o u k ; a n L o u s a r a p ; t G;r,& T& Nourfan Arq& Manouk;a- ne ke n,anakh Patriarqakan 'o.anord! 2013 jouakani |oun- ouar 24-in k∞entroui :rousa[hmi Fa\oz 97-rd Patriarqe!
Aram S;';jy;an
Gram,akouja\in fangrouan- n;re ar]akagir Aram S;';jy- ;ani famar patafakan tar;- jou;r c;n& na baxmizs m;x apa- zouz;l h dranq arv;uor;lou ira- uounqe! A\sør fas;l h nra gra- kan foun]qi fa,ou;k,i®e n;rka- \azn;lou ardar vamanake!
";trouari 21-in lranoum h A& S;';jy;ani ‘nnd;an 80-am;ake! Grakanouj;an patmabane ci karo[ antarb;r gtnou;l nra tasnam;akn;ri wastaki fan- dhp% or a\sør m[oum h \arganqi ou gnafatanqi =;rmagin xga- zou m n;row l zou ;l ! A \ s ør m; nq gnafatoum ;nq nra b;ra‘ a,- .o\v masnakzoujiune ;tpat;- raxm;an ,r=ani libananafa\ grakan k;anqin% M;r]auor Ar;u;lqi agrakan fama.mboumio mh=% mna\oun a,.atakzoujiune JMM aøsnako amsagroum!
A& S;';jy;ane a\sør fatoum h mi qani \ob;l;ann;r& nra pat- moua‘qn;ri a®a=in vo[owa‘oun^ aAnlo\s Gi,;rn;ro .oragrow% lo\s h t;s;l f;®auor 1964-in% isk sa n,anakoum h% or 2014-e na;u n,anauoroum h nra st;[‘agor- ‘akan gor‘ounhouj;an 'a®af;[ \isnam;ake! Mi nkata®oum ;us& ;r;snam;a\ ;ritasard ar]aka- gire piti or ardhn t;snhr ir aanlo\s gi,;rn;reo% oronq apa- fow;lou hin st;[‘agor‘akan tqnanqi lo\se!
Vo[owa‘oui h=;roum% orqan hl S'iu®qi mh= apro[ fa\i yaka- tagire anf;®ankara\in hr juoum% a\nouam;na\niu% f;[inake parxoum hr a®a=in f;rjin gra- kanouj;an ;u k;anqi mh= b;r- kranqi fandipman nkatmamb ir an.a®n fiazoume% ak;anqi T[mout g;ti mh=o (ir sir;li Jh- qh;ani ba®;row) ;raxn;r 'nt- ®;lou fakoua‘oujiune! aMta‘oums era‘ ;rax%- \ou,oum h m;x ar]a- kagire%- ;s o[=oun;zi \a®a=azo[ gi,;re% ;u acq;rs \a®a‘ ;rkinqi anfounouj;an^ im ;r;uaka\ou- j;ans ambo[= ja'owe a\nphs ‘a[k;zouzi anapats% or ;s isk sksa\ fauatal nman ‘a[kastani me go\ouj;ano!
Ir grakanoujiune% mta‘oum h \andougn% d;® ir;n patani kar‘o[ ar]akagire% fra,ali ka.ørran h% yøya]o[% our inqe a® nouaxn saro\;anakan nora- tip f;rosn h% isk ir grakanou- jiune% krkn;nq% jhqh;anakan mrgastan% ori a\g;pane da®- nalou \auaknoujiunn ouni! Sa ardhn gro[i ou arou;staghti \an]na®oujiun h! :u patafakan ch a\n fangamanqe% or nra \a- =ord^ aK;anqi karøtowo vo[owa- ‘oui (1969) patmoua‘qn;ri f;- rosn;re m;‘ masamb mtauora- kann;r ;n% arou;staghtn;r% orn ardhn grakan t;so[ouj;an a®an]na\atkoujiun h! G;[;ziki sour enkalman tpauorouj;amb^ na fayo\qow ,'ojoum h nkar- couj;an ;u grakanouj;an saf- mann;re% ;rkousi mh= hl t;snoum g;[;ziki wa\rk;nakan fandi- poumiz ‘nound a®no[ \au;rvou- j;an ou[;gire! |atkaphs a\s a®oumow endg‘;nq aArtasouo[ nkarin a®=;uo patmoua‘q-pat- k;re! Ocinc or \a=ord wa\rk;a- nin g;[;zikn a\l;us ke .;[oui% ke lou‘oui a®ør;a\i mh=& kar;- uore paf n h& arou;staghte marmnauoroum h pafi n;raprou- me! Ant;s;lou ch% or A& S;';jy- ;ani f;rosn;ri mh= sa ,arouna- kakan warqagi‘ h& aO[=akhxo wipakoum (1978) f;[inaki^ nkar- ic-arou;staght A,ot-Waframi ko[qin aøtaro f;rosoufin h^ Âa- mona-Ilfhme% ore mardous n;rqin% aa\nko[mna\ino a,.arfi wau;- ragroumn h! A\st;[iz ‘nound h a®noum A& S;';j y;ani k;rpa- rast;[‘ mhk kar;uor \atkani,e^ ;rkououj;an .orfrdi fasta- toume st;[‘agor‘akan n;rqin ,;rt;roum!
:jh mhk ba®ow kam arta\a\- touj;amb enggrk;lou lin;nq nra st;[‘agor‘oujiune% piti ar]a- nagr;nq% or f;[inaki k;ntrona- kan mta‘oumn ou 'nt®touqe afa\ou fogouo yanacoumn h% ‘ouhn- n;riz .yankar kaxm;lou grakan ,norfe! Na sksoum h a\nt;[iz% ort;[ juoum h jh auart;l h ousouzic-banast;[‘e! Xga\oun gro[e ir amhn mi n;ardow ap- roum h fa\ouj;an bavin enka‘ tagnapn;re^ lin;n dranq ;k;[;- zakan why;r ;rkou nouirap;ta- kan ajo®n;ri mi=;u% libanan;an ma,o[ tagnap% Arza.;an ,ar- voum jh Spitaki a[itali ;rk- ra,arv! A& S;';jy;ane ir fra- paraka.øsakan ;u grakanagi- takan ;rkou fra,ali vo[owa‘ou- n;roum^ aVamanaka\o\x .of;ro (2005) ;u aBanast;[‘oujiune tagnapi endmh=hno (2009)% am- bo[=aznoum h s'iu®qafa\ g;- [arou;stakan mtqi xargazoume enk;ra\in nor \o\x;ri \or]a- noutoum! A\st;[ karo[ ;nq m;x jo\l tal .mbagr;lou m;r isk bnoujagrman 'or]e& na ,arou-
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M;‘ f;taqrqrouj;amb ;u an]nkouj;amb
kardazi Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an na.kin artaqin gor‘;rou na.arar Wardan Øskan;ani aAnka.ouj;an Yana- parfow% "oqr :rkri M;‘ Martafrauhr- n;reo girqe (:r;uan 2013)% or patoumn hr aou[;uorouj;an meo% or ke skshr ma\r ga[ouj Falhphn% ke ,arounakouhr :r;uani Polit;.nikakan Institouthn n;rs% apa qa[aqakan ;u diuanagitakan gitou- j;anz bar]rago\n ~l;jc;ri bar]rago\n dproze ke da®nar ir ;rkrord masnagi- touj;an darbnoze% Qali`ornian k*ellar lragrakan nor t;saki ou oraki dprozi me m;knawa\re ;u fousk apa f;[inake% ansalow srti ou ma*nauand mtqi ]a\nin ou j;ladranqin% ke m;knhr noranka. Fa\astan% our ke skshr diuanagitakan k;anqi a®a=in qa\l;re^ fasn;lou famar ;rkou ,r=an artaqin gor‘;rou na.arari patas.anatou ;u baxoum martafrauhr- n;row li ‘a®a\ouj;an!
Enj;rzman enjazqin k*anzninq fa\ ma- mouli k;anqhn n;rs inqnouro\n d;r ka- tara‘ Armenian International Magazine-i fim- nadrouj;an ;u anor sa[mna\in wiyakhn ambo[=akan amsagir me da®nalou yana- parfhn% ;u a\nouf;t;u ,norfiu ir pa- toumn;roun% m;nq ke ‘anøjananq anor ktra‘ yamboun^ diuanagitouj;an dvoua- rin asparhxhn n;rs 1992-hn minc;u 2008!
Fam;st h jiue fa\ qa[aqakan ou di- uanagitakan 'or]a®oujiunn;rh anza‘ qa[aqakan dhmq;rou \ou,apatoumn;rou ;u w;rlou‘oumn;rou nouiroua‘ girq;rou% orowf;t;u inqnouro\n p;toujiun c;nq oun;za‘ or inqnouro\n diuanagitoujiun oun;na\inq% jh;u 'oqr axg me ellalow toua‘ ;nq acqi xarno[ qa[aqakan dhm- q;r ou diuanaghtn;r% oronzmh mhkn h Wardan Øskan;an% mhke% or ir lour= n;r- droume oun;za‘ h anka. Fa\astani inq- nouro\n diuanagitouj;an mh=! M;r gra- .øsakanin npatake na.kin artaqin gor‘;rou na.ararin diuanagitakan gor‘ounhouj;an arv;uoroume ch% a\l^ ma- touzoua‘ girqe% orphs fa,ou;tououjiun me! Øskan;an \a\tnou;zau a\npisi vama- nak me% ;rb ir kaxmn ou anka. Fa\as- tani ka®awaroujiunn ou p;toujiune phtq h dimagrauhin lr=ago\n martafra- uhrn;r% \aya. yakatagrakan paf;rou dhm \andiman gtnou;low phtq h a®nhin wy®akan oro,oumn;r! N;rka\azouo[ girqe a\s a®oumow ke bana\ bauakan ‘alq;r% k*esouin ban;r% xors fanrouj;an s;'a- kanoujiune phtq ch da®na\in tou;al va- manakn;roun!
Diuanagitakan ‘a®a\ouj;nh anza‘ fa\ qa[aqakan dhmq;rhn omanq m;xi jo[ouza‘ ;n ir;nz jankagin ;u ;rb;mn al angnafat;li 'or]a®oujiunn;re orphs .rat% .orfourd% ou[;zo\z kam lousar]ak% \i,;nq Simon Wraz;ann ou |owfannhs Qa- =axnounin% Anastas Miko\;ann ou Kara- .ane% Vira\r Liparit;ann ou L;uon Thr P;tros;ane% oronzmh iuraqanciurin \ou- ,;roun mh= kan ;*u ousan;li baxoum das;r ;*u karg me s.aln;rou matnan,oumn;r!
A,.atouj;an mh= bolor fam;matou- jiunn;re \arg;low^ m;r dimaz ke kangni Wardan falhpafa\ enj;rzo[ patanin ir xargazman ,r=anin% ousano[e% ;ritasard prpto[e ;u apaga\ fasarakakan gor-
‘ounhouj;an mh= mtn;lou patrastouo[ ;ritasarde :r;uani mh=% enj;rzo[e% en- k;re% amousinn ou fa\re% diuanagitakan krjoujiun stazo[ ousoumnat;nc ;rita- sarde% fa\ k;anqin mh= lragrakan ou qa[aqakan nor møt;zoum me banalou an- frav;,toujiune gitakzo[ 80-90-akann;- rou kaxmauoroua‘ fasoun ;ritasarde% .mbagire ;u apa diuanaghte!
F;[inake% \arg;low bolor pat,ayou- jiunn;re ;u paf;low bolor fam;matou- jiunn;re% krza‘ h la\n pasta®i wra\ zo\z tal ir 'or]a®oujiune% gor‘akizn;- rou (na.arar% warcap;t% a,.atakaxm ;u na.agaf) =anasiroujiune^ fa\ diuanagi- takan naue .a[a[ nauafangist fas- zn;lou ir;nz =anq;roun mh=! W& Øskan;an orphs ‘anra.of diuanaght ;rb;q chq t;sn;r a\npisi dirq;rou mh=% our an ;r- kinqn;re bar]raznh ir gor‘akizn;rn ou bar;kam øtar p;toujiunn;rou n;rka\a- zouzicn;re% ;u kam g;tnin xarnh jhkoux Fa\astani mafe ;raxo[ aj,namin;rouo p;takan a\r;re! Kirqe ch or k*a®a=nor- dh xinq% a\l tou;al pafin yi,d oro,oum a®n;lou ;u xa\n apaga\in i spas dn;lou irapa,t skxbounqe! :rb an banakzou- j;anz mh= h bar;kam jh carakam ;rkri me diuanaghtn;roun f;t% i \a\t kou ga\ f;[inakin drakan møt;zmamb a®au;la- go\ne apok;louo irapa,t a,.ataoye! Tou;al pafoun acarakamoe jh;u ir fa- ka®akordn h% ba\z an mi,t drakan mø- t;zoum zo\z kou ta\^ kar;uor;low end- fanour ,af n;rka\azno[ farz;re! N;r- ka\azouo[ fatore faraxat zolazoumn h w;r;ue esoua‘in!
A\s es;l ch or an bolorin ke na\i no\n
sa®nasrtouj;amb kam anfa[ord ar- ta\a\touj;amb! A\sphs% famakranqi xousp to[;rou ;tin diuanaght ;u mard hak Øskan;an ke t;snh MARDE dimazinin mh=! aIn] famar m;‘ago\n fayo\q hr a,.at;l ;u \atkaphs fandip;l Qolin "aou;lin (AMN-i artgor‘ na.arar)! La\na.of% bar;fambo\r% .;loq% nrbankat ;u \argaliz mard hr&&&! AMN-i bolor p;tqartou[arn;riz "aou;le am;nam;‘ ;u ank;[‘ f;taqrqroujiun zouzab;ro[n hr a\s farzoum (h= 107-108& .øsqe fa\- jourqakan \arab;roujiunn;rou mh= a®a=- enjaz ar]anagr;lou masin h - M&G&)! A\l t;[ me% .øs;low 1999-i Jourqio\ artgor‘ na.arar Isma\il Y;mi masin% ke grh& aIsma\il Y;me fangist% fay;li an]nauo- roujiun hr! Nra f;t \a=ord tarin;rin ,at bnakanon \arab;roujiunn;r ;m oun;z;lo (h= 156)!
N;rka\azouo[ fratarakouj;an mh= kar;uor t;[ troua‘ h Fa\astani far;- uann;roun^ Iranin% Jourqio\% Atrph\ya- nin% arabakan ;rkirn;roun ;u tara‘a- ,r=anin mh= a\laxan f;taqrqroujiunn;r oun;zo[ ;rkirn;rou f;t \arab;roujiun- n;roun! Fos k*endg‘oui dimazinin ,af;rn ou f;taqrqroujiunn;re fasknalow fan- d;r] Fa\astani ,af;re banakzo[ ko[min n;rka\azn;lou ;u a\d ou[[ouj;amb fna- rauor yamban;re endar]ak;lou kar;- uoroujiune! A\s a®oumow aAnka.ouj;an Yanaparfowoe kar;uor n;rdroum me ke da®na\ ;u \o\v øgtakar ou[;zo\z me apaga\ diuanagitouj;an famar! :ri- tasard diuanaghtn;rou famar dasa- girq men h a\s ;u ma*nauand a\sør% ;rb Fa\astan ke taroub;ri Âousastani Da,noujiun ;u :uromioujiun ko[mnoro- ,oumn;roun mi=;u (jh;u n;rka\i i,.anou- jiunn;re ir;nz oro,oume toua‘ ;n ardhn)!
Girqin aA®anz W;r=abanio glou.e phtq h enj;rz;l qani me angam! A\s fatoua‘in mh= ka\ ;*u inqnarv;uoroum ;*u mtawa.oujiun ;u na;u patgam% xors Wardan Øskan;an anjaqo\z k;rpow ke 'o.anzh Fa\astani ;u s'iu®qi a\sørouan [;kawarouj;an ou galiq s;roundn;roun& a&&&:rb m;nq jo\l tou;zinq% or 2008-i na- .agafakan entrouj;an ;u f;tentrakan ,r=ani laroua‘oujiunn ou xgazmounqn;re i,.;n% dranq zo\z tou;zin% or m;nq^ orphs p;toujiun% patrast c;nq 'o.adar] fandourvo[akanouj;an ;u qa[aqakirj ;rk.øsouj;an! M;xaniz^ a\d ,hnqoum (art- gor‘;rou na.ararouj;an ,hnqe% Anka- .ouj;an fraparak% :r;uan) gtnouo[n;- riz lau oc oq cgithr% or da ;rkousthq hr! M;xaniz lau oc oq cgithr or m;r n;rqin xøroujiune% baro\akanoujiunn ou fastatakamoujiune m;r am;nalau% ira- kanoum^ miak\a[jajou[jn hr mi=axga\in asparhxoumo! (H= 276)
Enj;rz;lh ;tq girqe ;u ;rkar vam;r .okalh ;tq% wstaførhn kar;li \a\tara- r;l jh takauin ch auarta‘ Wardan Øskan;ani diuanagitakan a®aq;louji- une% isk m;r nman ,at;r irmh ke spas;n nor ‘a®a\oujiunn;r!
Bavanordagrou;lou famar Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an ;l;ktrona\in mamoulin%
};r e-mail faszhn krnaq [rk;l
Thursday, March 13, 2014 Volume 92, No. 11
Everyone Should Go Armenian Genocide Survivors And The Woven Armenian President
To Referendum And Express His View – Crimean-Armenian Community
Art To Be Explored At CSUN Conference
Receives Foreign Minister Of Serbia
The Armenian community of Crimea likewise awaits the results of the forthcom- ing referendum. Regardless of which na- tion’s representative, everyone should go and express his view,
Northridge, CA:- The Armenian Studies Program at California State University, North- ridge (CSUN) will host a conference on the theme of Armenian Genocide Survivors and the Woven Art. The event will take place at the Oviatt Li- brary conference room on Saturday, March 29, from 1:00-5:00 p.m. It is cosponsored by the Armenian Rugs Society and the United Armenian Council of Los Angeles.
unfairness and cruelty by producing what was beautiful and ennobling. Their manu- factured articles reached Europe, the United States and elsewhere. People pur- chased them out of humanitarianism, but by doing so they also enriched themselves with valueless artworks.
Crimean-Armenian Community Chair- man Vagharshak Melkonyan told the above-said to Armenian
This conference aims to illuminate the Armenian Genocide from the perspective of the woven art in its widest scope: rugs, embroideries, lace work, handkerchiefs, textiles, and so on. The artists were widows and orphans, survivors who from the mas- sacres in the mid-1890s through the decades following World War I maintained their sanity and dignity by keeping busy with gainful occupations. In a sense, trau- matized as they were, they mocked life’s
The following speakers will participate: Gevork Nazaryan, “Armenian Weaving Centers in the Ottoman Empire on the Eve of the Genocide”; Harold Bedoukian, “Ar- menian Orphans and Orphanages: Their Contribution to the Carpet Weaving World”; Vahram Shemmassian,” The In- dustries at the Armenian Refugee Camp of Port Said, 1915-1919”; Hratch Kozibe- yokian, “The Revival of an Ancient People and Their Crafts in Post-World War I Aleppo, Syria”; Susan Lind-Sinanian: “Stitching to Survive: Handcrafts of Ar- menian Widows and Orphans, 1896-1930”; Bared Maronian, “The Newly-Discovered Hajin Orphan Rug.” Dr. Hasmig Baran will introduce the speakers.
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan re- ceived Serbian Foreign Minister Ivan Mrkic, according to the presidential press service. S. Sargsyan stressed the importance of the foreign minister’s visit in terms of continuing the Armenian-Serbian dialog at the high level and promoting the agenda of bilateral cooperation.
As per Melkonyan, separate actions are not taken against the Armeian population in Crimea.
“The situation is tense, everyone is nervous. But life in Simferopol continues with the regular routine,” he stressed. Melkonyan also informed that the Crimean-Armenian Community National Council meeting will take place on Wednesday.
In his words, the centuries-old ties be- tween Armenia and Serbia have had vari- ous manifestations of friendship. The president stated that the Armenian people gratefully remember the Serbian pilots killed in a crash near Yerevan while coming to the rescue of Armenia after the 1988 dev- astating earthquake in Spitak.
Crimea Parliament NATO Starts Air Drills Close To Ukraine's Borders
Declares Independence From Ukraine Ahead Of Referendum
NATO has begun wargames in Poland as recently dispatched US jets are set to take part in the exercises. Poor weather has delayed naval ma- neuvers in the Black Sea, with the US saying both drills were planned be- fore the outbreak of unrest in Ukraine.
Both the president and the Serbian for- eign minister underlined the importance of high-level visits, thanks to which bilateral relations and cooperation in a number of spheres have become active in recent years.
The air drills began on Tuesday at the Lask Air Base in central Poland. Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski was present as the exercises commenced, stand-
ing by as four Polish F-16s lifted off. A US Hercules transport plane landed with sup- port staff, while at least 12 US F-16 fighter jets and 300 personnel are due to arrive by Thursday.
The interlocutors expressed willingness to continue efforts aimed at maintaining and developing the positive dynamics, not- ing the existence of an unfulfilled potential in political, cultural and some other spheres of mutual interest as well as the potential
A woman walking by a poster calling people to vote in the upcoming referen- dum, in the Crimean port city of Sevastopol (Reuters / Baz Ratner)
tions. Catherine Ashton Visits Armenian Cathedral In for cooperation in international organiza-
The significance of mutually beneficial and close cooperation during Serbia’s chairmanship of the OSCE in 2015 was also stressed at the meeting.
“We Hope The Presidents Of Armenia And Azerbaijan Will Meet This Month”
The parliament of the Autonomous Re- public of Crimea has adopted an inde- pendence declaration from Ukraine which is necessary for holding a March 16 refer- endum.
On Monday, March 10th, EU High Representa- tive for Foreign and Security Pol- icy Catherine Ashton visited the Armenian Holy Savior Cathedral in New Julfa, Iran, the Prelacy of New Julfa informs.
“We, the members of the parliament of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Sevastopol City Council, with regard to the charter of the United Nations and a whole range of other international docu- ments and taking into consideration the confirmation of the status of Kosovo by the United Nations International Court of Jus- tice on July, 22, 2010, which says that uni- lateral declaration of independence by a part of the country doesn’t violate any in- ternational norms, make this decision,” says the text of the declaration, which was published by the Crimean media.
Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Is- fahan, Bishop Papken Charian expressed gratitude to the European Union for recog- nizing the Armenian Genocide and referred
to the ECHR ruling on Armenian Genocide denial case.
"We hope the Presidents of Arme- nia and Azerbaijan will meet this month". OSCE MG US co-chair James Warlick wrote about this on his Twitter page.
He praised the constant support of the Iranian authorities to the maintenance of the Armenian Churches and cultural val-
The document was adopted during an extraordinary session of parliament.
ues, and reminded a few years ago neighboring Azerbaijan demolished the Armenian cross-stones in Old Julfa, which was a cultural genocide. The Pri- mate voiced hope that the European Parliament will condemn the vandal- ism to prevent the reoccurrence of such genocides elsewhere in the future. Catherine Ashton assured she would pursue the protection of human rights.
The US diplomat added that only the two Presidents could address the most dif- ficult issues of peace.
78 of 100 members of the parliament voted in favor of the declaration.
Remind, that the OSCE MG co-chairs continue meeting with the sides. On March 10 they met Azerbaijan Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov in Paris.
The Crimean parliament’s vote to be- come an independent sovereign state paves the way for the March 16 referendum for the Crimean Autonomous Republic and the city of Sevastopol to join Russia.
At the end of the visit Ms. Ashton left a note in the memory book of the museum.
The OSCE mediators will meet with Ar- menia Foreign Minister Edward Nalban- dian in Moscow today.
8 Nor Or Weekly - Thursday March 13, 2014
DEPOP Research Group Concludes International Speaking Tour
AGBU-Organized Events Reveal New Trends In Armenia’s Emigration
businesses and micro-lending or by engag- ing with the Ministry of Diaspora to sup- port civic projects that lead to greater citizen involvement.” The first step to bringing about meaningful change, he con- tinued, is to organize robust public debates and discussions—which they were able to initiate with AGBU as a partner.
The DEPOP teams’ focus groups, inter- views, media monitoring and surveys re- vealed startling statistics: a near 20% drop in Armenia’s population over the past two decades. Their research shows that al- though those numbers were initially tied to a lack of economic opportunities, in recent years, families with higher earnings are even more likely to leave the country.
The DEPOP group also stressed the im- portance of strengthening civic institutions across Armenia. Kamo Mailyan, the editor of, shared, “We believe that the development of economic, educa- tion and judicial systems, as well as civil so- ciety, will bring positive change in Armenia. By building the capacity of those institutions, we can strengthen the demo- cratic process and create a prosperous fu- ture for our country and our people.”
The DEPOP Research Group, in part- nership with AGBU and the Kololian Foun- dation, has just concluded a worldwide tour to present its report “The Depopula- tion Crisis in Armenia.” Drawing hundreds of attendees in Beirut, Paris, Toronto, New York, and Los Angeles, the events sparked a new dialogue about emigration, demo- graphic and socioeconomic challenges in Armenia today and possibilities for build- ing a stronger future for the republic.
on extensive fieldwork conducted across Armenia. For more than a year, four inde- pendent research teams, selected by the In- ternational Center for Human Development in Yerevan on behalf of the Kololian Foundation, gathered data on the ground.
In light of these findings, the DEPOP group proposed recommendations, which they shared at each stop on their global tour. Vahan Kololian, co-founder of the Toronto-based think tank the Mosaic Insti- tute and the sponsor of the DEPOP project, pointed to the need for the Armenian dias- pora to help reverse these demographic trends.
With its first international tour com- plete, the DEPOP Research Group is now seeking to partner with local civic groups to encourage transparency and participa- tory decision-making and to empower Ar- menian youth country-wide.
Karlen Khachatryan, and Haik Sargsyan of Yerevan State University; and independent researchers Arshak Balayan, Armen Gaka- vian, and Avetik Mejlumyan.
The report, which was first introduced at a United Nations Population Fund con- ference in Yerevan in October 2013, is based
The researchers include Dr. Khatchik Der Ghougassian of the Hrayr Maroukhian Foundation; Veronica Aghajanyan, Ani Avetisyan, Tatevik Hovhannisyan, Elena Kozhemyakina, Elena Muradyan, and Elina Sahakyan of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University; Kristine Antonyan,
In his address to guests at the AGBU Central Office in New York, Kololian re- marked that “the Armenian people have a history of uniting in the face of crisis. The country’s readily declining population is yet another crisis that we must resolve to- gether, whether it is by investing in local
For more information about AGBU and its worldwide programs, please visit
Tribute To Armen Aroyan Held At Ararat-Eskijian Museum Knights Of Vartan Ani Lodge
Armen Aroyan was honored for his achievements and dedication over the past 25 years, during which he has tailored more than 75 Ar- menian Heritage tours for over 1,200 pilgrims to historic Armenia to show them the lands of their par- ents and grandparents. The tribute was organized and co-sponsored by the Ararat-Eskijian Museum (AEM) and the National As- sociation for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR). The program took place on February 9, 2014, at 4:00 p.m. in the Sheen Chapel on the grounds of the Ararat Home Nursing Facility in Mission Hills, CA, followed by a din- ner reception in the Museum.
calls the “King Arshag phenome- non,” the transformation process he has witnessed in pilgrims “reminis- cent of the legend of the forlorn, de- pressed, and subservient Armenian King Arshag II in captivity, who would miraculously regain his boldness and strength when he stepped on the soil brought from
Performs Second Annual Play Celebration Of Vartanantz Day
The master of ceremonies was Bruce Roat, Southern California board member of NAASR. He was introduced by Martin Eskijian, Chairman of the Ararat-Eskijian Mu- seum, who welcomed an audience of more than 220 en- thusiastic attendees. The program started by the Ani String Quartet (founded by Sarkis Bukujian) rendering selections from Gomidas, Khatchadurian, and Berberian, including “Dzidzernag.”
the homeland.” He also thanked all the pilgrims who had travelled with him and emphasized that he had learned much from them and their family histories. “The pil- grims,” he said, “gave me the opportunity to see our homeland through their eyes, with the very wonder and awe of the first time—every time. Together, we turned a haunted memory into a tangible reality.”
Prof. Richard Hovannisian reviewed the history of the confiscation and redistribution of Armenian properties during and after the deportations and massacres.
He concluded: “First and foremost, last but not least, it is all about keeping the memory of our rich legacy alive and propagating it for future generations.”
The next presentation was an extensive slide show by Roupen Berberian, a four-time traveler with Armen, of the pilgrim groups he guided at numerous historic sites. This was accompanied with historical commentary by Mr. Berberian. In addition, there was coverage of Armen’s ge- nealogy, family influences, and education in Cairo, Egypt, and his immigration to Southern California where he fur- thered his education in Electrical Engineering at USC. He worked for McDonnell Douglas Aerospace Corporation for 24 years. Armen had guided many scholars, authors, religious leaders, and documentarians from different countries on their trips to Turkey.
Armen Aroyan is in the process of publishing a two- volume collection of writings by and about his co-travelers and their experiences. Rev. Kevork Terian of the Armen- ian Cilicia Evangelical Church of Pasadena ended the pro- gram with the benediction.
Armen explained the importance to him of the poem “My Death” by Bedros Tourian and recited the last two lines: “When from the world my memory fades away, / That is the time when I indeed shall die!”
Washington, D.C. – Last month, the Knights of Vartan Ani Lodge #21 and Daughters of Vartan Dikranouhi Otyag held two special events to mark the annual Vartanantz Day celebration. On Sunday, February 9, the Hamasdegh School at Soorp Khatch Armenian Church hosted the Knights and Daughters of Vartan for the first performance of a play on the historic Battle of Avarayr. The following Sunday, February 16, the Shnorhali School at St. Mary Armenian Church hosted the second performance of the play. The Dikranouhi Otyag hosted the receptions at both churches and provided gifts for the school children.
The reception, prepared by Maggie Mangassarian Goschin, the director of the Ararat-Eskijian Museum. as well as one of Armen Aroyan’s pilgrims, and Nora Nal- bandian.
Armenians frequently come to the public eye as victims: of genocide, an earthquake, and most recently, as refugees from Syria. Making a character like Vartan Mamigonian come alive on stage teaches people, especially the youth, that Armenians are not passive victims and that they have an en- during faith and culture. As Vartan says in the play: “Our re- ligion is not like a garment that we might change according to the circumstances; it is part and parcel of our bones, our blood and personality.”
Falsifiers Of Armenian History
Posted by on March 9th, 2014
The most shocking thing is that the Armenian Stud- ies chairs of the universities in the United States have also become the vehicles for promoting the Turkish ver- sion of “Armenian History.”
Today, the more than one million Armenian-Amer- icans, who are caught up in their everyday work cannot even imagine that the Armenian Studies chairs in the US are busy in "decomposing" the Armenian national identity and promoting the False Armenological School which corrupts and distorts Armenian history and cul- ture parallel to the Turkish design.
For more information please follow the link below.
Artur Arustamian
Martin Eskijian presented Armen with an award of recognition from the Ararat-Eskijian Museum, a sculpture of an Armenian mother protecting her child during the de- portation. The NAASR tribute was given by Southern Cal- ifornia board member Dr. Gregory Ketabgian who presented Armen with a symbolic silver bowl designed by Michael Aram and representing Noah’s Ark resting on top of Mt. Ararat. He said “although British ships could not climb Mt. Ararat, Armen was symbolically able to do it with his vans.”
“The Knights of Vartan have a special role in educating each generation of Armenians about the courage and sacri- fice of Christian Armenians who fought and died against overwhelming odds in the Battle of Avarayr so that today Ar- menians can worship and live as a free and independent peo- ple,” said Ani Lodge commander Jake Bournazian.
Armen thanked all the organizers of the event and ex- plained the “providential chain of events” that led to his passion for organizing tours through historic Armenia. He described some of the Armenians he had discovered still living in remote corners of historic Armenia. He was in- spired by how they were initially reluctant but after relax- ing were able to sing the sharagans, recite the Havadamk, the Armenian alphabet, and so on. He explained what he
The performances were so successful that the Ani Lodge continues to enhance the production and dialogue and pres- ent it every year in celebration of Vartanantz Day, this being the second annual performance.
The Knights and Daughters were especially pleased by the incredibly hospitable and warm receptions displayed by the leadership and parishioners at both Soorp Khatch and St. Mary Armenian Churches. It was also a delightful way for the Knights to bring Armenian history to life while having a little fun showcasing their inner Broadway talents.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday March 13, 2014 9
Life’s Express Train By Alice Krumian
This amazing express train of our earthly days, Running its one-way route, from cradles to graves, When and where will it come to its journey’s end, Braked only by its Maker’s invisible Hand?
In the flourish of our youth, joyful and careless, We are never mindful of the its constant progress, Through the monotonous clamor of its whirling wheels, We are lulled pleasantly into enchanting dreams.
Driven by the power of our youthful passions, We fail to perceive the train’s incessant motion, Our innocent eyes, charmed by the train’s beauty, Mislead us into believing in life's eternity.
Overflowing with energy and deep vitality, We were reluctant to realize life’s brevity, Then one day, suddenly, in the looking glass, Our wrinkled and stiff face kept us stunned.
We then became aware of the train’s rushing rate, Our life left behind seemed to last a single day, We struggled to slow down the train’s speedy flow, The inability of which gave us a hard blinding blow.
This relentless train never reduces its speed, Never takes into account its occupants’ needs; It compels passengers to take leave and exit, The minute the bell tolls for their immediate transit.
And then one by one, all of them taking turns, The passengers get ready to vacate their rooms; Then they proceed to walk on one of those paths, They had previously selected for their ultimate end.
Having put an end to their thorny earthly life, Some of them advance with a blissful smile, To lay hold of their portion of eternal life, And join the Fountain of Everlasting Light.
Patricia Kaas Gives Concert In Yerevan
Artsakh: Peacebuilding Is About People Not Politicians
By Russell Pollard
Mass movements of people, the drawing of complicated borders, and unsatisfactory political structures have blighted the past.
Nagorno-Karabakh, Arme- nia, or elsewhere in the world and, for most, if not all, returning to Azerbaijan would never be considered as a possibility. It is un- likely that the Azeris dis- placed from Armenia
Politicians create war but they rarely deliver last- ing peace. Over the next few years we will be remembering the centenary of the First World War. At the time it was considered to be the “war to all end all wars” but in fact it was the war that started many wars. Mil- lions of people suffered, and died, through- out the last one hundred years as a result of treaties and other political decisions taken in the name of achieving peace.
would ever consider returning to their orig- inal homes. However, for most of those who were living in Shushi, and the 7 sur- rounding regions to the previous Nagorno- Karabakh Autonomous Oblast, they have been kept in a state of limbo by the Azer- baijani state as a form of political/humani- tarian “pawn”. The delay in providing these people with permanent housing on the premise that they may return one day shows a wanton indifference to the lives of these people.
PanARMENIAN.Net - However these were short-term political expediencies which subsequently led to popular upris- ings or armed conflicts because they did not fundamentally address the wishes of the people; it supported the politicians who had power and wanted to maintain it. Mass movements of people, the drawing of com- plicated borders, and unsatisfactory politi- cal structures have blighted the past. It is difficult to recall an example of where such a solution has given rise to a sustained peace.
It is impossible to re-create the 1988 de- mographics even if that was everyone’s will. Returning hundreds of thousands of people back to Nagorno-Karabakh into areas that are land-mined, have no housing, or adequate services is a major infrastruc- tural undertaking. This is before considera- tion is given to the impact on the people who would move and those currently resi- dent in the receiving area. It could be an- other 20 years for this to be fully completed.
The situation in Nagorno-Karabakh is a good example of the consequences of an ar- bitrary political decision; one taken by Stalin in 1923. With a majority Armenian population, common sense would have al- located this region to the Armenian SSR and not the Azerbaijan SSR. The unfurling of this arrangement ultimately led to the war in the 1990’s, and the terrible human tragedy that was experienced by hundreds of thousands of people on both sides in that period. The ceasefire that was brokered in 1994 achieved a worthy short-term goal but failed to deliver any prospect of long term success.
Philosophically, the best way forward, is the simplest way forward.
On March 9 Patricia Kaas gave a concert in the Karen Demirchian Sport and ConcerComplex of Yerevan. It was the first performance of famous French singer in Armenia. She presented Kaas Chante Piaf (Kaas Sings Piaf) program, with which she toured Eu- rope in 2013.
Many of those present sang along with Kass throughout the concert.
As each year goes past there is a con- stant supply of politicians, diplomats, Eu- ropean funded Peace Building and Conflict Resolution organisations, journalists, youth groups and more, who are “involved”. It is never quite clear what they are exactly doing, how effective it is, and whether it is more of an “interest” project which will never have any consequence on the real outcome.
The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic exists as a fully-functioning state populated by 100% Armenians. It is undermined by being unrecognized and therefore cannot trade internationally, borrow money on the financial markets, open an airport etc. This is not sustainable and is a threat to the livelihood of the residents.
At the start of the concert Kaas said that perhaps she and the Armenian audience don’t know each other well, but there were responses from the hall that Armenian spectators know Patricia Kaas very well.
asking spectators to express opinion about her attire. There was thunderous applause for Ms. Kaas at the concert’s conclusion.The concert was organized as part of ‘Days of Francophonie in Armenia – 2014’ festivities, with the assistance of Yerevan Ararat Wine Factory.
The massive hurdle in the resolution of this conflict is the obsession with the past. This consists of two broad issues
Crimea’s Conflict To Have Indirect Impact On
Who has historical rights to Nagorno- Karabakh, and Recreating the 1988 demo- graphics, principally for the Azeri population.
Whilst this may seem to be unlikely it is actually the only action that will ensure progress. It is what the people of NKR want and we live in a world that respects self-de- termination. It will commit the interna- tional community to the legitimacy of the future, and provide the best assurance of peace.
Karabakh Issue – Ara Papyan
The 2 sides will never agree on issue 1. The Karabakhian lands have been popu- lated by both Armenians and non-Armeni- ans for centuries. The Armenian SSR and the Azerbaijan SSR were highly mixed communities during the Soviet period as indeed most countries currently are, so “rights” should be based on the majority view, today. Basing a policy on an histori- cal perspective has no sound reasoning or common sense and will only lead to con- flict.
Referendum will be conducted in Crimea and nothing will hinder it, head of Noravank scien- tific-educational founda- tion director Gagik Harutyunyan told the re- porters on Tuesday.
Karabakh issue. There is no contradiction of self- determination and terri- torial integrity in Karabakh issue as Karabakh was given to Azerbaijan illegally while Crimea’s handing from one administrative part
Gagik Harutyunyan though said the time has changed and the existence of China should not be forgotten. “I think the information about sanctions against Russia are a little bit exaggerated,” he said.
It is a fundamental human right that people who have been forcibly displaced during a war have the option to return to their homeland.
In his opinion all the hot places in the world have similarities but they also have important differences. “Karabakh’s issue essentially differs from the Crimean issue. I remember how in- spired we were relating to Kosovo case but we saw what happened,” Harutyunyan said.
to another was legal while Karabakh was given by party’s decision. Sayin indirect impact, I mean that with such stance Russia will appear in isolation and Armenia as a military partner will appear in the same sit- uation,” Papyan said.
The radical change in populations dur- ing the 1988-94 period affected both sides and it is reasonable to assume that they were all forced displacements. In the ab- sence of the war the Armenians would have continued to enjoy living in Baku, Sumgait, Kirovabad, Shahumyan etc within Azerbaijan, and likewise for Azer- baijanis living in Yerevan, and other loca- tions within Armenia.
Second action – establish a cross-border UN commission that can identify and as- sess those people who have a legitimate, in- dependent, wish to return to their original homes. The timing of any return will be subject to numbers, funds for infrastructure investment, de-mining, and consideration for the current resident population.
Head of Modus Vivendi center Ara Pa- pyan said there will be pressures on Arme- nia for recognizing Crimea. “Crimean conflict may have indirect influence on
In the last 20 years the displaced Arme- nians have established new lives in
Trust is currently non-existent. Without trust nothing will happen – the last 20 years have proven that, regardless of the valiant efforts of those who have tried. Lasting peace is still a distant aspiration. These ac- tions, which must be initiated by the inter- national community, will be the first significant steps to sustainable peace.
Patricia Kaas spoke to the audience before each song. She also changed clothes fre- quently during the per- formance, each time
First action. The international commu- nity must recognize the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. This will facilitate economic growth, confidence, inward investment and the extension of de-mining into the 7 surrounding regions. All of this is critical for the second action. There are no negative consequences to the people of Azerbaijan by taking this decision, it can be achieved immediately, it will not give rise to conflict between the people. The politicians repre- sent the only risk.
The past cannot be changed. We have to start from the present. Any solution must be demonstrably in the best interests of all of the people, and must not provoke con- flict.
10 Nor Or Weekly - Thursday March 13, 2014
Hyer United By Sarin Balikian
a role in providing assis- tance. We are a new youth organization called Hyer United, recently founded in Los Angeles, that ac- knowledge our commit- ment to provide various forms of aid to our most vulnerable compatriots in Armenia. We are a youth- driven, non-profit group in the United States and a registered non-govern- mental organization in
and villages nearby with aid. Recently, a new hospital was constructed on behalf of Artsakh’s government in the area; however, it lacks any medical equipment to properly treat patients.
Turkey Police Clash With Kurdish Protesters
We are currently mapping out future projects in other regions of Armenia that are short of medical equipment
When asked about the most essential feature of life, most may answer “health.” One of the most significant concerns we have for our country today is its health. When most of the citizens are in good health, the country can prosper and flour- ish.
the Republic of Armenia. Our primary focus is to provide support to various med- ical professionals in the rural regions of the Republic of Artsakh. These regions lack re- sources available to most civilians in other parts of Armenia. Despite their resilience, they are often reliant on the aid provided by organizations such as Hyer United in
There is a firm belief that everyone de- serves access to the basic needs of life. The youth have a dream, and that dream is to witness a happy, healthy, and secure Arme- nia. The Armenian nation not only requires dreamers, but also those that pursue and act on their dreams wholeheartedly. Our freedom fighters died for liberty and mixed their blood with soil to confirm the vitality and strength of the Armenian nation. We cannot allow this generation to be the one to lose Armenia.
People run away from teargas during clashes with Turkish police in Diyarbakir on December 8, 2013.
Let’s rewind back to the Nagorno- Karabakh war, when innocent civilians were forced to flee due to enemy shelling. When Armenian women and children did not have proper nutrition and water to sus- tain themselves. When hospitals were lim- ited and medical supplies scarce. When doctors in Karabakh could not treat wounded soldiers due to poor sanitary sta- tions.
Our latest donations included 6 XL boxes of medical supplies from the Encino and Sherman Oaks hospitals, which will fill the lives of our friends in need with joy and hope. We are greatly appreciative of their generosity and support. Last month we started a campaign to fund raise for the shipment of more than 30 boxes of dona- tions. With only one month left to our cam- paign, every minute counts; if you haven't already taken a part in this, we urge you to please do so and visit to donate. Our shipping costs to Artsakh are $90 per "jumbo" sized box, but any and all dona- tions would be greatly appreciated. We thank our caring donors and look forward to your help. Together, all things are possi- ble.
Turkish police have clashed with a group of Kurdish protesters in the province of Sirnak, using water cannon and tear gas to disperse them.
The protesters, supporting the Kurdis- tan Workers' Party (PKK), blocked a main highway connecting the city of Silopi to the nearby town of Habur on Saturday night.
Twenty years have passed since the 1994 ceasefire agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and Nagorno-Karabakh not only encounters the constant threat of ceasefire violations from enemy gunfire, but also medical deficiencies. As hospitals are built, medical supplies are not enough to sustain the part of the population most in need.
The protest rally reportedly turned vi- olent after police intervened to end the protest. The demonstrators in turn hurled rocks and Molotov cocktails at the riot po- lice and their vehicles.
order to continue their struggle and main- tain an independent Artsakh.
The PKK has been fighting for an au- tonomous Kurdish region in southeastern Turkey since the 1980s. The conflict has left tens of thousands of people dead on both sides.
This is where the Armenian youth play
Our organization is the first to have successfully sent many boxes of medical supplies, mainly to the Kovsakan region of Artsakh. This region was chosen because it is centrally located to support other towns
“It always seems impossible until it is done” – Nelson Mandela
Turkey Gezi Park protests: Teenager Berkin Elvan dies
KSA Threatens To Lebanon Protesters March Over Domestic
Block Qatar Sea, Land Borders
Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal
Violence Bill
Thousands of people have marched through Beirut to demand politicians in Lebanon pass a law against domestic vio- lence.
The rally, which coincided with Inter- national Women's Day, was led by relatives of victims.
The new bill has languished amid stiff opposition from religious figures.
But campaigners say one woman is
Saudi Arabia has threatened to block Qatar by land and sea amid a simmering row between the two Arab states over Doha’s links with the Muslim Brotherhood and the role of al-Jazeera television station.
Syria Crisis: Nuns Freed By Rebels Arrive In Damascus
A group of Greek Orthodox nuns held for three months by rebels in Syria after being taken from their convent in Maaloula have arrived back in Damascus.
They said they were tired, but that they had been mostly well treated.
him on the head and put him in a coma. Berkin Elvan was going to buy bread in Istanbul last June when he was wounded. His is the eighth death linked to the anti-government protests which began in the city’s Gezi Park and spread across
Lebanon is viewed as the one of the most liberal countries in the Middle East, but has no law protecting women from vi- olence by family members.
Protesters called for a law protecting women against family violence
killed by her husband every month on av- erage, while thousands are subjected to
There are no national statistics on do- mestic violence in Lebanon.
A 15-year-old boy has died in hospital in Turkey nine months after a tear gas can- physical or verbal abuse every year. ister fired by police during a protest struck
According to a report published by US- based newspaper Huffington Post, the threats were made during a private meet- ing between the foreign ministers of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council states in Riyadh last week before Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain announced the withdrawal of their ambas- sadors from Qatar.
Turkey, BBC reports. As a crowd gathered outside the hospi-
their son had died at 07:00 (05:00 GMT) on Tuesday. He had been in a coma for 269 days.
Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al- Faisal reportedly said only the severance of ties with the Brotherhood, closure of al- Jazeera broadcaster and expulsion of two US think tanks – identified as Brookings Doha Center and the Rand Qatar Policy In- stitute -- would be sufficient to prevent Qatar from “being punished.”
The nuns were brought to the Lebanese border town of Arsal early on Monday where they were handed over to Lebanese officials and then driven to Syria.
The protesters had initially been an- gered by plans to raze Gezi Park and rede- velop it but the police crackdown galvanised anti-government demonstrators in several cities.
The nuns were taken to a town on the border between Syria and Lebanon
They were freed as part of a prisoner ex- change involving some 150 women and children held by the Syrian government.
Berkin Elvan was 14 when he was hit on the head by the tear gas canister in the Istanbul neighbourhood of Okmeydan. He was one of thousands of people hurt dur- ing the protests.
tal, clashes erupted with police. The boy’s family said on Twitter that
The deal was negotiated by officials from Qatar and Lebanon.
N.O. March 13, 2014, No. 11:N.O. Blank 3/12/14 2:58 PM Page 7
GRIGOR GASPAR:AN (’n;al D;kt;mb;r 31% 1932 Jri'oli)
Srti da®n kski‘ow ke gouv;nq m;r sir;- li amousno\n% før% ;[ bør ;u faraxatin^ GRIGOR GASPAR:ANI mafe% or pataf;zau Kiraki% Mart 9% 2014-in \;t karyat;u fi- uandouj;an!
|ou[arkauorouj;an araro[oujiune piti kataroui Ourbaj% Mart 14% 2014 khsørh ;tq vame 1-in% Pierce Brothers Valhalla Memorial Park-i North Hollywood-i matou5in mh=!
10621 Victory Blvd., No Hollywood, CA 91606, apa^ ja[oume Valhalla g;r;xmanatan mh=!
Sgakirn;r^ A\rin^ Maqroufi Gaspar;an Doustre^ Axniu Atam;an ;u xauakn;re^
Ajina ;u Al;qa Doustre ;u ';san^ Mirh\ ;u Wardan Anton;an ;u xauakn;re^
Hnti ;u Nohl :[ba\re^ Pø[os Gaspar;an ;u entaniq (Monjrhal) :[ ba\re^ Safak Gaspar;an ;u entaniq (Ma\ami) Xarmikn;re^ |akob ;u Nina Gaspar;an ;u xauakn;r Nora ;u Fambik Andon;an ;u xauakn;r Maria ;u Yory
raxatn;rn ou bar;kamn;re!
" ‘a[k;psaki ke .ndroui nouiratououjiunn;re katar;l ARARAT TOUNIN 15105 Mission Hills Rd., Mission Hills, CA 91345!
O[baz;al GRIGOR GASPAR:ANI mafouan t.our a®jiu% m;r .oraxgaz zauakzoujiunn;re ke \a\tn;nq fangouz;ali a\riin^ Maqroufiin% xauakn;roun ;u Wach ;u Søsi S;m;ry;ann;roun!
aNor Øro
D;miry;ane fasarakouj;an mh= 'o'o.oujiunn;ri% nor ou[[oujiunn;ri% nor møt;zoumn;ri famoxoua‘ ko[mnakizn hr% orn apazouz;l hr ir i,.anouj;an vamanak! Saka\n D;miry;ann endounoum hr st;[‘a- gor‘akan bno\ji 'o'o.oujiunn;re% ko[mnakiz hr bar;'o.oumn;ri% na gtnoum hr% or bar;'o.oumn;r katar;l a®anz fimqe qand;lou^ miangama\n fnarauor h ;u mnaz ir kar‘iqin minc;u w;r=!
Vamanaki enjazqoum au;li akn\a\t dar]au% or i,.anoujiunn;re coun;n ka®ouzo[akan gor‘o[oujiunn;ri oro,aki ‘ragir! |a\ta- rar;low bar]r% fma\ic% ,at yi,d ;u vamanakakiz ga[a'arn;r% Gor- pac;ue cgithr incphs dranq irakanazn;l! :jh npatake parx ch% ci karo[ lin;l na;u nran fasn;lou parx faskanali yanaparf!
D;miry;ane farz;re% fimna.ndirn;re bar]raznoum hr mia\n bax- mako[mani ;u famalir ousoumnasiroujiuniz \;to\% ;rb irakanazman ou[in;re fimnakanoum ourouag‘oua‘ hin!
I tarb;roujiun% fanra\a\t arta\a\touj;an% or siroum hr \aya. krkn;l Gorpac;ue^ aYanaparfe \a[jafaroum h na;u ow qa\loum ho% D;miry;ane asoum hr^ aIncph#s kar;li h yanaparf enkn;l^ cimanalow a\d yanaparfeo!
1985-in Ma\isin Fa\astan hr vaman;l :& Ligacowe :r;uanin L;- nini ,qan,an \an]n;lou famar! K;ntronoum qa= githin D;miry;ani bar]r f;[inakouj;an masin^ oc mia\n Fa\astanoum% a\l na;u kou- sakzoujiunoum% ;rkroum% githin nra nkatmamb fa\ vo[owourdi w;ra- b;rmounqi masin!
Ligacowe% endfanour a®mamb% gof hr F>SF-oum gor‘;ri wiyakiz! Fandisauor nisti vamanak \an]n;low ,qan,ane^ na n,;z% or fanra- p;toujiune% irøq% m;‘ \a=o[oujiunn;ri h fas;l% or [;kawaroujiune fog h tanoum vo[owrdi masin% isk vo[owourde siroum h ir [;ka- warin! Saka\n w;rada®nalow Moskoua% na Gorpac;uin as;l h& aA\n- t;[ D;miry;ani iskakan pa,tamounq h! Kousakzoujiune phtq h si- r;l% kousakzoujiune% a\l oc jh anfatio!
D;miry;ani nkatmamb vo[owourdi shre bolorowin dour chr galis ;u chr .ra.ousuoum a®an]naphs Gorpac;ui% :akowl;ui% Ligacowi ørøq! 1987-i Marti 26-in% ;rb D;miry;ane Moskoua\oum fandipoum oun;- zau Gorpac;ui f;t% ori vamanak Karhne nra f;t ank;[‘ xro\zi enjazqoum n,;z% or ir;n .angaroum ;n a,.at;l% or na dranoum t;snoum h kan.amta‘oua‘oujiun mitoumnauoroujiun% or a\dphs a,.at;l fnarauor ch! :jh inqe phtq ch% ;u trou;l ;n \atouk zou- zoumn;r% apa a\dpisi m;jotn;ri dim;lou anfrav;,toujiun cka\! Inqe na.entroum h f;®anal% qan a,.at;l a\dpisi pa\mann;roum! Gorpac;un aank;[‘ørhno xarmazau^ mijh ir;n .angaroum ;n! O#w h .angaroum! Isk \;to\ .øsakzouj;an enjazqoum farzr;z^ ci \ogn;l% ard;øq% Karhne% ch#r zankana\ 'o.;l a,.atanqe% gnal a,.at;lou orphs d;span% or;uh ;rkroum!
A\d farz;re ;u a®a=arkoujiune gl.owin matn;zin Gorpac;uin! D;miry;ane famoxoua‘ hr% oc inc kataruoum hr ir ,our=e% inqn an]amb :akowl;ui ;u Ligacowi f;t [;kawaroum hr a\n% inc t;[i hr oun;noum! D;miry;anin oro,;l hin f;®azn;l&&&!
Tasncors tarin;ri enjazqoum% ;rb D;miry;ane a®a=in qartou- [ar hr% {araba[i farze nra møt ørakarga\in .ndir hr% a®a=na- \inn;ri juoum!
L[im-oum tiro[ drouj;an masin D;miry;ane baxmizs dim;l h bolor gl.auor qartou[arn;rin% oronz f;t a,.at;l h% baz chr jo[- noum oc mi a®ij a\d masin .øs;lou na;u Qa[biuro\i iuraqanciur andami f;t a®an]in% bazatr;lou% or katarou;l h frh,auor pat- makan anardaroujiun% or {araba[oum go\oujiun ouni fa\ vo[owrdi nkatmamb axga\in% qa[aqakan% sozialakan ;u fog;uor fala‘anq% or fa\;re% 'astørhn% dours ;n m[uoum% artaqsuoum ir;nz na.nin;ri ;rkriz! Miavamanak% na.axgou,aznoum hr% or iradroujiune {arab- a[oum pa\jiunawtang h% or anfrav;,t h% qani d;® ou, ch% endfoup xba[ou;l farzi lou‘oumow% apafow;l fa\;ri anwtangoujiune% fan- gist go\oujiune% sozial-tnt;sakan ;u fog;uor xargazoume farax- at fo[oum!
D;miry;anin lsoum hin ou,adir% incphs inqn hr asoum% no\nisk kar;kzanqow% saka\n mi=ozn;r chin ];®narkoum! Endfaka®ake% nraniz pafan=oum hin kangn;zn;l {araba[iz ;u Fa\astaniz na- makn;ri% bo[oqn;ri ;u f;®agr;ri fosqe! Br;vn;ue no\nisk k,tamp;l h D;miry;anin far;uan fanrap;touj;an gor‘;rin .a®nou;lou famar! Mi;uno\n vamanak D;miry;ane faskanoum hr% or t;san;li apaga- \oum [araba[;an .ndire c;n lou‘i% isk fandhs gal a®anz farzi armatakan lou‘man ;ra,.iqi ;u or;uh \o\si^ au;li ke wataznhr [araba[zin;ri wiyake! Ardhn ;[;l h a\dpisi na.adhp!
N.O. March 13, 2014, No. 11:N.O. Blank 3/12/14 2:58 PM Page 8
NOR ØR% MART 13% 2014
xinouorn;r% owq;r j®icqou[ii ;rka\nqow kraka\in kht;r t;[aka\a‘ ;n ;u gndazirn;r ke t;[adr;n! Anonz k*øgn;n qa[aqaziakan fagoustow 45-50 an\a\t an]inq! Ødaka\an n;r.ouva‘ ;n Mi.a\- lowka\i ko[mhn% qani or c;n krza‘ sti- p;l .oumbi framanatarin banal fim- nakan darpasn;reo!
Incphs ke fa[ord;n a:urama\tan SOSo qa[aqaziakan na.a];®nouj;nhn^ Nowo`iodorowka\i ®axmak;drone ke grof;n 4 ®ousakan xinouorakan KamAX- n;r% xinouorakan storabavanoumn;r ;u qa[aqaziakan fagoustow an]inq!
aØda\in tara‘ouj;an mh=^ xøramasi ,our=% 2 ou[[aji® ke gtnoui! T;[;koujiune stazoua‘ h xøramasi framanatarou- j;nhno% esoua‘ h fa[ordagrouj;an mh=!
G;ra,norf Srbaxan Fa\r;r% Fog;uor Fa\r;r% M;‘a\arg bana.øsn;r% N;rka\ ;u bazaka\ axgakizn;r%
:ra.tagitouj;amb ;u srti ymloumow ls;zinq m;‘argo\ bana.øsn;rou k;ndani wka\oujiune a\n ygnavamin masin% xor fa\ vo[owourde ke dimagrauh a\sør end- fanraphs ;u souriafa\oujiune k∞apri møt ;rkou tarih iw;r^ \atkaphs!
Kar;li# h k;anq koc;l a\n ;[;®akan qa,q,ouqe% oroun xofn h souriafa\e a\sør ;u oroun ørakargn h oyirn ou qandoume% frasandn ou pa\joume% taragroujiunn ou ga[jakanoujiune% angor‘oujiunn ou fiuandoujiune% mafouan ;u bna=n=oumi spa®naliqe% entan;kan b®naxbøsik ;rk- b;[oumn;re% incqi ;u kaloua‘i jalann ou afab;koume% auaxakouj;an% a®;uangoumi ;u spannouj;an m,takan wtange!
Wtange sir;lin;*r% m;‘ h ;u afarkou! A®an]nazn;low m;x^ fa\;rs% a\d m;‘ patk;rin mh=% ;s xa\n ke nmanzn;m frd;- fi me xor ke klanh fa\ vo[owourdi m;‘ tan 'oqr s;n;akn;rhn min! Es;nq^ ,t;- marane tan% or ke matakararh tan bo- lor bnakicn;rou phtq;re! M;nq ke t;s- n;nq a\d frd;fin la'o[ boz;re ;u sa- ka\n endfanraphs xba[a‘ ;nq .ofanozi norogouj;amb% fiuras;n;aki kafauo- roumow% ya,arani endla\noumow ;u kam nn=as;n;akn;rou bar;xardoumow!
Kra*ke sir;lin;*r% mar;l ph*tq h! :u m;nq bolors fauaqabar kocoua‘ ;nq da®- nalou warp;t fr,h=n;r% m;r kar;liouj;an safmann;rou mh= gtnouo[ bolor mi=oz- n;row^ mar;lo*u krake! A\laphs% kar;li h ;r;uaka\;l ardiunqe& a\d 'oqr s;n;aki frd;fe tara‘ou;low% krna\ la';l ambo[= ka®o\ze% mo.razn;low xa\n ;u anor f;t kapoua‘ bolor axga\in ;raxn;rn ou t;silqn;re!
Krake ph*tq h mar;l% fauaqabar da®- nalow a,.o\v ;u korowi fr,h=n;r% orphsxi x[=oumow ckrkn;nq Siamanjo\i a'sosan- qe! aAua@[% apa®anqi me phs m;‘ hir ou , q;[o
A\s a®aq;loujiune lau h% or miasna- kan ouv;row irakanazoui!
Kilik;anzin^ Kilik;anziin Krjasiraze^ Krjasirazin B;j;le^ B;j;lin :u Mara,zin^ Mara,ziin N;[ mta\nouj;amb kar;li ch frd;f ma-
r;kan vo[own;rou enjazqin - 2012 ;u 2013-in% oc mhk \atkazoum erau souria- fa\ouj;an% faka®ak p;takan auaganii% axga\in la\n ka®o\zn;rou n;rka\azouzic- n;rou ;u fa\ bar;rarn;rou fauaqakan n;rka\ouj;an! Souriafa\oujiune ørakar- gi wra\ isk^ chr&&&! A\s bazjo[oume anen- doun;li* h ;u ke karøti an\apa[ srba- grman!
B& MAK-i fowanauorouj;amb ;u 50-h au;li ;rkirn;rou masnakzouj;amb ;rkou ,abajn;r a®a=^ Xouiz;rio\ mh= sksau aVen;u 2o pitakin tak mi=axga\in vo- [owe nouiroua‘ Sourio\ tagnapin! A\d 50 ;rkirn;rou ,arqin ;n^ Souria\hn ta- ra‘ouj;amb ;u ,afag®grouj;amb anfa- mar m[onn;r f;®ou gtnouo[ ;rkirn;r^ incpisin ;n% Qorian ;u Mhqsiqøn! Baza- ka\ h^ Fa\astane% xor incphs ardarørhn% Fa\astani na.kin Artgor‘oz na.arar Wardan Øskan;ane \ou,;z^ miak MAK-i andam anka. ;rkirn h% xor Sourio\ mh= gtnouo[ 'oqramasnoujiun me% Fa\r;niq k*orakh! O#w piti pa,tpanh Souriafa- \ouj;an ,af;re ;u apafowh anonz an- wtangoujiune mi=axga\in b;mi wra\! Qorian ;u Mhqsiqo#n jh Fa\astani di- uanagitoujiune!
G& M;nq k∞aprinq AMN ou Qonkr;sakan a\n entra,r=anin mh=% xor am;rikafa- \oujiune am; ;u joua\in am;na- bar]r n;rka\oujiune ouni^ 28-rd entra- tara‘q! Incph#s kar;li h fa,t ellal m;nq m;xi f;t ;u endounil^ oun;nalou n;r- ka\azouzic me or Am;rika\i Mi=in Ar;- u;l;an qa[aqakan olorti amhn ‘alq;roun mh= ke npasth*% ke xørakzi* ;u ke qouhar- kh* fa\akor‘an% qristonhakor‘an ;u mardakor‘an ou[ii ;u emb®noumn;rou!
Vamanake fasoun h% or fauaqabar ;u imastoun møt;zoumow ;u ‘ragroumow patrast;*nq a\l n;rka\azouzic me% or kar;na\ ‘a®a\;l ;u satar;l jh* entra- ,r=ani mh= gtnouo[ vo[owourdi ,af;roun ;u jh* AMN-i ou artaqin qa[aqakanou- j;an mh= Fa\ vo[owourdin npasto[ end- fanrakan ;u famapar'ak ,af;rou!
Sir;li* n;rkan;r ;u bazakan;r% Souriafa\ouj;an niujabaro\akan øvan- dakoujiune^ o[ormoujiun ch*! A\l inqnagi- takiz partauoroujiun^ apafow;lou fa- mar anonz go\ouj;an pa\qari tarrakan kariqn;re! A\l .øsqow% mardka\in arva- napatououj;an nouaxago\n endoun;li ca'ani,n;row k;anqi apafow enjazq me% minc;u or anznin a\s aGor, amp;reo Souriakan ;rknakamarhn!
Wtange m;‘ h ;u ga[tni q ch% or ;jh krønamol ‘a\ra\;[akan afab;kicn;rou ];®qow krak a®a‘ a\s frd;fe klanh Sourian% anor afarkou boz;re ke spa®- nan frd;f;l na;u g;[at;sil Libanane ;u xark tal Fa\astani drazi j,namin;rou an\ag a.orvakn;roun!
Krake mar;*l phtq h!
Ousti 'o. a®n;low Paro\r S;uakhn^ >ndr;lou phs ke pafan=;*nq!
:u Pafan=;lou phs ke .ndr;*nq
La\n banal ];r fr,h=a\in qsakn;re ;u øvandak;l Souriafa\ouj;an!
Srafi ;tin nouiratououjiun endouno[ s;[ann;re ];x ke spas;n!
Syrian Armenian Relief Fund ( SARF ) P.o.Box 1948 Glendale, CA 91209-1948
r;l ;u n;rda,nak;l fauaqakan fogata- roujiune% apafowoujiune ;u anwtangou- jiune bolorin!
M;nq^ SARF-e% CNN c;nq ;u couninq&&&!
A\s ;u nman b;m;r% mamouln ou f;®at;- siln ;n m;r koc;rou 'o[;re!
|aya. ;u a\sø*r krkin ke frauir;*nq ];r bolore^ n;rkan;r ;u bazakan;r% el- lalou npatakin a®aq;aln;re% mianalou m;xi a\s aSrbaxa*no ‘a®a\ouj;an da,tin mh=& ];r n;rdroume% kar‘iqe% d;re ;u dramafauaqi a,.atanqe .ist kar;uor ;n!
Anfataphs ;u oc SARF-i anounow mi qani a'sosanqn;r fark ke t;sn;m bav- n;l ];r f;t^ fauaqakan srbagrman kam \a[jafarman bari mitoumow!
A& Fa\astan Famafa\kakan Fimna- drame an‘anøj ch^ oc ];xi* ;u oc in‘i*! A'sosali h% or anor K;dronakan Foga- bar]akan >orfourde ir Ma\is amsoua\ enjazqin goumara‘ w;r=in ;rkou ta-
Katar;∞nq xa\n miasi∞n!
N.O. March 13, 2014, No. 11:N.O. Blank 3/12/14 2:58 PM Page 9
THURSDAY, MARCH 13% 2014 13
D;® qa®asoun ør;rd faxiu jh anza‘
w ke dvkamakin pa,tøna- kanazn;lou xa\n! Ørinak^ m;‘ jiuow mafm;takan ;rkirn;r% oronq Fa\astani Fanrap;tou- j;an ;u fa\ vo[owourdin fandhp bar;azakam w;rab;roum zouza- b;r;low fand;r]% krønakan patya®n;row kam arg;lqn;row c;n oux;r kam c;n krnar pa,- tønakanazn;l ir;nz dirqauorou- me% an;l kazoujiun% oroun famar m;nq patas.anatou c;nq!
:xrakazn;low^ phtq h au;li kaxmak;rpoua‘ a,.atinq ka- tar;l% m;r dirqe a®au;l ;us xø- razn;lou npatakow! Phtq h ma- naua*nd fakadr;nq – t;[i*n ;u aragørh*n - ;rb m;x dours ke n;t;n ";rinchqi datawarou- j;an kaxm;re^ ";rinchqin ou xouiz;riakan p;toujiunn ;n! Jourqian mi=amta‘ h i npast ";rinchqi an,ou,t% inc or endou- nile s;poua‘ h! M;nq o#ur hinq% fa\ vo[owourde n;rka\azoua‘ chr% ;rb fa\;rs hinq bo*un xof;re – mhk ou khs milion xof;re! Oc Fa\astani Fanrap;toujiune% oc al s'iu®qafa\oujiune n;rka\a- zoua‘ hin% pa,tpan;lou famar fa\oun axga\in arvanapatouou- jiune% apazouzan;lou Fa\oz Z;-
[aspanouj;an anf;rq;lioujiune% matnan,;lou jh jourq me ira- uounq couni bazaganc;lou& aFa- \oz Z;[aspanoujiune mi=axga- \in sout men ho% ;u a\n al Xoui- z;rio\ mh=!
Au;li*n ka\& aVen;u-2o Fama- vo[owe ke goumaroui% Sourio\ tagnape lou‘;lou ørakargow% ke frauirouin 39 p;toujiunn;r% oronz mh= Fa\astani Fanrap;- toujiune cka\! Inco#u cka\! Fa- \astann ou fa\;re au;li møt ;[a‘ ;n Sourio\ ;u souriazin;- roun% qan vo[owin masnakzo[- n;rhn ,at;r! Inco#u m;nq dours ]goua‘ ;nq!
A,.arfi mh= amhn t;[ our fa\ me ka\% a,.arfi mh= amhn t;[ our sta.øs j,nami me ka\% m;nq a\souf;t;u acalour= k;rpow fsk;lou ;nq% na.^ m;r n;rka\ou- j;amb% orphsxi m;r axga\in ar- vanapatououjiune cwirauoroui ;u mhk ou khs milion fa\ nafa- takn;rou \i,atake cm,ou,apa- toui!
A*l c;nq oux;r ls;l angam me ;us& aFa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune Mi=axga\in sout men ho!
;n% ;rb m;kn;zar a\s a,.arfhn anw;- radar]! Doun a\n srbaxan fa\ou b;korn hir or qou fa\r;ni ;rkrin zauow ou ta- ®apanqow klanoua‘ hir% i t;s a\n bo- lor anardarouj;an ou dvba.touj;an fandhp qou fa\astanzi ;[ ba\rn;roud% oronq k*aprhin xrkanqi ou mardawa\;l k;anqi bazaka\ouj;an qaosin mh=! A\s fog;kan .®owqn ou ja.i‘e qou zaua- tan= fogid mrrk;z ou j;u ou j®icq touau ;rkn;lou ;u n;rfoun \o\x;roud ar- tafosqe jou[jin \an]n;lou banast;[- ‘akan a\npisi po®jkoumow me% or m[ktazo[ fogid paf me j;j;uzouz% inc-
phs mrrka‘ou' 'ojorikhn ;tq .a[a[ owkianose! Qou fogiid lar;re mi,t al jrj®azin pohmakan qa[zrouj;amb fandhp qou fa\r;niqin ou vo[wourdin! Incphs a,ou[e k*;rgh ou kou la\ siro\ ;u fa\r;niqi karøte srtin!
Sir;li Alaq;ax% doun patgam;zir ;u \ordor;zir axgin a®a=- nordn;roun ;u m;‘am;‘n;roun% or an,afa.ndrørhn sir;n fa\rniqe% foga‘ou ellan mr vo[owourdin nkatmamb ;u manauand xark tan safmana\in gøtin;rou mh= apro[ m;r giu[azi ;[ba\rn;roun niu- japhs ou baro\aphs øgn;low% orphsxi anonq clq;n ir;nz artn ou arøte ou ;rjan øtarin toune ,hnzn;lou% 'o.anak m;r ;rkri saf- mann;roun pafakn;re ellalou! Incphs or faue ir j;u;roun tak ke pa,tpanh ir youtikn;re% a\nphs al m;r p;toujiune phtq h j;u ou jikounq kangni m;r vo[owourdi bolor xauakn;roun an.tir!
Fo[e j;j;u ga\ wrad% sir;li Alaq;ax! A' me ou pt[ounz me .ounk qou anja®am \i,atakin!
| a r g a n q o w^
Fayo\qow ke fa[ord;nq% jh Tolorhs Xøfrap Lipman Fimnadrame niujaphs piti øvandakh or fratarak- ouin entr;al a& wardap;takan auartaya®;r fa\agitakan niuj;rou masin% b& fa\oz fin patmouj;an ;rk;r fa\ patmabann;rou% g& 19-rd darou ;u au;li wa[ ,r=ani fa\ grakanouj;an ;rk;r! N;rka\azouo[ a,.atasiroujiunn;re krnan ellal ka*m fa\;rhn ka*m angl;rhn l;xouow! :jh gor‘ me fa\;rhn l;xouow h% anor phtq h enk;rana\ angl;rhn orakauor jargmanoujiun me! Dimoumnagirn;re n;rka\azn;l amhn tarouan April 15 ;u No\;mb;r 15 jouakann;rhn a®a=! |au;loua‘akan t;[;kouj;an ;u dimoumnagri j;rjik stanalou famar dim;l
LIEBMANN FUND-PUBLICATIONS c/o Mr. M. Haigentz 1518 11th Street Fort Lee, NJ 07024
1901 N. Allen Avenue, Altadena, California • Tel: (818)241-8277 • P.O. Box 1946, Glendale, CA 91209
aYanac;l ximastoujiun ;u x.rat% imanal xbans fanyaro\o
35-am;aki krja,r=an
";tr& 24% 2014
ANWYAÂ warvaranis 35-rd krja,r=ane!
Ardar fpartouj;amb kou ganq \i,;lou jh a®anz p;takan npasti% m;r krjakan fa\abo\r ‘ragirin ko[qin% warvaranis tnørhnouj;an ;u ousouzca- kan kaxmin a,.atanqn;row ;u m;r a,ak;rtouj;an masnakzouj;amb% a\s tari ,at g;[;zkørhn tøn;zinq Fa\astani Anka.ouj;an tar;dar]e% M,a- ko\ji Amise% Gofabanouj;an Øre% Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’nnd;an tøn;re!
A\s bolore };xi fa[ord;low% wstaf ;nq% or douq ;us .oraphs gof piti mnaq% gitnalow% or 35 tari ,arounak };r tarin;rou niujakan ;u baro\akan øvandakouj;amb% a\s dproze ir bar;b;r ptou[n;re a®atørhn kou ta\ m;r vo[owourdin% orphsxi m;r norafas s;roundin mh= fa\ou fogin ‘li% ‘a[ki ;u ou®yana\!
A\s bolore m;xi famar]akoujiune kou tan angam me ;us };xi dim;lou% or };r fa\awa\;l nouiratououj;amb satar fandisanaq m;r krjakan gor‘in% oroun famar kou ganq \a\tn;lou };xi ;u };r faraxatn;roun m;r kan.a\a\t ,norfakalouj;anz f;t% na;u^ qa=a®o[=ouj;an ;u ;r=anik ør;rou m;r srtagin ma[janqn;re!
>ACIK YANO|:AN Fogabar]ouj;an At;nap;t
P.S. Please make your tax-deductible donations payable to T.C.A. Armenian Family Sunday School
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1946, Glendale, Calif. 91209 • School street address 1901 N. Allen Avenue, Altadena, Calif. 91104
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N.O. March 13, 2014, No. 11:N.O. Blank 3/12/14 2:58 PM Page 10
NOR ØR% MART 13% 2014
A m ; n a p a t i u Sr b a x a n P a - triarq Fa\re f;[inak h a:u :[;u Lo\so ;u aDar];al :[;u Lo\so patmakan bno\ji whp;rou% incphs na;u aSourb |akoba\ B;mhno w;rnagr;al 52 qaroxn;- rou!
:rousa[hm im vamanoumis \a- =ord øre% \;t S& St;'annos Na- .awka\i nouiroua‘ pataragin% khsørh ;tq patiue k∞oun;nam fandip;lou :rousa[hmi Fa\oz 97-rd Patriarq Nourfan Arq;- piskoposin f;t Ir endounara- nin mh=! N;rka\ ;n na;u gauaxa- nakir ;u Jargmancaz warva- rani t;souc Nora\r Wrd& Ga- xax;an% Niu Yerxii Fa\kakan }a\nas'iu®i Tnørhn Wardan Aptø ;u Tik& Aptø!
A®a=in fandipoums h Patriarq før f;t! J;j;uaki xspoua‘ou- j;nh me ;tq inqxinqs ke gtn;m anmi=akan% gor‘nakan% :rousa- [hmi ;u a®fasarak Fa\asta- n;a\z A®aq;lakan ;k;[;zuo\ ou fa\aga[oujn;row lr=ørhn mta- fogoua‘ ;u a,.arfe lau yanczo[ Fog;uor Før me f;t!
Afauasik a\n Patriarqe% or ,at lau ke yancna\ fa\akoul nor vamanakn;roun Ir;n spaso[ martafrauhrn;re! An am;na\n parxouj;amb ;u a®anz ba®;re ‘am‘m;lou ke ,;,th ar;umta- fa\;rhni pafpanman ou xargaz- man frama\akan anfrav;,tou- jiune masnauorabar xo\g war- varann;rhn n;rs ;u a®fasarak s'iu®qi tara‘qin! F& Nora\r Wardap;t% orphs t;souce Jarg- mancaz warvarani% no\nqan an]kouj;amb k ∞arata\a\toui a\s .ndrin masin!
Farze famas'iu®q;an h! Ar;umtafa\ fa\r;naxrkoua‘ fa- toua‘e Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh= i masnauori% anz;al tasnam;ak- n;roun ir kar;lin erau% incphs k∞esoui^ ir morjhn dours ;lau fa\a.øsoujiune famatara‘ dar]n;lou ou[[ouj;amb& manka- parthxn;rhn% kiraknør;a\ ou am;nør;a\ warvarann;rhn ;lan fa\a.øs s;roundn;r% oronq ;r-
kar;zin z;[aspanouj;an na.- yirhn 'rkoua‘ fa\ouj;an \;t- nordn;roun fa\ inqnoujiune! Ar;umt;an% am;rik;an ou farau- am;rik;an ga[oujn;re pa\man- n;rou b;roumow ,out \an]nou;zan t;[akan l;xoun;rou \a[jar,a- uin! Mnaza‘ hr Mi=in Ar;u;lqn ou Iranafa\oujiune% orphs fa- \a.øs s'iu®q!
50-70-akan jouakann;rou qa- [aqaziakan jh mi=-;rkra\in pat;raxmn;re takn ou wra\ erin fa\a.øs - g;raxanzaphs ar;umtafa\a.øs - s'iu®qafa- \ouj;an krjakan% m,akouja\in ou ;k;[;zakan fastatoujiun- n;re% our apa,tønakan l;xouno ar;umtafa\;rhnn hr% isk Irani mh=^ ar;u;lafa\;rhne! Ar;umta- fa\-s'iu®qafa\ s;roundn;r sti- pou;zan lq;l ir;nz ‘nndawa\r;- re ;u apafow k;anq 'nt®;l øw- kianosn;rhn andin! T;[akan nor pa\mann;re ;kan m;kdi fr;lou i ,ars a\l \atkani,n;rou^ na;u fa\a.øsoujiune% a\s paraga\in^ ar;umtafa\;rhne! A\vm wtan- goua‘ ar;umtafa\;rhne ak∞o®- na\o bolor qa®ou[in;rhn!
Phtq h dhme a®n;l a\s nor xargazoumn;roun! Fa\r;ni p;- toujiune (;jh mi=ozn;rn ou a[- biurn;re ouni)% fa\kakan m,akou- ja\in% marxakan ;u a\l kargi fastatoujiunn;re% ba\z ma*na- uand Fa\astan;a\z :k;[;zin phtq h ellan andoundi ;xrin fasa‘ ar;umtafa\;rhne 'rk;lou kocoua‘ ];®qe!
Am;napatiu Srbaxan Patriarq Fa\re Ir na.apatuoujiunn;- roun mh= gl.auorn;rhn mhke ke nkathr ar;umtafa\;rhni ousou- zoumn ou xargazoume jh* warva- ranhn ;u jh* Va®angauorazhn n;rs!
Patriarq Før f;t im a®a=in fandipman enjazqin ;s t;sa\ bar;'o.oumn;rou Marde% est oroun fa\r;niq jh s'iu®q ocinc phtq h .na\;n% ;jh k∞oux;nq au;li fastatoun ou dhpi apa- ga\ dar;re ]gto[ Fastatou- jiun me apafow;l S& Qa[aqin mh=!
ouni&&& anonq oronq iskaphs axgashr% axganouhr% baro\akan warqow Astoua‘awa. ou =;rm;®and k;nza[awaroujiun ounin enkyoua‘% l®ouj;an matnoua‘% lousanza\in k;anq k*aprin&&& isk apabaro\% x;[‘ararouj;amb% xartou[i mi=ozn;row farstouj;an ;u pa,tøni tiraza‘% zouzamol ,oua\t ou lrbaza‘ barqow an]iq% ;rkrin l‘akn;re ir;nz yirann;roun mh= a®a‘ qm‘i‘a[ow kam liajoq ‘i‘a[ow mius fam;st dasakarge k*arfamarf;n ;u ir;nz ouxa‘ gor‘ounhouj;amb k*enjanan!
Dvba.tabar a\s enjazqe na;u waraka‘ h oro, molora‘ ;k;[;- zakann;re! :jh c;m s.alir kousakrøn ;k;[;zakane na.qan warda- p;t ø‘ouile aa[qatoujiuno k* ;u k*;rdnou vouvkal k;anq wa- r;lou&&& W;r=in ;rkou tarouan enjazqin fratarakoua‘ lour;re ke n,;n ;k;[;zakann;rou masnakzoujiune fska\akan goumarn;row gor- ‘a®noujiunn;rou ;u jankarvhq inqna,arv nouhr stanalou masin!
Qristosi f;t;uordn;rou pat,ay warq ci jouir a\s!
Nman paragan;roun fog;uor% ;k;[;zakan bar]rago\n .orfourde phtq h safmanoumn;r katar;low mi=amth ;u a\d goumarn;re bar;- sirakan ;u ;k;[;za,inakan npatakn;rou \atkazouin! Isk .ndro\ a®arka\ ;k;[;zakann;re nkato[oujiunn;r stanan ;u fanroujiune t;[;ak pafoui&&& ;k;[;zin ci krnar lou® mnal nman paragan;roun% phtq h ,outa'o\j ir .øsqe fanrouj;an fasznh% a\laphs a\n tpauoroujiune ke st;[‘oui% jh ;k;[;zakan waric marmine fama]a\n h nman ararqn;rou ;u warou;lak;rpi! Au;lin cdatapart;low ;u lou‘oum ca®a=ark;low% ouri, ;k;[;zakann;r qa- =al;roua‘ au;li \andougn qa\l;r k*a®n;n! Nmanoujiunn;r ,at kan! Jourqio\ gor‘adra‘ Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune ørinak dar]au Fij- l;rin% or fr;an;rou o[=akixoume iragor‘h% qani or :uropakan Ax- g;re Jourqian cpatv;zin!
I w;r=o\ Fa\astani mh= fasarakoujiune ørinak;li bar;gor‘ ou nouir;al ;k;[;zakann;rou ;u a,.arfakann;rou phtq ouni% oronq ,ounhn% katouhn g;[agitakan srafn;rhn ou jankarvhq inqna,ar- v;rhn au;li fogataroujiun tanin fiu‘a‘ ;;roun% antounin- roun% lqoua‘n;roun ;u \a®a=adhm a,ak;rtn;roun!
I w;r=o\ bar;gor‘oujiunn h% or mardous sirte k*axnouaznh ou ke farstaznh ;u .i[ye ke fandart;znh% isk antarb;roujiunn ou qo- saza‘ fog;wiyakow niujapa,toujiune mards gaxan ke dar]nh ;u inqnasiroujiune houjiune ke kr‘h&&&!
Bari marde sirtn ou fogin ke nouirh karøt;alin% isk inqnasirouj;amb caraza‘ marde gaxanh au;li wa\rag dimazine ke bxkth&&&!
Fa\astan oc mia\n qa[aqakan a\l na;u fog;mtauor ou l;xoua- kan – ou[[agrakan biur;[azman phtq ouni!
Mat[a, s;rounde ørinak;li an];rou phtq ouni Fa\astani mh=% or fa\e ir fo[in wra\ park;,t ou bar;k;zik apr;low ir ;raxn;re irakanaznh ;u oc jh ajqa‘ ];xio es;low lqh ir pap;nakan fo[e cou;low dhpi an‘anøj f;®auor ;rkirn;r&&& \i,o[ouj;an ;u srtin mh= da=a‘ paf;low aAraratio ]iuna‘a‘k patk;re&&&!
A\sør Fa\astani mh= pafan=qe ke xgazoui .[yamit ou bar;- .i[y a®a=nordn;rou% oronq iurazouza‘ azaud tan;moi iskakan imaste ir;nz a=akzoujiune kar;nan zouzab;r;l ta®ap;alin ou kariqauorin% kar;kz;lou ;u amoq;lou anonz zau;rn ou xrkanqn;re ;u masnakiz da®nalou anonz mormoqin!
Ousti azaud tan;mo es;lh au;li xa\n gor‘ow ;u apr;lak;rpow phtq h apazouzan;l!
Fa\ t[amard me kariqn ouni ørakan 24 vamouan \arat;u fogatarouj;an! F;taqrqrouo[n;re krnan dim;l f;t;u;al faszhin
2641 W. Via Corona Montebello, CA 90640-2911 Tel: 1-323-724-1263
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THURSDAY, MARCH 13% 2014 15
=in bana.øse^ Dokt& Samouhl Mourat;ane fakiry k;nsagra- kanow me n,;low% or an ;rkar tarin;r ;[a‘ h :r;uani P;ta- kan Famalasrani dasa.øs% f;- [inak h ,arq me banasiroujiun- n;rou ;u a\vm k*a,.ati :PF-i fa\agitakan bavni na.kin tnørhn Dokt& Gourghn M;liq;ani f;t miasin {araba[;an bar;- gor‘akan fastatouj;an mh= ;u ke .mbagrh a\d ou[[ouj;amb fratarakoua‘ j;rje!
Møtauoraphs 50 wa\rk;an t ;uo[ouj;amb grakan bana.øsou- j;an me anjarj ounkndroujiune bazar]ak f;taqrqrakan iro- [oujiun ke n,anakh% ;rb srafin n;rka\oujiune klanoua‘ mtik erau "ro`& Mourat;ani bana- .øsoujiune! "ro`& Mourat;an n;rka\azouz ;r;q banast;[‘n;- roun k;anqi ;u st;[‘agor‘ou- jiunn;rou drouagn;r ;u grou- jiunn;r% m;rj end m;rj q;r- joua‘n;r asmounq;low% a®au;l ;us fam;m;low ir n;rka\azouza‘ bana.øsoujiune! An n;rka\azouz 3 banast;[‘n;rou groujiunn;- roun .orqe% patgamn ou imaste% oronq endfanraphs jaqnoua‘ piti ella\in ir;nz to[;roun mh=% .orfrda\in vamanaka- ,r=ann;rou j;ladrouj;amb! :u saka\n |owfannhs
Dokt& Samouhl Mourat;ani bana.øsoujiune ;[au anca' gounag;[ ;u f;taqrqrakan^ ar- vananalow n;rkan;roun ;rkar ‘a'afaroujiunn;roun ;u gnafa- tanqin!
Dokt& Minas Goya\;an apa n;rka\azouz ørouan ;rkrord ba- na.øse% Dokt& Ar‘roun Auag;an% or no\nphs ke dasauandh :r;- uani P;takan Famalsarani fa\agitakan bavnin mh=% orphs "ro`;sor ;u na;u k*a,.atakzi bar;gor‘akan fimnarkin foga- bar]akan kaxmin mh=% Dokt&
Gourghn M;liq;anin f;t mia- t;[!
"ro`& Auag;an n;rka\azouz
Dokt& Auag;an n;rka\azouz
;[;®ni grakanouj;an masin ;u anor \[a‘ patgame fa\ vo[owourdin% na.aphs patrast gtnou;lou j,namin qarko‘;lh a®a=!
Fa\r;nasirakan ;u axga\in ogiow l;zoun bana.øsoujiunn;r hin n;rka\azoua‘ ;rkou 'ro`;- sorn;roun bana.øsoujiunn;re% oronq m;‘am;‘ patgamn;r ke parounakhin fa\ axgi xauakn;- roun famar% oronq a\vm k*aprin s'iu®qi mh=% pa\qar;lou famar ;rkou yakatn;rou wra\% min^ fa- \apafpanman ;u miuse^ axga- pafpanman yakatamartn;row!
Grakan ;r;kon yo.azau g;- [arou;stakan g;[;zik \a\tag- row% our fadhs ;kan JMM-i Ar- ,ak Tigran;an warvarani a,a- k;rtn;re ;u ir;nz ousouzcoufin Tik& Nax;li Goya\;ane ,arq me asmounqn;row% n;rka\azoua‘ ba- nast;[‘n;roun q;rjoua‘n;rhn!
:r;kon auart;zau Thr Xauhn Auag Qafana\ Arxouman;ani srti .øsqow ;u throunakan a[øjqow% ormh ;tq n;rkan;re a®a=nordou;zan fiurasirouj;an ko[qi srafin mh=% our na;u t;[i oun;zau Dokt& A uag;ani ;u Mourat;ani girq;rou waya®qn ou makagroujiune!
nakoum h oc jh a\nt;[iz% ort;[ aauart;l ;no m;‘ na.ordn;re (\i,;nq na;u Wafh-Waf;anin)% a\l ort;[ aendfat;l ;no ir;nz .øsqe% kisakatar jo[;l mtqi sroujiune!
A\s oronoumi yambin% saka\n% f;[inake ]gt;l h mi,t f;®ou mnal axga\in snapar‘ouj;an ga\jak[oujiuniz& nra t;sada,- toum mia\n fa\e kam fa\ gra- kanouj;an 'aste ch% or fpar- touj;an zouzic ;n da®noum! Nra orona‘e axga\iniz andin^ mard- ka\in n;ra,.arfi% g;[arou;s- takan y,martouj;an oronman ‘alq;rn ;n% oronz ørinakn;re m;nq \a\tnab;roum ;nq a:s s;u ;m&&& ba\z g;[;ziko (1985)% aO[- =akhxo wipakn;roum% our fa\ f;rosn;ri ko[qin ;u gro[akan no*\n patas.anatououj;ambou foga‘ouj;amb k;rtoum h s;ua- morjn;ri% arabn;ri n;rfak ya- katagr;r^ zouzab;r;low .orin \arganq grakan k;rparn;ri ou ir;n ou m;x aan‘anøjo m,ako\j- n;ri nkatmamb! Siroua‘ anoun h A& S;';jy;ane na;u arabn;ri ,r=anoum! Patafakan ch a\n =;rm ou la\n endoun;loujiune% orin arvanazau ar]akagire^ ir aO[=akhxo wipakow^ Nixar >a- lilii jargmanouj;amb (2004)!
Aram S;';jy;ane gro[ lin;- louz xat na;u nouir;al enj;rzo[ h& nra grakanoujiune mi fra- parak h% our fnarauoroujiun h stanoum fandip;lou ou =;rmørhn a];®qs;[moumn;rio galou anz;a- li ou n;rka\i ir grc;[ba\rn;ri f;t! Sa grakanouj;an mi=ozow grakanouj;an iurat;sak gna- fatoujiun h% our patoui ;n fa\ grakan gan]anakin arvhqauor k,i® b;ra‘ arou;staghtn;re^ |owfannhs Jouman;aniz% Au;tiq Isafak;aniz minc;u Wafagn Dauj;an% Danihl Warouvaniz% Matjhos Xari`;aniz%
Wafan Jhqh;aniz% Waxghn ra.ouni ou Âophr Fatthy;an! Sa siro\ baza®ik fandisasraf- to[anzq h% ore ;rb;mn a®arka- \akan .oroujiun h staznoum% inci apazo\zn;riz mhkn hl 2012-in enj;rzo[in framzra‘ Wafh- Waf;ani^ ir kaxma‘ ou frata- raka‘ aBanast;[‘in sirteo arvhqauor ou ,q;[ namakanin h! Anmi=aphs au;lazn;nq% or a\d namakaniiz \ordoum h Wafh- Waf;an mardou% qa[aqazou% ba- nast;[‘i ou .mbagri anmi=a- kan nkaragire^ ardar bnouja- groumn;row% angam mardka\in bazatr;li wrhpn;row!
A& S;';jy;anin yanacoum ;n na;u Fa\astanoum& na Fa\asta- ni Gro[n;ri Miouj;an andam h% gro[n;ri famafa\kakan auan- dakan famavo[own;ri zankali masnakiz! Au;lord ch \i,atak;l% or nra g;[arou;stakan gor‘;ri a® a\vm w;r=in^ aFo[ ;u mormoqo
vo[owa‘oun (2001) lo\s h t;s;l f;nz fa\r;niqoum! |o\s oun;nq% or a\s tari nra enj;rzo[e a®ij k*oun;na\ as'o';louo ir ;rkar spasoume nor ou ambo[=akan vo[owa‘oui lo\sen‘a\oumow!
A& S;';jy;ane ouni mi ouri,^ oc grakan \atkani,& na .or ar- matn;r h ]goum ;ritasardou- j;an mh=! Mi,t ousano[n;ri mh= h% nranz \o\x;ri% nranz ya,aki ];uauorman yanaparfin ouni ir gtnoua‘ .orfourde% ;u ousa- no[n;rn hl wstafoum ;n nran! :r;uani >& Abow;ani anouan Fa\kakan P;takan Mankawar- vakan Famalsarani banasira- kan bavanmounqoum ;u aS'iu®qo Gitaousoumnakan K;ntronoum na mi,t spasoua‘ an]nauorou- jiun h^ ir ;lo\jn;row% ir gor- ‘;row! Og;uoric h an,ou,t m;r ousano[n;ri famar grakan- st;[‘agor‘akan 'or];rin nra famak ou,adroujiune% parg;- uatroujiunn;re! Patafakan ch% or w;r=in tarin;rin nra st;[- ‘agor‘oujiunn;re dar]an ma- gistratoura\i gitakan qnnou- j;an niuj;r! Patafakan ch% or ;rkou tari a®a= Famalsarani Na.agaf "ro`& Âoubhn Mirxa- .an;ane nran parg;uatr;z a>acatour Abow;ano \ou,am;- dalow! Wstaf ;nq% or na .oraz- n;lou h a\d kape% or ;rkousthq farstazouzic banouk yanaparf h!
:jh am'o';lou lin;nq%& A& S;';jy;ane ,arounakoum h mnal grakan baxma,;rt ou baxmax- ba[ patnh,i wra\^ ;*u ibr;u ar- ]akagir% ;*u ibr;u qa[aqazi% ;*u ibr;u ;ritasardouj;an ousou- zic^ f;t;u;low ir mta‘o[ouj;an mh= karga.øsi arvhq staza‘ ];uak;rpoumin& aFa\ gro[n ou mamouli marde% ounin partqn ou partakanoujiune ls;lou mia\n ir;nz n;rqi*n ]a\ne% .i[yi* ]a\- ne& anka. ir;nz patkan;liou- j;ambe pa\manauoroua‘ an]na- kan ou n;ran]nakan fa,ou;nkat m;knakht;rhno!
Ma[j;nq nran qa=a®o[=ou- jiun ;u grci noranor faroua‘- n;r^ i ,af grakanouj;an% i ,af ar;umtafa\ l;xoui ,arounaka- kan j;uaba.oumi!
SOURHN DANIHL:AN Banasirakan gitoujiunn;ri doktor% "ro`& >& Abow;ani anouan Fa\kakan P;takan Mankawarvakan Famalsarani aS'iu®qo Gitaousoumnakan K;ntroni tnørhn
QNARIK ABRAFAM:AN Banasirakan gitoujiunn;ri j;kna‘ou aS'iu®qo Gitaousoumnakan K;ntroni m;jodist
22 ";trouari% 2014
N.O. March 13, 2014, No. 11:N.O. Blank 3/12/14 2:58 PM Page 12
";trouari 24-iz minc;u Marti 2-e ’a[- ka]oroum ;u :r;uanoum anzkazou;zin Fa- mafa\kakan }m;®a\in .a[;re!
A®a=in angam anzkazoua‘ Famafa\ka- kan }m;®a\in .a[;ri 'akman araro[oujiu- niz \;to\ Famafa\kakan .a[;ri drø,n i paf h trou;l :r;uanin! A\n 'o.anzou;l h qa[aqap;t Tarøn Margar;anin!
aFamafa\kakan .a[;ri anzkazoume lour= .jan h% incphs Fa\astan-S'iu®q kap;ri amrapndmane ;u marxam,akouja\in k;anqi a,.ouvazmane!
Wstaf;znoum ;m% or :r;uani qa[aqap;- tarane k*ani fnarauore% orphsxi 2015 j& Famafa\kakan ama®a\in 6-rd .a[;re ma\- raqa[aqoum anzkazou;n \auour pat,ayio% as;l h Tarøn Margar;ane!
A®a=in ]m;®a\in .a[;roum :r;uani mar- xikn;rn arvanazan 4 oskh% 5 ar‘ajh ;u 3 pronxh m;taln;ri! Foqh\i mrza,ari ;xra'a- kicoum Moskoua\i fauaqakane 7-4 fa,ouow \a[j;z :r;uani jimin ;u dar]au .a[;ri \a[jo[! 3-rd t;[e grau;z Monjrhali jime!
Marti 5-in Krasnodari aKoubano marxa- da,toum FF fauaqakane 0-2 fa,ouow xi=;z Âousastani entranoun! Fandipoumn anzau ®ousn;ri a®au;louj;amb! M;r pa,tpann;re za‘r makardaki .a[ zouzadr;zin! Ocncow acqi cenkan na;u \ar]akouo[n;re! M;r fa- uaqakane fandhs ;kau a\spisi kaxmow& Â& B;r;xowski% |& Mko\;an (|owfannhs Fambar- ]oum;an% 79)% Â& Arxouman;an% W& Faro\;an% Art& :digar;an (K& |owfannis;an% 67)% G& {axar;an (A& Papik;an% 83)% K& Mkrtc;an% M& Pix;lli% F& M.ijar;an (A& Da,;an% 63)% A& Sarkisow (Arj& :digar;an% 46)% :ou& Mowsis- ;an (S& Adam;an% 87)! Kol;re^ Kokorin% 21 rophin Kombarow% 42& rop& 11 m;jranoz tou- gana\in faroua‘ow!
Krosnodaroum t;[i oun;za‘ fandipoumiz \;to\ F;nri. M.ijar;ane aSport Hqsprh- sio ko[miz staz;l h aXw;xdao (aAst[o) mrzanake orphs APF ;u Palj;an ;rkrkn;ri 2013 j& lauago\n `oujpolist! Mrzanake \an]n;l ;n aSport Hqsprhsio .mbagir Ar- jour P;tros;ane ;u nra t;[akal Artou, Mkrtc;ane! No\n øre ka\azan na;u mi ,arq al fandipoumn;r& I®landia-S;rpia^ 1-2% Anglia-Dania^ 1-0% "orjougalia-Kam;roun^ 5-1% Alpania-Malja^ 2-0% Jourqia-orwa- jia^ 2-2% G;rmania-Cili^ 1-0% ~ransia- Folandia^ 2-0% Ispania-Italia^ 1-0% Alvir- Slow;nia^ 2-0% Iran-Gwinia^ 1-2% Âouminia- Arvanjin^ 0-0% FAF-Praxilia^ 0-5!
A& .oumb& Folandia% C;.ia% Jourqia% Laj- wia% Islandia% {axa.stan
B& .oumb& Posnia ;u F;rz;kowina% P;lyiqa% Isra\hl% Ouhls% Kipros% Andorra
G& .oumb& Ispania% Ouqrania% Slowakia% P;la®ous% Mak;donia% Liuqs;mbourg
D& .oumb& G;rmania% I®landia% L;fastan%
:& .oumb& Anglia%
X& .oumb& |ounastan% Foungaria% Âoumi- nia% ~inlandia% Fiusisa\in I®landia% ~a- r;rn;r
H& .oumb& Âousastan%
E& .oumb& Italia% >orwajia% Norw;gia% Poulkaria% Atrph\yan% Malja
NOR ØR% MART 13% 2014
J& .oumb& "orjougalia% Dania% S;rpia% Fa\astan% Alpania (~ransian k*anzkazni enk;rakan fandipoumn;r)!
";trouari 20-in ;u 27-in ka\azan :uroli- ka\i 1/16-rd ;xra'akici fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row&
aG;nko-aANVIo 0-2-0-0 aWal;nsiao-aTinamøo Qi;u^ 0-0% 2-0 aB;n`ikao-aPAØKo^ 3-0% 1-0 AX-aLib;r;zo^ 1-1% 1-0 aØlimpiko Lion-aC;rnomor;zo^ 1-0% 0-0 aTot;nf;mo-aDniprøo^ 3-1% 0-1 aTrabxonsporo-a:ouw;njouso^ 0-2% 0-2 a~ior;nrinao-aH\sb;rgo^ 3-1% 1-1 aXa\lzbourgo-aA\aqso^ 3-1% 3-0 aBaxhlo-aMaqqabio J;l Awiw^ 3-0% 0-0 aH\"orjouo^ 3-3% 2-2 aS;uiliao-aMariboro^ 2-1% 2-2 a
t;nf;mo-aB;n`ikao% a:ouw;jouso-a~ior;nti- nao% aB;tiso-aS;uiliao% aWiqjoriao-aØlim- piko% aXa\lzbourgo-aBaxhlo% a"orjouo-aNa- 'olio% aLiudogor;zo-Wal;nsiao% aAnvio-aAXo xo\g;re! 1/8-rd ;xra'akici fandipoumn;re ke ka\anan Marti 13-in ;u 20-in!
:r;uani aTinamøo marxadafliyoum auar- tou;z b®nzqamarti Fa\astani m;‘afasak- n;ri a®a=noujiune!
49 qk& qa,a\in kargoum \a[jo[ dar]au :uropa\i ;ritasardn;ri krknaki \a[jo[ Koriun So[omon;ane% ow ;xra'akicoum a®anz m;‘ dvouarouj;an a®au;louj;an fasau
Mius qa,a\in karg;roum a.o\;ann;r ;u mrzanakakirn;r dar]an&
52 qk& qa,oum Nar;k Abgar;ane dvouarin pa\qaroum \a[j;z Ararate n;rka\azno[ Gar;gin Au;tis;anin! Pronxh m;taln;ri arvanazan Ghorg Jowmas;ann ou Dauij Sargs;ane! 56 qk& qa,oum F;nrik Moqo\;ane wiya\aro\z martoum \a[j;z Arjour Mowsis- ;anin! Patouo\ patouandani ;rrord asti- yanin bar]razan Wafan Sargs;ann ou H®- n;st Naxar;ane!
60 qk& .a[oum Arjour Wardan;ann ;xra- 'akicoum a®au;louj;an fasau Fa\rik Na- xar;ani nkatmamb! Pronxh m;taln;ri arva- nazan Andranik Flo\;ann ou Karhn Tøna- kan;ane!
64-oum ir;n fauasare counhr |owfannhs Bockowe! 2-rde Ara Pouloux;ann hr% isk pronxh m;taln;ri arvanazan Go® :riz;ann ou Maqsim Akopowe! 69 qk&-oum oskh m;tali famar pa\qar;zin L;ø Pap;ane (aFa\as- tano Marxakan Mioujiun) ;u Wladimir Mar- gar;ane (aTinamøo)! Dvouarin pa\qaroum \a[j;z Margar;ane! Pronxh m;tali arva- nazau Âa`a\hl Bars;[;ane!
75 qk& qa,a\in kargoum a.o\;an dar]au Arman |owfik;ane% ow ;xra'akicoum a®au;-
louj;an fasau Arman Darcin;ani nkat- mamb! Pronxh m;taln;ri arvanazan Art;om Galst;ann ou Go® +;u;lik;ane!
81 qk&-oum ir;n fauasare counhr Nikol Aroujounowe! 2-rde Âouslan Ibrafim;ann hr% isk pronxh m;taln;ri arvanazan Tigran Arm;nak;ann ou L;uon Baba\;ane! 91 qk& qa,oum F;nri. Sargs;ane \a[j;z Aram Iqlim;anin! Pronxh m;talakirn;r dar]an Âaxmik |aroujiun;ane ;u Karhn |akob;ane!
G;r‘anr qa,oum a.o\;an dar]au Âa`a- \hl Simon;ane! 2-rdn hr A[asi M;frab;ane% pronxh m;tali arvanazau |akob M;lqon- ;ann ou Arkadi |aroujiun;ane! Marti 5-10- e ke ka\ana\ FF ;ritasardakan% isk Marti 13-20-e FF patan;kan a®a=noujiunn;re!
Marti 15-16-e Los Any;lesoum ke ka\ana\ axat oyi emb,amarti a,.arfi gauaji .a[arkoujiune% orin masnakzoum ;n tase ouv;[ago\n ;rkrn;r^ Iran% Âousastan% Wras- tan% Ouqrania% AMN% Fndkastan% Mon[olia% Ya'onia% Fa\astan ou Jourqia! FF faua- qakani kaxmoum Los Any;les ke m;kn;n Ar- tak |owfannis;ane (57 qk&)% Wolodia ~ran- goul;ane (61 qk&)% Arjour A®aq;l;ane (65 qk&)% Dauij A'o\;ane (70 qk&)% Warouvan Ko=o\;ane% Wafh Jamrax;ane (2-n hl 86 qk&)% W i q j o r K a x i , w il i n ( 9 7 q k & ) % A n d r a n i k Galst;ane (125 qj&)% gl.auor marxic Ara\ik Ba[dad;an! Marti 4-iz embi,n;re mar- xouma\in fauaq hin anzkaznoum Auani `oujpoli akad;mia\oum! Fauaqin mas- nakzoum hin fanrap;touj;an 1-3-rd famarn;re! Fauaqin ci miaz;l wnasoua‘q staza‘% a,.arfi ou :uropa\i gor‘o[ a.o\;an Dauij Sa`ar;ane!
Poulkaria\i ma\raqa[aq So`ia\oum auar- toua‘ aDan Kolow – Nikola P;trowo mi=ax- ga\in mrza,aroum% orin masnakzoum hin tarb;r ;rkrn;ri bar]rakarg embi,n;r% FF \ounaf®omhakan emb,amarti fauaqakane wastak;z w;rnagroum n,oua‘ qanaki ;u go\ni m;taln;r! Oskh m;taln;r nouay;zin fauaqakani gl.auor marxic L;uon +oul`a- lak;ani ordin;r Arame (66 qk&) ;u Arshne (75 qk&)% incphs na;u Arjour Al;qsan;ane (98 qk&)! 59 qk& qa,a\in Karhn Aslan;ane grau;z 2-rd% isk Karap;t Cal;ane (75 qk&) ;u Maq- sim Manouk;ane (85 qk&) 3-rd t;[;re! Mrza- ,ari lauago\n embi, h yanacou;l Arjour Al;qsan;ane!
:r;uani Hlit Plaxa Pixn;s k;ntronoum ,arounakuoum h :uropa\i 15-rd anfatakan a®a=noujiune! Ka\aza‘ 9 mrza'oul;riz \;to\ 7&5 miauorow a®a=atarn h Al;qsantr Mo- til;owe! Fa\ ,a.matistn;r Frand M;lqoum- ;ane% S;rgh\ Grigor;anze% Gabrihl Sar- gs;ane% Wlatimir |akob;ane wastak;l ;n 6&5-akan miauor! A®a=nouj;an auartin mnaz;l h 2 mrza'oul!

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