I feel I am able to communicate
well and I have a good grounding
in people skills.......Basically
all humanity is the same!
The foundation of this blog was cemented by the Assassination of Hrant Dink on 19.01.07. I was listening to Setrak Setrakian’s rendition of Arno Babajanian’s composition, Elegy. So
moved by Hrant’s shortened life by the virtue of speaking his mind that I wrote the poem, ‘Without You’ with Hrant's family in mind. The subject matter of the recognition of the ‘Genocide of the Armenians in 1915,’ is very much at the heart and the minds of Armenian's Internationally.
I want to say: 'Thank you,'
to Keith for the Creation
and Launch of,
Seta's Armenian.blogspot.com
and Armenag for the sources
of information.
If you feel it would be appropriate, please include a link to my Blog from your Site. I would like my Blog to be as eclectic as possible and include material from as many and different sources so long as it is relevant to my subject matter.
This well-established Blog is worth visiting on a regular basis for a wealth of information of interest to Armenian nationals and to the Armenian Diaspora world-wide. Although it has a particular role in promoting international recognition of the Genocide, the Blog encompasses much more and includes many articles of general appeal to all those concerned with Armenian affairs. Much of the content is difficult or impossible to find elsewhere and the long list of links provided gives easy access to a plethora of material on social, political, religious, educational and cultural matters, and many news items from around the world.
While Byzantium was a multinational empire, the two leading ethnic groups were the Armenians and the Greeks. The latter dominated the bureaucracy and the Church while the former dominated the army. The Armenian elite were Hellenized in culture and in religion. Of the many Byztanine emperors who were of Armenian origin, it's difficult to find a single emperor who assisted fellow Armenians in their homeland. Many members of the Armenian elite claimed to be descended from ancient Armenian dynasties or nakharar princely families. Despite their assimilation into the Hellenic culture there was always anti-Armenian prejudice throughout the thousand years the empire lasted.
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