Saturday 7 September 2013

LOUSSAPATZ - The Dawn - 998 2013-9-7‏

Անկախ Արցախը 22 տարեկան է

ՅԱՆԴԳՆՈՒԹԻՒՆԸ Մեթր Պարգեւ Դաւիթեան
Գանատայի ամենէն «գունաւոր» եւ յանդուգն քաղաքական դէմքերէն մէկը եղած է նախ- կին վարչապետ (1968-1979, 1980-1984) Փիէր Էլեըթ Թրուտօն, որ իր խնդրայարոյց եւ ազատա- միտ արտայայտութիւններով եւ դիրքորոշումներով շատ մը պահպանողական մտայնու- թեամբ մարդոց կողմէ ատուած եւ քննադատուած է։ Ան սակայն ջերմօրէն սիրուած ու մեծար- ուած է ամէն անոնց կողմէ, որոնք անոր յանդգնութիւնը գնահատելով իր մէջ տեսած են հո- սանքին դէմ թիավարող եւ փոփոխութիւն ստեղծող ղեկավարն ու առաջնորդը։
Թրուտօն համարձակած էր արտայայտուիլ «ընդունելի» կոչուող աւանդութիւններու կամ «կաղապարուած» նկատուող մտքերու եւ կարծիքներու դէմ, եւ իր խիզախ դիրքորոշումներով ու անկախ քաղաքականութեամբ անհանգստացուցած էր մեր հարաւի հսկան՝ երբ ան Նիք- սընեան կամ Րէկընեան քաղաքականութեամբ «պաղ պատերազմ» կը մղէր։
Յանդգնութիւնը այն ճամբան է որ յոգնեցնելով դէպի «լեռ» կը տանի քեզ, հոնտեղէն դիտե- լու համար փոսերու մէջ ապրողները...։
Յանդգնութիւնը այն իւրայատուկ յատկութիւնն է որ կը պատկանի խիզախ քայլերով դէ- պի մահ քալող ֆէտայիին, եւ զօրաւորին դէմ գրիչով ու խօսքով պայքար մղող գաղափարա- պաշտ հաւատացեալին։
Յանդգնութիւնը այն հայելին է որուն մէջ նայող անձը կը տեսնէ իր քաջ կամ տկար ըլլալու պատկերը։ Իսկ այդ հայելիին մէջ նայող անձին քովէն կամ ուսերուն ետեւէն նայողները, ի- րենց նկարագրային պատկանելիութեան բերումով հոն կը տեսնեն խիզախ մը կամ անկիրթ մը, հերոս մը կամ թշնամի մը։ Եւ այսպիսի չափանիշ-հայելի պատկերներով, ոմանց հերոսը կը դառնայ ուրիշի թշնամին, եւ յանդուգնը կը դառնայ անկիրթ՝ «փոս»էն դէպի «լեռ» դիտողին։
Յանդուգնը սակայն իր սեփական շահին կամ իր անձնական օգտին համար յանդգնու- թիւն չըներ։ Ան իր հանգիստն ու անձնական շահը կը զոհէ հասարակաց ընդհանուր շահին համար։ Ահա թէ ինչո՞ւ այն բռնատէրը կամ գահակալը որ կը շարունակէ կառչիլ իր դիրքին եւ աթոռին` կարելի չէ զինք յանդուգն նկատել, որովհետեւ ան իր խնկարկու շրջապատին միջո- ցաւ աւերներ կը գործէ ի շահ իրեն եւ ի վնաս հասարակութեան։
Միջին Արեւելքի ժողովուրդները կ’ապրին այսօր անորոշ ապագայի մը մութ իրավիճա- կով։ Յանդուգն եւ խիզախ առաջնորդներու կարիքը կայ, որպէսզի անձնական շահեր անտես- ուելով հիմնուին ազգային վերազարթման կարգուսարքեր, հեռու` յետադէմ եւ խաւարամիտ կրօնական կամ դաւանական վարչաձեւերէ։
Եւ վերջապէս, յանդուգն են անոնք որոնք կը նախընտրեն ըլլալ մուկի մը գլուխը, քան թէ առիւծի մը պոչը...։

PLANS FOR 'TURKISH PLOT' PUT ON HOLD Heather Ibbotson, Brantford Expositor, 29 August 2013
A proposal to erect a plaque at Mount Hope cemetery is in limbo after it unleashed a storm of unexpected in- ternational controversy, says Mayor Chris Friel.
"There are so many aggressive and very angry groups, and accusations and absolute misunderstandings of the situation," that the plan is now "officially on hold," Friel said Thursday.
"We're backing away" until a response is received from the federal government and city council has an oppor- tunity to review and discuss it, he said.
Friel said the plan had stirred up negative commentary "on an international level, far beyond what a municipal- ity can handle."
The initial intent had been to mark an early Ontario Muslim burial plot while also telling the story of a 1914 roundup of about 100 so-called "enemy aliens" during the First World War.
However, the linking of the two became the subject of sharp criticism among Armenian communities in Cana- da and abroad as being misleading, inaccurate and kowtowing to the political agenda of Turkish government offi- cials.
Friel said Thursday he was surprised by the reaction and that the proposal was "being used by some to try to promote issues that are valid but have zero relationship to what is happening here.
"I don't know what the real history is any more," Friel said.
Brant MP Phil McColeman said he is aware of the "very unusual situation" and has brought it to the attention of his federal counterparts.
"It's a complicated issue. There is a lot to sort out," he said, adding government ministers are currently swamped trying to get acquainted with many files and issues relating to new portfolios.
At issue is a small plot created in 1912 in the northeast section of Mount Hope cemetery. For years it was re- ferred to as the Turkish Plot, although the majority of the 16 people buried there appear to be Alevi and not ethnic Turks, according to local researcher Bill Darfler.
McColeman said it was important not to misrepresent someone as being something they were not. However, he also said the decision on marking the plot does not seem to be a federal government decision, but rather the city's decision.
The story is complicated by a November 1914 incident that occurred days after the declaration of war between Great Britain and Turkey. City police, acting on orders from Ottawa, detained all local "Turks." Some 100 men were rounded up, briefly held at the jail, then at the armories and then transported by train out of the city, eventual- ly ending up at an internment camp in Kapuskasing.
It cannot be proven that any of the 16 people buried in the Brantford plot were among those detained during the First World War. In fact, seven of the men are certain to have no connection as they died prior to the 1914 inci- dent. It is also believed that many, if not most, of the "Turks" rounded up were actually Alevi.
Concerns were aroused after it became known that Turkish consul general Ali Riza Guney had toured the cemetery site, called on Friel and expressed interest in the erection of a monument.
Guney was in Brantford again for recent celebrations at the end of Ramadan at the local mosque, as were McColeman and Friel. McColeman said the Turkish official appeared "eager to proceed" with the proposed plan for a plaque.
Friel said Thursday that Guney indicated he would back away from the issue if it was causing difficulty.
During the summer, the proposal to erect a plaque caught the attention of overseas media and has been the sub- ject of commentary in Turkey.
It also raised the ire of the Canadian-Armenian community as well as those further abroad who view the Turk- ish government's interest in a quiet corner of a Brantford cemetery as being a politically motivated gesture with ul- terior motives.
A plaque or monument "identifying (those buried in the plot) with Turkey and the Turkish government would be an injustice," said Toronto resident Sam Manougian, a member of the Armenian National Committee of southern Ontario.
The idea of a monument endorsed by the Turkish government that incorrectly labels Alevi as though they were Turks is a "real injustice," he said.
The website has been monitoring the situation, and any articles relating to it. An online petition to "Stop the Fake Monument" had collected 342 signatures by Thursday.
STEPANAKERT – -- Azerbaijan, whose at- tempts to abort the negotiation process for the peaceful set- tlement of the conflict between Azerbaijan and the Nagorno- Karabakh Republic (NKR) are becoming more evident, has resorted to new propaganda tricks, NKR Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
The July 19, 2013 letter of the Minister of Foreign Af- fairs of Azerbaijan to the UN Secretary General (circulated in the UN as a document A/67/952-S/2013/478 on August 13, 2013) is a vivid manifestation of such a policy of Azerbai- jan.
This time Azerbaijan is trying to utilize for its political goals the Syrian crisis, which is currently under the focus of the international community, in particular the fate of the Syrian Armenians that, along with other Syrian refugees, are forced to find refuge in different
parts of the world. Overwhelmed by its mania of distorting the essence of the conflict and misleading the international
community, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan did not hesitate to use obvious lies and misin- formation. It should be noted in particular that no single person mentioned in the so-called “resettled peo- ple” list conveyed along with the letter to the UN Secretariat, has ever been, and is not currently on the territory of the NKR.
Azerbaijan once again distorts and selectively interprets facts concerning the activities of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, claiming that two field assessment missions of the OSCE Minsk Group Co- Chairs dispatched to Nagorno-Karabakh have allegedly recorded "numerous violations of the norms and principles of international humanitarian law."
It is well-known that those missions, which were carried out with the consent and support of the NKR authorities, in their reports refuted the Azeri allegations about the implementation of resettlement pro- grams. Meanwhile, it is appropriate to recall that Azerbaijan refused and still does not allow access for an OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs’ field assessment mission to the occupied territories of Nagorno- Karabakh, where in an organized manner large-scale projects of settlement of Azeris are being imple- mented in previously Armenian-populated areas.
It is a matter of special concern that the Minister of Foreign Affairs of a country with a status of non- permanent member of the UN Security Council uses direct threats in his letter.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic calls on the UN Member States to take measures preventing the attempts of Azerbaijan to use the high tribune of the UN for propaganda machinations, and support the mediation efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs in finding a com- prehensive and lasting solution to the conflict between the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and Azerbaijan.
YEREVAN -- Armenia has unexpectedly deported an Azerbaijani prisoner of war to an unpublicized third country just two weeks after offering to swap him for an Armenian soldier who was captured by Azerbaijani troops near Nagorno-Karabakh.
Deputy Defense Minister Davit Tonoyan made the announcement on Friday at a meeting with Lorenzo Caraffi, the Yerevan-based representative of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
A statement by the Armenian Defense Ministry said Tonoyan asked the ICRC to inform the family of Firuz
Farajev that he has been transferred to a “safe, prosperous and democratic country” and already granted a refugee status there. He did not name that country.
Farajev was detained by Armenian troops at a western section of Armenia’s border with Azerbaijan in July 2012. The Armenian military said at the time that the 20-year-old deliberately surrendered to its forces.
The Defense Ministry statement issued on Friday said that Farajev defected because of having been subjected “inhuman tortures and pressures” at his Azerbaijani army unit. It insisted that the soldier made an “unequivocal de- cision” not to return to Azerbaijan.
The announcement came two weeks after Tonoyan told another Red Cross official in Yerevan that Farajev has “changed his mind and expressed a desire to return to Azerbaijan.” The Armenian military thus expressed readiness to swap him for Hakob Injighulian, an Armenian soldier who crossed into Azerbaijani-controlled territory east of Karabakh on August 8.
The Azerbaijani side never responded to that offer. Instead, Injighulian was again paraded on Azerbaijani tele- vision last week, saying that he surrendered to Azerbaijani forces after being ill-treated by one of his commanders. He said he therefore wants to be sent to a third country.
The authorities in Yerevan as well as Injighulian’s family dismissed that statement, saying that the 22-year-old was presented a false version of events under duress. They insist that he crossed the “line of contact” around Karabakh by accident.
Armenian officials argue that international conventions on treatment of POWs forbid any public exposure of captured enemy soldiers. They say the fact that Injighulian wore an Azerbaijani military uniform in his two tele- vised appearance was another gross violation of international law.
Red Cross officials in Baku were allowed to visit Injighulian on August 20.􏰁􏰁 􏰌􏰍􏰎􏰍􏰏􏰍􏰌􏰐􏰁􏰑􏰒􏰓􏰒􏰏􏰎􏰍􏰔􏰕􏰖􏰗􏰁􏰘􏰘􏰖􏰙􏰁􏰕􏰖􏰙􏰒􏰚􏰒􏰖􏰙􏰒􏰖􏰑􏰒􏰁􏰍􏰖􏰖􏰕􏰛􏰒􏰎􏰜􏰍􏰎􏰝􏰁
Artsakh President Bako Sahakyan said in his congratulatory message. “We are proud of the heroic people who gained freedom and independence and nowadays keep carving their
own future. We feel responsibility for strengthening the statehood established through great sacrifices, developing the native land, and leaving a strong and prosperous homeland for the generations to come. We are full of determi- nation and perseverance to solve together all these issues through daily painstaking work, with the active support of Armenia and the Diaspora.”
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said: “The indigenous people of Artsakh made their historic choice and the fact of self-determination is undisputable. The people of Republic of Nagorno Karabakh defended their freedom and secured it through the heaviest losses in the war. The people of Artsakh voted for their freedom not only at the national referendum but through the national self-defense saying “Yes” to freedom and independence and saying “No” to violence and carnage.”
“Today, on this great day the Armenians all over the world together with you say “Yes” to democracy and universal human values, and “No” to anti-Armenian fascism and whims of dictators... Certainly, there is still much to be done and serious problems still exist ranging from everyday life problems to political and military issues. However one thing is clear for us all: there is no return to the prison cell of a medieval khanate.”
PanARMENIAN.Net - The Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) Republic is celebrating the 22nd anniversary of independence.
On September 2, 1991, the joint session of the Nagorno Karabakh regional council and the council of people’s deputies of Shahumyan region proclaimed the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, adopting the Declaration of Independence.
The declaration reads that the Nagorno Karabakh Republic exercises the authority envisaged by the USSR constitution and legislation and is entitled to de- cide on its legal status.
“This is a magnificent state holiday, which we tra- ditionally celebrate with deep pride and responsibility,”
STEPANAKERT. – Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan participated in the events dedicated to the 22nd anniversary of proclamation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’s (NKR) independence.
Armenian PM accompanied NKR President Bako Sahakyan and high ranking officials in their march to a me- morial to the martyrs of Great Patriotic War and participants of Shushi Liberation.
They also visited the cemetery of Karabakh freedom fighters and laid flowers at the tombs.
Resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict remains a challenge for Geor- gia and the entire region, Georgian FM said on Monday.
Maia Panjikidze noted that uncontrolled “black holes” on the occupied territories are threatening not only Georgia, but the neighboring regions.
“The uncontrolled “black holes” on the occupied territories are threaten- ing not only Georgia, but the entire South Caucasus, the neighboring regions, including EU states,” she said, addressing the foreign diplomats in Tbilisi.
US CO-CHAIR OF OSCE MINSK GROUP TO VISIT REGION SOON -- Newly appointed Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group James Warlick plans to visit the region soon.
“I will travel soon to Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Nagorno-Karabakh to begin my efforts to help bring about a settlement,” he tweeted.
Ambassador James Warlick was appointed as the next US Co-Chair of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group in August.
James Warlick most recently served as Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan and lead negotiator for the Bilateral Security Agreement with Afghanistan. He served as Ambassador to Bulgaria from 2009-2012, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of
International Organization Affairs from 2006 to 2009, and Director of the Office of European Security and Political Affairs from 2005 to 2006.
BAKU -- -- Great Britain supports the activities of the OSCE Minsk Group and stands for the peace- ful resolution of the Karabakh conflict.
UK Foreign Secretary William Hague noted the aforesaid during his talk with Azerbaijani FM Elmar Mammadyarov, who is on a working trip to the United Kingdom, APA news agency of Azerbaijan reports quoting the Azerbaijani MFA.
During the meeting they exchanged views about issues on the agenda of the United Nations Security Council. Mammadyarov and Hague also held extensive talks about bilateral cooperation. Secretary Hague expressed gratitude for Azerbaijan’s contributions and support to operations in Afghanistan
as well as the cooperation in the frame of NATO.
At the same time, Azadliq newspaper of Azerbaijan stressed that the decision to send Mammadyarov to Lon- don was made urgently, when it had become apparent that the Azerbaijani opposition was planning to visit London from September 8 to 11, and at the invitation of the British side.
STEPANAKERT--Armenia reported on Monday a dramatic increase in its arms acquisitions in the last few years, saying that they have offset Azerbaijan’s continuing massive military buildup.
“In the last three years we have acquired as much weaponry as we did in the previous 20 years,” Prime Minis- ter Tigran Sarkisian said during a visit to an army unit in Nagorno-Karabakh.
“In that sense, rest assured that we will never allow the military balance to be disrupted. We will maintain that balance,” he told soldiers serving there, in remarks posted on the Armenian government’s website.
Sarkisian gave few details of those acquisitions. He said only, in an apparent reference to Russia, that “strate- gic partners” are helping Armenia to stay in the arms race with oil-rich Azerbaijan within the framework of the Col- lective Security Treaty Organization.
There have been other indications of late that Russian arms supplies to Armenia, mostly carried out free of charge, have intensified in recent. An Armenian pro-government parliamentarian claimed in May that as many as 120 planeloads of Russian weapons have been transported to Armenia over the past year alone.
The commander of Karabakh’s armed forces, General Movses Hakobian, likewise spoke of large-scale arms acquisitions in late July. Hakobian said the arms deliveries have been so extensive that the Karabakh military has difficulty storing the new weapons and plans to build a new arms depot for that purpose.
In particular, the Karabakh Armenians are known to have created a new tank brigade last year. Some defense analysts in Yerevan believe that it is armed with around 100 tanks.
Azerbaijan reportedly began receiving in June a similar number of tanks as well as many other Russian-made offensive weapons worth an estimated $1 billion. President Ilham Aliyev said last month that “the volume of mili- tary-technical cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan is measured at $4 billion and it tends to grow further.” According to the Moscow daily “Vedomosti,” the figure cited by Aliyev is “the sum of all contracts concluded and partly executed since 2010.”
YEREVAN -- -- Orogen Gold’s (LON:ORE) “confirmatory” drilling program on the Mutsk gold project in Armenia has returned substantially higher gold grades than previously reported, informs
The results included an 11 meter intersection at 5.56 grams per ton, although there were others at 3.68 grams and 1.67 grams. Historic work unearthed smaller intersections with highest grade registering around 2.75 grams per ton, “EcoLur” NGO reports.
Orogen will now move into the second phase of the drilling program, where it will spend $2.5 million to earn an 80 percent interest of the property.
According to the official website of “Orogen Gold” Company, it signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with Georaid CJSC (“Georaid”), an Armenian registered company, covering the Mutsk gold project in southern Armenia in January 2013.
The exploration area accounts for 24 square kilometers.
According to the official website of Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Armenia, Georaid CJSC was issued an exploration license for Mutsk (Bardravan) mine in 2010, which expires on June 30, 2015.
Mutsk is a gold-polymetallic mine, which is also known as Bardzravan, located in Sisian area of Armenia’s Syunik Region, 2.5 km southeast from Mutsk (Bardzravan Village).
It is noteworthy that “Orogen Gold” Company outlines only gold neglecting other natural resources while the book by Hrachya Avagyan, Dr. in Geological Sciences, and entitled Ways and Prospects of Mining and Metallurgi- cal Industries in the Republic of Armenia, says that aside from gold, this mine also contains copper, lead, zinc, sil- ver, selenium, tellurium, bismuth, thallium, indium, cadmium, gallium, sulfur, and iron.
DIYARBAKIR IS KURDS’ AND ARMENIANS’ CITY – MAYOR -- The Armenians and the Assyrians living in Austria organized a dinner reception for Osman Baydemir, mayor of Turkey’s Diyarbakir city, who had arrived in Vienna.
During the event, the Kurdish mayor recalled that Diyarbakir is as much the city of the Armenians and the As- syrians as it is of the Kurds.
At the reception, the Austrian-Armenian community representatives thanked Baydemir for the restoration of the Saint Giragos Armenian Church in Diyarbakir, the Turkish ILKA news agency reports.
In turn the mayor of Diyarbakir invited the Armenians to the city. Baydemir also noted that a museum is being created on one side of the church, and the cultural heritage of Diyarbakir Armenians will be displayed in this muse- um.
MOSCOW -- In a dramatic about-face that will like- ly scuttle Armenia’s Association Agreement with the European Union, President Serzh Sarkisian announced on Tuesday his decision to join a Russian-led union of ex-Soviet states after a meeting with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.
He said Armenia is also ready to take part in the es- tablishment of the Eurasian economic union.
"I confirmed Armenia's intention to join the Cus- toms Union and the process of the formation of the Eura- sian Union," he told reporters. "It is a rational decision stemming from the national interests of Armenia. This decision does not constitute a refusal to continue our dia-
logue with European structures. We intend to continue these reforms in the future." In remarks posted on his website, Sarkisian pointed to Armenia’s membership of the Collective Security Trea-
ty Organization, a Russian-led military alliance, as part of the reasoning behind his decision,. "When you are part of one system of military security it is impossible and ineffective to isolate yourself from a
corresponding economic space," he said. Sarkisian also vowed to continue communicating with "European structures," adding that his government re-
mains committed to institutional reforms sought by those bodies. Sarkisian made no mention of a planned Association Agreement with the European Union. Putin hailed Sarkisian’s announcement, saying Yerevan's decision to join the "Eurasian integration process"
will boost bilateral and mutually profitable ties between the two countries. "We will be doing our utmost to facilitate this process," he said. "I am confident that Yerevan's membership in
the structures of Eurasian integration will become a powerful impulse for mutually beneficial economic coopera- tion."
Yerevan's membership of the Customs Union must still be approved by the other union members -- Belarus and Kazakhstan.
Armenia is heavily economically dependent upon Russia, which is home to a million-strong Armenian diaspo- ra. Moscow is Yerevan's largest trading partner and Russia is the biggest foreign investor in Armenia.
PanARMENIAN.Net - Swedish Foreign Minister described Armenia’s intention to join the Russia-initiated Customs Union as a U-turn in relations with the European Union.
“Seems as if Armenia will break talks on free trade agreement with EU and integrate with Russia instead,” Carl Bildt said on his Twitter account after RA President Serzh Sargsyan confirmed Armenia’s willingness to join Customs Union, with further plans to be involved in formation of EurAsEC, during a meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow.
Mr Putin supported the initiative, voicing readiness to assist Armenia in the process. He also noted that Rus- sian Railways may invest 15 billion rubles in development of Armenia's railway network.
The Customs Union was formed in 2010 to include of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia; Kirghizia and Tajiki- stan later expressed intention to join the Union.
YEREVAN -- On September 2 in Yerevan at the age of 67 passed away the President of the Writers’ Union of Armenia Levon Ananyan.
Levon Ananyan was born on October 13, 1946 in Koghb village of Tavush region. In 1964 he graduated from secondary school in Tavush. Levon Ananyan is a graduate of the Yerevan State University, Department of Philolo- gy. He has worked for a number of state journals. For approximately 25 years he worked for the "Garoun" monthly.
In 1989, he became a member of the Writers Union of Armenia, and from 1990 – 2001 he was chief editor for “Garoun”.
In 2001, he was elected President of the Writers' Union of Armenia.
He lectured at the Yerevan State University Department of Journalism. He is the president of the Noyemberyan NGO. He is also a member of the Journalists' Union.
He has authored many articles on social and political issues, which have been printed in the state press.
He has also translated and published Russian and English books to the Armenian language; he founded "Apol- lo" Publishers.
A French-Armenian activist expressed Friday his concerns over what he called the Foreign Minis- try’s selective approach to the Turkish-Armenians’ dual citizenship requests. -- At a news conference on Friday, Sargis Hatspanyan, a Karabakh war veteran and a former political prisoner, spoke of an Istanbul- Armenian family which had to return to Turkey without success as the Consular Department’s head, Vladimir Karmirshalyan, appeared to be on vacation at the time.
“The facts I am going to introduce are flagrant. I think the Republic of Armenia, as a state, is committing a crime in relation to the Diaspora- Armenians when issuing citizenship, a unit of its state symbol,” he said.
Hatspanyan noted that the identity of Turkey-born Armenians is con- firmed by a baptism certificate which they receive from the Armenian Pa- triarchate and which they have to submit to the Foreign Ministry’s relevant subdivision for obtaining dual citizen-
According to the activist, the main obstacle for the Turkish-Armenians is the absence of ancestors’ identity documents which he said were destroyed by the Turks during the 1915 Genocide. He called for the authorities not to forget the fact when deciding to issue a dual citizenship to the Armenians of Turkey.
Hatspanyan said applicants do not always have the necessary documents, with many Turkish- Armenians be- ing later converted to Islam or becoming pagans, thus losing the right of obtaining dual citizenship in Armenia.
He then again referred to the Istanbul-Armenian family. “Didn’t the Foreign Ministry have anyone who could replace the official named Vladimir? Wasn’t there anyone who could respond to the people who had visit their home country? Anyone who could ask them to come again because Karmirshaplyan will be back to work on Sep- tember 4” he added.
YEREVAN, AUGUST 29, ARMENPRESS. The Turkish authorities target several goals in Syria, and one of those goals is to get rid of the powerful Armenian community of Syria. Prof. Ruben Safrastyan, the Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of Armenian National Academy of Sciences and Professor of History and Turkish Studies at the Yerevan State University, stated this at the course of the press conference convoked on August 29. Among other things the expert stated that Turkey seeks its own goals in Syria and wants to get rid of the current authorities of the country. As reports "Armenpress" in addition Ruben Safrastyan underscored: "Turkey also wants to get rid of the Armenian community in Syria, because the Armenian communities of Aleppo, Damascus, and oth- er cities as well are among the cornerstones of the Western Armenians."
More Armenians will likely flee Syria in the coming weeks and Armenia must be prepared for accommodating many of them, Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian said over the weekend.
“We can see that a big out-migration from Aleppo will take place. Obviously we have to be prepared for a turn of events that will force us to be able to receive Syrian Armenians,” he said at a meeting with univer-sity students in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Sarkisian made the comment in response to a question about repercussions of widely anticipated of U.S. mili- tary strikes against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.
According to immigration authorities in Yerevan, around 10,000 Syrian Armenians have already taken refuge in their ancestral homeland since the start of the civil war in Syria more than two years ago. Thou-sands of others have fled to neighboring Lebanon.
There were an estimated 80,000 ethnic Armenians in Syria before the outbreak of the bloody conflict. Most of them lived in Aleppo, the country’s largest city that has become one of the epicenters of fierce fighting between Syrian government troops and rebels.
Sarkisian told students in Stepanakert that he has discussed the matter with Karabakh Armenian leaders. He did not elaborate.
The Karabakh government has repeatedly expressed readiness to take in Syrian Armenians. Several dozen Syr- ian Armenian families have already settled in Karabakh and other Armenian-controlled territories surrounding it, a fact that has prompted protests from Azerbaijan.
While facilitating Syrian Armenian immigration with a range of mostly administrative measures, the Armenian government has so far refrained from urging the embattled community to leave Syria. Nor has it announced any contingency plans for the evacuation of Armenians remaining there.
Nikolay Grigorian, the deputy director of the Armenian Rescue Service, said on August 28 that his agency will try to evacuate them in case of a “political decision” by the government.
Several Armenians in Aleppo interviewed RFE/RL’s Armenian service ( by phone last week said that fleeing the city is now extremely difficult and dangerous because all the roads are blocked by the warring sides. Regular flights between Syria and Armenia were halted in January as fighting in and around Aleppo intensi- fied.
FM EDWARD NALBANDIAN: ARMENIA WORKING TO ENSURE THE PHYSICAL SECURITY OF SYRIAN ARMENIANS -- The Armenian authorities are working in different directions and on different levels to ensure the physical security of Syrian Armenians and protect the Armenian historical-cultural heritage, Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian said at the meeting with students of the Yerevan State University. He ex- pressed his deep concern over the deteriorating situation in Syria and noted that the civilian population, including Syrian Armenians, suffer as a result of it.
Speaking about the developments in the process of settlement of the Karabakh conflict, Minister Nalbandian said the statement adopted in Dublin by the heads of delegation of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing countries was fully in line with the position of Armenia, like the five previous statements adopted within the framework of OSCE Ministerial meetings.
Minister Nalbandian said Armenia appreciates the joint statement adopted by the Presidents of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing countries on the sidelines of the G8 summit in Enniskillen and the four previous state- ments adopted on that level and attached importance to the continuation of negotiations on the basis of the princi- ples incorporated in the documents to reach a final solution.
Edward Nalbandian presented the priorities of the Armenian chairmanship of the CoE Committee of Ministers, the events initiated by Armenia, the steps targeted at raising the role of the organization.
Also, the Minister referred to the allied relations between Armenia and Russia, the cooperation with the US, the European Union and the neighboring countries.
The Syrian Armenian Relief Fund released the following statement Tuesday, appealing for continued support for Armenians in Syria.
For the past two years, Syria and our Armenian community in Syria have been going through a crisis; our once self-sufficient and prosperous commu- nity has been thrust into such a disastrous situation, that our people have be- come in need of basic necessities.
From the early days of the crisis, the Armenian community in the West- ern U.S.A. united efforts to collectively provide moral and financial support to meet the needs of our young and old bothers and sisters in Syria. The greater community united under the auspices of the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund (SARF) and the accomplishments of the past year attest to the extent of our community members’ care and compassion.
Despite calls for peaceful resolution of the crisis, the situation in Syria is not improving, on the contrary, it is under risk of further deterioration. The Syrian people, including Armenians, are subjected to further threats and innocent civilians and their neighborhoods are being victimized with violence,
which trample over every law and principle, that guides humanity. Just as during the beginning of the crisis, also today, the people of the Western U.S.A., along with the rest of
the Armenian people worldwide, stand in solidarity of the suffering people of Syria, including the Armenian resi- dents.
We appeal to our compatriots to make tangible expressions of their solidarity by contributing to SARF and raising funds to help alleviate the suffering of our brothers and sisters and heal their wounds.
We also invite our community to participate in prayers for their safety on Prayer Day, Sunday, September 15, 2013, at all of our churches.
We are still hopeful and we believe that this crisis will be over and the people of Syria will find peace.
Syrian Armenian Relief Fund
The following churches, charities and organizations came together to form the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund in August 2012: Armenian Catholic Eparchy in North America; Armenian Evangelical Union of North America; Western Diocese of the Armenian Church; Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America; Arme- nian General Benevolent Union; Armenian Missionary Association of America; Armenian Relief Society of West- ern U.S.A.; Armenian Democratic Liberal Party; Armenian Revolutionary Federation-Western U.S.A.; and Social Democrat Hunchakian Party-Western U.S.A.
Visit the SARF website at Mailing address: Syrian Armenian Relief Fund, P.O. Box 1948, Glendale, CA 91209-1948
BUDAPEST -- The self-government of ethnic Ar- menians in Hungary has asked Justice Minister Tibor Navracsics in a public letter whether Hungary had turned to any international forum since the repatriation of Azeri officer Ramil Safarov a year ago, reports.
Safarov, who was sentenced to life imprisonment for killing an Armenian in Budapest in 2004, was trans- ferred back to his home country on August 31, 2012 under an extradition agreement. Although Azerbaijan formally pledged that the life sentence handed down to him in Hungary would be directly continued when he was returned to his homeland, the Azerbaijani president granted him clemency.
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan announced the same day that Armenia suspended diplomatic relations with Hungary.
Two days later State Secretary of Foreign Affairs Zsolt Nemeth summoned the Azerbaijani ambassador to his office and condemned the Azerbaijani step as unacceptable to Hungary in a diplomatic note.
In the public letter, the Armenian self-government noted that Safarov had committed a premeditated murder for a base reason, calling his brutal act “a continuation of the Armenian genocide”.
“God’s fifth commandment – ‘You shall not murder’ – became weightless in Budapest in August 2012 when the government favoured Azerbaijan because of ‘national interests’,” the letter added.
The self-government asked if Hungary had turned to international forums with a complaint about Azerbaijan’s action and what measures the government was going to take to enforce the law.
It is to be feared that, with the diplomatic note, the government considered the affair settled, the Armenian self-government said.
Traditionally, before every New Year, the British Government publishes a list of the names of people to be honoured for their contribution to the welfare and good of Britain and for their exceptional personal achievements in various fields, and many British Armenians have been bestowed with that great honour; but the "Honours List" I am referring to in this article has not been published by the British Government, nor does it refer to positive achievements for the good of anyone: it has been issued by the Azerbaijani Government - not to honour or
appreciate - but to single-out with hatred each and everyone who is "black listed" and labelled "persona non grata" in Azerbaijan.
I have the great honour to be included in that list and – although I am NOT a journalist – to be described as such!
I have also the great honour of having my name listed alongside the names of very important and universally acclaimed and respected persons, placing all of us 335 lucky individuals named in that List in very good company indeed!
The Azerbaijani "Honours List" includes - globally - people from all walks of life and – professionally - as different as journalists, politicians, artists, writers, scholars, historians, academicians, benefactors, TV presenters, opera singers, diplomats.. etc... from countries as far as Japan or Argentina and.. even as close as.... Turkey, af- firming that Azerbaijan has enemies all over the world.
What is the common factor that links all of us 335 fortunate people together in this public declaration of ani- mosity and discrimination?
Does an opera singer become a fierce and dangerous enemy of Azerbaijan if invited to sing in Karabakh?
Does a parliamentarian who is visiting Karabakh to discuss peaceful means of solving - diplomatically and NOT militarily - the thorny issues created by the Azerbaijani aggression of Karabakh and the ensuing war become an enemy of the Azeri State?
What is the criteria that can help anyone to receive the honourable accolade of being included in that List?
I personally believe that instead of listing us 335 people as enemies, the Azeri Government should invite each one of us to Baku, treat us with the same "oil and caviar diplomacy" used in their everyday dealings with dignitaries and strategically important people, show us courtesy and consideration and try to put forward their own views and arguments, logically, patiently, rationally and truthfully.
Although I do not read Azerbaijani, but the pictures published helped me realise that there are two very im- portant names missing from that list of enemies of Azerbaijan: the two names of Ramil Safarov and President Ilham Aliyev. For these two individuals have and are harming Azerbaijan far more than an opera singer or a benefactor could ever do!!!!
By killing savagely in his sleep an innocent Armenian man purely because of that man’s ethnicity and by be- ing returned to Azerbaijan to receive praise, honours and gifts, the Azeri Ramil Safarov proved to the world that crime and murder are accepted, are rewarded, are encouraged and are the NORM in Azerbaijan. Ramil Safarov must hold a place of distinction in the Azeri "Honours List" because by his criminal action he did more damage to Azerbaijan’s image in the world, than could all of us 335 nominees ever do, together.
Maybe I should place President Ilham Aliyev’s name higher than that of Ramil Safarov's in that list, for it was the President who bought Safarov’s freedom with its "oil, dollars and caviar diplomacy" and it was the President who showed to the international community at large that murder is accepted, rewarded and encouraged in Azerbai- jan.
And now, nearing election time in Azerbaijan and President Aliyev seeking a third term in office, what would serve his purpose better than another aggression of Karabakh, a new war to keep the people of Azerbaijan busy and engrossed with the spoils of war and, while suffering and bleeding, attempting to save their families and just to survive, they will be made powerless and unable to hold or rally any opposition to the President!
By taking his people to war, by creating the opportunity for everyone in the world to think that maybe all Azeris are (like Ramil Safarov) potential criminals – although I do not believe that - President Ilham Aliyev de- serves the highest honour and place in the List published by the Azeri Government.
I am pleased and grateful that the Armenian and Karabakh Governments are using their Media (TV, newspa- pers, Radio and Diaspora Media ) to publicise and encourage visits to Armenia and Karabakh by internationally famed dignitaries, scholars, journalists, politicians.. etc... and, by doing so, are creating a list of well-wishers and friends of Armenia and Karabakh .
May both lists: "Friends of Armenia and Karabakh" and "Enemies of Azerbaijan" grow every day, include thousands more names, gather momentum and when published again (maybe next year!) show to the world the difference of culture that exists between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Saturday was the 105th birth anniversary of great American Armenian writer William Saroyan.
William Saroyan was born on August 31, 1908 in Fresno, California to Armenak and Takoohi Saroyan, Arme- nian immigrants from Bitlis, Ottoman Empire. His father came to New York in 1905 and started preaching in Ar- menian Apostolic Churches.
At the age of three, after his father’s death, Saroyan, along with his brother and sister, was placed in an or- phanage in Oakland, California. Five years later, the family reunited in Fresno.
Saroyan decided to become a writer after his mother showed him some of his father’s writings. A few of his early short articles were published in Overland Monthly. His first stories appeared in the 1930s.
Among these was “The Broken Wheel”, written under the name Sirak Goryan and published in the Armenian journal Hairenik in 1933. Many of Sa- royan’s stories were based on his childhood experiences among the Armenian- American fruit growers of the San Joaquin Valley or dealt with the rootlessness of the immigrant. The short story collection My Name is Aram (1940), an international bestseller, was about a young boy and the colorful characters of his immigrant family. It has been translated into many languages.
As a writer, Saroyan made his breakthrough in Story magazine with The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze (1934), the title taken from the nineteenth century song of the same title. The protagonist is a young, starv- ing writer who tries to survive in a Depression-ridden societ
Saroyan published essays and memoirs, in which he depicted the people he had met on travels in the Soviet Union and Europe, such as the playwright George Bernard Shaw, the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius, and Charlie Chaplin. In 1952, Saroyan published The Bicycle Rider in Beverly Hills, the first of several volumes of memoirs.
Saroyan died in Fresno, of cancer at age 71. Half of his ashes were buried in California and the remainder in Armenia at Komitas Pantheon near film director Sergei Parajanov.
William Saroyan never forgot his national roots and as once stated: "he wrote in English, lived in the USA but always was Armenian in his heart". He visited Bitlis, found and saw the house where his father was born and where his grandfathers lived.
William Saroyan visited Moscow 1935, where he met Charents. Wrote his portrait and in 1976-1978 visited Armenia.
Saroyan died in Fresno, of prostate cancer at age 71. His heart is buried with other Armenian artists and intel- lectuals at the Pantheon park in Yerevan near film director Sergei Parajanov.
YEREVAN -- -- Children from Turkey likewise will study at Armenia’s Dilijan International School.
Veronika Zonabend—the wife of renowned Armenian businessman Ruben Vardanyan, and both of whom are among the co-founders of this school—stated the abovementioned dur- ing a press conference on Wednesday.
Four children—one of whom is Armenian and another one, a Kurd—will arrive from Turkey to study at the school.
In Zonabend’s words, this bespeaks the high international standing of the school plus it may contribute to the improvement of Armenian-Turkish relations in the future.
She added that all children attending Dilijan International School will be taught Armenian, and Armenia’s his- tory and culture.
The school will start functioning in September 2014.
Ninety students will be enrolled in the first year. In 2023, their number will reach 650, and they will come from sixty countries.
The one-year tuition fee at the school will be $30,000, but 90 percent of the students will study free on the ac- count of scholarships by sponsors.
Children from Armenia will comprise 10-12 percent and the Diaspora-Armenian students will make up about 30 percent of the total number of students of Dilijan International School.
STEPANAKERT -- -- Armenia and Nagorno- Karabakh Republic (NKR) Prime Ministers Tigran Sargsyan and Ara Harutyunyan held a working consultation meeting Tuesday at NKR Government.
The talks were devoted to the introduction of the mandatory funded pension system, informs the NKR Government press ser- vice.
PM Sargsyan gave specific instructions to those in charge of the relevant agencies in Armenia, so as to provide advisory assis- tance to their colleagues in NKR.
On the same day, the PMs of the two Armenian republics at- tended another consultation meeting. The latter was with respect to NKR’s developments in the domain of agricul-
ture and the upcoming projects to ensure the progress of this domain. At the end of the consultations, the PMs of Armenia and NKR were on hand at the signing of several docu-
ments on expanding cooperation between the two Armenian republics, and in the domains of agriculture, labor and social affairs, and budgets.
Rumours and warnings of an action against non-Muslims in Istanbul had begun to circulate weeks in advance. On September 6, state radio announced a bomb-attack on Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's birthplace in Thessalonica, and the popular evening paper İstanbul Ekspres announced the incident in two separate editions. (Previously, on the night of September 5, a bomb was set off in the garden of the Turkish Consulate in Thessalonica, adjacent to the house where Mustafa Kemal was born. The damage was limited to broken windows. Greek authorities arrested and prosecuted as suspects Oktay Engin, a Turkish secret service operative studying law in Greece on a Turkish state- funded scholarship, and Hasan Uçar, the security guard of the consulate. Additionally, the Consul General and the Vice Consul were accused of instigating and instructing the attackers.) In the afternoon of September 6, The Asso- ciation of Turkish Cyprus (KTC), having as its agenda "defending the Turkish minority in Cyprus against the Unit- ed Nations and other organizations, and organizing country-wide protests," along with some student organizations linked to this association, organized a protest rally in Taksim, İstanbul. Following the rally, attacks began on pre-
viously identified and in some cases already marked locations in various neighborhoods in İstanbul. The attackers included İstanbulites as well as people brought from other cities, and they provoked other members of the public to join in by appealing to the question of Cyprus and the general "aversion to non-Muslims." The security forces merely watched, failed to intervene even in situations which could be easily prevented, and in some cases, aided and abetted the attacks. According to court records, "in Istanbul 4214 residences, 1004 shops, 73 churches, 1 syna- gogue, 2 monasteries, 26 schools and 5317 other venues including factories, hotels, bars, etc. were attacked." The fact that cases of burglary, injury and murder were relatively few considering the magnitude of the attacks is inter- preted as an indication that the attackers were instructed to refrain from such actions. There were 300-600 people - including attackers - wounded, 15 deaths according to the Helsinki Watch report and 11 deaths according to the Turkish media, and 60 (reported) cases of rape. Martial law was proclaimed at night in an attempt to quell the upris- ing, though in some areas the attacks continued for several days. Some of the perpetrators were arrested and prose- cuted in closed military trials (three in Istanbul and one in each of the other two cities). Most suspects were released by the end of 1956.
In his initial statements, the then-prime minister Adnan Menderes claimed that the acts of violence that took place on September 6-7 in İstanbul and İzmir were patriotic and "spontaneous" reactions to the news items in the national media. The first of these was the news concerning the bombing of Mustafa Kemal's house in Thessalonica. And the second was an article in the daily newspaper Hürriyet stating that a Greek attack on Turks was imminent in Cyprus and that there were "plenty of Greeks in Istanbul whom we could attack." Menderes also stated that even though the government was informed of the plans to hold demonstrations, they did not expect a reaction of such proportions. Shortly thereafter, the government assigned guilt to "communist provocateurs" and on September 7, an arbitrarily drawn list of 48 people who had nothing to do with the events, but who had been under surveillance due to their leftwing activities, were arrested and not released until the end of the year.
In her book, Dilek Güven draws on documentary evidence and testimonies to demonstrate that people involved in the organization and execution of the incidents of September 6-7 included the then-president Celal Bayar, prime minister Adnan Menderes and other members of the ruling Democratic Party (DP), secret service operatives, and members of KTC, student organizations and labour unions instructed by governmental and state actors. In the trials held in İstanbul, no members of the government or the secret service were prosecuted in relation to the attacks, and KTC members suspected of involvement were acquitted. However, the Yassıada Tribunals, held after the 1960 mil- itary coup, convicted Bayar, Menderes and Foreign Affairs Minister Zorlu of instigating the events, in addition to other crimes. Güven points to the Cyprus talks held in the United Kingdom at the time as one of the reasons for state and DP involvement in organizing the attacks: a Turkish "reaction was necessary" in order to secure support for the Turkish side in the talks. Güven also explains that DP had a vested interest in distracting the public with for- eign affairs at a time of turbulent internal politics and economic difficulties, while bolstering its control by means of martial law and censorship. However, Güven argues that an explanation based solely on the socio-economic and political conditions of the day is not sufficient, and provides an analysis of the events of September 6-7 as a perpet- uation of the official policy towards non-Muslim citizens since the foundation of the Republic, and as part and par- cel of attempts to create a homogenized nation-state and a national bourgeoisie. Her approach makes it possible to reflect on the events of September 6-7 in relation to other instances of policies of discrimination and assimilation which non-Muslims and other minorities have historically been subjected to, rather than as an isolated instance for which the (duly overthrown and convicted) DP government alone was responsible.
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