Sunday 22 September 2013

APOLOGY BY TURKS: Here is a comment by a reader who felt strong enough to make his views know to us!

Jirair Momjian said...
Of course all Armenians should be pleased to read Zeynep Torzduman's apology. My ancestors are from Izmir. But it makes me wonder how this apology can represent the Turks' behaviour on the long run. 
I note that your blog was created after Hrant Dink's assassination. I was and witnessed the thousands of people who marched at his funeral in Bolis. But how far do you think the Turks would be prepared to go? The Genocide teaches us many lessons. You must know that after the 1908 ousting of Abdul Hamid II and the proclamation of the Ottoman Constitution, we, the Armenians believed that change has come in Turkey. We had, as you know, even a number of Armenian Parliamentarians such as Krikor Zohrab, who wanted to allow women in Turkey to vote. There was also the funeral of Simon Zavarain (1913) where and when thousands of Turks marched behind his coffin and mourning his death, as he was recognised as a prominent Ottoman intellectual with thousands of Turk following in his way. We were not there, but from what we read we know it was similar to Hrant Dink’s funeral. And you also know the fate of 1.5 million Armenians by the same leadership who offered the Armenians their rights as Ottoman citizens and then executed the Genocide. History is lessons learned. There is an Armenian saying "one flower is not spring". I don't distrust the sincerity of Zeynap, but trusting the Turks as a group, is another thing. I need to see tangible reparation to declare that Turkey has changed. 
Jirair Momjian said.Of course all Armenians should be pleased to read Zeynep Torzduman's apology. My ancestors are from Izmir. But it makes me wonder how this apology can represent the Turks' behaviour on the long run. 

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